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35. Kerzerslauf 2013 - 15 km Overall
Ränge: 501-1000 (1:03.11,1)
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt Start-Niederried ¦Niederried-Golaten ¦ Golaten-Ziel ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 501. Hirtz Christian 1966 Les Acacias 1:03.11,1 19.23,3 (2115) Foto Video 15-M45 64. 4.12 28.04 471.¦ 16.22 582.¦ 18.43 478.¦ 502. Althaus Daniel 1968 Konolfingen 1:03.11,3 19.23,5 (1190) Foto Video 15-M45 65. 4.12 27.58 450.¦ 16.29 613.¦ 18.43 476.¦ 503. Aebli Martina 1978 Lommiswil 1:03.11,9 19.24,1 (2096) Foto Video 15-F35 3. 4.12 28.09 484.¦ 16.12 514.¦ 18.49 503.¦ 504. Blum Lucca 1996 Langenthal 1:03.14,8 19.27,0 (28165) Foto Video 15-U20M 13. 4.12 28.37 575.¦ 16.20 566.¦ 18.16 349.¦ 505. Steiner Marco 1978 Bern 1:03.14,9 19.27,1 (2083) Foto Video 15-M35 76. 4.12 28.49 632.¦ 15.51 392.¦ 18.34 433.¦ 506. Witschi Res 1970 Gümligen 1:03.15,3 19.27,5 (2141) Foto Video 15-M40 85. 4.13 28.12 493.¦ 16.09 484.¦ 18.53 521.¦ 507. Schluechter Pascal 1975 Boudry 1:03.16,2 19.28,4 (2316) Foto Video 15-M35 77. 4.13 28.12 495.¦ 16.19 558.¦ 18.44 480.¦ 508. Gligore Dumitru 1977 Evionnaz 1:03.16,8 19.29,0 (1215) Foto Video 15-M35 78. 4.13 27.33 392.¦ 16.32 628.¦ 19.11 616.¦ 509. Schüpbach Florian, Zollbrück 1977 KRAFTWERK-rockthisbike.ch 1:03.17,0 19.29,2 (3245) Foto Video 15-M35 79. 4.13 28.04 470.¦ 16.06 463.¦ 19.06 582.¦ 510. Kupferschmied Peter 1960 Wichtrach 1:03.17,6 19.29,8 (1281) Foto Video 15-M50 44. 4.13 28.37 571.¦ 15.59 424.¦ 18.40 461.¦ 511. Zeltner Martin 1957 Härkingen 1:03.18,5 19.30,7 (4304) Foto Video 15-M55 12. 4.13 28.26 535.¦ 16.23 583.¦ 18.29 411.¦ 512. Ischer Philippe 1972 Boudry 1:03.19,7 19.31,9 (2064) Foto Video 15-M40 86. 4.13 27.40 413.¦ 16.13 516.¦ 19.26 706.¦ 513. Rion Alexandre 1983 Romont FR 1:03.19,8 19.32,0 (4198) Foto Video 15-M20 161. 4.13 27.42 416.¦ 15.58 420.¦ 19.39 789.¦ 514. Hirt Edi 1967 Oberhofen am Thunersee 1:03.20,2 19.32,4 (1289) Foto Video 15-M45 66. 4.13 27.50 430.¦ 16.25 592.¦ 19.03 573.¦ 515. Suter Walter 1961 Grandvaux 1:03.22,3 19.34,5 (2029) Foto Video 15-M50 45. 4.13 28.28 542.¦ 16.11 499.¦ 18.42 472.¦ 516. Koch René, Immensee 1972 tri-matic.ch 1:03.22,4 19.34,6 (1293) Foto Video 15-M40 87. 4.13 28.21 517.¦ 16.13 515.¦ 18.47 490.¦ 517. Deruelle Loïc 1984 Belp 1:03.22,6 19.34,8 (4028) Foto Video 15-M20 162. 4.13 28.31 552.¦ 16.10 490.¦ 18.40 463.¦ 518. Schöpfer Cédric 1995 Tafers 1:03.24,3 19.36,5 (28234) Foto Video 15-U20M 14. 4.13 28.09 485.¦ 16.05 457.¦ 19.08 602.¦ 519. Petite Xavier 1970 Arconciel 1:03.26,4 19.38,6 (1247) Foto Video 15-M40 88. 4.13 28.05 477.¦ 16.21 569.¦ 18.59 551.¦ 520. Piccand Gabriel, Corpataux-Magneden 1954 CA Farvagny 1:03.27,4 19.39,6 (2072) Foto Video 15-M55 13. 4.13 27.36 399.¦ 16.37 663.¦ 19.13 631.¦ 521. Steffen Peter, Küttigen 1958 triclub aarau 1:03.28,5 19.40,7 (2292) Foto Video 15-M55 14. 4.13 28.22 520.¦ 16.16 534.¦ 18.49 505.¦ 522. Kottelat Laurent 1988 Mervelier 1:03.30,5 19.42,7 (6252) Foto Video 15-M20 163. 4.14 28.45 617.¦ 16.06 465.¦ 18.38 450.¦ 523. Hvalic Boas 1994 Rickenbach b. Wil 1:03.31,0 19.43,2 (1227) Foto Video 15-U20M 15. 4.14 28.22 525.¦ 16.06 461.¦ 19.02 562.¦ 524. Klaus Hugo 1963 Thörishaus 1:03.31,2 19.43,4 (2232) Foto Video 15-M50 46. 4.14 28.47 624.¦ 16.15 529.¦ 18.28 403.¦ 525. Girod Michaël 1976 Nidau 1:03.31,3 19.43,5 (2109) Foto Video 15-M35 80. 4.14 28.19 509.¦ 16.08 472.¦ 19.04 575.¦ 526. Rappo Roland 1971 Formangueires 1:03.32,9 19.45,1 (2022) Foto Video 15-M40 89. 4.14 28.00 455.¦ 16.35 650.¦ 18.57 541.¦ 527. Hänzi Pascal 1994 Fräschels 1:03.33,8 19.46,0 (7459) Foto Video 15-U20M 16. 4.14 28.41 592.¦ 16.50 753.¦ 18.02 293.¦ 528. Docarmo Victor Hugo 1971 Cugy VD 1:03.35,3 19.47,5 (6093) Foto Video 15-M40 90. 4.14 28.31 550.¦ 16.16 536.¦ 18.47 491.¦ 529. Vanoaica Liviu 1976 Zürich 1:03.36,4 19.48,6 (4276) Foto Video 15-M35 81. 4.14 28.37 571.¦ 16.05 458.¦ 18.52 518.¦ 530. Jutz Otto 1972 Arbon 1:03.37,5 19.49,7 (2118) Foto Video 15-M40 91. 4.14 28.12 491.¦ 16.08 477.¦ 19.16 656.¦ 531. Aebischer Olivier 1981 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:03.38,4 19.50,6 (2042) Foto Video 15-M20 164. 4.14 28.05 474.¦ 16.12 513.¦ 19.20 670.¦ 532. Bonvin Patrick, Echallens 1971 Team Bonvin 1:03.38,7 19.50,9 (2101) Foto Video 15-M40 92. 4.14 28.25 533.¦ 16.22 575.¦ 18.51 510.¦ 532. Ramos Francisco 1981 Chez-le-Bart 1:03.38,7 19.50,9 (4192) Foto Video 15-M20 165. 4.14 28.55 650.¦ 16.29 616.¦ 18.14 342.¦ 534. Helbling Daniel 1967 Schänis 1:03.39,2 19.51,4 (2217) Foto Video 15-M45 67. 4.14 28.12 493.¦ 16.18 551.¦ 19.08 595.¦ 535. Küchler Patric, Reiden 1975 Fc Rotsee 1:03.40,0 19.52,2 (2066) Foto Video 15-M35 82. 4.14 28.19 510.¦ 16.11 503.¦ 19.08 599.¦ 536. Schenker Toni 1956 Däniken SO 1:03.41,2 19.53,4 (7621) Foto Video 15-M55 15. 4.14 28.25 534.¦ 16.19 562.¦ 18.55 533.¦ 537. Oliveira Manuel 1965 Neuchâtel 1:03.41,9 19.54,1 (4174) Foto Video 15-M45 68. 4.14 28.33 558.¦ 16.13 517.¦ 18.55 529.¦ 538. Traoré Kerfala 1982 Genève 1:03.43,6 19.55,8 (2135) Foto Video 15-M20 166. 4.14 28.40 590.¦ 16.27 600.¦ 18.36 445.¦ 539. Gilliéron Joël, Posat 1993 ACPM Matran 1:03.43,7 19.55,9 (3027) Foto Video 15-M20 167. 4.14 28.42 599.¦ 15.51 397.¦ 19.09 603.¦ 539. Oliveira Manuel 1969 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:03.43,7 19.55,9 (1245) Foto Video 15-M40 93. 4.14 27.33 390.¦ 16.43 708.¦ 19.27 719.¦ 541. Nussbaum Martin 1974 Jaberg 1:03.45,4 19.57,6 (2256) Foto Video 15-M35 83. 4.15 28.39 584.¦ 15.55 417.¦ 19.10 615.¦ 542. Kamm Meinrad 1965 Bilten 1:03.45,7 19.57,9 (2321) Foto Video 15-M45 69. 4.15 28.44 607.¦ 16.10 495.¦ 18.50 507.¦ 543. Grütter Christian 1947 Niederönz 1:03.45,8 19.58,0 (2013) Foto Video 15-M65 3. 4.15 28.16 501.¦ 16.09 480.¦ 19.20 670.¦ 544. Risler Martin 1972 Bern 1:03.47,3 19.59,5 (3004) Foto Video 15-M40 94. 4.15 28.44 609.¦ 15.59 423.¦ 19.03 571.¦ 545. Schafroth Sébastien 1976 Tramelan 1:03.47,8 20.00,0 (2078) Foto Video 15-M35 84. 4.15 28.03 465.¦ 16.19 556.¦ 19.25 699.¦ 546. Koenig Matthias 1986 Rüschegg Heubach 1:03.49,0 20.01,2 (3317) Foto Video 15-M20 168. 4.15 29.30 796.¦ 15.51 394.¦ 18.26 396.¦ 547. Hunziker Daniel 1964 Reinach AG 1:03.49,6 20.01,8 (2222) Foto Video 15-M45 70. 4.15 28.36 563.¦ 16.34 638.¦ 18.39 457.¦ 548. Arnold Daniel 1980 Lüscherz 1:03.49,7 20.01,9 (2154) Foto Video 15-M20 169. 4.15 28.27 538.¦ 16.08 476.¦ 19.14 636.¦ 549. Stämpfli Kilian 1983 Zollikofen 1:03.50,8 20.03,0 (9317) Foto Video 15-M20 170. 4.15 29.35 813.¦ 15.43 362.¦ 18.32 421.¦ 550. Reber Daniel 1966 Goldiwil (Thun) 1:03.51,0 20.03,2 (2127) Foto Video 15-M45 71. 4.15 28.45 618.¦ 16.03 446.¦ 19.01 555.¦ 551. Gonvers Sébastien 1973 Lussy-sur-Morges 1:03.51,4 20.03,6 (9312) Foto Video 15-M40 95. 4.15 28.54 648.¦ 16.01 436.¦ 18.55 529.¦ 551. Sager Sandra 1979 Zollikofen 1:03.51,4 20.03,6 (3051) Foto Video 15-F20 18. 4.15 28.22 519.¦ 16.13 521.¦ 19.15 648.¦ 553. Kozak Werner 1964 D-Augsburg 1:03.51,7 20.03,9 (28299) Foto Video 15-M45 72. 4.15 28.18 507.¦ 16.20 567.¦ 19.12 624.¦ 554. Brodard Christian 1972 Vuadens 1:03.51,9 20.04,1 (2166) Foto Video 15-M40 96. 4.15 28.10 488.¦ 16.32 630.¦ 19.08 600.¦ 554. Bürgi Jonas 1993 Aarberg 1:03.51,9 20.04,1 (28260) Foto Video 15-M20 171. 4.15 28.22 524.¦ 16.18 554.¦ 19.10 614.¦ 556. Moine Jérôme 1970 Genève 1:03.53,8 20.06,0 (4148) Foto Video 15-M40 97. 4.15 27.14 335.¦ 16.21 569.¦ 20.18 1040.¦ 557. Porués Santos Benjamin 1966 Courtepin 1:03.54,1 20.06,3 (4187) Foto Video 15-M45 73. 4.15 28.31 551.¦ 16.10 493.¦ 19.12 621.¦ 558. Weitz Stefan, Zug 1977 hoppdäbäse 1:03.55,5 20.07,7 (2140) Foto Video 15-M35 85. 4.15 28.39 587.¦ 16.47 733.¦ 18.28 404.¦ 559. Vögtli Christian 1987 Lupsingen 1:03.56,1 20.08,3 (8221) Foto Video 15-M20 172. 4.15 28.46 620.¦ 16.18 546.¦ 18.51 511.¦ 560. Guiffault René 1966 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 1:03.57,4 20.09,6 (2110) Foto Video 15-M45 74. 4.15 28.27 536.¦ 16.36 653.¦ 18.54 524.¦ 561. Gort Hugo 1964 Kaltbrunn 1:03.58,0 20.10,2 (2208) Foto Video 15-M45 75. 4.15 28.28 542.¦ 16.35 647.¦ 18.54 523.¦ 562. Sefranek Marek 1974 Lyssach 1:03.58,3 20.10,5 (4244) Foto Video 15-M35 86. 4.15 28.29 545.¦ 16.27 603.¦ 19.01 557.¦ 563. Castella Vincent 1979 Petit-Lancy 1:03.58,5 20.10,7 (2050) Foto Video 15-M20 173. 4.15 28.37 576.¦ 16.21 573.¦ 18.58 548.¦ 564. Zeller Peter 1965 Weissenburg 1:03.59,1 20.11,3 (3001) Foto Video 15-M45 76. 4.15 28.37 571.¦ 16.28 609.¦ 18.52 517.¦ 565. Hohler Jil, Basel 1998 LCBasel 1:03.59,5 20.11,7 (4080) Foto Video 15-U16F 2. 4.15 28.39 589.¦ 16.10 492.¦ 19.09 603.¦ 566. Reubi Ripon David 1973 Köniz 1:04.00,1 20.12,3 (1050) Foto Video 15-M40 98. 4.16 27.41 415.¦ 16.55 785.¦ 19.23 689.¦ 567. Moritz Frank, Günsberg 1966 LG Derendingen 1:04.00,2 20.12,4 (1242) Foto Video 15-M45 77. 4.16 28.02 461.¦ 16.40 689.¦ 19.16 657.¦ 568. Ferretti Remo, Camorino 1961 Centro Mövat , Cadenazzo 1:04.00,3 20.12,5 (6120) Foto Video 15-M50 47. 4.16 28.48 629.¦ 16.36 653.¦ 18.35 440.¦ 569. Clément David, Veyrier 1981 Genevatriathlon.org 1:04.00,6 20.12,8 (1200) Foto Video 15-M20 174. 4.16 28.03 464.¦ 16.31 624.¦ 19.26 706.¦ 570. Gontara Sirine, F-Pontarlier 1984 Optimum Training System 1:04.01,1 20.13,3 (28063) Foto Video 15-F20 19. 4.16 29.15 732.¦ 16.12 507.¦ 18.33 430.¦ 571. Bosshard Flavio 1990 Kerzers 1:04.02,9 20.15,1 (7336) Foto Video 15-M20 175. 4.16 27.53 438.¦ 16.18 548.¦ 19.51 857.¦ 572. Moser Konrad 1972 Aarberg 1:04.03,6 20.15,8 (3116) Foto Video 15-M40 99. 4.16 28.37 570.¦ 16.19 560.¦ 19.06 585.¦ 573. Galley David 1980 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:04.03,8 20.16,0 (2006) Foto Video 15-M20 176. 4.16 28.11 490.¦ 16.38 675.¦ 19.13 631.¦ 573. Leuenberger Marco 1972 Oensingen 1:04.03,8 20.16,0 (6273) Foto Video 15-M40 100. 4.16 28.43 604.¦ 16.18 552.¦ 19.01 560.¦ 575. Bürgisser Nicole, Düdingen 1983 LAT Sense 1:04.04,2 20.16,4 (28032) Foto Video 15-F20 20. 4.16 28.40 591.¦ 16.11 500.¦ 19.12 622.¦ 575. Urech Caroline 1984 Renens VD 1:04.04,2 20.16,4 (2088) Foto Video 15-F20 20. 4.16 28.39 585.¦ 16.16 537.¦ 19.08 597.¦ 577. Dällenbach Thomas 1966 Münchenbuchsee 1:04.04,4 20.16,6 (2185) Foto Video 15-M45 78. 4.16 28.32 556.¦ 16.23 584.¦ 19.08 591.¦ 578. Baptista Abel 1964 Aarburg 1:04.04,7 20.16,9 (5281) Foto Video 15-M45 79. 4.16 28.44 609.¦ 16.25 589.¦ 18.54 526.¦ 579. Purro Pauline 1990 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:04.05,5 20.17,7 (2075) Foto Video 15-F20 22. 4.16 28.44 608.¦ 16.32 632.¦ 18.47 493.¦ 580. Steiner Juri 1983 Aarau 1:04.05,8 20.18,0 (2082) Foto Video 15-M20 177. 4.16 28.58 664.¦ 16.19 560.¦ 18.48 496.¦ 581. Trüssel Adrian 1975 Gasel 1:04.06,6 20.18,8 (4273) Foto Video 15-M35 87. 4.16 28.54 649.¦ 16.09 479.¦ 19.02 568.¦ 582. Waibel Walter, Wangen b. Olten 1981 Ilia 4 ever 1:04.07,6 20.19,8 (3061) Foto Video 15-M20 178. 4.16 28.51 639.¦ 16.06 465.¦ 19.09 609.¦ 583. Mühlestein Fritz 1958 Niederscherli 1:04.08,1 20.20,3 (2253) Foto Video 15-M55 16. 4.16 28.44 609.¦ 16.21 571.¦ 19.01 557.¦ 584. Hügli Peter 1966 Walliswil b. Wangen 1:04.08,5 20.20,7 (5336) Foto Video 15-M45 80. 4.16 28.32 557.¦ 16.17 544.¦ 19.18 663.¦ 585. Stoller Silvan, Wilderswil 1987 TV Wilderswil 1:04.09,0 20.21,2 (4257) Foto Video 15-M20 179. 4.16 28.55 652.¦ 16.03 444.¦ 19.09 610.¦ 586. Naef Magnus 1977 Sursee 1:04.09,4 20.21,6 (2255) Foto Video 15-M35 88. 4.16 28.32 553.¦ 16.17 542.¦ 19.20 673.¦ 587. Martin Olivier 1969 Les Hauts-Geneveys 1:04.09,6 20.21,8 (2322) Foto Video 15-M40 101. 4.16 29.10 716.¦ 16.18 548.¦ 18.40 466.¦ 588. Boschung Manuela 1969 Detligen 1:04.09,8 20.22,0 (3158) Foto Video 15-F40 12. 4.16 28.57 662.¦ 16.16 537.¦ 18.55 531.¦ 589. Rech Patrick 1968 Plasselb 1:04.09,9 20.22,1 (3122) Foto Video 15-M45 81. 4.16 29.06 701.¦ 16.02 437.¦ 19.01 554.¦ 590. Moinat Aurelie, Denens 1980 Footing club lausanne 1:04.12,0 20.24,2 (7559) Foto Video 15-F20 23. 4.16 28.36 564.¦ 16.27 600.¦ 19.08 593.¦ 591. Eschbach Martin 1985 Gelterkinden 1:04.12,6 20.24,8 (3092) Foto Video 15-M20 180. 4.16 28.55 652.¦ 16.22 579.¦ 18.54 526.¦ 592. Pasche Stéphane, Yverdon-les-Bains 1978 TRYverdon 1:04.13,8 20.26,0 (7583) Foto Video 15-M35 89. 4.16 29.04 686.¦ 16.26 593.¦ 18.42 473.¦ 593. Caracciolo Antonio, Strengelbach 1968 Ute Mueckel Sebamed Triat 1:04.14,2 20.26,4 (2049) Foto Video 15-M45 82. 4.16 28.38 579.¦ 16.31 622.¦ 19.05 578.¦ 594. Fusco Carlo 1966 Pfäffikon SZ 1:04.14,6 20.26,8 (2054) Foto Video 15-M45 83. 4.16 28.47 623.¦ 16.30 620.¦ 18.57 540.¦ 595. Haas Hanspeter 1963 Trimbach 1:04.15,1 20.27,3 (1288) Foto Video 15-M50 48. 4.17 28.38 581.¦ 16.48 740.¦ 18.48 499.¦ 596. Spahr Thomas, Rüfenacht BE 1956 Stb 1:04.15,3 20.27,5 (7653) Foto Video 15-M55 17. 4.17 29.07 706.¦ 16.10 488.¦ 18.57 544.¦ 596. von Niederhäusern Hans 1955 Düdingen 1:04.15,3 20.27,5 (2138) Foto Video 15-M55 17. 4.17 28.04 472.¦ 16.34 645.¦ 19.36 772.¦ 598. Stuker Kaspar 1968 Bern 1:04.15,6 20.27,8 (3055) Foto Video 15-M45 84. 4.17 29.06 702.¦ 16.16 539.¦ 18.52 513.¦ 599. Alder Bruno 1976 Bern 1:04.16,3 20.28,5 (3012) Foto Video 15-M35 90. 4.17 28.59 670.¦ 16.14 522.¦ 19.03 571.¦ 600. Müller Oliver 1970 Bolligen 1:04.16,4 20.28,6 (2254) Foto Video 15-M40 102. 4.17 29.13 725.¦ 16.14 524.¦ 18.48 500.¦ 600. Sailer Franz 1955 Solothurn 1:04.16,4 20.28,6 (2077) Foto Video 15-M55 19. 4.17 28.38 583.¦ 16.35 646.¦ 19.02 567.¦ 602. Butty Romain 1995 Matran 1:04.17,5 20.29,7 (3084) Foto Video 15-U20M 17. 4.17 28.48 630.¦ 16.02 439.¦ 19.26 710.¦ 603. Suter Yvan 1967 Genolier 1:04.17,6 20.29,8 (1304) Foto Video 15-M45 85. 4.17 28.44 605.¦ 16.40 685.¦ 18.53 520.¦ 604. Toscanelli Oscar, Sonvico 1962 ASCO LUGANO 1:04.17,7 20.29,9 (4271) Foto Video 15-M50 49. 4.17 28.34 559.¦ 16.27 605.¦ 19.15 644.¦ 605. Kocsis Antonio, Porza 1959 ASCO Lugano 1:04.18,2 20.30,4 (10059) Foto Video 15-M50 50. 4.17 28.35 561.¦ 16.27 603.¦ 19.15 644.¦ 606. Besomi Matteo, Tesserete 1960 US Capriaschese 1:04.18,3 20.30,5 (2158) Foto Video 15-M50 51. 4.17 28.35 560.¦ 16.27 599.¦ 19.15 653.¦ 606. Cathélaz Alain 1964 Yvorne 1:04.18,3 20.30,5 (28425) Foto Video 15-M45 86. 4.17 28.36 567.¦ 16.39 680.¦ 19.02 562.¦ 608. Gerber Hans 1954 Belp 1:04.20,4 20.32,6 (2056) Foto Video 15-M55 20. 4.17 28.50 636.¦ 16.14 525.¦ 19.15 652.¦ 609. Okle Roger, Köniz 1971 LCA Bärn 1:04.20,5 20.32,7 (3196) Foto Video 15-M40 103. 4.17 28.45 615.¦ 16.15 526.¦ 19.19 669.¦ 610. Gfeller Martin 1963 Biberstein 1:04.21,0 20.33,2 (2207) Foto Video 15-M50 52. 4.17 28.32 553.¦ 16.35 648.¦ 19.13 630.¦ 611. Kalabic Seid 1975 Murten 1:04.21,3 20.33,5 (28078) Foto Video 15-M35 91. 4.17 28.29 547.¦ 16.45 720.¦ 19.06 584.¦ 611. Wenger Regula 1972 Schwarzenegg 1:04.21,3 20.33,5 (2308) Foto Video 15-F40 13. 4.17 28.22 518.¦ 16.32 631.¦ 19.26 713.¦ 613. Theler Benjamin 1981 Ausserberg 1:04.21,6 20.33,8 (10240) Foto Video 15-M20 181. 4.17 29.01 679.¦ 16.09 481.¦ 19.10 613.¦ 614. Ritacco Marcello 1973 Herzogenbuchsee 1:04.23,4 20.35,6 (2272) Foto Video 15-M40 104. 4.17 28.14 498.¦ 16.47 734.¦ 19.20 675.¦ 615. Jegerlehner Priska 1975 Luzern 1:04.23,5 20.35,7 (3034) Foto Video 15-F35 4. 4.17 29.00 673.¦ 16.29 611.¦ 18.54 524.¦ 616. Winz Elias 1986 Bern 1:04.24,4 20.36,6 (28248) Foto Video 15-M20 182. 4.17 28.48 628.¦ 16.31 625.¦ 19.04 577.¦ 617. Tönz Caroline 1968 Hindelbank 1:04.24,7 20.36,9 (3058) Foto Video 15-F45 7. 4.17 28.57 661.¦ 16.18 548.¦ 19.08 600.¦ 618. Despland Jean-Philippe 1967 Lausanne 1:04.25,1 20.37,3 (7372) Foto Video 15-M45 87. 4.17 28.52 641.¦ 16.27 596.¦ 19.05 580.¦ 619. Wyss Roland 1966 Bern 1:04.25,2 20.37,4 (2034) Foto Video 15-M45 88. 4.17 28.52 643.¦ 16.18 552.¦ 19.14 638.¦ 620. Hänni Anton, Oberwangen b. Bern 1956 Marathongruppe Worb 1:04.25,8 20.38,0 (2063) Foto Video 15-M55 21. 4.17 28.50 636.¦ 16.51 759.¦ 18.44 481.¦ 621. Remund Philipp 1977 Ins 1:04.25,9 20.38,1 (2270) Foto Video 15-M35 92. 4.17 28.57 660.¦ 16.36 656.¦ 18.52 513.¦ 622. Leiggener Alain 1980 Turtmann 1:04.26,7 20.38,9 (3038) Foto Video 15-M20 183. 4.17 28.36 565.¦ 16.37 662.¦ 19.12 626.¦ 623. Zbinden Ueli 1971 Schwarzenburg 1:04.28,3 20.40,5 (3066) Foto Video 15-M40 105. 4.17 29.20 750.¦ 16.12 512.¦ 18.55 532.¦ 624. Howald Walter 1952 Subingen 1:04.28,9 20.41,1 (2220) Foto Video 15-M60 5. 4.17 28.35 562.¦ 16.29 614.¦ 19.23 693.¦ 625. Bürgi Susanne 1977 Kestenholz 1:04.29,9 20.42,1 (3229) Foto Video 15-F35 5. 4.17 29.02 681.¦ 16.20 563.¦ 19.07 588.¦ 626. Frischknecht Reto 1965 Zuchwil 1:04.31,5 20.43,7 (28185) Foto Video 15-M45 89. 4.18 28.58 667.¦ 16.19 557.¦ 19.13 633.¦ 627. Andrey Urs 1957 Bönigen b. Interlaken 1:04.32,0 20.44,2 (28006) Foto Video 15-M55 22. 4.18 28.37 571.¦ 16.39 681.¦ 19.14 642.¦ 628. Hayoz Boris, Selzach 1972 ETA DEFi Team 1:04.32,6 20.44,8 (3320) Foto Video 15-M40 106. 4.18 29.02 680.¦ 16.17 545.¦ 19.12 624.¦ 628. Zeller Michael, Bern 1973 LGgerbersport 1:04.32,6 20.44,8 (3218) Foto Video 15-M40 106. 4.18 28.29 546.¦ 16.42 699.¦ 19.21 680.¦ 630. Furrer Serge 1949 Bevaix 1:04.33,1 20.45,3 (3097) Foto Video 15-M60 6. 4.18 28.42 594.¦ 16.24 586.¦ 19.27 714.¦ 630. Scheuner Ronald 1965 Bern 1:04.33,1 20.45,3 (8125) Foto Video 15-M45 90. 4.18 28.45 612.¦ 16.26 595.¦ 19.21 679.¦ 632. Solèr Rossano 1959 Faido 1:04.34,3 20.46,5 (2288) Foto Video 15-M50 53. 4.18 28.48 630.¦ 16.36 659.¦ 19.08 598.¦ 633. Schumacher Virginie, Belfaux 1978 CA Belfaux 1:04.35,3 20.47,5 (531) Foto Video 15-F35 6. 4.18 28.55 655.¦ 16.29 614.¦ 19.10 612.¦ 634. Jauner Jürg 1966 Langenthal 1:04.36,0 20.48,2 (3032) Foto Video 15-M45 91. 4.18 28.27 537.¦ 16.42 702.¦ 19.26 710.¦ 634. Patthey Gregory 1978 Lausanne 1:04.36,0 20.48,2 (4178) Foto Video 15-M35 93. 4.18 29.08 709.¦ 16.29 617.¦ 18.57 545.¦ 636. Matthey Crystel, Auvernier 1985 New Concept Sports 1:04.36,5 20.48,7 (2244) Foto Video 15-F20 24. 4.18 28.36 566.¦ 16.27 605.¦ 19.32 747.¦ 637. Pulver Barbara, Niederscherli 1965 LCA Bärn 1:04.36,7 20.48,9 (2267) Foto Video 15-F45 8. 4.18 28.47 625.¦ 16.37 663.¦ 19.11 618.¦ 638. Badertscher Bruno 1970 Wattenwil 1:04.37,0 20.49,2 (28254) Foto Video 15-M40 108. 4.18 28.43 601.¦ 16.32 632.¦ 19.21 676.¦ 639. Maurer Andreas 1981 Zollikofen 1:04.37,2 20.49,4 (28306) Foto Video 15-M20 184. 4.18 29.46 857.¦ 16.09 481.¦ 18.40 466.¦ 640. Spicher Jacques 1967 Péry 1:04.38,0 20.50,2 (3129) Foto Video 15-M45 92. 4.18 29.05 688.¦ 16.18 555.¦ 19.14 636.¦ 641. Gardan Christophe 1978 Thun 1:04.38,3 20.50,5 (7419) Foto Video 15-M35 94. 4.18 29.18 741.¦ 16.27 597.¦ 18.52 518.¦ 642. Götz Barbara, Oberdorf SO 1974 Velolade Schneider Wynige 1:04.39,0 20.51,2 (3101) Foto Video 15-F35 7. 4.18 29.13 728.¦ 16.15 532.¦ 19.09 605.¦ 643. Bergmann Beat 1978 Bolligen 1:04.39,3 20.51,5 (28258) Foto Video 15-M35 95. 4.18 29.05 693.¦ 16.29 617.¦ 19.04 574.¦ 644. Siegenthaler Jürg 1977 Wabern 1:04.41,2 20.53,4 (7646) Foto Video 15-M35 96. 4.18 28.49 632.¦ 16.38 673.¦ 19.13 633.¦ 645. Willi-Renfer Christine 1973 Steffisburg 1:04.41,5 20.53,7 (2310) Foto Video 15-F40 14. 4.18 29.59 922.¦ 16.10 486.¦ 18.32 421.¦ 646. Fomalont Paul 1970 Leysin 1:04.42,5 20.54,7 (28056) Foto Video 15-M40 109. 4.18 28.43 602.¦ 16.44 716.¦ 19.14 641.¦ 647. Rindlisbacher Heinz 1972 Cordast 1:04.43,0 20.55,2 (3048) Foto Video 15-M40 110. 4.18 28.48 627.¦ 16.35 648.¦ 19.19 667.¦ 648. Schorer Patrick 1971 Kallnach 1:04.44,1 20.56,3 (2133) Foto Video 15-M40 111. 4.18 28.42 594.¦ 16.33 635.¦ 19.29 727.¦ 649. Maurer Wayne, Bern 1974 ST Bern 1:04.44,6 20.56,8 (28094) Foto Video 15-M35 97. 4.18 28.51 640.¦ 16.44 716.¦ 19.08 595.¦ 650. Kushwaha Imran 1972 Dürnten 1:04.46,5 20.58,7 (1309) Foto Video 15-M40 112. 4.19 28.27 540.¦ 16.48 736.¦ 19.30 740.¦ 651. Paccaud Christophe 1971 Sullens 1:04.46,8 20.59,0 (7582) Foto Video 15-M40 113. 4.19 28.38 580.¦ 16.38 670.¦ 19.30 733.¦ 652. Lemmel Edgar 1971 Rothenburg 1:04.47,2 20.59,4 (3039) Foto Video 15-M40 114. 4.19 29.07 703.¦ 16.40 682.¦ 18.59 552.¦ 653. Lüthi Jürg 1968 Rümligen 1:04.47,3 20.59,5 (2121) Foto Video 15-M45 93. 4.19 28.58 663.¦ 16.33 637.¦ 19.15 650.¦ 654. Aeby Pascal Laurent 1966 Meyrin 1:04.47,5 20.59,7 (2149) Foto Video 15-M45 94. 4.19 28.05 474.¦ 16.44 716.¦ 19.57 900.¦ 655. Zumwald Judith 1974 Schmitten FR 1:04.47,9 21.00,1 (2317) Foto Video 15-F35 8. 4.19 29.21 758.¦ 16.38 674.¦ 18.47 492.¦ 656. Allaz Simon 1982 Reverolle 1:04.48,7 21.00,9 (2043) Foto Video 15-M20 185. 4.19 28.42 594.¦ 16.34 642.¦ 19.32 747.¦ 657. Decoppet Sebastien, Grandson 1977 Crazy runners de Paris 1:04.48,9 21.01,1 (6083) Foto Video 15-M35 98. 4.19 29.05 696.¦ 16.31 625.¦ 19.11 619.¦ 658. Schicker Benno, Luzern 1967 LAUFGRUPPE CHAM 1:04.49,0 21.01,2 (7625) Foto Video 15-M45 95. 4.19 29.05 688.¦ 16.36 656.¦ 19.07 589.¦ 659. Hodel Thomas 1960 Luzern 1:04.49,2 21.01,4 (2218) Foto Video 15-M50 54. 4.19 29.22 759.¦ 16.49 750.¦ 18.37 449.¦ 660. Amato Elita, Gümligen 1975 LG Gerbersport 1:04.49,5 21.01,7 (7309) Foto Video 15-F35 9. 4.19 28.51 638.¦ 16.35 652.¦ 19.22 687.¦ 660. Meylan Serge 1960 Lausanne 1:04.49,5 21.01,7 (3191) Foto Video 15-M50 55. 4.19 29.00 674.¦ 16.35 650.¦ 19.13 628.¦ 662. Fölmli Rolf, Immensee 1959 GS Immensee 1:04.50,2 21.02,4 (1147) Foto Video 15-M50 56. 4.19 28.37 568.¦ 16.51 765.¦ 19.21 677.¦ 663. Fischer Heinz 1963 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:04.51,5 21.03,7 (2107) Foto Video 15-M50 57. 4.19 28.44 605.¦ 16.22 581.¦ 19.44 817.¦ 663. Stucki Daniel 1963 Madiswil 1:04.51,5 21.03,7 (4260) Foto Video 15-M50 57. 4.19 29.29 793.¦ 16.25 590.¦ 18.56 536.¦ 665. Faisst Patrick 1970 Eschenbach SG 1:04.52,5 21.04,7 (4042) Foto Video 15-M40 115. 4.19 29.05 691.¦ 16.19 558.¦ 19.28 721.¦ 666. Lema José 1969 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 1:04.52,6 21.04,8 (1331) Foto Video 15-M40 116. 4.19 29.24 766.¦ 16.26 593.¦ 19.01 557.¦ 667. Thurnherr Thomas 1968 Muntelier 1:04.53,1 21.05,3 (3056) Foto Video 15-M45 96. 4.19 28.53 644.¦ 16.34 641.¦ 19.25 701.¦ 668. Larizza Tamara, Lyss 1978 4-training 1:04.54,0 21.06,2 (2120) Foto Video 15-F35 10. 4.19 29.10 722.¦ 16.42 704.¦ 19.00 553.¦ 669. Rodrigues José, Fleurier 1976 Pink runners 1:04.55,7 21.07,9 (1328) Foto Video 15-M35 99. 4.19 28.53 647.¦ 16.06 465.¦ 19.55 890.¦ 670. Mathys Jeremias, Burgdorf 1990 Rennshop Wüthrich Burgdor 1:04.56,9 21.09,1 (4137) Foto Video 15-M20 186. 4.19 28.43 600.¦ 16.28 607.¦ 19.45 822.¦ 671. Hofer Matthias 1978 Birsfelden 1:04.58,0 21.10,2 (2219) Foto Video 15-M35 100. 4.19 29.03 685.¦ 16.41 691.¦ 19.13 627.¦ 671. Saurer Andreas 1966 Steffisburg 1:04.58,0 21.10,2 (4218) Foto Video 15-M45 97. 4.19 29.04 686.¦ 16.27 600.¦ 19.25 701.¦ 673. Schneider Marcel 1970 Studen BE 1:04.58,2 21.10,4 (2131) Foto Video 15-M40 117. 4.19 28.59 670.¦ 16.36 658.¦ 19.22 685.¦ 674. Gauch Beat 1966 Alterswil FR 1:04.58,3 21.10,5 (2055) Foto Video 15-M45 98. 4.19 29.10 715.¦ 16.39 679.¦ 19.09 605.¦ 675. Ittig Martin, Naters 1967 Henzen Sport Visp 1:04.58,9 21.11,1 (4091) Foto Video 15-M45 99. 4.19 29.49 881.¦ 16.10 490.¦ 18.58 549.¦ 676. Bedon Giovanni 1954 Basel 1:04.59,8 21.12,0 (3017) Foto Video 15-M55 23. 4.19 29.06 700.¦ 16.42 699.¦ 19.11 616.¦ 677. Kottelat Gilles 1986 Mervelier 1:05.00,3 21.12,5 (6251) Foto Video 15-M20 187. 4.20 29.33 804.¦ 16.21 574.¦ 19.05 578.¦ 678. Ly Somnang 1978 Lausanne 1:05.01,0 21.13,2 (3316) Foto Video 15-M35 101. 4.20 29.10 722.¦ 16.37 665.¦ 19.12 622.¦ 679. Bondi Eddi 1974 Cortaillod 1:05.01,3 21.13,5 (2163) Foto Video 15-M35 102. 4.20 28.22 520.¦ 16.32 632.¦ 20.06 961.¦ 680. Nicolet Samuel, Bulle 1981 AC Broye - ProCycle 1:05.02,5 21.14,7 (1033) Foto Video 15-M20 188. 4.20 27.13 331.¦ 16.21 568.¦ 21.27 1598.¦ 681. Rubin Jacqueline 1969 Baltschieder 1:05.02,8 21.15,0 (2275) Foto Video 15-F40 15. 4.20 28.39 586.¦ 16.44 714.¦ 19.39 787.¦ 682. Paiano Gabor 1980 Zollikofen 1:05.03,5 21.15,7 (4175) Foto Video 15-M20 189. 4.20 29.05 694.¦ 16.22 578.¦ 19.35 771.¦ 683. Schouwey Karine 1980 Fribourg 1:05.04,0 21.16,2 (2285) Foto Video 15-F20 25. 4.20 29.20 755.¦ 16.40 687.¦ 19.02 568.¦ 684. Cantivalli Antonio 1962 Bex 1:05.04,1 21.16,3 (2175) Foto Video 15-M50 59. 4.20 29.21 757.¦ 16.47 732.¦ 18.56 535.¦ 685. Hoffer Xavier, Lausanne 1976 RUSHTEAM 1:05.04,3 21.16,5 (28290) Foto Video 15-M35 103. 4.20 28.53 645.¦ 16.57 809.¦ 19.13 628.¦ 686. Gauch Jean-Marc 1964 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:05.06,8 21.19,0 (2007) Foto Video 15-M45 100. 4.20 28.49 634.¦ 16.45 724.¦ 19.31 745.¦ 687. Balmer Tobias 1976 Zürich 1:05.08,6 21.20,8 (3280) Foto Video 15-M35 104. 4.20 29.25 771.¦ 16.41 690.¦ 19.01 560.¦ 688. Zurbriggen Marco 1985 Saas Grund 1:05.09,2 21.21,4 (1278) Foto Video 15-M20 190. 4.20 29.25 775.¦ 16.28 608.¦ 19.14 643.¦ 689. Burgstaller Alexander, Kappelen 1986 Bike Factory 1:05.09,4 21.21,6 (4005) Foto Video 15-M20 191. 4.20 29.09 710.¦ 16.31 623.¦ 19.29 728.¦ 690. Fischer Erich 1978 Bern 1:05.09,9 21.22,1 (2195) Foto Video 15-M35 105. 4.20 29.24 767.¦ 16.48 742.¦ 18.56 537.¦ 691. Hayoz Erwin 1963 Villarepos 1:05.10,8 21.23,0 (1088) Foto Video 15-M50 60. 4.20 29.16 736.¦ 16.36 655.¦ 19.18 661.¦ 692. Bühler André 1965 Laupen BE 1:05.11,4 21.23,6 (3162) Foto Video 15-M45 101. 4.20 29.19 746.¦ 16.34 638.¦ 19.18 661.¦ 693. Wiedmer Hans 1950 Bern 1:05.11,7 21.23,9 (2095) Foto Video 15-M60 7. 4.20 28.20 512.¦ 17.14 938.¦ 19.36 777.¦ 694. Spring Janick 1993 Ittigen 1:05.11,9 21.24,1 (7656) Foto Video 15-M20 192. 4.20 28.16 500.¦ 16.20 565.¦ 20.35 1166.¦ 695. Zbinden René 1972 Bern 1:05.12,7 21.24,9 (28152) Foto Video 15-M40 118. 4.20 28.45 615.¦ 16.45 720.¦ 19.42 804.¦ 696. Junge Claude 1974 Biel/Bienne 1:05.12,9 21.25,1 (1325) Foto Video 15-M35 106. 4.20 28.24 530.¦ 16.54 779.¦ 19.54 884.¦ 696. Zosso François 1968 Domdidier 1:05.12,9 21.25,1 (4309) Foto Video 15-M45 102. 4.20 29.09 714.¦ 16.37 661.¦ 19.25 700.¦ 698. Eyer Marc 1971 Nidau 1:05.13,3 21.25,5 (1209) Foto Video 15-M40 119. 4.20 27.51 435.¦ 16.49 745.¦ 20.32 1142.¦ 699. Seiler Philipp 1983 Zollikofen 1:05.14,4 21.26,6 (7731) Foto Video 15-M20 193. 4.20 29.44 848.¦ 16.37 665.¦ 18.52 515.¦ 700. Bolay Claire 1958 Chexbres 1:05.14,8 21.27,0 (2162) Foto Video 15-F55 1. 4.20 29.09 711.¦ 16.42 701.¦ 19.23 690.¦ 701. Fankhauser Roland 1981 Bern 1:05.15,4 21.27,6 (2192) Foto Video 15-M20 194. 4.21 28.42 598.¦ 17.05 865.¦ 19.27 715.¦ 702. Zobrist Peter 1959 Schafhausen i. E. 1:05.16,0 21.28,2 (3148) Foto Video 15-M50 61. 4.21 28.49 635.¦ 16.41 691.¦ 19.45 820.¦ 703. Do Aido Carlos 1970 Oberbuchsiten 1:05.16,6 21.28,8 (9251) Foto Video 15-M40 120. 4.21 29.03 683.¦ 16.20 563.¦ 19.53 874.¦ 704. Friedrich Bernhard 1972 Grasswil 1:05.17,0 21.29,2 (2053) Foto Video 15-M40 121. 4.21 29.07 705.¦ 16.32 628.¦ 19.37 779.¦ 705. Wyssen Alwin 1962 Zumholz 1:05.18,1 21.30,3 (3144) Foto Video 15-M50 62. 4.21 28.46 619.¦ 17.00 824.¦ 19.31 742.¦ 706. Waibel Walter 1958 Boll 1:05.18,9 21.31,1 (3062) Foto Video 15-M55 24. 4.21 29.28 788.¦ 16.43 712.¦ 19.07 587.¦ 707. Gurtner Sonya 1952 Büetigen 1:05.19,2 21.31,4 (533) Foto Video 15-F60 1. 4.21 29.01 677.¦ 16.53 773.¦ 19.24 698.¦ 707. Habegger Manuel 1974 Olten 1:05.19,2 21.31,4 (2112) Foto Video 15-M35 107. 4.21 28.22 520.¦ 16.43 710.¦ 20.13 1008.¦ 707. Jeannet Olivier, Neuchâtel 1961 Phrun312 1:05.19,2 21.31,4 (4094) Foto Video 15-M50 63. 4.21 29.20 751.¦ 16.31 627.¦ 19.27 715.¦ 710. Hänni Marc 1976 Bern 1:05.19,7 21.31,9 (2224) Foto Video 15-M35 108. 4.21 28.48 626.¦ 16.55 787.¦ 19.36 775.¦ 711. Niemack Andreas, Rapperswil BE 1962 Run4Fun 1:05.20,2 21.32,4 (3046) Foto Video 15-M50 64. 4.21 29.25 776.¦ 16.38 677.¦ 19.15 650.¦ 712. Robadey Jacques, Zürich 1967 FSG Bulle 1:05.22,1 21.34,3 (28401) Foto Video 15-M45 103. 4.21 28.57 659.¦ 16.56 804.¦ 19.28 720.¦ 713. Pritz Stefan, Thun 1966 Lauftreff Bircher Thun 1:05.23,7 21.35,9 (2265) Foto Video 15-M45 104. 4.21 29.26 779.¦ 16.45 724.¦ 19.11 620.¦ 714. Zeller Martin 1966 Aegerten 1:05.24,1 21.36,3 (8261) Foto Video 15-M45 105. 4.21 28.43 602.¦ 16.54 776.¦ 19.46 829.¦ 715. Bittel Jan 1974 Meikirch 1:05.24,4 21.36,6 (2161) Foto Video 15-M35 109. 4.21 29.18 742.¦ 16.42 703.¦ 19.23 691.¦ 716. Münger Roland 1970 Wohlen b. Bern 1:05.24,9 21.37,1 (4160) Foto Video 15-M40 122. 4.21 27.56 444.¦ 17.41 1162.¦ 19.47 834.¦ 717. Gotta Verena, Lausanne 1984 Tri Team Lutry 1:05.25,9 21.38,1 (3234) Foto Video 15-F20 26. 4.21 29.41 833.¦ 16.43 710.¦ 19.01 556.¦ 718. Moser Ulrich 1966 Lyss 1:05.26,0 21.38,2 (1311) Foto Video 15-M45 106. 4.21 28.59 672.¦ 17.02 838.¦ 19.23 693.¦ 719. Roth Thomas 1962 Thun 1:05.26,2 21.38,4 (2023) Foto Video 15-M50 65. 4.21 29.10 719.¦ 17.06 872.¦ 19.09 607.¦ 720. Zihlmann Lukas, Escholzmatt 1985 TV St. Georg 1:05.27,1 21.39,3 (3003) Foto Video 15-M20 195. 4.21 28.47 622.¦ 16.57 807.¦ 19.42 807.¦ 721. Frisch René 1967 Kallnach 1:05.27,9 21.40,1 (2199) Foto Video 15-M45 107. 4.21 28.52 641.¦ 17.01 826.¦ 19.34 762.¦ 722. Jenny Patrick 1959 Sion 1:05.28,1 21.40,3 (2229) Foto Video 15-M50 66. 4.21 29.10 719.¦ 16.44 715.¦ 19.32 755.¦ 723. Blaser Benjamin 1989 Neuenegg 1:05.28,5 21.40,7 (3079) Foto Video 15-M20 196. 4.21 28.42 597.¦ 16.41 696.¦ 20.04 946.¦ 724. Graber Diane 1981 Lyssach 1:05.28,7 21.40,9 (2209) Foto Video 15-F20 27. 4.21 29.05 688.¦ 16.43 709.¦ 19.40 797.¦ 725. Schoch Pascal, Zürich 1968 LAC TV Unterstrass 1:05.28,9 21.41,1 (2284) Foto Video 15-M45 108. 4.21 29.27 785.¦ 16.46 727.¦ 19.15 647.¦ 726. Mollet Jürg 1966 Lohn-Ammannsegg 1:05.29,1 21.41,3 (4149) Foto Video 15-M45 109. 4.21 29.40 829.¦ 16.30 621.¦ 19.17 660.¦ 727. Rossi Adrian 1983 Rothrist 1:05.29,2 21.41,4 (4207) Foto Video 15-M20 197. 4.21 29.18 745.¦ 16.24 587.¦ 19.46 824.¦ 728. Barbezat Roland 1968 Colombier NE 1:05.29,4 21.41,6 (3283) Foto Video 15-M45 110. 4.21 28.58 665.¦ 16.48 738.¦ 19.42 809.¦ 729. Quirici Giulio, Hinteregg 1959 LG ZKB 1:05.29,8 21.42,0 (2076) Foto Video 15-M50 67. 4.21 29.01 676.¦ 16.58 815.¦ 19.30 733.¦ 730. Tomassini Fabrizio 1964 Ulrichen 1:05.30,2 21.42,4 (3057) Foto Video 15-M45 111. 4.22 29.48 874.¦ 16.38 670.¦ 19.03 570.¦ 731. Santschi René 1958 Murten 1:05.31,3 21.43,5 (4217) Foto Video 15-M55 25. 4.22 29.35 810.¦ 16.46 728.¦ 19.09 607.¦ 732. Couturier Denis, F-Villers le Lac 1964 Cross-Club Chaux de Fonds 1:05.31,6 21.43,8 (3164) Foto Video 15-M45 112. 4.22 28.59 668.¦ 16.57 808.¦ 19.35 766.¦ 733. Williner Martin 1974 Plan-les-Ouates 1:05.32,2 21.44,4 (7699) Foto Video 15-M35 110. 4.22 28.56 658.¦ 16.54 782.¦ 19.41 801.¦ 734. Perracini Andreas 1967 Kehrsatz 1:05.34,0 21.46,2 (4180) Foto Video 15-M45 113. 4.22 29.26 782.¦ 16.40 682.¦ 19.27 715.¦ 735. Aebi Daniel 1982 Liebefeld 1:05.34,9 21.47,1 (3072) Foto Video 15-M20 198. 4.22 29.29 791.¦ 16.41 693.¦ 19.24 696.¦ 736. Josty Niculin 1982 Bern 1:05.35,2 21.47,4 (3035) Foto Video 15-M20 199. 4.22 29.10 717.¦ 16.56 795.¦ 19.28 725.¦ 737. Sutter Lukas 1994 Kerzers 1:05.37,1 21.49,3 (2297) Foto Video 15-U20M 18. 4.22 29.16 736.¦ 16.50 756.¦ 19.30 733.¦ 738. Eschbach Lukas, Büren an der Aare 1968 Lauftreff Büren 1:05.37,3 21.49,5 (7393) Foto Video 15-M45 114. 4.22 29.10 717.¦ 16.41 693.¦ 19.45 821.¦ 739. Mosetti Nicolas 1966 Froideville 1:05.37,9 21.50,1 (2125) Foto Video 15-M45 115. 4.22 29.05 692.¦ 17.04 847.¦ 19.28 724.¦ 740. Jeansson Anna 1968 Ollon VD 1:05.38,1 21.50,3 (9333) Foto Video 15-F45 9. 4.22 29.40 830.¦ 16.29 612.¦ 19.28 723.¦ 741. Omar Sulaimann 1971 Avenches 1:05.38,4 21.50,6 (50006) Foto Video 15-MV 7. 4.22 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 742. Stritt Laurent 1990 Tafers 1:05.39,2 21.51,4 (28389) Foto Video 15-M20 200. 4.22 29.22 760.¦ 16.59 821.¦ 19.17 658.¦ 743. Carlen Hans 1960 Gluringen 1:05.40,3 21.52,5 (3087) Foto Video 15-M50 68. 4.22 28.56 656.¦ 16.51 759.¦ 19.53 871.¦ 744. Leuthold Roland 1972 Thörigen 1:05.41,4 21.53,6 (6275) Foto Video 15-M40 123. 4.22 29.25 770.¦ 16.53 774.¦ 19.22 683.¦ 745. Fivat Alexandre 1974 Rossinière 1:05.43,7 21.55,9 (6123) Foto Video 15-M35 111. 4.22 28.45 614.¦ 16.42 705.¦ 20.15 1019.¦ 746. Bosi Atena 1976 Portalban 1:05.45,0 21.57,2 (3081) Foto Video 15-F35 11. 4.23 29.07 704.¦ 17.04 848.¦ 19.33 757.¦ 747. Walther Pascal 1971 Courtelary 1:05.45,7 21.57,9 (3253) Foto Video 15-M40 124. 4.23 29.18 742.¦ 16.34 640.¦ 19.53 871.¦ 748. Vieira De Sousa Antonio 1958 Fribourg 1:05.46,0 21.58,2 (4277) Foto Video 15-M55 26. 4.23 28.24 532.¦ 17.24 1005.¦ 19.57 898.¦ 749. Haug Sigve 1972 Bern 1:05.46,7 21.58,9 (2059) Foto Video 15-M40 125. 4.23 29.09 712.¦ 16.52 771.¦ 19.44 815.¦ 750. Droxler Yves 1973 Prilly 1:05.47,2 21.59,4 (3166) Foto Video 15-M40 126. 4.23 29.37 821.¦ 16.51 764.¦ 19.18 665.¦ 751. Friedli René 1973 Ulmiz 1:05.49,0 22.01,2 (7414) Foto Video 15-M40 127. 4.23 28.37 569.¦ 17.06 869.¦ 20.05 957.¦ 752. Bartsch Johannes 1978 Zürich 1:05.50,1 22.02,3 (2155) Foto Video 15-M35 112. 4.23 29.16 738.¦ 16.59 818.¦ 19.34 763.¦ 753. Ceccarini Massimo 1966 Adliswil 1:05.50,6 22.02,8 (6052) Foto Video 15-M45 116. 4.23 29.47 861.¦ 16.34 642.¦ 19.28 726.¦ 754. Wicki Daniel 1960 St. Silvester 1:05.51,2 22.03,4 (4287) Foto Video 15-M50 69. 4.23 29.48 871.¦ 16.38 675.¦ 19.23 693.¦ 755. Abgottspon Sandrine 1990 Büren SO 1:05.51,5 22.03,7 (3263) Foto Video 15-F20 28. 4.23 29.26 781.¦ 16.55 787.¦ 19.29 730.¦ 756. Widmer Youri 1982 Savigny 1:05.51,6 22.03,8 (1307) Foto Video 15-M20 201. 4.23 29.02 682.¦ 17.13 927.¦ 19.35 769.¦ 757. Freund Bruno 1966 Hedingen 1:05.51,8 22.04,0 (3172) Foto Video 15-M45 117. 4.23 30.00 927.¦ 16.34 644.¦ 19.16 654.¦ 758. Berguerand Alain, Lausanne 1964 Footing Club LS 1:05.52,0 22.04,2 (3154) Foto Video 15-M45 118. 4.23 29.18 742.¦ 16.43 713.¦ 19.49 850.¦ 759. Messerli Daniel 1965 Wabern 1:05.52,8 22.05,0 (2123) Foto Video 15-M45 119. 4.23 29.39 826.¦ 16.50 753.¦ 19.22 688.¦ 760. Pistillo Ciro, Bern 1974 ST Bern 1:05.52,9 22.05,1 (2262) Foto Video 15-M35 113. 4.23 29.25 771.¦ 16.40 687.¦ 19.46 828.¦ 761. Marmy Sylvain 1982 Domdidier 1:05.53,0 22.05,2 (3188) Foto Video 15-M20 202. 4.23 29.38 824.¦ 16.57 806.¦ 19.17 659.¦ 762. Wälchli Regula 1966 Grosshöchstetten 1:05.53,8 22.06,0 (2314) Foto Video 15-F45 10. 4.23 29.27 784.¦ 16.38 669.¦ 19.48 841.¦ 763. Peiry Fabien 1984 Treyvaux 1:05.54,0 22.06,2 (28314) Foto Video 15-M20 203. 4.23 29.46 853.¦ 16.45 722.¦ 19.22 682.¦ 764. Zbinden Josef 1948 Fribourg 1:05.54,5 22.06,7 (2092) Foto Video 15-M65 4. 4.23 29.29 792.¦ 17.02 834.¦ 19.22 685.¦ 765. Zbinden Peter 1959 Guggisberg 1:05.54,9 22.07,1 (2315) Foto Video 15-M50 70. 4.23 29.20 753.¦ 16.51 765.¦ 19.42 807.¦ 766. Beti Luca, Lyss 1973 TV Lyss 1:05.56,2 22.08,4 (3292) Foto Video 15-M40 128. 4.23 28.55 654.¦ 17.03 843.¦ 19.57 898.¦ 767. Ehrenmann Janosch 1988 Aarberg 1:05.57,0 22.09,2 (3167) Foto Video 15-M20 204. 4.23 29.36 815.¦ 16.46 730.¦ 19.34 761.¦ 768. Künzler Jürg 1958 Belp 1:05.57,8 22.10,0 (1235) Foto Video 15-M55 27. 4.23 28.41 593.¦ 17.04 853.¦ 20.11 990.¦ 769. Jacot-Descombes Steven 1974 Grandvaux 1:05.59,0 22.11,2 (3322) Foto Video 15-M35 114. 4.23 30.14 998.¦ 16.40 685.¦ 19.04 576.¦ 770. Baenteli Lucas, Crassier 1996 les mollets de Cr'Acier 1:05.59,3 22.11,5 (28009) Foto Video 15-U20M 19. 4.23 29.51 888.¦ 16.49 749.¦ 19.18 664.¦ 770. Bieri Walter 1962 Leissigen 1:05.59,3 22.11,5 (2159) Foto Video 15-M50 71. 4.23 29.09 713.¦ 17.10 907.¦ 19.38 785.¦ 770. Moser Hanspeter 1966 Cressier FR 1:05.59,3 22.11,5 (4154) Foto Video 15-M45 120. 4.23 29.13 727.¦ 16.48 741.¦ 19.56 897.¦ 773. Seiterle Martina, Frauenfeld 1989 Thurgorienta 1:06.01,4 22.13,6 (2134) Foto Video 15-F20 29. 4.24 28.28 541.¦ 17.05 868.¦ 20.27 1107.¦ 774. Viehr Helen 1981 Visp 1:06.01,8 22.14,0 (8213) Foto Video 15-F20 30. 4.24 29.42 840.¦ 16.40 684.¦ 19.39 787.¦ 775. Emery Laure-Christine 1980 Fribourg 1:06.03,5 22.15,7 (4038) Foto Video 15-F20 31. 4.24 29.51 888.¦ 17.04 849.¦ 19.07 590.¦ 776. Büeler Reto, Brunnen 1982 VMC Brunnen 1:06.04,3 22.16,5 (4011) Foto Video 15-M20 205. 4.24 29.23 763.¦ 16.52 769.¦ 19.48 839.¦ 777. Quinodoz Sacha 1995 Savièse 1:06.05,0 22.17,2 (3329) Foto Video 15-U20M 20. 4.24 30.01 930.¦ 16.37 660.¦ 19.26 709.¦ 778. Zosso Melanie 1987 Tentlingen 1:06.06,9 22.19,1 (3149) Foto Video 15-F20 32. 4.24 29.31 801.¦ 16.56 798.¦ 19.39 786.¦ 779. Zimmermann Marco, Bern 1976 Scott Sports 1:06.07,6 22.19,8 (4306) Foto Video 15-M35 115. 4.24 29.42 843.¦ 17.16 959.¦ 19.08 593.¦ 780. Guyer Lorenz 1962 Bern 1:06.09,3 22.21,5 (2147) Foto Video 15-M50 72. 4.24 29.18 740.¦ 16.56 793.¦ 19.55 889.¦ 781. Helfer Markus 1978 Liebefeld 1:06.09,4 22.21,6 (4074) Foto Video 15-M35 116. 4.24 30.03 939.¦ 16.38 670.¦ 19.28 721.¦ 782. Maffongelli Mario, S. Pietro 1951 SFG STABIO 1:06.09,5 22.21,7 (2018) Foto Video 15-M60 8. 4.24 29.19 749.¦ 17.29 1040.¦ 19.20 674.¦ 783. Taska Martina, Bern 1973 Hämpus Laufgruppe 1:06.09,8 22.22,0 (3132) Foto Video 15-F40 16. 4.24 29.24 764.¦ 17.05 864.¦ 19.40 795.¦ 784. Frehner Stefan 1967 Jegenstorf 1:06.10,3 22.22,5 (2196) Foto Video 15-M45 121. 4.24 29.35 814.¦ 16.54 784.¦ 19.39 790.¦ 785. Niederberger Elmar 1975 Plaffeien 1:06.10,5 22.22,7 (4164) Foto Video 15-M35 117. 4.24 28.32 555.¦ 16.59 817.¦ 20.39 1213.¦ 786. Aebischer Michael 1968 Burgdorf 1:06.11,3 22.23,5 (3011) Foto Video 15-M45 122. 4.24 29.25 771.¦ 16.47 735.¦ 19.57 904.¦ 787. Portner David 1977 Aarberg 1:06.12,0 22.24,2 (3120) Foto Video 15-M35 118. 4.24 29.23 761.¦ 17.02 830.¦ 19.46 827.¦ 788. Kurzo Michael 1976 Gurmels 1:06.12,2 22.24,4 (3037) Foto Video 15-M35 119. 4.24 29.53 895.¦ 16.42 698.¦ 19.36 775.¦ 789. Lanz Cécile 1968 Thun 1:06.13,5 22.25,7 (4117) Foto Video 15-F45 11. 4.24 29.43 846.¦ 16.48 742.¦ 19.40 798.¦ 790. Perritaz Joël 1968 Villarlod 1:06.13,6 22.25,8 (3198) Foto Video 15-M45 123. 4.24 29.20 751.¦ 16.50 752.¦ 20.03 936.¦ 791. Voyame Alain 1963 Chézard-St-Martin 1:06.13,7 22.25,9 (4280) Foto Video 15-M50 73. 4.24 30.16 1022.¦ 16.42 707.¦ 19.14 639.¦ 792. Fischer David 1984 Lucens 1:06.14,0 22.26,2 (3024) Foto Video 15-M20 206. 4.24 29.20 755.¦ 16.44 719.¦ 20.08 974.¦ 793. Gajic Stefica 1948 Eggenwil 1:06.14,2 22.26,4 (525) Foto Video 15-F65 1. 4.24 30.09 981.¦ 16.57 809.¦ 19.06 585.¦ 794. Kaufmann Monika 1958 Muhen 1:06.14,8 22.27,0 (2231) Foto Video 15-F55 2. 4.24 29.24 765.¦ 17.02 837.¦ 19.47 835.¦ 795. Schaer Barbara 1983 Uster 1:06.16,2 22.28,4 (28322) Foto Video 15-F20 33. 4.25 29.42 842.¦ 17.00 825.¦ 19.32 751.¦ 795. Selva Andrea 1979 Lussery-Villars 1:06.16,2 22.28,4 (4247) Foto Video 15-M20 207. 4.25 29.27 785.¦ 16.58 816.¦ 19.50 852.¦ 797. Rufibach Kaspar 1977 Basel 1:06.17,1 22.29,3 (3050) Foto Video 15-M35 120. 4.25 29.05 695.¦ 17.22 991.¦ 19.49 846.¦ 798. Bähler Hansjürg 1954 Steffisburg 1:06.17,2 22.29,4 (3085) Foto Video 15-M55 28. 4.25 29.38 825.¦ 16.51 762.¦ 19.47 830.¦ 799. Arnold Mario 1965 Riehen 1:06.17,4 22.29,6 (3274) Foto Video 15-M45 124. 4.25 29.36 820.¦ 16.46 726.¦ 19.54 883.¦ 800. Schneider Werner 1962 Münsingen 1:06.17,7 22.29,9 (2132) Foto Video 15-M50 74. 4.25 29.19 748.¦ 17.07 880.¦ 19.50 853.¦ 801. Jorge Rafael 1977 Fey 1:06.17,9 22.30,1 (3106) Foto Video 15-M35 121. 4.25 29.28 790.¦ 16.55 790.¦ 19.53 874.¦ 802. Schirrer Alain 1970 F-Berrwiller 1:06.18,0 22.30,2 (1257) Foto Video 15-M40 129. 4.25 29.00 675.¦ 16.56 800.¦ 20.20 1057.¦ 803. Gruetter Marc 1983 Thun 1:06.18,2 22.30,4 (6161) Foto Video 15-M20 208. 4.25 30.17 1029.¦ 16.39 678.¦ 19.21 680.¦ 804. Meury Patrick 1976 Basel 1:06.18,4 22.30,6 (4145) Foto Video 15-M35 122. 4.25 29.52 892.¦ 17.05 861.¦ 19.20 672.¦ 805. Betschart Simon 1969 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:06.18,9 22.31,1 (3078) Foto Video 15-M40 130. 4.25 30.39 1126.¦ 16.41 695.¦ 18.58 546.¦ 805. Brodard Jean-François 1972 Treyvaux 1:06.18,9 22.31,1 (3315) Foto Video 15-M40 130. 4.25 29.48 869.¦ 16.46 728.¦ 19.43 812.¦ 807. Schmid Christian 1961 Giffers 1:06.19,2 22.31,4 (4227) Foto Video 15-M50 75. 4.25 29.50 885.¦ 16.54 782.¦ 19.33 758.¦ 808. Danieli Antonio, Interlaken 1966 BEO Triathlon Team 1:06.19,9 22.32,1 (3022) Foto Video 15-M45 125. 4.25 29.35 809.¦ 17.05 857.¦ 19.39 792.¦ 809. Zysset David 1986 Thun 1:06.20,1 22.32,3 (28342) Foto Video 15-M20 209. 4.25 29.11 724.¦ 16.54 780.¦ 20.13 1013.¦ 810. Stampfli Daniel 1965 Hägendorf 1:06.21,5 22.33,7 (2291) Foto Video 15-M45 126. 4.25 29.41 838.¦ 16.51 761.¦ 19.48 839.¦ 811. Broch Marcel, St. Silvester 1966 TSV Rechthalten 1:06.21,7 22.33,9 (28027) Foto Video 15-M45 127. 4.25 29.37 823.¦ 17.08 887.¦ 19.35 769.¦ 812. Lanz Thomas 1963 Vinelz 1:06.23,3 22.35,5 (2016) Foto Video 15-M50 76. 4.25 29.01 678.¦ 17.16 956.¦ 20.05 956.¦ 813. Saam Christophe 1967 Neuchâtel 1:06.23,7 22.35,9 (3205) Foto Video 15-M45 128. 4.25 29.46 857.¦ 17.02 832.¦ 19.34 765.¦ 814. Jenni Hansruedi 1962 Safnern 1:06.24,3 22.36,5 (3105) Foto Video 15-M50 77. 4.25 29.43 845.¦ 17.09 899.¦ 19.31 741.¦ 815. Hess Ruedi 1958 Ettiswil 1:06.24,8 22.37,0 (4075) Foto Video 15-M55 29. 4.25 30.16 1021.¦ 16.54 776.¦ 19.14 640.¦ 816. Tillmann Theodor 1963 Niederried b. Kallnach 1:06.25,7 22.37,9 (3134) Foto Video 15-M50 78. 4.25 30.14 1002.¦ 16.56 797.¦ 19.15 644.¦ 816. Waeber Aurel 1977 Naters 1:06.25,7 22.37,9 (3252) Foto Video 15-M35 123. 4.25 30.02 934.¦ 16.56 800.¦ 19.27 715.¦ 818. Schmid Martin 1975 Arth 1:06.26,0 22.38,2 (8130) Foto Video 15-M35 124. 4.25 29.46 853.¦ 16.52 770.¦ 19.47 830.¦ 819. Summermatter Jörg 1964 Täsch 1:06.26,3 22.38,5 (2296) Foto Video 15-M45 129. 4.25 29.34 807.¦ 16.54 780.¦ 19.57 902.¦ 820. Moosmann Peter 1970 Ostermundigen 1:06.26,9 22.39,1 (8019) Foto Video 15-M40 132. 4.25 30.11 987.¦ 16.42 705.¦ 19.32 751.¦ 820. Peter Roland 1971 Lluzernuzern Reussbühl 1:06.26,9 22.39,1 (2259) Foto Video 15-M40 132. 4.25 29.15 731.¦ 17.06 875.¦ 20.05 954.¦ 822. Regamey Mathieu 1979 Chexbres 1:06.27,1 22.39,3 (4197) Foto Video 15-M20 210. 4.25 30.18 1031.¦ 17.09 901.¦ 18.58 549.¦ 823. Greber Urs 1966 Reichenbach im Kandertal 1:06.27,3 22.39,5 (2212) Foto Video 15-M45 130. 4.25 29.20 753.¦ 17.11 915.¦ 19.55 888.¦ 824. Stucki Carlos 1971 Thalwil 1:06.27,8 22.40,0 (13271) Foto Video 15-M40 134. 4.25 30.06 961.¦ 16.58 813.¦ 19.22 683.¦ 825. Selzer Pascal 1979 Schüpfen 1:06.27,9 22.40,1 (28128) Foto Video 15-M20 211. 4.25 30.02 937.¦ 16.37 665.¦ 19.47 833.¦ 826. Spycher Wolfram, Meinier 1961 AC Avully 1:06.28,1 22.40,3 (7732) Foto Video 15-M50 79. 4.25 29.56 906.¦ 17.07 879.¦ 19.24 697.¦ 827. Arcari Therese 1962 Staufen 1:06.28,8 22.41,0 (3258) Foto Video 15-F50 2. 4.25 29.47 862.¦ 17.01 828.¦ 19.39 793.¦ 828. Affolter Friedrich 1956 Bern 1:06.29,0 22.41,2 (1187) Foto Video 15-M55 30. 4.25 29.03 684.¦ 16.58 814.¦ 20.27 1102.¦ 828. Schenk Susanne 1966 Roggwil BE 1:06.29,0 22.41,2 (3054) Foto Video 15-F45 12. 4.25 29.49 875.¦ 16.55 790.¦ 19.44 815.¦ 830. Hunziker Tabita, Hünibach 1995 Elektrokontrollen Hunzike 1:06.29,1 22.41,3 (7484) Foto Video 15-U20F 2. 4.25 29.35 810.¦ 17.12 917.¦ 19.41 802.¦ 831. Biolley Ludovic 1981 Sugiez 1:06.29,2 22.41,4 (28020) Foto Video 15-M20 212. 4.25 29.16 738.¦ 17.18 969.¦ 19.53 876.¦ 831. Bugnard Frédéric 1982 Charmey (Gruyère) 1:06.29,2 22.41,4 (6026) Foto Video 15-M20 212. 4.25 29.57 910.¦ 16.49 747.¦ 19.42 806.¦ 833. Tenner Bruno 1962 Fribourg 1:06.29,5 22.41,7 (28336) Foto Video 15-M50 80. 4.25 29.15 733.¦ 16.50 751.¦ 20.23 1078.¦ 834. Freiburghaus Renè 1954 Kandersteg 1:06.29,8 22.42,0 (2108) Foto Video 15-M55 31. 4.25 29.36 818.¦ 17.10 904.¦ 19.43 811.¦ 835. Keusch Roger, Waltenschwil 1971 Laufträff Waltenschwil 1:06.30,1 22.42,3 (6239) Foto Video 15-M40 135. 4.26 29.24 768.¦ 16.56 798.¦ 20.08 977.¦ 836. Wuilloud Didier 1976 Givisiez 1:06.30,3 22.42,5 (28148) Foto Video 15-M35 125. 4.26 29.31 800.¦ 16.55 785.¦ 20.03 939.¦ 837. Butler Alain, Genève 1966 BNP PARIBASPORT 1:06.31,0 22.43,2 (3228) Foto Video 15-M45 131. 4.26 28.59 668.¦ 17.12 920.¦ 20.19 1045.¦ 838. Chrétien Rémy 1966 Worb 1:06.32,0 22.44,2 (11172) Foto Video 15-M45 132. 4.26 30.23 1057.¦ 16.49 747.¦ 19.19 668.¦ 839. Ogi Stefan, Frutigen 1977 LT R'bach 1:06.32,1 22.44,3 (4173) Foto Video 15-M35 126. 4.26 30.41 1136.¦ 16.48 736.¦ 19.02 565.¦ 840. Etter Jakob 1954 Treiten 1:06.32,6 22.44,8 (50084) Foto Video 15-MV 8. 4.26 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 841. Hänni Brigitte, Heimberg 1977 Lauftreff Spiez 1:06.33,0 22.45,2 (6205) Foto Video 15-F35 12. 4.26 29.57 909.¦ 17.04 849.¦ 19.31 744.¦ 841. Kropp Martin, Holziken 1962 FV Bodersweier 1:06.33,0 22.45,2 (5092) Foto Video 15-M50 81. 4.26 29.49 880.¦ 17.10 907.¦ 19.32 750.¦ 843. Bonard Jean-Marc 1969 Lausanne 1:06.33,5 22.45,7 (3156) Foto Video 15-M40 136. 4.26 29.49 881.¦ 17.11 910.¦ 19.32 751.¦ 844. Louis Cyprien 1996 La Neuveville 1:06.33,8 22.46,0 (10088) Foto Video 15-U20M 21. 4.26 30.03 941.¦ 17.11 912.¦ 19.18 666.¦ 845. Hofer Urs 1960 Wangen an der Aare 1:06.34,2 22.46,4 (3178) Foto Video 15-M50 82. 4.26 29.36 819.¦ 17.06 873.¦ 19.51 862.¦ 846. Nyffenegger Daniela 1984 Biglen 1:06.34,5 22.46,7 (4169) Foto Video 15-F20 34. 4.26 30.16 1020.¦ 16.42 697.¦ 19.36 774.¦ 847. Eugster Olivier 1975 Lausanne 1:06.34,8 22.47,0 (2051) Foto Video 15-M35 127. 4.26 28.53 645.¦ 17.23 999.¦ 20.18 1036.¦ 848. Junod Brigitte 1963 Romanel-sur-Morges 1:06.34,9 22.47,1 (2320) Foto Video 15-F50 3. 4.26 29.42 840.¦ 17.03 842.¦ 19.49 846.¦ 849. Currat Cédric, Essert FR 1973 triathlon Fribourg 1:06.35,5 22.47,7 (7367) Foto Video 15-M40 137. 4.26 29.49 877.¦ 17.15 953.¦ 19.30 737.¦ 850. Schiffmann Chantal 1970 Burgdorf 1:06.35,8 22.48,0 (2280) Foto Video 15-F40 17. 4.26 29.28 787.¦ 17.04 852.¦ 20.03 934.¦ 851. Häusler Nico 1980 Bern 1:06.36,6 22.48,8 (4085) Foto Video 15-M20 214. 4.26 30.34 1107.¦ 16.48 738.¦ 19.13 635.¦ 852. Aschenberger Reto 1972 Bern 1:06.37,2 22.49,4 (3074) Foto Video 15-M40 138. 4.26 29.26 778.¦ 17.00 823.¦ 20.10 987.¦ 853. Hunziker Stefan 1978 Hünenberg See 1:06.38,0 22.50,2 (3179) Foto Video 15-M35 128. 4.26 30.20 1037.¦ 16.52 768.¦ 19.25 703.¦ 854. Burkhard Eduard 1964 Biel/Bienne 1:06.38,5 22.50,7 (4006) Foto Video 15-M45 133. 4.26 29.25 769.¦ 17.03 841.¦ 20.10 986.¦ 855. Wiederkehr Erwin 1963 Grub AR 1:06.38,7 22.50,9 (5130) Foto Video 15-M50 83. 4.26 30.15 1006.¦ 16.54 778.¦ 19.29 729.¦ 856. Muther Linda, Port 1985 bikeimpuls, Orpund 1:06.38,9 22.51,1 (2252) Foto Video 15-F20 35. 4.26 29.34 805.¦ 17.15 942.¦ 19.49 849.¦ 857. Bucher Beat, Kriens 1974 Lauftreff Sempach 1:06.40,0 22.52,2 (2170) Foto Video 15-M35 129. 4.26 29.37 821.¦ 17.08 887.¦ 19.54 877.¦ 858. Wyser Norbert 1956 Wädenswil 1:06.41,2 22.53,4 (5131) Foto Video 15-M55 32. 4.26 29.14 730.¦ 17.15 952.¦ 20.11 990.¦ 859. Kämpfer Reto 1973 Biel/Bienne 1:06.42,8 22.55,0 (6258) Foto Video 15-M40 139. 4.26 30.02 935.¦ 17.08 883.¦ 19.32 749.¦ 860. Lauber Hermann 1953 Niedergesteln 1:06.44,5 22.56,7 (3327) Foto Video 15-M60 9. 4.26 29.47 859.¦ 16.59 819.¦ 19.58 906.¦ 861. Ischi Sébastien 1982 Bern 1:06.44,6 22.56,8 (3104) Foto Video 15-M20 215. 4.26 30.01 932.¦ 16.38 668.¦ 20.05 951.¦ 862. Lanz Beat 1968 Kirchberg BE 1:06.45,4 22.57,6 (3186) Foto Video 15-M45 134. 4.27 29.58 915.¦ 16.55 789.¦ 19.51 866.¦ 863. Fluri Toni 1951 Oensingen 1:06.45,6 22.57,8 (3170) Foto Video 15-M60 10. 4.27 29.35 810.¦ 17.02 838.¦ 20.07 970.¦ 863. Stübi Sepp 1959 Brittnau 1:06.45,6 22.57,8 (3215) Foto Video 15-M50 84. 4.27 29.57 914.¦ 17.07 880.¦ 19.40 794.¦ 865. Hirschi Peter 1946 Uetendorf 1:06.45,9 22.58,1 (3031) Foto Video 15-M65 5. 4.27 29.52 891.¦ 17.08 885.¦ 19.45 819.¦ 866. Hischier Aldo 1963 Leuk Stadt 1:06.46,5 22.58,7 (3102) Foto Video 15-M50 85. 4.27 29.48 873.¦ 16.56 793.¦ 20.01 924.¦ 867. Wüthrich Thomas 1961 Oberdiessbach 1:06.46,9 22.59,1 (4300) Foto Video 15-M50 86. 4.27 29.47 863.¦ 17.05 861.¦ 19.54 878.¦ 868. Palermo Daniel 1969 Grenchen 1:06.47,0 22.59,2 (3239) Foto Video 15-M40 140. 4.27 29.40 832.¦ 17.15 944.¦ 19.51 857.¦ 869. Maeder Patrick 1967 Bettlach 1:06.47,1 22.59,3 (3115) Foto Video 15-M45 135. 4.27 29.26 779.¦ 17.14 938.¦ 20.05 959.¦ 870. Sanchez Javier 1983 Epalinges 1:06.47,8 23.00,0 (3053) Foto Video 15-M20 216. 4.27 30.03 945.¦ 17.13 931.¦ 19.30 733.¦ 871. Schultz Aschenberger Annatina 1977 Bern 1:06.48,2 23.00,4 (7636) Foto Video 15-F35 13. 4.27 29.30 794.¦ 17.05 865.¦ 20.12 998.¦ 872. Rolli Rolf 1964 Minusio 1:06.48,6 23.00,8 (2274) Foto Video 15-M45 136. 4.27 29.19 747.¦ 17.28 1031.¦ 20.01 921.¦ 873. Zbinden Robert 1969 St. Silvester 1:06.48,9 23.01,1 (3146) Foto Video 15-M40 141. 4.27 30.15 1007.¦ 16.55 792.¦ 19.38 783.¦ 873. Zisch Corinne 1964 Zürich 1:06.48,9 23.01,1 (8264) Foto Video 15-F45 13. 4.27 30.08 972.¦ 16.53 772.¦ 19.47 832.¦ 875. Renna Donata 1971 Wavre 1:06.49,0 23.01,2 (3200) Foto Video 15-F40 18. 4.27 29.47 866.¦ 17.15 941.¦ 19.46 824.¦ 876. Gubler Sonja 1972 Kreuzlingen 1:06.49,5 23.01,7 (5073) Foto Video 15-F40 19. 4.27 30.11 988.¦ 17.03 845.¦ 19.33 758.¦ 877. Frieder Wilhelm 1955 Herzogenbuchsee 1:06.49,6 23.01,8 (3096) Foto Video 15-M55 33. 4.27 29.44 847.¦ 17.09 897.¦ 19.56 894.¦ 878. Oggier Bruno 1972 Visperterminen 1:06.49,7 23.01,9 (2257) Foto Video 15-M40 142. 4.27 30.08 974.¦ 16.49 744.¦ 19.51 864.¦ 879. Chevalley Stephane, Prangins 1968 Team New Concept Sports 1:06.50,5 23.02,7 (2178) Foto Video 15-M45 137. 4.27 29.06 697.¦ 17.16 955.¦ 20.28 1118.¦ 880. Zimmerli Daniel 1973 Worblaufen 1:06.52,7 23.04,9 (3147) Foto Video 15-M40 143. 4.27 30.16 1023.¦ 17.05 859.¦ 19.30 739.¦ 881. Lichtenberger Andreas 1982 Zürich 1:06.53,1 23.05,3 (7724) Foto Video 15-M20 217. 4.27 29.30 798.¦ 17.09 901.¦ 20.12 1000.¦ 882. Schuler Josef 1957 Sempach 1:06.53,5 23.05,7 (3127) Foto Video 15-M55 34. 4.27 29.47 863.¦ 17.05 863.¦ 20.00 919.¦ 883. Fuhrer Erwin 1957 Kerzers 1:06.53,9 23.06,1 (50080) Foto Video 15-MV 9. 4.27 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 884. Bigler Michel, Lyss 1982 RRC Magglingen 1:06.54,1 23.06,3 (3324) Foto Video 15-M20 218. 4.27 29.49 879.¦ 17.01 828.¦ 20.03 934.¦ 885. Schütz Urs 1963 Courgevaux 1:06.54,8 23.07,0 (3128) Foto Video 15-M50 87. 4.27 29.07 708.¦ 17.09 889.¦ 20.37 1201.¦ 886. Bossel Jean-Noël 1959 Granges-Paccot 1:06.55,5 23.07,7 (2102) Foto Video 15-M50 88. 4.27 29.41 833.¦ 17.48 1232.¦ 19.25 704.¦ 887. Eichenberger Lothar 1964 Beinwil am See 1:06.56,1 23.08,3 (3261) Foto Video 15-M45 138. 4.27 30.17 1025.¦ 17.09 891.¦ 19.29 731.¦ 887. Stähli Bernard 1964 Goldach 1:06.56,1 23.08,3 (3131) Foto Video 15-M45 138. 4.27 30.02 938.¦ 17.09 898.¦ 19.43 812.¦ 889. Wenger Corinne, Baltschieder 1970 Wenger Motos 1:06.57,2 23.09,4 (3138) Foto Video 15-F40 20. 4.27 30.00 925.¦ 17.06 873.¦ 19.50 855.¦ 890. Argilli Massimiliano 1963 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:06.57,4 23.09,6 (2152) Foto Video 15-M50 89. 4.27 29.36 817.¦ 17.44 1190.¦ 19.37 778.¦ 891. Zimmermann Olivier 1975 Burgdorf 1:06.58,0 23.10,2 (4307) Foto Video 15-M35 130. 4.27 29.25 771.¦ 17.12 918.¦ 20.19 1047.¦ 892. Brand Philipp, Jegenstorf 1967 LAG 1:06.59,5 23.11,7 (2046) Foto Video 15-M45 140. 4.27 29.46 851.¦ 17.15 942.¦ 19.58 906.¦ 892. Stulz David 1973 Fribourg 1:06.59,5 23.11,7 (3248) Foto Video 15-M40 144. 4.27 29.56 908.¦ 17.11 915.¦ 19.51 859.¦ 894. Jeanneret Marc 1981 Yverdon 1:07.00,4 23.12,6 (3033) Foto Video 15-M20 219. 4.28 30.33 1096.¦ 16.50 758.¦ 19.36 772.¦ 894. Tavares Carole 1984 Giffers 1:07.00,4 23.12,6 (3321) Foto Video 15-F20 36. 4.28 29.46 856.¦ 17.02 830.¦ 20.11 994.¦ 896. Buri Urs 1956 Brugg AG 1:07.01,1 23.13,3 (3021) Foto Video 15-M55 35. 4.28 29.50 885.¦ 17.15 950.¦ 19.55 887.¦ 897. Bürgis Stefan 1977 Einsiedeln 1:07.01,2 23.13,4 (2174) Foto Video 15-M35 131. 4.28 29.30 795.¦ 17.18 969.¦ 20.11 997.¦ 898. Neff Ester 1976 Rüschlikon 1:07.01,4 23.13,6 (4162) Foto Video 15-F35 14. 4.28 29.53 894.¦ 17.19 972.¦ 19.48 842.¦ 899. Petrillo Sandro, Luzern 1972 Velorado Racing Team 1:07.03,8 23.16,0 (4183) Foto Video 15-M40 145. 4.28 29.58 919.¦ 17.14 934.¦ 19.51 860.¦ 900. Bapst Laurent, Satigny 1964 BNP PARIBASPORT 1:07.03,9 23.16,1 (3227) Foto Video 15-M45 141. 4.28 30.04 950.¦ 17.05 857.¦ 19.54 878.¦ 901. Simon Marius 1981 Zürich 1:07.04,2 23.16,4 (7651) Foto Video 15-M20 220. 4.28 30.09 979.¦ 17.04 853.¦ 19.49 851.¦ 902. Müller Hans 1960 Wichtrach 1:07.04,5 23.16,7 (7567) Foto Video 15-M50 90. 4.28 30.09 983.¦ 17.06 876.¦ 19.47 835.¦ 903. Petr Jiri 1964 Solothurn 1:07.05,3 23.17,5 (4182) Foto Video 15-M45 142. 4.28 30.05 956.¦ 16.57 809.¦ 20.01 926.¦ 904. Wetzel Jörg 1968 Kerzers 1:07.06,0 23.18,2 (3065) Foto Video 15-M45 143. 4.28 30.07 966.¦ 17.17 962.¦ 19.40 798.¦ 905. Brenner Roger 1974 Zimmerwald 1:07.06,3 23.18,5 (3314) Foto Video 15-M35 132. 4.28 29.06 697.¦ 17.03 845.¦ 20.56 1352.¦ 906. Waeber Hanspeter, Tentlingen 1972 MAHU 1:07.06,4 23.18,6 (2139) Foto Video 15-M40 146. 4.28 29.23 761.¦ 17.13 931.¦ 20.29 1128.¦ 907. Studer Urs 1962 Kerzers 1:07.06,5 23.18,7 (50014) Foto Video 15-MV 10. 4.28 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 908. Schwindenhammer Emmanuel 1960 Hermance 1:07.06,6 23.18,8 (7643) Foto Video 15-M50 91. 4.28 29.45 850.¦ 17.12 921.¦ 20.08 975.¦ 909. Eiholzer Robert 1960 Winikon 1:07.07,2 23.19,4 (7387) Foto Video 15-M50 92. 4.28 29.55 905.¦ 16.58 812.¦ 20.13 1008.¦ 910. Varrin Yannick 1994 Evilard 1:07.11,2 23.23,4 (8208) Foto Video 15-U20M 22. 4.28 30.04 949.¦ 17.09 895.¦ 19.57 902.¦ 911. Kuttnig Beat 1958 Winterthur 1:07.11,4 23.23,6 (2237) Foto Video 15-M55 36. 4.28 29.25 776.¦ 17.21 986.¦ 20.24 1081.¦ 912. Stofer Peter 1962 Kriens 1:07.12,1 23.24,3 (2085) Foto Video 15-M50 93. 4.28 30.24 1062.¦ 17.09 893.¦ 19.38 783.¦ 913. Cherix Ronald 1957 Aigle 1:07.12,8 23.25,0 (2177) Foto Video 15-M55 37. 4.28 29.13 726.¦ 17.28 1029.¦ 20.31 1138.¦ 914. Germann Ueli, Urtenen-Schönbühl 1986 Adelboden 1:07.13,1 23.25,3 (6143) Foto Video 15-M20 221. 4.28 30.25 1065.¦ 16.56 803.¦ 19.51 860.¦ 915. Sturmhoefel Knut 1961 Sissach 1:07.13,9 23.26,1 (7670) Foto Video 15-M50 94. 4.28 30.07 967.¦ 17.07 877.¦ 19.58 913.¦ 916. Bucher Christina 1981 Pontresina 1:07.15,1 23.27,3 (2103) Foto Video 15-F20 37. 4.29 30.04 946.¦ 17.30 1059.¦ 19.40 795.¦ 917. Eggenschwiler Jean-Luc, Vicques 1957 Team Eggen 1:07.15,5 23.27,7 (5062) Foto Video 15-M55 38. 4.29 29.49 875.¦ 17.22 991.¦ 20.04 943.¦ 918. Hofer Jonas 1980 Solothurn 1:07.15,9 23.28,1 (4077) Foto Video 15-M20 222. 4.29 30.31 1086.¦ 17.03 843.¦ 19.40 798.¦ 919. Buhler Sebastien 1979 Bassecourt 1:07.16,6 23.28,8 (4004) Foto Video 15-M20 223. 4.29 30.04 947.¦ 17.05 859.¦ 20.07 967.¦ 920. Spörri Alexander 1994 Burgdorf 1:07.16,8 23.29,0 (10216) Foto Video 15-U20M 23. 4.29 30.58 1212.¦ 16.23 585.¦ 19.54 878.¦ 921. Keusen Lukas 1960 Riggisberg 1:07.17,2 23.29,4 (4104) Foto Video 15-M50 95. 4.29 29.58 920.¦ 17.13 923.¦ 20.05 954.¦ 922. Steffen Ruedi 1956 Langenthal 1:07.17,9 23.30,1 (3068) Foto Video 15-M55 39. 4.29 29.16 735.¦ 17.15 945.¦ 20.46 1269.¦ 923. Turla Adrian 1975 Bern 1:07.18,1 23.30,3 (7681) Foto Video 15-M35 133. 4.29 29.55 902.¦ 16.50 753.¦ 20.32 1146.¦ 924. Diethelm Adrian, Büren an der Aare 1964 Bürenlauf 1:07.18,6 23.30,8 (4029) Foto Video 15-M45 144. 4.29 30.04 950.¦ 17.31 1069.¦ 19.42 805.¦ 925. Leuba Bernard 1968 Plan-les-Ouates 1:07.19,5 23.31,7 (2241) Foto Video 15-M45 145. 4.29 30.27 1068.¦ 17.05 867.¦ 19.46 826.¦ 925. Wyss Stephan, Thun 1982 Sportfreunde Thun 1:07.19,5 23.31,7 (8250) Foto Video 15-M20 224. 4.29 29.58 918.¦ 17.14 936.¦ 20.06 964.¦ 927. Wagner Erich 1958 Uzwil 1:07.19,9 23.32,1 (8224) Foto Video 15-M55 40. 4.29 30.04 952.¦ 17.08 883.¦ 20.06 965.¦ 928. Bachofner Thomas 1971 Spiegel b. Bern 1:07.20,1 23.32,3 (3014) Foto Video 15-M40 147. 4.29 29.55 902.¦ 17.10 905.¦ 20.14 1017.¦ 929. Temporal Marco 1968 Grosshöchstetten 1:07.20,6 23.32,8 (4267) Foto Video 15-M45 146. 4.29 30.09 976.¦ 17.09 894.¦ 20.02 929.¦ 930. Pasca Mauro 1967 Lausanne 1:07.20,7 23.32,9 (8050) Foto Video 15-M45 147. 4.29 30.05 956.¦ 17.09 891.¦ 20.05 957.¦ 930. Schäffer Beat 1974 Riedikon 1:07.20,7 23.32,9 (3244) Foto Video 15-M35 134. 4.29 29.41 837.¦ 17.19 971.¦ 20.20 1050.¦ 932. Schwarz Jakob 1966 Adelboden 1:07.21,4 23.33,6 (7640) Foto Video 15-M45 148. 4.29 29.58 920.¦ 17.12 921.¦ 20.09 982.¦ 933. Nydegger Joel 1991 Belp 1:07.21,7 23.33,9 (8041) Foto Video 15-M20 225. 4.29 32.43 1786.¦ 16.29 617.¦ 18.08 315.¦ 934. Cantero Motero Honly, Genève 1976 TPG 1:07.22,0 23.34,2 (28034) Foto Video 15-M35 135. 4.29 30.28 1071.¦ 16.53 775.¦ 19.59 918.¦ 935. Grieder Tanja 1988 Basel 1:07.22,1 23.34,3 (3029) Foto Video 15-F20 38. 4.29 30.14 1004.¦ 17.18 968.¦ 19.48 842.¦ 935. Hugi Tobias 1994 Oberwil b. Büren 1:07.22,1 23.34,3 (28074) Foto Video 15-U20M 24. 4.29 29.36 816.¦ 17.15 946.¦ 20.30 1133.¦ 937. Stroo Kees, Zuchwil 1961 LG Derendingen 1:07.23,0 23.35,2 (4259) Foto Video 15-M50 96. 4.29 30.10 986.¦ 17.09 895.¦ 20.02 931.¦ 938. Seydoux Laurent 1985 Sâles (Gruyère) 1:07.23,2 23.35,4 (1262) Foto Video 15-M20 226. 4.29 29.07 706.¦ 17.06 869.¦ 21.09 1464.¦ 939. Linder Michel 1971 Biel/Bienne 1:07.23,7 23.35,9 (3114) Foto Video 15-M40 148. 4.29 30.26 1067.¦ 17.19 976.¦ 19.37 782.¦ 939. Risse Vincent 1970 Fribourg 1:07.23,7 23.35,9 (4199) Foto Video 15-M40 148. 4.29 29.42 839.¦ 17.14 935.¦ 20.27 1109.¦ 941. Marolleau Ludovic 1976 Posieux 1:07.24,8 23.37,0 (2019) Foto Video 15-M35 136. 4.29 30.14 999.¦ 17.09 889.¦ 20.01 923.¦ 942. Camp Karl-Heinz 1964 Murten 1:07.25,0 23.37,2 (6045) Foto Video 15-M45 149. 4.29 29.53 895.¦ 17.23 998.¦ 20.08 973.¦ 942. Guillebeau Michel 1974 Tafers 1:07.25,0 23.37,2 (3175) Foto Video 15-M35 137. 4.29 29.10 721.¦ 17.37 1130.¦ 20.36 1184.¦ 944. Pugin Yann, Pampigny 1980 Le Pied.ch 1:07.25,1 23.37,3 (7593) Foto Video 15-M20 227. 4.29 29.06 699.¦ 18.01 1349.¦ 20.17 1032.¦ 945. Imboden Reinhold, St. Niklaus VS 1967 Nationle Suisse 1:07.26,1 23.38,3 (2117) Foto Video 15-M45 150. 4.29 29.31 802.¦ 17.34 1095.¦ 20.20 1056.¦ 946. Abgottspon Laura 1990 Büren SO 1:07.27,0 23.39,2 (3262) Foto Video 15-F20 39. 4.29 29.33 803.¦ 17.21 983.¦ 20.32 1146.¦ 946. Menchini Maureen 1972 Kerzers 1:07.27,0 23.39,2 (50051) Foto Video 15-FV 1. 4.29 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 948. Lindenmann Markus, Arlesheim 1962 Dynamic Coach 1:07.27,1 23.39,3 (4120) Foto Video 15-M50 97. 4.29 30.40 1131.¦ 17.01 827.¦ 19.44 818.¦ 949. Keusch Stefan 1979 Heinrichswil 1:07.27,2 23.39,4 (7497) Foto Video 15-M20 228. 4.29 30.22 1048.¦ 16.59 819.¦ 20.06 960.¦ 950. Schaffhauser Guido 1958 Meyriez 1:07.27,9 23.40,1 (50035) Foto Video 15-MV 11. 4.29 ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 951. Valzino Jean-Philippe 1967 Boussens 1:07.28,0 23.40,2 (2300) Foto Video 15-M45 151. 4.29 29.34 808.¦ 17.39 1148.¦ 20.13 1010.¦ 952. Mir Caroline 1972 Assens 1:07.28,2 23.40,4 (4147) Foto Video 15-F40 21. 4.29 30.19 1035.¦ 17.13 924.¦ 19.55 891.¦ 953. Gerber Fanny 1984 Neuchâtel 1:07.28,9 23.41,1 (28058) Foto Video 15-F20 40. 4.29 29.47 863.¦ 17.15 946.¦ 20.25 1090.¦ 954. Kneubühl Stefan 1969 Schliern b. Köniz 1:07.29,4 23.41,6 (3110) Foto Video 15-M40 150. 4.29 30.15 1013.¦ 17.32 1084.¦ 19.41 802.¦ 955. Petignat Yan 1968 Alle 1:07.29,5 23.41,7 (2260) Foto Video 15-M45 152. 4.29 28.55 651.¦ 17.58 1322.¦ 20.35 1166.¦ 956. Kaenzig Gerhard, Wiedlisbach 1964 UOV Wiedlisbach 1:07.30,2 23.42,4 (7491) Foto Video 15-M45 153. 4.30 29.48 871.¦ 17.33 1087.¦ 20.08 976.¦ 957. Mathys Peter 1982 Lengnau BE 1:07.31,5 23.43,7 (3189) Foto Video 15-M20 229. 4.30 28.58 666.¦ 17.13 926.¦ 21.19 1549.¦ 958. Filipovic Matija 1966 Grenchen 1:07.31,9 23.44,1 (3094) Foto Video 15-M45 154. 4.30 29.39 828.¦ 17.42 1177.¦ 20.09 980.¦ 959. Hauert Delphine 1977 Belmont-sur-Lausanne 1:07.32,3 23.44,5 (4072) Foto Video 15-F35 15. 4.30 30.20 1040.¦ 17.13 928.¦ 19.58 906.¦ 960. Grandgirard Xavier 1974 Orient 1:07.33,2 23.45,4 (6153) Foto Video 15-M35 138. 4.30 30.46 1158.¦ 17.00 822.¦ 19.46 823.¦ 961. Sigrist-Zaugg Christine 1979 Münsingen 1:07.34,9 23.47,1 (4248) Foto Video 15-F20 41. 4.30 31.09 1252.¦ 16.50 756.¦ 19.35 767.¦ 962. Huber Martin 1966 Oberhofen am Thunersee 1:07.35,2 23.47,4 (3103) Foto Video 15-M45 155. 4.30 30.15 1013.¦ 17.23 1000.¦ 19.56 895.¦ 963. Woodtli Reto 1964 Schüpfen 1:07.36,0 23.48,2 (2313) Foto Video 15-M45 156. 4.30 30.08 970.¦ 17.38 1136.¦ 19.49 848.¦ 964. Etter Heinz 1953 Bischofszell 1:07.36,1 23.48,3 (4040) Foto Video 15-M60 11. 4.30 30.15 1010.¦ 17.03 840.¦ 20.17 1032.¦ 965. Zarantonello Michael 1973 Basel 1:07.36,3 23.48,5 (4302) Foto Video 15-M40 151. 4.30 30.14 1002.¦ 17.19 974.¦ 20.02 928.¦ 966. Schmid Peter 1965 Grossaffoltern 1:07.36,5 23.48,7 (1173) Foto Video 15-M45 157. 4.30 29.39 827.¦ 17.28 1031.¦ 20.28 1121.¦ 967. Gremaud Simon 1998 Riaz 1:07.37,6 23.49,8 (11216) Foto Video 15-U16M 2. 4.30 29.14 729.¦ 17.22 991.¦ 21.01 1397.¦ 967. Métraux Stephane 1970 Bussigny-près-Lausanne 1:07.37,6 23.49,8 (3043) Foto Video 15-M40 152. 4.30 29.46 855.¦ 17.35 1107.¦ 20.15 1020.¦ 969. Bartosch Lukas 1972 Binningen 1:07.38,2 23.50,4 (28410) Foto Video 15-M40 153. 4.30 30.08 969.¦ 17.42 1171.¦ 19.47 835.¦ 970. Schumacher Stefan 1967 Mörigen 1:07.38,9 23.51,1 (4235) Foto Video 15-M45 158. 4.30 31.01 1221.¦ 17.11 913.¦ 19.26 708.¦ 971. Righetti Franco 1976 Burgdorf 1:07.39,0 23.51,2 (2271) Foto Video 15-M35 139. 4.30 30.17 1025.¦ 17.04 853.¦ 20.17 1030.¦ 972. Hänzi Reto 1970 Meinisberg 1:07.39,3 23.51,5 (6208) Foto Video 15-M40 154. 4.30 29.54 901.¦ 17.07 878.¦ 20.37 1189.¦ 973. Werlen Alfons 1967 Visperterminen 1:07.39,4 23.51,6 (3064) Foto Video 15-M45 159. 4.30 30.01 933.¦ 17.15 946.¦ 20.22 1070.¦ 974. Castella Serge 1962 Bulle 1:07.39,7 23.51,9 (4017) Foto Video 15-M50 98. 4.30 29.54 899.¦ 17.35 1107.¦ 20.09 984.¦ 975. Brodmann Thomas 1966 Oberönz 1:07.40,1 23.52,3 (3160) Foto Video 15-M45 160. 4.30 29.27 783.¦ 17.36 1121.¦ 20.36 1179.¦ 975. Schüpbach Hans 1960 Hasle-Rüegsau 1:07.40,1 23.52,3 (3246) Foto Video 15-M50 99. 4.30 29.50 884.¦ 17.28 1031.¦ 20.21 1067.¦ 977. Rohr Lena, Bern 1986 runningshop24.ch 1:07.40,7 23.52,9 (3124) Foto Video 15-F20 42. 4.30 29.53 893.¦ 17.15 953.¦ 20.31 1139.¦ 978. Grogg Urs 1970 Cordast 1:07.40,9 23.53,1 (4062) Foto Video 15-M40 155. 4.30 29.51 888.¦ 17.02 833.¦ 20.47 1279.¦ 978. Santos Amadev 1964 Les Paccots 1:07.40,9 23.53,1 (4216) Foto Video 15-M45 161. 4.30 30.13 994.¦ 17.27 1027.¦ 19.59 917.¦ 980. Baumgartner Edoardo 1965 Fräschels 1:07.41,3 23.53,5 (3076) Foto Video 15-M45 162. 4.30 30.09 977.¦ 17.20 978.¦ 20.11 994.¦ 981. Siegfried Lukas 1994 Wabern 1:07.41,7 23.53,9 (7647) Foto Video 15-U20M 25. 4.30 30.36 1112.¦ 17.26 1012.¦ 19.39 790.¦ 982. Burkhalter Stefan 1984 Bern 1:07.42,0 23.54,2 (6031) Foto Video 15-M20 230. 4.30 30.36 1115.¦ 16.51 763.¦ 20.13 1013.¦ 983. Lüthi Martin, Subingen 1961 LSG Olten 1:07.42,7 23.54,9 (4133) Foto Video 15-M50 100. 4.30 30.01 930.¦ 17.36 1119.¦ 20.05 951.¦ 983. Zobrist Christoph 1969 Fräschels 1:07.42,7 23.54,9 (3219) Foto Video 15-M40 156. 4.30 29.54 898.¦ 17.27 1024.¦ 20.21 1065.¦ 985. Alt Christian, Bättwil-Flüh 1961 2fast4you 1:07.43,1 23.55,3 (5327) Foto Video 15-M50 101. 4.30 30.11 989.¦ 17.23 1004.¦ 20.07 971.¦ 986. Basler André 1965 Reiden 1:07.43,4 23.55,6 (9171) Foto Video 15-M45 163. 4.30 30.07 963.¦ 17.18 964.¦ 20.18 1039.¦ 987. Maridor Joel, Neuchâtel 1978 FAYLYS 1:07.44,6 23.56,8 (6286) Foto Video 15-M35 140. 4.30 30.51 1177.¦ 17.15 950.¦ 19.37 781.¦ 987. Niemack Marianne 1965 Rapperswil BE 1:07.44,6 23.56,8 (3223) Foto Video 15-F45 14. 4.30 30.13 994.¦ 17.29 1045.¦ 20.01 922.¦ 989. Bucher Patrick 1973 Steffisburg 1:07.45,1 23.57,3 (3020) Foto Video 15-M40 157. 4.31 30.15 1008.¦ 17.32 1074.¦ 19.57 904.¦ 990. Brülhart Benoit, Ecuvillens 1965 Club Athlétique Gibloux F 1:07.46,0 23.58,2 (3019) Foto Video 15-M45 164. 4.31 30.33 1097.¦ 17.34 1101.¦ 19.37 779.¦ 991. Di Berardino Mario 1965 Steinmaur 1:07.46,3 23.58,5 (3090) Foto Video 15-M45 165. 4.31 30.38 1125.¦ 17.16 960.¦ 19.50 855.¦ 992. Messerli Christoph 1971 Schüpfen 1:07.46,7 23.58,9 (3190) Foto Video 15-M40 158. 4.31 30.22 1048.¦ 17.26 1018.¦ 19.58 910.¦ 993. Clerici Urs 1969 Aarau Rohr 1:07.46,8 23.59,0 (4020) Foto Video 15-M40 159. 4.31 31.27 1357.¦ 16.49 745.¦ 19.30 737.¦ 994. Barmettler Sandra 1970 Alpnach Dorf 1:07.47,4 23.59,6 (3075) Foto Video 15-F40 22. 4.31 29.53 897.¦ 17.29 1045.¦ 20.23 1078.¦ 995. Jaun Eliane 1956 Lengnau BE 1:07.48,3 24.00,5 (3006) Foto Video 15-F55 3. 4.31 30.10 985.¦ 17.36 1112.¦ 20.01 924.¦ 996. Gfeller Wenzel 1985 Heimisbach 1:07.48,5 24.00,7 (2057) Foto Video 15-M20 231. 4.31 29.57 912.¦ 17.23 997.¦ 20.27 1112.¦ 996. Scheidegger Samuel 1985 Schwerzenbach 1:07.48,5 24.00,7 (7619) Foto Video 15-M20 231. 4.31 30.41 1133.¦ 16.56 795.¦ 20.11 989.¦ 998. Bianzina Walter, Sutz 1963 Biel/Bienne Athletics 1:07.49,1 24.01,3 (3155) Foto Video 15-M50 102. 4.31 30.03 940.¦ 17.10 909.¦ 20.35 1162.¦ 999. Ipen Gerd, Basel 1968 Lauftreff beider Basel 1:07.49,2 24.01,4 (5242) Foto Video 15-M45 166. 4.31 30.47 1161.¦ 17.09 900.¦ 19.51 864.¦ 1000. Wynistorf Christof, Rüedisbach 1985 Lauftreff beider Basel 1:07.49,6 24.01,8 (5243) Foto Video 15-BM 1. 4.31 30.47 1161.¦ 17.10 906.¦ 19.51 862.¦
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