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15 km Overall

35. Kerzerslauf 2013 - 15 km Overall

Ränge: 4501-5000 (1:46.35,5)
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt Start-Niederried ¦Niederried-Golaten ¦ Golaten-Ziel ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4501. Köhler Sabrina 1990 F-Crozet 1:46.35,5 1:02.47,7 (15107) Foto Video 15-F20 384. 7.06 46.43 4446.¦ 27.10 4434.¦ 32.41 4432.¦ 4502. Cifka Alfred 1937 Kallnach 1:46.43,0 1:02.55,2 (8273) Foto Video 15-M70 49. 7.06 46.43 4447.¦ 27.46 4457.¦ 32.12 4412.¦ 4503. Lenz Dietmar 1954 Weggis 1:46.44,3 1:02.56,5 (15163) Foto Video 15-M55 291. 7.06 47.32 4454.¦ 27.02 4430.¦ 32.09 4411.¦ 4504. Leisibach Vita 1973 Zug 1:46.47,3 1:02.59,5 (7521) Foto Video 15-F40 248. 7.07 45.09 4401.¦ 27.11 4435.¦ 34.27 4471.¦ 4505. Chenaux Jean-Pierre 1948 Penthalaz 1:46.51,0 1:03.03,2 (12223) Foto Video 15-M65 88. 7.07 46.44 4449.¦ 26.48 4418.¦ 33.18 4452.¦ 4506. Lourens Steven 1959 Spiegel b. Bern 1:47.08,3 1:03.20,5 (14261) Foto Video 15-M50 448. 7.08 45.48 4424.¦ 28.25 4478.¦ 32.54 4437.¦ 4507. Bianco Mireille 1973 Malleray 1:47.27,0 1:03.39,2 (15147) Foto Video 15-F40 249. 7.09 48.11 4467.¦ 27.56 4464.¦ 31.18 4379.¦ 4508. Keller Andrea, Hasle-Rüegsau 1997 Rock-Thisbeik-Krastwerk 1:47.56,8 1:04.09,0 (28203) Foto Video 15-U20F 24. 7.11 47.03 4451.¦ 28.28 4485.¦ 32.25 4420.¦ 4509. Niederer Sandra 1979 Küblis 1:47.59,4 1:04.11,6 (14278) Foto Video 15-F20 385. 7.11 48.13 4468.¦ 27.33 4453.¦ 32.13 4413.¦ 4510. Hofmann Cornelia 1956 Moosseedorf 1:48.01,4 1:04.13,6 (13029) Foto Video 15-F55 95. 7.12 46.21 4440.¦ 28.55 4505.¦ 32.44 4434.¦ --- Aubert Adrien 1977 Schüpfen 1:48.03,4 ----- (16081) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.12 46.19 ----¦ 26.18 ----¦ 35.25 ----¦ --- D'Annibale Katiusha 1988 Corserey 1:48.30,6 ----- (17038) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.14 48.41 ----¦ 26.24 ----¦ 33.24 ----¦ 4513. Heine Charles 1943 Bern 1:48.50,5 1:05.02,7 (15009) Foto Video 15-M70 50. 7.15 48.39 4476.¦ 27.43 4456.¦ 32.27 4421.¦ 4514. Moser Marianne 1961 Mühlethurnen 1:48.50,8 1:05.03,0 (15010) Foto Video 15-BF 3. 7.15 48.39 4475.¦ 27.42 4455.¦ 32.28 4423.¦ --- Brunner Josef 1960 Zuchwil 1:49.09,5 ----- (16136) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.16 48.06 ----¦ 26.54 ----¦ 34.09 ----¦ --- Brunner Katrin 1959 Zuchwil 1:49.11,1 ----- (16137) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.16 48.07 ----¦ 26.55 ----¦ 34.08 ----¦ 4517. Pasche Gabrielle 1963 St-Légier 1:49.15,0 1:05.27,2 (15099) Foto Video 15-F50 155. 7.17 47.47 4461.¦ 28.12 4473.¦ 33.14 4450.¦ 4518. Schwab Bruno 1962 Kerzers 1:49.26,1 1:05.38,3 (14048) Foto Video 15-M50 449. 7.17 43.02 4253.¦ 29.44 4544.¦ 36.38 4528.¦ 4519. Gustin Bénédicte 1983 Lausanne 1:49.31,9 1:05.44,1 (6171) Foto Video 15-F20 386. 7.18 48.36 4474.¦ 28.27 4483.¦ 32.28 4422.¦ 4520. Tuosto Maurice 1969 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:49.51,6 1:06.03,8 (15175) Foto Video 15-M40 482. 7.19 46.21 4438.¦ 27.21 4445.¦ 36.09 4511.¦ 4521. Schafroth Carmen 1959 Bern 1:49.55,3 1:06.07,5 (28120) Foto Video 15-F50 156. 7.19 48.23 4470.¦ 28.04 4468.¦ 33.26 4455.¦ 4522. Buholzer Valery 1996 Jona 1:49.58,4 1:06.10,6 (28031) Foto Video 15-U20F 25. 7.19 49.23 4490.¦ 27.18 4442.¦ 33.17 4451.¦ --- Scherz Daniel, Brügg BE 1971 Team Scherz Vitality 1:50.04,5 ----- (16095) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.20 49.18 ----¦ 26.51 ----¦ 33.54 ----¦ --- Hess Andreas, Meyriez 1961 AC Murten 1:50.07,3 ----- (17053) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.20 49.38 ----¦ 26.34 ----¦ 33.54 ----¦ 4525. Stegeman Gerard J. 1938 Büren a. A. 1:50.18,9 1:06.31,1 (15119) Foto Video 15-M70 51. 7.21 48.57 4485.¦ 28.50 4500.¦ 32.31 4425.¦ 4526. Bertholet Jean-Claude 1942 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 1:50.19,4 1:06.31,6 (15128) Foto Video 15-M70 52. 7.21 48.35 4473.¦ 27.55 4462.¦ 33.49 4460.¦ --- Bollin Roland 1962 Courgevaux 1:50.31,0 ----- (16015) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.22 48.57 ----¦ 27.12 ----¦ 34.21 ----¦ --- Jost Erwin 1955 Steffisburg 1:50.55,3 ----- (16104) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.23 49.56 ----¦ 27.05 ----¦ 33.52 ----¦ 4529. Vonlanthen Karin 1969 Müntschemier 1:51.15,9 1:07.28,1 (15123) Foto Video 15-F40 250. 7.25 48.47 4481.¦ 28.11 4471.¦ 34.17 4468.¦ 4530. Hämmerle Markus 1955 Grossaffoltern 1:51.25,6 1:07.37,8 (15053) Foto Video 15-M55 292. 7.25 48.51 4482.¦ 29.32 4536.¦ 33.02 4443.¦ 4531. Haemmerle Monica 1955 Grossaffoltern 1:51.25,7 1:07.37,9 (15049) Foto Video 15-F55 96. 7.25 48.52 4483.¦ 29.31 4534.¦ 33.01 4442.¦ 4532. Kohler Peter 1956 Ins 1:51.33,8 1:07.46,0 (14255) Foto Video 15-M55 293. 7.26 48.42 4479.¦ 29.10 4521.¦ 33.40 4458.¦ 4533. Pfaff Verena 1958 Gerlafingen 1:51.34,2 1:07.46,4 (7587) Foto Video 15-F55 97. 7.26 48.29 4471.¦ 29.00 4512.¦ 34.04 4465.¦ 4534. Kapp Jeanette 1954 Ettenhausen TG 1:51.36,4 1:07.48,6 (14104) Foto Video 15-F55 98. 7.26 49.11 4488.¦ 28.43 4495.¦ 33.41 4459.¦ 4535. Habegger Hans 1953 Utzigen 1:52.04,7 1:08.16,9 (2146) Foto Video 15-M60 152. 7.28 47.47 4462.¦ 29.57 4558.¦ 34.19 4469.¦ --- Pache Sylviane 1950 Bern 1:52.13,4 ----- (28219) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.28 50.20 ----¦ 27.20 ----¦ 34.32 ----¦ 4537. Leuenberger Corinne 1975 St-Blaise 1:52.22,7 1:08.34,9 (13092) Foto Video 15-F35 141. 7.29 47.40 4457.¦ 29.55 4554.¦ 34.46 4476.¦ 4538. Mäder Franziska, Rosshäusern 1992 Franziska Mäder 1:52.23,7 1:08.35,9 (13148) Foto Video 15-F20 387. 7.29 47.52 4463.¦ 29.53 4552.¦ 34.37 4473.¦ 4538. Pointet Sandrine 1982 Reconvilier 1:52.23,7 1:08.35,9 (15168) Foto Video 15-F20 387. 7.29 47.41 4458.¦ 29.55 4556.¦ 34.46 4475.¦ 4540. Rey Marius 1953 Belfaux 1:52.34,1 1:08.46,3 (13198) Foto Video 15-M60 153. 7.30 46.39 4445.¦ 28.51 4502.¦ 37.03 4541.¦ 4541. Lüthi Roland 1952 Gümligen 1:53.07,9 1:09.20,1 (7535) Foto Video 15-M60 154. 7.32 48.41 4477.¦ 28.46 4497.¦ 35.39 4500.¦ 4542. Spreng Waldmann Susanne 1971 Bern 1:53.13,1 1:09.25,3 (7655) Foto Video 15-F40 251. 7.32 49.11 4487.¦ 28.59 4508.¦ 35.02 4482.¦ 4543. Haesler Alexis 1981 Perroy 1:53.19,9 1:09.32,1 (15159) Foto Video 15-M20 539. 7.33 51.15 4511.¦ 28.59 4507.¦ 33.05 4446.¦ 4544. Henrioud Caroline 1977 Perroy 1:53.20,0 1:09.32,2 (15160) Foto Video 15-F35 142. 7.33 51.18 4514.¦ 28.56 4506.¦ 33.05 4445.¦ 4545. Durussel Sébastien 1977 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:53.24,1 1:09.36,3 (15156) Foto Video 15-M35 358. 7.33 48.55 4484.¦ 29.08 4518.¦ 35.20 4488.¦ --- Python Sabrina 1969 Romont FR 1:53.40,4 ----- (17022) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.34 50.19 ----¦ 27.57 ----¦ 35.23 ----¦ --- Wyss Beat 1964 Bern 1:53.46,7 ----- (16101) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.35 50.35 ----¦ 27.32 ----¦ 35.39 ----¦ --- Jost Ruth Eva 1958 Steffisburg 1:53.52,1 ----- (16116) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.35 50.48 ----¦ 27.24 ----¦ 35.39 ----¦ 4549. Rebetez Béatrice 1971 Le Locle 1:54.01,4 1:10.13,6 (15117) Foto Video 15-F40 252. 7.36 49.41 4492.¦ 29.34 4538.¦ 34.45 4474.¦ --- Greub Hanspeter 1947 Oberönz 1:54.06,3 ----- (16024) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.36 49.43 ----¦ 28.05 ----¦ 36.17 ----¦ --- Masin Daniela 1978 Genève 1:54.10,9 ----- (16091) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.36 50.20 ----¦ 28.27 ----¦ 35.23 ----¦ --- Tramaux Marc 1947 Marin-Epagnier 1:54.11,5 ----- (16098) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.36 50.13 ----¦ 28.06 ----¦ 35.51 ----¦ --- Streit Jürg 1951 Zollikofen 1:54.13,7 ----- (16099) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.36 50.30 ----¦ 27.53 ----¦ 35.50 ----¦ --- Beeli Reto, Wohlen b. Bern 1957 Jogging Club Bern 1:54.18,0 ----- (16107) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.37 51.08 ----¦ 27.55 ----¦ 35.14 ----¦ 4555. Rosset Bernard 1948 Lausanne 1:54.18,3 1:10.30,5 (14292) Foto Video 15-M65 89. 7.37 48.45 4480.¦ 30.21 4580.¦ 35.11 4483.¦ --- Decrind Frederic 1967 Versoix 1:54.20,8 ----- (28268) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.37 50.47 ----¦ 28.33 ----¦ 35.00 ----¦ 4557. Schwab Carole 1982 Lurtigen 1:54.25,9 1:10.38,1 (50004) Foto Video 15-FV 17. 7.37 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4558. Hein Michael 1968 Arbon 1:55.18,3 1:11.30,5 (7464) Foto Video 15-M45 583. 7.41 50.19 4499.¦ 29.31 4533.¦ 35.27 4495.¦ --- Hernandez Aubry Isabelle 1965 F-Prevessin Moens 1:55.23,8 ----- (17012) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.41 51.41 ----¦ 28.22 ----¦ 35.19 ----¦ --- Peiry Marc 1974 Treyvaux 1:55.24,4 ----- (16046) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.41 50.31 ----¦ 28.32 ----¦ 36.20 ----¦ --- Günther Werner 1960 Bülach 1:55.27,0 ----- (17052) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.41 53.02 ----¦ 27.30 ----¦ 34.54 ----¦ --- Leautaud Anja 1968 Lommiswil 1:55.32,9 ----- (18030) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.42 51.05 ----¦ 28.33 ----¦ 35.53 ----¦ 4563. Jakob Céline 1957 Colombier NE 1:55.41,6 1:11.53,8 (13052) Foto Video 15-F55 99. 7.42 50.36 4505.¦ 29.39 4541.¦ 35.25 4494.¦ 4564. Pfaff Beat 1957 Gerlafingen 1:55.45,2 1:11.57,4 (7586) Foto Video 15-M55 294. 7.43 48.29 4472.¦ 29.14 4523.¦ 38.01 4571.¦ --- Stettler Monika 1972 Jeuss 1:55.51,9 ----- (16113) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.43 51.15 ----¦ 28.23 ----¦ 36.12 ----¦ 4566. Barozzi Eveline, Thörishaus 1959 Barozzi 1:55.58,3 1:12.10,5 (15180) Foto Video 15-F50 157. 7.43 51.15 4512.¦ 29.41 4542.¦ 35.01 4481.¦ --- Chanson-Gendre Jacqueline Françoise 1960 Cornaux NE 1:56.06,9 ----- (16115) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.44 51.49 ----¦ 28.26 ----¦ 35.51 ----¦ 4568. Cattin Martina 1969 Boudevilliers 1:56.22,4 1:12.34,6 (15152) Foto Video 15-F40 253. 7.45 50.02 4496.¦ 30.41 4600.¦ 35.39 4498.¦ --- Hofstetter Christine 1972 Grosshöchstetten 1:56.50,2 ----- (16105) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.47 51.27 ----¦ 28.39 ----¦ 36.43 ----¦ 4570. Perler Christian 1953 Lausanne 1:56.52,8 1:13.05,0 (50092) Foto Video 15-MV 45. 7.47 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Barcellini Olivier 1959 Aire-la-Ville 1:57.14,9 ----- (17085) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.48 51.39 ----¦ 28.37 ----¦ 36.57 ----¦ --- Barcellini Line 1960 Aire-la-Ville 1:57.16,1 ----- (17084) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.49 51.40 ----¦ 28.37 ----¦ 36.57 ----¦ --- Mäder Christoph, Fribourg 1968 OSW 1:57.20,6 ----- (16079) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.49 52.31 ----¦ 28.25 ----¦ 36.24 ----¦ --- Lüthi Kurt-W., Bern 1950 Jogging Club Bern 1:57.22,7 ----- (16090) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.49 52.37 ----¦ 28.30 ----¦ 36.15 ----¦ 4575. Scheidegger Hans Peter 1942 Schliern b. Köniz 1:57.24,3 1:13.36,5 (13224) Foto Video 15-M70 53. 7.49 51.20 4515.¦ 31.14 4628.¦ 34.49 4477.¦ 4576. Stutzmann Olivier 1947 Ste-Croix 1:57.34,7 1:13.46,9 (15081) Foto Video 15-M65 90. 7.50 52.29 4534.¦ 29.45 4545.¦ 35.19 4486.¦ --- Mosimann Ruedi 1948 Winterthur 1:57.34,9 ----- (16045) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.50 52.20 ----¦ 28.59 ----¦ 36.14 ----¦ --- Mäder Ruth 1971 Samstagern 1:57.36,9 ----- (17034) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.50 52.46 ----¦ 28.27 ----¦ 36.23 ----¦ --- Baptiste Helene 1950 Lussery-Villars 1:57.42,7 ----- (16086) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.50 52.28 ----¦ 29.08 ----¦ 36.05 ----¦ --- Ramseyer Ursula 1949 Niederwangen b. Bern 1:57.45,5 ----- (16097) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.51 51.50 ----¦ 29.18 ----¦ 36.36 ----¦ --- Tüscher Daniela 1970 Kallnach 1:57.47,0 ----- (16114) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.51 53.02 ----¦ 28.47 ----¦ 35.56 ----¦ --- Suchet Stéphane, Les Avanchets 1973 MISV 1:57.50,4 ----- (18128) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.51 53.18 ----¦ 28.52 ----¦ 35.39 ----¦ --- Marquis Stämpfli Marie-Claude 1965 Mervelier 1:57.52,6 ----- (16117) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.51 53.46 ----¦ 28.44 ----¦ 35.21 ----¦ --- Marty Marco, Guttet-Feschel 1958 Gnoggär Walker 1:57.53,8 ----- (17056) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.51 50.43 ----¦ 29.10 ----¦ 38.00 ----¦ --- Sterchi Kathrin 1962 Jegenstorf 1:57.55,7 ----- (17108) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.51 52.30 ----¦ 29.04 ----¦ 36.20 ----¦ --- Wilhelmi Rolf 1954 Riggisberg 1:57.56,9 ----- (17030) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.51 52.29 ----¦ 28.50 ----¦ 36.37 ----¦ --- Haller Walter 1955 Wittenbach 1:57.59,3 ----- (17010) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.51 52.16 ----¦ 29.23 ----¦ 36.19 ----¦ --- Stammbach Hélène 1953 Kleindöttingen 1:58.00,2 ----- (16119) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.52 51.54 ----¦ 29.25 ----¦ 36.39 ----¦ --- Schatt Dominique 1967 Biel/Bienne 1:58.03,8 ----- (17104) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.52 52.45 ----¦ 28.38 ----¦ 36.39 ----¦ 4590. Schlegel Kathrin 1957 Kerzers 1:58.04,6 1:14.16,8 (50009) Foto Video 15-FV 18. 7.52 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Mühlebach Nicole, Bassersdorf 1969 smrun 1:58.04,8 ----- (16110) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.52 52.00 ----¦ 28.27 ----¦ 37.36 ----¦ 4592. Guggisberg Markus 1960 Kerzers 1:58.05,2 1:14.17,4 (50036) Foto Video 15-MV 46. 7.52 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4593. Pletschet René 1934 Zermatt 1:58.19,2 1:14.31,4 (15073) Foto Video 15-M70 54. 7.53 52.41 4539.¦ 29.02 4514.¦ 36.35 4525.¦ --- Meylan Joel 1995 Vuissens 1:58.49,8 ----- (16092) Foto Video 15-WU20M 7.55 51.25 ----¦ 28.53 ----¦ 38.31 ----¦ --- Cavin Olivier 1969 Grandson 1:58.55,4 ----- (18115) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.55 54.05 ----¦ 28.38 ----¦ 36.11 ----¦ 4596. Deuvaert Armand 1943 Grandvaux 1:59.04,3 1:15.16,5 (15032) Foto Video 15-M70 55. 7.56 47.46 4460.¦ 30.31 4588.¦ 40.45 4698.¦ --- Ackermann Antoinette 1953 Alterswil FR 1:59.08,5 ----- (12134) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.56 53.23 ----¦ 29.28 ----¦ 36.16 ----¦ --- Wicht Ronald 1952 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:59.15,9 ----- (16007) Foto Video 15-WM20 7.57 52.15 ----¦ 29.59 ----¦ 37.00 ----¦ 4599. Reber Christine 1961 Goldiwil (Thun) 1:59.16,7 1:15.28,9 (14286) Foto Video 15-F50 158. 7.57 52.37 4537.¦ 31.23 4636.¦ 35.16 4485.¦ --- Zürcher Marlène 1963 Murten 1:59.27,7 ----- (16133) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.57 53.44 ----¦ 29.00 ----¦ 36.42 ----¦ --- Vögeli Ira, Fällanden 1981 SCHAKO 1:59.27,8 ----- (16140) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.57 53.45 ----¦ 29.00 ----¦ 36.41 ----¦ --- Hauser Liliane 1964 Bourguillon 1:59.28,4 ----- (17011) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.57 53.45 ----¦ 29.00 ----¦ 36.42 ----¦ 4603. Gogniat Micheline 1958 Oulens-sous-Echallens 1:59.28,9 1:15.41,1 (12314) Foto Video 15-F55 100. 7.57 45.57 4433.¦ 32.28 4698.¦ 41.02 4711.¦ --- Kernen Marlyse 1959 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:59.31,4 ----- (17040) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.58 52.10 ----¦ 29.48 ----¦ 37.32 ----¦ --- Krähenbühl Eveline 1971 Kerzers 1:59.31,4 ----- (16139) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.58 52.10 ----¦ 29.49 ----¦ 37.31 ----¦ --- Nicolet Charlotte 1964 La Neuveville 1:59.45,1 ----- (17019) Foto Video 15-WF20 7.59 52.23 ----¦ 29.37 ----¦ 37.43 ----¦ --- Giamboni Gabriele 1958 Olivone 2:00.16,1 ----- (17064) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.01 53.45 ----¦ 29.28 ----¦ 37.01 ----¦ --- Gilliéron Martine, Torny-le-Grand 1965 CARC 2:00.18,1 ----- (17008) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.01 53.11 ----¦ 29.51 ----¦ 37.15 ----¦ --- Delley Michèle 1962 Vauderens 2:00.19,2 ----- (14219) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.01 56.02 ----¦ 29.23 ----¦ 34.52 ----¦ --- Allemann Hanni 1951 Lommiswil 2:00.23,7 ----- (16126) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.01 53.27 ----¦ 29.16 ----¦ 37.40 ----¦ --- Zinecker Carlo, Schaffhausen 1944 LWS 2:01.27,7 ----- (16065) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.05 53.10 ----¦ 29.41 ----¦ 38.36 ----¦ 4612. Zattarin Bruno 1959 Fräschels 2:01.29,8 1:17.42,0 (50072) Foto Video 15-MV 47. 8.05 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Freiburghaus Stefan 1963 Schwanden im Emmental 2:01.30,8 ----- (16088) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.06 56.32 ----¦ 28.47 ----¦ 36.10 ----¦ --- Menzi Walter 1950 Volketswil 2:01.40,8 ----- (16130) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.06 54.10 ----¦ 29.54 ----¦ 37.35 ----¦ --- Kurt Franz 1958 Aegerten 2:01.41,7 ----- (17015) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.06 54.43 ----¦ 29.27 ----¦ 37.30 ----¦ --- Lüdi-Jörg Annette 1967 Utzigen 2:01.44,2 ----- (17016) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.06 54.43 ----¦ 29.27 ----¦ 37.33 ----¦ --- Scheurer Heidi 1954 Seedorf BE 2:01.44,2 ----- (16080) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.06 54.06 ----¦ 30.21 ----¦ 37.16 ----¦ --- Graudus Pia 1956 Gland 2:01.49,8 ----- (18058) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.07 55.12 ----¦ 29.31 ----¦ 37.05 ----¦ --- Macdermott Mike 1953 Founex 2:01.51,1 ----- (18076) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.07 55.10 ----¦ 29.33 ----¦ 37.06 ----¦ --- Adolf Max 1950 Zollikofen 2:01.55,2 ----- (18019) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.07 55.04 ----¦ 29.37 ----¦ 37.14 ----¦ --- Baumberger Felicitas 1956 Frauenfeld 2:02.15,7 ----- (17001) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.09 54.22 ----¦ 30.06 ----¦ 37.47 ----¦ --- Schwitter Rosie 1950 St-Sulpice VD 2:02.16,3 ----- (18039) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.09 54.58 ----¦ 30.04 ----¦ 37.12 ----¦ --- Mani Hanna 1947 Belp 2:02.19,0 ----- (18062) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.09 54.49 ----¦ 29.50 ----¦ 37.38 ----¦ --- Kottelat Hubert 1958 Mervelier 2:02.31,9 ----- (16102) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.10 54.56 ----¦ 29.03 ----¦ 38.32 ----¦ --- Kottelat Marlyse 1959 Mervelier 2:02.31,9 ----- (16106) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.10 54.14 ----¦ 29.45 ----¦ 38.32 ----¦ --- Preisig Jocelyne 1956 Biberist 2:02.35,0 ----- (16112) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.10 54.29 ----¦ 30.08 ----¦ 37.57 ----¦ --- Graf Edith 1956 Fraubrunnen 2:02.35,2 ----- (16103) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.10 53.59 ----¦ 30.14 ----¦ 38.21 ----¦ --- Fürst Ulrich 1957 Gurbrü 2:02.37,4 ----- (17039) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.10 53.29 ----¦ 30.35 ----¦ 38.32 ----¦ --- Wüthrich Hans 1961 Eggiwil 2:02.47,3 ----- (17031) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.11 56.28 ----¦ 29.11 ----¦ 37.07 ----¦ --- Danner Georges 1945 Solothurn 2:02.47,5 ----- (17048) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.11 54.30 ----¦ 30.16 ----¦ 38.00 ----¦ --- Tonna Jean-Marc 1967 Courtelary 2:02.52,5 ----- (17027) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.11 55.32 ----¦ 30.06 ----¦ 37.14 ----¦ --- Clerc René 1965 Liebistorf 2:02.57,7 ----- (17091) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.11 54.29 ----¦ 30.10 ----¦ 38.17 ----¦ 4633. Jeschka Eva 1982 D-Frankfurt 2:03.11,3 1:19.23,5 (15056) Foto Video 15-F20 389. 8.12 52.55 4542.¦ 31.21 4635.¦ 38.55 4619.¦ --- Dumoulin Pierre 1950 Fribourg 2:03.13,3 ----- (16108) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.12 54.21 ----¦ 31.15 ----¦ 37.36 ----¦ --- Frei Röbi, Winterthur 1940 Winti Power-Team 2:03.26,9 ----- (16128) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.13 55.37 ----¦ 30.37 ----¦ 37.12 ----¦ --- Bühler Annemarie 1958 Belp 2:03.28,6 ----- (16122) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.13 54.43 ----¦ 30.07 ----¦ 38.38 ----¦ --- von Büren Roland 1957 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 2:03.29,3 ----- (16131) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.13 55.01 ----¦ 29.48 ----¦ 38.39 ----¦ --- Steinmann Monica 1960 Arlesheim 2:03.42,6 ----- (16120) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.14 54.20 ----¦ 30.30 ----¦ 38.51 ----¦ --- Vulliemin Sebastien 1967 Ste-Croix 2:03.45,3 ----- (16096) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.15 54.19 ----¦ 30.47 ----¦ 38.38 ----¦ --- Tonna Brigitte 1965 Courtelary 2:03.45,7 ----- (17026) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.15 55.32 ----¦ 30.06 ----¦ 38.06 ----¦ --- Trachsel Doris 1958 Biel/Bienne 2:03.46,5 ----- (17046) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.15 54.52 ----¦ 30.39 ----¦ 38.14 ----¦ --- Walker Rosmarie 1954 Hettiswil b. Hindelbank 2:03.47,0 ----- (16100) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.15 55.35 ----¦ 30.41 ----¦ 37.29 ----¦ --- Maillard-Demierre Anne 1963 Marly 2:03.47,1 ----- (17099) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.15 56.49 ----¦ 29.55 ----¦ 37.02 ----¦ --- Brunner Florence 1956 Corserey 2:03.47,3 ----- (17037) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.15 56.48 ----¦ 29.56 ----¦ 37.03 ----¦ --- Zwahlen Susanne 1947 Nyon 2:03.48,1 ----- (17059) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.15 55.36 ----¦ 30.04 ----¦ 38.07 ----¦ --- Freudiger Andrea 1968 Büren an der Aare 2:03.51,9 ----- (17007) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.15 55.38 ----¦ 30.19 ----¦ 37.54 ----¦ 4647. Köhler Dietrich 1940 F-Crozet 2:03.57,9 1:20.10,1 (15162) Foto Video 15-M70 56. 8.15 53.06 4545.¦ 31.51 4664.¦ 38.59 4622.¦ --- Rätz-Styner Karin 1966 Busswil b. Büren 2:03.58,3 ----- (17070) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.15 54.31 ----¦ 30.17 ----¦ 39.08 ----¦ --- Gumy Conrad 1945 Préverenges 2:04.01,6 ----- (16125) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.16 54.27 ----¦ 31.01 ----¦ 38.32 ----¦ --- Hübscher Barbara 1977 Bargen BE 2:04.02,5 ----- (17073) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.16 55.17 ----¦ 30.17 ----¦ 38.27 ----¦ --- Meier Ruth 1950 Utzenstorf 2:04.02,5 ----- (17047) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.16 55.18 ----¦ 30.18 ----¦ 38.25 ----¦ --- Köppel Renate, Guttet-Feschel 1969 Gnoggär Walker 2:04.04,3 ----- (17054) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.16 54.27 ----¦ 30.45 ----¦ 38.51 ----¦ --- Huber Peter 1961 Lenzburg 2:04.14,0 ----- (16070) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.16 54.56 ----¦ 30.36 ----¦ 38.40 ----¦ --- Hofer Rolf 1937 Orpund 2:04.14,3 ----- (17095) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.16 55.51 ----¦ 30.57 ----¦ 37.25 ----¦ --- Pfister Christa 1976 Kerzers 2:04.14,4 ----- (17044) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.16 55.29 ----¦ 30.04 ----¦ 38.40 ----¦ --- Pfister Hans 1952 Kerzers 2:04.15,1 ----- (17045) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.17 55.30 ----¦ 30.04 ----¦ 38.40 ----¦ 4657. Münger Andreas 1958 Lugnorre 2:04.15,5 1:20.27,7 (15165) Foto Video 15-M55 295. 8.17 53.06 4546.¦ 30.29 4584.¦ 40.39 4696.¦ --- Walthert Sandrine 1993 Villeret 2:04.16,7 ----- (16060) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.17 57.13 ----¦ 31.02 ----¦ 36.00 ----¦ --- Jaunin Clara 1958 Le Landeron 2:04.17,6 ----- (17043) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.17 55.39 ----¦ 30.21 ----¦ 38.15 ----¦ --- Freiburghaus Patricia 1965 Schwanden i.E. 2:04.19,9 ----- (17062) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.17 56.14 ----¦ 30.38 ----¦ 37.26 ----¦ --- Reber Vreni 1962 Burgdorf 2:04.38,4 ----- (28111) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.18 55.35 ----¦ 30.29 ----¦ 38.33 ----¦ --- Schär Paul 1942 Rüti b. Riggisberg 2:04.40,9 ----- (17041) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.18 54.25 ----¦ 31.08 ----¦ 39.06 ----¦ --- Möri Beat 1956 Krauchthal 2:04.43,5 ----- (16005) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.18 54.32 ----¦ 30.34 ----¦ 39.37 ----¦ --- Bourquin Barbara 1956 Diesse 2:04.43,9 ----- (17003) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.18 55.34 ----¦ 30.11 ----¦ 38.57 ----¦ --- Petitpierre Ariane 1959 F-Gaillard 2:04.44,7 ----- (18121) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.18 55.05 ----¦ 30.57 ----¦ 38.41 ----¦ --- Vollenwyder Christof 1969 Spiegel bei Bern 2:04.45,5 ----- (17029) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.19 58.23 ----¦ 29.09 ----¦ 37.12 ----¦ --- Egger Ruth 1949 Prêles 2:04.47,0 ----- (17035) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.19 55.36 ----¦ 30.11 ----¦ 38.59 ----¦ --- Pittet Bernard 1955 Biel/Bienne 2:04.52,8 ----- (16123) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.19 55.53 ----¦ 30.12 ----¦ 38.46 ----¦ --- von Siebenthal Barbara 1963 Feutersoey 2:04.54,8 ----- (16121) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.19 55.10 ----¦ 30.35 ----¦ 39.08 ----¦ --- Perritaz Daniela 1968 Villarlod 2:04.57,7 ----- (17021) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.19 57.09 ----¦ 31.42 ----¦ 36.05 ----¦ --- Collaud Marie-Christine 1965 St-Aubin FR 2:04.59,3 ----- (12227) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.19 57.10 ----¦ 31.42 ----¦ 36.06 ----¦ --- Kloter Rudolf 1965 Döttingen 2:05.04,0 ----- (17110) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.20 55.44 ----¦ 30.51 ----¦ 38.28 ----¦ --- Affeltranger Sandy 1971 Ruswil 2:05.16,4 ----- (17082) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.21 56.22 ----¦ 30.42 ----¦ 38.12 ----¦ --- Ahl Sergio 1951 Schaffhausen 2:05.20,1 ----- (16009) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.21 56.11 ----¦ 30.57 ----¦ 38.11 ----¦ --- Bürki Rosmarie 1944 Zuchwil 2:05.20,5 ----- (17063) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.21 55.57 ----¦ 30.40 ----¦ 38.43 ----¦ --- Marquis Caroline 1966 Mervelier 2:05.33,2 ----- (28091) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.22 56.08 ----¦ 30.15 ----¦ 39.09 ----¦ --- Günther Jacqueline 1963 Bülach 2:05.34,1 ----- (17051) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.22 56.03 ----¦ 31.07 ----¦ 38.23 ----¦ --- Marchesini Nicole 1975 Münsingen 2:05.45,5 ----- (18100) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.23 56.40 ----¦ 30.24 ----¦ 38.40 ----¦ --- Hiort Agnete 1958 Jeuss 2:05.47,7 ----- (16089) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.23 56.55 ----¦ 30.48 ----¦ 38.04 ----¦ --- Ritter Marianne 1981 Le Landeron 2:05.51,8 ----- (17102) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.23 56.13 ----¦ 30.35 ----¦ 39.02 ----¦ --- Schär Beatrice 1966 Bolligen 2:06.04,3 ----- (17057) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.24 55.16 ----¦ 30.54 ----¦ 39.53 ----¦ 4682. Rektorik Jiri 1936 Genève 2:06.11,0 1:22.23,2 (15133) Foto Video 15-M70 57. 8.24 54.45 4579.¦ 33.35 4755.¦ 37.49 4566.¦ --- Moser-Aebi Adelheid 1952 Spiez 2:06.15,3 ----- (17100) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.25 56.22 ----¦ 30.51 ----¦ 39.01 ----¦ --- Pingeon-Pieren Véronique 1965 Enges 2:06.16,4 ----- (18003) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.25 56.30 ----¦ 31.04 ----¦ 38.41 ----¦ --- Ventimiglia Christine 1967 Biel/Bienne 2:06.17,7 ----- (16058) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.25 56.03 ----¦ 30.36 ----¦ 39.37 ----¦ --- Viol Jan-Peer 1966 Kerzers 2:06.25,2 ----- (17028) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.25 55.35 ----¦ 30.52 ----¦ 39.57 ----¦ --- Hejda Eva 1948 Fribourg 2:06.25,3 ----- (16006) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.25 56.40 ----¦ 30.53 ----¦ 38.52 ----¦ --- Balmat Danielle 1962 Corpataux-Magnedens 2:06.27,2 ----- (28421) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.25 56.38 ----¦ 31.17 ----¦ 38.30 ----¦ --- Balmat Jacqueline 1958 Romont FR 2:06.29,4 ----- (28422) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.25 56.40 ----¦ 31.17 ----¦ 38.31 ----¦ --- Kopp Hans Martin 1963 Wiedlisbach 2:06.37,7 ----- (16032) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.26 56.17 ----¦ 31.00 ----¦ 39.19 ----¦ --- Haller Dora 1959 Wittenbach 2:06.41,0 ----- (17009) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.26 55.44 ----¦ 31.02 ----¦ 39.54 ----¦ --- Pfander Thomas 1970 Liebistorf 2:06.47,4 ----- (16048) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.27 57.07 ----¦ 30.52 ----¦ 38.47 ----¦ 4693. Schwab Urs 1948 Fräschels 2:06.50,2 1:23.02,4 (50002) Foto Video 15-MV 48. 8.27 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Dos Santos Claudine 1964 Avry-devant-Pont 2:07.00,8 ----- (17005) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.28 55.01 ----¦ 31.44 ----¦ 40.14 ----¦ 4695. Tschachtli Sandra 1967 Kerzers 2:07.13,1 1:23.25,3 (50109) Foto Video 15-FV 19. 8.28 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4696. Schenk Ruth 1966 Steinhausen 2:07.13,3 1:23.25,5 (50107) Foto Video 15-FV 20. 8.28 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Vetsch Ernst 1940 St. Gallen 2:07.17,7 ----- (17111) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.29 56.45 ----¦ 30.47 ----¦ 39.44 ----¦ 4698. Frossard Narcisse Louis 1936 Lausanne 2:07.24,5 1:23.36,7 (28279) Foto Video 15-M70 58. 8.29 52.28 4531.¦ 33.28 4751.¦ 41.27 4723.¦ --- Achermann Marion 1982 Tavannes 2:07.26,3 ----- (28376) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.29 57.19 ----¦ 30.57 ----¦ 39.09 ----¦ --- Lingg Gisela 1962 Gipf-Oberfrick 2:07.37,1 ----- (16036) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.30 56.51 ----¦ 31.43 ----¦ 39.02 ----¦ --- Howald Peter 1946 Biel/Bienne 2:07.40,5 ----- (17096) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.30 57.00 ----¦ 32.04 ----¦ 38.34 ----¦ --- Müller Eliane 1969 Büetigen 2:07.41,0 ----- (17078) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.30 56.59 ----¦ 32.02 ----¦ 38.39 ----¦ --- Mosimann Franziska 1974 Worben 2:07.41,2 ----- (18101) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.30 56.52 ----¦ 31.19 ----¦ 39.29 ----¦ --- Züger Beatrice 1962 Giubiasco 2:07.41,7 ----- (17033) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.30 56.14 ----¦ 31.15 ----¦ 40.11 ----¦ --- Gysel Christoph 1956 Zuchwil 2:07.45,3 ----- (18070) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.31 1:00.39 ----¦ 30.38 ----¦ 36.27 ----¦ --- Juchli Ralph 1967 Mägenwil 2:07.55,2 ----- (17013) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.31 56.39 ----¦ 31.25 ----¦ 39.50 ----¦ --- Kobel Christine 1963 Langenthal 2:07.57,6 ----- (17014) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.31 56.41 ----¦ 31.24 ----¦ 39.51 ----¦ --- Hladny-Diouf Dorota 1967 Genève 2:08.04,4 ----- (18059) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.32 57.46 ----¦ 31.12 ----¦ 39.05 ----¦ --- Brudermann Adrian 1962 Rumisberg 2:08.08,1 ----- (17076) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.32 58.20 ----¦ 30.31 ----¦ 39.15 ----¦ --- Brunner Christine 1967 Mervelier 2:08.08,9 ----- (17050) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.32 56.29 ----¦ 31.20 ----¦ 40.18 ----¦ --- Fankhauser Yvonne 1945 Balsthal 2:08.12,0 ----- (17006) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.32 56.16 ----¦ 31.51 ----¦ 40.03 ----¦ --- Sennhauser Hans 1946 Münchenbuchsee 2:08.15,2 ----- (13251) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.33 56.39 ----¦ 31.32 ----¦ 40.03 ----¦ --- Wälti Edith 1966 Belp 2:08.16,6 ----- (16132) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.33 56.20 ----¦ 31.38 ----¦ 40.17 ----¦ --- Flühmann Erika 1953 Kerzers 2:08.24,4 ----- (16073) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.33 56.33 ----¦ 31.54 ----¦ 39.56 ----¦ --- Croset Käthy 1949 Chavannes-près-Renens 2:08.38,4 ----- (17060) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.34 57.59 ----¦ 32.00 ----¦ 38.38 ----¦ --- Schneeberger Ruth 1965 La Chaux-de-Fonds 2:08.45,1 ----- (18066) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.35 57.54 ----¦ 31.30 ----¦ 39.20 ----¦ --- Cristofori Anita 1961 Dotzigen 2:08.46,0 ----- (18021) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.35 58.02 ----¦ 31.10 ----¦ 39.32 ----¦ --- Fasel Bernadette 1962 Düdingen 2:08.47,2 ----- (18023) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.35 58.02 ----¦ 31.11 ----¦ 39.32 ----¦ --- Kaltenrieder Ulrich 1948 Düdingen 2:08.47,2 ----- (18016) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.35 58.22 ----¦ 31.00 ----¦ 39.24 ----¦ --- Fritz Jacques 1944 Versoix 2:08.58,0 ----- (17042) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.35 56.59 ----¦ 31.57 ----¦ 40.01 ----¦ --- Schüpbach Monika 1954 Lyss 2:08.59,2 ----- (18011) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.35 57.44 ----¦ 31.28 ----¦ 39.46 ----¦ --- Biedermann-Jobé Anne-Françoise 1959 Kappelen 2:09.06,5 ----- (17087) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.36 57.21 ----¦ 32.01 ----¦ 39.44 ----¦ --- Chassot Marie-Claude 1960 Vuissens 2:09.09,7 ----- (16083) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.36 57.13 ----¦ 31.43 ----¦ 40.12 ----¦ --- Chassot Daniel 1962 Vuissens 2:09.10,2 ----- (16082) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.36 57.14 ----¦ 31.44 ----¦ 40.11 ----¦ --- Kummer Hansueli 1956 Urtenen-Schönbühl 2:09.15,2 ----- (16033) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.37 57.28 ----¦ 31.47 ----¦ 39.59 ----¦ --- Antener Ruth 1960 Langnau i. E. 2:09.27,8 ----- (9161) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.37 58.46 ----¦ 31.55 ----¦ 38.45 ----¦ --- Hartmann Therese 1964 Oberbuchsiten 2:09.29,2 ----- (18027) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.37 57.07 ----¦ 31.57 ----¦ 40.23 ----¦ --- Desteffani Maggie 1962 Brugg AG 2:09.29,6 ----- (17092) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.37 57.37 ----¦ 32.06 ----¦ 39.45 ----¦ --- Schaerer Fritz 1955 Brugg AG 2:09.29,7 ----- (17103) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.37 57.36 ----¦ 32.07 ----¦ 39.45 ----¦ --- Jakob-Buechi Pia 1954 Langnau i. E. 2:09.30,2 ----- (16124) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.38 58.48 ----¦ 31.57 ----¦ 38.44 ----¦ --- Anliker Daniel 1965 Kerzers 2:09.33,0 ----- (17083) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.38 57.02 ----¦ 32.07 ----¦ 40.22 ----¦ --- Bardellli Rita 1950 Steinmaur 2:09.36,0 ----- (17061) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.38 57.50 ----¦ 31.39 ----¦ 40.06 ----¦ --- Buob Annelies 1944 Dielsdorf 2:09.37,7 ----- (18001) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.38 57.50 ----¦ 31.39 ----¦ 40.07 ----¦ --- Manfroni Claudio 1968 Neuhausen am Rheinfall 2:09.39,1 ----- (28403) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.38 54.08 ----¦ 33.19 ----¦ 42.11 ----¦ --- Schneider Rolf 1954 Düdingen 2:09.40,8 ----- (18048) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.38 58.24 ----¦ 31.25 ----¦ 39.50 ----¦ --- Savary Céline 1980 Prilly 2:09.42,8 ----- (18037) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.38 59.25 ----¦ 32.06 ----¦ 38.11 ----¦ --- Wolf Camille 1990 Vallorbe 2:09.43,4 ----- (28146) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.38 59.26 ----¦ 31.32 ----¦ 38.44 ----¦ --- Moser Marianne 1955 Messen 2:09.47,8 ----- (16044) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.39 57.28 ----¦ 31.59 ----¦ 40.20 ----¦ --- Terreaux Lucienne 1972 La Tour-de-Peilz 2:09.53,3 ----- (18017) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.39 57.43 ----¦ 32.02 ----¦ 40.07 ----¦ --- Marty Doris, Guttet-Feschel 1958 Gnoggär Walker 2:09.58,9 ----- (17055) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.39 58.45 ----¦ 31.29 ----¦ 39.44 ----¦ --- Corbaz Sandra, Büren an der Aare 1961 Bürenlauf 2:09.59,4 ----- (16127) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.39 57.36 ----¦ 32.32 ----¦ 39.50 ----¦ --- Gasser Djediat Isabelle, Lengnau BE 1981 Laufträff Büren 2:09.59,8 ----- (16138) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.39 57.37 ----¦ 32.32 ----¦ 39.50 ----¦ --- Tscherry Edith 1957 Susten 2:10.02,2 ----- (17058) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.40 58.46 ----¦ 31.29 ----¦ 39.46 ----¦ --- Oehrli Françoise 1962 Pully 2:10.02,7 ----- (17101) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.40 57.46 ----¦ 32.25 ----¦ 39.51 ----¦ --- Lehner Erwin 1949 Arnegg 2:10.12,6 ----- (18010) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.40 58.23 ----¦ 31.32 ----¦ 40.17 ----¦ --- Staremberg Sabina 1959 Chavannes-près-Renens 2:10.19,8 ----- (18108) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.41 59.24 ----¦ 31.34 ----¦ 39.21 ----¦ --- Gonin Marie-Therese 1962 Mex VD 2:10.28,3 ----- (18026) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.41 59.29 ----¦ 32.04 ----¦ 38.54 ----¦ --- Jost Trudy 1950 Utzenstorf 2:10.32,8 ----- (18093) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.42 58.14 ----¦ 31.42 ----¦ 40.36 ----¦ --- Brudermann Monika 1963 Rumisberg 2:10.32,9 ----- (17077) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.42 58.21 ----¦ 32.22 ----¦ 39.48 ----¦ --- Jost Martin 1971 Konolfingen 2:10.35,5 ----- (18092) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.42 58.17 ----¦ 31.41 ----¦ 40.36 ----¦ --- Burri Sandrine 1984 Daillens 2:10.39,4 ----- (17004) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.42 59.25 ----¦ 31.45 ----¦ 39.28 ----¦ --- Marti Marlies 1956 Lyss 2:10.50,8 ----- (18032) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.43 57.48 ----¦ 32.37 ----¦ 40.24 ----¦ --- Zappacosta Susanne 1951 Eggenwil 2:10.57,9 ----- (18113) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.43 58.19 ----¦ 32.22 ----¦ 40.16 ----¦ --- Mösching Roland 1967 Gstaad 2:11.13,8 ----- (18102) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.44 59.13 ----¦ 31.51 ----¦ 40.08 ----¦ --- Brand Elisabeth 1977 Turbach 2:11.14,5 ----- (18114) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.44 59.14 ----¦ 31.51 ----¦ 40.08 ----¦ --- Gauderon René 1952 Düdingen 2:11.33,5 ----- (18015) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.46 58.28 ----¦ 32.13 ----¦ 40.51 ----¦ --- Hübner Thomas 1956 D-Sölden 2:11.33,7 ----- (17097) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.46 57.01 ----¦ 32.57 ----¦ 41.34 ----¦ --- Schneider Susanne 1959 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 2:11.38,9 ----- (18013) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 58.09 ----¦ 32.30 ----¦ 40.59 ----¦ --- Freiburghaus Annerös 1957 Cordast 2:11.39,4 ----- (18044) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 58.50 ----¦ 32.17 ----¦ 40.31 ----¦ --- Näf Manuela 1969 Winterthur 2:11.40,4 ----- (16094) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 57.33 ----¦ 32.32 ----¦ 41.34 ----¦ --- Grisoni Brigitte 1966 Cugy VD 2:11.41,9 ----- (18012) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 58.11 ----¦ 32.29 ----¦ 41.01 ----¦ --- Meier Trudy 1947 Niederhasli 2:11.42,8 ----- (18033) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 58.53 ----¦ 32.15 ----¦ 40.33 ----¦ --- Clot Carole 1968 Cortaillod 2:11.42,9 ----- (18054) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 59.19 ----¦ 32.35 ----¦ 39.48 ----¦ --- Zaugg Nicole 1972 Murten 2:11.43,4 ----- (18043) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 59.24 ----¦ 32.06 ----¦ 40.12 ----¦ --- Feubli Anke 1966 Dielsdorf 2:11.44,4 ----- (18009) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 58.53 ----¦ 32.15 ----¦ 40.35 ----¦ --- Duperrex Glauser Lina 1968 Murten 2:11.44,5 ----- (18050) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.46 59.25 ----¦ 32.08 ----¦ 40.10 ----¦ --- Frutiger Peter 1942 Morges 2:11.48,6 ----- (16071) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.47 57.29 ----¦ 32.17 ----¦ 42.01 ----¦ 4768. Baumgartner Manuela 1982 Studen BE 2:11.49,5 1:28.01,7 (14195) Foto Video 15-F20 390. 8.47 58.44 4694.¦ 32.19 4693.¦ 40.45 4699.¦ --- Michel Yolande 1956 Colombier VD 2:11.50,1 ----- (25117) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.47 58.57 ----¦ 32.06 ----¦ 40.46 ----¦ 4770. Helwig-Dörr Claudia 1967 Buchs ZH 2:11.50,7 1:28.02,9 (7467) Foto Video 15-F45 272. 8.47 56.46 4639.¦ 33.58 4765.¦ 41.05 4712.¦ --- Giroud Rose-Marie 1966 Le Mouret 2:11.57,7 ----- (18025) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.47 58.44 ----¦ 32.57 ----¦ 40.15 ----¦ --- Mathys Brigitte 1969 Unterseen 2:11.59,6 ----- (17069) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.47 58.45 ----¦ 32.03 ----¦ 41.10 ----¦ --- Wyss Barbara 1956 Ringgenberg BE 2:11.59,6 ----- (17071) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.47 58.45 ----¦ 32.04 ----¦ 41.10 ----¦ --- Streit-Büschi Regula 1978 Utzigen 2:12.22,9 ----- (18124) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.49 59.28 ----¦ 33.08 ----¦ 39.45 ----¦ --- Schwitter Paul 1949 St-Sulpice VD 2:12.27,9 ----- (16054) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.49 59.20 ----¦ 32.33 ----¦ 40.33 ----¦ --- Rappo Vanessa, Les Avanchets 1976 MISV 2:12.51,3 ----- (18126) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.51 59.43 ----¦ 32.48 ----¦ 40.19 ----¦ --- Imhof Ursula 1947 Montreux 2:13.01,6 ----- (16029) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.52 58.53 ----¦ 32.46 ----¦ 41.22 ----¦ --- Cramatte Silvia 1958 Cressier NE 2:13.15,5 ----- (17067) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.53 59.33 ----¦ 32.46 ----¦ 40.56 ----¦ --- Thomet Weber Maya 1963 Mühleberg 2:13.26,3 ----- (16056) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.53 59.51 ----¦ 32.53 ----¦ 40.41 ----¦ --- Egger Olaf 1950 Hinteregg 2:13.33,3 ----- (18022) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.54 59.29 ----¦ 32.32 ----¦ 41.32 ----¦ --- Oppliger Madeleine 1960 Flamatt 2:13.33,9 ----- (18006) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.54 59.22 ----¦ 33.12 ----¦ 40.58 ----¦ --- Beeli Daniela, Wohlen b. Bern 1960 Jogging Club Bern 2:13.34,7 ----- (18005) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.54 59.24 ----¦ 33.13 ----¦ 40.57 ----¦ --- Bertone Silvana 1951 Cormoret 2:13.38,7 ----- (18051) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.54 58.43 ----¦ 33.15 ----¦ 41.39 ----¦ --- Bürgy Therese 1956 Brügg BE 2:13.39,6 ----- (16075) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.54 57.58 ----¦ 34.04 ----¦ 41.36 ----¦ --- Davis Valerie 1976 Bern 2:13.41,2 ----- (18083) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.54 1:01.45 ----¦ 32.09 ----¦ 39.47 ----¦ --- Schärer Marianne 1956 Murten 2:13.48,6 ----- (18107) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.55 1:00.19 ----¦ 32.38 ----¦ 40.51 ----¦ --- Humbert Mike 1959 Meyrin 2:13.52,5 ----- (16028) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.55 1:00.01 ----¦ 32.30 ----¦ 41.20 ----¦ --- Humbert Isabelle 1962 Meyrin 2:13.53,5 ----- (16027) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.55 1:00.01 ----¦ 32.31 ----¦ 41.20 ----¦ --- Wildi Bruno 1957 Männedorf 2:13.59,3 ----- (16063) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.55 1:00.20 ----¦ 32.39 ----¦ 40.59 ----¦ --- Schwab Wildi Catherine 1964 Männedorf 2:13.59,7 ----- (16053) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.55 1:00.20 ----¦ 32.38 ----¦ 41.01 ----¦ --- Steiner Ruth 1948 Bönigen b. Interlaken 2:14.01,2 ----- (18040) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.56 59.49 ----¦ 32.48 ----¦ 41.23 ----¦ --- Schär Esther 1944 Rüti b. Riggisberg 2:14.01,6 ----- (18002) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.56 59.50 ----¦ 32.47 ----¦ 41.24 ----¦ --- Weber Ruth, Hemberg 1964 smrun 2:14.06,1 ----- (18014) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.56 59.06 ----¦ 32.46 ----¦ 42.13 ----¦ --- Wolfensberger Annemarie 1950 Oetwil am See 2:14.07,0 ----- (18049) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.56 59.07 ----¦ 33.16 ----¦ 41.42 ----¦ --- Gast Andrea 1971 Rothrist 2:14.11,1 ----- (18024) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.56 59.15 ----¦ 33.40 ----¦ 41.15 ----¦ --- Lehmann Eveline 1967 Frauenkappelen 2:14.21,6 ----- (16034) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.57 58.37 ----¦ 33.38 ----¦ 42.06 ----¦ --- Cachat Annie 1960 Bouveret 2:14.26,7 ----- (17072) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.57 59.46 ----¦ 33.14 ----¦ 41.25 ----¦ --- Viale Jean-Charles 1962 Valeyres-sous-Rances 2:14.29,1 ----- (28339) Foto Video 15-WM20 8.57 59.39 ----¦ 32.54 ----¦ 41.55 ----¦ --- Griot-Wenk Monika 1963 Rosshäusern 2:14.31,0 ----- (16074) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.58 59.17 ----¦ 32.48 ----¦ 42.25 ----¦ --- Perez-Milano Marie-Rose, Les Avanch 1974 MISV 2:14.33,7 ----- (18125) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.58 59.43 ----¦ 33.30 ----¦ 41.19 ----¦ --- Stübi Gasser Patricia 1969 Utzigen 2:14.39,3 ----- (8184) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.58 59.29 ----¦ 33.16 ----¦ 41.53 ----¦ --- Maurer Ruth 1962 Mühlethurnen 2:14.39,4 ----- (16041) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.58 1:00.29 ----¦ 32.29 ----¦ 41.40 ----¦ --- Baumgartner Marlise 1959 Vinelz 2:14.40,8 ----- (14196) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.58 1:00.30 ----¦ 32.29 ----¦ 41.40 ----¦ --- Weiss Therese 1960 Mühlethurnen 2:14.40,8 ----- (16062) Foto Video 15-WF20 8.58 1:00.31 ----¦ 32.28 ----¦ 41.40 ----¦ 4805. Schwab Susy 1963 Kerzers 2:14.42,5 1:30.54,7 (50088) Foto Video 15-FV 21. 8.58 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4806. Grau Cornelia 1969 Kerzers 2:14.42,9 1:30.55,1 (50089) Foto Video 15-FV 22. 8.58 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Höling Elisabeth 1963 Plaffeien 2:15.01,2 ----- (18129) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.00 59.42 ----¦ 33.17 ----¦ 42.01 ----¦ 4808. Stuber Fabienne Anais 1997 Kerzers 2:15.04,4 1:31.16,6 (50091) Foto Video 15-FV 23. 9.00 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4809. Grau Nicole 1998 Kerzers 2:15.04,6 1:31.16,8 (50090) Foto Video 15-FV 24. 9.00 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Carfora Giuseppe 1949 Biel/Bienne 2:15.07,1 ----- (17068) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.00 59.09 ----¦ 33.13 ----¦ 42.43 ----¦ --- Künzle Heidi, F-Hegenheim 1956 Mühliteam Allschwil 2:15.14,9 ----- (28301) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.00 59.22 ----¦ 33.08 ----¦ 42.43 ----¦ --- Schnider Susanne 1962 Basel 2:15.17,4 ----- (17105) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.01 59.22 ----¦ 33.08 ----¦ 42.45 ----¦ --- Hofer Kurt 1948 Gretzenbach 2:15.18,6 ----- (18028) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.01 1:00.38 ----¦ 33.48 ----¦ 40.52 ----¦ 4814. Erni Ursula 1952 Courlevon 2:15.19,0 1:31.31,2 (50008) Foto Video 15-FV 25. 9.01 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Gerber Sandra 1969 Madiswil 2:15.23,9 ----- (16023) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.01 59.28 ----¦ 33.18 ----¦ 42.37 ----¦ --- Zarco Eva 1964 Heimenhausen 2:15.25,1 ----- (16064) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.01 59.29 ----¦ 33.18 ----¦ 42.37 ----¦ --- Kallen Rita 1968 Büetigen 2:15.25,2 ----- (16031) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.01 59.28 ----¦ 33.19 ----¦ 42.38 ----¦ --- Castro Nora 1967 Bern 2:15.31,5 ----- (17090) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.02 1:00.31 ----¦ 33.19 ----¦ 41.40 ----¦ --- Rebsamen Damara 1978 Rizenbach 2:15.35,2 ----- (17023) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.02 1:00.29 ----¦ 33.15 ----¦ 41.50 ----¦ --- Albrecht-Roth Marianne 1965 Läufelfingen 2:16.10,3 ----- (16010) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.04 1:00.37 ----¦ 33.13 ----¦ 42.18 ----¦ --- Bosshart Doris 1966 Läufelfingen 2:16.17,1 ----- (16016) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.05 1:00.37 ----¦ 33.13 ----¦ 42.25 ----¦ --- Niedermann Sigrid 1964 Bönigen b. Interlaken 2:16.19,5 ----- (18035) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.05 59.23 ----¦ 33.02 ----¦ 43.53 ----¦ --- Buchs Georges 1960 Kerzers 2:16.29,3 ----- (17088) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.05 1:03.17 ----¦ 34.27 ----¦ 38.44 ----¦ --- Vial Sandra, Grattavache 1973 Les Cops 2:16.49,0 ----- (18110) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.07 1:04.17 ----¦ 32.31 ----¦ 39.59 ----¦ --- Stieger Ursula, Seewis Dorf 1954 Seewis 2:17.13,0 ----- (17109) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.08 58.46 ----¦ 34.10 ----¦ 44.16 ----¦ 4826. Vetter Silvia, Steinmaur 1957 SM Run 2:17.19,6 1:33.31,8 (7682) Foto Video 15-F55 101. 9.09 58.26 4690.¦ 35.49 4817.¦ 43.03 4763.¦ 4827. Wegmüller Markus 1972 Treiten 2:17.35,0 1:33.47,2 (50082) Foto Video 15-MV 49. 9.10 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Droxler Vera 1978 Prilly 2:17.59,7 ----- (18084) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.11 1:01.20 ----¦ 33.25 ----¦ 43.14 ----¦ --- Godat Florence 1978 Chézard-Saint-Martin 2:18.00,1 ----- (16129) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.12 1:01.19 ----¦ 33.25 ----¦ 43.15 ----¦ 4830. Bönzli Fränzi 1965 Worben 2:18.03,3 1:34.15,5 (50065) Foto Video 15-FV 26. 9.12 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4831. Gutknecht Christine 1967 Kerzers 2:18.04,0 1:34.16,2 (50010) Foto Video 15-FV 27. 9.12 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Knauer Franziska 1970 Konolfingen 2:18.14,0 ----- (18029) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.12 1:01.57 ----¦ 34.14 ----¦ 42.02 ----¦ --- Frey Maja 1957 Thun 2:18.14,8 ----- (15134) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.12 59.37 ----¦ 33.39 ----¦ 44.57 ----¦ --- Biedermann Christine 1966 Kappelen 2:18.18,0 ----- (18020) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.13 1:01.38 ----¦ 33.46 ----¦ 42.53 ----¦ --- Haldemann Marie-Antoinette 1952 Stäfa 2:18.23,4 ----- (18089) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.13 1:01.56 ----¦ 33.59 ----¦ 42.28 ----¦ --- Köhli Hans-Ulrich 1968 Kallnach 2:18.39,0 ----- (17098) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.14 1:01.28 ----¦ 33.30 ----¦ 43.39 ----¦ --- Devaux Rene 1968 Walperswil 2:18.39,6 ----- (17093) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.14 1:01.29 ----¦ 33.30 ----¦ 43.39 ----¦ --- Duchêne Pierre 1948 Dardagny 2:18.50,5 ----- (16019) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.15 1:01.13 ----¦ 34.00 ----¦ 43.36 ----¦ 4839. Schwab Käthi 1950 Fräschels 2:18.55,8 1:35.08,0 (50003) Foto Video 15-FV 28. 9.15 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Aeschbacher Michaela 1974 Seftigen 2:18.59,2 ----- (17081) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.15 1:01.17 ----¦ 34.07 ----¦ 43.34 ----¦ --- Aeschbacher Markus 1973 Seftigen 2:18.59,4 ----- (17080) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.15 1:01.16 ----¦ 34.09 ----¦ 43.33 ----¦ --- Cereghetti Roberta 1967 Kerzers 2:19.03,8 ----- (18053) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.16 1:01.03 ----¦ 34.07 ----¦ 43.53 ----¦ --- Goetschi Bruno 1957 Kerzers 2:19.04,2 ----- (18057) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.16 1:01.02 ----¦ 34.10 ----¦ 43.51 ----¦ --- Burkhalter Peter 1963 Oleyres 2:19.11,5 ----- (23061) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.16 1:01.57 ----¦ 33.44 ----¦ 43.29 ----¦ --- Schaffer Burkhalter Gabrielle 1965 Oleyres 2:19.14,8 ----- (18038) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.16 1:02.01 ----¦ 33.45 ----¦ 43.28 ----¦ 4846. Furrer Martin 1947 Küttigkofen 2:19.14,9 1:35.27,1 (14230) Foto Video 15-M65 91. 9.16 47.33 4455.¦ 40.24 4859.¦ 51.17 4853.¦ --- Zehnder Jean-Pierre 1958 La Chaux-de-Fonds 2:19.18,2 ----- (17032) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.17 1:02.51 ----¦ 33.57 ----¦ 42.29 ----¦ --- Bertschi Silvia 1983 Kallnach 2:19.19,0 ----- (17002) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.17 1:00.38 ----¦ 34.06 ----¦ 44.34 ----¦ --- Winz Brigitte 1971 Utzenstorf 2:19.39,6 ----- (18042) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.18 1:02.10 ----¦ 34.16 ----¦ 43.12 ----¦ --- Stücker Erika 1955 Bätterkinden 2:19.41,3 ----- (18041) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.18 1:02.10 ----¦ 34.16 ----¦ 43.14 ----¦ --- Da Costa Baptista Maria 1965 Bassins 2:19.42,6 ----- (28041) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.18 1:01.32 ----¦ 34.39 ----¦ 43.30 ----¦ --- Fuhrer Vreni 1954 Wallenried 2:19.53,5 ----- (18085) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.19 1:01.41 ----¦ 34.33 ----¦ 43.38 ----¦ --- Kurath Monika 1958 Courtaman 2:19.54,1 ----- (18096) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.19 1:01.44 ----¦ 34.33 ----¦ 43.36 ----¦ --- Maerean Teodora 1966 St-Légier 2:20.04,3 ----- (16038) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.20 1:01.32 ----¦ 34.35 ----¦ 43.56 ----¦ --- Maerean Ovidiu 1968 St-Légier 2:20.04,5 ----- (16037) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.20 1:01.31 ----¦ 34.34 ----¦ 43.59 ----¦ --- Heiniger Monika 1967 Cortébert 2:20.13,8 ----- (16072) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.20 1:02.26 ----¦ 34.13 ----¦ 43.33 ----¦ --- Wick Brigitte 1969 Wolfhausen 2:20.14,3 ----- (17074) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.20 1:02.26 ----¦ 34.13 ----¦ 43.34 ----¦ --- Buchs Petra 1971 Kerzers 2:20.15,3 ----- (17089) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.21 1:03.19 ----¦ 34.51 ----¦ 42.04 ----¦ --- Stieger Florian, Seewis Dorf 1940 Seewis 2:20.17,0 ----- (18068) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.21 1:02.14 ----¦ 34.47 ----¦ 43.15 ----¦ --- Kabis Regina, Allschwil 1952 Mühli-Team Allschwil 2:20.17,6 ----- (18047) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.21 1:02.15 ----¦ 34.47 ----¦ 43.14 ----¦ --- Glanzmann Céline 1994 Kerzers 2:20.19,1 ----- (18118) Foto Video 15-WU20F 9.21 1:04.42 ----¦ 34.02 ----¦ 41.33 ----¦ --- Zumbrunnen Astrid 1947 Basel 2:20.20,2 ----- (18073) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.21 1:02.15 ----¦ 34.48 ----¦ 43.16 ----¦ --- Glanzmann Susanne 1967 Kerzers 2:20.28,0 ----- (18004) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.21 1:04.44 ----¦ 34.02 ----¦ 41.41 ----¦ --- Hügli Christian 1957 Wileroltigen 2:20.29,8 ----- (6298) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.21 1:04.45 ----¦ 34.02 ----¦ 41.42 ----¦ --- Michel Katharina 1957 Ersigen 2:20.45,4 ----- (18071) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.23 1:02.48 ----¦ 34.29 ----¦ 43.27 ----¦ --- Ritter Buri Verena 1959 Hettiswil b. Hindelbank 2:20.46,6 ----- (16049) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.23 1:02.49 ----¦ 34.29 ----¦ 43.27 ----¦ --- Dupraz Carmen, Attalens 1966 Les Cops 2:20.47,7 ----- (28049) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.23 1:04.18 ----¦ 33.09 ----¦ 43.19 ----¦ --- Wieser Claudine, Attalens 1966 Les Cops 2:20.49,5 ----- (18112) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.23 1:04.19 ----¦ 33.09 ----¦ 43.20 ----¦ --- Mohni Iwana 1975 Kaiseraugst 2:21.41,8 ----- (16043) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.26 1:03.47 ----¦ 34.59 ----¦ 42.54 ----¦ --- Maillard-Aeschlimann Judith 1968 Siviriez 2:21.46,6 ----- (18120) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.27 1:00.14 ----¦ 35.52 ----¦ 45.39 ----¦ --- Fankhauser Ursula 1956 Bern 2:21.53,4 ----- (18055) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.27 1:02.52 ----¦ 34.52 ----¦ 44.08 ----¦ --- Perez François 1966 La Chaux-de-Fonds 2:21.53,6 ----- (18103) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.27 1:03.24 ----¦ 34.29 ----¦ 43.59 ----¦ --- Perez Susanna 1964 La Chaux-de-Fonds 2:21.54,3 ----- (18104) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.27 1:03.23 ----¦ 34.29 ----¦ 44.01 ----¦ --- Gualzata Aeby Muriel 1966 Meyrin 2:21.57,4 ----- (17094) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.27 1:05.49 ----¦ 33.44 ----¦ 42.24 ----¦ --- Jenny André 1944 Fribourg 2:22.20,6 ----- (16004) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.29 1:03.36 ----¦ 35.23 ----¦ 43.20 ----¦ --- Calame Fabienne 1963 La Chaux-de-Fonds 2:22.22,1 ----- (18052) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.29 1:03.54 ----¦ 34.54 ----¦ 43.33 ----¦ --- Brawand Erika 1980 Grindelwald 2:22.35,8 ----- (18046) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.30 59.32 ----¦ 34.39 ----¦ 48.24 ----¦ --- Buehler Therese 1959 Busswil b. Büren 2:22.38,4 ----- (18007) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.30 1:02.49 ----¦ 34.51 ----¦ 44.57 ----¦ --- Mermoud Martine 1961 Bassins 2:22.43,0 ----- (17018) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.30 1:01.10 ----¦ 35.54 ----¦ 45.38 ----¦ --- Rettenmund Hildi 1956 Lützelflüh-Goldbach 2:22.59,9 ----- (18130) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.31 1:04.04 ----¦ 34.38 ----¦ 44.17 ----¦ --- Pugin Isabelle 1961 Morges 2:23.02,6 ----- (28317) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.32 1:03.20 ----¦ 35.32 ----¦ 44.10 ----¦ 4882. Norton Alan 1941 F-Versonnex 2:23.09,1 1:39.21,3 (14039) Foto Video 15-M70 59. 9.32 1:03.44 4804.¦ 36.20 4827.¦ 43.03 4762.¦ --- Inzirillo Doris 1958 Cortébert 2:23.11,5 ----- (18090) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.32 1:03.51 ----¦ 34.44 ----¦ 44.35 ----¦ --- Burri Theresia 1947 Gümmenen 2:23.12,1 ----- (16017) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.32 1:02.56 ----¦ 35.28 ----¦ 44.47 ----¦ --- Grogg-Moser Heidi 1964 Worben 2:23.22,9 ----- (17075) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.33 1:03.33 ----¦ 34.51 ----¦ 44.57 ----¦ --- Morel Anne 1972 Romont FR 2:24.05,8 ----- (18063) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.36 1:04.40 ----¦ 35.13 ----¦ 44.11 ----¦ --- Kern Nathalie 1973 Lussy FR 2:24.05,9 ----- (18061) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.36 1:04.40 ----¦ 35.14 ----¦ 44.11 ----¦ --- Balmer Margrith 1975 Grindelwald 2:24.21,2 ----- (18045) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.37 59.33 ----¦ 34.38 ----¦ 50.09 ----¦ --- Hadorn Gaëlle 1995 Ecublens VD 2:24.21,2 ----- (18087) Foto Video 15-WU20F 9.37 1:03.45 ----¦ 35.40 ----¦ 44.56 ----¦ --- Hadorn Marinette 1966 Prilly 2:24.21,9 ----- (18088) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.37 1:03.46 ----¦ 35.40 ----¦ 44.54 ----¦ --- Eyholzer Helga 1957 Biel/Bienne 2:24.47,4 ----- (18116) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.39 1:06.32 ----¦ 35.41 ----¦ 42.33 ----¦ --- Jacomet Elisabeth 1953 Zürich 2:24.49,5 ----- (18091) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.39 1:03.57 ----¦ 35.46 ----¦ 45.05 ----¦ 4893. Bieri Fabienne 1980 Kerzers 2:25.09,8 1:41.22,0 (50081) Foto Video 15-FV 29. 9.40 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4894. Fiesole Salvatore 1963 Kerzers 2:25.13,1 1:41.25,3 (50073) Foto Video 15-MV 50. 9.40 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Alibert Marlise, Attalens 1968 Les Cops 2:26.34,7 ----- (18077) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.46 1:06.01 ----¦ 35.59 ----¦ 44.34 ----¦ --- Wenger Trix, Attalens 1971 Les Cops 2:26.38,1 ----- (18111) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.46 1:06.04 ----¦ 35.59 ----¦ 44.34 ----¦ --- Lutz Peter 1951 Illnau 2:26.51,6 ----- (18098) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.47 1:05.52 ----¦ 36.56 ----¦ 44.03 ----¦ --- Schmidlin Anita 1972 Bern 2:27.07,8 ----- (18074) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.48 1:04.29 ----¦ 36.30 ----¦ 46.07 ----¦ --- Mletzkowsky Emma 1935 Renens VD 2:27.13,7 ----- (18034) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.48 1:04.07 ----¦ 37.02 ----¦ 46.03 ----¦ --- Varrin Isabelle 1962 Evilard 2:28.15,7 ----- (18109) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.53 1:04.28 ----¦ 36.04 ----¦ 47.42 ----¦ --- Castella Sophie 1968 Donatyre 2:28.16,2 ----- (18082) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.53 1:04.29 ----¦ 36.04 ----¦ 47.42 ----¦ --- Castella-Beiner Christel 1975 Biel/Bienne 2:28.19,0 ----- (16018) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.53 1:04.31 ----¦ 36.04 ----¦ 47.42 ----¦ --- Scheurer Annemarie 1954 Kallnach 2:28.22,9 ----- (16052) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.53 1:04.44 ----¦ 36.37 ----¦ 47.01 ----¦ --- Frei Bea 1959 Niederried b. Kallnach 2:28.24,6 ----- (16021) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.53 1:04.46 ----¦ 36.37 ----¦ 47.01 ----¦ --- Bärtschi Hugo 1940 Biel/Bienne 2:28.32,9 ----- (18080) Foto Video 15-WM20 9.54 1:06.34 ----¦ 36.15 ----¦ 45.42 ----¦ --- Lutz Marianne 1954 Illnau 2:28.39,1 ----- (18097) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.54 1:05.53 ----¦ 36.57 ----¦ 45.48 ----¦ --- Krebs Elisabeth 1958 Thun 2:29.43,5 ----- (18119) Foto Video 15-WF20 9.58 1:04.32 ----¦ 37.28 ----¦ 47.42 ----¦ 4908. Meier Urs Karl 1970 Bern 2:30.35,8 1:46.48,0 (28307) Foto Video 15-M40 483. 10.02 49.54 4494.¦ 48.48 4872.¦ 51.52 4856.¦ --- El Fen Yvette 1952 Schmitten FR 2:30.52,2 ----- (16067) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.03 1:05.57 ----¦ 38.27 ----¦ 46.28 ----¦ --- Auderset Gabrielle 1959 Courtelary 2:31.14,3 ----- (16134) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.04 1:05.42 ----¦ 37.57 ----¦ 47.34 ----¦ --- Bessire Françoise 1967 Courtelary 2:31.15,2 ----- (16135) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.05 1:05.41 ----¦ 37.56 ----¦ 47.37 ----¦ --- Bessire Nélisse 1992 Courtelary 2:31.18,0 ----- (28426) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.05 1:05.42 ----¦ 37.57 ----¦ 47.37 ----¦ 4913. Schwab Bernhard 1951 Muntelier 2:31.51,4 1:48.03,6 (50001) Foto Video 15-MV 51. 10.07 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4914. Erni Hans 1948 Courlevon 2:31.51,8 1:48.04,0 (50007) Foto Video 15-MV 52. 10.07 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4915. Meier Fredi 1946 Muntelier 2:31.52,6 1:48.04,8 (50063) Foto Video 15-MV 53. 10.07 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4916. Schwab Ueli 1946 Kerzers 2:31.54,1 1:48.06,3 (50108) Foto Video 15-MV 54. 10.07 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ --- Perroud Corinne, Attalens 1971 Les Cops 2:32.00,2 ----- (18105) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.08 1:06.42 ----¦ 37.01 ----¦ 48.16 ----¦ --- Bircher Perroud Sylviane, Attalens 1968 Les Cops 2:32.00,7 ----- (18078) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.08 1:06.43 ----¦ 37.00 ----¦ 48.16 ----¦ --- Glauser Susanne 1961 Zollikofen 2:32.08,0 ----- (18086) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.08 1:07.28 ----¦ 38.38 ----¦ 46.00 ----¦ --- Krebs Werner 1962 Steffisburg 2:32.10,1 ----- (18095) Foto Video 15-WM20 10.08 1:07.29 ----¦ 38.38 ----¦ 46.02 ----¦ --- Gaberell Inge 1966 Kerzers 2:33.00,6 ----- (16022) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.12 1:05.09 ----¦ 34.15 ----¦ 53.35 ----¦ --- Schwarz Monika 1976 Bern 2:33.01,6 ----- (17106) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.12 1:05.09 ----¦ 34.15 ----¦ 53.36 ----¦ --- Marolf Payern Brigitte 1961 Heitenried 2:33.02,4 ----- (16040) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.12 1:05.11 ----¦ 39.25 ----¦ 48.25 ----¦ --- Weber Patricia 1975 Konolfingen 2:33.02,5 ----- (16061) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.12 1:05.11 ----¦ 35.54 ----¦ 51.56 ----¦ --- Rybisar Jiri 1939 Lausanne 2:33.54,2 ----- (28118) Foto Video 15-WM20 10.15 1:06.51 ----¦ 37.49 ----¦ 49.12 ----¦ --- Bättig Verena 1964 Büron 2:34.03,2 ----- (18081) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.16 1:09.26 ----¦ 39.25 ----¦ 45.11 ----¦ --- Blanc Elisabeth 1948 Courtaman 2:34.11,2 ----- (18079) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.16 1:06.24 ----¦ 39.05 ----¦ 48.41 ----¦ --- Peter Franziska 1971 Birsfelden 2:34.48,0 ----- (16047) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.19 1:05.29 ----¦ 38.40 ----¦ 50.37 ----¦ --- Sumi Ginette 1956 Frinvillier 2:34.58,8 ----- (16055) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.19 1:07.22 ----¦ 39.56 ----¦ 47.40 ----¦ --- Röthlisberger Karin 1971 Walkringen 2:35.03,7 ----- (18065) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.20 1:07.57 ----¦ 38.59 ----¦ 48.07 ----¦ --- Ruch Arlette 1975 Villarepos 2:35.44,1 ----- (18123) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.22 1:09.15 ----¦ 38.23 ----¦ 48.05 ----¦ --- Favre Patricia 1974 Avenches 2:35.45,0 ----- (16020) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.23 1:09.17 ----¦ 38.24 ----¦ 48.02 ----¦ --- Manser Véronique 1966 Murten 2:35.45,4 ----- (16039) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.23 1:09.15 ----¦ 38.24 ----¦ 48.05 ----¦ --- Wyss Claire 1969 Villarepos 2:35.46,8 ----- (17049) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.23 1:09.16 ----¦ 38.24 ----¦ 48.05 ----¦ --- Lyrer André 1965 Adliswil 2:36.24,7 ----- (18099) Foto Video 15-WM20 10.25 1:07.36 ----¦ 38.36 ----¦ 50.11 ----¦ --- Reymand Axel 1965 Ecublens VD 2:37.00,2 ----- (18122) Foto Video 15-WM20 10.28 1:10.19 ----¦ 38.50 ----¦ 47.50 ----¦ --- Tschabold Helen 1964 Walkringen 2:37.03,3 ----- (16057) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.28 1:09.54 ----¦ 38.59 ----¦ 48.09 ----¦ --- Villars Désirée 1963 Witterswil 2:38.41,2 ----- (16059) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.34 1:07.50 ----¦ 40.26 ----¦ 50.23 ----¦ --- Widmer Jsabella 1964 Witterswil 2:38.45,4 ----- (18075) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.35 1:07.53 ----¦ 40.27 ----¦ 50.24 ----¦ --- Meier Käthy 1951 Bülach 2:38.46,2 ----- (16042) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.35 1:08.25 ----¦ 40.24 ----¦ 49.56 ----¦ --- Nägele Isabel 1985 Zürich 2:42.40,2 ----- (16111) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.50 1:10.02 ----¦ 39.23 ----¦ 53.15 ----¦ --- Lechmann Martina 1985 Mels 2:42.43,4 ----- (16109) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.50 1:10.04 ----¦ 39.23 ----¦ 53.16 ----¦ --- Guinchard Anne-Laurence 1969 Concise 2:43.59,1 ----- (16026) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.55 1:11.58 ----¦ 40.42 ----¦ 51.18 ----¦ --- Bindith Isabelle 1968 Concise 2:43.59,6 ----- (16014) Foto Video 15-WF20 10.55 1:11.59 ----¦ 40.42 ----¦ 51.18 ----¦ --- Bohnert Martina 1966 Thun 2:47.37,8 ----- (28353) Foto Video 15-WF20 11.10 1:10.55 ----¦ 42.27 ----¦ 54.15 ----¦ --- Rudaz Patricia, Bramois 1957 Dolomites 2:48.08,3 ----- (16050) Foto Video 15-WF20 11.12 1:12.29 ----¦ 41.36 ----¦ 54.02 ----¦ --- Biffiger Chantal, Sion 1959 Dolomites 2:48.12,4 ----- (16013) Foto Video 15-WF20 11.12 1:12.30 ----¦ 41.37 ----¦ 54.04 ----¦ 4948. Sollberger Luca 1981 Zollikofen 2:49.46,4 2:05.58,6 (15190) Foto Video 15-M20 540. 11.19 1:04.40 4821.¦ 41.46 4868.¦ 1:03.19 4867.¦ 4949. Wegmüller Simon 1991 Zollikofen 2:49.50,0 2:06.02,2 (15191) Foto Video 15-BM 6. 11.19 1:04.42 4824.¦ 41.45 4867.¦ 1:03.21 4868.¦ --- Spiegel Peter 1948 Esslingen 2:50.29,0 ----- (16068) Foto Video 15-WM20 11.21 1:11.49 ----¦ 45.54 ----¦ 52.44 ----¦ 4951. Pal Matyas 1934 Genève 3:48.17,2 3:04.29,4 (28412) Foto Video 15-M70 60. 15.13 2:12.36 4873.¦ 43.43 4870.¦ 51.57 4858.¦ DNF Bigler Denis 1969 Courgevaux 37.19,8 Golaten bei (68) Foto Video 15-M40 ---- 23.39 52.¦ 13.40 61.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Schaller Armin 1939 Neuchâtel 48.22,5 Golaten bei (3206) Foto Video 15-M70 ---- 30.19 1035.¦ 18.03 1369.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Hämmerli Nadja 1989 Murten 52.04,0 Golaten bei (3180) Foto Video 15-F20 ---- 33.00 1870.¦ 19.03 1943.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Colmano Daniel 1965 Studen BE 58.08,4 Golaten bei (1184) Foto Video 15-M45 ---- 32.45 1799.¦ 25.22 4303.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Roelli Hans-Peter 1954 Neuchâtel 1:08.34,5 Golaten bei (14290) Foto Video 15-M55 ---- 42.11 4186.¦ 26.23 4398.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Beaud Simon 1960 Belfaux 33.34,5 Niederried (3153) Foto Video 15-M50 ---- 33.34 2072.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Chollet Andre 1957 Tolochenaz ----- ----- (1137) Foto Video 15-M55 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Strehl Martin 1960 Hilterfingen ----- ----- (3213) Foto Video 15-M50 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Beyeler Daniel, Bern 1972 Freude Herrscht ----- ----- (3294) Foto Video 15-M40 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Meier Susanne 1974 Männedorf ----- ----- (3323) Foto Video 15-F35 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Hirt Jean-Claude 1954 Cornaux NE ----- ----- (6191) Foto Video 15-M55 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Leuenberger Gilbert 1951 Belprahon ----- ----- (6272) Foto Video 15-M60 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Kunz Martina, Zürich 1984 trigether ----- ----- (7516) Foto Video 15-F20 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Zulauf Stefan 1962 Gutenburg ----- ----- (8267) Foto Video 15-M50 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Berger Silvia 1967 Aarberg ----- ----- (9061) Foto Video 15-F45 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Lüthy Claudia 1984 Sutz ----- ----- (13101) Foto Video 15-F20 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Schätti Colette 1962 Witterswil ----- ----- (13247) Foto Video 15-F50 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Stettler Sandra 1971 Merzligen ----- ----- (15120) Foto Video 15-F40 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Oberson Reto 1986 Biel/Bienne ----- ----- (28312) Foto Video 15-M20 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DSQ Pilkington Edward 1967 Flüh ----- disq (8058) Foto Video 15-M45 ---- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦

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