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15 km Overall

35. Kerzerslauf 2013 - 15 km Overall

Ränge: 1501-2000 (1:11.31,2)
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt Start-Niederried ¦Niederried-Golaten ¦ Golaten-Ziel ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1501. Graf Paul 1959 Aarberg 1:11.31,2 27.43,4 (7443) Foto Video 15-M50 173. 4.46 32.29 1683.¦ 18.18 1497.¦ 20.43 1240.¦ 1502. Grundmann Oliver 1979 Zürich 1:11.31,6 27.43,8 (6162) Foto Video 15-M20 304. 4.46 32.22 1640.¦ 18.12 1439.¦ 20.56 1352.¦ 1503. Blunschi Xaver 1953 Berikon 1:11.32,6 27.44,8 (3301) Foto Video 15-M60 32. 4.46 31.36 1411.¦ 18.26 1580.¦ 21.30 1617.¦ 1504. Penitzka Daniel 1963 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:11.32,8 27.45,0 (3240) Foto Video 15-M50 174. 4.46 32.17 1615.¦ 18.34 1648.¦ 20.40 1221.¦ 1505. Ruf-Jost Rita 1982 Obergesteln 1:11.33,1 27.45,3 (4210) Foto Video 15-F20 69. 4.46 31.33 1392.¦ 18.28 1594.¦ 21.31 1627.¦ 1506. Jauner Martin, Langenthal 1963 SM running 1:11.33,4 27.45,6 (5166) Foto Video 15-M50 175. 4.46 31.14 1290.¦ 18.42 1723.¦ 21.37 1666.¦ 1506. Kobler Vroni 1962 Neuendorf 1:11.33,4 27.45,6 (7505) Foto Video 15-F50 7. 4.46 31.50 1472.¦ 18.25 1567.¦ 21.17 1536.¦ 1508. Burgat Bertrand 1968 St-Aubin-Sauges 1:11.33,5 27.45,7 (9217) Foto Video 15-M45 252. 4.46 32.49 1827.¦ 18.09 1415.¦ 20.35 1163.¦ 1509. Gurtner Benjamin 1989 Moutier 1:11.33,8 27.46,0 (5213) Foto Video 15-M20 305. 4.46 30.42 1137.¦ 17.46 1212.¦ 23.04 2448.¦ 1510. Hottinger Heinz, Ettingen 1967 Red Flash Runners 1:11.34,1 27.46,3 (4083) Foto Video 15-M45 253. 4.46 32.20 1629.¦ 18.11 1426.¦ 21.02 1402.¦ 1511. Monachon Mathieu 1979 Cortébert 1:11.34,4 27.46,6 (3193) Foto Video 15-M20 306. 4.46 31.15 1294.¦ 18.49 1799.¦ 21.29 1614.¦ 1512. Christen Martin 1960 Niederhünigen 1:11.34,5 27.46,7 (1199) Foto Video 15-M50 176. 4.46 32.08 1570.¦ 18.05 1390.¦ 21.20 1559.¦ 1512. Zürcher Frédéric 1968 Biel/Bienne 1:11.34,5 27.46,7 (4314) Foto Video 15-M45 254. 4.46 30.55 1195.¦ 18.43 1739.¦ 21.55 1821.¦ 1514. Berguerand Linda, Lausanne 1967 Footing Club LS 1:11.34,6 27.46,8 (5048) Foto Video 15-F45 25. 4.46 32.07 1562.¦ 18.34 1648.¦ 20.52 1327.¦ 1515. Carella Frederic 1972 Malleray 1:11.35,1 27.47,3 (3086) Foto Video 15-M40 231. 4.46 32.14 1604.¦ 17.50 1242.¦ 21.31 1623.¦ 1516. Rüfli Roland 1956 Ostermundigen 1:11.35,2 27.47,4 (3243) Foto Video 15-M55 77. 4.46 31.41 1436.¦ 18.22 1533.¦ 21.31 1629.¦ 1517. Hänni-Stuber Alexandra 1982 Solothurn 1:11.35,3 27.47,5 (6206) Foto Video 15-F20 70. 4.46 32.08 1577.¦ 18.14 1457.¦ 21.12 1481.¦ 1517. Schiliro Sandro 1977 Ipsach 1:11.35,3 27.47,5 (4224) Foto Video 15-M35 194. 4.46 31.34 1402.¦ 18.24 1555.¦ 21.36 1665.¦ 1519. Zumstein Reto 1974 Bern 1:11.36,6 27.48,8 (5136) Foto Video 15-M35 195. 4.46 32.24 1652.¦ 18.46 1772.¦ 20.25 1087.¦ 1520. Schlup Markus 1970 Rüti b. Büren 1:11.36,9 27.49,1 (4226) Foto Video 15-M40 232. 4.46 30.43 1142.¦ 18.44 1748.¦ 22.08 1943.¦ 1521. Schwab Jean-Pierre 1949 Moutier 1:11.37,6 27.49,8 (7639) Foto Video 15-M60 33. 4.46 32.12 1594.¦ 18.14 1448.¦ 21.10 1473.¦ 1522. Aeschlimann Karin Andrea 1971 Faulensee 1:11.38,0 27.50,2 (5253) Foto Video 15-F40 40. 4.46 31.42 1444.¦ 18.40 1700.¦ 21.15 1515.¦ 1523. Messerli Christian 1964 Travers 1:11.38,1 27.50,3 (8009) Foto Video 15-M45 255. 4.46 32.23 1648.¦ 18.19 1504.¦ 20.55 1349.¦ 1524. Hugonnet Blaise 1959 La Tour-de-Trême 1:11.38,6 27.50,8 (4084) Foto Video 15-M50 177. 4.46 31.31 1381.¦ 18.37 1671.¦ 21.29 1609.¦ 1524. Niggli Jean-Pierre 1958 Les Hauts-Geneveys 1:11.38,6 27.50,8 (28217) Foto Video 15-M55 78. 4.46 32.08 1576.¦ 18.08 1414.¦ 21.21 1562.¦ 1526. Fasel Laure 1988 Estavayer-le-Lac 1:11.40,3 27.52,5 (4044) Foto Video 15-F20 71. 4.46 32.36 1735.¦ 18.07 1401.¦ 20.55 1350.¦ 1527. Leu Stefan 1964 Burgdorf 1:11.40,6 27.52,8 (7522) Foto Video 15-M45 256. 4.46 30.48 1166.¦ 18.11 1428.¦ 22.40 2246.¦ 1528. Fiore Alexandre 1968 Echallens 1:11.40,9 27.53,1 (5064) Foto Video 15-M45 257. 4.46 31.51 1479.¦ 18.40 1697.¦ 21.09 1463.¦ 1529. Zanini Marc, Bellinzona 1967 ASCO Lugano 1:11.42,2 27.54,4 (7733) Foto Video 15-M45 258. 4.46 32.41 1768.¦ 18.04 1376.¦ 20.56 1355.¦ 1530. Hunziker Michel 1960 Kleinbösingen 1:11.43,1 27.55,3 (3237) Foto Video 15-M50 178. 4.46 32.13 1602.¦ 18.19 1504.¦ 21.10 1466.¦ 1531. Meyrat Danilo, Muriaux 1936 CCMJ 1:11.43,2 27.55,4 (8013) Foto Video 15-M70 5. 4.46 32.02 1536.¦ 18.26 1583.¦ 21.14 1507.¦ 1532. Barbey Bertrand 1977 Bulle 1:11.43,3 27.55,5 (28010) Foto Video 15-M35 196. 4.46 32.41 1771.¦ 18.07 1398.¦ 20.54 1339.¦ 1532. Salvi Marc 1966 Hauterive NE 1:11.43,3 27.55,5 (3052) Foto Video 15-M45 259. 4.46 31.02 1225.¦ 18.36 1663.¦ 22.03 1891.¦ 1534. von Arb Ryser Gaby 1968 Huttwil 1:11.43,5 27.55,7 (5127) Foto Video 15-F45 26. 4.46 31.41 1439.¦ 18.28 1594.¦ 21.33 1634.¦ 1535. Redigolo Ernesto 1967 Büren an der Aare 1:11.44,3 27.56,5 (4196) Foto Video 15-M45 260. 4.46 31.19 1314.¦ 18.28 1596.¦ 21.56 1829.¦ 1536. L'Eplattenier Eric 1968 Essert FR 1:11.44,4 27.56,6 (5171) Foto Video 15-M45 261. 4.46 32.11 1587.¦ 18.33 1636.¦ 20.59 1380.¦ 1537. Häusler Ralf 1971 Oftringen 1:11.44,5 27.56,7 (6209) Foto Video 15-M40 233. 4.46 32.05 1551.¦ 18.10 1424.¦ 21.28 1603.¦ 1538. Gschweitl Michael 1980 Zürich 1:11.44,6 27.56,8 (6167) Foto Video 15-M20 307. 4.46 32.29 1689.¦ 18.22 1540.¦ 20.52 1323.¦ 1539. Bachmann Hermann 1952 Flamatt 1:11.45,6 27.57,8 (3277) Foto Video 15-M60 34. 4.47 32.02 1533.¦ 18.24 1553.¦ 21.19 1552.¦ 1540. Bernasconi Annette 1965 Kerzers 1:11.45,8 27.58,0 (7329) Foto Video 15-F45 27. 4.47 32.04 1544.¦ 18.14 1454.¦ 21.27 1591.¦ 1540. Müller Markus 1966 Biel/Bienne 1:11.45,8 27.58,0 (10117) Foto Video 15-M45 262. 4.47 32.47 1813.¦ 17.57 1314.¦ 21.00 1395.¦ 1542. Bornèque Dominique 1976 Muttenz 1:11.46,3 27.58,5 (9195) Foto Video 15-M35 197. 4.47 31.22 1333.¦ 18.16 1479.¦ 22.06 1923.¦ 1543. Ducret Isabelle 1965 Sezegnin 1:11.47,2 27.59,4 (7716) Foto Video 15-F45 28. 4.47 32.20 1624.¦ 18.28 1590.¦ 20.58 1371.¦ 1544. Lommano Claudio 1974 Courtételle 1:11.47,3 27.59,5 (10086) Foto Video 15-M35 198. 4.47 32.08 1578.¦ 18.06 1395.¦ 21.31 1630.¦ 1545. Dorthe Pierre-Alain, Matran 1964 acpm matran 1:11.47,7 27.59,9 (4032) Foto Video 15-M45 263. 4.47 31.48 1470.¦ 18.25 1565.¦ 21.33 1642.¦ 1546. Mathys Odilia 1953 Rubigen 1:11.48,0 28.00,2 (4139) Foto Video 15-F60 3. 4.47 31.46 1463.¦ 18.34 1643.¦ 21.27 1591.¦ 1546. Rölli Toni 1969 Wynau 1:11.48,0 28.00,2 (4212) Foto Video 15-M40 234. 4.47 32.06 1557.¦ 18.19 1508.¦ 21.21 1567.¦ 1548. Studer Reto 1970 Basel 1:11.48,1 28.00,3 (5121) Foto Video 15-M40 235. 4.47 31.24 1339.¦ 18.20 1521.¦ 22.03 1889.¦ 1549. Hottenberg Stephan 1960 Hasle-Rüegsau 1:11.48,3 28.00,5 (4082) Foto Video 15-M50 179. 4.47 32.25 1658.¦ 18.22 1535.¦ 21.00 1393.¦ 1550. Hügli Sandro, Brislach 1990 brisi lightning =) 1:11.48,4 28.00,6 (2319) Foto Video 15-M20 308. 4.47 31.37 1423.¦ 18.29 1604.¦ 21.41 1702.¦ 1551. Käser Chantale 1984 Bern 1:11.48,5 28.00,7 (28080) Foto Video 15-F20 72. 4.47 32.09 1580.¦ 18.25 1571.¦ 21.13 1497.¦ 1552. Hamel David 1975 Môtiers NE 1:11.49,0 28.01,2 (10024) Foto Video 15-M35 199. 4.47 31.57 1508.¦ 17.56 1302.¦ 21.55 1820.¦ 1553. Schwab Beat 1966 Winterthur 1:11.50,0 28.02,2 (4236) Foto Video 15-M45 264. 4.47 31.02 1227.¦ 18.45 1756.¦ 22.02 1881.¦ 1554. Gogniat Magali, Glovelier 1972 Groupe sportif Tabeillon 1:11.50,5 28.02,7 (5333) Foto Video 15-F40 41. 4.47 32.33 1710.¦ 18.18 1492.¦ 20.59 1373.¦ 1555. Käser Moritz 1999 Biel/Bienne 1:11.50,7 28.02,9 (7493) Foto Video 15-U16M 6. 4.47 32.42 1778.¦ 17.55 1292.¦ 21.12 1489.¦ 1556. Buchser Thomas 1965 Kappelen 1:11.51,1 28.03,3 (4003) Foto Video 15-M45 265. 4.47 31.24 1339.¦ 18.08 1409.¦ 22.18 2036.¦ 1557. Loosli Markus 1957 Herzogenbuchsee 1:11.51,2 28.03,4 (3260) Foto Video 15-M55 79. 4.47 32.07 1561.¦ 18.32 1629.¦ 21.11 1477.¦ 1558. Käppeli Michael 1987 Hagendorn 1:11.54,8 28.07,0 (6259) Foto Video 15-M20 309. 4.47 32.18 1620.¦ 17.58 1326.¦ 21.37 1672.¦ 1559. Hamm Andreas 1966 Mittelhäusern 1:11.55,2 28.07,4 (28391) Foto Video 15-M45 266. 4.47 32.07 1569.¦ 18.12 1435.¦ 21.35 1647.¦ 1559. Indermaur Martin 1969 Bern 1:11.55,2 28.07,4 (5025) Foto Video 15-M40 236. 4.47 32.08 1572.¦ 18.08 1412.¦ 21.38 1678.¦ 1561. Kumar Bharat 1980 Denges 1:11.55,5 28.07,7 (5140) Foto Video 15-M20 310. 4.47 32.23 1644.¦ 18.18 1501.¦ 21.13 1497.¦ 1562. Stampfli Rolf 1956 Herzogenbuchsee 1:11.56,1 28.08,3 (28378) Foto Video 15-M55 80. 4.47 31.37 1420.¦ 18.28 1597.¦ 21.49 1778.¦ 1563. Baettig Romain 1995 Biel/Bienne 1:11.56,8 28.09,0 (5277) Foto Video 15-U20M 34. 4.47 32.08 1571.¦ 18.11 1430.¦ 21.37 1670.¦ 1564. Coen Italo 1965 Vacallo 1:11.57,3 28.09,5 (4021) Foto Video 15-M45 267. 4.47 31.46 1460.¦ 18.23 1550.¦ 21.47 1761.¦ 1565. Kamm Heidi 1976 Netstal 1:11.57,8 28.10,0 (9084) Foto Video 15-F35 24. 4.47 32.31 1704.¦ 18.20 1513.¦ 21.05 1422.¦ 1566. Moser Aline 1969 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:11.58,2 28.10,4 (7728) Foto Video 15-F40 42. 4.47 31.43 1452.¦ 18.22 1542.¦ 21.51 1788.¦ 1567. Knapp Beat 1962 Hünibach 1:11.59,2 28.11,4 (3184) Foto Video 15-M50 180. 4.47 32.05 1548.¦ 18.45 1757.¦ 21.09 1457.¦ 1568. Zumbrunn Olivia 1981 Bolligen 1:11.59,4 28.11,6 (5196) Foto Video 15-F20 73. 4.47 32.24 1651.¦ 18.24 1561.¦ 21.10 1469.¦ 1569. Ruchonnet Jerome 1979 Rivaz 1:11.59,8 28.12,0 (4208) Foto Video 15-M20 311. 4.47 31.17 1308.¦ 17.56 1296.¦ 22.46 2301.¦ 1570. Schneider Oliver 1982 Tafers 1:12.00,3 28.12,5 (8135) Foto Video 15-M20 312. 4.48 31.50 1474.¦ 18.33 1638.¦ 21.36 1659.¦ 1571. Regli Schmucki Maria 1961 Mittelhäusern 1:12.00,4 28.12,6 (5108) Foto Video 15-F50 8. 4.48 32.07 1566.¦ 18.17 1488.¦ 21.35 1652.¦ 1572. Brulhart Laurent 1981 Givisiez 1:12.01,3 28.13,5 (9211) Foto Video 15-M20 313. 4.48 32.45 1799.¦ 18.13 1442.¦ 21.02 1401.¦ 1573. Badre Marie 1983 Echichens 1:12.01,5 28.13,7 (5273) Foto Video 15-F20 74. 4.48 31.58 1511.¦ 18.36 1667.¦ 21.26 1590.¦ 1574. Chanez Frédéric 1980 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:12.02,3 28.14,5 (28170) Foto Video 15-M20 314. 4.48 31.38 1424.¦ 18.32 1628.¦ 21.51 1790.¦ 1575. Widmer Marc 1977 Olten 1:12.03,0 28.15,2 (4288) Foto Video 15-M35 200. 4.48 30.51 1179.¦ 18.50 1816.¦ 22.20 2055.¦ 1576. Krattinger Benoit 1977 Colombier NE 1:12.03,1 28.15,3 (7509) Foto Video 15-M35 201. 4.48 31.36 1413.¦ 18.46 1764.¦ 21.40 1697.¦ 1577. Ebneter Georges 1968 Corminboeuf 1:12.03,9 28.16,1 (2187) Foto Video 15-M45 268. 4.48 31.29 1369.¦ 18.42 1726.¦ 21.52 1795.¦ 1578. Farrelly David 1973 Nyon 1:12.04,0 28.16,2 (6112) Foto Video 15-M40 237. 4.48 32.18 1619.¦ 18.31 1623.¦ 21.13 1504.¦ 1579. Vonlanthen René 1961 Düdingen 1:12.04,2 28.16,4 (8219) Foto Video 15-M50 181. 4.48 32.12 1592.¦ 18.57 1873.¦ 20.54 1338.¦ 1580. Grass Leonhard 1968 Zürich 1:12.04,6 28.16,8 (5163) Foto Video 15-M45 269. 4.48 32.46 1803.¦ 18.13 1446.¦ 21.04 1418.¦ 1581. Calderone Francesco 1965 Neuchâtel 1:12.04,7 28.16,9 (10297) Foto Video 15-M45 270. 4.48 32.59 1867.¦ 17.59 1333.¦ 21.06 1432.¦ 1582. Fringeli Roland 1961 Breitenbach 1:12.05,0 28.17,2 (4050) Foto Video 15-M50 182. 4.48 30.58 1206.¦ 18.42 1720.¦ 22.24 2099.¦ 1583. Melly Serge 1954 Crassier 1:12.05,1 28.17,3 (3328) Foto Video 15-M55 81. 4.48 31.24 1342.¦ 18.34 1645.¦ 22.06 1916.¦ 1584. Gottier Jonas 1988 Unterseen 1:12.05,8 28.18,0 (6151) Foto Video 15-M20 315. 4.48 32.48 1818.¦ 18.04 1379.¦ 21.13 1490.¦ 1585. Pfister Klaus 1967 Kienersrüti 1:12.06,1 28.18,3 (9094) Foto Video 15-M45 271. 4.48 32.44 1794.¦ 18.39 1693.¦ 20.41 1230.¦ 1586. Sahli Reto 1982 Toffen 1:12.06,4 28.18,6 (2277) Foto Video 15-M20 316. 4.48 32.06 1554.¦ 18.39 1689.¦ 21.21 1562.¦ 1587. Soobrayen Daniel 1978 Fribourg 1:12.06,7 28.18,9 (5185) Foto Video 15-M35 202. 4.48 32.35 1726.¦ 18.19 1511.¦ 21.11 1475.¦ 1588. Mader Christian 1967 Kerzers 1:12.07,0 28.19,2 (4135) Foto Video 15-M45 272. 4.48 31.24 1341.¦ 18.38 1683.¦ 22.04 1894.¦ 1589. Forney Jean-Francois 1969 Fribourg 1:12.07,4 28.19,6 (7407) Foto Video 15-M40 238. 4.48 31.53 1490.¦ 18.28 1593.¦ 21.45 1743.¦ 1590. Oliveira Joao, Couvet 1984 Pink Runners 1:12.08,3 28.20,5 (11282) Foto Video 15-M20 317. 4.48 32.07 1560.¦ 18.29 1609.¦ 21.31 1628.¦ 1591. Fischer Stefan 1968 Solothurn 1:12.08,4 28.20,6 (6122) Foto Video 15-M45 273. 4.48 31.53 1489.¦ 18.19 1506.¦ 21.55 1822.¦ 1592. Hess Lorenz 1961 Stettlen 1:12.09,2 28.21,4 (28071) Foto Video 15-M50 183. 4.48 31.23 1337.¦ 18.30 1614.¦ 22.15 2015.¦ 1593. Chibout Abdé 1961 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:12.09,4 28.21,6 (6062) Foto Video 15-M50 184. 4.48 32.06 1553.¦ 18.44 1744.¦ 21.19 1543.¦ 1594. Geiser Claudine 1963 Dombresson 1:12.10,8 28.23,0 (5069) Foto Video 15-F50 9. 4.48 31.42 1443.¦ 18.38 1686.¦ 21.49 1777.¦ 1595. Schafroth Thomas 1972 Ipsach 1:12.11,0 28.23,2 (7615) Foto Video 15-M40 239. 4.48 32.06 1556.¦ 18.28 1592.¦ 21.36 1658.¦ 1595. Schüpbach Andrea 1972 Schüpfen 1:12.11,0 28.23,2 (4242) Foto Video 15-F40 43. 4.48 31.52 1485.¦ 18.33 1633.¦ 21.45 1746.¦ 1597. Cavin Chantal 1978 Bern 1:12.11,1 28.23,3 (28035) Foto Video 15-BF 1. 4.48 31.20 1319.¦ 18.37 1669.¦ 22.13 1997.¦ 1598. Sudan Dominique 1954 La Tour-de-Trême 1:12.11,4 28.23,6 (4263) Foto Video 15-M55 82. 4.48 31.43 1448.¦ 18.49 1801.¦ 21.38 1683.¦ 1599. Gut Adrian, Morges 1969 TV Erlenbach 1:12.11,7 28.23,9 (11220) Foto Video 15-M40 240. 4.48 31.59 1518.¦ 18.36 1662.¦ 21.35 1650.¦ 1600. Steffen Edi, Lengnau BE 1973 Laufträff Büren 1:12.11,8 28.24,0 (7662) Foto Video 15-M40 241. 4.48 32.20 1632.¦ 18.38 1684.¦ 21.12 1485.¦ 1601. Nienhüser Denis 1966 Belp 1:12.12,4 28.24,6 (5343) Foto Video 15-M45 274. 4.48 32.09 1579.¦ 18.30 1612.¦ 21.33 1639.¦ 1602. Traub Peter 1972 Grenchen 1:12.12,5 28.24,7 (8199) Foto Video 15-M40 242. 4.48 32.29 1690.¦ 18.26 1577.¦ 21.16 1521.¦ 1603. Daucourt Philippe 1969 Bern 1:12.12,9 28.25,1 (6077) Foto Video 15-M40 243. 4.48 32.40 1761.¦ 18.12 1437.¦ 21.20 1555.¦ 1603. Flueckiger Jan 1979 Bern 1:12.12,9 28.25,1 (9277) Foto Video 15-M20 318. 4.48 33.47 2152.¦ 17.53 1269.¦ 20.32 1142.¦ 1605. Röthlisberger Martin, Leuzigen 1960 Smrun 1:12.13,6 28.25,8 (8113) Foto Video 15-M50 185. 4.48 32.30 1695.¦ 18.18 1493.¦ 21.24 1580.¦ 1606. Rossinelli Mara, Taverne 1960 Club: RCB 1:12.14,0 28.26,2 (5032) Foto Video 15-F50 10. 4.48 32.21 1635.¦ 18.18 1497.¦ 21.34 1643.¦ 1607. Müller Peter 1962 Lyss 1:12.14,3 28.26,5 (5224) Foto Video 15-M50 186. 4.48 32.31 1696.¦ 18.50 1810.¦ 20.53 1333.¦ 1608. Kreis Markus 1974 Bern 1:12.14,5 28.26,7 (5168) Foto Video 15-M35 203. 4.48 31.39 1430.¦ 18.15 1463.¦ 22.19 2045.¦ 1609. Seibert Heinz-Peter 1954 Zollikofen 1:12.15,4 28.27,6 (4245) Foto Video 15-M55 83. 4.49 32.32 1708.¦ 17.58 1317.¦ 21.44 1738.¦ 1610. Cressier Laurent 1968 Lugnorre 1:12.15,7 28.27,9 (5156) Foto Video 15-M45 275. 4.49 31.56 1504.¦ 18.46 1776.¦ 21.32 1632.¦ 1611. Suter Annick, Bern 1987 STB 1:12.16,3 28.28,5 (28335) Foto Video 15-F20 75. 4.49 31.52 1483.¦ 18.25 1571.¦ 21.58 1845.¦ 1612. Chavaillaz Bernardin 1943 Ecuvillens 1:12.17,8 28.30,0 (5154) Foto Video 15-M70 6. 4.49 32.20 1626.¦ 18.28 1589.¦ 21.29 1608.¦ 1613. Mercanton Patrick 1957 Palézieux-Village 1:12.18,9 28.31,1 (10103) Foto Video 15-M55 84. 4.49 32.47 1815.¦ 18.47 1784.¦ 20.43 1241.¦ 1614. Kopf Bruno 1968 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz 1:12.19,0 28.31,2 (5141) Foto Video 15-M45 276. 4.49 32.17 1617.¦ 18.07 1399.¦ 21.53 1807.¦ 1615. Haldi Andreas 1961 Aeschi b. Spiez 1:12.19,5 28.31,7 (9023) Foto Video 15-M50 187. 4.49 33.05 1902.¦ 18.24 1555.¦ 20.49 1298.¦ 1616. Wyss Christoph 1964 Biel/Bienne 1:12.19,7 28.31,9 (8248) Foto Video 15-M45 277. 4.49 32.33 1712.¦ 18.24 1555.¦ 21.21 1565.¦ 1617. Béguin Jacques 1960 Delémont 1:12.20,2 28.32,4 (7325) Foto Video 15-M50 188. 4.49 32.27 1668.¦ 18.22 1542.¦ 21.29 1615.¦ 1618. Bhend Daniel, Bern 1955 LCA 1:12.20,3 28.32,5 (28162) Foto Video 15-M55 85. 4.49 31.54 1493.¦ 18.37 1675.¦ 21.48 1767.¦ 1619. Berndt Matthias 1959 Arisdorf 1:12.20,8 28.33,0 (5304) Foto Video 15-M50 189. 4.49 32.11 1585.¦ 18.47 1781.¦ 21.22 1570.¦ 1620. Melita Adriano 1980 Domdidier 1:12.21,3 28.33,5 (13125) Foto Video 15-M20 319. 4.49 32.47 1816.¦ 18.14 1452.¦ 21.19 1543.¦ 1620. Rust Markus 1971 Bottmingen 1:12.21,3 28.33,5 (8106) Foto Video 15-M40 244. 4.49 31.34 1403.¦ 18.52 1824.¦ 21.54 1816.¦ 1622. Tschöpe Thorsten 1984 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:12.21,8 28.34,0 (8202) Foto Video 15-M20 320. 4.49 33.46 2151.¦ 17.45 1198.¦ 20.49 1301.¦ 1623. Levrat Nicolas 1977 Fribourg 1:12.23,0 28.35,2 (6276) Foto Video 15-M35 204. 4.49 31.52 1484.¦ 18.29 1611.¦ 22.00 1866.¦ 1624. Schweizer André 1968 Lampenberg 1:12.23,4 28.35,6 (4238) Foto Video 15-M45 278. 4.49 32.15 1609.¦ 18.25 1563.¦ 21.42 1717.¦ 1625. Zibung Marcel 1960 Ostermundigen 1:12.24,0 28.36,2 (5134) Foto Video 15-M50 190. 4.49 32.22 1638.¦ 18.24 1559.¦ 21.37 1670.¦ 1626. Matter John 1948 Lyss 1:12.25,1 28.37,3 (8002) Foto Video 15-M65 14. 4.49 31.58 1512.¦ 18.15 1459.¦ 22.11 1976.¦ 1627. Juon Alexander 1953 Eyholz 1:12.26,2 28.38,4 (5027) Foto Video 15-M60 35. 4.49 32.23 1644.¦ 18.40 1704.¦ 21.22 1572.¦ 1628. Rohrbach Martin 1963 Utzenstorf 1:12.26,6 28.38,8 (4204) Foto Video 15-M50 191. 4.49 32.09 1581.¦ 18.32 1630.¦ 21.44 1740.¦ 1629. Binggeli Bernard 1956 Yvonand 1:12.27,0 28.39,2 (5315) Foto Video 15-M55 86. 4.49 32.22 1640.¦ 18.57 1871.¦ 21.07 1440.¦ 1630. Haenni Bruno 1977 Solothurn 1:12.27,1 28.39,3 (6175) Foto Video 15-M35 205. 4.49 32.39 1752.¦ 18.38 1684.¦ 21.09 1461.¦ 1631. Guillod Catherine, La Neuveville 1960 Triseeland Biel 1:12.27,3 28.39,5 (6170) Foto Video 15-F50 11. 4.49 32.21 1633.¦ 18.54 1845.¦ 21.11 1479.¦ 1632. Küpfer Manfred 1964 Grossaffoltern 1:12.28,7 28.40,9 (6263) Foto Video 15-M45 279. 4.49 31.30 1375.¦ 18.26 1577.¦ 22.31 2164.¦ 1633. Zanoni René, Widen 1947 Beriker Jogger 1:12.29,7 28.41,9 (7734) Foto Video 15-M65 15. 4.49 32.45 1797.¦ 18.38 1678.¦ 21.06 1432.¦ 1634. Spahr Jürg 1968 Frauenkappelen 1:12.30,3 28.42,5 (13259) Foto Video 15-M45 280. 4.50 32.48 1823.¦ 18.21 1527.¦ 21.20 1555.¦ 1635. Délèze Yann 1974 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:12.30,5 28.42,7 (9068) Foto Video 15-M35 206. 4.50 32.55 1849.¦ 18.35 1652.¦ 20.59 1387.¦ 1636. Reuse Janine 1961 Kandersteg 1:12.30,9 28.43,1 (8084) Foto Video 15-F50 12. 4.50 32.45 1802.¦ 18.27 1586.¦ 21.18 1539.¦ 1637. Hert Stephan 1965 Ruppoldsried 1:12.31,0 28.43,2 (6188) Foto Video 15-M45 281. 4.50 31.26 1348.¦ 19.03 1941.¦ 22.01 1871.¦ 1637. Thürre Gabriel 1955 Fribourg 1:12.31,0 28.43,2 (8190) Foto Video 15-M55 87. 4.50 32.42 1784.¦ 18.42 1724.¦ 21.05 1424.¦ 1639. Imoberdorf Emil 1950 Ulrichen 1:12.31,8 28.44,0 (5082) Foto Video 15-M60 36. 4.50 32.30 1694.¦ 18.30 1616.¦ 21.30 1621.¦ 1640. Friedli Jürg 1971 Bern 1:12.31,9 28.44,1 (5066) Foto Video 15-M40 245. 4.50 32.31 1702.¦ 19.03 1938.¦ 20.57 1359.¦ 1641. Federspiel Nicole 1985 Bern 1:12.32,1 28.44,3 (6117) Foto Video 15-F20 76. 4.50 32.07 1566.¦ 18.42 1727.¦ 21.41 1713.¦ 1641. Spechbach Hervé 1979 Genève 1:12.32,1 28.44,3 (10214) Foto Video 15-M20 321. 4.50 32.15 1608.¦ 18.29 1609.¦ 21.47 1756.¦ 1643. Luepold Felix 1982 Bern 1:12.33,9 28.46,1 (6278) Foto Video 15-M20 322. 4.50 33.49 2167.¦ 18.18 1501.¦ 20.25 1089.¦ 1644. Joos Rahel, Bern 1965 LCA Bärn 1:12.34,1 28.46,3 (4097) Foto Video 15-F45 29. 4.50 32.15 1609.¦ 18.45 1757.¦ 21.33 1633.¦ 1645. Mino Jean-Francois 1963 Carouge GE 1:12.34,3 28.46,5 (8017) Foto Video 15-M50 192. 4.50 32.08 1572.¦ 18.52 1831.¦ 21.33 1636.¦ 1646. Bleiker Marcel 1966 Worb 1:12.35,1 28.47,3 (5051) Foto Video 15-M45 282. 4.50 32.43 1787.¦ 18.40 1702.¦ 21.10 1469.¦ 1647. Dupasquier Christèle 1985 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 1:12.35,5 28.47,7 (5159) Foto Video 15-F20 77. 4.50 32.28 1681.¦ 18.27 1586.¦ 21.39 1689.¦ 1647. Winkelmann Ernst 1957 Courgevaux 1:12.35,5 28.47,7 (4291) Foto Video 15-M55 88. 4.50 32.20 1627.¦ 18.43 1731.¦ 21.32 1631.¦ 1649. Burkart Manuela 1975 Oetwil an der Limmat 1:12.35,8 28.48,0 (9013) Foto Video 15-F35 25. 4.50 33.12 1948.¦ 18.16 1476.¦ 21.06 1436.¦ 1650. Baumgartner Sibylle 1975 Fräschels 1:12.36,1 28.48,3 (5207) Foto Video 15-F35 26. 4.50 32.20 1625.¦ 18.25 1569.¦ 21.50 1780.¦ 1650. Mani Andreas 1973 Münchenbuchsee 1:12.36,1 28.48,3 (7542) Foto Video 15-M40 246. 4.50 32.40 1761.¦ 18.25 1567.¦ 21.30 1619.¦ 1652. Jeandupeux Charles, Saignelégier 1962 CCMJ 1:12.36,2 28.48,4 (9031) Foto Video 15-M50 193. 4.50 32.44 1794.¦ 18.29 1604.¦ 21.21 1568.¦ 1653. Brandenberg Monika 1965 Steffisburg 1:12.36,5 28.48,7 (9202) Foto Video 15-F45 30. 4.50 32.36 1735.¦ 18.43 1735.¦ 21.16 1523.¦ 1654. Kuhn Daniel 1977 Kerzers 1:12.37,1 28.49,3 (5093) Foto Video 15-M35 207. 4.50 32.32 1707.¦ 18.46 1766.¦ 21.18 1540.¦ 1655. Mörgeli Stefan 1957 Basel 1:12.37,3 28.49,5 (8031) Foto Video 15-M55 89. 4.50 32.38 1741.¦ 18.21 1531.¦ 21.37 1669.¦ 1656. Fischer Reto 1984 Solothurn 1:12.38,7 28.50,9 (4045) Foto Video 15-M20 323. 4.50 32.02 1537.¦ 18.07 1397.¦ 22.29 2141.¦ 1657. Berger Thuillard Stéphanie 1979 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:12.38,8 28.51,0 (7328) Foto Video 15-F20 78. 4.50 32.00 1522.¦ 18.54 1843.¦ 21.44 1730.¦ 1658. Haas Christian 1968 Aarau 1:12.39,6 28.51,8 (5075) Foto Video 15-M45 283. 4.50 31.56 1505.¦ 18.41 1707.¦ 22.01 1879.¦ 1659. Perren Marianne 1975 Uttigen 1:12.39,7 28.51,9 (5031) Foto Video 15-F35 27. 4.50 32.34 1719.¦ 18.40 1697.¦ 21.24 1581.¦ 1660. Quinodoz Nicolas 1967 Savièse 1:12.40,3 28.52,5 (4190) Foto Video 15-M45 284. 4.50 32.02 1533.¦ 18.41 1713.¦ 21.56 1835.¦ 1661. Delis Andreas 1981 Zürich 1:12.40,4 28.52,6 (7370) Foto Video 15-M20 324. 4.50 32.44 1794.¦ 18.43 1742.¦ 21.11 1478.¦ 1662. Schwager Daniel 1978 Corcelles-le-Jorat 1:12.41,0 28.53,2 (2286) Foto Video 15-M35 208. 4.50 29.34 806.¦ 18.23 1545.¦ 24.43 3168.¦ 1662. Vollenweider Tanja 1991 Ennetbürgen 1:12.41,0 28.53,2 (13298) Foto Video 15-F20 79. 4.50 32.26 1664.¦ 19.00 1902.¦ 21.13 1500.¦ 1664. Niederberger Stefan 1985 Lyss 1:12.41,1 28.53,3 (28216) Foto Video 15-M20 325. 4.50 30.12 990.¦ 18.16 1481.¦ 24.12 2961.¦ 1665. Jost Jürg 1956 Zollbrück 1:12.41,9 28.54,1 (5084) Foto Video 15-M55 90. 4.50 32.32 1706.¦ 18.41 1709.¦ 21.28 1603.¦ 1666. Grüebler Thomas, Bonstetten 1961 VC Spreitenbach 1:12.42,9 28.55,1 (6165) Foto Video 15-M50 194. 4.50 32.49 1828.¦ 18.41 1712.¦ 21.12 1481.¦ 1666. Walter Marc 1989 Pensier 1:12.42,9 28.55,1 (8227) Foto Video 15-M20 326. 4.50 33.27 2036.¦ 18.06 1392.¦ 21.08 1455.¦ 1668. Ineichen Joe 1962 Sempach Stadt 1:12.43,1 28.55,3 (28402) Foto Video 15-M50 195. 4.50 32.26 1663.¦ 18.37 1671.¦ 21.39 1689.¦ 1668. Kilchenmann Michael 1962 Münsingen 1:12.43,1 28.55,3 (6242) Foto Video 15-M50 195. 4.50 32.20 1631.¦ 18.39 1691.¦ 21.43 1723.¦ 1670. Billieux Patrick 1974 Neuchâtel 1:12.43,2 28.55,4 (5314) Foto Video 15-M35 209. 4.50 32.21 1636.¦ 18.45 1753.¦ 21.36 1661.¦ 1671. Schärer Kurt 1941 Worb 1:12.43,6 28.55,8 (5118) Foto Video 15-M70 7. 4.50 32.27 1673.¦ 18.34 1645.¦ 21.41 1709.¦ 1672. Tacca Gianni 1964 Monthey 1:12.44,7 28.56,9 (7673) Foto Video 15-M45 285. 4.50 32.11 1585.¦ 18.51 1820.¦ 21.42 1716.¦ 1673. Ventura Antonio 1968 Ecuvillens 1:12.45,0 28.57,2 (10249) Foto Video 15-M45 286. 4.51 32.50 1831.¦ 18.36 1657.¦ 21.18 1542.¦ 1674. Wiedmer Markus 1970 Ostermundigen 1:12.45,2 28.57,4 (8314) Foto Video 15-M40 247. 4.51 32.28 1678.¦ 18.38 1681.¦ 21.38 1677.¦ 1675. Trauffer Martin 1967 Möhlin 1:12.45,3 28.57,5 (28241) Foto Video 15-M45 287. 4.51 32.38 1747.¦ 18.22 1540.¦ 21.44 1735.¦ 1676. Stancheris Vivian 1956 Biel/Bienne 1:12.46,3 28.58,5 (8170) Foto Video 15-M55 91. 4.51 32.05 1549.¦ 18.45 1757.¦ 21.55 1827.¦ 1677. Waeber Laurent 1968 Romont FR 1:12.47,0 28.59,2 (5235) Foto Video 15-M45 288. 4.51 32.41 1767.¦ 18.24 1555.¦ 21.41 1709.¦ 1678. Fasel Gutknecht Judith 1970 Ried b. Kerzers 1:12.47,1 28.59,3 (5012) Foto Video 15-F40 44. 4.51 32.46 1805.¦ 18.46 1766.¦ 21.14 1511.¦ 1679. Loosli Thomas 1986 Zürich 1:12.48,9 29.01,1 (10087) Foto Video 15-M20 327. 4.51 31.55 1500.¦ 19.05 1964.¦ 21.47 1761.¦ 1680. Terreaux Sébastien 1976 Salvenach 1:12.49,2 29.01,4 (28337) Foto Video 15-M35 210. 4.51 32.34 1716.¦ 18.32 1627.¦ 21.42 1721.¦ 1681. Sturzenegger Rolf 1956 Wädenswil 1:12.49,4 29.01,6 (7672) Foto Video 15-M55 92. 4.51 32.52 1839.¦ 18.20 1522.¦ 21.35 1657.¦ 1682. Rappo Roger 1983 Düdingen 1:12.49,8 29.02,0 (4193) Foto Video 15-M20 328. 4.51 33.13 1956.¦ 18.24 1561.¦ 21.12 1481.¦ 1683. Imperatori Claudio, Zollikofen 1971 Imperatori 1:12.50,2 29.02,4 (10046) Foto Video 15-M40 248. 4.51 32.41 1772.¦ 18.48 1788.¦ 21.20 1557.¦ 1684. Amport Markus 1964 Grossaffoltern 1:12.50,5 29.02,7 (5013) Foto Video 15-M45 289. 4.51 31.58 1514.¦ 18.30 1614.¦ 22.21 2065.¦ 1684. Reymond Fabrice, Neuchâtel 1977 Faylys 1:12.50,5 29.02,7 (10157) Foto Video 15-M35 211. 4.51 33.15 1971.¦ 18.36 1663.¦ 20.57 1365.¦ 1686. Jud Laura 1959 Kaltbrunn 1:12.50,6 29.02,8 (5026) Foto Video 15-F50 13. 4.51 32.02 1540.¦ 18.37 1675.¦ 22.09 1956.¦ 1687. Jemini Enrico 1963 Prugiasco 1:12.50,8 29.03,0 (9002) Foto Video 15-M50 197. 4.51 33.04 1899.¦ 18.26 1577.¦ 21.19 1549.¦ 1688. Merz Regula 1974 Rubigen 1:12.50,9 29.03,1 (5100) Foto Video 15-F35 28. 4.51 32.32 1705.¦ 18.42 1720.¦ 21.36 1663.¦ 1689. Röthlisberger Pierre 1955 Grellingen 1:12.51,5 29.03,7 (10169) Foto Video 15-M55 93. 4.51 32.46 1803.¦ 18.35 1655.¦ 21.29 1609.¦ 1690. Dubey Eric 1969 Sévaz 1:12.51,8 29.04,0 (6094) Foto Video 15-M40 249. 4.51 32.27 1668.¦ 19.16 2084.¦ 21.08 1448.¦ 1691. Bourgeois Alison, Troinex 1953 Perform 1:12.51,9 29.04,1 (7338) Foto Video 15-F60 4. 4.51 32.35 1722.¦ 19.00 1897.¦ 21.16 1521.¦ 1691. Duber Martin 1973 Effretikon 1:12.51,9 29.04,1 (22025) Foto Video 15-M40 250. 4.51 32.27 1672.¦ 18.15 1468.¦ 22.08 1939.¦ 1693. Vina Heidi, Vallorbe 1968 Footing Dent-de-Vaulion 1:12.52,1 29.04,3 (10251) Foto Video 15-F45 31. 4.51 32.23 1644.¦ 18.36 1667.¦ 21.52 1798.¦ 1694. Dietrich Sébastien 1987 Les Ecasseys 1:12.52,5 29.04,7 (9250) Foto Video 15-M20 329. 4.51 33.07 1915.¦ 18.32 1630.¦ 21.12 1485.¦ 1695. Kühni Monika 1965 Bützberg 1:12.53,9 29.06,1 (6260) Foto Video 15-F45 32. 4.51 32.38 1748.¦ 18.49 1799.¦ 21.26 1587.¦ 1696. Baum Christian 1968 Nidau 1:12.54,6 29.06,8 (5286) Foto Video 15-M45 290. 4.51 32.07 1563.¦ 18.43 1736.¦ 22.03 1891.¦ 1696. Nadakal Anne 1971 Genève 1:12.54,6 29.06,8 (4161) Foto Video 15-F40 45. 4.51 32.33 1709.¦ 19.01 1910.¦ 21.19 1554.¦ 1698. Raemy Hugo 1951 Liebistorf 1:12.55,0 29.07,2 (4191) Foto Video 15-M60 37. 4.51 32.19 1622.¦ 19.00 1903.¦ 21.35 1647.¦ 1699. Wiesendanger Marcel 1973 Biberist 1:12.55,4 29.07,6 (4289) Foto Video 15-M40 251. 4.51 32.28 1678.¦ 18.19 1503.¦ 22.07 1928.¦ 1700. Krebs Daniel 1974 Münchenbuchsee 1:12.56,3 29.08,5 (5091) Foto Video 15-M35 212. 4.51 32.29 1688.¦ 18.46 1776.¦ 21.40 1693.¦ 1701. Sperl Daniel 1967 Waltenschwil 1:12.57,7 29.09,9 (2080) Foto Video 15-M45 291. 4.51 31.35 1409.¦ 18.49 1806.¦ 22.32 2171.¦ 1702. Soldini Maria 1952 Comano 1:12.58,7 29.10,9 (8159) Foto Video 15-F60 5. 4.51 32.28 1677.¦ 18.48 1792.¦ 21.41 1709.¦ 1703. Noth Eliane 1955 Bern 1:12.59,2 29.11,4 (8040) Foto Video 15-F55 8. 4.51 32.35 1723.¦ 18.42 1729.¦ 21.40 1697.¦ 1703. Stojic Oleg 1956 Interlaken 1:12.59,2 29.11,4 (12023) Foto Video 15-M55 94. 4.51 32.37 1739.¦ 18.43 1737.¦ 21.38 1681.¦ 1705. Schmid Anne-Maria 1962 Seedorf BE 1:12.59,3 29.11,5 (9141) Foto Video 15-F50 14. 4.51 32.53 1842.¦ 18.46 1773.¦ 21.19 1543.¦ 1706. Richoz Philippe 1957 Marin-Epagnier 1:13.00,4 29.12,6 (8088) Foto Video 15-M55 95. 4.52 32.06 1554.¦ 18.39 1692.¦ 22.15 2014.¦ 1707. Kreienbühl Thierry 1964 Ueberstorf 1:13.00,9 29.13,1 (6256) Foto Video 15-M45 292. 4.52 32.27 1668.¦ 18.49 1803.¦ 21.44 1730.¦ 1708. Williner Alfons 1955 Naters 1:13.01,1 29.13,3 (3254) Foto Video 15-M55 96. 4.52 32.04 1544.¦ 18.59 1891.¦ 21.57 1841.¦ 1709. Siegenthaler Daniel 1965 Studen BE 1:13.01,6 29.13,8 (5120) Foto Video 15-M45 293. 4.52 32.47 1811.¦ 18.31 1622.¦ 21.42 1722.¦ 1709. Touren Romain, F-Gaillard 1970 BNP PARIBASPORT 1:13.01,6 29.13,8 (8195) Foto Video 15-M40 252. 4.52 32.56 1854.¦ 18.40 1705.¦ 21.24 1577.¦ 1711. Pfeiffer Martine 1959 Le Locle 1:13.02,0 29.14,2 (8056) Foto Video 15-F50 15. 4.52 32.13 1598.¦ 18.54 1847.¦ 21.53 1807.¦ 1712. Michel Christophe 1968 Petit-Lancy 1:13.02,3 29.14,5 (10109) Foto Video 15-M45 294. 4.52 33.09 1929.¦ 18.29 1601.¦ 21.23 1576.¦ 1713. Reber Martin 1969 Rosshäusern 1:13.02,7 29.14,9 (7597) Foto Video 15-M40 253. 4.52 32.31 1700.¦ 18.52 1826.¦ 21.38 1685.¦ 1714. Doumenc Philippe 1963 Morrens VD 1:13.03,3 29.15,5 (7376) Foto Video 15-M50 198. 4.52 33.31 2058.¦ 18.18 1495.¦ 21.13 1500.¦ 1715. Lerch Roland 1969 Courgevaux 1:13.03,4 29.15,6 (5096) Foto Video 15-M40 254. 4.52 32.00 1521.¦ 18.42 1717.¦ 22.21 2060.¦ 1716. Scheidegger Willy 1962 Zollikofen 1:13.04,0 29.16,2 (5181) Foto Video 15-M50 199. 4.52 31.33 1394.¦ 18.34 1642.¦ 22.56 2377.¦ 1717. Kramer Marco 1990 Liebistorf 1:13.04,7 29.16,9 (5326) Foto Video 15-M20 330. 4.52 33.56 2201.¦ 18.04 1379.¦ 21.03 1413.¦ 1717. Schaffner Daniel-Marc 1972 Hasle-Rüegsau 1:13.04,7 29.16,9 (8298) Foto Video 15-M40 255. 4.52 33.32 2063.¦ 18.16 1481.¦ 21.15 1515.¦ 1719. Jungo Paul 1950 Posieux 1:13.05,0 29.17,2 (5085) Foto Video 15-M60 38. 4.52 32.38 1741.¦ 19.09 2008.¦ 21.17 1535.¦ 1720. Wälti Hans Rudolf, Amsoldingen 1966 Lauftreff Bircher 1:13.05,3 29.17,5 (9051) Foto Video 15-M45 295. 4.52 32.31 1698.¦ 18.50 1814.¦ 21.43 1728.¦ 1721. Brantschen Reto 1975 Murten 1:13.05,4 29.17,6 (3159) Foto Video 15-M35 213. 4.52 31.10 1268.¦ 19.07 1987.¦ 22.47 2306.¦ 1722. Grambone Daniele 1985 Zürich 1:13.06,0 29.18,2 (4059) Foto Video 15-M20 331. 4.52 32.28 1680.¦ 18.31 1621.¦ 22.05 1910.¦ 1723. Küng-Schmid Urs 1952 Arth 1:13.06,6 29.18,8 (6262) Foto Video 15-M60 39. 4.52 33.45 2138.¦ 18.53 1837.¦ 20.27 1103.¦ 1724. Jeanneret Christophe 1974 Zürich 1:13.07,1 29.19,3 (5083) Foto Video 15-M35 214. 4.52 32.11 1589.¦ 18.31 1619.¦ 22.24 2094.¦ 1725. Hügli Roger 1972 Biglen 1:13.07,8 29.20,0 (9133) Foto Video 15-M40 256. 4.52 33.07 1913.¦ 18.48 1790.¦ 21.12 1481.¦ 1725. Werlen Damian 1966 Münsingen 1:13.07,8 29.20,0 (8233) Foto Video 15-M45 296. 4.52 32.36 1729.¦ 18.44 1744.¦ 21.47 1759.¦ 1727. Draeger Klaus, D-Freiburg 1955 FunRunners Volksbank Frei 1:13.07,9 29.20,1 (5157) Foto Video 15-M55 97. 4.52 32.53 1841.¦ 18.36 1663.¦ 21.37 1673.¦ 1728. Müller Bruno 1960 Muttenz 1:13.08,0 29.20,2 (4158) Foto Video 15-M50 200. 4.52 32.36 1735.¦ 18.58 1878.¦ 21.33 1634.¦ 1729. Carrel Olivier 1963 Perly 1:13.09,0 29.21,2 (12217) Foto Video 15-M50 201. 4.52 33.38 2097.¦ 18.23 1544.¦ 21.07 1443.¦ 1730. Pühringer Martin 1984 Biel/Bienne 1:13.09,2 29.21,4 (10146) Foto Video 15-M20 332. 4.52 32.41 1766.¦ 18.37 1675.¦ 21.50 1783.¦ 1731. Schelker Yannick 1973 Grandson 1:13.09,5 29.21,7 (5182) Foto Video 15-M40 257. 4.52 32.35 1721.¦ 18.46 1764.¦ 21.48 1768.¦ 1732. Barth Stefan 1977 Zürich 1:13.10,0 29.22,2 (28255) Foto Video 15-M35 215. 4.52 33.53 2189.¦ 18.31 1625.¦ 20.44 1249.¦ 1733. Huissoud Michel 1957 Jens 1:13.10,3 29.22,5 (5024) Foto Video 15-M55 98. 4.52 32.47 1814.¦ 18.47 1781.¦ 21.35 1650.¦ 1733. Ziehli Sonja 1968 Lobsigen 1:13.10,3 29.22,5 (5195) Foto Video 15-F45 33. 4.52 32.48 1820.¦ 18.48 1792.¦ 21.33 1636.¦ 1735. Haeubi Thomas 1974 Heiligkreuz (Mels) 1:13.10,4 29.22,6 (2214) Foto Video 15-M35 216. 4.52 31.34 1400.¦ 18.52 1828.¦ 22.43 2279.¦ 1736. Stäuble Roland 1966 Steinhausen 1:13.10,5 29.22,7 (7658) Foto Video 15-M45 297. 4.52 32.41 1774.¦ 18.26 1584.¦ 22.01 1878.¦ 1737. Schmid Barbara 1972 Ostermundigen 1:13.10,9 29.23,1 (8301) Foto Video 15-F40 46. 4.52 32.36 1732.¦ 19.06 1972.¦ 21.28 1600.¦ 1738. Guironnet Sylvain, Onex 1977 BNP PARIBASPORT 1:13.11,2 29.23,4 (4066) Foto Video 15-M35 217. 4.52 32.02 1540.¦ 19.12 2027.¦ 21.56 1830.¦ 1739. Pfulg Alain 1954 Hinterkappelen 1:13.11,3 29.23,5 (28387) Foto Video 15-M55 99. 4.52 33.04 1892.¦ 18.48 1786.¦ 21.19 1548.¦ 1740. Boschung Manuela 1962 Kloten 1:13.11,4 29.23,6 (6011) Foto Video 15-F50 16. 4.52 32.19 1622.¦ 18.25 1565.¦ 22.26 2115.¦ 1741. Rudaz Jean-Daniel 1991 Schmitten FR 1:13.11,9 29.24,1 (5349) Foto Video 15-M20 333. 4.52 32.22 1639.¦ 18.35 1650.¦ 22.14 2010.¦ 1742. Luder Gerhard 1968 Bern 1:13.12,3 29.24,5 (4127) Foto Video 15-M45 298. 4.52 32.41 1768.¦ 18.47 1783.¦ 21.43 1726.¦ 1743. Koenig Sabine 1967 D-Lörrach 1:13.12,9 29.25,1 (4108) Foto Video 15-F45 34. 4.52 31.46 1461.¦ 18.49 1806.¦ 22.37 2211.¦ 1744. Meylan Nicolas, Lausanne 1962 Fitness Malley 1:13.13,2 29.25,4 (10108) Foto Video 15-M50 202. 4.52 33.51 2178.¦ 18.28 1599.¦ 20.52 1327.¦ 1745. Moraud Myriam 1960 Bévilard 1:13.13,3 29.25,5 (4151) Foto Video 15-F50 17. 4.52 34.05 2239.¦ 18.36 1658.¦ 20.31 1141.¦ 1746. Juvet Isabelle 1957 Winterthur 1:13.13,8 29.26,0 (28294) Foto Video 15-F55 9. 4.52 32.51 1835.¦ 18.33 1634.¦ 21.49 1775.¦ 1747. Eckard Christophe 1966 Zürich 1:13.14,3 29.26,5 (5317) Foto Video 15-M45 299. 4.52 33.03 1888.¦ 18.29 1601.¦ 21.41 1707.¦ 1748. Schneuwly Felix 1960 Wünnewil 1:13.14,6 29.26,8 (28390) Foto Video 15-M50 203. 4.52 32.24 1654.¦ 18.50 1812.¦ 21.59 1859.¦ 1749. Marques Luis 1969 Neuchâtel 1:13.14,7 29.26,9 (6290) Foto Video 15-M40 258. 4.52 32.13 1600.¦ 19.09 2004.¦ 21.51 1793.¦ 1750. Schär Franziska, Rohrbach 1988 LG Huttwil 1:13.15,4 29.27,6 (4241) Foto Video 15-F20 80. 4.53 32.01 1530.¦ 18.49 1808.¦ 22.23 2087.¦ 1751. Carvalho Celso 1971 Egerkingen 1:13.15,7 29.27,9 (6049) Foto Video 15-M40 259. 4.53 32.08 1575.¦ 18.38 1679.¦ 22.29 2139.¦ 1752. Traglia Lora, Villars-sur-Glâne 1988 CA Belfaux 1:13.16,6 29.28,8 (28135) Foto Video 15-F20 81. 4.53 32.30 1693.¦ 18.48 1795.¦ 21.57 1837.¦ 1753. Stettler Doris 1962 Courtaman 1:13.17,6 29.29,8 (5233) Foto Video 15-F50 18. 4.53 32.25 1657.¦ 19.05 1957.¦ 21.47 1754.¦ 1754. Hodler Gerhard 1961 Worb 1:13.19,2 29.31,4 (5215) Foto Video 15-M50 204. 4.53 32.24 1656.¦ 18.50 1813.¦ 22.04 1895.¦ 1754. Jakob Roland 1986 Worb 1:13.19,2 29.31,4 (4092) Foto Video 15-M20 334. 4.53 32.28 1675.¦ 18.57 1870.¦ 21.53 1804.¦ 1754. Turuvani Laurence 1971 Le Landeron 1:13.19,2 29.31,4 (28138) Foto Video 15-F40 47. 4.53 33.27 2033.¦ 18.43 1739.¦ 21.08 1449.¦ 1757. Helfenstein Regina 1963 Dürrenäsch 1:13.19,5 29.31,7 (5165) Foto Video 15-F50 19. 4.53 33.05 1901.¦ 18.46 1770.¦ 21.28 1599.¦ 1758. Reinert Xaver 1949 Grosswangen 1:13.19,8 29.32,0 (8080) Foto Video 15-M60 40. 4.53 33.18 1985.¦ 18.40 1702.¦ 21.20 1560.¦ 1759. Sommer Laurent 1971 Les Ecasseys 1:13.19,9 29.32,1 (10211) Foto Video 15-M40 260. 4.53 33.04 1892.¦ 19.30 2217.¦ 20.45 1260.¦ 1760. Marty André 1983 Zug 1:13.21,0 29.33,2 (11259) Foto Video 15-M20 335. 4.53 33.06 1903.¦ 18.41 1714.¦ 21.33 1640.¦ 1761. Marinic Peter 1975 Thalwil 1:13.21,1 29.33,3 (6288) Foto Video 15-M35 218. 4.53 32.31 1700.¦ 18.49 1808.¦ 21.59 1857.¦ 1762. Heine-Michel Eliane, Givisiez 1976 CA Belfaux 1:13.21,3 29.33,5 (5078) Foto Video 15-F35 29. 4.53 32.34 1719.¦ 18.56 1858.¦ 21.50 1781.¦ 1763. Güdel Anton 1965 Bern 1:13.22,2 29.34,4 (6174) Foto Video 15-M45 300. 4.53 32.57 1860.¦ 18.40 1697.¦ 21.44 1738.¦ 1764. Bourquenoud Jacques 1958 Ursy 1:13.22,3 29.34,5 (6014) Foto Video 15-M55 100. 4.53 32.36 1730.¦ 19.04 1954.¦ 21.41 1703.¦ 1765. Bron Céline 1973 Montsevelier 1:13.22,4 29.34,6 (6016) Foto Video 15-F40 48. 4.53 32.40 1764.¦ 18.36 1658.¦ 22.05 1909.¦ 1766. Traba-Martinez Fatima 1966 Fribourg 1:13.22,9 29.35,1 (8196) Foto Video 15-F45 35. 4.53 32.35 1727.¦ 18.52 1833.¦ 21.54 1810.¦ 1767. Kohler Ursula 1964 Thörigen 1:13.23,1 29.35,3 (6250) Foto Video 15-F45 36. 4.53 32.18 1618.¦ 19.07 1979.¦ 21.57 1843.¦ 1768. Bürgi Adrian, Aarberg 1959 Filippotraining 1:13.23,7 29.35,9 (50043) Foto Video 15-MV 12. 4.53 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 1769. Hostettler Pascal 1964 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:13.24,0 29.36,2 (5216) Foto Video 15-M45 301. 4.53 33.01 1875.¦ 18.35 1653.¦ 21.47 1761.¦ 1770. Keller Bruno 1983 Bern 1:13.25,0 29.37,2 (6237) Foto Video 15-M20 336. 4.53 33.03 1886.¦ 18.47 1779.¦ 21.34 1646.¦ 1771. Aebischer Marie Madeleine 1965 Heitenried 1:13.25,6 29.37,8 (3266) Foto Video 15-F45 37. 4.53 32.46 1809.¦ 18.39 1689.¦ 22.00 1861.¦ 1772. Ducry Frederic 1972 Domdidier 1:13.25,7 29.37,9 (5017) Foto Video 15-M40 261. 4.53 32.44 1789.¦ 19.01 1916.¦ 21.39 1691.¦ 1773. Besse Pierre-André 1961 Ecublens VD 1:13.26,6 29.38,8 (12174) Foto Video 15-M50 205. 4.53 32.28 1675.¦ 18.55 1856.¦ 22.02 1885.¦ 1773. Haslebacher Vreni 1952 Oschwand 1:13.26,6 29.38,8 (5077) Foto Video 15-F60 6. 4.53 32.42 1780.¦ 18.53 1835.¦ 21.50 1786.¦ 1775. Schmidlin Markus 1973 Bern 1:13.27,0 29.39,2 (5241) Foto Video 15-M40 262. 4.53 32.29 1683.¦ 18.35 1654.¦ 22.22 2074.¦ 1776. Brunner Hans Ulrich 1962 Brienz BE 1:13.27,6 29.39,8 (4002) Foto Video 15-M50 206. 4.53 32.44 1789.¦ 19.02 1922.¦ 21.41 1703.¦ 1777. Holzer Dominik 1964 Nods 1:13.27,7 29.39,9 (4081) Foto Video 15-M45 302. 4.53 32.14 1605.¦ 18.49 1798.¦ 22.23 2087.¦ 1778. Schärer Sandra 1985 Spiez 1:13.27,8 29.40,0 (9107) Foto Video 15-F20 82. 4.53 33.10 1936.¦ 18.30 1618.¦ 21.46 1750.¦ 1779. Riederer Markus 1957 Pfäfers 1:13.27,9 29.40,1 (5319) Foto Video 15-M55 101. 4.53 33.27 2032.¦ 18.39 1693.¦ 21.21 1564.¦ 1780. Bello Hernández Cecilia 1973 Winterthur 1:13.28,6 29.40,8 (11140) Foto Video 15-F40 49. 4.53 32.11 1590.¦ 19.02 1926.¦ 22.14 2005.¦ 1780. Demuth Yves 1982 Bern 1:13.28,6 29.40,8 (6085) Foto Video 15-M20 337. 4.53 33.32 2063.¦ 18.15 1460.¦ 21.40 1701.¦ 1782. Fontanet Robert-Pascal 1951 Anières 1:13.29,2 29.41,4 (5160) Foto Video 15-M60 41. 4.53 32.53 1840.¦ 19.00 1901.¦ 21.35 1652.¦ 1783. Freitas Joaquim 1962 Herzogenbuchsee 1:13.30,2 29.42,4 (6127) Foto Video 15-M50 207. 4.54 32.13 1597.¦ 18.58 1885.¦ 22.18 2040.¦ 1784. Studer David 1965 Mattstetten 1:13.30,3 29.42,5 (12024) Foto Video 15-M45 303. 4.54 32.34 1714.¦ 19.01 1916.¦ 21.54 1813.¦ 1785. Pouzar Frantisek 1985 Basel 1:13.30,4 29.42,6 (1249) Foto Video 15-M20 338. 4.54 32.13 1602.¦ 18.53 1834.¦ 22.23 2084.¦ 1786. Bifrare Frédéric, Orsonnens 1967 Carc Romont 1:13.30,5 29.42,7 (1310) Foto Video 15-M45 304. 4.54 32.31 1702.¦ 18.45 1761.¦ 22.13 1990.¦ 1787. Berset Simon 1985 Bulle 1:13.30,6 29.42,8 (9179) Foto Video 15-M20 339. 4.54 32.34 1717.¦ 18.44 1743.¦ 22.11 1973.¦ 1788. Bezecioglu Stephan-Cem 1980 Villars-le-Grand 1:13.30,9 29.43,1 (5151) Foto Video 15-M20 340. 4.54 32.13 1598.¦ 18.54 1840.¦ 22.23 2084.¦ 1789. Widmer Herbert 1955 Biberist 1:13.31,7 29.43,9 (5237) Foto Video 15-M55 102. 4.54 33.02 1882.¦ 18.44 1748.¦ 21.45 1742.¦ 1790. Bacher Steeves 1969 Penthaz 1:13.31,9 29.44,1 (3276) Foto Video 15-M40 263. 4.54 32.11 1590.¦ 18.59 1889.¦ 22.21 2059.¦ 1791. Corpataux Marc 1982 Vuadens 1:13.32,7 29.44,9 (28266) Foto Video 15-M20 341. 4.54 34.07 2247.¦ 18.26 1576.¦ 20.59 1382.¦ 1791. Putallaz Jean-Yves 1947 St-Séverin 1:13.32,7 29.44,9 (10143) Foto Video 15-M65 16. 4.54 33.20 1997.¦ 18.58 1883.¦ 21.14 1506.¦ 1793. Beck Manfred, FL-Balzers 1966 Meisterbau bewegt 1:13.33,0 29.45,2 (5292) Foto Video 15-M45 305. 4.54 32.39 1752.¦ 18.26 1584.¦ 22.26 2116.¦ 1794. Guggenbühler Marc 1976 Niederönz 1:13.33,1 29.45,3 (1218) Foto Video 15-M35 219. 4.54 33.04 1897.¦ 18.43 1731.¦ 21.45 1747.¦ 1794. Ruchti Hans 1970 Bolligen 1:13.33,1 29.45,3 (4209) Foto Video 15-M40 264. 4.54 33.15 1968.¦ 18.22 1539.¦ 21.55 1819.¦ 1794. Zurkinden Michael 1966 Düdingen 1:13.33,1 29.45,3 (5137) Foto Video 15-M45 306. 4.54 32.27 1674.¦ 18.43 1737.¦ 22.21 2069.¦ 1797. Zwahlen Iris, Hünibach 1975 Zwahlen 1:13.33,2 29.45,4 (4311) Foto Video 15-F35 30. 4.54 32.42 1776.¦ 18.45 1763.¦ 22.05 1908.¦ 1798. Milz Christian 1963 Corcelles NE 1:13.34,7 29.46,9 (5101) Foto Video 15-M50 208. 4.54 32.54 1848.¦ 19.01 1909.¦ 21.38 1682.¦ 1799. Egger Hans 1963 Schüpfen 1:13.35,0 29.47,2 (1131) Foto Video 15-M50 209. 4.54 32.40 1763.¦ 18.58 1887.¦ 21.55 1827.¦ 1800. Kourtis Iraklis 1979 Lausanne 1:13.36,3 29.48,5 (12333) Foto Video 15-M20 342. 4.54 33.25 2023.¦ 18.40 1701.¦ 21.30 1622.¦ 1801. Do Aido Paulo 1972 Oberbuchsiten 1:13.36,4 29.48,6 (6090) Foto Video 15-M40 265. 4.54 32.07 1563.¦ 18.38 1688.¦ 22.50 2325.¦ 1802. Farner Sonja 1970 Burgdorf 1:13.36,5 29.48,7 (9271) Foto Video 15-F40 50. 4.54 33.34 2070.¦ 18.23 1548.¦ 21.38 1686.¦ 1803. Strittmatter Christian 1972 Rubigen 1:13.36,7 29.48,9 (28133) Foto Video 15-M40 266. 4.54 32.56 1853.¦ 18.58 1887.¦ 21.41 1707.¦ 1804. Amstutz Hans 1955 Tavannes 1:13.37,2 29.49,4 (5044) Foto Video 15-M55 103. 4.54 32.10 1584.¦ 19.21 2139.¦ 22.04 1900.¦ 1805. Arnold-Aeschlimann Monika 1965 Gümligen 1:13.37,7 29.49,9 (5148) Foto Video 15-F45 38. 4.54 32.58 1865.¦ 18.40 1705.¦ 21.58 1847.¦ 1805. Pieren Pedro 1963 Steffisburg 1:13.37,7 29.49,9 (8057) Foto Video 15-M50 210. 4.54 33.09 1933.¦ 18.27 1588.¦ 22.00 1864.¦ 1807. Christen Anja 1979 Bern 1:13.38,1 29.50,3 (7356) Foto Video 15-F20 83. 4.54 33.08 1924.¦ 18.20 1516.¦ 22.08 1943.¦ 1808. Morgenegg-Marti Hugo 1966 Hinterkappelen 1:13.38,5 29.50,7 (8021) Foto Video 15-M45 307. 4.54 33.29 2043.¦ 18.35 1656.¦ 21.33 1641.¦ 1809. Gautier David 1974 F-Cran Gevrier 1:13.38,9 29.51,1 (6137) Foto Video 15-M35 220. 4.54 32.56 1851.¦ 19.15 2067.¦ 21.27 1596.¦ 1809. Haas Andreas, Bassersdorf 1983 3star Cats Wallisellen 1:13.38,9 29.51,1 (11086) Foto Video 15-M20 343. 4.54 32.12 1593.¦ 19.00 1898.¦ 22.26 2111.¦ 1811. Westphal Philipp 1984 Bern 1:13.39,0 29.51,2 (7695) Foto Video 15-M20 344. 4.54 33.36 2082.¦ 18.22 1535.¦ 21.40 1695.¦ 1812. Schneider Kubelik Fabian 1971 Kilchberg ZH 1:13.39,2 29.51,4 (28122) Foto Video 15-M40 267. 4.54 33.09 1931.¦ 18.52 1831.¦ 21.37 1668.¦ 1813. Perriard Roger 1965 Lommiswil 1:13.39,5 29.51,7 (9093) Foto Video 15-M45 308. 4.54 32.17 1613.¦ 19.10 2016.¦ 22.11 1974.¦ 1814. Zehnder Rolf 1957 Uster 1:13.40,3 29.52,5 (5194) Foto Video 15-M55 104. 4.54 32.00 1522.¦ 20.41 2898.¦ 20.58 1369.¦ 1815. Schuetz Hanspeter 1986 Hasle-Rüegsau 1:13.40,6 29.52,8 (8143) Foto Video 15-M20 345. 4.54 33.10 1935.¦ 18.59 1894.¦ 21.30 1620.¦ 1816. Stritt Karl 1950 Tafers 1:13.40,8 29.53,0 (2028) Foto Video 15-M60 42. 4.54 31.52 1485.¦ 19.25 2169.¦ 22.23 2083.¦ 1817. Butty Marie-Jeanne 1963 Matran 1:13.41,3 29.53,5 (6032) Foto Video 15-F50 20. 4.54 33.07 1911.¦ 18.58 1886.¦ 21.35 1652.¦ 1818. Wegmüller Martin 1959 Boll 1:13.42,4 29.54,6 (5236) Foto Video 15-M50 211. 4.54 32.37 1740.¦ 18.55 1852.¦ 22.09 1945.¦ 1819. Da Silva Anabelle 1973 Sugiez 1:13.42,5 29.54,7 (6075) Foto Video 15-F40 51. 4.54 32.38 1745.¦ 19.08 2001.¦ 21.55 1823.¦ 1820. Gerber Daniela 1965 Spiez 1:13.42,9 29.55,1 (6142) Foto Video 15-F45 39. 4.54 33.59 2213.¦ 18.20 1516.¦ 21.23 1574.¦ 1820. Riggenbach Markus 1959 Bern 1:13.42,9 29.55,1 (5176) Foto Video 15-M50 212. 4.54 32.52 1838.¦ 19.02 1922.¦ 21.48 1769.¦ 1822. Frieder Hans 1952 Herzogenbuchsee 1:13.43,0 29.55,2 (5065) Foto Video 15-M60 43. 4.54 33.01 1878.¦ 18.42 1719.¦ 21.59 1855.¦ 1823. Troyon Delphine 1988 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:13.43,6 29.55,8 (28136) Foto Video 15-F20 84. 4.54 34.46 2482.¦ 17.57 1307.¦ 21.00 1391.¦ 1823. Vonplon Raymond, Baar 1981 Ray Running 1:13.43,6 29.55,8 (28143) Foto Video 15-M20 346. 4.54 32.36 1728.¦ 18.57 1871.¦ 22.10 1961.¦ 1825. Müller Armin 1967 Steffisburg 1:13.43,7 29.55,9 (8033) Foto Video 15-M45 309. 4.54 33.08 1922.¦ 18.44 1752.¦ 21.50 1781.¦ 1826. Amstutz-Sterki Melanie 1987 Bern 1:13.44,1 29.56,3 (9009) Foto Video 15-F20 85. 4.54 33.00 1872.¦ 19.12 2037.¦ 21.31 1624.¦ 1827. Bolliger Reto 1965 Sugiez 1:13.44,3 29.56,5 (6008) Foto Video 15-M45 310. 4.54 33.24 2019.¦ 18.52 1830.¦ 21.27 1591.¦ 1828. Schürch Mathias 1987 Thun 1:13.44,4 29.56,6 (12008) Foto Video 15-M20 347. 4.54 33.28 2039.¦ 18.49 1797.¦ 21.27 1595.¦ 1829. Grolimund Jean-Pierre 1959 Courchapoix 1:13.45,4 29.57,6 (6160) Foto Video 15-M50 213. 4.55 32.33 1713.¦ 19.10 2017.¦ 22.00 1867.¦ 1830. Schärer Thomas, Murten 1967 Free Runners Grenchen 1:13.45,7 29.57,9 (8150) Foto Video 15-M45 311. 4.55 32.40 1759.¦ 19.03 1939.¦ 22.02 1885.¦ 1831. Schwab Heinz 1959 Andwil SG 1:13.46,2 29.58,4 (3208) Foto Video 15-M50 214. 4.55 32.20 1630.¦ 19.00 1899.¦ 22.25 2101.¦ 1832. Kiener Hanspeter 1956 Hinterkappelen 1:13.46,3 29.58,5 (28406) Foto Video 15-M55 105. 4.55 32.47 1810.¦ 19.02 1921.¦ 21.57 1838.¦ 1833. Devanthey Pierre 1958 Le Vaud 1:13.47,0 29.59,2 (9246) Foto Video 15-M55 106. 4.55 33.37 2089.¦ 18.23 1546.¦ 21.46 1748.¦ 1834. Lötscher Nicolas 1984 Reconvilier 1:13.47,2 29.59,4 (9086) Foto Video 15-M20 348. 4.55 31.43 1452.¦ 19.02 1931.¦ 23.00 2418.¦ 1834. Toulemonde Benoit 1969 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 1:13.47,2 29.59,4 (4272) Foto Video 15-M40 268. 4.55 32.14 1605.¦ 19.22 2144.¦ 22.09 1956.¦ 1836. Ryter Sämi, Riehen 1961 Red Flash Runners 1:13.47,5 29.59,7 (8111) Foto Video 15-M50 215. 4.55 33.08 1917.¦ 19.06 1972.¦ 21.33 1636.¦ 1836. Saxer Thomas 1963 Boll 1:13.47,5 29.59,7 (28119) Foto Video 15-M50 215. 4.55 32.47 1816.¦ 18.58 1878.¦ 22.01 1876.¦ 1838. Abraham Martin 1968 Herrliberg 1:13.48,9 30.01,1 (5248) Foto Video 15-M45 312. 4.55 32.56 1856.¦ 18.29 1603.¦ 22.22 2079.¦ 1839. Boillat Kireev Véronique 1962 Echandens 1:13.49,0 30.01,2 (3303) Foto Video 15-F50 21. 4.55 32.44 1789.¦ 18.51 1819.¦ 22.13 1993.¦ 1840. Ittig Gerhard, Glis 1960 LG Wieri 1:13.49,7 30.01,9 (6219) Foto Video 15-M50 217. 4.55 32.39 1755.¦ 19.13 2051.¦ 21.56 1833.¦ 1840. Praz Fabien 1982 Bern 1:13.49,7 30.01,9 (10139) Foto Video 15-M20 349. 4.55 33.55 2199.¦ 18.36 1663.¦ 21.17 1528.¦ 1842. Bandelier Thierry 1957 Lugnorre 1:13.49,9 30.02,1 (50121) Foto Video 15-MV 13. 4.55 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 1843. Wymann Franziska, Oberwangen b. Ber 1960 STB-3athlon Bern 1:13.50,3 30.02,5 (3255) Foto Video 15-F50 22. 4.55 32.47 1811.¦ 18.41 1716.¦ 22.21 2064.¦ 1844. Lüthi Käthi, Heimberg 1962 Lauftreff Bircher Thun 1:13.50,4 30.02,6 (7532) Foto Video 15-F50 23. 4.55 32.40 1765.¦ 19.17 2102.¦ 21.51 1790.¦ 1845. Muhmenthaler Jürg 1961 Schüpfen 1:13.51,0 30.03,2 (5103) Foto Video 15-M50 218. 4.55 32.31 1699.¦ 18.37 1670.¦ 22.42 2268.¦ 1846. Arnold Patrick 1977 Rotkreuz 1:13.51,2 30.03,4 (7317) Foto Video 15-M35 221. 4.55 33.30 2049.¦ 18.29 1600.¦ 21.52 1795.¦ 1847. Bertschy Elmar 1979 Guschelmuth 1:13.51,3 30.03,5 (11075) Foto Video 15-M20 350. 4.55 33.36 2086.¦ 18.16 1479.¦ 21.57 1844.¦ 1848. Weingarten Eliane 1972 F-Landser 1:13.51,4 30.03,6 (4284) Foto Video 15-F40 52. 4.55 32.41 1773.¦ 19.01 1912.¦ 22.08 1929.¦ 1849. Brugnoni Lara 1989 Lausanne 1:13.51,7 30.03,9 (9210) Foto Video 15-F20 86. 4.55 33.29 2046.¦ 18.44 1744.¦ 21.37 1674.¦ 1850. Hansmann Cathie 1984 Lausanne 1:13.52,4 30.04,6 (3176) Foto Video 15-F20 87. 4.55 32.42 1780.¦ 19.01 1912.¦ 22.08 1932.¦ 1851. Wüthrich Alex 1969 Kerzers 1:13.52,5 30.04,7 (5132) Foto Video 15-M40 269. 4.55 33.00 1874.¦ 19.01 1916.¦ 21.49 1778.¦ 1852. Baumberger Daniel 1960 Rubigen 1:13.52,7 30.04,9 (5288) Foto Video 15-M50 219. 4.55 33.33 2068.¦ 19.10 2019.¦ 21.08 1452.¦ 1853. Serra David 1975 Chernex 1:13.52,8 30.05,0 (10206) Foto Video 15-M35 222. 4.55 33.07 1910.¦ 19.30 2223.¦ 21.15 1513.¦ 1854. Haymoz Pascal 1971 Alterswil FR 1:13.52,9 30.05,1 (1220) Foto Video 15-M40 270. 4.55 31.43 1450.¦ 21.01 3040.¦ 21.07 1442.¦ 1855. Frischeteau Stephane, Monthey 1964 T.R.T.MONTHEY 1:13.53,1 30.05,3 (6128) Foto Video 15-M45 313. 4.55 33.07 1914.¦ 19.31 2228.¦ 21.14 1508.¦ 1856. Münger Roland 1957 Jegenstorf 1:13.53,3 30.05,5 (8035) Foto Video 15-M55 107. 4.55 32.45 1797.¦ 18.42 1717.¦ 22.26 2109.¦ 1857. Schädler Florin 1998 Burgdorf 1:13.53,4 30.05,6 (13245) Foto Video 15-U16M 7. 4.55 32.55 1850.¦ 18.47 1778.¦ 22.10 1966.¦ 1858. Gilg Rainer, Bern 1967 BPM Sports Club 1:13.53,5 30.05,7 (6146) Foto Video 15-M45 314. 4.55 32.58 1864.¦ 18.25 1569.¦ 22.29 2145.¦ 1859. Mettraux René 1967 Avry-sur-Matran 1:13.53,6 30.05,8 (8010) Foto Video 15-M45 315. 4.55 32.42 1784.¦ 19.12 2034.¦ 21.58 1846.¦ 1860. Froidevaux Jean-Pierre 1954 Moutier 1:13.53,8 30.06,0 (3173) Foto Video 15-M55 108. 4.55 32.17 1614.¦ 19.09 2008.¦ 22.26 2117.¦ 1861. Meyer Jürg, Emmenbrücke 1954 smrun 1:13.53,9 30.06,1 (5222) Foto Video 15-M55 109. 4.55 32.15 1607.¦ 19.17 2096.¦ 22.21 2067.¦ 1862. Berchier Paul 1952 Vallorbe 1:13.54,7 30.06,9 (28257) Foto Video 15-M60 44. 4.55 32.54 1844.¦ 19.22 2142.¦ 21.38 1678.¦ 1863. Widmer Wiltrud 1967 Brienz BE 1:13.54,8 30.07,0 (5129) Foto Video 15-F45 40. 4.55 32.22 1640.¦ 19.05 1962.¦ 22.27 2119.¦ 1864. Dick Beat 1968 Gurmels 1:13.55,2 30.07,4 (6087) Foto Video 15-M45 316. 4.55 32.57 1863.¦ 19.05 1960.¦ 21.52 1797.¦ 1865. Marcoli Paolo, Camorino 1973 Fuki Team 1:13.55,3 30.07,5 (7725) Foto Video 15-M40 271. 4.55 33.04 1898.¦ 18.41 1709.¦ 22.09 1953.¦ 1866. Michaelis Tobias 1977 Burgdorf 1:13.55,4 30.07,6 (8014) Foto Video 15-M35 223. 4.55 32.44 1793.¦ 19.02 1925.¦ 22.08 1938.¦ 1867. Keusch Achim 1971 Schmitten FR 1:13.55,5 30.07,7 (5218) Foto Video 15-M40 272. 4.55 32.21 1633.¦ 19.02 1932.¦ 22.31 2162.¦ 1868. Zwahlen Marc, Galmiz 1985 ZRunner 1:13.56,0 30.08,2 (5197) Foto Video 15-M20 351. 4.55 31.48 1469.¦ 19.30 2221.¦ 22.37 2212.¦ 1869. von Gunten Saskia 1981 Bern 1:13.56,7 30.08,9 (8218) Foto Video 15-F20 88. 4.55 33.09 1929.¦ 19.00 1907.¦ 21.46 1750.¦ 1870. Imboden Klaus 1965 St. Niklaus VS 1:13.57,5 30.09,7 (28200) Foto Video 15-M45 317. 4.55 32.10 1582.¦ 19.07 1979.¦ 22.40 2239.¦ 1871. Porchet Mélanie 1985 Valeyres-sous-Rances 1:13.58,6 30.10,8 (8067) Foto Video 15-F20 89. 4.55 32.42 1778.¦ 19.05 1968.¦ 22.10 1964.¦ 1872. Guye Michel 1961 Le Landeron 1:13.59,6 30.11,8 (6172) Foto Video 15-M50 220. 4.55 32.48 1822.¦ 18.31 1620.¦ 22.39 2237.¦ 1872. Moser Alex 1973 Lengnau BE 1:13.59,6 30.11,8 (8024) Foto Video 15-M40 273. 4.55 33.35 2076.¦ 18.31 1623.¦ 21.52 1800.¦ 1872. Sandoz Yannick 1979 Neuchâtel 1:13.59,6 30.11,8 (4215) Foto Video 15-M20 352. 4.55 32.06 1559.¦ 19.38 2295.¦ 22.14 2001.¦ 1875. Edenhofer Horst 1951 Corminboeuf 1:13.59,9 30.12,1 (5018) Foto Video 15-M60 45. 4.55 33.17 1977.¦ 18.55 1849.¦ 21.47 1766.¦ 1876. Andersen Jaggi Susanne 1962 Ostermundigen 1:14.00,0 30.12,2 (5146) Foto Video 15-F50 24. 4.56 32.56 1857.¦ 18.42 1729.¦ 22.20 2052.¦ 1876. Rappo Bruno 1956 Tafers 1:14.00,0 30.12,2 (8075) Foto Video 15-M55 110. 4.56 33.00 1870.¦ 19.00 1903.¦ 21.59 1851.¦ 1878. Della-Valle Christoph 1968 Olten 1:14.00,1 30.12,3 (7371) Foto Video 15-M45 318. 4.56 30.48 1164.¦ 19.15 2068.¦ 23.56 2847.¦ 1878. Saurer Werner 1962 Grüningen 1:14.00,1 30.12,3 (28321) Foto Video 15-M50 221. 4.56 32.22 1643.¦ 19.22 2147.¦ 22.14 2007.¦ 1880. Christen-Gorgerat Lucienne 1968 Kirchlindach 1:14.00,3 30.12,5 (5155) Foto Video 15-F45 41. 4.56 33.23 2014.¦ 18.49 1801.¦ 21.47 1756.¦ 1880. Schilling Hans 1953 Islikon 1:14.00,3 30.12,5 (2282) Foto Video 15-M60 46. 4.56 32.58 1866.¦ 19.12 2040.¦ 21.48 1772.¦ 1882. Heritier Gilles 1958 Yvonand 1:14.00,4 30.12,6 (6186) Foto Video 15-M55 111. 4.56 32.44 1788.¦ 18.53 1838.¦ 22.22 2074.¦ 1882. Yoagrajah Jenarthan 1988 Aegerten 1:14.00,4 30.12,6 (10285) Foto Video 15-M20 353. 4.56 32.41 1775.¦ 19.30 2223.¦ 21.47 1765.¦ 1884. Cugis Sandro 1987 Kerzers 1:14.01,4 30.13,6 (14215) Foto Video 15-M20 354. 4.56 34.09 2262.¦ 18.54 1844.¦ 20.58 1367.¦ 1885. Bachofner Kevin, Bern 1993 Kevä Bachofner 1:14.01,8 30.14,0 (9166) Foto Video 15-M20 355. 4.56 33.04 1896.¦ 18.50 1810.¦ 22.07 1927.¦ 1886. Küng Elisabeth, Blonay 1962 CARE VEVEY 1:14.02,2 30.14,4 (6261) Foto Video 15-F50 25. 4.56 32.31 1696.¦ 19.18 2105.¦ 22.13 1983.¦ 1887. Züfle Ernst 1939 Mettmenstetten 1:14.02,8 30.15,0 (5240) Foto Video 15-M70 8. 4.56 33.19 1993.¦ 19.05 1957.¦ 21.38 1678.¦ 1888. Wyss-Rufener Susanne 1973 Eriz 1:14.02,9 30.15,1 (4298) Foto Video 15-F40 53. 4.56 32.54 1843.¦ 19.04 1947.¦ 22.04 1903.¦ 1889. Otzenberger Raphael 1975 F-St Genis Pouilly 1:14.03,1 30.15,3 (8046) Foto Video 15-M35 224. 4.56 33.06 1905.¦ 19.02 1929.¦ 21.54 1814.¦ 1890. Junod Philippe 1960 Romanel-sur-Morges 1:14.03,3 30.15,5 (5337) Foto Video 15-M50 222. 4.56 32.39 1750.¦ 18.59 1891.¦ 22.24 2098.¦ 1891. Coppex Martin 1949 Chamoson 1:14.04,3 30.16,5 (28265) Foto Video 15-M60 47. 4.56 32.39 1755.¦ 19.08 1998.¦ 22.16 2026.¦ 1891. Zuzolo Vincenzo 1967 Pfäffikon SZ 1:14.04,3 30.16,5 (4310) Foto Video 15-M45 319. 4.56 33.26 2028.¦ 19.00 1899.¦ 21.37 1674.¦ 1893. Moser Heinz 1957 Teufen AR 1:14.04,5 30.16,7 (8025) Foto Video 15-M55 112. 4.56 33.17 1982.¦ 18.46 1774.¦ 22.00 1861.¦ 1894. Suter Induja 1994 Lausanne 1:14.04,6 30.16,8 (9112) Foto Video 15-U20F 5. 4.56 33.17 1980.¦ 19.02 1932.¦ 21.44 1735.¦ 1895. Morard Gérard 1951 Neuchâtel 1:14.04,8 30.17,0 (5341) Foto Video 15-M60 48. 4.56 32.23 1647.¦ 19.01 1911.¦ 22.40 2239.¦ 1896. Hosner Thomas 1967 Reinach BL 1:14.05,4 30.17,6 (6196) Foto Video 15-M45 320. 4.56 32.46 1805.¦ 19.09 2004.¦ 22.10 1958.¦ 1897. Repond Jean-Bernard 1958 Bulle 1:14.05,5 30.17,7 (8083) Foto Video 15-M55 113. 4.56 32.17 1612.¦ 19.15 2064.¦ 22.33 2178.¦ 1898. Obi Peter 1964 Ettiswil 1:14.05,8 30.18,0 (4172) Foto Video 15-M45 321. 4.56 33.40 2114.¦ 18.43 1731.¦ 21.41 1714.¦ 1899. Fuchs Andreas 1967 Wünnewil 1:14.05,9 30.18,1 (9019) Foto Video 15-M45 322. 4.56 33.57 2206.¦ 18.43 1734.¦ 21.25 1585.¦ 1899. Monnard Feller Michèle 1976 Hilterfingen 1:14.05,9 30.18,1 (8018) Foto Video 15-F35 31. 4.56 33.36 2084.¦ 18.24 1559.¦ 22.04 1903.¦ 1901. Pawlik Jörg 1959 Emmen 1:14.06,2 30.18,4 (8052) Foto Video 15-M50 223. 4.56 32.23 1650.¦ 19.16 2084.¦ 22.26 2109.¦ 1902. Favre Nicolas 1966 Bioley-Orjulaz 1:14.06,3 30.18,5 (11196) Foto Video 15-M45 323. 4.56 33.06 1904.¦ 19.25 2176.¦ 21.34 1645.¦ 1903. Meyer Pascal 1988 Aesch BL 1:14.06,9 30.19,1 (10106) Foto Video 15-M20 356. 4.56 33.14 1960.¦ 18.41 1709.¦ 22.11 1974.¦ 1904. Debély Kathia 1973 Colombier NE 1:14.07,3 30.19,5 (12236) Foto Video 15-F40 54. 4.56 34.02 2226.¦ 18.36 1660.¦ 21.28 1605.¦ 1905. Heinz Timothy 1971 Dietikon 1:14.07,4 30.19,6 (5080) Foto Video 15-M40 274. 4.56 32.50 1832.¦ 19.15 2071.¦ 22.01 1870.¦ 1905. Kamm Adrian 1982 Heitenried 1:14.07,4 30.19,6 (5325) Foto Video 15-M20 357. 4.56 33.01 1880.¦ 18.52 1828.¦ 22.13 1983.¦ 1907. Pesse Pascal 1963 Lausanne 1:14.07,7 30.19,9 (4181) Foto Video 15-M50 224. 4.56 32.37 1738.¦ 19.20 2123.¦ 22.10 1961.¦ 1907. Schmid Käser Annelise 1966 Schmitten FR 1:14.07,7 30.19,9 (5033) Foto Video 15-F45 42. 4.56 32.49 1825.¦ 19.07 1987.¦ 22.11 1969.¦ 1909. Hohl Markus 1967 Zollikofen 1:14.08,0 30.20,2 (7475) Foto Video 15-M45 324. 4.56 33.11 1943.¦ 19.01 1916.¦ 21.54 1816.¦ 1909. Schenk Therese 1957 Steffisburg 1:14.08,0 30.20,2 (5246) Foto Video 15-F55 10. 4.56 33.21 2003.¦ 19.03 1935.¦ 21.43 1727.¦ 1911. Kolly Christian 1967 Farvagny 1:14.08,5 30.20,7 (5035) Foto Video 15-M45 325. 4.56 33.20 1995.¦ 19.08 1996.¦ 21.40 1694.¦ 1912. Chavez Enrico 1967 Arzier 1:14.08,9 30.21,1 (9234) Foto Video 15-M45 326. 4.56 32.51 1834.¦ 18.52 1824.¦ 22.25 2107.¦ 1913. Hofer Pascal 1961 Colombier NE 1:14.09,2 30.21,4 (4078) Foto Video 15-M50 225. 4.56 32.46 1807.¦ 18.57 1869.¦ 22.25 2104.¦ 1914. Colliard Damien 1973 Châtel-St-Denis 1:14.09,5 30.21,7 (28038) Foto Video 15-M40 275. 4.56 32.25 1661.¦ 19.20 2129.¦ 22.22 2079.¦ 1915. Chavaillaz Joel 1980 Posieux 1:14.09,6 30.21,8 (6060) Foto Video 15-M20 358. 4.56 33.29 2046.¦ 18.50 1817.¦ 21.49 1774.¦ 1916. Zimmermann Thomas 1966 Spiegel b. Bern 1:14.10,4 30.22,6 (8315) Foto Video 15-M45 327. 4.56 33.24 2020.¦ 19.06 1974.¦ 21.39 1687.¦ 1917. Brunner Eveline 1964 Aarberg 1:14.10,7 30.22,9 (7343) Foto Video 15-F45 43. 4.56 33.21 2005.¦ 18.44 1750.¦ 22.04 1896.¦ 1918. Huber Anna 1955 Gerzensee 1:14.10,8 30.23,0 (9332) Foto Video 15-F55 11. 4.56 33.08 1924.¦ 18.49 1804.¦ 22.12 1979.¦ 1919. Degoumois Jean-Claude 1967 Meyriez 1:14.11,8 30.24,0 (2182) Foto Video 15-M45 328. 4.56 33.10 1936.¦ 18.33 1641.¦ 22.27 2124.¦ 1920. Juge Raphaël 1981 F-Charquemont 1:14.12,0 30.24,2 (5217) Foto Video 15-M20 359. 4.56 33.04 1892.¦ 18.35 1650.¦ 22.33 2177.¦ 1921. Baur Sigrist Dieter 1955 Pratteln 1:14.12,3 30.24,5 (5290) Foto Video 15-M55 114. 4.56 33.02 1884.¦ 19.10 2019.¦ 21.58 1850.¦ 1922. Fux Marciano 1993 St. Niklaus VS 1:14.12,5 30.24,7 (28057) Foto Video 15-M20 360. 4.56 31.55 1497.¦ 18.05 1381.¦ 24.12 2962.¦ 1923. Tschannen Nick, Spiez 1967 Buerg33 1:14.12,6 30.24,8 (7680) Foto Video 15-M45 329. 4.56 34.38 2439.¦ 18.41 1708.¦ 20.53 1332.¦ 1924. Rosselet Isabelle 1972 Les Brenets 1:14.13,3 30.25,5 (5226) Foto Video 15-F40 55. 4.56 33.15 1971.¦ 18.49 1804.¦ 22.08 1929.¦ 1924. Thalmann Jean-Francois 1966 Aarberg 1:14.13,3 30.25,5 (3249) Foto Video 15-M45 330. 4.56 33.08 1926.¦ 19.17 2099.¦ 21.46 1753.¦ 1926. Schneider Christian 1991 Düdingen 1:14.14,2 30.26,4 (9345) Foto Video 15-M20 361. 4.56 33.28 2039.¦ 18.38 1686.¦ 22.07 1926.¦ 1927. Minder Brigitte 1971 Bützberg 1:14.14,4 30.26,6 (5102) Foto Video 15-F40 56. 4.56 33.24 2020.¦ 18.48 1794.¦ 22.00 1867.¦ 1928. Neuhaus Tobias 1986 Spiegel b. Bern 1:14.14,5 30.26,7 (10120) Foto Video 15-M20 362. 4.56 33.53 2189.¦ 18.53 1836.¦ 21.27 1596.¦ 1929. Zbinden Marianne 1980 Tafers 1:14.14,8 30.27,0 (10290) Foto Video 15-F20 90. 4.56 33.17 1977.¦ 18.44 1747.¦ 22.13 1990.¦ 1930. Schneider Michel 1981 Kerzers 1:14.16,3 30.28,5 (4232) Foto Video 15-M20 363. 4.57 32.16 1611.¦ 19.11 2026.¦ 22.47 2310.¦ 1931. Imhof Ueli 1967 Orpund 1:14.16,6 30.28,8 (6215) Foto Video 15-M45 331. 4.57 34.04 2235.¦ 18.34 1643.¦ 21.37 1674.¦ 1932. Strebel Pierre-Alian 1975 Rüttenen 1:14.16,7 30.28,9 (10229) Foto Video 15-M35 225. 4.57 33.32 2063.¦ 19.04 1950.¦ 21.40 1692.¦ 1933. Grenacher Béatrice 1967 Deitingen 1:14.17,0 30.29,2 (6155) Foto Video 15-F45 44. 4.57 33.21 2001.¦ 19.07 1979.¦ 21.48 1770.¦ 1933. Speck Hanspeter 1969 Niederwil SO 1:14.17,0 30.29,2 (28417) Foto Video 15-M40 276. 4.57 32.50 1830.¦ 19.15 2077.¦ 22.11 1971.¦ 1935. Bugnard Denis, Lommiswil 1948 Weissenstein Runners 1:14.17,1 30.29,3 (6025) Foto Video 15-M65 17. 4.57 33.11 1941.¦ 18.59 1893.¦ 22.06 1917.¦ 1936. Pauchard Bruno 1949 Bösingen 1:14.17,6 30.29,8 (4179) Foto Video 15-M60 49. 4.57 31.44 1454.¦ 19.16 2093.¦ 23.16 2544.¦ 1937. Rochat Michel 1966 St-Cierges 1:14.18,1 30.30,3 (8092) Foto Video 15-M45 332. 4.57 33.03 1888.¦ 19.29 2207.¦ 21.45 1743.¦ 1938. Willi Sibylle 1971 Gland 1:14.18,4 30.30,6 (8238) Foto Video 15-F40 57. 4.57 33.13 1955.¦ 19.07 1990.¦ 21.57 1841.¦ 1939. Tondini Jean-Marc 1971 Môtiers NE 1:14.18,6 30.30,8 (13284) Foto Video 15-M40 277. 4.57 33.29 2048.¦ 19.01 1912.¦ 21.47 1759.¦ 1940. Baumann Daniela 1984 Worblaufen 1:14.19,3 30.31,5 (7321) Foto Video 15-F20 91. 4.57 33.15 1969.¦ 18.55 1853.¦ 22.08 1932.¦ 1941. Dutoit Philippe 1958 Penthalaz 1:14.19,4 30.31,6 (9256) Foto Video 15-M55 115. 4.57 33.10 1940.¦ 19.16 2091.¦ 21.51 1793.¦ 1942. Gloor Philipp 1971 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:14.19,6 30.31,8 (9309) Foto Video 15-M40 278. 4.57 32.38 1744.¦ 19.20 2129.¦ 22.20 2056.¦ 1943. Dousse Christian 1961 Fribourg 1:14.19,8 30.32,0 (9252) Foto Video 15-M50 226. 4.57 33.12 1951.¦ 19.15 2079.¦ 21.51 1788.¦ 1944. Perrin Sabrina 1980 Bern 1:14.19,9 30.32,1 (5204) Foto Video 15-F20 92. 4.57 33.18 1983.¦ 19.12 2029.¦ 21.49 1775.¦ 1945. Schori-Rocchetti Nadia 1972 Gurbrü 1:14.20,1 30.32,3 (7730) Foto Video 15-F40 58. 4.57 33.08 1920.¦ 19.02 1929.¦ 22.09 1947.¦ 1946. Bühler Patricia 1983 Niederscherli 1:14.20,5 30.32,7 (6038) Foto Video 15-F20 93. 4.57 33.19 1992.¦ 18.46 1766.¦ 22.15 2012.¦ 1947. Lauper Jürg 1966 Seedorf BE 1:14.20,8 30.33,0 (6268) Foto Video 15-M45 333. 4.57 32.29 1683.¦ 19.31 2230.¦ 22.20 2050.¦ 1948. Kernen Christian 1978 Langenthal 1:14.20,9 30.33,1 (11031) Foto Video 15-M35 226. 4.57 32.41 1770.¦ 19.26 2186.¦ 22.13 1986.¦ 1949. De Luna Roland 1968 Chavannes-de-Bogis 1:14.21,1 30.33,3 (9245) Foto Video 15-M45 334. 4.57 33.41 2117.¦ 18.57 1865.¦ 21.42 1717.¦ 1950. Fernandes Daniela, Monthey 1985 T-R-T 1:14.22,0 30.34,2 (6118) Foto Video 15-F20 94. 4.57 32.57 1858.¦ 19.22 2141.¦ 22.03 1888.¦ 1951. Huber Bänz 1962 Nottwil 1:14.22,2 30.34,4 (10311) Foto Video 15-M50 227. 4.57 33.23 2013.¦ 19.15 2064.¦ 21.43 1725.¦ 1952. Wespi Thomas 1958 Erlenbach ZH 1:14.22,6 30.34,8 (8234) Foto Video 15-M55 116. 4.57 32.03 1542.¦ 19.25 2176.¦ 22.53 2358.¦ 1953. Millius Sippert, Eggerberg 1962 Aletschsport 1:14.23,0 30.35,2 (8016) Foto Video 15-M50 228. 4.57 33.08 1919.¦ 19.09 2011.¦ 22.05 1905.¦ 1954. Gander Manuel 1974 Aarberg 1:14.23,1 30.35,3 (28280) Foto Video 15-M35 227. 4.57 33.19 1990.¦ 18.50 1818.¦ 22.12 1982.¦ 1955. Berner Nicole 1973 Müntschemier 1:14.23,6 30.35,8 (14197) Foto Video 15-F40 59. 4.57 33.53 2185.¦ 18.48 1789.¦ 21.42 1715.¦ 1956. Benoit Roland 1974 Dombresson 1:14.23,8 30.36,0 (9060) Foto Video 15-M35 228. 4.57 34.35 2420.¦ 18.58 1877.¦ 20.49 1303.¦ 1957. Rossier Christophe 1982 Lossy 1:14.24,2 30.36,4 (13209) Foto Video 15-M20 364. 4.57 34.07 2247.¦ 18.26 1574.¦ 21.51 1787.¦ 1958. Nydegger Jürg 1958 Moosseedorf 1:14.24,5 30.36,7 (4168) Foto Video 15-M55 117. 4.57 32.48 1818.¦ 19.08 1991.¦ 22.28 2131.¦ 1959. Saber Kamal 1966 Anières 1:14.24,6 30.36,8 (8117) Foto Video 15-M45 335. 4.57 33.03 1887.¦ 19.10 2013.¦ 22.11 1970.¦ 1959. Schädelin Felix 1971 Bern 1:14.24,6 30.36,8 (9046) Foto Video 15-M40 279. 4.57 33.27 2033.¦ 19.00 1906.¦ 21.56 1832.¦ 1961. Haas Petra 1966 Gümligen 1:14.24,7 30.36,9 (28191) Foto Video 15-F45 45. 4.57 33.06 1909.¦ 19.05 1964.¦ 22.12 1978.¦ 1962. Baumer Peter 1958 Ostermundigen 1:14.24,8 30.37,0 (5206) Foto Video 15-M55 118. 4.57 32.42 1782.¦ 19.12 2040.¦ 22.29 2142.¦ 1963. Sturzenegger Marc 1980 Bern 1:14.25,4 30.37,6 (7671) Foto Video 15-M20 365. 4.57 33.47 2152.¦ 18.54 1841.¦ 21.44 1730.¦ 1964. Hayoz Catherine 1965 Neyruz FR 1:14.25,5 30.37,7 (2215) Foto Video 15-F45 46. 4.57 33.22 2008.¦ 18.50 1815.¦ 22.12 1981.¦ 1965. Piller Nicolas 1979 Fribourg 1:14.25,6 30.37,8 (11294) Foto Video 15-M20 366. 4.57 33.42 2121.¦ 18.46 1766.¦ 21.57 1840.¦ 1966. Fankhauser Markus 1968 Lugnorre 1:14.26,0 30.38,2 (6110) Foto Video 15-M45 336. 4.57 32.39 1749.¦ 19.17 2101.¦ 22.29 2139.¦ 1967. Placereani Nadia 1986 Liestal 1:14.27,5 30.39,7 (8064) Foto Video 15-F20 95. 4.57 33.26 2029.¦ 18.54 1847.¦ 22.06 1921.¦ 1968. Marinic Ales 1974 Amriswil 1:14.27,8 30.40,0 (6287) Foto Video 15-M35 229. 4.57 33.36 2082.¦ 19.07 1989.¦ 21.43 1728.¦ 1969. Getzmann Stefan 1964 Schöftland 1:14.28,4 30.40,6 (9320) Foto Video 15-M45 337. 4.57 33.36 2081.¦ 18.58 1883.¦ 21.54 1810.¦ 1970. Röthlisberger Michael 1973 Walperswil 1:14.28,7 30.40,9 (7604) Foto Video 15-M40 280. 4.57 33.06 1907.¦ 19.09 2003.¦ 22.13 1986.¦ 1971. Duff Alfons 1942 Uster 1:14.29,1 30.41,3 (4033) Foto Video 15-M70 9. 4.57 33.31 2055.¦ 18.56 1861.¦ 22.01 1871.¦ 1972. von Gunten Daniel 1966 Sigriswil 1:14.29,6 30.41,8 (10254) Foto Video 15-M45 338. 4.57 33.30 2052.¦ 18.56 1861.¦ 22.02 1887.¦ 1973. Eichenberger Romain 1963 Reconvilier 1:14.30,9 30.43,1 (6105) Foto Video 15-M50 229. 4.58 32.49 1825.¦ 19.25 2175.¦ 22.16 2023.¦ 1974. Espin Enrique 1979 Estavayer-le-Lac 1:14.31,1 30.43,3 (6107) Foto Video 15-M20 367. 4.58 32.46 1808.¦ 19.12 2037.¦ 22.31 2164.¦ 1975. Baumann Marcel 1971 Oberembrach 1:14.31,2 30.43,4 (9173) Foto Video 15-M40 281. 4.58 33.43 2133.¦ 18.57 1866.¦ 21.50 1784.¦ 1976. Girardet Raymond 1947 Nyon 1:14.31,3 30.43,5 (28382) Foto Video 15-M65 18. 4.58 33.42 2124.¦ 19.08 1991.¦ 21.40 1700.¦ 1977. Keller Gallus 1954 Wolfhausen 1:14.32,7 30.44,9 (10053) Foto Video 15-M55 119. 4.58 33.08 1917.¦ 18.56 1859.¦ 22.28 2129.¦ 1978. Praz Max, Sion 1958 Rascal Club 1:14.33,0 30.45,2 (8068) Foto Video 15-M55 120. 4.58 33.25 2025.¦ 19.08 1991.¦ 21.59 1858.¦ 1979. Roth Andy 1957 Zofingen 1:14.33,5 30.45,7 (8098) Foto Video 15-M55 121. 4.58 32.52 1837.¦ 19.00 1903.¦ 22.40 2242.¦ 1980. Bangerter Laurent 1970 Bern 1:14.33,8 30.46,0 (9010) Foto Video 15-M40 282. 4.58 33.47 2152.¦ 19.27 2191.¦ 21.19 1549.¦ 1981. Merz Markus 1967 Glarus 1:14.33,9 30.46,1 (7556) Foto Video 15-M45 339. 4.58 32.29 1686.¦ 19.13 2051.¦ 22.50 2332.¦ 1982. Grosjean Marielle 1973 Colombier NE 1:14.34,0 30.46,2 (13003) Foto Video 15-F40 60. 4.58 34.01 2223.¦ 18.38 1682.¦ 21.53 1807.¦ 1983. Kradolfer Werner 1963 Zermatt 1:14.34,7 30.46,9 (9136) Foto Video 15-M50 230. 4.58 33.01 1875.¦ 18.39 1696.¦ 22.54 2359.¦ 1984. Zahnd Marcel 1993 Mamishaus 1:14.35,5 30.47,7 (14007) Foto Video 15-M20 368. 4.58 35.16 2650.¦ 18.25 1571.¦ 20.53 1336.¦ 1985. Hänzi Dominic, Täuffelen 1981 Mizuno / 2XU 1:14.35,7 30.47,9 (2225) Foto Video 15-M20 369. 4.58 31.57 1510.¦ 19.30 2225.¦ 23.06 2470.¦ 1986. Tarantola Fabien 1981 Lausanne 1:14.36,2 30.48,4 (11059) Foto Video 15-M20 370. 4.58 33.08 1926.¦ 18.51 1823.¦ 22.35 2195.¦ 1987. Nahmias Nissim 1965 Puplinge 1:14.36,8 30.49,0 (10118) Foto Video 15-M45 340. 4.58 33.12 1949.¦ 19.05 1960.¦ 22.19 2044.¦ 1988. Kolly Daniel 1957 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:14.37,8 30.50,0 (5007) Foto Video 15-M55 122. 4.58 32.44 1789.¦ 19.31 2229.¦ 22.22 2072.¦ 1989. Zimmermann-Schenk Marlis 1968 Spiegel b. Bern 1:14.38,2 30.50,4 (9001) Foto Video 15-F45 47. 4.58 33.33 2069.¦ 18.55 1854.¦ 22.08 1942.¦ 1990. Kocher Konrad 1960 Port 1:14.38,6 30.50,8 (5011) Foto Video 15-M50 231. 4.58 32.38 1741.¦ 19.03 1939.¦ 22.57 2383.¦ 1990. Schuler Loosli Priska 1973 Lyss 1:14.38,6 30.50,8 (5117) Foto Video 15-F40 61. 4.58 33.46 2145.¦ 19.13 2048.¦ 21.38 1683.¦ 1992. Kiefer Dominik 1979 Binningen 1:14.39,1 30.51,3 (13070) Foto Video 15-M20 371. 4.58 33.15 1970.¦ 18.59 1890.¦ 22.24 2093.¦ 1993. Strässle-Bernegger Gabi 1971 Sax 1:14.39,3 30.51,5 (8181) Foto Video 15-F40 62. 4.58 34.22 2341.¦ 19.09 2012.¦ 21.06 1437.¦ 1994. Ogi Robert 1966 Pfeffingen 1:14.39,6 30.51,8 (7579) Foto Video 15-M45 341. 4.58 33.48 2162.¦ 18.57 1873.¦ 21.53 1803.¦ 1995. Hari Markus 1964 Bubendorf 1:14.39,7 30.51,9 (7460) Foto Video 15-M45 342. 4.58 33.38 2093.¦ 19.14 2055.¦ 21.47 1756.¦ 1995. Schläpfer Hess Ursula 1969 Steffisburg 1:14.39,7 30.51,9 (10185) Foto Video 15-F40 63. 4.58 33.07 1911.¦ 19.07 1976.¦ 22.25 2104.¦ 1997. Berger Hanspeter 1967 Worblaufen 1:14.40,0 30.52,2 (5301) Foto Video 15-M45 343. 4.58 33.56 2203.¦ 18.44 1750.¦ 21.58 1849.¦ 1998. Chatelain Mathieu 1984 Genève 1:14.40,3 30.52,5 (12222) Foto Video 15-M20 372. 4.58 34.30 2386.¦ 18.46 1774.¦ 21.22 1573.¦ 1999. Vollenweider Markus 1963 Ennetbürgen 1:14.41,0 30.53,2 (13297) Foto Video 15-M50 232. 4.58 32.26 1665.¦ 19.14 2059.¦ 22.59 2404.¦ 2000. Luethi François 1967 Eclépens 1:14.41,8 30.54,0 (4129) Foto Video 15-M45 344. 4.58 32.19 1621.¦ 19.37 2282.¦ 22.45 2296.¦

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