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(14) W65 Frauen 5km

Schweizer Frauenlauf, Bern 2013 - (14) W65 Frauen 5km

Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ort Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Graf Monika 1948 Bütschwil 22.59,0 ----- (21308) Diplom Video 5km 250. 4.35 ¦ 2. Ferrari Silvana 1947 Couvet 24.17,6 1.18,6 (21114) Diplom Video 5km 475. 4.51 ¦ 3. Milani Rita 1947 Dietikon 25.01,1 2.02,1 (21295) Diplom Video 5km 670. 5.00 ¦ 4. Knecht-Imhof Ursula 1948 Heimenschwand 25.33,0 2.34,0 (22023) Diplom Video 5km 812. 5.06 ¦ 5. Zahler Jeannette 1944 Bern 27.36,0 4.37,0 (24022) Diplom Video 5km 1743. 5.31 ¦ 6. Hauser Barbara 1946 Männedorf 28.05,9 5.06,9 (25017) Diplom Video 5km 2062. 5.37 ¦ 7. Schnyder Rita 1947 Bonstetten 28.15,4 5.16,4 (24520) Diplom Video 5km 2173. 5.39 ¦ 8. Andermatt Bertha 1944 Baar 28.23,8 5.24,8 (25088) Diplom Video 5km 2268. 5.40 ¦ 9. Wiederkehr Beatrice 1947 Thun 28.24,0 5.25,0 (23216) Diplom Video 5km 2271. 5.40 ¦ 10. Waldvogel Kaethy 1946 Evilard 28.36,4 5.37,4 (24170) Diplom Video 5km 2414. 5.43 ¦ 11. Burri Marianne 1946 Kappelen 29.04,0 6.05,0 (25467) Diplom Video 5km 2693. 5.48 ¦ 12. Wullschleger Rosmarie 1948 Buckten 29.23,4 6.24,4 (26394) Diplom Video 5km 2913. 5.52 ¦ 13. Schlunegger Erika 1947 Davos Dorf 29.34,0 6.35,0 (27038) Diplom Video 5km 3063. 5.54 ¦ 14. Aebi Agnes 1946 Oberwil-Lieli 29.45,7 6.46,7 (25084) Diplom Video 5km 3188. 5.57 ¦ 15. Stauffer Anne-Marie 1944 La Chaux-de-Fonds 29.51,1 6.52,1 (26029) Diplom Video 5km 3269. 5.58 ¦ 16. von Arx Raija 1945 Obergösgen 29.53,1 6.54,1 (24119) Diplom Video 5km 3293. 5.58 ¦ 17. Werlen Therese 1948 Saas Fee 29.56,4 6.57,4 (26016) Diplom Video 5km 3336. 5.59 ¦ 18. Brügger Anita 1947 Thun 30.08,3 7.09,3 (25124) Diplom Video 5km 3474. 6.01 ¦ 19. Haldimann Elisabeth 1947 Worb 30.29,0 7.30,0 (30152) Diplom Video 5km 3694. 6.05 ¦ 20. Mathys Katrin 1945 Würenlos 30.36,7 7.37,7 (24470) Diplom Video 5km 3762. 6.07 ¦ 21. Feuz Heidi 1947 Lauterbrunnen 30.42,0 7.43,0 (26382) Diplom Video 5km 3818. 6.08 ¦ 22. Schibli Therese 1948 Fislisbach 30.42,1 7.43,1 (29100) Diplom Video 5km 3822. 6.08 ¦ 23. Leuenberger Regina 1948 Dürrenroth 31.13,6 8.14,6 (25021) Diplom Video 5km 4161. 6.14 ¦ 24. Pasini-Kaiser Claire 1946 Jona 31.14,3 8.15,3 (26388) Diplom Video 5km 4170. 6.14 ¦ 25. Hofmann Anna 1948 Mörigen 31.32,4 8.33,4 (28184) Diplom Video 5km 4342. 6.18 ¦ 26. Arpagaus Christina 1947 Zürich 31.36,5 8.37,5 (28191) Diplom Video 5km 4381. 6.19 ¦ 27. Frei Anna Dora 1948 Frauenfeld 31.52,2 8.53,2 (29165) Diplom Video 5km 4555. 6.22 ¦ 28. Grimm Elisabeth 1947 Borex 31.54,2 8.55,2 (31249) Diplom Video 5km 4571. 6.22 ¦ 29. Oberli Trudi 1946 Steffisburg 32.11,7 9.12,7 (29069) Diplom Video 5km 4739. 6.26 ¦ 30. Cruz Madeleine 1947 Kreuzlingen 32.40,6 9.41,6 (29360) Diplom Video 5km 4997. 6.32 ¦ 31. Künsch Ursula 1947 Winterthur 32.43,4 9.44,4 (30520) Diplom Video 5km 5020. 6.32 ¦ 32. Dumermuth Therese 1948 Unterlangenegg 32.48,5 9.49,5 (23024) Diplom Video 5km 5060. 6.33 ¦ 33. Jeitziner Bernadette 1944 Naters 32.52,7 9.53,7 (26241) Diplom Video 5km 5095. 6.34 ¦ 34. Vitalyos Annamaria 1947 Colombier NE 32.55,9 9.56,9 (28161) Diplom Video 5km 5115. 6.35 ¦ 35. Berger Marianne 1946 Rüfenacht BE 33.32,6 10.33,6 (30654) Diplom Video 5km 5421. 6.42 ¦ 36. Loeber-Erni Beatrice 1946 Thalwil 33.33,4 10.34,4 (31558) Diplom Video 5km 5425. 6.42 ¦ 37. Funk Gertrud Judith 1947 Zollikofen 33.36,4 10.37,4 (29219) Diplom Video 5km 5447. 6.43 ¦ 37. Jobin-Howald Ursula 1948 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 33.36,4 10.37,4 (31408) Diplom Video 5km 5447. 6.43 ¦ 39. Armbruster Edith 1945 Stäfa 33.52,8 10.53,8 (31140) Diplom Video 5km 5569. 6.46 ¦ 40. Frigg Annemarie 1946 Weesen 33.53,1 10.54,1 (29119) Diplom Video 5km 5572. 6.46 ¦ 41. Gafner Josiane 1948 Neuchâtel 34.10,3 11.11,3 (30178) Diplom Video 5km 5665. 6.50 ¦ 42. Weiss-Lemmens Marie-José 1946 Bolligen 34.26,6 11.27,6 (30036) Diplom Video 5km 5755. 6.53 ¦ 43. Dinichert Annelise 1945 Rüfenacht BE 34.27,4 11.28,4 (28550) Diplom Video 5km 5758. 6.53 ¦ 44. Kopp Rita 1944 Fislisbach 34.34,7 11.35,7 (26311) Diplom Video 5km 5811. 6.54 ¦ 45. Eschmann Fierz Ruth 1948 Wädenswil 35.15,9 12.16,9 (30416) Diplom Video 5km 6037. 7.03 ¦ 46. Viaccoz Karin 1945 Ecoteaux 35.16,3 12.17,3 (33212) Diplom Video 5km 6038. 7.03 ¦ 47. Carme Andree 1945 Genève 36.13,1 13.14,1 (31207) Diplom Video 5km 6300. 7.14 ¦ 48. Burri Maegi 1947 Buochs 36.18,7 13.19,7 (32248) Diplom Video 5km 6315. 7.15 ¦ 49. Brunschwig Suzanne 1946 Saint-Legier 36.40,2 13.41,2 (31118) Diplom Video 5km 6390. 7.20 ¦ 50. Schatzmann Lotty 1945 Wettingen 36.46,4 13.47,4 (31076) Diplom Video 5km 6421. 7.21 ¦ 51. Roulin Myriam 1947 Treyvaux 36.47,4 13.48,4 (31376) Diplom Video 5km 6424. 7.21 ¦ 52. Baumeler Megha 1947 Pfungen 37.11,0 14.12,0 (32164) Diplom Video 5km 6464. 7.26 ¦ 53. Hume Wendy 1948 Stechelberg 37.43,5 14.44,5 (28330) Diplom Video 5km 6534. 7.32 ¦ 54. Zanoletti Doris 1947 Mönchaltorf 38.14,1 15.15,1 (33279) Diplom Video 5km 6591. 7.38 ¦ 55. Rossacher Armandine 1946 Susten 38.31,0 15.32,0 (31240) Diplom Video 5km 6626. 7.42 ¦ 56. Kossakowski Renate 1947 D-Konstanz 38.54,2 15.55,2 (31246) Diplom Video 5km 6662. 7.46 ¦ 57. Dellenbach Margrit 1945 Büren an der Aare 39.02,2 16.03,2 (31244) Diplom Video 5km 6671. 7.48 ¦ 58. Fehr Doris 1948 Schaffhausen 39.33,0 16.34,0 (34323) Diplom Video 5km 6706. 7.54 ¦ 59. Meili Elisabeth 1946 Hettlingen 39.42,0 16.43,0 (34290) Diplom Video 5km 6721. 7.56 ¦ 60. Brunner Lia 1947 Jona 40.05,9 17.06,9 (28332) Diplom Video 5km 6739. 8.01 ¦ 61. Haug Susanne 1946 Weiningen ZH 40.27,9 17.28,9 (30318) Diplom Video 5km 6753. 8.05 ¦ 62. Büttikofer Elsbeth 1948 Ittigen 41.05,9 18.06,9 (32004) Diplom Video 5km 6775. 8.13 ¦ 63. Czekalla Claire 1946 Hergiswil NW 41.15,0 18.16,0 (32025) Diplom Video 5km 6781. 8.15 ¦ 64. Trindler Ursula 1947 Volketswil 41.40,6 18.41,6 (33161) Diplom Video 5km 6794. 8.20 ¦ OUT Spreng Troller Elisabeth 1945 Basel 26.40,8 aus.Konk. (34051) Video 5km 5.20 ¦

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