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15 km Männer

35. Kerzerslauf 2013 - 15 km Männer

Ränge: 1001-1500 (1:08.43,9)
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt Start-Niederried ¦Niederried-Golaten ¦ Golaten-Ziel ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1001. Zurkirchen Jörg 1941 Zürich 1:08.43,9 24.56,1 (3257) Foto Video 15-M70 2. 4.34 30.14 893.¦ 17.52 1119.¦ 20.36 1047.¦ 1002. Campana Jean-Pierre 1963 Le Locle 1:08.44,8 24.57,0 (5008) Foto Video 15-M50 117. 4.34 30.45 1028.¦ 17.45 1070.¦ 20.13 902.¦ 1003. Jenny Peter 1951 St. Antoni 1:08.45,5 24.57,7 (2230) Foto Video 15-M60 18. 4.35 30.22 941.¦ 17.32 961.¦ 20.50 1153.¦ 1004. Bühler Markus 1973 Lobsigen 1:08.45,6 24.57,8 (6037) Foto Video 15-M40 178. 4.35 30.56 1067.¦ 17.27 918.¦ 20.22 959.¦ 1005. Guggisberg Hans 1958 Mühleberg 1:08.46,0 24.58,2 (3100) Foto Video 15-M55 50. 4.35 30.16 910.¦ 17.17 862.¦ 21.12 1306.¦ 1006. Zurkinden Andreas 1965 Tafers 1:08.46,3 24.58,5 (2094) Foto Video 15-M45 186. 4.35 30.03 849.¦ 17.38 1016.¦ 21.03 1242.¦ 1007. Schär Simon 1985 Bern 1:08.46,5 24.58,7 (3210) Foto Video 15-M20 254. 4.35 30.15 901.¦ 17.38 1010.¦ 20.53 1172.¦ 1008. Hüsler Gebhard 1951 Fribourg 1:08.47,0 24.59,2 (2227) Foto Video 15-M60 19. 4.35 29.15 669.¦ 18.24 1368.¦ 21.07 1265.¦ 1009. Christen Daniel E. 1965 Kirchlindach 1:08.47,3 24.59,5 (3088) Foto Video 15-M45 187. 4.35 30.08 876.¦ 17.54 1125.¦ 20.44 1105.¦ 1010. Rappard Olivier 1957 Zug 1:08.47,5 24.59,7 (3242) Foto Video 15-M55 51. 4.35 30.21 932.¦ 17.48 1099.¦ 20.37 1059.¦ 1011. Schneider Reto 1978 Derendingen 1:08.48,5 25.00,7 (7633) Foto Video 15-M35 155. 4.35 29.30 725.¦ 17.12 826.¦ 22.05 1638.¦ 1012. Gerber Martin 1989 Aefligen 1:08.48,7 25.00,9 (7430) Foto Video 15-M20 255. 4.35 30.24 948.¦ 16.33 579.¦ 21.50 1544.¦ 1012. Kurer Fabien 1979 Troinex 1:08.48,7 25.00,9 (3185) Foto Video 15-M20 255. 4.35 31.09 1120.¦ 17.40 1031.¦ 19.58 815.¦ 1014. Boixader Georges, Carouge GE 1970 STADE GENEVE 1:08.49,5 25.01,7 (3080) Foto Video 15-M40 179. 4.35 30.38 1002.¦ 17.54 1133.¦ 20.16 914.¦ 1015. Ribeli Manuel 1972 Grossaffoltern 1:08.50,6 25.02,8 (5109) Foto Video 15-M40 180. 4.35 30.43 1019.¦ 17.30 940.¦ 20.36 1041.¦ 1016. Arter Fabian 1982 Zürich 1:08.51,0 25.03,2 (5269) Foto Video 15-M20 257. 4.35 30.54 1062.¦ 17.46 1076.¦ 20.10 879.¦ 1017. Poisson Luigi 1972 Murten 1:08.51,2 25.03,4 (4186) Foto Video 15-M40 181. 4.35 30.56 1070.¦ 17.43 1058.¦ 20.11 886.¦ 1018. Kummer Rolf 1967 Utzenstorf 1:08.51,3 25.03,5 (4113) Foto Video 15-M45 188. 4.35 30.45 1026.¦ 17.28 930.¦ 20.37 1055.¦ 1019. Bernhard Jürg 1975 Düdingen 1:08.51,5 25.03,7 (5049) Foto Video 15-M35 156. 4.35 30.30 968.¦ 17.35 988.¦ 20.45 1110.¦ 1019. Bobillier Pascal 1967 St-Maurice 1:08.51,5 25.03,7 (9189) Foto Video 15-M45 189. 4.35 29.43 763.¦ 17.32 955.¦ 21.36 1443.¦ 1021. Mattmüller Shane 1990 Kerzers 1:08.51,7 25.03,9 (2245) Foto Video 15-M20 258. 4.35 30.15 906.¦ 17.39 1019.¦ 20.56 1194.¦ 1022. Kuonen Viktor, Baltschieder 1961 SC Obergoms 1:08.52,1 25.04,3 (28362) Foto Video 15-M50 118. 4.35 31.07 1107.¦ 17.33 973.¦ 20.10 882.¦ 1023. Fischer Roland 1962 Bern 1:08.52,7 25.04,9 (4046) Foto Video 15-M50 119. 4.35 30.37 999.¦ 17.51 1107.¦ 20.23 962.¦ 1024. Arnold Rinaldo 1975 Brig 1:08.53,1 25.05,3 (3275) Foto Video 15-M35 157. 4.35 30.52 1055.¦ 17.41 1041.¦ 20.18 930.¦ 1024. Stooss Peter 1963 Schwarzenburg 1:08.53,1 25.05,3 (4258) Foto Video 15-M50 120. 4.35 30.34 981.¦ 17.29 939.¦ 20.49 1142.¦ 1026. Höimoja Hardi 1975 Renens VD 1:08.53,5 25.05,7 (6210) Foto Video 15-M35 158. 4.35 30.38 1001.¦ 17.55 1139.¦ 20.20 941.¦ 1027. Bürki Daniel 1966 Mervelier 1:08.53,7 25.05,9 (4014) Foto Video 15-M45 190. 4.35 29.46 769.¦ 17.58 1173.¦ 21.08 1278.¦ 1028. Hauri Bruno 1968 Möhlin 1:08.54,5 25.06,7 (4073) Foto Video 15-M45 191. 4.35 31.06 1105.¦ 17.35 988.¦ 20.12 893.¦ 1029. Reichenbach Bruno 1967 Schüpfen 1:08.55,6 25.07,8 (3071) Foto Video 15-M45 192. 4.35 30.53 1059.¦ 17.40 1029.¦ 20.21 955.¦ 1030. Rosset Gilles 1969 St-Aubin FR 1:08.56,0 25.08,2 (4206) Foto Video 15-M40 182. 4.35 30.30 962.¦ 18.02 1208.¦ 20.23 961.¦ 1031. Ammann Daniel 1975 Basel 1:08.56,8 25.09,0 (3270) Foto Video 15-M35 159. 4.35 30.27 956.¦ 17.38 1014.¦ 20.50 1155.¦ 1031. Bettschen Josef 1956 Kiental 1:08.56,8 25.09,0 (3224) Foto Video 15-M55 52. 4.35 30.15 909.¦ 17.55 1144.¦ 20.45 1113.¦ 1033. Dubey Stéphane 1967 Cottens FR 1:08.57,8 25.10,0 (3230) Foto Video 15-M45 193. 4.35 30.32 974.¦ 17.59 1178.¦ 20.26 973.¦ 1034. Parkitny Martin 1979 Zürich 1:08.58,5 25.10,7 (28413) Foto Video 15-M20 259. 4.35 30.47 1034.¦ 17.51 1107.¦ 20.19 935.¦ 1035. Boschung Heinz 1970 Düdingen 1:09.00,2 25.12,4 (3308) Foto Video 15-M40 183. 4.36 30.48 1040.¦ 17.39 1022.¦ 20.31 1010.¦ 1036. Gentile Daniele 1965 Schlieren 1:09.00,3 25.12,5 (7427) Foto Video 15-M45 194. 4.36 31.19 1172.¦ 17.11 819.¦ 20.29 1002.¦ 1037. Odermatt Andrea 1968 Münchenbuchsee 1:09.02,2 25.14,4 (3195) Foto Video 15-M45 195. 4.36 31.00 1085.¦ 17.41 1042.¦ 20.20 938.¦ 1038. Rätz Markus 1977 Leuzigen 1:09.02,5 25.14,7 (3204) Foto Video 15-M35 160. 4.36 31.13 1141.¦ 17.44 1066.¦ 20.04 844.¦ 1039. Popp Dietmar 1962 D-Wyk auf Föhr 1:09.03,3 25.15,5 (28379) Foto Video 15-M50 121. 4.36 30.41 1011.¦ 17.32 961.¦ 20.49 1145.¦ 1040. Gerber Olivier 1972 Tramelan 1:09.04,6 25.16,8 (9020) Foto Video 15-M40 184. 4.36 30.30 965.¦ 17.46 1076.¦ 20.48 1137.¦ 1041. Wittwer Richard 1966 Thun 1:09.04,9 25.17,1 (4294) Foto Video 15-M45 196. 4.36 31.08 1112.¦ 17.26 911.¦ 20.30 1003.¦ 1042. Rubli Noah 1996 Langnau im Emmental 1:09.06,1 25.18,3 (5228) Foto Video 15-U20M 27. 4.36 31.16 1155.¦ 17.08 794.¦ 20.41 1087.¦ 1043. Bardet Didier 1962 Biel/Bienne 1:09.06,3 25.18,5 (3284) Foto Video 15-M50 122. 4.36 30.02 842.¦ 18.01 1197.¦ 21.02 1236.¦ 1044. Schmid Dominic Simon 1988 Zollbrück 1:09.07,0 25.19,2 (4228) Foto Video 15-M20 260. 4.36 32.06 1368.¦ 17.16 857.¦ 19.44 731.¦ 1045. Sabatini Sandro 1979 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:09.07,3 25.19,5 (28428) Foto Video 15-M20 261. 4.36 32.17 1416.¦ 16.56 724.¦ 19.53 779.¦ 1046. Nuoffer Julien 1974 Léchelles 1:09.07,6 25.19,8 (4165) Foto Video 15-M35 161. 4.36 30.07 867.¦ 18.16 1308.¦ 20.43 1099.¦ 1047. Krieger Werner 1963 Eschenbach LU 1:09.08,0 25.20,2 (7511) Foto Video 15-M50 123. 4.36 30.54 1063.¦ 17.38 1014.¦ 20.34 1021.¦ 1048. Wüthrich Ulrich 1972 Bern 1:09.08,5 25.20,7 (5133) Foto Video 15-M40 185. 4.36 31.12 1138.¦ 17.51 1113.¦ 20.03 837.¦ 1049. Perez José 1963 Bern 1:09.08,9 25.21,1 (3197) Foto Video 15-M50 124. 4.36 30.15 904.¦ 17.54 1128.¦ 20.59 1207.¦ 1050. Ludi Jürg 1958 Brügg BE 1:09.10,3 25.22,5 (4128) Foto Video 15-M55 53. 4.36 30.50 1047.¦ 17.40 1025.¦ 20.39 1070.¦ 1051. Bapst Pierre-Alain 1979 Cormérod 1:09.10,5 25.22,7 (3282) Foto Video 15-M20 262. 4.36 31.09 1123.¦ 17.34 978.¦ 20.26 972.¦ 1052. Kaufmann Valentin 1970 Neuchâtel 1:09.10,9 25.23,1 (3107) Foto Video 15-M40 186. 4.36 30.50 1044.¦ 18.00 1187.¦ 20.20 945.¦ 1053. Raemy Marcel 1962 Schüpfen 1:09.11,1 25.23,3 (3241) Foto Video 15-M50 125. 4.36 30.35 991.¦ 18.00 1191.¦ 20.34 1024.¦ 1054. Lagana Francesco 1980 Lausanne 1:09.11,6 25.23,8 (5339) Foto Video 15-M20 263. 4.36 30.33 980.¦ 17.47 1084.¦ 20.50 1154.¦ 1055. Aeschlimann Raphaël 1977 Travers 1:09.12,5 25.24,7 (7305) Foto Video 15-M35 162. 4.36 30.36 992.¦ 17.56 1150.¦ 20.40 1077.¦ 1056. Stoller Bernhard 1963 Gümligen 1:09.12,9 25.25,1 (2294) Foto Video 15-M50 126. 4.36 30.56 1071.¦ 17.39 1019.¦ 20.36 1046.¦ 1057. Klezar Stéphan 1968 Neuchâtel 1:09.13,2 25.25,4 (4107) Foto Video 15-M45 197. 4.36 30.40 1007.¦ 17.43 1058.¦ 20.48 1141.¦ 1058. De Lucia Marco 1962 Reiden 1:09.13,4 25.25,6 (6080) Foto Video 15-M50 127. 4.36 31.00 1086.¦ 18.00 1187.¦ 20.13 895.¦ 1059. Aubert Cyrill 1963 Belp 1:09.13,5 25.25,7 (5045) Foto Video 15-M50 128. 4.36 30.45 1022.¦ 17.53 1122.¦ 20.35 1026.¦ 1059. Fernandez Xavier 1974 Genève 1:09.13,5 25.25,7 (7400) Foto Video 15-M35 163. 4.36 30.40 1006.¦ 17.42 1046.¦ 20.51 1158.¦ 1061. Fleury Christophe 1973 Le Landeron 1:09.14,4 25.26,6 (4047) Foto Video 15-M40 187. 4.36 30.34 986.¦ 17.45 1074.¦ 20.53 1177.¦ 1062. Lindegger Urs 1957 Basel 1:09.15,4 25.27,6 (3113) Foto Video 15-M55 54. 4.37 30.59 1082.¦ 17.41 1040.¦ 20.35 1026.¦ 1063. Scheidegger Jürg 1983 Thun 1:09.16,2 25.28,4 (7618) Foto Video 15-M20 264. 4.37 30.20 930.¦ 17.56 1152.¦ 20.59 1208.¦ 1064. Läderach Cédric 1977 Basel 1:09.16,8 25.29,0 (28302) Foto Video 15-M35 164. 4.37 32.29 1468.¦ 17.13 835.¦ 19.34 688.¦ 1064. Schwab Daniel 1984 Kerzers 1:09.16,8 25.29,0 (1302) Foto Video 15-M20 265. 4.37 29.31 727.¦ 17.41 1042.¦ 22.03 1627.¦ 1066. Edreira Manuel 1949 Gstaad 1:09.17,7 25.29,9 (2318) Foto Video 15-M60 20. 4.37 30.50 1043.¦ 17.45 1073.¦ 20.42 1089.¦ 1067. Stupar Milan, Prilly 1980 stupy 1:09.18,5 25.30,7 (9347) Foto Video 15-M20 266. 4.37 31.00 1087.¦ 17.51 1111.¦ 20.26 974.¦ 1068. Appenzeller Reto 1976 Thun 1:09.19,1 25.31,3 (7315) Foto Video 15-M35 165. 4.37 30.37 999.¦ 17.59 1178.¦ 20.42 1090.¦ 1068. Rohrbach Marco 1971 Rubigen 1:09.19,1 25.31,3 (4203) Foto Video 15-M40 188. 4.37 30.18 924.¦ 17.56 1152.¦ 21.04 1248.¦ 1070. Stünzi Daniel 1977 Reinach BL 1:09.19,3 25.31,5 (8185) Foto Video 15-M35 166. 4.37 31.26 1198.¦ 17.26 917.¦ 20.25 970.¦ 1071. Wenger Hans-Jörg 1962 Pieterlen 1:09.19,9 25.32,1 (2307) Foto Video 15-M50 129. 4.37 31.11 1132.¦ 17.25 907.¦ 20.43 1099.¦ 1072. Käser Martin 1962 Aarberg 1:09.20,1 25.32,3 (4115) Foto Video 15-M50 130. 4.37 30.46 1030.¦ 17.44 1065.¦ 20.49 1148.¦ 1073. Malysz Zbigniew 1980 Müntschemier 1:09.20,2 25.32,4 (28346) Foto Video 15-M20 267. 4.37 30.18 925.¦ 18.16 1303.¦ 20.45 1112.¦ 1074. Witzel Marco 1984 Galmiz 1:09.20,9 25.33,1 (2311) Foto Video 15-M20 268. 4.37 31.10 1127.¦ 17.50 1106.¦ 20.19 937.¦ 1075. Mezger Stefan 1963 Grolley 1:09.21,9 25.34,1 (11267) Foto Video 15-M50 131. 4.37 31.13 1142.¦ 17.40 1034.¦ 20.27 985.¦ 1076. Benfatto Alessandro 1973 Münsingen 1:09.25,1 25.37,3 (5296) Foto Video 15-M40 189. 4.37 31.29 1215.¦ 17.35 983.¦ 20.20 941.¦ 1076. Schütz Stefan 1985 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:09.25,1 25.37,3 (28125) Foto Video 15-M20 269. 4.37 30.08 872.¦ 17.57 1164.¦ 21.19 1352.¦ 1078. Candolfi Nelson 1959 Locarno 1:09.25,3 25.37,5 (3220) Foto Video 15-M50 132. 4.37 30.56 1068.¦ 17.43 1057.¦ 20.45 1115.¦ 1079. Anliker Dominic 1992 Grenchen 1:09.25,4 25.37,6 (2151) Foto Video 15-M20 270. 4.37 30.45 1024.¦ 17.54 1133.¦ 20.45 1111.¦ 1079. Heiniger Stefan 1969 Dieterswil 1:09.25,4 25.37,6 (5079) Foto Video 15-M40 190. 4.37 30.45 1029.¦ 17.58 1167.¦ 20.41 1085.¦ 1081. Temperli Philippe 1967 Morges 1:09.26,3 25.38,5 (4266) Foto Video 15-M45 198. 4.37 30.31 973.¦ 17.57 1158.¦ 20.57 1197.¦ 1082. Siegenthaler Daniel, Zuchwil 1968 LG Derendingen 1:09.26,7 25.38,9 (28424) Foto Video 15-M45 199. 4.37 30.35 989.¦ 17.52 1119.¦ 20.58 1206.¦ 1083. Torche Pascal, Vuissens 1969 Team 800 1:09.27,3 25.39,5 (8193) Foto Video 15-M40 191. 4.37 31.09 1117.¦ 17.23 898.¦ 20.54 1180.¦ 1084. Geiser Silvan 1978 Tschugg 1:09.27,4 25.39,6 (4056) Foto Video 15-M35 167. 4.37 30.53 1060.¦ 17.42 1044.¦ 20.51 1165.¦ 1084. Gil Carlos 1970 Hauterive NE 1:09.27,4 25.39,6 (28188) Foto Video 15-M40 192. 4.37 31.33 1235.¦ 17.33 969.¦ 20.20 940.¦ 1086. Di Berardino Wolfgang 1965 Stallikon 1:09.28,4 25.40,6 (2183) Foto Video 15-M45 200. 4.37 30.53 1058.¦ 17.54 1133.¦ 20.40 1078.¦ 1086. Muller Daniel 1955 Vullierens 1:09.28,4 25.40,6 (3194) Foto Video 15-M55 55. 4.37 30.34 984.¦ 18.16 1304.¦ 20.37 1060.¦ 1088. Kellner Andreas 1960 Basel 1:09.29,2 25.41,4 (3069) Foto Video 15-M50 133. 4.37 30.49 1041.¦ 17.48 1094.¦ 20.51 1165.¦ 1089. Meichtry Marco, Manno 1977 SAM Massagno 1:09.30,1 25.42,3 (7553) Foto Video 15-M35 168. 4.38 31.13 1145.¦ 17.47 1089.¦ 20.28 993.¦ 1090. Pitetti Eric, Nyon 1970 CNN Tri Nyon 1:09.30,6 25.42,8 (7590) Foto Video 15-M40 193. 4.38 30.57 1073.¦ 18.15 1296.¦ 20.17 920.¦ 1091. Tella Jean-Claude 1963 Billens 1:09.30,7 25.42,9 (4265) Foto Video 15-M50 134. 4.38 30.05 859.¦ 17.42 1046.¦ 21.43 1497.¦ 1092. Müller Tobias 1983 Schänis 1:09.30,9 25.43,1 (4159) Foto Video 15-M20 271. 4.38 31.41 1267.¦ 17.29 934.¦ 20.20 948.¦ 1093. Fahrni Kurt 1965 Wohlen AG 1:09.31,0 25.43,2 (6109) Foto Video 15-M45 201. 4.38 31.20 1174.¦ 18.14 1291.¦ 19.55 797.¦ 1093. Giroud Yvan 1964 Le Mouret 1:09.31,0 25.43,2 (4058) Foto Video 15-M45 201. 4.38 30.53 1057.¦ 18.00 1192.¦ 20.37 1055.¦ 1095. Spycher Urs 1974 Ulmiz 1:09.31,5 25.43,7 (4250) Foto Video 15-M35 169. 4.38 29.41 758.¦ 17.44 1063.¦ 22.05 1640.¦ 1096. Schmutz Daniel 1966 Küsnacht ZH 1:09.31,6 25.43,8 (7629) Foto Video 15-M45 203. 4.38 31.04 1100.¦ 17.48 1098.¦ 20.38 1064.¦ 1096. Stauber Joël 1972 Ecublens VD 1:09.31,6 25.43,8 (10219) Foto Video 15-M40 194. 4.38 31.04 1099.¦ 17.40 1026.¦ 20.47 1128.¦ 1098. Kipfer Ulrich 1949 Neuenegg 1:09.32,0 25.44,2 (6244) Foto Video 15-M60 21. 4.38 30.57 1072.¦ 17.46 1078.¦ 20.47 1136.¦ 1099. Aleksovski Aco 1967 Interlaken 1:09.33,2 25.45,4 (28419) Foto Video 15-M45 204. 4.38 31.09 1119.¦ 17.36 997.¦ 20.47 1126.¦ 1100. Peric Frank 1965 Luzern 1:09.33,6 25.45,8 (2258) Foto Video 15-M45 205. 4.38 30.32 975.¦ 18.09 1256.¦ 20.51 1163.¦ 1101. Da Mota David 1985 Châtonnaye 1:09.33,8 25.46,0 (4024) Foto Video 15-M20 272. 4.38 31.27 1201.¦ 17.31 947.¦ 20.35 1034.¦ 1102. Häusler Bruno 1962 Wohlen b. Bern 1:09.34,6 25.46,8 (2226) Foto Video 15-M50 135. 4.38 31.26 1200.¦ 17.51 1112.¦ 20.16 912.¦ 1103. Ehry Tim 1995 Nürensdorf 1:09.35,0 25.47,2 (7718) Foto Video 15-U20M 28. 4.38 31.28 1207.¦ 17.19 873.¦ 20.46 1122.¦ 1104. Henzgen Olaf 1969 Founex 1:09.36,0 25.48,2 (7468) Foto Video 15-M40 195. 4.38 30.37 997.¦ 17.54 1133.¦ 21.03 1239.¦ 1105. Bigler Stefan 1977 Rüfenacht BE 1:09.36,9 25.49,1 (5313) Foto Video 15-M35 170. 4.38 31.18 1167.¦ 17.40 1031.¦ 20.37 1057.¦ 1106. Gemperle Albert 1966 Ostermundigen 1:09.37,4 25.49,6 (3026) Foto Video 15-M45 206. 4.38 30.41 1009.¦ 17.52 1116.¦ 21.04 1247.¦ 1107. Röthlisberger Peter, Huttwil 1952 LG Huttwil 1:09.37,8 25.50,0 (8114) Foto Video 15-M60 22. 4.38 30.44 1020.¦ 18.06 1234.¦ 20.46 1124.¦ 1108. Merdrignac Maxime 1985 Savièse 1:09.38,2 25.50,4 (8007) Foto Video 15-M20 273. 4.38 30.34 984.¦ 18.04 1216.¦ 20.59 1214.¦ 1109. Camenzind Adrian 1972 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:09.38,7 25.50,9 (4016) Foto Video 15-M40 196. 4.38 31.02 1097.¦ 17.38 1008.¦ 20.57 1198.¦ 1110. Bonnier Stephane 1974 Bern 1:09.39,4 25.51,6 (12184) Foto Video 15-M35 171. 4.38 31.17 1164.¦ 17.51 1110.¦ 20.30 1004.¦ 1111. Bachmann Marcel 1981 Heimenschwand 1:09.39,8 25.52,0 (3278) Foto Video 15-M20 274. 4.38 32.27 1456.¦ 17.48 1101.¦ 19.23 628.¦ 1112. Fernandes Amaro, Fribourg 1961 Smrun 1:09.40,5 25.52,7 (5063) Foto Video 15-M50 136. 4.38 31.12 1139.¦ 17.51 1113.¦ 20.35 1034.¦ 1113. Buttet Robert 1961 Vésenaz 1:09.40,9 25.53,1 (4007) Foto Video 15-M50 137. 4.38 31.00 1084.¦ 18.02 1203.¦ 20.38 1066.¦ 1114. Ryter Daniel 1965 Biel/Bienne 1:09.41,7 25.53,9 (3203) Foto Video 15-M45 207. 4.38 30.54 1064.¦ 17.59 1183.¦ 20.47 1130.¦ 1115. Jauner Florian 1990 Kerzers 1:09.42,0 25.54,2 (6223) Foto Video 15-M20 275. 4.38 32.42 1542.¦ 17.28 930.¦ 19.31 676.¦ 1116. Keller Dominik, Hasle-Rüegsau 1994 Rock Thisbeik-Krastwerk 1:09.43,4 25.55,6 (28204) Foto Video 15-U20M 29. 4.38 32.05 1362.¦ 17.20 881.¦ 20.16 916.¦ 1117. Hürlimann Samuel 1978 Oberdiessbach 1:09.43,5 25.55,7 (4088) Foto Video 15-M35 172. 4.38 31.01 1091.¦ 17.39 1021.¦ 21.02 1234.¦ 1118. Truffer Kevin 1997 Herbriggen 1:09.43,6 25.55,8 (28137) Foto Video 15-U20M 30. 4.38 30.39 1004.¦ 18.18 1325.¦ 20.45 1115.¦ 1119. Hardegger Stephan 1950 Hinterkappelen 1:09.44,5 25.56,7 (1087) Foto Video 15-M60 23. 4.38 30.51 1049.¦ 18.01 1195.¦ 20.52 1168.¦ 1119. Richon Denis 1957 Delémont 1:09.44,5 25.56,7 (5110) Foto Video 15-M55 56. 4.38 31.10 1124.¦ 18.05 1228.¦ 20.28 1000.¦ 1119. Ritter Frank 1967 Murten 1:09.44,5 25.56,7 (4200) Foto Video 15-M45 208. 4.38 31.13 1144.¦ 17.42 1048.¦ 20.48 1138.¦ 1122. Vils Meinrad 1968 Vilters 1:09.44,9 25.57,1 (14158) Foto Video 15-M45 209. 4.38 31.08 1113.¦ 18.01 1202.¦ 20.34 1021.¦ 1123. Rolle Vincent 1972 Treyvaux 1:09.45,1 25.57,3 (8095) Foto Video 15-M40 197. 4.39 31.34 1242.¦ 17.50 1103.¦ 20.20 941.¦ 1124. Weber Antoine 1975 Prilly 1:09.45,3 25.57,5 (10265) Foto Video 15-M35 173. 4.39 31.09 1115.¦ 17.59 1180.¦ 20.36 1047.¦ 1125. Lichtsteiner Klemens 1970 Rothenburg 1:09.45,9 25.58,1 (3112) Foto Video 15-M40 198. 4.39 30.58 1078.¦ 17.34 975.¦ 21.13 1308.¦ 1126. Ritz Daniel 1971 Diepoldsau 1:09.46,1 25.58,3 (3049) Foto Video 15-M40 199. 4.39 31.20 1176.¦ 17.17 864.¦ 21.07 1269.¦ 1127. Jungo Marc 1964 Marly 1:09.47,2 25.59,4 (6232) Foto Video 15-M45 210. 4.39 30.52 1054.¦ 17.59 1184.¦ 20.55 1186.¦ 1127. Zaugg Bruno 1976 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:09.47,2 25.59,4 (3145) Foto Video 15-M35 174. 4.39 32.20 1424.¦ 17.52 1116.¦ 19.34 691.¦ 1129. Dähler Stefan 1967 Gwatt (Thun) 1:09.48,1 26.00,3 (3091) Foto Video 15-M45 211. 4.39 31.38 1260.¦ 17.38 1008.¦ 20.31 1008.¦ 1130. Bühl Kevin 1992 Aran 1:09.49,3 26.01,5 (5055) Foto Video 15-M20 276. 4.39 31.29 1215.¦ 17.25 906.¦ 20.54 1181.¦ 1131. Guillaume Eric 1961 Ballaigues 1:09.50,0 26.02,2 (4065) Foto Video 15-M50 138. 4.39 31.28 1207.¦ 17.54 1127.¦ 20.27 978.¦ 1132. Kuster Simon 1991 Thalwil 1:09.50,1 26.02,3 (28207) Foto Video 15-M20 277. 4.39 30.55 1065.¦ 17.36 1000.¦ 21.17 1345.¦ 1133. Sigrist Christophe 1957 Orpund 1:09.50,4 26.02,6 (7650) Foto Video 15-M55 57. 4.39 30.30 963.¦ 18.03 1211.¦ 21.17 1338.¦ 1134. Berchtold Urs, Liebefeld 1968 LCA Bärn 1:09.50,5 26.02,7 (5299) Foto Video 15-M45 212. 4.39 31.38 1261.¦ 17.41 1039.¦ 20.30 1005.¦ 1135. Schwarz Peter 1970 Niederscherli 1:09.50,9 26.03,1 (3332) Foto Video 15-M40 200. 4.39 30.03 847.¦ 18.21 1347.¦ 21.26 1388.¦ 1136. Aeberhard Niklaus 1967 Kirchlindach 1:09.52,6 26.04,8 (3264) Foto Video 15-M45 213. 4.39 31.23 1188.¦ 17.43 1056.¦ 20.45 1114.¦ 1137. Rothen Daniel 1962 Aigle 1:09.52,7 26.04,9 (3125) Foto Video 15-M50 139. 4.39 30.16 910.¦ 18.22 1351.¦ 21.14 1325.¦ 1138. Gut Nils Manuel 2001 Cottens FR 1:09.53,8 26.06,0 (4067) Foto Video 15-U16M 4. 4.39 31.09 1116.¦ 17.20 876.¦ 21.24 1381.¦ 1139. Kolly Olivier 1973 Corpataux-Magnedens 1:09.54,5 26.06,7 (4111) Foto Video 15-M40 201. 4.39 31.09 1117.¦ 17.39 1017.¦ 21.06 1256.¦ 1140. Schaller Manfred, Dübendorf 1958 www.freizeitsportler.ch 1:09.54,7 26.06,9 (4222) Foto Video 15-M55 58. 4.39 31.03 1098.¦ 17.53 1122.¦ 20.57 1200.¦ 1141. Brun Sandro 1990 Entlebuch 1:09.54,8 26.07,0 (3018) Foto Video 15-M20 278. 4.39 30.23 943.¦ 17.45 1068.¦ 21.46 1520.¦ 1141. Eschenmoser Andreas 1966 Biel/Bienne 1:09.54,8 26.07,0 (28273) Foto Video 15-M45 214. 4.39 31.57 1331.¦ 17.44 1061.¦ 20.13 895.¦ 1141. Fischer Yann 1977 Pully 1:09.54,8 26.07,0 (11021) Foto Video 15-M35 175. 4.39 31.32 1228.¦ 17.33 968.¦ 20.49 1148.¦ 1144. Schweizer Ulrich 1955 Rüfenacht BE 1:09.55,4 26.07,6 (4239) Foto Video 15-M55 59. 4.39 31.47 1292.¦ 18.15 1298.¦ 19.52 775.¦ 1145. Bandelier Thierry 1957 Lugnorre 1:09.55,7 26.07,9 (3281) Foto Video 15-M55 60. 4.39 31.10 1127.¦ 17.32 957.¦ 21.13 1311.¦ 1145. Schulz Maximilian, Kerzers 1996 Checko's 1:09.55,7 26.07,9 (10196) Foto Video 15-U20M 31. 4.39 32.40 1528.¦ 17.27 922.¦ 19.48 751.¦ 1147. Reichen Johannes 1976 Bern 1:09.57,8 26.10,0 (8078) Foto Video 15-M35 176. 4.39 31.25 1195.¦ 17.58 1173.¦ 20.33 1018.¦ 1148. Cottet Laurent 1967 Genève 1:09.58,0 26.10,2 (6070) Foto Video 15-M45 215. 4.39 31.22 1183.¦ 17.54 1138.¦ 20.41 1083.¦ 1149. Zumsteg Daniel 1982 Langendorf 1:09.58,5 26.10,7 (7711) Foto Video 15-M20 279. 4.39 31.04 1102.¦ 18.08 1247.¦ 20.45 1119.¦ 1150. Grünig Hannes, Lyss 1986 Heiniger Sport 1:10.00,6 26.12,8 (7451) Foto Video 15-M20 280. 4.40 31.29 1212.¦ 17.35 984.¦ 20.56 1188.¦ 1151. Pauchard Adrian 1984 Murten 1:10.01,0 26.13,2 (5106) Foto Video 15-M20 281. 4.40 31.14 1151.¦ 17.55 1143.¦ 20.51 1158.¦ 1151. Riedweg Franz Yaver 1954 Belp 1:10.01,0 26.13,2 (1282) Foto Video 15-M55 61. 4.40 31.06 1104.¦ 17.46 1075.¦ 21.09 1281.¦ 1153. Bürgi Erich 1964 Lyss 1:10.01,3 26.13,5 (4013) Foto Video 15-M45 216. 4.40 31.51 1305.¦ 17.30 944.¦ 20.38 1065.¦ 1153. Muralt Thomas 1972 Langnau im Emmental 1:10.01,3 26.13,5 (4156) Foto Video 15-M40 202. 4.40 31.20 1174.¦ 18.04 1221.¦ 20.36 1042.¦ 1155. Magnin Antoine, Farvagny 1991 CAGF 1:10.01,6 26.13,8 (7539) Foto Video 15-M20 282. 4.40 31.28 1211.¦ 17.48 1094.¦ 20.44 1103.¦ 1156. Egli Elmar 1961 Solothurn 1:10.02,0 26.14,2 (6103) Foto Video 15-M50 140. 4.40 31.10 1130.¦ 18.13 1281.¦ 20.37 1058.¦ 1157. Brunet Jose, Nidau 1980 CEMEX - MEXICO 1:10.02,1 26.14,3 (4001) Foto Video 15-M20 283. 4.40 31.44 1286.¦ 17.27 918.¦ 20.50 1155.¦ 1158. Kiener Beat 1969 Lohn-Ammannsegg 1:10.02,3 26.14,5 (4106) Foto Video 15-M40 203. 4.40 31.32 1229.¦ 18.01 1200.¦ 20.28 996.¦ 1158. Renevey Vincent 1973 Gorgier 1:10.02,3 26.14,5 (13194) Foto Video 15-M40 203. 4.40 31.54 1315.¦ 17.31 950.¦ 20.36 1047.¦ 1160. Stooss Patrick 1994 Wileroltigen 1:10.02,8 26.15,0 (28345) Foto Video 15-U20M 32. 4.40 32.39 1519.¦ 17.29 937.¦ 19.54 784.¦ 1161. Fankhauser Hans 1965 Bern 1:10.02,9 26.15,1 (4043) Foto Video 15-M45 217. 4.40 30.53 1061.¦ 17.55 1140.¦ 21.13 1319.¦ 1161. Rossier Roger 1958 Selzach 1:10.02,9 26.15,1 (5112) Foto Video 15-M55 62. 4.40 32.01 1346.¦ 17.44 1063.¦ 20.16 916.¦ 1163. Bieli Roland 1953 Kestenholz 1:10.03,8 26.16,0 (3296) Foto Video 15-M60 24. 4.40 31.31 1226.¦ 17.37 1003.¦ 20.55 1185.¦ 1164. Flühmann Christian, Langenthal 1957 LVL Laufgruppe 1:10.04,9 26.17,1 (5021) Foto Video 15-M55 63. 4.40 31.15 1154.¦ 17.54 1133.¦ 20.54 1181.¦ 1165. Rando Andrés 1955 Zürich 1:10.05,1 26.17,3 (7594) Foto Video 15-M55 64. 4.40 31.52 1306.¦ 17.36 991.¦ 20.36 1047.¦ 1166. Vossler Philipp, Linden 1982 Lingeler 1:10.05,9 26.18,1 (3334) Foto Video 15-M20 284. 4.40 31.10 1124.¦ 18.14 1286.¦ 20.41 1085.¦ 1167. Pasche Olivier 1972 St-Cierges 1:10.06,0 26.18,2 (13168) Foto Video 15-M40 205. 4.40 31.50 1300.¦ 17.47 1087.¦ 20.28 990.¦ 1168. Aeberhard Philipp 1982 Bern 1:10.06,1 26.18,3 (3265) Foto Video 15-M20 285. 4.40 30.18 925.¦ 17.46 1080.¦ 22.00 1605.¦ 1169. Bellenot Jean 1968 Murten 1:10.06,6 26.18,8 (3289) Foto Video 15-M45 218. 4.40 30.29 961.¦ 18.09 1257.¦ 21.27 1390.¦ 1170. Cariello Stéphane 1987 Chalais 1:10.07,3 26.19,5 (6047) Foto Video 15-M20 286. 4.40 31.43 1277.¦ 17.41 1035.¦ 20.43 1096.¦ 1171. Jörg Christoph 1976 Geuensee 1:10.07,9 26.20,1 (6235) Foto Video 15-M35 177. 4.40 31.27 1203.¦ 17.55 1148.¦ 20.44 1107.¦ 1172. Gander Peter 1965 Gerolfingen 1:10.08,6 26.20,8 (2145) Foto Video 15-M45 219. 4.40 31.01 1088.¦ 17.50 1105.¦ 21.16 1335.¦ 1173. Stucki Matthias 1961 Bösingen 1:10.09,2 26.21,4 (4261) Foto Video 15-M50 141. 4.40 31.56 1324.¦ 17.45 1072.¦ 20.27 984.¦ 1174. Kostezer Stefan, Bern 1966 STB 1:10.09,6 26.21,8 (5167) Foto Video 15-M45 220. 4.40 31.57 1329.¦ 17.32 965.¦ 20.39 1074.¦ 1175. Comba Luca, Kerzers 1994 Checko`s 1:10.09,8 26.22,0 (7362) Foto Video 15-U20M 33. 4.40 32.39 1521.¦ 17.31 950.¦ 19.59 817.¦ 1175. Huwiler Patrick 1987 Basel 1:10.09,8 26.22,0 (2223) Foto Video 15-M20 287. 4.40 31.41 1268.¦ 17.54 1126.¦ 20.34 1020.¦ 1177. Meyer Stefan 1985 Aesch BL 1:10.10,8 26.23,0 (10107) Foto Video 15-M20 288. 4.40 32.45 1560.¦ 17.22 894.¦ 20.02 831.¦ 1178. Lamard David 1970 Ecublens VD 1:10.11,1 26.23,3 (2239) Foto Video 15-M40 206. 4.40 31.21 1179.¦ 17.58 1171.¦ 20.51 1160.¦ 1179. Reber Marco 1973 Schwarzenburg 1:10.11,8 26.24,0 (2269) Foto Video 15-M40 207. 4.40 30.59 1083.¦ 18.14 1291.¦ 20.57 1196.¦ 1180. Medo Matus 1979 Fribourg 1:10.13,8 26.26,0 (2247) Foto Video 15-M20 289. 4.40 31.08 1110.¦ 18.02 1203.¦ 21.03 1238.¦ 1181. Schaller Gaston 1968 St. Niklaus VS 1:10.14,1 26.26,3 (9098) Foto Video 15-M45 221. 4.40 31.36 1249.¦ 17.48 1099.¦ 20.49 1144.¦ 1182. Schädler Stefan 1966 Burgdorf 1:10.14,6 26.26,8 (10198) Foto Video 15-M45 222. 4.40 32.04 1358.¦ 18.06 1234.¦ 20.03 836.¦ 1183. Braun Torsten 1964 Wabern 1:10.14,7 26.26,9 (3312) Foto Video 15-M45 223. 4.40 31.16 1157.¦ 18.15 1298.¦ 20.42 1092.¦ 1184. Aebi Pierre 1948 Marly 1:10.15,1 26.27,3 (3010) Foto Video 15-M65 8. 4.41 31.13 1145.¦ 18.20 1338.¦ 20.40 1079.¦ 1185. Gerson Moise, Meyrin 1970 Aca avully 1:10.15,4 26.27,6 (28060) Foto Video 15-M40 208. 4.41 30.58 1078.¦ 18.10 1260.¦ 21.06 1261.¦ 1185. Rhyner Hans Kaspar, Zürich 1944 LAC TVU, cityrunning.ch 1:10.15,4 26.27,6 (5175) Foto Video 15-M65 9. 4.41 31.28 1210.¦ 17.58 1176.¦ 20.47 1135.¦ 1187. Ringgenberg Fritz 1959 Gwatt (Thun) 1:10.16,0 26.28,2 (28320) Foto Video 15-M50 142. 4.41 31.35 1247.¦ 18.07 1242.¦ 20.32 1013.¦ 1188. Eggenschwiler Peter 1959 Ruswil 1:10.16,5 26.28,7 (2188) Foto Video 15-M50 143. 4.41 30.43 1018.¦ 18.11 1265.¦ 21.21 1372.¦ 1188. Zuber Maxime, Moutier 1963 Municipalité Moutier 1:10.16,5 26.28,7 (8266) Foto Video 15-M50 143. 4.41 31.54 1316.¦ 17.55 1140.¦ 20.26 977.¦ 1190. Custot Sébastien 1982 Palézieux 1:10.16,7 26.28,9 (5058) Foto Video 15-M20 290. 4.41 31.02 1093.¦ 17.58 1169.¦ 21.15 1330.¦ 1191. Salvadé Vincent 1965 Lausanne 1:10.17,2 26.29,4 (5180) Foto Video 15-M45 224. 4.41 32.02 1352.¦ 17.56 1155.¦ 20.18 925.¦ 1192. Gautschy Beat 1956 Bern 1:10.18,9 26.31,1 (4055) Foto Video 15-M55 65. 4.41 31.19 1169.¦ 18.20 1336.¦ 20.38 1066.¦ 1192. Schöchli Hansueli 1963 Spiegel b. Bern 1:10.18,9 26.31,1 (5231) Foto Video 15-M50 145. 4.41 32.01 1344.¦ 17.33 971.¦ 20.44 1103.¦ 1194. Mäder Martin 1955 Kirchberg BE 1:10.20,4 26.32,6 (4157) Foto Video 15-M55 66. 4.41 31.31 1224.¦ 17.57 1158.¦ 20.51 1164.¦ 1195. Kessler Stephan 1960 Liebefeld 1:10.20,5 26.32,7 (28388) Foto Video 15-M50 146. 4.41 31.34 1236.¦ 18.17 1317.¦ 20.28 999.¦ 1195. Kuncke Stefan 1967 Münsingen 1:10.20,5 26.32,7 (7513) Foto Video 15-M45 225. 4.41 31.43 1280.¦ 17.47 1086.¦ 20.49 1146.¦ 1197. Küffer Walter, Schmitten FR 1952 LAT Sense 1:10.21,2 26.33,4 (4116) Foto Video 15-M60 25. 4.41 31.11 1134.¦ 18.07 1243.¦ 21.02 1230.¦ 1198. Hughes Lee 1979 Sembrancher 1:10.21,4 26.33,6 (7483) Foto Video 15-M20 291. 4.41 31.56 1325.¦ 17.40 1026.¦ 20.44 1109.¦ 1199. Bettler Karl 1966 Meikirch 1:10.21,5 26.33,7 (3293) Foto Video 15-M45 226. 4.41 31.11 1133.¦ 18.03 1212.¦ 21.07 1264.¦ 1200. Donzel Pierre-Yves 1975 Grolley 1:10.21,7 26.33,9 (7715) Foto Video 15-M35 178. 4.41 31.34 1237.¦ 17.47 1092.¦ 20.59 1217.¦ 1201. Rufener Urs 1966 Meyriez 1:10.22,1 26.34,3 (4211) Foto Video 15-M45 227. 4.41 31.14 1149.¦ 18.01 1197.¦ 21.06 1262.¦ 1202. Dietz Gerald 1960 D-Sandhausen 1:10.23,4 26.35,6 (4030) Foto Video 15-M50 147. 4.41 31.17 1162.¦ 18.15 1296.¦ 20.50 1157.¦ 1203. Rebsamen Stefan 1977 Biberen 1:10.24,0 26.36,2 (1183) Foto Video 15-M35 179. 4.41 31.22 1186.¦ 17.47 1088.¦ 21.13 1312.¦ 1204. Hanselmann Xavier 1980 La Tour-de-Trême 1:10.25,0 26.37,2 (6179) Foto Video 15-M20 292. 4.41 31.43 1275.¦ 17.54 1131.¦ 20.47 1130.¦ 1205. Peyer Lukas 1972 Zürich 1:10.25,1 26.37,3 (3047) Foto Video 15-M40 209. 4.41 31.31 1221.¦ 18.02 1209.¦ 20.51 1162.¦ 1206. Favre-Bulle Olivier 1963 Anières 1:10.25,2 26.37,4 (28177) Foto Video 15-M50 148. 4.41 31.13 1145.¦ 18.05 1224.¦ 21.06 1257.¦ 1207. Praplan Pierre-Alain 1959 Hinterkappelen 1:10.26,0 26.38,2 (4188) Foto Video 15-M50 149. 4.41 31.50 1301.¦ 18.02 1205.¦ 20.33 1017.¦ 1208. Sennhauser René 1963 Bern 1:10.27,8 26.40,0 (8154) Foto Video 15-M50 150. 4.41 31.26 1199.¦ 18.08 1250.¦ 20.52 1168.¦ 1209. Schneeberger Thierry 1980 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 1:10.28,8 26.41,0 (5183) Foto Video 15-M20 293. 4.41 31.53 1313.¦ 17.55 1144.¦ 20.39 1073.¦ 1210. Ebneter Tim 1999 Corminboeuf 1:10.29,4 26.41,6 (6102) Foto Video 15-U16M 5. 4.41 31.17 1163.¦ 17.27 924.¦ 21.44 1506.¦ 1211. Doninelli Charles 1946 Saint-Blaise 1:10.29,6 26.41,8 (4031) Foto Video 15-M65 10. 4.41 31.48 1296.¦ 17.57 1162.¦ 20.43 1099.¦ 1211. Piller Daniel 1972 Zumholz 1:10.29,6 26.41,8 (8059) Foto Video 15-M40 210. 4.41 31.11 1135.¦ 18.29 1406.¦ 20.48 1139.¦ 1213. Senn Philipp 1960 Gümligen 1:10.30,3 26.42,5 (5184) Foto Video 15-M50 151. 4.42 32.07 1372.¦ 18.02 1207.¦ 20.20 945.¦ 1214. Kohler Didier 1960 L'Auberson 1:10.30,7 26.42,9 (13076) Foto Video 15-M50 152. 4.42 31.53 1311.¦ 17.42 1050.¦ 20.54 1184.¦ 1215. Palermo Filippo 1967 Grenchen 1:10.30,8 26.43,0 (4176) Foto Video 15-M45 228. 4.42 30.50 1047.¦ 18.18 1323.¦ 21.21 1366.¦ 1215. Wüst Hugo 1943 Kleinbösingen 1:10.30,8 26.43,0 (8252) Foto Video 15-M70 3. 4.42 31.36 1252.¦ 18.11 1268.¦ 20.43 1094.¦ 1217. Rutari Paolo 1963 Lugano 1:10.31,7 26.43,9 (8107) Foto Video 15-M50 153. 4.42 32.07 1375.¦ 17.48 1093.¦ 20.36 1040.¦ 1218. Gertsch Daniel 1970 Matten b. Interlaken 1:10.32,3 26.44,5 (4057) Foto Video 15-M40 211. 4.42 31.27 1205.¦ 18.04 1218.¦ 21.00 1225.¦ 1219. Lang Gerhard 1974 Courgevaux 1:10.32,7 26.44,9 (6265) Foto Video 15-M35 180. 4.42 31.31 1227.¦ 18.17 1315.¦ 20.43 1099.¦ 1220. Kuhn Dominik 1970 Bern 1:10.32,9 26.45,1 (5028) Foto Video 15-M40 212. 4.42 31.20 1173.¦ 18.02 1205.¦ 21.10 1291.¦ 1221. Hiltbrand Hans 1955 Kappelen 1:10.33,4 26.45,6 (2062) Foto Video 15-M55 67. 4.42 31.08 1114.¦ 17.59 1180.¦ 21.25 1385.¦ 1222. Hausmann Beat 1979 Burgdorf 1:10.33,8 26.46,0 (3177) Foto Video 15-M20 294. 4.42 31.09 1122.¦ 17.37 1002.¦ 21.47 1522.¦ 1223. Sacino Lucio 1975 Biel/Bienne 1:10.34,1 26.46,3 (4214) Foto Video 15-M35 181. 4.42 31.39 1265.¦ 17.54 1128.¦ 20.59 1218.¦ 1224. Den Os Frederic 1967 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:10.34,2 26.46,4 (4026) Foto Video 15-M45 229. 4.42 30.58 1076.¦ 18.48 1547.¦ 20.47 1134.¦ 1225. Künzi Hans 1975 Wohlen b. Bern 1:10.34,5 26.46,7 (5170) Foto Video 15-M35 182. 4.42 31.44 1285.¦ 17.57 1160.¦ 20.52 1171.¦ 1226. Erni Koni, Wangen b. Olten 1965 STV Wangen bei Olten 1:10.35,4 26.47,6 (8280) Foto Video 15-M45 230. 4.42 31.14 1150.¦ 18.03 1214.¦ 21.17 1338.¦ 1227. Rohrbach Fabian 1985 Nidau 1:10.36,1 26.48,3 (4202) Foto Video 15-M20 295. 4.42 31.41 1271.¦ 17.55 1140.¦ 20.59 1212.¦ 1228. Ritzmann Daniel 1961 Münchenbuchsee 1:10.36,3 26.48,5 (4201) Foto Video 15-M50 154. 4.42 31.32 1232.¦ 17.54 1130.¦ 21.09 1285.¦ 1229. Martin Daniel 1973 Iffwil 1:10.38,4 26.50,6 (7546) Foto Video 15-M40 213. 4.42 31.28 1206.¦ 18.00 1189.¦ 21.10 1289.¦ 1230. Glauser Pierre-Yves 1966 Buchs AG 1:10.38,9 26.51,1 (3326) Foto Video 15-M45 231. 4.42 31.44 1287.¦ 18.18 1319.¦ 20.35 1037.¦ 1231. Kull Hansjorg 1957 Cornaux NE 1:10.40,1 26.52,3 (5316) Foto Video 15-M55 68. 4.42 31.33 1234.¦ 18.23 1363.¦ 20.43 1094.¦ 1232. Egger Stefan, La Neuveville 1969 ADRENALINA 1:10.40,3 26.52,5 (4036) Foto Video 15-M40 214. 4.42 31.21 1180.¦ 18.12 1272.¦ 21.06 1255.¦ 1233. Bernhard Ruedi 1963 Oberengstringen 1:10.40,7 26.52,9 (5305) Foto Video 15-M50 155. 4.42 31.34 1241.¦ 18.06 1233.¦ 21.00 1223.¦ 1234. Coste Damien 1975 Le Locle 1:10.41,2 26.53,4 (5015) Foto Video 15-M35 183. 4.42 31.16 1159.¦ 18.20 1336.¦ 21.03 1244.¦ 1235. Mico Jose 1949 Genthod 1:10.41,5 26.53,7 (4146) Foto Video 15-M60 26. 4.42 30.58 1080.¦ 18.33 1434.¦ 21.09 1281.¦ 1236. Albrecht Urs 1962 Cordast 1:10.41,6 26.53,8 (3268) Foto Video 15-M50 156. 4.42 31.12 1137.¦ 18.20 1335.¦ 21.08 1279.¦ 1237. Steinauer Martin 1976 Marly 1:10.43,0 26.55,2 (7665) Foto Video 15-M35 184. 4.42 31.22 1185.¦ 18.45 1525.¦ 20.34 1024.¦ 1238. Schär Daniel 1970 Rütschelen 1:10.44,1 26.56,3 (4240) Foto Video 15-M40 215. 4.42 31.11 1131.¦ 18.19 1332.¦ 21.13 1312.¦ 1239. Wolfs Andy 1971 Siselen BE 1:10.44,2 26.56,4 (10275) Foto Video 15-M40 216. 4.42 31.10 1124.¦ 18.17 1313.¦ 21.17 1338.¦ 1240. Simonett Anton 1959 Uettligen 1:10.44,4 26.56,6 (8307) Foto Video 15-M50 157. 4.42 31.41 1273.¦ 17.56 1157.¦ 21.05 1251.¦ 1240. Tenger Felix 1953 Büren zum Hof 1:10.44,4 26.56,6 (5320) Foto Video 15-M60 27. 4.42 31.32 1230.¦ 18.14 1286.¦ 20.57 1198.¦ 1242. Wyssen Hans-Peter 1964 Aarberg 1:10.44,8 26.57,0 (10279) Foto Video 15-M45 232. 4.42 31.42 1274.¦ 18.08 1247.¦ 20.54 1181.¦ 1243. Cattin Yves-André 1965 La Ferrière 1:10.45,2 26.57,4 (9231) Foto Video 15-M45 233. 4.43 31.27 1201.¦ 17.58 1177.¦ 21.19 1352.¦ 1244. De Figueireido Victor, La Chaux-de- 1949 CCE2L 1:10.45,8 26.58,0 (28042) Foto Video 15-M60 28. 4.43 31.31 1223.¦ 18.13 1279.¦ 21.01 1227.¦ 1245. Naegeli Peter, Nods 1954 ASPECT TRIATHLON TEAM 1:10.47,4 26.59,6 (8036) Foto Video 15-M55 69. 4.43 31.18 1166.¦ 18.00 1194.¦ 21.28 1396.¦ 1246. Rappo Cédric 1971 Les Avanchets 1:10.47,6 26.59,8 (5347) Foto Video 15-M40 217. 4.43 32.24 1443.¦ 18.06 1238.¦ 20.16 914.¦ 1247. Tal Amir 1962 Heiligenschwendi 1:10.47,7 26.59,9 (8187) Foto Video 15-M50 158. 4.43 31.30 1220.¦ 18.15 1293.¦ 21.01 1229.¦ 1248. Grau Marc-Daniel 1977 Jegenstorf 1:10.48,4 27.00,6 (4061) Foto Video 15-M35 185. 4.43 30.44 1021.¦ 18.21 1344.¦ 21.42 1491.¦ 1248. Wyttenbach Rudolf 1963 Lyssach 1:10.48,4 27.00,6 (2040) Foto Video 15-M50 159. 4.43 31.08 1109.¦ 18.00 1193.¦ 21.39 1467.¦ 1250. Couselo Pablo 1990 Genève 1:10.48,7 27.00,9 (3325) Foto Video 15-M20 296. 4.43 31.15 1152.¦ 17.57 1164.¦ 21.35 1435.¦ 1251. Bielesch Marco 1991 Port 1:10.49,3 27.01,5 (3295) Foto Video 15-M20 297. 4.43 31.32 1231.¦ 18.00 1189.¦ 21.16 1334.¦ 1252. Haussermann Mark 1974 Givrins 1:10.49,4 27.01,6 (6180) Foto Video 15-M35 186. 4.43 30.46 1031.¦ 18.11 1271.¦ 21.51 1547.¦ 1253. Zimmerli Kurt 1957 Ostermundigen 1:10.49,5 27.01,7 (7708) Foto Video 15-M55 70. 4.43 31.13 1143.¦ 18.28 1393.¦ 21.07 1271.¦ 1254. Bösiger Oliver 1975 Bern 1:10.50,2 27.02,4 (4010) Foto Video 15-M35 187. 4.43 31.08 1110.¦ 18.26 1385.¦ 21.15 1328.¦ 1255. Perrinjaquet Cédric 1973 Nods 1:10.50,4 27.02,6 (5107) Foto Video 15-M40 218. 4.43 31.16 1155.¦ 18.04 1217.¦ 21.30 1410.¦ 1256. Britschgi Sven 1970 Bellmund 1:10.50,7 27.02,9 (28167) Foto Video 15-M40 219. 4.43 31.59 1337.¦ 17.59 1186.¦ 20.51 1161.¦ 1257. Bärtschi Roland 1965 Neuchâtel 1:10.50,9 27.03,1 (4008) Foto Video 15-M45 234. 4.43 32.24 1445.¦ 17.47 1083.¦ 20.39 1070.¦ 1258. Mona Sergio 1950 Bellinzona 1:10.51,3 27.03,5 (3192) Foto Video 15-M60 29. 4.43 31.52 1306.¦ 18.13 1277.¦ 20.46 1120.¦ 1258. Schmidt Daniel 1972 Eyholz 1:10.51,3 27.03,5 (4230) Foto Video 15-M40 220. 4.43 31.48 1294.¦ 18.05 1224.¦ 20.58 1205.¦ 1260. Mollet Martin 1976 Lüsslingen 1:10.51,7 27.03,9 (28097) Foto Video 15-M35 188. 4.43 30.49 1042.¦ 18.14 1290.¦ 21.47 1527.¦ 1261. Schambach Franz 1960 Servion 1:10.51,8 27.04,0 (7617) Foto Video 15-M50 160. 4.43 32.36 1507.¦ 17.47 1089.¦ 20.27 982.¦ 1262. Rochat Christian 1966 Crissier 1:10.52,0 27.04,2 (3330) Foto Video 15-M45 235. 4.43 31.39 1263.¦ 17.42 1050.¦ 21.29 1403.¦ 1263. Gysel Peter 1959 Nidau 1:10.52,4 27.04,6 (5164) Foto Video 15-M50 161. 4.43 31.30 1218.¦ 18.11 1268.¦ 21.10 1295.¦ 1264. Keusch Mischa 1972 Boswil 1:10.52,6 27.04,8 (10054) Foto Video 15-M40 221. 4.43 31.45 1288.¦ 18.33 1431.¦ 20.34 1019.¦ 1265. Aeschlimann Martin 1964 Heimberg 1:10.52,8 27.05,0 (5042) Foto Video 15-M45 236. 4.43 31.09 1120.¦ 18.23 1364.¦ 21.19 1358.¦ 1266. Schmidt Ulf 1968 D-Sulzburg 1:10.53,0 27.05,2 (4231) Foto Video 15-M45 237. 4.43 31.19 1168.¦ 18.22 1355.¦ 21.11 1297.¦ 1267. Laubscher Thomas 1960 Lengnau BE 1:10.54,0 27.06,2 (6267) Foto Video 15-M50 162. 4.43 32.02 1353.¦ 17.51 1107.¦ 21.00 1220.¦ 1268. Gosteli Max 1957 Utzigen 1:10.54,1 27.06,3 (6150) Foto Video 15-M55 71. 4.43 31.21 1177.¦ 18.17 1315.¦ 21.16 1331.¦ 1269. Schneeberger Rolf 1970 Schliern b. Köniz 1:10.55,0 27.07,2 (5116) Foto Video 15-M40 222. 4.43 31.47 1293.¦ 18.03 1214.¦ 21.03 1242.¦ 1269. Stolz Michael 1963 Binningen 1:10.55,0 27.07,2 (5234) Foto Video 15-M50 163. 4.43 31.59 1340.¦ 18.09 1257.¦ 20.45 1115.¦ 1271. Membrez Sebastien, Biel/Bienne 1980 CCN 1:10.55,6 27.07,8 (9138) Foto Video 15-M20 298. 4.43 33.02 1628.¦ 17.56 1150.¦ 19.57 805.¦ 1272. Blanc Jean-Luc 1967 Missy 1:10.57,1 27.09,3 (5209) Foto Video 15-M45 238. 4.43 31.46 1291.¦ 18.21 1344.¦ 20.49 1143.¦ 1273. Hotz Michael 1968 Boniswil 1:10.57,4 27.09,6 (6198) Foto Video 15-M45 239. 4.43 31.59 1337.¦ 18.08 1247.¦ 20.49 1150.¦ 1273. Ruchat Jean-Claude 1959 Le Sentier 1:10.57,4 27.09,6 (8102) Foto Video 15-M50 164. 4.43 31.21 1178.¦ 18.33 1433.¦ 21.02 1234.¦ 1275. Grimm Michel 1961 St-Blaise 1:10.57,9 27.10,1 (6159) Foto Video 15-M50 165. 4.43 31.36 1253.¦ 18.07 1243.¦ 21.13 1308.¦ 1276. von Allmen Christian, Schwarzenburg 1967 SC-Walhalla 1:10.58,2 27.10,4 (7713) Foto Video 15-M45 240. 4.43 31.41 1272.¦ 18.07 1243.¦ 21.08 1276.¦ 1277. Sinnaeve Joel 1967 Bramois 1:10.59,2 27.11,4 (4249) Foto Video 15-M45 241. 4.43 32.00 1341.¦ 17.18 867.¦ 21.40 1475.¦ 1278. Oestreicher Christian 1957 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:10.59,9 27.12,1 (5005) Foto Video 15-M55 72. 4.43 31.50 1301.¦ 17.59 1184.¦ 21.09 1288.¦ 1279. Rodoni Dario 1957 Biasca 1:11.00,5 27.12,7 (28225) Foto Video 15-M55 73. 4.44 32.12 1399.¦ 18.07 1243.¦ 20.40 1075.¦ 1280. Kundert Hanspeter, Steffisburg 1944 Laufteam Bircher Thun 1:11.01,1 27.13,3 (4114) Foto Video 15-M65 11. 4.44 31.34 1243.¦ 18.01 1199.¦ 21.25 1383.¦ 1281. Affolter Bruno 1976 Lyss 1:11.01,3 27.13,5 (5254) Foto Video 15-M35 189. 4.44 31.04 1101.¦ 18.30 1415.¦ 21.26 1389.¦ 1282. Bauder Martin 1961 Wangen an der Aare 1:11.01,6 27.13,8 (28011) Foto Video 15-M50 166. 4.44 31.46 1290.¦ 18.18 1322.¦ 20.56 1191.¦ 1283. Hess Tom 1976 Halten 1:11.01,8 27.14,0 (7470) Foto Video 15-M35 190. 4.44 31.25 1196.¦ 18.15 1301.¦ 21.20 1363.¦ 1284. Traub Kurt 1945 Basel 1:11.01,9 27.14,1 (28240) Foto Video 15-M65 12. 4.44 32.11 1393.¦ 18.05 1228.¦ 20.44 1108.¦ 1285. Beck Jürg 1959 Gümligen 1:11.03,9 27.16,1 (3288) Foto Video 15-M50 167. 4.44 31.16 1157.¦ 18.29 1406.¦ 21.17 1345.¦ 1286. Leupi Urs 1964 Schötz 1:11.04,7 27.16,9 (6274) Foto Video 15-M45 242. 4.44 31.50 1303.¦ 18.14 1286.¦ 20.59 1214.¦ 1287. Fragnière Sven 1992 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 1:11.05,9 27.18,1 (7408) Foto Video 15-M20 299. 4.44 31.01 1092.¦ 17.58 1170.¦ 22.06 1643.¦ 1288. Lühning Gerd 1964 Zollikofen 1:11.06,8 27.19,0 (6282) Foto Video 15-M45 243. 4.44 31.43 1279.¦ 18.05 1231.¦ 21.17 1342.¦ 1289. Khedim Mustafa 1966 Monthey 1:11.07,4 27.19,6 (6240) Foto Video 15-M45 244. 4.44 31.43 1276.¦ 18.20 1340.¦ 21.03 1239.¦ 1290. Graf Michael 1979 Au ZH 1:11.08,4 27.20,6 (7442) Foto Video 15-M20 300. 4.44 31.29 1214.¦ 17.40 1028.¦ 21.58 1590.¦ 1291. Studer Stefan 1973 Wünnewil 1:11.08,8 27.21,0 (8182) Foto Video 15-M40 223. 4.44 31.37 1256.¦ 18.05 1228.¦ 21.25 1387.¦ 1292. Hügli Markus 1958 Münchenbuchsee 1:11.08,9 27.21,1 (5081) Foto Video 15-M55 74. 4.44 33.11 1679.¦ 17.52 1121.¦ 20.04 844.¦ 1293. Ingold Martin 1969 Heimenhausen 1:11.09,8 27.22,0 (3181) Foto Video 15-M40 224. 4.44 31.44 1283.¦ 18.26 1385.¦ 20.59 1208.¦ 1294. Hürlimann Daniel 1969 Kirchberg BE 1:11.10,5 27.22,7 (6212) Foto Video 15-M40 225. 4.44 31.31 1221.¦ 18.21 1343.¦ 21.18 1348.¦ 1295. Facal Jorge 1986 Lyss 1:11.11,9 27.24,1 (7395) Foto Video 15-M20 301. 4.44 31.41 1268.¦ 17.56 1152.¦ 21.34 1430.¦ 1296. Wyss Beat 1982 Trimstein 1:11.12,4 27.24,6 (8247) Foto Video 15-M20 302. 4.44 31.39 1265.¦ 17.47 1084.¦ 21.45 1516.¦ 1297. Liaudat Christophe 1969 Le Crêt-près-Semsales 1:11.12,5 27.24,7 (5221) Foto Video 15-M40 226. 4.44 31.56 1328.¦ 18.16 1305.¦ 20.59 1208.¦ 1298. Lüthi Hanspeter, Heimberg 1959 Lauftreff Bircher Thun 1:11.12,6 27.24,8 (4131) Foto Video 15-M50 168. 4.44 31.37 1254.¦ 18.37 1457.¦ 20.58 1202.¦ 1299. Hoffmann Andreas, D-Freiburg 1968 USC Freiburg 1:11.13,3 27.25,5 (6192) Foto Video 15-M45 245. 4.44 31.22 1181.¦ 18.28 1397.¦ 21.22 1375.¦ 1300. Reichardt Patrick 1972 Bern 1:11.14,3 27.26,5 (5174) Foto Video 15-M40 227. 4.44 32.25 1448.¦ 17.48 1096.¦ 21.00 1222.¦ 1301. Dephix Pascal, Gland 1965 Footing-Club Lausanne 1:11.15,6 27.27,8 (4027) Foto Video 15-M45 246. 4.45 31.22 1182.¦ 18.16 1306.¦ 21.37 1448.¦ 1302. Weber André 1971 Ins 1:11.16,4 27.28,6 (5191) Foto Video 15-M40 228. 4.45 32.08 1379.¦ 18.05 1227.¦ 21.03 1237.¦ 1303. Studer Jean-Louis 1969 Malleray 1:11.18,0 27.30,2 (4262) Foto Video 15-M40 229. 4.45 31.17 1160.¦ 18.36 1450.¦ 21.24 1379.¦ 1304. Badan Bernard 1967 Nyon 1:11.18,2 27.30,4 (5272) Foto Video 15-M45 247. 4.45 31.55 1318.¦ 18.08 1253.¦ 21.14 1323.¦ 1305. Keust Jürg 1962 Wichtrach 1:11.18,8 27.31,0 (4105) Foto Video 15-M50 169. 4.45 32.27 1455.¦ 18.04 1219.¦ 20.47 1126.¦ 1306. Borst Cornelis 1939 Uzwil 1:11.19,6 27.31,8 (3157) Foto Video 15-M70 4. 4.45 30.31 969.¦ 19.41 1941.¦ 21.06 1263.¦ 1307. Giger Paul 1956 Fideris 1:11.19,7 27.31,9 (2144) Foto Video 15-M55 75. 4.45 30.46 1033.¦ 18.31 1423.¦ 22.00 1608.¦ 1308. Antener Beat 1968 Ormalingen 1:11.20,6 27.32,8 (3073) Foto Video 15-M45 248. 4.45 30.58 1077.¦ 18.17 1317.¦ 22.04 1633.¦ 1309. Burri Marc 1976 Bülach 1:11.22,3 27.34,5 (28168) Foto Video 15-M35 191. 4.45 33.05 1644.¦ 18.10 1260.¦ 20.07 862.¦ 1310. Pfefferli Jürg, Trimbach 1963 Trimbach Obsi 1:11.22,7 27.34,9 (7588) Foto Video 15-M50 170. 4.45 32.13 1402.¦ 18.02 1210.¦ 21.06 1257.¦ 1310. Waksman Julien 1976 Burgdorf 1:11.22,7 27.34,9 (7685) Foto Video 15-M35 192. 4.45 31.55 1321.¦ 18.13 1278.¦ 21.13 1316.¦ 1312. Gerber Hansueli 1948 Köniz 1:11.23,1 27.35,3 (5162) Foto Video 15-M65 13. 4.45 32.01 1347.¦ 18.21 1344.¦ 21.00 1220.¦ 1313. Richard Serge 1969 La Neuveville 1:11.23,7 27.35,9 (10159) Foto Video 15-M40 230. 4.45 31.55 1320.¦ 18.10 1264.¦ 21.17 1343.¦ 1314. Schmid Peter, Oberönz 1956 pso 1:11.25,8 27.38,0 (5324) Foto Video 15-M55 76. 4.45 32.10 1388.¦ 18.10 1262.¦ 21.05 1250.¦ 1315. Bitterli Urs 1965 Kallnach 1:11.26,0 27.38,2 (7333) Foto Video 15-M45 249. 4.45 31.39 1262.¦ 18.17 1313.¦ 21.29 1408.¦ 1315. Ramseier Thomas 1964 Brügg BE 1:11.26,0 27.38,2 (28361) Foto Video 15-M45 249. 4.45 32.01 1345.¦ 18.16 1306.¦ 21.08 1274.¦ 1317. Corminboeuf Denis, Ménières 1975 Team ELSA 1:11.26,1 27.38,3 (4022) Foto Video 15-M35 193. 4.45 31.58 1335.¦ 18.13 1281.¦ 21.13 1312.¦ 1318. Casati Julien 1982 Vevey 1:11.26,7 27.38,9 (6050) Foto Video 15-M20 303. 4.45 31.58 1333.¦ 18.12 1273.¦ 21.16 1332.¦ 1319. Wuillemin René 1953 Murten 1:11.27,0 27.39,2 (4295) Foto Video 15-M60 30. 4.45 32.04 1357.¦ 18.13 1283.¦ 21.08 1275.¦ 1320. Aeschbacher Walter 1953 Büren an der Aare 1:11.27,7 27.39,9 (5251) Foto Video 15-M60 31. 4.45 31.37 1256.¦ 18.21 1349.¦ 21.28 1396.¦ 1321. Marbacher Franz 1959 Gümligen 1:11.28,4 27.40,6 (7544) Foto Video 15-M50 171. 4.45 31.50 1298.¦ 18.45 1520.¦ 20.53 1174.¦ 1322. Egger Urs 1960 Holziken 1:11.29,8 27.42,0 (3231) Foto Video 15-M50 172. 4.45 31.30 1217.¦ 18.30 1411.¦ 21.29 1403.¦ 1323. Kempter Christoph 1967 Neuendorf 1:11.30,6 27.42,8 (5039) Foto Video 15-M45 251. 4.46 31.28 1207.¦ 18.20 1338.¦ 21.41 1482.¦ 1324. Graf Paul 1959 Aarberg 1:11.31,2 27.43,4 (7443) Foto Video 15-M50 173. 4.46 32.29 1469.¦ 18.18 1323.¦ 20.43 1097.¦ 1325. Grundmann Oliver 1979 Zürich 1:11.31,6 27.43,8 (6162) Foto Video 15-M20 304. 4.46 32.22 1435.¦ 18.12 1276.¦ 20.56 1189.¦ 1326. Blunschi Xaver 1953 Berikon 1:11.32,6 27.44,8 (3301) Foto Video 15-M60 32. 4.46 31.36 1248.¦ 18.26 1385.¦ 21.30 1410.¦ 1327. Penitzka Daniel 1963 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:11.32,8 27.45,0 (3240) Foto Video 15-M50 174. 4.46 32.17 1416.¦ 18.34 1441.¦ 20.40 1079.¦ 1328. Jauner Martin, Langenthal 1963 SM running 1:11.33,4 27.45,6 (5166) Foto Video 15-M50 175. 4.46 31.14 1148.¦ 18.42 1499.¦ 21.37 1448.¦ 1329. Burgat Bertrand 1968 St-Aubin-Sauges 1:11.33,5 27.45,7 (9217) Foto Video 15-M45 252. 4.46 32.49 1582.¦ 18.09 1255.¦ 20.35 1029.¦ 1330. Gurtner Benjamin 1989 Moutier 1:11.33,8 27.46,0 (5213) Foto Video 15-M20 305. 4.46 30.42 1013.¦ 17.46 1081.¦ 23.04 2017.¦ 1331. Hottinger Heinz, Ettingen 1967 Red Flash Runners 1:11.34,1 27.46,3 (4083) Foto Video 15-M45 253. 4.46 32.20 1426.¦ 18.11 1265.¦ 21.02 1233.¦ 1332. Monachon Mathieu 1979 Cortébert 1:11.34,4 27.46,6 (3193) Foto Video 15-M20 306. 4.46 31.15 1152.¦ 18.49 1554.¦ 21.29 1407.¦ 1333. Christen Martin 1960 Niederhünigen 1:11.34,5 27.46,7 (1199) Foto Video 15-M50 176. 4.46 32.08 1377.¦ 18.05 1232.¦ 21.20 1364.¦ 1333. Zürcher Frédéric 1968 Biel/Bienne 1:11.34,5 27.46,7 (4314) Foto Video 15-M45 254. 4.46 30.55 1066.¦ 18.43 1510.¦ 21.55 1572.¦ 1335. Carella Frederic 1972 Malleray 1:11.35,1 27.47,3 (3086) Foto Video 15-M40 231. 4.46 32.14 1406.¦ 17.50 1102.¦ 21.31 1416.¦ 1336. Rüfli Roland 1956 Ostermundigen 1:11.35,2 27.47,4 (3243) Foto Video 15-M55 77. 4.46 31.41 1270.¦ 18.22 1351.¦ 21.31 1419.¦ 1337. Schiliro Sandro 1977 Ipsach 1:11.35,3 27.47,5 (4224) Foto Video 15-M35 194. 4.46 31.34 1239.¦ 18.24 1369.¦ 21.36 1447.¦ 1338. Zumstein Reto 1974 Bern 1:11.36,6 27.48,8 (5136) Foto Video 15-M35 195. 4.46 32.24 1443.¦ 18.46 1533.¦ 20.25 968.¦ 1339. Schlup Markus 1970 Rüti b. Büren 1:11.36,9 27.49,1 (4226) Foto Video 15-M40 232. 4.46 30.43 1017.¦ 18.44 1516.¦ 22.08 1664.¦ 1340. Schwab Jean-Pierre 1949 Moutier 1:11.37,6 27.49,8 (7639) Foto Video 15-M60 33. 4.46 32.12 1398.¦ 18.14 1285.¦ 21.10 1294.¦ 1341. Messerli Christian 1964 Travers 1:11.38,1 27.50,3 (8009) Foto Video 15-M45 255. 4.46 32.23 1441.¦ 18.19 1329.¦ 20.55 1187.¦ 1342. Hugonnet Blaise 1959 La Tour-de-Trême 1:11.38,6 27.50,8 (4084) Foto Video 15-M50 177. 4.46 31.31 1224.¦ 18.37 1457.¦ 21.29 1403.¦ 1342. Niggli Jean-Pierre 1958 Les Hauts-Geneveys 1:11.38,6 27.50,8 (28217) Foto Video 15-M55 78. 4.46 32.08 1383.¦ 18.08 1254.¦ 21.21 1367.¦ 1344. Leu Stefan 1964 Burgdorf 1:11.40,6 27.52,8 (7522) Foto Video 15-M45 256. 4.46 30.48 1039.¦ 18.11 1267.¦ 22.40 1884.¦ 1345. Fiore Alexandre 1968 Echallens 1:11.40,9 27.53,1 (5064) Foto Video 15-M45 257. 4.46 31.51 1304.¦ 18.40 1479.¦ 21.09 1286.¦ 1346. Zanini Marc, Bellinzona 1967 ASCO Lugano 1:11.42,2 27.54,4 (7733) Foto Video 15-M45 258. 4.46 32.41 1535.¦ 18.04 1219.¦ 20.56 1191.¦ 1347. Hunziker Michel 1960 Kleinbösingen 1:11.43,1 27.55,3 (3237) Foto Video 15-M50 178. 4.46 32.13 1404.¦ 18.19 1329.¦ 21.10 1289.¦ 1348. Meyrat Danilo, Muriaux 1936 CCMJ 1:11.43,2 27.55,4 (8013) Foto Video 15-M70 5. 4.46 32.02 1350.¦ 18.26 1388.¦ 21.14 1322.¦ 1349. Barbey Bertrand 1977 Bulle 1:11.43,3 27.55,5 (28010) Foto Video 15-M35 196. 4.46 32.41 1538.¦ 18.07 1240.¦ 20.54 1179.¦ 1349. Salvi Marc 1966 Hauterive NE 1:11.43,3 27.55,5 (3052) Foto Video 15-M45 259. 4.46 31.02 1093.¦ 18.36 1452.¦ 22.03 1627.¦ 1351. Redigolo Ernesto 1967 Büren an der Aare 1:11.44,3 27.56,5 (4196) Foto Video 15-M45 260. 4.46 31.19 1170.¦ 18.28 1396.¦ 21.56 1578.¦ 1352. L'Eplattenier Eric 1968 Essert FR 1:11.44,4 27.56,6 (5171) Foto Video 15-M45 261. 4.46 32.11 1392.¦ 18.33 1432.¦ 20.59 1213.¦ 1353. Häusler Ralf 1971 Oftringen 1:11.44,5 27.56,7 (6209) Foto Video 15-M40 233. 4.46 32.05 1361.¦ 18.10 1263.¦ 21.28 1398.¦ 1354. Gschweitl Michael 1980 Zürich 1:11.44,6 27.56,8 (6167) Foto Video 15-M20 307. 4.46 32.29 1475.¦ 18.22 1357.¦ 20.52 1167.¦ 1355. Bachmann Hermann 1952 Flamatt 1:11.45,6 27.57,8 (3277) Foto Video 15-M60 34. 4.47 32.02 1348.¦ 18.24 1367.¦ 21.19 1358.¦ 1356. Müller Markus 1966 Biel/Bienne 1:11.45,8 27.58,0 (10117) Foto Video 15-M45 262. 4.47 32.47 1570.¦ 17.57 1163.¦ 21.00 1226.¦ 1357. Bornèque Dominique 1976 Muttenz 1:11.46,3 27.58,5 (9195) Foto Video 15-M35 197. 4.47 31.22 1184.¦ 18.16 1309.¦ 22.06 1650.¦ 1358. Lommano Claudio 1974 Courtételle 1:11.47,3 27.59,5 (10086) Foto Video 15-M35 198. 4.47 32.08 1384.¦ 18.06 1237.¦ 21.31 1420.¦ 1359. Dorthe Pierre-Alain, Matran 1964 acpm matran 1:11.47,7 27.59,9 (4032) Foto Video 15-M45 263. 4.47 31.48 1296.¦ 18.25 1376.¦ 21.33 1429.¦ 1360. Rölli Toni 1969 Wynau 1:11.48,0 28.00,2 (4212) Foto Video 15-M40 234. 4.47 32.06 1367.¦ 18.19 1332.¦ 21.21 1371.¦ 1361. Studer Reto 1970 Basel 1:11.48,1 28.00,3 (5121) Foto Video 15-M40 235. 4.47 31.24 1190.¦ 18.20 1341.¦ 22.03 1625.¦ 1362. Hottenberg Stephan 1960 Hasle-Rüegsau 1:11.48,3 28.00,5 (4082) Foto Video 15-M50 179. 4.47 32.25 1448.¦ 18.22 1353.¦ 21.00 1224.¦ 1363. Hügli Sandro, Brislach 1990 brisi lightning =) 1:11.48,4 28.00,6 (2319) Foto Video 15-M20 308. 4.47 31.37 1258.¦ 18.29 1404.¦ 21.41 1479.¦ 1364. Hamel David 1975 Môtiers NE 1:11.49,0 28.01,2 (10024) Foto Video 15-M35 199. 4.47 31.57 1330.¦ 17.56 1155.¦ 21.55 1571.¦ 1365. Schwab Beat 1966 Winterthur 1:11.50,0 28.02,2 (4236) Foto Video 15-M45 264. 4.47 31.02 1095.¦ 18.45 1522.¦ 22.02 1618.¦ 1366. Käser Moritz 1999 Biel/Bienne 1:11.50,7 28.02,9 (7493) Foto Video 15-U16M 6. 4.47 32.42 1543.¦ 17.55 1146.¦ 21.12 1307.¦ 1367. Buchser Thomas 1965 Kappelen 1:11.51,1 28.03,3 (4003) Foto Video 15-M45 265. 4.47 31.24 1190.¦ 18.08 1250.¦ 22.18 1728.¦ 1368. Loosli Markus 1957 Herzogenbuchsee 1:11.51,2 28.03,4 (3260) Foto Video 15-M55 79. 4.47 32.07 1371.¦ 18.32 1427.¦ 21.11 1298.¦ 1369. Käppeli Michael 1987 Hagendorn 1:11.54,8 28.07,0 (6259) Foto Video 15-M20 309. 4.47 32.18 1420.¦ 17.58 1173.¦ 21.37 1454.¦ 1370. Hamm Andreas 1966 Mittelhäusern 1:11.55,2 28.07,4 (28391) Foto Video 15-M45 266. 4.47 32.07 1376.¦ 18.12 1273.¦ 21.35 1433.¦ 1370. Indermaur Martin 1969 Bern 1:11.55,2 28.07,4 (5025) Foto Video 15-M40 236. 4.47 32.08 1379.¦ 18.08 1252.¦ 21.38 1459.¦ 1372. Kumar Bharat 1980 Denges 1:11.55,5 28.07,7 (5140) Foto Video 15-M20 310. 4.47 32.23 1438.¦ 18.18 1326.¦ 21.13 1315.¦ 1373. Stampfli Rolf 1956 Herzogenbuchsee 1:11.56,1 28.08,3 (28378) Foto Video 15-M55 80. 4.47 31.37 1255.¦ 18.28 1397.¦ 21.49 1539.¦ 1374. Baettig Romain 1995 Biel/Bienne 1:11.56,8 28.09,0 (5277) Foto Video 15-U20M 34. 4.47 32.08 1378.¦ 18.11 1268.¦ 21.37 1452.¦ 1375. Coen Italo 1965 Vacallo 1:11.57,3 28.09,5 (4021) Foto Video 15-M45 267. 4.47 31.46 1289.¦ 18.23 1365.¦ 21.47 1527.¦ 1376. Knapp Beat 1962 Hünibach 1:11.59,2 28.11,4 (3184) Foto Video 15-M50 180. 4.47 32.05 1359.¦ 18.45 1523.¦ 21.09 1281.¦ 1377. Ruchonnet Jerome 1979 Rivaz 1:11.59,8 28.12,0 (4208) Foto Video 15-M20 311. 4.47 31.17 1164.¦ 17.56 1149.¦ 22.46 1919.¦ 1378. Schneider Oliver 1982 Tafers 1:12.00,3 28.12,5 (8135) Foto Video 15-M20 312. 4.48 31.50 1299.¦ 18.33 1434.¦ 21.36 1442.¦ 1379. Brulhart Laurent 1981 Givisiez 1:12.01,3 28.13,5 (9211) Foto Video 15-M20 313. 4.48 32.45 1560.¦ 18.13 1279.¦ 21.02 1232.¦ 1380. Chanez Frédéric 1980 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:12.02,3 28.14,5 (28170) Foto Video 15-M20 314. 4.48 31.38 1259.¦ 18.32 1426.¦ 21.51 1547.¦ 1381. Widmer Marc 1977 Olten 1:12.03,0 28.15,2 (4288) Foto Video 15-M35 200. 4.48 30.51 1052.¦ 18.50 1564.¦ 22.20 1744.¦ 1382. Krattinger Benoit 1977 Colombier NE 1:12.03,1 28.15,3 (7509) Foto Video 15-M35 201. 4.48 31.36 1250.¦ 18.46 1528.¦ 21.40 1475.¦ 1383. Ebneter Georges 1968 Corminboeuf 1:12.03,9 28.16,1 (2187) Foto Video 15-M45 268. 4.48 31.29 1213.¦ 18.42 1501.¦ 21.52 1551.¦ 1384. Farrelly David 1973 Nyon 1:12.04,0 28.16,2 (6112) Foto Video 15-M40 237. 4.48 32.18 1419.¦ 18.31 1421.¦ 21.13 1319.¦ 1385. Vonlanthen René 1961 Düdingen 1:12.04,2 28.16,4 (8219) Foto Video 15-M50 181. 4.48 32.12 1396.¦ 18.57 1607.¦ 20.54 1178.¦ 1386. Grass Leonhard 1968 Zürich 1:12.04,6 28.16,8 (5163) Foto Video 15-M45 269. 4.48 32.46 1563.¦ 18.13 1283.¦ 21.04 1249.¦ 1387. Calderone Francesco 1965 Neuchâtel 1:12.04,7 28.16,9 (10297) Foto Video 15-M45 270. 4.48 32.59 1614.¦ 17.59 1180.¦ 21.06 1259.¦ 1388. Fringeli Roland 1961 Breitenbach 1:12.05,0 28.17,2 (4050) Foto Video 15-M50 182. 4.48 30.58 1074.¦ 18.42 1498.¦ 22.24 1775.¦ 1389. Melly Serge 1954 Crassier 1:12.05,1 28.17,3 (3328) Foto Video 15-M55 81. 4.48 31.24 1193.¦ 18.34 1439.¦ 22.06 1644.¦ 1390. Gottier Jonas 1988 Unterseen 1:12.05,8 28.18,0 (6151) Foto Video 15-M20 315. 4.48 32.48 1575.¦ 18.04 1222.¦ 21.13 1308.¦ 1391. Pfister Klaus 1967 Kienersrüti 1:12.06,1 28.18,3 (9094) Foto Video 15-M45 271. 4.48 32.44 1555.¦ 18.39 1475.¦ 20.41 1088.¦ 1392. Sahli Reto 1982 Toffen 1:12.06,4 28.18,6 (2277) Foto Video 15-M20 316. 4.48 32.06 1364.¦ 18.39 1472.¦ 21.21 1367.¦ 1393. Soobrayen Daniel 1978 Fribourg 1:12.06,7 28.18,9 (5185) Foto Video 15-M35 202. 4.48 32.35 1502.¦ 18.19 1334.¦ 21.11 1296.¦ 1394. Mader Christian 1967 Kerzers 1:12.07,0 28.19,2 (4135) Foto Video 15-M45 272. 4.48 31.24 1192.¦ 18.38 1467.¦ 22.04 1630.¦ 1395. Forney Jean-Francois 1969 Fribourg 1:12.07,4 28.19,6 (7407) Foto Video 15-M40 238. 4.48 31.53 1313.¦ 18.28 1395.¦ 21.45 1514.¦ 1396. Oliveira Joao, Couvet 1984 Pink Runners 1:12.08,3 28.20,5 (11282) Foto Video 15-M20 317. 4.48 32.07 1370.¦ 18.29 1408.¦ 21.31 1418.¦ 1397. Fischer Stefan 1968 Solothurn 1:12.08,4 28.20,6 (6122) Foto Video 15-M45 273. 4.48 31.53 1312.¦ 18.19 1331.¦ 21.55 1573.¦ 1398. Hess Lorenz 1961 Stettlen 1:12.09,2 28.21,4 (28071) Foto Video 15-M50 183. 4.48 31.23 1188.¦ 18.30 1413.¦ 22.15 1711.¦ 1399. Chibout Abdé 1961 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:12.09,4 28.21,6 (6062) Foto Video 15-M50 184. 4.48 32.06 1363.¦ 18.44 1514.¦ 21.19 1350.¦ 1400. Schafroth Thomas 1972 Ipsach 1:12.11,0 28.23,2 (7615) Foto Video 15-M40 239. 4.48 32.06 1366.¦ 18.28 1394.¦ 21.36 1441.¦ 1401. Sudan Dominique 1954 La Tour-de-Trême 1:12.11,4 28.23,6 (4263) Foto Video 15-M55 82. 4.48 31.43 1278.¦ 18.49 1555.¦ 21.38 1464.¦ 1402. Gut Adrian, Morges 1969 TV Erlenbach 1:12.11,7 28.23,9 (11220) Foto Video 15-M40 240. 4.48 31.59 1339.¦ 18.36 1451.¦ 21.35 1436.¦ 1403. Steffen Edi, Lengnau BE 1973 Laufträff Büren 1:12.11,8 28.24,0 (7662) Foto Video 15-M40 241. 4.48 32.20 1429.¦ 18.38 1468.¦ 21.12 1303.¦ 1404. Nienhüser Denis 1966 Belp 1:12.12,4 28.24,6 (5343) Foto Video 15-M45 274. 4.48 32.09 1385.¦ 18.30 1411.¦ 21.33 1426.¦ 1405. Traub Peter 1972 Grenchen 1:12.12,5 28.24,7 (8199) Foto Video 15-M40 242. 4.48 32.29 1476.¦ 18.26 1382.¦ 21.16 1333.¦ 1406. Daucourt Philippe 1969 Bern 1:12.12,9 28.25,1 (6077) Foto Video 15-M40 243. 4.48 32.40 1530.¦ 18.12 1275.¦ 21.20 1360.¦ 1406. Flueckiger Jan 1979 Bern 1:12.12,9 28.25,1 (9277) Foto Video 15-M20 318. 4.48 33.47 1829.¦ 17.53 1124.¦ 20.32 1011.¦ 1408. Röthlisberger Martin, Leuzigen 1960 Smrun 1:12.13,6 28.25,8 (8113) Foto Video 15-M50 185. 4.48 32.30 1480.¦ 18.18 1319.¦ 21.24 1382.¦ 1409. Müller Peter 1962 Lyss 1:12.14,3 28.26,5 (5224) Foto Video 15-M50 186. 4.48 32.31 1481.¦ 18.50 1559.¦ 20.53 1174.¦ 1410. Kreis Markus 1974 Bern 1:12.14,5 28.26,7 (5168) Foto Video 15-M35 203. 4.48 31.39 1264.¦ 18.15 1298.¦ 22.19 1736.¦ 1411. Seibert Heinz-Peter 1954 Zollikofen 1:12.15,4 28.27,6 (4245) Foto Video 15-M55 83. 4.49 32.32 1490.¦ 17.58 1166.¦ 21.44 1509.¦ 1412. Cressier Laurent 1968 Lugnorre 1:12.15,7 28.27,9 (5156) Foto Video 15-M45 275. 4.49 31.56 1326.¦ 18.46 1536.¦ 21.32 1422.¦ 1413. Chavaillaz Bernardin 1943 Ecuvillens 1:12.17,8 28.30,0 (5154) Foto Video 15-M70 6. 4.49 32.20 1423.¦ 18.28 1392.¦ 21.29 1402.¦ 1414. Mercanton Patrick 1957 Palézieux-Village 1:12.18,9 28.31,1 (10103) Foto Video 15-M55 84. 4.49 32.47 1572.¦ 18.47 1544.¦ 20.43 1098.¦ 1415. Kopf Bruno 1968 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz 1:12.19,0 28.31,2 (5141) Foto Video 15-M45 276. 4.49 32.17 1418.¦ 18.07 1241.¦ 21.53 1561.¦ 1416. Haldi Andreas 1961 Aeschi b. Spiez 1:12.19,5 28.31,7 (9023) Foto Video 15-M50 187. 4.49 33.05 1645.¦ 18.24 1369.¦ 20.49 1147.¦ 1417. Wyss Christoph 1964 Biel/Bienne 1:12.19,7 28.31,9 (8248) Foto Video 15-M45 277. 4.49 32.33 1492.¦ 18.24 1369.¦ 21.21 1370.¦ 1418. Béguin Jacques 1960 Delémont 1:12.20,2 28.32,4 (7325) Foto Video 15-M50 188. 4.49 32.27 1456.¦ 18.22 1359.¦ 21.29 1408.¦ 1419. Bhend Daniel, Bern 1955 LCA 1:12.20,3 28.32,5 (28162) Foto Video 15-M55 85. 4.49 31.54 1316.¦ 18.37 1461.¦ 21.48 1533.¦ 1420. Berndt Matthias 1959 Arisdorf 1:12.20,8 28.33,0 (5304) Foto Video 15-M50 189. 4.49 32.11 1390.¦ 18.47 1541.¦ 21.22 1374.¦ 1421. Melita Adriano 1980 Domdidier 1:12.21,3 28.33,5 (13125) Foto Video 15-M20 319. 4.49 32.47 1573.¦ 18.14 1289.¦ 21.19 1350.¦ 1421. Rust Markus 1971 Bottmingen 1:12.21,3 28.33,5 (8106) Foto Video 15-M40 244. 4.49 31.34 1240.¦ 18.52 1571.¦ 21.54 1567.¦ 1423. Tschöpe Thorsten 1984 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:12.21,8 28.34,0 (8202) Foto Video 15-M20 320. 4.49 33.46 1828.¦ 17.45 1068.¦ 20.49 1150.¦ 1424. Levrat Nicolas 1977 Fribourg 1:12.23,0 28.35,2 (6276) Foto Video 15-M35 204. 4.49 31.52 1308.¦ 18.29 1410.¦ 22.00 1607.¦ 1425. Schweizer André 1968 Lampenberg 1:12.23,4 28.35,6 (4238) Foto Video 15-M45 278. 4.49 32.15 1411.¦ 18.25 1375.¦ 21.42 1491.¦ 1426. Zibung Marcel 1960 Ostermundigen 1:12.24,0 28.36,2 (5134) Foto Video 15-M50 190. 4.49 32.22 1433.¦ 18.24 1373.¦ 21.37 1452.¦ 1427. Matter John 1948 Lyss 1:12.25,1 28.37,3 (8002) Foto Video 15-M65 14. 4.49 31.58 1333.¦ 18.15 1294.¦ 22.11 1687.¦ 1428. Juon Alexander 1953 Eyholz 1:12.26,2 28.38,4 (5027) Foto Video 15-M60 35. 4.49 32.23 1438.¦ 18.40 1484.¦ 21.22 1376.¦ 1429. Rohrbach Martin 1963 Utzenstorf 1:12.26,6 28.38,8 (4204) Foto Video 15-M50 191. 4.49 32.09 1386.¦ 18.32 1428.¦ 21.44 1511.¦ 1430. Binggeli Bernard 1956 Yvonand 1:12.27,0 28.39,2 (5315) Foto Video 15-M55 86. 4.49 32.22 1435.¦ 18.57 1605.¦ 21.07 1265.¦ 1431. Haenni Bruno 1977 Solothurn 1:12.27,1 28.39,3 (6175) Foto Video 15-M35 205. 4.49 32.39 1521.¦ 18.38 1468.¦ 21.09 1284.¦ 1432. Küpfer Manfred 1964 Grossaffoltern 1:12.28,7 28.40,9 (6263) Foto Video 15-M45 279. 4.49 31.30 1219.¦ 18.26 1382.¦ 22.31 1824.¦ 1433. Zanoni René, Widen 1947 Beriker Jogger 1:12.29,7 28.41,9 (7734) Foto Video 15-M65 15. 4.49 32.45 1558.¦ 18.38 1463.¦ 21.06 1259.¦ 1434. Spahr Jürg 1968 Frauenkappelen 1:12.30,3 28.42,5 (13259) Foto Video 15-M45 280. 4.50 32.48 1579.¦ 18.21 1347.¦ 21.20 1360.¦ 1435. Délèze Yann 1974 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:12.30,5 28.42,7 (9068) Foto Video 15-M35 206. 4.50 32.55 1600.¦ 18.35 1444.¦ 20.59 1219.¦ 1436. Hert Stephan 1965 Ruppoldsried 1:12.31,0 28.43,2 (6188) Foto Video 15-M45 281. 4.50 31.26 1197.¦ 19.03 1660.¦ 22.01 1611.¦ 1436. Thürre Gabriel 1955 Fribourg 1:12.31,0 28.43,2 (8190) Foto Video 15-M55 87. 4.50 32.42 1546.¦ 18.42 1500.¦ 21.05 1251.¦ 1438. Imoberdorf Emil 1950 Ulrichen 1:12.31,8 28.44,0 (5082) Foto Video 15-M60 36. 4.50 32.30 1479.¦ 18.30 1415.¦ 21.30 1414.¦ 1439. Friedli Jürg 1971 Bern 1:12.31,9 28.44,1 (5066) Foto Video 15-M40 245. 4.50 32.31 1486.¦ 19.03 1657.¦ 20.57 1195.¦ 1440. Spechbach Hervé 1979 Genève 1:12.32,1 28.44,3 (10214) Foto Video 15-M20 321. 4.50 32.15 1410.¦ 18.29 1408.¦ 21.47 1523.¦ 1441. Luepold Felix 1982 Bern 1:12.33,9 28.46,1 (6278) Foto Video 15-M20 322. 4.50 33.49 1842.¦ 18.18 1326.¦ 20.25 969.¦ 1442. Mino Jean-Francois 1963 Carouge GE 1:12.34,3 28.46,5 (8017) Foto Video 15-M50 192. 4.50 32.08 1379.¦ 18.52 1578.¦ 21.33 1424.¦ 1443. Bleiker Marcel 1966 Worb 1:12.35,1 28.47,3 (5051) Foto Video 15-M45 282. 4.50 32.43 1549.¦ 18.40 1482.¦ 21.10 1291.¦ 1444. Winkelmann Ernst 1957 Courgevaux 1:12.35,5 28.47,7 (4291) Foto Video 15-M55 88. 4.50 32.20 1424.¦ 18.43 1503.¦ 21.32 1421.¦ 1445. Mani Andreas 1973 Münchenbuchsee 1:12.36,1 28.48,3 (7542) Foto Video 15-M40 246. 4.50 32.40 1530.¦ 18.25 1377.¦ 21.30 1412.¦ 1446. Jeandupeux Charles, Saignelégier 1962 CCMJ 1:12.36,2 28.48,4 (9031) Foto Video 15-M50 193. 4.50 32.44 1555.¦ 18.29 1404.¦ 21.21 1372.¦ 1447. Kuhn Daniel 1977 Kerzers 1:12.37,1 28.49,3 (5093) Foto Video 15-M35 207. 4.50 32.32 1489.¦ 18.46 1530.¦ 21.18 1347.¦ 1448. Mörgeli Stefan 1957 Basel 1:12.37,3 28.49,5 (8031) Foto Video 15-M55 89. 4.50 32.38 1512.¦ 18.21 1350.¦ 21.37 1451.¦ 1449. Fischer Reto 1984 Solothurn 1:12.38,7 28.50,9 (4045) Foto Video 15-M20 323. 4.50 32.02 1351.¦ 18.07 1239.¦ 22.29 1805.¦ 1450. Haas Christian 1968 Aarau 1:12.39,6 28.51,8 (5075) Foto Video 15-M45 283. 4.50 31.56 1327.¦ 18.41 1486.¦ 22.01 1617.¦ 1451. Quinodoz Nicolas 1967 Savièse 1:12.40,3 28.52,5 (4190) Foto Video 15-M45 284. 4.50 32.02 1348.¦ 18.41 1492.¦ 21.56 1583.¦ 1452. Delis Andreas 1981 Zürich 1:12.40,4 28.52,6 (7370) Foto Video 15-M20 324. 4.50 32.44 1555.¦ 18.43 1512.¦ 21.11 1299.¦ 1453. Schwager Daniel 1978 Corcelles-le-Jorat 1:12.41,0 28.53,2 (2286) Foto Video 15-M35 208. 4.50 29.34 731.¦ 18.23 1361.¦ 24.43 2461.¦ 1454. Niederberger Stefan 1985 Lyss 1:12.41,1 28.53,3 (28216) Foto Video 15-M20 325. 4.50 30.12 888.¦ 18.16 1311.¦ 24.12 2338.¦ 1455. Jost Jürg 1956 Zollbrück 1:12.41,9 28.54,1 (5084) Foto Video 15-M55 90. 4.50 32.32 1488.¦ 18.41 1488.¦ 21.28 1398.¦ 1456. Grüebler Thomas, Bonstetten 1961 VC Spreitenbach 1:12.42,9 28.55,1 (6165) Foto Video 15-M50 194. 4.50 32.49 1583.¦ 18.41 1491.¦ 21.12 1300.¦ 1456. Walter Marc 1989 Pensier 1:12.42,9 28.55,1 (8227) Foto Video 15-M20 326. 4.50 33.27 1742.¦ 18.06 1234.¦ 21.08 1279.¦ 1458. Ineichen Joe 1962 Sempach Stadt 1:12.43,1 28.55,3 (28402) Foto Video 15-M50 195. 4.50 32.26 1453.¦ 18.37 1457.¦ 21.39 1468.¦ 1458. Kilchenmann Michael 1962 Münsingen 1:12.43,1 28.55,3 (6242) Foto Video 15-M50 195. 4.50 32.20 1428.¦ 18.39 1473.¦ 21.43 1497.¦ 1460. Billieux Patrick 1974 Neuchâtel 1:12.43,2 28.55,4 (5314) Foto Video 15-M35 209. 4.50 32.21 1431.¦ 18.45 1520.¦ 21.36 1444.¦ 1461. Schärer Kurt 1941 Worb 1:12.43,6 28.55,8 (5118) Foto Video 15-M70 7. 4.50 32.27 1461.¦ 18.34 1439.¦ 21.41 1486.¦ 1462. Tacca Gianni 1964 Monthey 1:12.44,7 28.56,9 (7673) Foto Video 15-M45 285. 4.50 32.11 1390.¦ 18.51 1567.¦ 21.42 1490.¦ 1463. Ventura Antonio 1968 Ecuvillens 1:12.45,0 28.57,2 (10249) Foto Video 15-M45 286. 4.51 32.50 1586.¦ 18.36 1449.¦ 21.18 1349.¦ 1464. Wiedmer Markus 1970 Ostermundigen 1:12.45,2 28.57,4 (8314) Foto Video 15-M40 247. 4.51 32.28 1465.¦ 18.38 1466.¦ 21.38 1458.¦ 1465. Trauffer Martin 1967 Möhlin 1:12.45,3 28.57,5 (28241) Foto Video 15-M45 287. 4.51 32.38 1517.¦ 18.22 1357.¦ 21.44 1507.¦ 1466. Stancheris Vivian 1956 Biel/Bienne 1:12.46,3 28.58,5 (8170) Foto Video 15-M55 91. 4.51 32.05 1360.¦ 18.45 1523.¦ 21.55 1576.¦ 1467. Waeber Laurent 1968 Romont FR 1:12.47,0 28.59,2 (5235) Foto Video 15-M45 288. 4.51 32.41 1534.¦ 18.24 1369.¦ 21.41 1486.¦ 1468. Loosli Thomas 1986 Zürich 1:12.48,9 29.01,1 (10087) Foto Video 15-M20 327. 4.51 31.55 1322.¦ 19.05 1675.¦ 21.47 1527.¦ 1469. Terreaux Sébastien 1976 Salvenach 1:12.49,2 29.01,4 (28337) Foto Video 15-M35 210. 4.51 32.34 1496.¦ 18.32 1425.¦ 21.42 1495.¦ 1470. Sturzenegger Rolf 1956 Wädenswil 1:12.49,4 29.01,6 (7672) Foto Video 15-M55 92. 4.51 32.52 1593.¦ 18.20 1342.¦ 21.35 1440.¦ 1471. Rappo Roger 1983 Düdingen 1:12.49,8 29.02,0 (4193) Foto Video 15-M20 328. 4.51 33.13 1687.¦ 18.24 1374.¦ 21.12 1300.¦ 1472. Imperatori Claudio, Zollikofen 1971 Imperatori 1:12.50,2 29.02,4 (10046) Foto Video 15-M40 248. 4.51 32.41 1539.¦ 18.48 1548.¦ 21.20 1362.¦ 1473. Amport Markus 1964 Grossaffoltern 1:12.50,5 29.02,7 (5013) Foto Video 15-M45 289. 4.51 31.58 1335.¦ 18.30 1413.¦ 22.21 1752.¦ 1473. Reymond Fabrice, Neuchâtel 1977 Faylys 1:12.50,5 29.02,7 (10157) Foto Video 15-M35 211. 4.51 33.15 1699.¦ 18.36 1452.¦ 20.57 1200.¦ 1475. Jemini Enrico 1963 Prugiasco 1:12.50,8 29.03,0 (9002) Foto Video 15-M50 197. 4.51 33.04 1643.¦ 18.26 1382.¦ 21.19 1355.¦ 1476. Röthlisberger Pierre 1955 Grellingen 1:12.51,5 29.03,7 (10169) Foto Video 15-M55 93. 4.51 32.46 1563.¦ 18.35 1447.¦ 21.29 1403.¦ 1477. Dubey Eric 1969 Sévaz 1:12.51,8 29.04,0 (6094) Foto Video 15-M40 249. 4.51 32.27 1456.¦ 19.16 1771.¦ 21.08 1273.¦ 1478. Duber Martin 1973 Effretikon 1:12.51,9 29.04,1 (22025) Foto Video 15-M40 250. 4.51 32.27 1460.¦ 18.15 1302.¦ 22.08 1661.¦ 1479. Dietrich Sébastien 1987 Les Ecasseys 1:12.52,5 29.04,7 (9250) Foto Video 15-M20 329. 4.51 33.07 1655.¦ 18.32 1428.¦ 21.12 1303.¦ 1480. Baum Christian 1968 Nidau 1:12.54,6 29.06,8 (5286) Foto Video 15-M45 290. 4.51 32.07 1372.¦ 18.43 1507.¦ 22.03 1627.¦ 1481. Raemy Hugo 1951 Liebistorf 1:12.55,0 29.07,2 (4191) Foto Video 15-M60 37. 4.51 32.19 1422.¦ 19.00 1633.¦ 21.35 1433.¦ 1482. Wiesendanger Marcel 1973 Biberist 1:12.55,4 29.07,6 (4289) Foto Video 15-M40 251. 4.51 32.28 1465.¦ 18.19 1328.¦ 22.07 1654.¦ 1483. Krebs Daniel 1974 Münchenbuchsee 1:12.56,3 29.08,5 (5091) Foto Video 15-M35 212. 4.51 32.29 1474.¦ 18.46 1536.¦ 21.40 1471.¦ 1484. Sperl Daniel 1967 Waltenschwil 1:12.57,7 29.09,9 (2080) Foto Video 15-M45 291. 4.51 31.35 1246.¦ 18.49 1557.¦ 22.32 1829.¦ 1485. Stojic Oleg 1956 Interlaken 1:12.59,2 29.11,4 (12023) Foto Video 15-M55 94. 4.51 32.37 1510.¦ 18.43 1508.¦ 21.38 1462.¦ 1486. Richoz Philippe 1957 Marin-Epagnier 1:13.00,4 29.12,6 (8088) Foto Video 15-M55 95. 4.52 32.06 1364.¦ 18.39 1474.¦ 22.15 1710.¦ 1487. Kreienbühl Thierry 1964 Ueberstorf 1:13.00,9 29.13,1 (6256) Foto Video 15-M45 292. 4.52 32.27 1456.¦ 18.49 1556.¦ 21.44 1503.¦ 1488. Williner Alfons 1955 Naters 1:13.01,1 29.13,3 (3254) Foto Video 15-M55 96. 4.52 32.04 1356.¦ 18.59 1624.¦ 21.57 1587.¦ 1489. Siegenthaler Daniel 1965 Studen BE 1:13.01,6 29.13,8 (5120) Foto Video 15-M45 293. 4.52 32.47 1569.¦ 18.31 1420.¦ 21.42 1496.¦ 1489. Touren Romain, F-Gaillard 1970 BNP PARIBASPORT 1:13.01,6 29.13,8 (8195) Foto Video 15-M40 252. 4.52 32.56 1605.¦ 18.40 1485.¦ 21.24 1379.¦ 1491. Michel Christophe 1968 Petit-Lancy 1:13.02,3 29.14,5 (10109) Foto Video 15-M45 294. 4.52 33.09 1666.¦ 18.29 1401.¦ 21.23 1378.¦ 1492. Reber Martin 1969 Rosshäusern 1:13.02,7 29.14,9 (7597) Foto Video 15-M40 253. 4.52 32.31 1484.¦ 18.52 1573.¦ 21.38 1465.¦ 1493. Doumenc Philippe 1963 Morrens VD 1:13.03,3 29.15,5 (7376) Foto Video 15-M50 198. 4.52 33.31 1762.¦ 18.18 1321.¦ 21.13 1316.¦ 1494. Lerch Roland 1969 Courgevaux 1:13.03,4 29.15,6 (5096) Foto Video 15-M40 254. 4.52 32.00 1342.¦ 18.42 1495.¦ 22.21 1749.¦ 1495. Scheidegger Willy 1962 Zollikofen 1:13.04,0 29.16,2 (5181) Foto Video 15-M50 199. 4.52 31.33 1233.¦ 18.34 1437.¦ 22.56 1969.¦ 1496. Kramer Marco 1990 Liebistorf 1:13.04,7 29.16,9 (5326) Foto Video 15-M20 330. 4.52 33.56 1867.¦ 18.04 1222.¦ 21.03 1244.¦ 1496. Schaffner Daniel-Marc 1972 Hasle-Rüegsau 1:13.04,7 29.16,9 (8298) Foto Video 15-M40 255. 4.52 33.32 1765.¦ 18.16 1311.¦ 21.15 1328.¦ 1498. Jungo Paul 1950 Posieux 1:13.05,0 29.17,2 (5085) Foto Video 15-M60 38. 4.52 32.38 1512.¦ 19.09 1705.¦ 21.17 1344.¦ 1499. Wälti Hans Rudolf, Amsoldingen 1966 Lauftreff Bircher 1:13.05,3 29.17,5 (9051) Foto Video 15-M45 295. 4.52 32.31 1482.¦ 18.50 1563.¦ 21.43 1501.¦ 1500. Brantschen Reto 1975 Murten 1:13.05,4 29.17,6 (3159) Foto Video 15-M35 213. 4.52 31.10 1129.¦ 19.07 1689.¦ 22.47 1921.¦

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