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Overall Running 10km

Schweizer Frauenlauf, Bern 2013 - Overall Running 10km

Ränge: 1001-1500 (53.15,1)
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt ¦ Runde 1 ¦ Runde 2 ¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1001. Fischer Karin 1964 Volketswil 53.15,1 17.59,6 (2434) Diplom Video 10-W45 136. 5.19 ¦ 22.39 1435.¦ 30.35 761.¦ 1002. Steinmann Saskia 1995 Roggliswil 53.15,7 18.00,2 (3013) Diplom Video 10-Jun 31. 5.19 ¦ 21.23 873.¦ 31.52 1169.¦ 1003. Endert Fatim, Zug 1968 Höllgrotten Harriers 53.16,5 18.01,0 (2468) Diplom Video 10-W45 137. 5.19 ¦ 21.37 965.¦ 31.38 1088.¦ 1004. Antonietti Anita 1967 Bottmingen 53.16,6 18.01,1 (2340) Diplom Video 10-W45 138. 5.19 ¦ 22.03 1138.¦ 31.13 933.¦ 1005. Dürr Shérine 1989 Zuzwil SG 53.17,5 18.02,0 (1500) Diplom Video 10-W20 253. 5.19 ¦ 21.57 1099.¦ 31.20 979.¦ 1006. Hofer Daniela 1986 Oberfrittenbach 53.17,7 18.02,2 (3496) Diplom Video 10-W20 254. 5.19 ¦ 21.53 1071.¦ 31.24 999.¦ 1007. Erb Maja 1966 Winterthur 53.17,8 18.02,3 (2061) Diplom Video 10-W45 139. 5.19 ¦ 22.07 1168.¦ 31.10 914.¦ 1008. Burri Melanie 1976 Bern 53.18,2 18.02,7 (4669) Diplom Video 10-W35 143. 5.19 ¦ 21.13 823.¦ 32.05 1241.¦ 1009. Gosteli Regina 1947 Münchenbuchsee 53.18,3 18.02,8 (3118) Diplom Video 10-W65 5. 5.19 ¦ 21.55 1088.¦ 31.22 992.¦ 1010. Oss Daniela 1982 Winterthur 53.18,5 18.03,0 (3719) Diplom Video 10-W30 134. 5.19 ¦ 21.54 1076.¦ 31.23 998.¦ 1011. Aerni Erika 1950 Laupen BE 53.18,6 18.03,1 (2312) Diplom Video 10-W60 16. 5.19 ¦ 21.49 1042.¦ 31.29 1031.¦ 1012. Atalay Lara 1982 Jona 53.18,7 18.03,2 (4100) Diplom Video 10-W30 135. 5.19 ¦ 21.58 1113.¦ 31.20 975.¦ 1013. Ulmer Fabienne 1985 Zürich 53.19,2 18.03,7 (3087) Diplom Video 10-W20 255. 5.19 ¦ 21.48 1036.¦ 31.30 1039.¦ 1014. Steffens Hendrikje 1986 Thun 53.19,9 18.04,4 (4697) Diplom Video 10-W20 256. 5.19 ¦ 21.58 1108.¦ 31.21 987.¦ 1015. Leuba Sandrine 1962 Versoix 53.20,2 18.04,7 (2511) Diplom Video 10-W50 70. 5.20 ¦ 21.32 922.¦ 31.48 1141.¦ 1016. Säuberli Franziska 1982 St. Moritz 53.20,3 18.04,8 (1192) Diplom Video 10-W30 136. 5.20 ¦ 21.09 800.¦ 32.10 1278.¦ 1017. Eigenmann Isabel 1983 Jonschwil 53.20,4 18.04,9 (4776) Diplom Video 10-W30 137. 5.20 ¦ 23.34 1918.¦ 29.45 559.¦ 1017. Hengy-Rosser Marianne 1971 Zürich 53.20,4 18.04,9 (2373) Diplom Video 10-W40 165. 5.20 ¦ 21.55 1084.¦ 31.25 1004.¦ 1019. Hensgen Miriam 1983 Visp 53.20,8 18.05,3 (2334) Diplom Video 10-W30 138. 5.20 ¦ 21.39 973.¦ 31.41 1105.¦ 1020. Casanova Anita 1964 Brig 53.20,9 18.05,4 (2120) Diplom Video 10-W45 140. 5.20 ¦ 22.02 1133.¦ 31.18 963.¦ 1021. Naef Maya 1972 Ebnat-Kappel 53.22,1 18.06,6 (2101) Diplom Video 10-W40 166. 5.20 ¦ 22.43 1462.¦ 30.38 777.¦ 1022. Honegger Charlotte 1966 Uster 53.22,3 18.06,8 (2178) Diplom Video 10-W45 141. 5.20 ¦ 22.31 1368.¦ 30.51 828.¦ 1023. Ebert Sonja 1976 Lausanne 53.22,9 18.07,4 (1708) Diplom Video 10-W35 144. 5.20 ¦ 20.41 621.¦ 32.41 1480.¦ 1024. Späni Sabrina, Wollerau 1994 Kantonsschule Ausserschwyz 53.23,3 18.07,8 (4053) Diplom Video 10-Jun 32. 5.20 ¦ 22.46 1490.¦ 30.37 767.¦ 1025. Elsaesser Marlis 1968 Bubendorf 53.23,4 18.07,9 (4708) Diplom Video 10-W45 142. 5.20 ¦ 22.46 1488.¦ 30.37 769.¦ 1025. Kipfer Soline 1993 Chaumont 53.23,4 18.07,9 (3057) Diplom Video 10-W20 257. 5.20 ¦ 21.34 945.¦ 31.48 1146.¦ 1027. Rüfenacht Magali 1985 Genève 53.23,6 18.08,1 (2592) Diplom Video 10-W20 258. 5.20 ¦ 21.49 1043.¦ 31.34 1061.¦ 1028. Bachmann Monika 1964 Hochdorf 53.23,7 18.08,2 (2355) Diplom Video 10-W45 143. 5.20 ¦ 21.47 1026.¦ 31.36 1075.¦ 1029. Huber Esther 1972 Ettiswil 53.23,9 18.08,4 (1390) Diplom Video 10-W40 167. 5.20 ¦ 22.04 1150.¦ 31.19 970.¦ 1030. Arnold Renate 1969 Oberdorf NW 53.24,1 18.08,6 (2428) Diplom Video 10-W40 168. 5.20 ¦ 21.56 1093.¦ 31.28 1021.¦ 1031. Erb Michelle 1990 Bonstetten 53.24,2 18.08,7 (4771) Diplom Video 10-W20 259. 5.20 ¦ 22.26 1335.¦ 30.57 855.¦ 1032. Kunz Beate 1964 D-Radolfzell 53.24,5 18.09,0 (2406) Diplom Video 10-W45 144. 5.20 ¦ 22.26 1330.¦ 30.58 861.¦ 1033. Brandes Gabriela 1946 Stäfa 53.24,6 18.09,1 (3088) Diplom Video 10-W65 6. 5.20 ¦ 21.27 901.¦ 31.57 1199.¦ 1034. Morger Regula, Eschenbach SG 1996 Kanti Wattwil 53.24,7 18.09,2 (3163) Diplom Video 10-MA 17. 5.20 ¦ 22.48 1509.¦ 30.36 763.¦ 1034. Sommer Becky 1979 Brig 53.24,7 18.09,2 (2332) Diplom Video 10-W30 139. 5.20 ¦ 21.59 1116.¦ 31.25 1007.¦ 1036. Vetsch Jolanda 1987 Kloten 53.25,0 18.09,5 (2378) Diplom Video 10-W20 260. 5.20 ¦ 21.41 996.¦ 31.43 1113.¦ 1037. Pollaci Angelina 1973 Delémont 53.25,1 18.09,6 (2196) Diplom Video 10-W40 169. 5.20 ¦ 21.41 993.¦ 31.43 1116.¦ 1038. Kobashi Nagisa 1985 Luzern 53.25,2 18.09,7 (2538) Diplom Video 10-W20 261. 5.20 ¦ 21.41 994.¦ 31.43 1114.¦ 1039. Reinhart Franziska 1967 Solothurn 53.25,8 18.10,3 (6366) Diplom Video 10-W45 145. 5.20 ¦ 21.58 1112.¦ 31.27 1016.¦ 1040. Kamm Bianca 1995 Bilten 53.26,6 18.11,1 (1196) Diplom Video 10-Jun 33. 5.20 ¦ 21.34 941.¦ 31.52 1164.¦ 1041. Bruni Valentyna 1983 Cressier FR 53.26,7 18.11,2 (2298) Diplom Video 10-W30 140. 5.20 ¦ 21.32 930.¦ 31.53 1180.¦ 1042. Siegenthaler Daniela 1968 Hünibach 53.27,4 18.11,9 (4698) Diplom Video 10-W45 146. 5.20 ¦ 22.21 1298.¦ 31.05 891.¦ 1043. Crelier Katia 1969 Delémont 53.27,7 18.12,2 (6026) Diplom Video 10-W40 170. 5.20 ¦ 21.53 1073.¦ 31.33 1058.¦ 1043. Forster Anne 1980 Kloten 53.27,7 18.12,2 (1338) Diplom Video 10-W30 141. 5.20 ¦ 21.37 957.¦ 31.50 1155.¦ 1045. Kaspar Wilma 1967 Mollis 53.27,9 18.12,4 (1225) Diplom Video 10-W45 147. 5.20 ¦ 21.05 774.¦ 32.22 1351.¦ 1046. Hassler Petra 1971 Mollis 53.28,0 18.12,5 (1497) Diplom Video 10-W40 171. 5.20 ¦ 21.12 816.¦ 32.15 1300.¦ 1047. Sottas Patricia 1965 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz 53.28,4 18.12,9 (2436) Diplom Video 10-W45 148. 5.20 ¦ 22.04 1144.¦ 31.24 999.¦ 1048. Petrillo Antonietta 1974 Delémont 53.29,3 18.13,8 (2229) Diplom Video 10-W35 145. 5.20 ¦ 21.45 1020.¦ 31.43 1115.¦ 1049. Luder Manuela 1974 Kirchberg BE 53.29,7 18.14,2 (4692) Diplom Video 10-W35 146. 5.20 ¦ 22.12 1208.¦ 31.16 954.¦ 1050. Schmid Martina 1979 Reinach BL 53.29,9 18.14,4 (2006) Diplom Video 10-W30 142. 5.20 ¦ 22.17 1247.¦ 31.12 928.¦ 1051. Magnin Bär Fabienne 1982 Kirchleerau-Moosleerau 53.30,2 18.14,7 (3284) Diplom Video 10-W30 143. 5.21 ¦ 21.48 1031.¦ 31.42 1106.¦ 1051. Röthlisberger Marlene 1986 Bern 53.30,2 18.14,7 (2596) Diplom Video 10-W20 262. 5.21 ¦ 22.04 1142.¦ 31.26 1013.¦ 1053. Vannotti-Davi Elena 1973 Lausanne 53.30,4 18.14,9 (2282) Diplom Video 10-W40 172. 5.21 ¦ 22.16 1239.¦ 31.14 940.¦ 1054. Bärlocher Sandra 1987 Wallisellen 53.30,6 18.15,1 (3470) Diplom Video 10-W20 263. 5.21 ¦ 21.55 1082.¦ 31.35 1068.¦ 1055. Rothen Nicole, Freimettigen 1985 Unihockey Club Gürbetal RG 53.31,6 18.16,1 (2341) Diplom Video 10-W20 264. 5.21 ¦ 20.46 649.¦ 32.45 1508.¦ 1056. Anselmetti-Kämpfer Lilly 1971 Kirchberg BE 53.32,6 18.17,1 (3187) Diplom Video 10-W40 173. 5.21 ¦ 21.35 948.¦ 31.57 1199.¦ 1057. Koch Annina 1987 Solothurn 53.33,0 18.17,5 (6403) Diplom Video 10-W20 265. 5.21 ¦ 22.14 1222.¦ 31.18 967.¦ 1058. Bohli Daria 1986 Bern 53.33,3 18.17,8 (2663) Diplom Video 10-W20 266. 5.21 ¦ 22.47 1497.¦ 30.46 809.¦ 1059. von Gunten Alexandra 1995 Merligen 53.33,5 18.18,0 (2528) Diplom Video 10-Jun 34. 5.21 ¦ 21.07 792.¦ 32.26 1374.¦ 1060. Imfeld Cornelia 1979 Luzern 53.34,4 18.18,9 (2446) Diplom Video 10-W30 144. 5.21 ¦ 21.37 961.¦ 31.56 1195.¦ 1061. Ochsner Miranda 1985 Einsiedeln 53.34,5 18.19,0 (5490) Diplom Video 10-W20 267. 5.21 ¦ 22.23 1313.¦ 31.11 918.¦ 1062. Bürgi Natalie 1996 Köniz 53.35,0 18.19,5 (4678) Diplom Video 10-MA 18. 5.21 ¦ 22.07 1170.¦ 31.27 1017.¦ 1062. Fässler Sabin 1980 Schmitten FR 53.35,0 18.19,5 (5352) Diplom Video 10-W30 145. 5.21 ¦ 21.05 781.¦ 32.29 1394.¦ 1064. Chappuis Marianne 1953 Altdorf UR 53.35,2 18.19,7 (2165) Diplom Video 10-W60 17. 5.21 ¦ 22.16 1245.¦ 31.18 962.¦ 1065. Bösiger-Büchel Sarah 1984 Oberuzwil 53.36,3 18.20,8 (2399) Diplom Video 10-W20 268. 5.21 ¦ 21.18 852.¦ 32.18 1317.¦ 1066. Zurschmiede Katharina 1994 Trogen 53.36,4 18.20,9 (2583) Diplom Video 10-Jun 35. 5.21 ¦ 21.00 732.¦ 32.36 1435.¦ 1067. Staudenmann Alexandra 1970 Toffen 53.36,5 18.21,0 (2015) Diplom Video 10-W40 174. 5.21 ¦ 22.17 1249.¦ 31.19 972.¦ 1068. Gartmann Vroni 1988 Jenaz 53.36,8 18.21,3 (1424) Diplom Video 10-W20 269. 5.21 ¦ 21.43 1004.¦ 31.53 1175.¦ 1069. Jantsch Andrea 1976 Liebefeld 53.37,2 18.21,7 (2198) Diplom Video 10-W35 147. 5.21 ¦ 21.29 908.¦ 32.07 1261.¦ 1069. Lieberherr Iris 1992 Dozwil 53.37,2 18.21,7 (6110) Diplom Video 10-W20 270. 5.21 ¦ 22.19 1279.¦ 31.17 958.¦ 1071. Humair Tania 1972 Gampelen 53.37,3 18.21,8 (3709) Diplom Video 10-W40 175. 5.21 ¦ 21.16 840.¦ 32.21 1334.¦ 1072. Falquet Leia 1986 Lausanne 53.37,6 18.22,1 (4621) Diplom Video 10-W20 271. 5.21 ¦ 21.24 884.¦ 32.13 1290.¦ 1073. Gmür Madeleine 1976 Niederwil SG 53.38,2 18.22,7 (3305) Diplom Video 10-W35 148. 5.21 ¦ 22.09 1182.¦ 31.28 1024.¦ 1074. Mäder Martina 1983 Wetzikon ZH 53.38,4 18.22,9 (2214) Diplom Video 10-W30 146. 5.21 ¦ 22.02 1131.¦ 31.36 1076.¦ 1075. Vaucher Marie-France 1987 Urdorf 53.39,2 18.23,7 (2737) Diplom Video 10-W20 272. 5.21 ¦ 21.17 847.¦ 32.22 1346.¦ 1076. Broccard Claudine 1983 Haute-Nendaz 53.39,4 18.23,9 (2513) Diplom Video 10-W30 147. 5.21 ¦ 22.09 1178.¦ 31.30 1035.¦ 1077. Schmid Anita 1969 Roggwil BE 53.40,3 18.24,8 (2154) Diplom Video 10-W40 176. 5.22 ¦ 22.30 1363.¦ 31.09 912.¦ 1078. Kamm Claudia 1968 Bilten 53.40,4 18.24,9 (2102) Diplom Video 10-W45 149. 5.22 ¦ 22.04 1148.¦ 31.35 1072.¦ 1079. Mehli Nicole 1972 Lupsingen 53.40,5 18.25,0 (2693) Diplom Video 10-W40 177. 5.22 ¦ 22.20 1289.¦ 31.20 976.¦ 1080. Tasic Monika 1983 Vilters 53.41,2 18.25,7 (1274) Diplom Video 10-W30 148. 5.22 ¦ 21.43 1006.¦ 31.57 1203.¦ 1081. Kressig Sabine 1970 Bad Ragaz 53.41,4 18.25,9 (2415) Diplom Video 10-W40 178. 5.22 ¦ 21.36 954.¦ 32.04 1239.¦ 1082. Graber Kathrin 1966 Kriens 53.41,6 18.26,1 (2460) Diplom Video 10-W45 150. 5.22 ¦ 21.55 1090.¦ 31.45 1128.¦ 1083. Bucher Franziska 1960 Grindelwald 53.41,7 18.26,2 (2259) Diplom Video 10-W50 71. 5.22 ¦ 21.56 1097.¦ 31.45 1124.¦ 1084. Tuffli Silvia 1965 Kollbrunn 53.42,1 18.26,6 (2148) Diplom Video 10-W45 151. 5.22 ¦ 22.11 1196.¦ 31.31 1041.¦ 1085. Frauchiger Evelyne 1942 Meyrin 53.42,5 18.27,0 (2289) Diplom Video 10-W70 3. 5.22 ¦ 21.32 927.¦ 32.09 1270.¦ 1085. Lohnert Sonja 1973 St. Gallen 53.42,5 18.27,0 (2395) Diplom Video 10-W40 179. 5.22 ¦ 21.39 968.¦ 32.03 1230.¦ 1087. Danuser Iris 1970 Bad Ragaz 53.42,7 18.27,2 (2413) Diplom Video 10-W40 180. 5.22 ¦ 21.24 882.¦ 32.18 1322.¦ 1088. Walker Martina 1984 Bern 53.43,0 18.27,5 (1648) Diplom Video 10-W20 273. 5.22 ¦ 21.37 963.¦ 32.05 1246.¦ 1089. Quartenoud Beatrice 1970 Cottens FR 53.43,8 18.28,3 (5141) Diplom Video 10-W40 181. 5.22 ¦ 21.57 1100.¦ 31.46 1134.¦ 1090. Gantenbein Susanne 1957 Watt 53.43,9 18.28,4 (2454) Diplom Video 10-W55 28. 5.22 ¦ 22.10 1194.¦ 31.33 1057.¦ 1091. Brunner Christine 1965 Bern 53.45,3 18.29,8 (2003) Diplom Video 10-W45 152. 5.22 ¦ 22.24 1322.¦ 31.20 982.¦ 1092. Waeber Marie-Jo 1963 Pully 53.46,0 18.30,5 (4111) Diplom Video 10-W50 72. 5.22 ¦ 22.01 1126.¦ 31.44 1121.¦ 1093. Biermann Isabella 1993 Bern 53.46,3 18.30,8 (1690) Diplom Video 10-W20 274. 5.22 ¦ 20.44 640.¦ 33.02 1609.¦ 1093. Kunz Eveline 1967 Köniz 53.46,3 18.30,8 (4681) Diplom Video 10-W45 153. 5.22 ¦ 22.14 1225.¦ 31.31 1050.¦ 1095. Burri Leibundgut Ursula 1965 Zuzwil BE 53.47,0 18.31,5 (2650) Diplom Video 10-W45 154. 5.22 ¦ 22.08 1177.¦ 31.38 1084.¦ 1096. Lüthi Christine 1972 Burgdorf 53.47,3 18.31,8 (3493) Diplom Video 10-W40 182. 5.22 ¦ 21.49 1039.¦ 31.58 1205.¦ 1097. Elmiger Gabriela 1992 Bülach 53.47,4 18.31,9 (1702) Diplom Video 10-W20 275. 5.22 ¦ 22.21 1297.¦ 31.25 1011.¦ 1098. Furrer Sarah 1981 Luzern 53.47,6 18.32,1 (3286) Diplom Video 10-W30 149. 5.22 ¦ 21.33 931.¦ 32.14 1296.¦ 1099. Brunner Clara 1987 Richterswil 53.47,9 18.32,4 (4360) Diplom Video 10-W20 276. 5.22 ¦ 23.16 1737.¦ 30.31 733.¦ 1100. Luder Simone 1992 Lotzwil 53.48,1 18.32,6 (4522) Diplom Video 10-W20 277. 5.22 ¦ 22.24 1324.¦ 31.23 995.¦ 1101. Häfliger-Kunz Priska 1968 Mauensee 53.48,3 18.32,8 (2142) Diplom Video 10-W45 155. 5.22 ¦ 22.40 1445.¦ 31.07 904.¦ 1102. Zollinger Yvonne 1980 Zürich 53.48,6 18.33,1 (3484) Diplom Video 10-W30 150. 5.22 ¦ 22.39 1439.¦ 31.08 910.¦ 1103. Salzmann Marlis 1980 Aeschau 53.49,6 18.34,1 (2426) Diplom Video 10-W30 151. 5.22 ¦ 22.49 1514.¦ 31.00 871.¦ 1104. Furrer Daniela 1964 Silenen 53.50,9 18.35,4 (3005) Diplom Video 10-W45 156. 5.23 ¦ 22.14 1223.¦ 31.36 1078.¦ 1105. Räz Fabienne 1992 Stadel b. Niederglatt 53.51,0 18.35,5 (2377) Diplom Video 10-W20 278. 5.23 ¦ 22.28 1349.¦ 31.22 989.¦ 1106. Guzman Solis Maria Cristina, Nus 1995 Kantonsschule Wettingen 53.51,7 18.36,2 (4805) Diplom Video 10-Jun 36. 5.23 ¦ 22.33 1389.¦ 31.18 960.¦ 1106. Josi Franziska 1974 Heimberg 53.51,7 18.36,2 (2526) Diplom Video 10-W35 149. 5.23 ¦ 21.39 981.¦ 32.11 1284.¦ 1108. Walther Claudia 1979 Grindelwald 53.52,4 18.36,9 (2331) Diplom Video 10-W30 152. 5.23 ¦ 22.33 1386.¦ 31.19 974.¦ 1109. Schweizer Thalia 1980 Lohn-Ammannsegg 53.54,0 18.38,5 (4237) Diplom Video 10-W30 153. 5.23 ¦ 22.06 1158.¦ 31.47 1140.¦ 1110. Borgna Angela, Biasca 1967 SFG Biasca 53.54,1 18.38,6 (3481) Diplom Video 10-W45 157. 5.23 ¦ 22.08 1174.¦ 31.45 1128.¦ 1111. Berchtold Silvia 1951 Niederhasli 53.54,5 18.39,0 (2465) Diplom Video 10-W60 18. 5.23 ¦ 22.00 1118.¦ 31.54 1181.¦ 1111. Saitta Laura 1982 Zürich 53.54,5 18.39,0 (3673) Diplom Video 10-W30 154. 5.23 ¦ 21.41 992.¦ 32.13 1290.¦ 1113. Schneebeli Ruth 1964 Ottenbach 53.54,8 18.39,3 (1229) Diplom Video 10-W45 158. 5.23 ¦ 21.51 1059.¦ 32.02 1228.¦ 1114. Holzmann Daniela 1968 Walchwil 53.54,9 18.39,4 (2174) Diplom Video 10-W45 159. 5.23 ¦ 22.02 1130.¦ 31.52 1173.¦ 1115. Egli Regula 1973 Bern 53.55,1 18.39,6 (2019) Diplom Video 10-W40 183. 5.23 ¦ 20.55 698.¦ 32.59 1587.¦ 1116. Queloz Isabelle 1984 Fribourg 53.55,9 18.40,4 (6150) Diplom Video 10-W20 279. 5.23 ¦ 22.27 1341.¦ 31.28 1024.¦ 1117. Limacher Daniela 1988 Bern 53.56,9 18.41,4 (2114) Diplom Video 10-W20 280. 5.23 ¦ 22.04 1148.¦ 31.52 1166.¦ 1118. Knüsel Liliane 1990 Meggen 53.57,1 18.41,6 (2631) Diplom Video 10-W20 281. 5.23 ¦ 22.18 1261.¦ 31.38 1090.¦ 1119. Klepper Nele 1984 Zürich 53.57,9 18.42,4 (2269) Diplom Video 10-W20 282. 5.23 ¦ 22.19 1272.¦ 31.38 1090.¦ 1120. Strässle Sibylle, Bazenheid 1999 Oberstufe Kirchberg SG 53.58,1 18.42,6 (4388) Diplom Video 10-MB 9. 5.23 ¦ 21.40 990.¦ 32.17 1313.¦ 1121. Eicher Dorli 1961 Eriz 53.58,3 18.42,8 (2007) Diplom Video 10-W50 73. 5.23 ¦ 22.11 1198.¦ 31.46 1135.¦ 1122. Martelli Kathy 1970 Lausanne 53.58,4 18.42,9 (2509) Diplom Video 10-W40 184. 5.23 ¦ 22.15 1235.¦ 31.42 1111.¦ 1123. Müller Irene 1967 Arisdorf 53.58,5 18.43,0 (2201) Diplom Video 10-W45 160. 5.23 ¦ 22.09 1185.¦ 31.48 1147.¦ 1124. Wolf-Bearth Maria 1963 Untervaz 53.58,7 18.43,2 (2483) Diplom Video 10-W50 74. 5.23 ¦ 21.53 1067.¦ 32.05 1248.¦ 1125. Reust Ruth 1963 Rubigen 53.58,8 18.43,3 (1413) Diplom Video 10-W50 75. 5.23 ¦ 22.12 1205.¦ 31.46 1133.¦ 1126. Iorlano Claudia 1971 Haldenstein 53.59,0 18.43,5 (2484) Diplom Video 10-W40 185. 5.23 ¦ 21.55 1086.¦ 32.03 1231.¦ 1127. Rochat Aline 1957 Lausanne 53.59,1 18.43,6 (2508) Diplom Video 10-W55 29. 5.23 ¦ 22.01 1128.¦ 31.57 1202.¦ 1127. Schuler Jessica 1998 Merligen 53.59,1 18.43,6 (2527) Diplom Video 10-MB 10. 5.23 ¦ 21.49 1039.¦ 32.10 1272.¦ 1129. Baumann Judith 1969 Kerzers 53.59,3 18.43,8 (4687) Diplom Video 10-W40 186. 5.23 ¦ 22.52 1536.¦ 31.06 893.¦ 1130. Perracini-Liechti Ruth 1968 Kehrsatz 53.59,9 18.44,4 (2430) Diplom Video 10-W45 161. 5.23 ¦ 22.19 1281.¦ 31.40 1097.¦ 1131. Buchs Nicoletta 1968 St. Gallen 54.00,0 18.44,5 (4775) Diplom Video 10-W45 162. 5.24 ¦ 21.52 1063.¦ 32.07 1259.¦ 1132. Caracciolo Brigitte 1961 Ernetschwil 54.00,7 18.45,2 (2080) Diplom Video 10-W50 76. 5.24 ¦ 22.14 1227.¦ 31.46 1132.¦ 1132. Gwerder-Suter Jeanette 1969 Walchwil 54.00,7 18.45,2 (2253) Diplom Video 10-W40 187. 5.24 ¦ 22.32 1380.¦ 31.28 1023.¦ 1134. Bader Daniela 1986 Luzern 54.01,4 18.45,9 (2353) Diplom Video 10-W20 283. 5.24 ¦ 21.24 882.¦ 32.37 1454.¦ 1134. Zumsteg Patricia 1989 Wil AG 54.01,4 18.45,9 (2024) Diplom Video 10-W20 283. 5.24 ¦ 21.44 1010.¦ 32.16 1307.¦ 1136. Sinko Eva 1958 Zufikon 54.01,7 18.46,2 (1668) Diplom Video 10-W55 30. 5.24 ¦ 22.00 1119.¦ 32.01 1214.¦ 1137. Helfenstein Lea 1989 Dornach 54.02,0 18.46,5 (1374) Diplom Video 10-W20 285. 5.24 ¦ 20.29 545.¦ 33.32 1791.¦ 1138. Jamet Michelle 1963 Neuchâtel 54.03,4 18.47,9 (3560) Diplom Video 10-W50 77. 5.24 ¦ 21.53 1065.¦ 32.10 1275.¦ 1139. Ponnaz Sylvie 1983 Oftringen 54.03,5 18.48,0 (5488) Diplom Video 10-W30 155. 5.24 ¦ 22.22 1306.¦ 31.40 1103.¦ 1140. Monge Muriel 1968 Gossens 54.04,2 18.48,7 (3083) Diplom Video 10-W45 163. 5.24 ¦ 22.49 1519.¦ 31.14 943.¦ 1141. Herger Esther 1973 Eschenbach LU 54.04,7 18.49,2 (2245) Diplom Video 10-W40 188. 5.24 ¦ 22.14 1221.¦ 31.50 1156.¦ 1142. Strebel Stefanie 1992 Mägenwil 54.05,2 18.49,7 (2739) Diplom Video 10-W20 286. 5.24 ¦ 22.00 1120.¦ 32.04 1238.¦ 1143. Diaz Sandra 1970 Näfels 54.05,5 18.50,0 (4358) Diplom Video 10-W40 189. 5.24 ¦ 22.08 1176.¦ 31.56 1196.¦ 1143. Koch Tamara 1985 Bern 54.05,5 18.50,0 (4327) Diplom Video 10-W20 287. 5.24 ¦ 21.25 888.¦ 32.40 1474.¦ 1145. Brem Lea 1995 Rudolfstetten 54.05,6 18.50,1 (6482) Diplom Video 10-Jun 37. 5.24 ¦ 22.03 1139.¦ 32.01 1219.¦ 1146. Steffenoni Désirée 1963 Schaffhausen 54.06,3 18.50,8 (2211) Diplom Video 10-W50 78. 5.24 ¦ 21.55 1082.¦ 32.11 1280.¦ 1147. Grassler Astrid 1961 Oberrieden 54.06,7 18.51,2 (2393) Diplom Video 10-W50 79. 5.24 ¦ 22.04 1143.¦ 32.02 1225.¦ 1148. Kalt Lea 1990 Zürich 54.06,8 18.51,3 (4547) Diplom Video 10-W20 288. 5.24 ¦ 22.13 1216.¦ 31.53 1175.¦ 1149. Bergenhengouwen Lara 1994 Altnau 54.07,3 18.51,8 (3591) Diplom Video 10-Jun 38. 5.24 ¦ 22.50 1525.¦ 31.16 952.¦ 1149. Schorta Susanne 1965 Bremgarten b. Bern 54.07,3 18.51,8 (2284) Diplom Video 10-W45 164. 5.24 ¦ 22.16 1237.¦ 31.51 1159.¦ 1151. Bossard Michal Magdalena 1994 Wynau 54.07,7 18.52,2 (5529) Diplom Video 10-Jun 39. 5.24 ¦ 22.36 1413.¦ 31.31 1042.¦ 1152. Gainon Marie 1975 Lugnez 54.07,8 18.52,3 (6032) Diplom Video 10-W35 150. 5.24 ¦ 22.45 1486.¦ 31.22 988.¦ 1152. Kehrli Doris 1952 Rifferswil 54.07,8 18.52,3 (2456) Diplom Video 10-W60 19. 5.24 ¦ 21.45 1021.¦ 32.21 1343.¦ 1154. Frick Anna 1984 Obfelden 54.07,9 18.52,4 (4561) Diplom Video 10-W20 289. 5.24 ¦ 21.45 1018.¦ 32.22 1350.¦ 1155. Keusch Prisca 1973 Wünnewil 54.08,3 18.52,8 (4191) Diplom Video 10-W40 190. 5.24 ¦ 21.58 1108.¦ 32.10 1275.¦ 1156. Clausen Martina 1986 Zürich 54.08,8 18.53,3 (3026) Diplom Video 10-W20 290. 5.24 ¦ 22.21 1296.¦ 31.47 1139.¦ 1156. Micheloud Manuela 1980 Moléson-sur-Gruyères 54.08,8 18.53,3 (1475) Diplom Video 10-W30 156. 5.24 ¦ 22.02 1132.¦ 32.06 1253.¦ 1158. Wittenwiler Miriam 1986 Zürich 54.08,9 18.53,4 (5373) Diplom Video 10-W20 291. 5.24 ¦ 23.09 1670.¦ 30.59 869.¦ 1159. Fux Lorena 1993 Arni AG 54.09,1 18.53,6 (5233) Diplom Video 10-W20 292. 5.24 ¦ 22.17 1258.¦ 31.51 1160.¦ 1160. Clausen Laura 1983 Basel 54.09,5 18.54,0 (3557) Diplom Video 10-W30 157. 5.24 ¦ 22.22 1301.¦ 31.47 1136.¦ 1161. Clavel Emilie 1996 Pully 54.09,8 18.54,3 (2169) Diplom Video 10-MA 19. 5.24 ¦ 20.49 665.¦ 33.20 1723.¦ 1162. Engler-Rüeger Fanny 1963 Fribourg 54.10,1 18.54,6 (3552) Diplom Video 10-W50 80. 5.25 ¦ 22.27 1343.¦ 31.42 1110.¦ 1163. Mang Silvia 1979 Thun 54.10,3 18.54,8 (3172) Diplom Video 10-W30 158. 5.25 ¦ 21.45 1013.¦ 32.25 1370.¦ 1164. Kunz Brigitta 1963 Steinhausen 54.10,7 18.55,2 (3466) Diplom Video 10-W50 81. 5.25 ¦ 21.45 1014.¦ 32.25 1371.¦ 1164. Spielmann Franziska 1963 Jona 54.10,7 18.55,2 (2072) Diplom Video 10-W50 81. 5.25 ¦ 22.06 1163.¦ 32.03 1234.¦ 1166. Jentner Kaja, Niederhasli 1995 Kantonsschule Zürcher Unter 54.10,9 18.55,4 (4061) Diplom Video 10-Jun 40. 5.25 ¦ 23.17 1748.¦ 30.53 838.¦ 1167. Courcier Astrid 1967 Gockhausen 54.11,0 18.55,5 (2574) Diplom Video 10-W45 165. 5.25 ¦ 21.35 947.¦ 32.36 1434.¦ 1168. Kaeslin Rita 1972 Beckenried 54.11,1 18.55,6 (2452) Diplom Video 10-W40 191. 5.25 ¦ 21.59 1115.¦ 32.12 1285.¦ 1169. Eggerschwiler Nadja 1985 Baar 54.11,3 18.55,8 (2185) Diplom Video 10-W20 293. 5.25 ¦ 22.13 1216.¦ 31.57 1204.¦ 1169. Holenstein Anita 1971 Bazenheid 54.11,3 18.55,8 (4461) Diplom Video 10-W40 192. 5.25 ¦ 22.20 1283.¦ 31.51 1162.¦ 1171. Däppen Marion 1966 Watt 54.11,5 18.56,0 (2010) Diplom Video 10-W45 166. 5.25 ¦ 22.43 1465.¦ 31.28 1021.¦ 1172. Gantenbein Brigitta 1971 Zollikofen 54.11,6 18.56,1 (2490) Diplom Video 10-W40 193. 5.25 ¦ 21.50 1054.¦ 32.20 1332.¦ 1173. Kempf Heidi 1964 Luzern 54.12,0 18.56,5 (2110) Diplom Video 10-W45 167. 5.25 ¦ 22.16 1245.¦ 31.55 1188.¦ 1173. Schmied Katharina 1961 Ried b. Kerzers 54.12,0 18.56,5 (2184) Diplom Video 10-W50 83. 5.25 ¦ 22.19 1281.¦ 31.52 1163.¦ 1175. Steinmann Denise 1981 Cham 54.12,2 18.56,7 (2357) Diplom Video 10-W30 159. 5.25 ¦ 22.42 1456.¦ 31.29 1032.¦ 1176. Lustenberger Christina 1988 Bern 54.12,4 18.56,9 (2130) Diplom Video 10-W20 294. 5.25 ¦ 22.53 1540.¦ 31.19 972.¦ 1176. Stocker Saskia 1995 Walchwil 54.12,4 18.56,9 (5495) Diplom Video 10-Jun 41. 5.25 ¦ 22.37 1417.¦ 31.35 1067.¦ 1178. Sewell Deborah 1968 Pfaffhausen 54.12,5 18.57,0 (2576) Diplom Video 10-W45 168. 5.25 ¦ 21.36 953.¦ 32.36 1435.¦ 1179. Wenger Sandra 1988 Heimberg 54.12,7 18.57,2 (2329) Diplom Video 10-W20 295. 5.25 ¦ 22.23 1310.¦ 31.49 1149.¦ 1180. Hofstetter Judy 1965 Köniz 54.13,4 18.57,9 (6521) Diplom Video 10-W45 169. 5.25 ¦ 22.18 1268.¦ 31.55 1187.¦ 1181. Ursem Kirsten, Walchwil 1967 Höllgrotten Harriers 54.13,5 18.58,0 (2477) Diplom Video 10-W45 170. 5.25 ¦ 21.55 1088.¦ 32.18 1316.¦ 1182. Denkinger Doris 1969 Reinach BL 54.13,7 18.58,2 (2255) Diplom Video 10-W40 194. 5.25 ¦ 22.03 1141.¦ 32.09 1270.¦ 1183. Dietrich-Pfister Bettina 1972 Herisau 54.14,2 18.58,7 (3122) Diplom Video 10-W40 195. 5.25 ¦ 22.34 1398.¦ 31.39 1094.¦ 1184. Flückiger Karin 1966 Gelterkinden 54.14,3 18.58,8 (3061) Diplom Video 10-W45 171. 5.25 ¦ 22.15 1233.¦ 31.59 1207.¦ 1185. Lopez Silvia 1973 Köniz 54.14,7 18.59,2 (6522) Diplom Video 10-W40 196. 5.25 ¦ 22.20 1284.¦ 31.54 1184.¦ 1186. Schierbaum Christina 1965 Zimmerwald 54.14,9 18.59,4 (2672) Diplom Video 10-W45 172. 5.25 ¦ 21.44 1009.¦ 32.30 1402.¦ 1187. Balsiger Barbara, Uster 1967 LC Uster 54.15,8 19.00,3 (2496) Diplom Video 10-W45 173. 5.25 ¦ 22.31 1370.¦ 31.44 1122.¦ 1188. Moser-Bonderer Maya 1971 Wangs 54.16,0 19.00,5 (3252) Diplom Video 10-W40 197. 5.25 ¦ 21.41 994.¦ 32.34 1422.¦ 1189. Bucher Ronny 1966 Erlenbach ZH 54.16,5 19.01,0 (2251) Diplom Video 10-W45 174. 5.25 ¦ 21.54 1074.¦ 32.22 1346.¦ 1190. Duvanel Austinat Rebecca 1976 Cressier NE 54.17,3 19.01,8 (2640) Diplom Video 10-W35 151. 5.25 ¦ 22.16 1241.¦ 32.00 1212.¦ 1191. Steffen Valerie 1985 Zürich 54.17,8 19.02,3 (2732) Diplom Video 10-W20 296. 5.25 ¦ 22.15 1234.¦ 32.02 1224.¦ 1192. Sansonnens Edmée-Angeline 1982 Marly 54.18,0 19.02,5 (2618) Diplom Video 10-W30 160. 5.25 ¦ 22.04 1144.¦ 32.13 1292.¦ 1193. Roulet Aline 1986 Colombier 54.19,0 19.03,5 (1591) Diplom Video 10-W20 297. 5.25 ¦ 21.27 899.¦ 32.51 1545.¦ 1194. Bosshard Tina 1987 Aadorf 54.19,1 19.03,6 (1678) Diplom Video 10-W20 298. 5.25 ¦ 21.20 864.¦ 32.58 1584.¦ 1195. Furrer-Willi Irene 1972 Domat/Ems 54.19,3 19.03,8 (2463) Diplom Video 10-W40 198. 5.25 ¦ 22.18 1268.¦ 32.00 1213.¦ 1196. Décotterd Vérène 1976 La Tour-de-Trême 54.19,4 19.03,9 (2295) Diplom Video 10-W35 152. 5.25 ¦ 22.48 1507.¦ 31.30 1040.¦ 1196. Rufener Lisa 1987 Thun 54.19,4 19.03,9 (2568) Diplom Video 10-W20 299. 5.25 ¦ 22.39 1432.¦ 31.40 1102.¦ 1198. Rohrer Donata 1986 Basel 54.19,6 19.04,1 (6695) Diplom Video 10-W20 300. 5.25 ¦ 23.00 1598.¦ 31.18 967.¦ 1198. Valley Véronique 1969 Porrentruy 54.19,6 19.04,1 (6029) Diplom Video 10-W40 199. 5.25 ¦ 22.44 1470.¦ 31.35 1068.¦ 1200. Ledermann Maja 1966 Speicher 54.20,3 19.04,8 (2397) Diplom Video 10-W45 175. 5.26 ¦ 21.48 1032.¦ 32.31 1410.¦ 1201. Jakob Susanne 1980 Rüfenacht BE 54.20,4 19.04,9 (2082) Diplom Video 10-W30 161. 5.26 ¦ 21.53 1069.¦ 32.26 1377.¦ 1202. Borter Marianne 1960 Thayngen 54.20,8 19.05,3 (2270) Diplom Video 10-W50 84. 5.26 ¦ 21.56 1098.¦ 32.23 1358.¦ 1203. Herrli Madeleine 1966 Arlesheim 54.21,5 19.06,0 (3713) Diplom Video 10-W45 176. 5.26 ¦ 21.58 1110.¦ 32.23 1354.¦ 1204. Tschan Kathrin 1972 Bottmingen 54.21,6 19.06,1 (2629) Diplom Video 10-W40 200. 5.26 ¦ 22.13 1218.¦ 32.08 1263.¦ 1204. Vogelsang Johanna 1981 Rapperswil SG 54.21,6 19.06,1 (5436) Diplom Video 10-W30 162. 5.26 ¦ 22.21 1294.¦ 32.00 1210.¦ 1206. Etter Saskia, Effretikon 1990 LC Uster 54.21,8 19.06,3 (3441) Diplom Video 10-W20 301. 5.26 ¦ 22.36 1411.¦ 31.45 1125.¦ 1207. Nicoulin Isabelle 1970 Courcelon 54.22,0 19.06,5 (2075) Diplom Video 10-W40 201. 5.26 ¦ 21.54 1079.¦ 32.27 1384.¦ 1208. Bachmann-Suter Sonja 1979 Emmen 54.22,1 19.06,6 (2494) Diplom Video 10-W30 163. 5.26 ¦ 22.15 1229.¦ 32.07 1258.¦ 1208. Beck Karin 1983 Worb 54.22,1 19.06,6 (2671) Diplom Video 10-W30 163. 5.26 ¦ 22.01 1123.¦ 32.20 1331.¦ 1210. Putzi Franziska 1961 Wabern 54.22,2 19.06,7 (1596) Diplom Video 10-W50 85. 5.26 ¦ 22.08 1174.¦ 32.13 1294.¦ 1211. Metzger Jeanette 1976 Kirchberg SG 54.22,3 19.06,8 (2403) Diplom Video 10-W35 153. 5.26 ¦ 21.21 868.¦ 33.00 1599.¦ 1212. Wälchli Susanne 1974 Bern 54.22,7 19.07,2 (3543) Diplom Video 10-W35 154. 5.26 ¦ 24.22 2428.¦ 29.59 606.¦ 1212. Weibel Nicole 1966 Teufen AR 54.22,7 19.07,2 (2176) Diplom Video 10-W45 177. 5.26 ¦ 21.50 1055.¦ 32.31 1410.¦ 1214. Vincenz Fabiola 1990 Basel 54.23,0 19.07,5 (4597) Diplom Video 10-W20 302. 5.26 ¦ 23.42 2021.¦ 30.40 790.¦ 1215. Basler Andrea 1969 Trimbach 54.23,1 19.07,6 (2183) Diplom Video 10-W40 202. 5.26 ¦ 22.13 1210.¦ 32.10 1274.¦ 1216. Berner Pascale, Bülach 1994 Kantonsschule Zürcher Unter 54.23,3 19.07,8 (4062) Diplom Video 10-Jun 42. 5.26 ¦ 23.15 1730.¦ 31.07 903.¦ 1216. Meier Lea 1985 Bern 54.23,3 19.07,8 (2040) Diplom Video 10-W20 303. 5.26 ¦ 22.05 1156.¦ 32.17 1315.¦ 1216. Sigrist Diana 1990 Dübendorf 54.23,3 19.07,8 (2546) Diplom Video 10-W20 303. 5.26 ¦ 21.56 1094.¦ 32.27 1382.¦ 1219. Rauber Montaine 1998 Epagny 54.23,7 19.08,2 (1396) Diplom Video 10-MB 11. 5.26 ¦ 21.23 880.¦ 33.00 1593.¦ 1220. Hartmann Elena 1990 Zizers 54.24,1 19.08,6 (4607) Diplom Video 10-W20 305. 5.26 ¦ 23.41 2010.¦ 30.42 796.¦ 1221. Ziltener Monika, Winterthur 1980 Oberstufenzentrum Buechenwa 54.24,4 19.08,9 (2060) Diplom Video 10-W30 165. 5.26 ¦ 22.24 1318.¦ 32.00 1210.¦ 1222. Nestler Martina 1991 Giswil 54.24,7 19.09,2 (2203) Diplom Video 10-W20 306. 5.26 ¦ 22.12 1202.¦ 32.12 1287.¦ 1223. Bär Judith 1959 Spiegel b. Bern 54.25,5 19.10,0 (3028) Diplom Video 10-W50 86. 5.26 ¦ 23.04 1626.¦ 31.21 984.¦ 1224. Dodgson Beatrix 1968 Horgen 54.25,6 19.10,1 (6115) Diplom Video 10-W45 178. 5.26 ¦ 23.01 1607.¦ 31.24 999.¦ 1225. Brenner Carmela 1991 Märstetten 54.25,7 19.10,2 (5478) Diplom Video 10-W20 307. 5.26 ¦ 23.12 1689.¦ 31.13 938.¦ 1225. Lüthi Pia 1971 Duggingen 54.25,7 19.10,2 (2168) Diplom Video 10-W40 203. 5.26 ¦ 22.35 1403.¦ 31.50 1158.¦ 1227. Dodgson Yasmin 1996 Horgen 54.25,8 19.10,3 (6116) Diplom Video 10-MA 20. 5.26 ¦ 23.02 1616.¦ 31.23 996.¦ 1228. Luginbuhl Paola 1968 Chexbres 54.26,1 19.10,6 (2287) Diplom Video 10-W45 179. 5.26 ¦ 22.54 1551.¦ 31.31 1045.¦ 1229. Radosavljevic Katharina 1966 Münsingen 54.26,2 19.10,7 (3460) Diplom Video 10-W45 180. 5.26 ¦ 23.07 1661.¦ 31.18 966.¦ 1230. Bobbià Andrea 1971 Zug 54.26,5 19.11,0 (1675) Diplom Video 10-W40 204. 5.26 ¦ 21.46 1022.¦ 32.40 1472.¦ 1231. Walpen Susanne 1988 Stans 54.26,9 19.11,4 (4284) Diplom Video 10-W20 308. 5.26 ¦ 23.09 1675.¦ 31.17 957.¦ 1232. Guntern Gertrud 1957 Ehrendingen 54.27,4 19.11,9 (3017) Diplom Video 10-W55 31. 5.26 ¦ 23.15 1730.¦ 31.11 922.¦ 1233. Nigg Karin 1968 St. Gallen 54.27,5 19.12,0 (2551) Diplom Video 10-W45 181. 5.26 ¦ 22.18 1264.¦ 32.09 1267.¦ 1234. Ruckli Lisa 1997 Kestenholz 54.27,6 19.12,1 (4085) Diplom Video 10-MA 21. 5.26 ¦ 22.46 1493.¦ 31.40 1104.¦ 1235. Hermesdorf Sylvia 1962 Kreuzlingen 54.27,9 19.12,4 (2459) Diplom Video 10-W50 87. 5.26 ¦ 21.53 1065.¦ 32.34 1428.¦ 1235. Miholova Sandra 1972 Bern 54.27,9 19.12,4 (1033) Diplom Video 10-W40 205. 5.26 ¦ 22.25 1326.¦ 32.02 1225.¦ 1235. Zürny Claudine 1983 Basel 54.27,9 19.12,4 (2338) Diplom Video 10-W30 166. 5.26 ¦ 22.07 1171.¦ 32.20 1328.¦ 1238. Camenzind Silvia 1969 Seewen SZ 54.28,2 19.12,7 (2701) Diplom Video 10-W40 206. 5.26 ¦ 22.53 1539.¦ 31.35 1066.¦ 1239. Kuster Alina 1997 Niederscherli 54.28,4 19.12,9 (3413) Diplom Video 10-MA 22. 5.26 ¦ 22.06 1160.¦ 32.21 1343.¦ 1239. Mottier Corine 1973 Ardon 54.28,4 19.12,9 (2242) Diplom Video 10-W40 207. 5.26 ¦ 22.09 1182.¦ 32.18 1323.¦ 1241. Hägi Barbara 1973 Niederweningen 54.28,5 19.13,0 (3297) Diplom Video 10-W40 208. 5.26 ¦ 22.01 1126.¦ 32.26 1381.¦ 1242. Kienberger Susanne 1978 Herrenschwanden 54.28,7 19.13,2 (4673) Diplom Video 10-W35 155. 5.26 ¦ 22.22 1299.¦ 32.06 1253.¦ 1243. Schmid Rachel 1990 Trogen 54.28,9 19.13,4 (2421) Diplom Video 10-W20 309. 5.26 ¦ 22.58 1582.¦ 31.30 1034.¦ 1244. Kuonen Nicole 1988 Naters 54.29,7 19.14,2 (3230) Diplom Video 10-W20 310. 5.26 ¦ 22.34 1397.¦ 31.55 1190.¦ 1245. Fuchs Manola 1955 Uettligen 54.29,8 19.14,3 (2188) Diplom Video 10-W55 32. 5.26 ¦ 22.39 1442.¦ 31.49 1151.¦ 1246. Koller Anita 1973 Teufen AR 54.29,9 19.14,4 (2163) Diplom Video 10-W40 209. 5.26 ¦ 21.47 1027.¦ 32.42 1490.¦ 1247. Käppeli-Portmann Helena 1968 Merenschwand 54.30,6 19.15,1 (1489) Diplom Video 10-W45 182. 5.27 ¦ 22.05 1156.¦ 32.24 1362.¦ 1248. Brönnimann Martina 1986 Sumiswald 54.31,7 19.16,2 (2325) Diplom Video 10-W20 311. 5.27 ¦ 21.50 1052.¦ 32.41 1481.¦ 1249. Braun Jasmine 1985 Bern 54.32,0 19.16,5 (3095) Diplom Video 10-W20 312. 5.27 ¦ 22.19 1273.¦ 32.12 1289.¦ 1249. Meyer-Clément Véronique 1961 La Tour-de-Trême 54.32,0 19.16,5 (2193) Diplom Video 10-W50 88. 5.27 ¦ 22.08 1172.¦ 32.23 1356.¦ 1251. Buser Franziska 1980 Zürich 54.32,1 19.16,6 (3169) Diplom Video 10-W30 167. 5.27 ¦ 21.32 924.¦ 32.59 1590.¦ 1251. Graf Susanne 1968 Wiesendangen 54.32,1 19.16,6 (4760) Diplom Video 10-W45 183. 5.27 ¦ 26.52 3427.¦ 27.39 188.¦ 1251. Lognowicz Dorothe 1982 Bern 54.32,1 19.16,6 (3700) Diplom Video 10-W30 167. 5.27 ¦ 22.39 1437.¦ 31.52 1168.¦ 1254. Schönenberger Annelies 1970 Oberhelfenschwil 54.32,3 19.16,8 (2212) Diplom Video 10-W40 210. 5.27 ¦ 22.27 1337.¦ 32.05 1248.¦ 1255. Schüpbach Marianne 1957 Wädenswil 54.32,4 19.16,9 (2582) Diplom Video 10-W55 33. 5.27 ¦ 22.38 1423.¦ 31.54 1183.¦ 1256. Ng Laura 1969 Genolier 54.32,5 19.17,0 (4628) Diplom Video 10-W40 211. 5.27 ¦ 22.27 1342.¦ 32.05 1244.¦ 1257. Gatzsch-Flury Corina 1980 Wald ZH 54.32,7 19.17,2 (2606) Diplom Video 10-W30 169. 5.27 ¦ 21.39 968.¦ 32.53 1559.¦ 1258. Scheidegger Michelle 1968 Detligen 54.33,1 19.17,6 (4172) Diplom Video 10-W45 184. 5.27 ¦ 22.23 1317.¦ 32.09 1268.¦ 1259. Trusgnach-Graber Ramona 1966 Bülach 54.33,4 19.17,9 (1172) Diplom Video 10-W45 185. 5.27 ¦ 21.48 1032.¦ 32.45 1505.¦ 1260. Böhlen Therese 1961 Burgdorf 54.33,6 19.18,1 (3414) Diplom Video 10-W50 89. 5.27 ¦ 22.43 1465.¦ 31.50 1152.¦ 1261. Brumm Vreni 1956 Erlenbach ZH 54.33,7 19.18,2 (2166) Diplom Video 10-W55 34. 5.27 ¦ 22.45 1479.¦ 31.48 1147.¦ 1261. Duc-Cavegn Regula 1960 Chermignon 54.33,7 19.18,2 (2408) Diplom Video 10-W50 90. 5.27 ¦ 21.33 937.¦ 32.59 1592.¦ 1263. Kurer Rebekka 1990 Bern 54.34,2 19.18,7 (2261) Diplom Video 10-W20 313. 5.27 ¦ 22.58 1578.¦ 31.35 1071.¦ 1264. Dadmal Hamasa 1985 Zofingen 54.34,7 19.19,2 (3726) Diplom Video 10-W20 314. 5.27 ¦ 22.28 1350.¦ 32.05 1251.¦ 1265. Aeberhard Franziska 1964 Gümligen 54.34,8 19.19,3 (3565) Diplom Video 10-W45 186. 5.27 ¦ 21.49 1045.¦ 32.45 1505.¦ 1266. Rast Isabel 1982 Luzern 54.35,2 19.19,7 (2448) Diplom Video 10-W30 170. 5.27 ¦ 22.33 1387.¦ 32.01 1219.¦ 1267. Dosch Priska 1982 Bütschwil 54.35,3 19.19,8 (3067) Diplom Video 10-W30 171. 5.27 ¦ 23.18 1754.¦ 31.16 955.¦ 1267. Spindler Elke 1988 Zürich 54.35,3 19.19,8 (2146) Diplom Video 10-W20 315. 5.27 ¦ 22.19 1277.¦ 32.15 1302.¦ 1269. Lenweiter Morgane 1989 Corcelles-près-Payerne 54.35,6 19.20,1 (3487) Diplom Video 10-W20 316. 5.27 ¦ 23.06 1654.¦ 31.29 1030.¦ 1270. Benz Andrea 1978 Uerzlikon 54.36,8 19.21,3 (4772) Diplom Video 10-W35 156. 5.27 ¦ 23.15 1725.¦ 31.21 986.¦ 1270. Ruoss Seraina 1986 Hüttwilen 54.36,8 19.21,3 (2718) Diplom Video 10-W20 317. 5.27 ¦ 21.23 873.¦ 33.13 1680.¦ 1272. Niederberger Jacqueline, Kastani 1992 Widder 54.36,9 19.21,4 (6247) Diplom Video 10-W20 318. 5.27 ¦ 22.58 1576.¦ 31.38 1088.¦ 1273. Descoeudres Bochmann Sarah 1972 Areuse 54.37,0 19.21,5 (2195) Diplom Video 10-W40 212. 5.27 ¦ 22.09 1181.¦ 32.27 1386.¦ 1274. Tschan Kai-Leonie 1985 Wabern 54.37,3 19.21,8 (3659) Diplom Video 10-W20 319. 5.27 ¦ 22.26 1330.¦ 32.11 1280.¦ 1275. Avendano Miriam, Baden 1975 Gatorade 54.37,5 19.22,0 (3106) Diplom Video 10-W35 157. 5.27 ¦ 22.44 1475.¦ 31.52 1169.¦ 1276. Schleich Adriana 1991 Giswil 54.38,2 19.22,7 (2204) Diplom Video 10-W20 320. 5.27 ¦ 22.16 1243.¦ 32.21 1341.¦ 1277. von Bergen Rita 1976 Wichtrach 54.39,2 19.23,7 (2489) Diplom Video 10-W35 158. 5.27 ¦ 22.37 1416.¦ 32.02 1221.¦ 1278. Riem Claudia 1999 Kiesen 54.39,3 19.23,8 (3244) Diplom Video 10-MB 12. 5.27 ¦ 22.13 1212.¦ 32.26 1373.¦ 1279. Nold Patrizia 1988 Ennenda 54.39,4 19.23,9 (2389) Diplom Video 10-W20 321. 5.27 ¦ 22.42 1453.¦ 31.57 1201.¦ 1280. Joos-Mani Daniela 1971 Trimmis 54.39,5 19.24,0 (2205) Diplom Video 10-W40 213. 5.27 ¦ 22.18 1264.¦ 32.21 1335.¦ 1281. Lustenberger Brigitta 1971 Gross 54.39,9 19.24,4 (2175) Diplom Video 10-W40 214. 5.27 ¦ 22.05 1153.¦ 32.34 1426.¦ 1282. Peters Marlies 1969 Gutenswil 54.40,0 19.24,5 (2588) Diplom Video 10-W40 215. 5.28 ¦ 21.47 1027.¦ 32.52 1551.¦ 1283. Keller Christine 1982 Safenwil 54.40,7 19.25,2 (4261) Diplom Video 10-W30 172. 5.28 ¦ 23.00 1598.¦ 31.39 1096.¦ 1284. Pfeiffer Franziska 1959 Sta. Maria Val Müstair 54.40,9 19.25,4 (2585) Diplom Video 10-W50 91. 5.28 ¦ 22.30 1365.¦ 32.10 1277.¦ 1285. Frieder Nadine 1990 Bern 54.41,4 19.25,9 (6516) Diplom Video 10-W20 322. 5.28 ¦ 23.09 1675.¦ 31.31 1046.¦ 1286. Schildknecht Judtih 1981 St. Gallen 54.42,0 19.26,5 (4567) Diplom Video 10-W30 173. 5.28 ¦ 22.20 1284.¦ 32.21 1342.¦ 1287. Piana-Messerli Caroline 1965 Murten 54.42,2 19.26,7 (2071) Diplom Video 10-W45 187. 5.28 ¦ 22.12 1208.¦ 32.29 1395.¦ 1288. Niederöst Jana 1972 Jegenstorf 54.42,6 19.27,1 (1414) Diplom Video 10-W40 216. 5.28 ¦ 22.00 1120.¦ 32.41 1487.¦ 1289. Pfister Esther 1980 Hauenstein 54.42,8 19.27,3 (2535) Diplom Video 10-W30 174. 5.28 ¦ 21.44 1012.¦ 32.58 1579.¦ 1290. Oertli Christine 1968 Winterthur 54.43,1 19.27,6 (6481) Diplom Video 10-W45 188. 5.28 ¦ 22.43 1462.¦ 31.59 1209.¦ 1290. Schwarzenbach Judith 1970 Wädenswil 54.43,1 19.27,6 (3408) Diplom Video 10-W40 217. 5.28 ¦ 22.49 1512.¦ 31.54 1181.¦ 1292. Fratila Ana-Maria 1967 Buchs AG 54.43,7 19.28,2 (1701) Diplom Video 10-W45 189. 5.28 ¦ 22.06 1160.¦ 32.37 1450.¦ 1292. Kehl Charlotte 1975 St. Gallen 54.43,7 19.28,2 (5645) Diplom Video 10-W35 159. 5.28 ¦ 23.11 1686.¦ 31.32 1052.¦ 1294. Grest Verena 1987 Luzern 54.43,8 19.28,3 (4724) Diplom Video 10-W20 323. 5.28 ¦ 22.39 1439.¦ 32.04 1237.¦ 1295. Herger Martina 1984 Kriens 54.44,3 19.28,8 (5587) Diplom Video 10-W20 324. 5.28 ¦ 22.43 1458.¦ 32.01 1217.¦ 1295. Spichtig Andrea 1991 Kägiswil 54.44,3 19.28,8 (4727) Diplom Video 10-W20 324. 5.28 ¦ 22.27 1338.¦ 32.17 1310.¦ 1297. Gullung Aline 1977 St-Blaise 54.44,7 19.29,2 (4396) Diplom Video 10-W35 160. 5.28 ¦ 22.07 1164.¦ 32.37 1458.¦ 1297. Hegglin Pascale 1993 Kriens 54.44,7 19.29,2 (5192) Diplom Video 10-W20 326. 5.28 ¦ 22.43 1468.¦ 32.01 1214.¦ 1299. Pongelli Luana 1984 Vaglio 54.45,2 19.29,7 (1329) Diplom Video 10-W20 327. 5.28 ¦ 22.05 1155.¦ 32.39 1469.¦ 1300. Edelmann Martina Romana 1986 St. Gallen 54.45,7 19.30,2 (2394) Diplom Video 10-W20 328. 5.28 ¦ 22.38 1421.¦ 32.07 1261.¦ 1300. Schöni Sandra 1985 Bern 54.45,7 19.30,2 (6685) Diplom Video 10-W20 328. 5.28 ¦ 22.49 1522.¦ 31.55 1193.¦ 1302. Besmer Barbara 1979 Sattel 54.45,8 19.30,3 (2607) Diplom Video 10-W30 175. 5.28 ¦ 22.31 1373.¦ 32.14 1295.¦ 1303. Schindler Anna Lea 1996 Chur 54.46,3 19.30,8 (6705) Diplom Video 10-MA 23. 5.28 ¦ 23.13 1708.¦ 31.32 1054.¦ 1304. Bühler Doris 1981 Bern 54.46,4 19.30,9 (2197) Diplom Video 10-W30 176. 5.28 ¦ 21.55 1086.¦ 32.51 1542.¦ 1305. Fontana Alicia 1996 Flims Dorf 54.46,8 19.31,3 (6706) Diplom Video 10-MA 24. 5.28 ¦ 23.13 1702.¦ 31.33 1058.¦ 1305. Lauenstein Chantal 1976 Langnau i. E. 54.46,8 19.31,3 (4209) Diplom Video 10-W35 161. 5.28 ¦ 22.30 1359.¦ 32.16 1307.¦ 1307. Beiner Berta 1951 Heimberg 54.46,9 19.31,4 (2525) Diplom Video 10-W60 20. 5.28 ¦ 22.17 1252.¦ 32.29 1397.¦ 1308. Gisler Rhea 1974 Glarus 54.47,3 19.31,8 (5094) Diplom Video 10-W35 162. 5.28 ¦ 22.57 1569.¦ 31.49 1150.¦ 1308. Jaggi Nelly 1979 Bern 54.47,3 19.31,8 (3532) Diplom Video 10-W30 177. 5.28 ¦ 22.05 1152.¦ 32.42 1490.¦ 1308. Koller Sybille 1969 Oberstocken 54.47,3 19.31,8 (2134) Diplom Video 10-W40 218. 5.28 ¦ 22.01 1123.¦ 32.46 1513.¦ 1308. Wenger Nina 1994 Gündlischwand 54.47,3 19.31,8 (3382) Diplom Video 10-Jun 43. 5.28 ¦ 21.19 859.¦ 33.27 1765.¦ 1312. Leimgruber Manuela 1974 Altbüron 54.47,5 19.32,0 (6625) Diplom Video 10-W35 163. 5.28 ¦ 23.09 1672.¦ 31.38 1086.¦ 1313. Dunford Monica 1979 D-Dossenheim 54.47,9 19.32,4 (5482) Diplom Video 10-W30 178. 5.28 ¦ 22.54 1551.¦ 31.53 1174.¦ 1314. Bicker Katrin 1985 St. Gallen 54.48,0 19.32,5 (4015) Diplom Video 10-W20 330. 5.28 ¦ 23.33 1905.¦ 31.14 945.¦ 1315. Hug Marylin 1987 Hallwil 54.48,1 19.32,6 (6584) Diplom Video 10-W20 331. 5.28 ¦ 23.05 1647.¦ 31.42 1109.¦ 1315. Méchaussie Chloé 1980 F-Ambilly 54.48,1 19.32,6 (2407) Diplom Video 10-W30 179. 5.28 ¦ 22.11 1198.¦ 32.36 1444.¦ 1317. Dumusc Tamara 1987 Villeneuve VD 54.48,3 19.32,8 (2299) Diplom Video 10-W20 332. 5.28 ¦ 22.23 1311.¦ 32.25 1366.¦ 1317. Egolf Deborah 1992 Subingen 54.48,3 19.32,8 (3042) Diplom Video 10-W20 332. 5.28 ¦ 22.38 1426.¦ 32.10 1272.¦ 1319. Meister Franziska 1977 Bern 54.48,5 19.33,0 (5467) Diplom Video 10-W35 164. 5.28 ¦ 23.22 1798.¦ 31.25 1008.¦ 1320. Lanz Simone 1975 Luzern 54.49,3 19.33,8 (2155) Diplom Video 10-W35 165. 5.28 ¦ 22.38 1427.¦ 32.10 1278.¦ 1321. Hess Stephanie 1988 Basel 54.49,6 19.34,1 (3731) Diplom Video 10-W20 334. 5.28 ¦ 22.56 1560.¦ 31.53 1178.¦ 1322. Gollin Elisabeth 1963 Roggwil BE 54.49,8 19.34,3 (2536) Diplom Video 10-W50 92. 5.28 ¦ 22.44 1472.¦ 32.05 1246.¦ 1322. Kobierski Marlene 1981 Olten 54.49,8 19.34,3 (2646) Diplom Video 10-W30 180. 5.28 ¦ 22.23 1316.¦ 32.26 1372.¦ 1324. Maurer Victoria 1984 Solothurn 54.50,0 19.34,5 (6169) Diplom Video 10-W20 335. 5.29 ¦ 24.03 2241.¦ 30.47 812.¦ 1325. Wiedmer Elisabeth 1984 Herrenschwanden 54.50,2 19.34,7 (5329) Diplom Video 10-W20 336. 5.29 ¦ 21.31 920.¦ 33.18 1707.¦ 1326. Cordes Michelle 1970 Schaffhausen 54.50,3 19.34,8 (2209) Diplom Video 10-W40 219. 5.29 ¦ 22.04 1146.¦ 32.45 1511.¦ 1326. Koller Monica 1966 Untersiggenthal 54.50,3 19.34,8 (3246) Diplom Video 10-W45 190. 5.29 ¦ 21.57 1100.¦ 32.53 1557.¦ 1326. Schuler Margreth 1965 Cham 54.50,3 19.34,8 (4730) Diplom Video 10-W45 190. 5.29 ¦ 22.18 1264.¦ 32.32 1412.¦ 1329. Jaberg Margrit 1955 Grindelwald 54.50,4 19.34,9 (2181) Diplom Video 10-W55 35. 5.29 ¦ 22.12 1202.¦ 32.38 1459.¦ 1330. Rohrer Agnes 1954 Menzingen 54.50,6 19.35,1 (2225) Diplom Video 10-W55 36. 5.29 ¦ 22.15 1232.¦ 32.35 1431.¦ 1331. Horath Muriel 1988 Ennetbaden 54.51,3 19.35,8 (4252) Diplom Video 10-W20 337. 5.29 ¦ 22.17 1254.¦ 32.33 1419.¦ 1332. Sigrist Priska 1979 Salmsach 54.51,4 19.35,9 (2107) Diplom Video 10-W30 181. 5.29 ¦ 22.51 1531.¦ 31.59 1208.¦ 1333. Barmet Lise 1964 Menzingen 54.51,6 19.36,1 (2699) Diplom Video 10-W45 192. 5.29 ¦ 22.20 1292.¦ 32.31 1406.¦ 1334. Marti On 1972 Etziken 54.51,8 19.36,3 (3600) Diplom Video 10-W40 220. 5.29 ¦ 22.06 1158.¦ 32.45 1509.¦ 1335. Hänzi Simone 1978 Lauperswil 54.52,1 19.36,6 (3190) Diplom Video 10-W35 166. 5.29 ¦ 21.58 1111.¦ 32.53 1559.¦ 1335. Krienbuehl Beatrice 1966 Sattel 54.52,1 19.36,6 (2612) Diplom Video 10-W45 193. 5.29 ¦ 22.30 1367.¦ 32.21 1335.¦ 1337. Björnsen Claudia 1969 Schlattingen 54.52,3 19.36,8 (2577) Diplom Video 10-W40 221. 5.29 ¦ 22.17 1252.¦ 32.34 1430.¦ 1338. Wiedmer Miriam 1987 Uster 54.52,4 19.36,9 (2721) Diplom Video 10-W20 338. 5.29 ¦ 22.33 1394.¦ 32.18 1320.¦ 1339. Ceriani Sandra 1986 Untersiggenthal 54.52,5 19.37,0 (3231) Diplom Video 10-W20 339. 5.29 ¦ 22.17 1257.¦ 32.34 1428.¦ 1339. Lieberherr Rahel 1989 St. Gallen 54.52,5 19.37,0 (1350) Diplom Video 10-W20 339. 5.29 ¦ 22.16 1236.¦ 32.36 1439.¦ 1341. Tschudi Lea 1985 Bern 54.53,3 19.37,8 (4434) Diplom Video 10-W20 341. 5.29 ¦ 22.22 1302.¦ 32.30 1405.¦ 1342. Böhi Martina 1978 St. Gallen 54.53,5 19.38,0 (3738) Diplom Video 10-W35 167. 5.29 ¦ 21.42 1001.¦ 33.11 1658.¦ 1343. Laczko Sirikit 1982 Zürich 54.53,8 19.38,3 (4306) Diplom Video 10-W30 182. 5.29 ¦ 22.12 1206.¦ 32.41 1477.¦ 1344. Schweizer Isabelle 1987 Biel/Bienne 54.54,2 19.38,7 (4139) Diplom Video 10-W20 342. 5.29 ¦ 22.24 1320.¦ 32.30 1398.¦ 1345. Fournier Florence 1972 Basse-Nendaz 54.54,3 19.38,8 (2238) Diplom Video 10-W40 222. 5.29 ¦ 22.10 1191.¦ 32.44 1502.¦ 1346. Lindauer Eva 1971 Steinen 54.54,4 19.38,9 (3121) Diplom Video 10-W40 223. 5.29 ¦ 22.47 1498.¦ 32.06 1257.¦ 1347. Lauber Julia 1993 Lenk im Simmental 54.54,8 19.39,3 (4701) Diplom Video 10-W20 343. 5.29 ¦ 22.28 1347.¦ 32.26 1377.¦ 1348. Müller Isabelle 1987 Aarau 54.54,9 19.39,4 (4243) Diplom Video 10-W20 344. 5.29 ¦ 23.06 1656.¦ 31.48 1144.¦ 1349. Bosch Diva 1970 Horgen 54.55,3 19.39,8 (3006) Diplom Video 10-W40 224. 5.29 ¦ 20.46 650.¦ 34.08 2030.¦ 1350. Teuffer Anita 1979 Schüpfheim 54.55,5 19.40,0 (3049) Diplom Video 10-W30 183. 5.29 ¦ 23.04 1638.¦ 31.50 1156.¦ 1351. Lüönd Anita 1981 Sattel 54.55,7 19.40,2 (2359) Diplom Video 10-W30 184. 5.29 ¦ 22.18 1261.¦ 32.37 1456.¦ 1352. Niederberger Trudi 1953 Uster 54.56,0 19.40,5 (2232) Diplom Video 10-W60 21. 5.29 ¦ 22.34 1400.¦ 32.21 1338.¦ 1353. Schwaninger Fabienne 1992 Ohringen 54.56,5 19.41,0 (2580) Diplom Video 10-W20 345. 5.29 ¦ 23.03 1620.¦ 31.53 1177.¦ 1354. Giezendanner Brigitt 1983 Ballwil 54.56,6 19.41,1 (4278) Diplom Video 10-W30 185. 5.29 ¦ 22.55 1555.¦ 32.01 1218.¦ 1355. Parolini Léontine 1997 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 54.56,7 19.41,2 (1395) Diplom Video 10-MA 25. 5.29 ¦ 21.52 1061.¦ 33.04 1617.¦ 1356. Brändli Verena 1989 Unterseen 54.57,4 19.41,9 (3599) Diplom Video 10-W20 346. 5.29 ¦ 23.46 2060.¦ 31.10 917.¦ 1356. Liechti Corinne 1977 La Ferrière 54.57,4 19.41,9 (2104) Diplom Video 10-W35 168. 5.29 ¦ 21.57 1100.¦ 33.00 1597.¦ 1358. Holenstein Mirjam, Gähwil 1997 Oberstufe Kirchberg SG 54.58,7 19.43,2 (4387) Diplom Video 10-MA 26. 5.29 ¦ 21.50 1048.¦ 33.08 1646.¦ 1359. Kreimer Maria 1982 Zürich 54.58,8 19.43,3 (3423) Diplom Video 10-W30 186. 5.29 ¦ 22.32 1378.¦ 32.26 1377.¦ 1360. Sutter Monika 1965 Bern 54.59,0 19.43,5 (2027) Diplom Video 10-W45 194. 5.29 ¦ 22.12 1204.¦ 32.46 1518.¦ 1361. Meyer-Wilmes Christel 1964 Münsingen 54.59,1 19.43,6 (2131) Diplom Video 10-W45 195. 5.29 ¦ 22.14 1226.¦ 32.44 1504.¦ 1362. Sonderegger Romy 1988 Wettingen 54.59,3 19.43,8 (6069) Diplom Video 10-W20 347. 5.29 ¦ 24.27 2483.¦ 30.31 740.¦ 1363. Stöckli Lucia 1965 Knutwil 54.59,4 19.43,9 (6380) Diplom Video 10-W45 196. 5.29 ¦ 22.43 1464.¦ 32.16 1305.¦ 1364. Domenig Martina 1964 Chur 54.59,6 19.44,1 (2702) Diplom Video 10-W45 197. 5.29 ¦ 22.06 1162.¦ 32.52 1554.¦ 1365. Knudsen Lotte, Unterägeri 1965 Höllgrotten Harriers 54.59,9 19.44,4 (2473) Diplom Video 10-W45 198. 5.29 ¦ 22.46 1489.¦ 32.13 1293.¦ 1366. Jolidon-Fleury Isabelle 1964 Porrentruy 55.00,1 19.44,6 (6028) Diplom Video 10-W45 199. 5.30 ¦ 22.53 1542.¦ 32.06 1253.¦ 1367. Nicolet Susi 1963 Oftringen 55.00,4 19.44,9 (3104) Diplom Video 10-W50 93. 5.30 ¦ 22.38 1423.¦ 32.22 1349.¦ 1368. Jungo-Stritt Ursula 1961 Düdingen 55.00,5 19.45,0 (3099) Diplom Video 10-W50 94. 5.30 ¦ 23.28 1853.¦ 31.32 1053.¦ 1369. Hari Ellen 1967 Reichenbach im Kandertal 55.00,6 19.45,1 (2330) Diplom Video 10-W45 200. 5.30 ¦ 21.37 963.¦ 33.22 1735.¦ 1370. De Santis Ursula 1959 Ried b. Kerzers 55.01,4 19.45,9 (5499) Diplom Video 10-W50 95. 5.30 ¦ 23.56 2179.¦ 31.04 889.¦ 1371. Rhyn Brigitte 1971 Weinfelden 55.01,9 19.46,4 (3722) Diplom Video 10-W40 225. 5.30 ¦ 22.41 1448.¦ 32.20 1332.¦ 1372. Huser Daniela 1989 Stans 55.02,1 19.46,6 (3195) Diplom Video 10-W20 348. 5.30 ¦ 23.09 1678.¦ 31.52 1164.¦ 1373. Knuesel Beatrice 1975 Rothenburg 55.02,4 19.46,9 (2117) Diplom Video 10-W35 169. 5.30 ¦ 22.09 1190.¦ 32.52 1552.¦ 1374. Bachofner Leila 1975 Spiegel b. Bern 55.02,8 19.47,3 (5628) Diplom Video 10-W35 170. 5.30 ¦ 22.47 1500.¦ 32.15 1297.¦ 1374. Beney Dagmar 1970 Agarn 55.02,8 19.47,3 (2628) Diplom Video 10-W40 226. 5.30 ¦ 22.57 1571.¦ 32.04 1240.¦ 1376. Fedeli Margareta 1962 Spiegel b. Bern 55.03,0 19.47,5 (2067) Diplom Video 10-W50 96. 5.30 ¦ 22.39 1437.¦ 32.23 1354.¦ 1376. Weissbrodt-Seewer Ingrid 1958 Agarn 55.03,0 19.47,5 (2491) Diplom Video 10-W55 37. 5.30 ¦ 22.58 1574.¦ 32.05 1241.¦ 1378. Kalakovic-Moeri Kathrin 1974 Schliern b. Köniz 55.03,6 19.48,1 (3610) Diplom Video 10-W35 171. 5.30 ¦ 22.23 1313.¦ 32.40 1471.¦ 1379. Bircher Sandra 1985 Mägenwil 55.03,7 19.48,2 (2151) Diplom Video 10-W20 349. 5.30 ¦ 21.33 937.¦ 33.29 1785.¦ 1380. Jung Stefanie 1993 Savigny 55.03,8 19.48,3 (4626) Diplom Video 10-W20 350. 5.30 ¦ 23.02 1618.¦ 32.01 1214.¦ 1380. Meier Regula 1973 Einigen 55.03,8 19.48,3 (6487) Diplom Video 10-W40 227. 5.30 ¦ 23.01 1607.¦ 32.02 1221.¦ 1382. Hakulinen Kristina 1986 Zürich 55.04,0 19.48,5 (2706) Diplom Video 10-W20 351. 5.30 ¦ 22.32 1381.¦ 32.31 1409.¦ 1383. Bourquenoud Véronique 1972 La Tour-de-Trême 55.04,2 19.48,7 (2593) Diplom Video 10-W40 228. 5.30 ¦ 22.02 1133.¦ 33.01 1604.¦ 1383. Flury Petra 1971 Ballwil 55.04,2 19.48,7 (4277) Diplom Video 10-W40 228. 5.30 ¦ 22.17 1249.¦ 32.47 1524.¦ 1385. Würmli Barbara 1971 Wolfhausen 55.04,3 19.48,8 (4352) Diplom Video 10-W40 230. 5.30 ¦ 22.22 1309.¦ 32.41 1481.¦ 1386. Isenschmid Obrist Barbara 1965 Niederscherli 55.04,5 19.49,0 (2422) Diplom Video 10-W45 201. 5.30 ¦ 22.40 1443.¦ 32.24 1360.¦ 1387. Stampfli Nadja 1976 Zürich 55.04,6 19.49,1 (2368) Diplom Video 10-W35 172. 5.30 ¦ 22.11 1200.¦ 32.53 1556.¦ 1388. Zeder Susanne 1963 Dintikon 55.04,7 19.49,2 (3124) Diplom Video 10-W50 97. 5.30 ¦ 22.52 1534.¦ 32.12 1287.¦ 1389. Janes Chanel 1996 Stans 55.04,8 19.49,3 (2504) Diplom Video 10-MA 27. 5.30 ¦ 22.58 1578.¦ 32.06 1252.¦ 1390. Fankhauser Ilona 1992 Seftigen 55.05,1 19.49,6 (6591) Diplom Video 10-W20 352. 5.30 ¦ 22.56 1560.¦ 32.09 1266.¦ 1391. Abplanalp Esther 1963 Bern 55.05,2 19.49,7 (2252) Diplom Video 10-W50 98. 5.30 ¦ 21.13 823.¦ 33.52 1922.¦ 1391. Bufe Katharina 1980 Bern 55.05,2 19.49,7 (2441) Diplom Video 10-W30 187. 5.30 ¦ 21.38 967.¦ 33.26 1758.¦ 1393. Meyer Simone 1988 Luzern 55.05,3 19.49,8 (2139) Diplom Video 10-W20 353. 5.30 ¦ 22.31 1371.¦ 32.34 1421.¦ 1394. Bürki Garavaldi Monica 1973 Stäfa 55.05,5 19.50,0 (2387) Diplom Video 10-W40 231. 5.30 ¦ 23.26 1825.¦ 31.39 1093.¦ 1395. Spoerri Klara 1957 Zürich 55.05,6 19.50,1 (2126) Diplom Video 10-W55 38. 5.30 ¦ 22.41 1449.¦ 32.24 1360.¦ 1396. Gugler Anne-Christine 1972 Echallens 55.05,9 19.50,4 (2285) Diplom Video 10-W40 232. 5.30 ¦ 21.53 1064.¦ 33.12 1672.¦ 1397. Allenbach Stephanie 1983 Glis 55.06,1 19.50,6 (5575) Diplom Video 10-W30 188. 5.30 ¦ 24.26 2474.¦ 30.39 786.¦ 1398. Cahenzli Sabine 1971 Küssnacht am Rigi 55.06,2 19.50,7 (2159) Diplom Video 10-W40 233. 5.30 ¦ 22.09 1185.¦ 32.56 1576.¦ 1398. Caspers Corinna 1984 Steffisburg 55.06,2 19.50,7 (2681) Diplom Video 10-W20 354. 5.30 ¦ 21.50 1053.¦ 33.15 1693.¦ 1400. Kistler Tanja 1977 Horgen 55.06,6 19.51,1 (4619) Diplom Video 10-W35 173. 5.30 ¦ 22.49 1516.¦ 32.17 1312.¦ 1401. Affolter Esther 1984 Solothurn 55.07,2 19.51,7 (3025) Diplom Video 10-W20 355. 5.30 ¦ 22.13 1213.¦ 32.54 1563.¦ 1402. Blumenthal Anja 1990 Dietikon 55.07,5 19.52,0 (4563) Diplom Video 10-W20 356. 5.30 ¦ 22.17 1254.¦ 32.50 1534.¦ 1402. Felder Doris 1989 Biberist 55.07,5 19.52,0 (2534) Diplom Video 10-W20 356. 5.30 ¦ 21.42 998.¦ 33.25 1753.¦ 1404. Gasser Mirjam 1980 Kerns 55.07,9 19.52,4 (3510) Diplom Video 10-W30 189. 5.30 ¦ 23.14 1711.¦ 31.53 1179.¦ 1405. Dähler Sabine 1970 Nottwil 55.08,8 19.53,3 (2141) Diplom Video 10-W40 234. 5.30 ¦ 21.46 1025.¦ 33.21 1731.¦ 1405. Tobler Annelies 1960 Basel 55.08,8 19.53,3 (2241) Diplom Video 10-W50 99. 5.30 ¦ 22.43 1467.¦ 32.25 1369.¦ 1407. Bärtschi Beatrice 1978 Zäziwil 55.09,7 19.54,2 (4207) Diplom Video 10-W35 174. 5.30 ¦ 22.39 1434.¦ 32.30 1400.¦ 1407. Bieri Silvia 1965 Schangnau 55.09,7 19.54,2 (3580) Diplom Video 10-W45 202. 5.30 ¦ 23.14 1718.¦ 31.54 1185.¦ 1409. Mailänder Elisabeth 1967 Zürich 55.09,8 19.54,3 (4312) Diplom Video 10-W45 203. 5.30 ¦ 23.45 2052.¦ 31.24 1003.¦ 1410. Bezemer Sandra 1962 Mels 55.10,1 19.54,6 (2217) Diplom Video 10-W50 100. 5.31 ¦ 22.47 1496.¦ 32.23 1353.¦ 1411. Nötzli Annina 1990 Liebefeld 55.11,0 19.55,5 (4465) Diplom Video 10-W20 358. 5.31 ¦ 23.31 1888.¦ 31.39 1094.¦ 1412. Bucher Sandra 1970 Lyss 55.11,6 19.56,1 (2199) Diplom Video 10-W40 235. 5.31 ¦ 22.09 1182.¦ 33.02 1606.¦ 1413. Farron Chloé 1988 Lausanne 55.12,3 19.56,8 (3739) Diplom Video 10-W20 359. 5.31 ¦ 22.30 1359.¦ 32.42 1490.¦ 1414. Urfer Ursula 1966 Kirchdorf BE 55.12,5 19.57,0 (3419) Diplom Video 10-W45 204. 5.31 ¦ 22.24 1323.¦ 32.47 1526.¦ 1415. Farron Consuelo 1960 Lausanne 55.12,6 19.57,1 (4480) Diplom Video 10-W50 101. 5.31 ¦ 22.30 1357.¦ 32.42 1495.¦ 1415. Nussbaum Erika 1967 Bowil 55.12,6 19.57,1 (2488) Diplom Video 10-W45 205. 5.31 ¦ 22.47 1499.¦ 32.24 1363.¦ 1415. Schlegel Regula 1972 Chur 55.12,6 19.57,1 (2704) Diplom Video 10-W40 236. 5.31 ¦ 22.35 1404.¦ 32.37 1453.¦ 1418. Herger Esther 1977 Altdorf UR 55.13,1 19.57,6 (2363) Diplom Video 10-W35 175. 5.31 ¦ 22.37 1418.¦ 32.35 1432.¦ 1419. Wyss Stefanie 1995 Bern 55.13,4 19.57,9 (4167) Diplom Video 10-Jun 44. 5.31 ¦ 22.51 1528.¦ 32.22 1345.¦ 1420. Roth Teresa 1970 Gwatt (Thun) 55.13,6 19.58,1 (3021) Diplom Video 10-W40 237. 5.31 ¦ 22.02 1136.¦ 33.10 1656.¦ 1421. Hofert Pia 1969 D-Radolfzell 55.14,0 19.58,5 (2405) Diplom Video 10-W40 238. 5.31 ¦ 22.27 1338.¦ 32.46 1521.¦ 1422. Fiore Therese 1960 Gais 55.14,4 19.58,9 (2177) Diplom Video 10-W50 102. 5.31 ¦ 22.19 1273.¦ 32.55 1570.¦ 1423. Galliker Suzanne 1963 Ballwil 55.15,0 19.59,5 (2249) Diplom Video 10-W50 103. 5.31 ¦ 22.24 1320.¦ 32.50 1541.¦ 1424. Friedli Pascale 1981 Basel 55.15,5 20.00,0 (2688) Diplom Video 10-W30 190. 5.31 ¦ 22.29 1354.¦ 32.45 1512.¦ 1425. Uhlmann Margreth 1956 Schliern b. Köniz 55.15,6 20.00,1 (2623) Diplom Video 10-W55 39. 5.31 ¦ 22.09 1185.¦ 33.05 1629.¦ 1426. Albisser Chantal 1967 Niederbipp 55.16,0 20.00,5 (2696) Diplom Video 10-W45 206. 5.31 ¦ 22.11 1197.¦ 33.04 1624.¦ 1427. Brändli Viola 1970 Niederhasli 55.16,1 20.00,6 (5213) Diplom Video 10-W40 239. 5.31 ¦ 22.45 1485.¦ 32.30 1402.¦ 1428. Lüchinger Nicole 1985 Freiburg 55.16,3 20.00,8 (4571) Diplom Video 10-W20 360. 5.31 ¦ 23.49 2101.¦ 31.27 1015.¦ 1429. Berger Joelle 1984 Basel 55.16,6 20.01,1 (3712) Diplom Video 10-W20 361. 5.31 ¦ 23.31 1884.¦ 31.45 1127.¦ 1430. Wullschleger Flavia 1984 Herzogenbuchsee 55.17,5 20.02,0 (6691) Diplom Video 10-W20 362. 5.31 ¦ 22.13 1215.¦ 33.04 1620.¦ 1431. Greindl Alexia 1971 Lausanne 55.17,8 20.02,3 (3542) Diplom Video 10-W40 240. 5.31 ¦ 23.12 1697.¦ 32.05 1244.¦ 1431. Viragh Stutz Andréa 1961 Chambrelien 55.17,8 20.02,3 (6509) Diplom Video 10-W50 104. 5.31 ¦ 22.56 1565.¦ 32.21 1335.¦ 1433. Moser Barbara 1982 Dübendorf 55.18,1 20.02,6 (5221) Diplom Video 10-W30 191. 5.31 ¦ 23.50 2122.¦ 31.27 1018.¦ 1434. Nick Jolanda 1990 Wil SG 55.18,3 20.02,8 (2218) Diplom Video 10-W20 363. 5.31 ¦ 22.39 1435.¦ 32.38 1464.¦ 1434. Schmidt Natalie 1969 Rombach 55.18,3 20.02,8 (2346) Diplom Video 10-W40 241. 5.31 ¦ 22.39 1433.¦ 32.39 1466.¦ 1436. Walt Branislava 1952 Bern 55.18,8 20.03,3 (3009) Diplom Video 10-W60 22. 5.31 ¦ 22.25 1329.¦ 32.52 1554.¦ 1437. Gottwald Friederike 1968 Bern 55.18,9 20.03,4 (3515) Diplom Video 10-W45 207. 5.31 ¦ 21.55 1084.¦ 33.23 1738.¦ 1438. Keller Denise 1986 Bottighofen 55.19,1 20.03,6 (6560) Diplom Video 10-W20 364. 5.31 ¦ 23.39 1971.¦ 31.40 1097.¦ 1438. Rohner-Bläuenstein Janine 1978 Olten 55.19,1 20.03,6 (4519) Diplom Video 10-W35 176. 5.31 ¦ 22.23 1311.¦ 32.55 1572.¦ 1440. Grande Lenka 1981 Münchenbuchsee 55.19,4 20.03,9 (4675) Diplom Video 10-W30 192. 5.31 ¦ 23.44 2043.¦ 31.35 1065.¦ 1441. Huggler Kristina 1977 Münsingen 55.19,5 20.04,0 (2319) Diplom Video 10-W35 177. 5.31 ¦ 22.48 1505.¦ 32.31 1406.¦ 1441. Keller Marceline 1957 Waldstatt 55.19,5 20.04,0 (2231) Diplom Video 10-W55 40. 5.31 ¦ 22.20 1284.¦ 32.59 1588.¦ 1443. Burkart Déborah 1969 Zürich 55.19,6 20.04,1 (5268) Diplom Video 10-W40 242. 5.31 ¦ 22.28 1351.¦ 32.50 1538.¦ 1444. Rothfuchs Lena Julia 1984 Zürich 55.19,7 20.04,2 (2736) Diplom Video 10-W20 365. 5.31 ¦ 23.04 1628.¦ 32.15 1301.¦ 1445. Mäder Annina 1983 Bern 55.19,8 20.04,3 (3480) Diplom Video 10-W30 193. 5.31 ¦ 22.17 1258.¦ 33.01 1605.¦ 1446. De Luca Diana 1985 Lausanne 55.19,9 20.04,4 (4624) Diplom Video 10-W20 366. 5.31 ¦ 22.42 1457.¦ 32.37 1447.¦ 1447. Marchon-Bochud Catherine 1967 Farvagny 55.20,6 20.05,1 (2440) Diplom Video 10-W45 208. 5.32 ¦ 22.33 1393.¦ 32.46 1521.¦ 1448. von Graffenried Monique 1975 Bern 55.21,6 20.06,1 (4155) Diplom Video 10-W35 178. 5.32 ¦ 22.47 1500.¦ 32.33 1419.¦ 1449. Rütsche Irène 1964 Niederuzwil 55.22,7 20.07,2 (3505) Diplom Video 10-W45 209. 5.32 ¦ 22.22 1304.¦ 33.00 1595.¦ 1450. Ringger Marianne 1970 Langnau am Albis 55.22,8 20.07,3 (5372) Diplom Video 10-W40 243. 5.32 ¦ 23.04 1628.¦ 32.18 1320.¦ 1451. Di Marco Corinne 1966 Aigle 55.23,4 20.07,9 (2731) Diplom Video 10-W45 210. 5.32 ¦ 22.18 1264.¦ 33.05 1625.¦ 1451. Neuenschwander Carmen 1975 Belp 55.23,4 20.07,9 (3069) Diplom Video 10-W35 179. 5.32 ¦ 21.49 1039.¦ 33.34 1808.¦ 1451. Rohrer Marion 1992 Rorschach 55.23,4 20.07,9 (5347) Diplom Video 10-W20 367. 5.32 ¦ 23.48 2092.¦ 31.34 1063.¦ 1454. Tanner Ramona 1986 Luzern 55.23,5 20.08,0 (6074) Diplom Video 10-W20 368. 5.32 ¦ 22.24 1318.¦ 32.59 1589.¦ 1455. Kallen Annarös 1958 Boltigen 55.23,6 20.08,1 (2135) Diplom Video 10-W55 41. 5.32 ¦ 22.33 1389.¦ 32.50 1534.¦ 1456. Kraaz Alice 1990 Zürich 55.23,9 20.08,4 (6135) Diplom Video 10-W20 369. 5.32 ¦ 22.58 1582.¦ 32.25 1366.¦ 1457. Burri Dominique 1980 Niederweningen 55.25,5 20.10,0 (3468) Diplom Video 10-W30 194. 5.32 ¦ 23.09 1675.¦ 32.15 1304.¦ 1458. Kaderli Silvia 1969 Häusernmoos im Emmental 55.26,5 20.11,0 (4075) Diplom Video 10-W40 244. 5.32 ¦ 23.39 1973.¦ 31.47 1138.¦ 1459. von Arx Beatrice 1991 Ittigen 55.26,6 20.11,1 (6282) Diplom Video 10-W20 370. 5.32 ¦ 23.41 2001.¦ 31.45 1125.¦ 1459. Wicky Jacqueline 1971 Birsfelden 55.26,6 20.11,1 (3217) Diplom Video 10-W40 245. 5.32 ¦ 23.31 1891.¦ 31.55 1188.¦ 1461. Koller Astrid 1976 Luzern 55.27,2 20.11,7 (6624) Diplom Video 10-W35 180. 5.32 ¦ 23.08 1667.¦ 32.19 1326.¦ 1462. Kaufmann Helen 1982 Interlaken 55.27,5 20.12,0 (1661) Diplom Video 10-W30 195. 5.32 ¦ 21.37 961.¦ 33.49 1907.¦ 1463. Albisser Eliane 1992 Ruswil 55.27,6 20.12,1 (4269) Diplom Video 10-W20 371. 5.32 ¦ 22.40 1446.¦ 32.46 1521.¦ 1464. Vetsch Gabi 1964 Zimmerwald 55.27,8 20.12,3 (4181) Diplom Video 10-W45 211. 5.32 ¦ 22.33 1389.¦ 32.54 1565.¦ 1465. Iseli-Röthlisberger Eveline 1982 Bern 55.28,4 20.12,9 (3410) Diplom Video 10-W30 196. 5.32 ¦ 22.51 1533.¦ 32.36 1439.¦ 1466. Jaschouz Luciana 1963 Gross 55.29,4 20.13,9 (2550) Diplom Video 10-W50 105. 5.32 ¦ 22.21 1293.¦ 33.08 1642.¦ 1467. Käser-Käsermann Fanny 1959 Heitenried 55.29,6 20.14,1 (2635) Diplom Video 10-W50 106. 5.32 ¦ 22.36 1415.¦ 32.52 1553.¦ 1467. Zimmermann Karin 1979 Bülach 55.29,6 20.14,1 (2543) Diplom Video 10-W30 197. 5.32 ¦ 22.17 1248.¦ 33.12 1671.¦ 1469. Kull Franziska 1986 Langnau i. E. 55.29,7 20.14,2 (6529) Diplom Video 10-W20 372. 5.32 ¦ 23.22 1791.¦ 32.07 1260.¦ 1470. Seefelder Walburga 1976 Grandvaux 55.30,4 20.14,9 (3029) Diplom Video 10-W35 181. 5.33 ¦ 22.54 1545.¦ 32.36 1435.¦ 1471. Rubi Annette 1971 Bern 55.30,5 20.15,0 (3164) Diplom Video 10-W40 246. 5.33 ¦ 22.01 1122.¦ 33.29 1780.¦ 1472. Probst Schilter Carole 1979 Lindau 55.31,0 20.15,5 (3674) Diplom Video 10-W30 198. 5.33 ¦ 22.47 1500.¦ 32.43 1499.¦ 1473. Christen Barbara 1980 Chur 55.31,2 20.15,7 (3584) Diplom Video 10-W30 199. 5.33 ¦ 23.41 1997.¦ 31.50 1153.¦ 1474. Pfeiffer Tanja 1985 St. Gallen 55.31,9 20.16,4 (3319) Diplom Video 10-W20 373. 5.33 ¦ 23.05 1641.¦ 32.26 1377.¦ 1475. Neuenschwander Marianne 1959 Avry-sur-Matran 55.32,0 20.16,5 (2274) Diplom Video 10-W50 107. 5.33 ¦ 22.54 1554.¦ 32.37 1447.¦ 1476. Caderas Nathalie 1990 Nänikon 55.32,1 20.16,6 (3404) Diplom Video 10-W20 374. 5.33 ¦ 22.45 1481.¦ 32.46 1518.¦ 1477. Schmid Lorena 1985 Holziken 55.32,2 20.16,7 (4005) Diplom Video 10-W20 375. 5.33 ¦ 23.28 1855.¦ 32.03 1234.¦ 1478. Häni Monika 1981 Lachen SZ 55.32,6 20.17,1 (3687) Diplom Video 10-W30 200. 5.33 ¦ 21.53 1068.¦ 33.39 1837.¦ 1479. Eich Corinne 1985 Neuenegg 55.32,7 20.17,2 (2675) Diplom Video 10-W20 376. 5.33 ¦ 22.28 1348.¦ 33.04 1617.¦ 1480. Suter Therese 1975 Biberist 55.32,8 20.17,3 (3281) Diplom Video 10-W35 182. 5.33 ¦ 23.05 1648.¦ 32.27 1382.¦ 1481. Fabel Monika 1959 Buchrain 55.33,0 20.17,5 (3125) Diplom Video 10-W50 108. 5.33 ¦ 22.28 1351.¦ 33.04 1617.¦ 1482. Repond Natalie 1982 Madiswil 55.33,1 20.17,6 (3464) Diplom Video 10-W30 201. 5.33 ¦ 22.21 1294.¦ 33.11 1666.¦ 1483. Hari Yvonne 1988 Bern 55.33,7 20.18,2 (2309) Diplom Video 10-W20 377. 5.33 ¦ 22.44 1472.¦ 32.49 1530.¦ 1484. Müller Sonja 1955 Ipsach 55.34,4 20.18,9 (2254) Diplom Video 10-W55 42. 5.33 ¦ 22.55 1555.¦ 32.39 1467.¦ 1485. Thonney Fabienne 1976 Chexbres 55.34,5 20.19,0 (2652) Diplom Video 10-W35 183. 5.33 ¦ 23.17 1743.¦ 32.17 1310.¦ 1486. Sabatini Linda 1977 Cagiallo 55.34,6 20.19,1 (2599) Diplom Video 10-W35 184. 5.33 ¦ 22.31 1371.¦ 33.03 1613.¦ 1487. Homberger Gisela 1969 Speicherschwendi 55.35,2 20.19,7 (2396) Diplom Video 10-W40 247. 5.33 ¦ 21.48 1032.¦ 33.46 1882.¦ 1488. Herzig Martina 1979 Luzern 55.35,5 20.20,0 (2445) Diplom Video 10-W30 202. 5.33 ¦ 22.35 1408.¦ 32.59 1590.¦ 1489. Berset Sophie 1980 Zuzwil SG 55.35,7 20.20,2 (2498) Diplom Video 10-W30 203. 5.33 ¦ 22.54 1544.¦ 32.41 1483.¦ 1490. Vonderach Janine 1969 Kleindöttingen 55.36,0 20.20,5 (2005) Diplom Video 10-W40 248. 5.33 ¦ 23.01 1607.¦ 32.34 1424.¦ 1491. Monn Matilda 1959 Igis 55.36,3 20.20,8 (2053) Diplom Video 10-W50 109. 5.33 ¦ 22.17 1256.¦ 33.18 1712.¦ 1492. Hübscher Petronella 1969 Kappelen 55.36,5 20.21,0 (2265) Diplom Video 10-W40 249. 5.33 ¦ 22.09 1179.¦ 33.27 1763.¦ 1493. Rüegg Beatrice 1967 Rüti ZH 55.36,6 20.21,1 (2548) Diplom Video 10-W45 212. 5.33 ¦ 22.44 1475.¦ 32.51 1545.¦ 1493. Zingg Alexandra 1975 Busswil 55.36,6 20.21,1 (2070) Diplom Video 10-W35 185. 5.33 ¦ 21.57 1100.¦ 33.39 1840.¦ 1495. Medici Patrizia 1961 Adligenswil 55.37,0 20.21,5 (5515) Diplom Video 10-W50 110. 5.33 ¦ 23.03 1622.¦ 32.33 1415.¦ 1495. Tinner Yvonne 1971 Kirchberg SG 55.37,0 20.21,5 (3588) Diplom Video 10-W40 250. 5.33 ¦ 22.35 1407.¦ 33.01 1601.¦ 1497. Margot Heike 1985 Zürich 55.37,3 20.21,8 (2713) Diplom Video 10-W20 378. 5.33 ¦ 23.00 1598.¦ 32.36 1439.¦ 1498. Specker-Scherrer Ruth 1978 Niederwil SG 55.38,0 20.22,5 (3306) Diplom Video 10-W35 186. 5.33 ¦ 22.09 1185.¦ 33.28 1769.¦ 1499. Christen Verena 1963 Niederhünigen 55.38,1 20.22,6 (2220) Diplom Video 10-W50 111. 5.33 ¦ 22.36 1412.¦ 33.01 1603.¦ 1500. Jenni Fabienne 1984 Zürich 55.38,4 20.22,9 (4737) Diplom Video 10-W20 379. 5.33 ¦ 24.14 2350.¦ 31.24 1002.¦

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