Schweizer Frauenlauf, Bern 2012 - (110) W45 Frauen 10km
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ¦ Runde 1 ¦ Runde 2 ¦ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Etter-Quabeck Karin 1964 Ins 41.00,0 ----- (1009) Diplom Video 10km 29. 4.06 ¦ 16.26 1.¦ 24.34 1.¦ 2. Gähwiler Liselotte 1964 Lütisburg 42.51,9 1.51,9 (1549) Diplom Video 10km 57. 4.17 ¦ 17.30 3.¦ 25.21 2.¦ 3. Zisch Corinne 1964 Zürich 43.22,5 2.22,5 (1027) Diplom Video 10km 74. 4.20 ¦ 17.44 5.¦ 25.37 3.¦ 4. Vangehr Nadia 1966 Jona 43.33,6 2.33,6 (1040) Diplom Video 10km 79. 4.21 ¦ 17.26 2.¦ 26.07 8.¦ 5. Schiesser Elisabeth 1964 Mühleberg 43.37,9 2.37,9 (1559) Diplom Video 10km 80. 4.21 ¦ 17.46 6.¦ 25.51 4.¦ 6. Schärer Silvia 1967 Wisen SO 43.47,5 2.47,5 (1024) Diplom Video 10km 82. 4.22 ¦ 17.43 4.¦ 26.03 7.¦ 7. Remington Chelsey 1967 Basel 44.08,7 3.08,7 (1092) Diplom Video 10km 97. 4.24 ¦ 18.06 9.¦ 26.02 6.¦ 8. Hottinger Nicole 1967 Volketswil 44.09,1 3.09,1 (1085) Diplom Video 10km 98. 4.24 ¦ 18.08 10.¦ 26.01 5.¦ 9. Blanchard Corinne 1967 Leysin 44.28,0 3.28,0 (1051) Diplom Video 10km 111. 4.26 ¦ 17.54 7.¦ 26.33 10.¦ 10. Nussli Beatrice 1966 Burgdorf 44.41,7 3.41,7 (1105) Diplom Video 10km 117. 4.28 ¦ 17.59 8.¦ 26.42 11.¦ 11. Hayoz Catherine 1965 Neyruz FR 44.46,5 3.46,5 (1437) Diplom Video 10km 120. 4.28 ¦ 18.21 12.¦ 26.25 9.¦ 12. Köstner-Mösching Sibylle 1964 Neuenegg 45.21,9 4.21,9 (1068) Diplom Video 10km 147. 4.32 ¦ 18.18 11.¦ 27.03 13.¦ 13. Helfenstein Regina 1963 Dürrenäsch 45.37,2 4.37,2 (1079) Diplom Video 10km 158. 4.33 ¦ 18.45 16.¦ 26.51 12.¦ 14. Bigger Regina 1967 Bazenheid 45.57,3 4.57,3 (1801) Diplom Video 10km 175. 4.35 ¦ 18.25 14.¦ 27.32 15.¦ 15. Stiffler Marie-Therese 1963 Davos Dorf 46.32,2 5.32,2 (1476) Diplom Video 10km 204. 4.39 ¦ 18.48 19.¦ 27.43 17.¦ 16. Holenstein Bea 1965 Wilen b. Wil 46.43,5 5.43,5 (1578) Diplom Video 10km 210. 4.40 ¦ 18.48 18.¦ 27.55 21.¦ 17. Wermelinger-De Vos Maja 1967 Muttenz 46.47,4 5.47,4 (6540) Diplom Video 10km 217. 4.40 ¦ 18.55 22.¦ 27.52 20.¦ 18. Keller Denise 1966 Stans 46.55,4 5.55,4 (1260) Diplom Video 10km 230. 4.41 ¦ 18.48 20.¦ 28.06 24.¦ 19. Parcolini-Sutter Eliane 1966 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 46.55,8 5.55,8 (1472) Diplom Video 10km 232. 4.41 ¦ 18.43 15.¦ 28.12 28.¦ 20. Ambühl Ursula 1966 Schaffhausen 47.02,5 6.02,5 (1525) Diplom Video 10km 238. 4.42 ¦ 19.11 26.¦ 27.51 19.¦ 21. Leuenberger Margrit 1964 Melchnau 47.07,7 6.07,7 (1488) Diplom Video 10km 245. 4.42 ¦ 18.51 21.¦ 28.15 29.¦ 22. Meindertsma Boukje 1965 Eschenbach SG 47.11,3 6.11,3 (1441) Diplom Video 10km 252. 4.43 ¦ 19.00 24.¦ 28.10 26.¦ 23. Bärlocher Amanda 1965 Ernetschwil 47.11,6 6.11,6 (1118) Diplom Video 10km 253. 4.43 ¦ 18.22 13.¦ 28.48 42.¦ 24. Grenacher Béatrice 1967 Deitingen 47.18,0 6.18,0 (1325) Diplom Video 10km 261. 4.43 ¦ 19.29 33.¦ 27.49 18.¦ 25. Ebner Christa 1965 D-Weilheim 47.21,5 6.21,5 (1598) Diplom Video 10km 267. 4.44 ¦ 19.43 46.¦ 27.37 16.¦ 26. Schmid Käser Annelise 1966 Schmitten FR 47.25,5 6.25,5 (1438) Diplom Video 10km 275. 4.44 ¦ 18.47 17.¦ 28.38 37.¦ 27. Butty Marie-Jeanne 1963 Matran 47.33,4 6.33,4 (1134) Diplom Video 10km 285. 4.45 ¦ 19.36 39.¦ 27.57 22.¦ 28. Tobler Yvonne 1967 Maur 47.33,5 6.33,5 (1229) Diplom Video 10km 286. 4.45 ¦ 19.30 36.¦ 28.03 23.¦ 29. Schmid-Stoller Barbara 1967 Frutigen 47.39,8 6.39,8 (1613) Diplom Video 10km 296. 4.45 ¦ 19.28 32.¦ 28.11 27.¦ 30. Bachmann Claudia 1964 Mauensee 47.45,0 6.45,0 (1334) Diplom Video 10km 304. 4.46 ¦ 19.36 40.¦ 28.08 25.¦ 31. Siegfried Manuela 1964 Wabern 47.49,0 6.49,0 (1614) Diplom Video 10km 312. 4.46 ¦ 19.26 29.¦ 28.22 32.¦ 32. Purrer Johanna 1966 Muttenz 47.49,2 6.49,2 (1127) Diplom Video 10km 313. 4.46 ¦ 19.00 23.¦ 28.48 42.¦ 33. Feusi Julie 1967 Pfäffikon SZ 47.50,5 6.50,5 (6383) Diplom Video 10km 316. 4.47 ¦ 20.24 70.¦ 27.26 14.¦ 34. Scott Andrea 1964 Zollikerberg 47.52,7 6.52,7 (1574) Diplom Video 10km 321. 4.47 ¦ 19.04 25.¦ 28.47 41.¦ 35. Brescancin Patrizia Flavia 1967 Küttigen 47.52,8 6.52,8 (1141) Diplom Video 10km 322. 4.47 ¦ 19.28 30.¦ 28.24 33.¦ 36. Preisig Isabelle 1964 Herisau 47.58,8 6.58,8 (4394) Diplom Video 10km 338. 4.47 ¦ 19.39 43.¦ 28.19 31.¦ 37. Grossenbacher Franziska 1963 Reidermoos 48.01,2 7.01,2 (1218) Diplom Video 10km 343. 4.48 ¦ 19.34 38.¦ 28.26 34.¦ 38. Kunz Lotti 1966 Hindelbank 48.04,1 7.04,1 (1188) Diplom Video 10km 351. 4.48 ¦ 19.29 34.¦ 28.35 36.¦ 39. Siegenthaler Brigitte 1964 Oberentfelden 48.09,2 7.09,2 (1224) Diplom Video 10km 356. 4.48 ¦ 19.28 30.¦ 28.40 39.¦ 40. Rabenbauer Karin 1965 Wettswil 48.12,1 7.12,1 (1210) Diplom Video 10km 364. 4.49 ¦ 19.30 37.¦ 28.41 40.¦ 41. Nicolo Filomena 1966 Kaiseraugst 48.14,4 7.14,4 (1153) Diplom Video 10km 367. 4.49 ¦ 19.21 27.¦ 28.52 48.¦ 42. Ballaman Gudrun 1964 Rüti ZH 48.31,3 7.31,3 (4361) Diplom Video 10km 399. 4.51 ¦ 19.41 44.¦ 28.50 45.¦ 43. Hudec-Plasencia Monika 1965 D-Wehr 48.39,7 7.39,7 (6495) Diplom Video 10km 410. 4.51 ¦ 19.37 42.¦ 29.01 50.¦ 44. Plapp Franziska 1967 Wangen b. Dübendorf 48.39,9 7.39,9 (1357) Diplom Video 10km 411. 4.51 ¦ 19.50 48.¦ 28.49 44.¦ 45. Hollis Susan 1963 Genève 48.40,3 7.40,3 (2038) Diplom Video 10km 412. 4.52 ¦ 20.23 68.¦ 28.17 30.¦ 46. Greub Lucia 1967 Buochs 48.44,0 7.44,0 (1251) Diplom Video 10km 422. 4.52 ¦ 19.29 35.¦ 29.14 63.¦ 47. Guarino Daniela 1966 Arlesheim 48.48,4 7.48,4 (1394) Diplom Video 10km 429. 4.52 ¦ 19.37 41.¦ 29.11 57.¦ 48. Brunner Eveline 1964 Aarberg 48.54,4 7.54,4 (1187) Diplom Video 10km 434. 4.53 ¦ 20.01 53.¦ 28.53 49.¦ 49. Schwab Monika 1967 Bern 48.55,0 7.55,0 (1132) Diplom Video 10km 437. 4.53 ¦ 19.42 45.¦ 29.12 61.¦ 50. Buchser Daniela 1966 Kappelen 48.55,6 7.55,6 (1491) Diplom Video 10km 440. 4.53 ¦ 20.03 55.¦ 28.52 47.¦ 51. Achermann Schwizer Esther 1966 Reiden 48.56,3 7.56,3 (1237) Diplom Video 10km 442. 4.53 ¦ 19.51 49.¦ 29.04 52.¦ 52. Zaugg Sibil 1966 Bern 49.00,1 8.00,1 (1244) Diplom Video 10km 449. 4.54 ¦ 19.46 47.¦ 29.13 62.¦ 53. Böckli Brigitta 1964 Dübendorf 49.09,2 8.09,2 (1285) Diplom Video 10km 466. 4.54 ¦ 19.52 50.¦ 29.17 65.¦ 54. Wenger Ruth 1963 Thun 49.11,7 8.11,7 (1623) Diplom Video 10km 474. 4.55 ¦ 19.53 51.¦ 29.17 68.¦ 55. Marty Astrid 1964 Altdorf UR 49.12,1 8.12,1 (1201) Diplom Video 10km 475. 4.55 ¦ 20.08 58.¦ 29.03 51.¦ 56. Vonlanthen Martine 1966 Formangueires 49.12,6 8.12,6 (2144) Diplom Video 10km 478. 4.55 ¦ 20.45 89.¦ 28.27 35.¦ 57. Walser Bettina 1967 Teufen AR 49.18,0 8.18,0 (2107) Diplom Video 10km 493. 4.55 ¦ 20.06 57.¦ 29.11 58.¦ 58. Visani Marina 1964 Chexbres 49.19,8 8.19,8 (2707) Diplom Video 10km 502. 4.55 ¦ 20.40 83.¦ 28.38 38.¦ 59. Vaterlaus Susanna 1963 Otelfingen 49.29,6 8.29,6 (1515) Diplom Video 10km 518. 4.56 ¦ 19.59 52.¦ 29.30 76.¦ 60. Bühler Zorica 1966 Walenstadt 49.33,2 8.33,2 (2614) Diplom Video 10km 521. 4.57 ¦ 20.26 72.¦ 29.06 54.¦ 61. Frasson Brigitte 1965 Obernau 49.34,2 8.34,2 (2639) Diplom Video 10km 525. 4.57 ¦ 20.22 67.¦ 29.11 59.¦ 62. Trusgnach-Graber Ramona 1966 Bülach 49.34,3 8.34,3 (1205) Diplom Video 10km 526. 4.57 ¦ 20.13 61.¦ 29.20 70.¦ 63. Graziani Cordelia 1967 Bern 49.37,8 8.37,8 (2042) Diplom Video 10km 534. 4.57 ¦ 20.45 91.¦ 28.52 46.¦ 64. Grandjean Barbara 1967 Lanzenhäusern 49.40,2 8.40,2 (1506) Diplom Video 10km 540. 4.58 ¦ 20.08 58.¦ 29.31 77.¦ 65. Konrad Jutta 1963 Bulle 49.41,7 8.41,7 (1494) Diplom Video 10km 548. 4.58 ¦ 20.29 77.¦ 29.12 60.¦ 66. Stucky Irmine 1964 Glis 49.42,0 8.42,0 (1176) Diplom Video 10km 551. 4.58 ¦ 20.22 66.¦ 29.20 69.¦ 67. Berchtold Gertrud 1964 Giswil 49.42,9 8.42,9 (1264) Diplom Video 10km 553. 4.58 ¦ 20.16 62.¦ 29.26 73.¦ 68. Riesen Monika 1964 Niederteufen 49.44,8 8.44,8 (2104) Diplom Video 10km 557. 4.58 ¦ 20.04 56.¦ 29.40 81.¦ 69. Felix Manuela 1965 Zürich 49.46,7 8.46,7 (1344) Diplom Video 10km 565. 4.58 ¦ 20.21 64.¦ 29.25 72.¦ 70. Deck-Meier Rosie 1964 Watt 49.50,9 8.50,9 (1280) Diplom Video 10km 579. 4.59 ¦ 20.26 73.¦ 29.24 71.¦ 71. Mueller Monique 1963 Sugiez 49.56,1 8.56,1 (2713) Diplom Video 10km 588. 4.59 ¦ 20.29 76.¦ 29.27 74.¦ 72. von Gunten Gabriela 1965 Hüttikon 50.00,3 9.00,3 (2014) Diplom Video 10km 596. 5.00 ¦ 20.17 63.¦ 29.42 83.¦ 73. Aregger Vreni 1963 Hasle LU 50.05,6 9.05,6 (2640) Diplom Video 10km 609. 5.00 ¦ 20.55 104.¦ 29.10 56.¦ 74. Kipfer Isabelle 1966 Chaumont 50.12,2 9.12,2 (2621) Diplom Video 10km 626. 5.01 ¦ 20.24 69.¦ 29.48 87.¦ 75. Fleischli Lucia 1967 Eschenbach LU 50.12,4 9.12,4 (21128) Diplom Video 10km 627. 5.01 ¦ 21.07 119.¦ 29.04 53.¦ 76. Rossini Nadine 1965 Haute-Nendaz 50.13,3 9.13,3 (1296) Diplom Video 10km 631. 5.01 ¦ 20.58 110.¦ 29.14 64.¦ 77. Beckmann Charlotte 1965 Wabern 50.15,3 9.15,3 (2175) Diplom Video 10km 634. 5.01 ¦ 20.58 108.¦ 29.17 65.¦ 78. Wiedmer Christine 1965 Bubendorf 50.16,0 9.16,0 (2622) Diplom Video 10km 637. 5.01 ¦ 21.05 117.¦ 29.10 55.¦ 79. Schneider Monica 1964 Kilchberg ZH 50.16,6 9.16,6 (2011) Diplom Video 10km 639. 5.01 ¦ 20.26 73.¦ 29.49 88.¦ 80. Tanno-Erdin Christa 1963 Richterswil 50.17,9 9.17,9 (6494) Diplom Video 10km 642. 5.01 ¦ 20.10 60.¦ 30.07 111.¦ 81. Camponovo Jasmine 1963 Lengnau BE 50.22,1 9.22,1 (1235) Diplom Video 10km 654. 5.02 ¦ 20.21 65.¦ 30.00 103.¦ 82. Koelemeijer Sandra 1963 Apples 50.22,9 9.22,9 (1422) Diplom Video 10km 657. 5.02 ¦ 20.46 92.¦ 29.36 79.¦ 83. Wipfli Ruth 1966 Seedorf UR 50.26,2 9.26,2 (1338) Diplom Video 10km 662. 5.02 ¦ 20.03 54.¦ 30.23 118.¦ 84. Probst Mary 1964 Fulenbach 50.27,4 9.27,4 (2783) Diplom Video 10km 665. 5.02 ¦ 20.29 78.¦ 29.57 99.¦ 85. Puippe Pascale 1963 Collombey 50.28,4 9.28,4 (2357) Diplom Video 10km 669. 5.02 ¦ 21.11 122.¦ 29.17 65.¦ 86. Nobel Caroline 1966 La Chaux-de-Fonds 50.30,3 9.30,3 (2066) Diplom Video 10km 675. 5.03 ¦ 20.38 80.¦ 29.52 92.¦ 87. Lakomy Ursina, Bern 1965 LCA Bärn 50.31,1 9.31,1 (2068) Diplom Video 10km 680. 5.03 ¦ 21.01 112.¦ 29.29 75.¦ 88. Weber-Bögli Erika 1966 Wynau 50.32,0 9.32,0 (1456) Diplom Video 10km 685. 5.03 ¦ 20.41 84.¦ 29.50 90.¦ 89. Perren Monika 1967 Lenk im Simmental 50.36,3 9.36,3 (6536) Diplom Video 10km 691. 5.03 ¦ 20.48 97.¦ 29.47 86.¦ 90. Arnold Rita 1967 St. Erhard 50.38,0 9.38,0 (1399) Diplom Video 10km 694. 5.03 ¦ 20.47 95.¦ 29.50 91.¦ 91. Camenzind Ursula 1967 Muolen 50.40,2 9.40,2 (1405) Diplom Video 10km 698. 5.04 ¦ 20.40 82.¦ 29.59 100.¦ 92. Fratila Ana-Maria 1967 Buchs AG 50.43,9 9.43,9 (2015) Diplom Video 10km 706. 5.04 ¦ 20.46 94.¦ 29.57 96.¦ 93. Morger Klara 1963 Neuhaus SG 50.46,4 9.46,4 (6498) Diplom Video 10km 716. 5.04 ¦ 20.46 93.¦ 30.00 102.¦ 94. Stettler Verena 1963 Rümligen 50.47,4 9.47,4 (2402) Diplom Video 10km 720. 5.04 ¦ 20.43 87.¦ 30.03 106.¦ 95. Zumbrunnen Véronique 1966 Belfaux 50.48,7 9.48,7 (3147) Diplom Video 10km 726. 5.04 ¦ 20.52 99.¦ 29.56 95.¦ 96. Rüeger Infanger Yolanda 1964 Rafz 50.50,6 9.50,6 (1803) Diplom Video 10km 731. 5.05 ¦ 19.23 28.¦ 31.27 176.¦ 97. Ganz Jeannette 1967 Feldmeilen 50.54,0 9.54,0 (2490) Diplom Video 10km 738. 5.05 ¦ 21.08 120.¦ 29.45 85.¦ 97. Scheurer Rita 1963 Bern 50.54,0 9.54,0 (6501) Diplom Video 10km 738. 5.05 ¦ 20.54 103.¦ 29.59 100.¦ 99. Rüegg Martha 1964 Bütschwil 50.54,6 9.54,6 (6499) Diplom Video 10km 741. 5.05 ¦ 20.29 78.¦ 30.24 122.¦ 100. Guggisberg Fränzi 1964 Grindelwald 50.55,1 9.55,1 (6537) Diplom Video 10km 743. 5.05 ¦ 21.02 114.¦ 29.53 93.¦ 101. Odermatt Yvonne 1963 Stein AR 50.59,4 9.59,4 (4392) Diplom Video 10km 749. 5.05 ¦ 21.21 136.¦ 29.37 80.¦ 102. Schwaninger Ruth 1963 St. Gallen 50.59,6 9.59,6 (2778) Diplom Video 10km 750. 5.05 ¦ 20.43 86.¦ 30.16 114.¦ 103. Roggensinger Conny 1963 Ittigen 51.00,5 10.00,5 (3157) Diplom Video 10km 755. 5.06 ¦ 21.03 115.¦ 29.57 98.¦ 104. Allègre Anne 1967 Belfaux 51.01,4 10.01,4 (1527) Diplom Video 10km 758. 5.06 ¦ 20.38 81.¦ 30.23 120.¦ 105. Aeschlimann Christine 1966 Bern 51.04,7 10.04,7 (2006) Diplom Video 10km 765. 5.06 ¦ 20.55 105.¦ 30.09 112.¦ 106. Brunner Christine 1965 Bern 51.04,9 10.04,9 (2553) Diplom Video 10km 766. 5.06 ¦ 21.22 137.¦ 29.42 82.¦ 107. Dow N.Katherine, Baar 1967 International school of Zug 51.05,4 10.05,4 (3491) Diplom Video 10km 768. 5.06 ¦ 21.30 145.¦ 29.35 78.¦ 108. Borner Silvia 1963 Unterengstringen 51.06,8 10.06,8 (1345) Diplom Video 10km 769. 5.06 ¦ 20.43 85.¦ 30.23 121.¦ 109. Flach Karin 1967 Zürich 51.11,0 10.11,0 (2271) Diplom Video 10km 786. 5.07 ¦ 21.17 132.¦ 29.53 94.¦ 109. Jud-Risi Petra 1964 Grindel 51.11,0 10.11,0 (2168) Diplom Video 10km 786. 5.07 ¦ 21.06 118.¦ 30.04 107.¦ 111. Wild Beatrice 1963 Oberkulm 51.15,1 10.15,1 (1332) Diplom Video 10km 795. 5.07 ¦ 21.08 121.¦ 30.06 110.¦ 112. Waldis Anita 1966 Morschach 51.17,5 10.17,5 (2459) Diplom Video 10km 801. 5.07 ¦ 21.20 134.¦ 29.57 97.¦ 113. Däppen Marion 1966 Watt 51.18,8 10.18,8 (1388) Diplom Video 10km 807. 5.07 ¦ 20.57 107.¦ 30.21 117.¦ 114. Waber Brigitte 1965 Gümligen 51.20,5 10.20,5 (2549) Diplom Video 10km 813. 5.08 ¦ 21.34 159.¦ 29.45 84.¦ 115. Müller-Bühler Erika 1964 Unterägeri 51.23,8 10.23,8 (2454) Diplom Video 10km 819. 5.08 ¦ 21.17 131.¦ 30.06 109.¦ 116. Knöpfli Gerda 1963 Hofen SH 51.24,5 10.24,5 (1254) Diplom Video 10km 822. 5.08 ¦ 20.53 102.¦ 30.31 126.¦ 117. Brönimann Gabriela 1963 Zürich 51.27,7 10.27,7 (1432) Diplom Video 10km 833. 5.08 ¦ 21.00 111.¦ 30.26 123.¦ 118. Kuster Schwab Nicole 1967 Winterthur 51.29,9 10.29,9 (2473) Diplom Video 10km 841. 5.08 ¦ 21.16 129.¦ 30.13 113.¦ 119. Nobel Monika 1964 La Chaux-de-Fonds 51.32,1 10.32,1 (1391) Diplom Video 10km 851. 5.09 ¦ 20.24 71.¦ 31.07 155.¦ 120. Mueller Irene 1967 Arisdorf 51.33,3 10.33,3 (2143) Diplom Video 10km 856. 5.09 ¦ 21.32 152.¦ 30.00 104.¦ 121. Schorta Susanne 1965 Bremgarten b. Bern 51.43,4 10.43,4 (2658) Diplom Video 10km 879. 5.10 ¦ 21.23 138.¦ 30.19 115.¦ 122. Caviezel Roberta 1963 Scuol 51.43,7 10.43,7 (1431) Diplom Video 10km 881. 5.10 ¦ 20.45 90.¦ 30.58 144.¦ 123. Zihlmann Gaby 1967 Ruswil 51.45,2 10.45,2 (3447) Diplom Video 10km 886. 5.10 ¦ 21.55 191.¦ 29.49 88.¦ 124. Spirig Annina 1967 St. Gallen 51.49,3 10.49,3 (6102) Diplom Video 10km 898. 5.10 ¦ 21.29 142.¦ 30.20 116.¦ 124. Trifari Patricia 1963 Grenchen 51.49,3 10.49,3 (1459) Diplom Video 10km 898. 5.10 ¦ 20.47 96.¦ 31.01 147.¦ 126. Hug Rita 1966 Schwanden GL 51.50,0 10.50,0 (2211) Diplom Video 10km 901. 5.11 ¦ 20.58 109.¦ 30.51 143.¦ 127. Bedford Pia 1966 Einsiedeln 51.51,5 10.51,5 (1214) Diplom Video 10km 905. 5.11 ¦ 20.29 75.¦ 31.22 169.¦ 128. Jäckel Annette 1967 Thörishaus 51.51,6 10.51,6 (2403) Diplom Video 10km 906. 5.11 ¦ 20.53 101.¦ 30.58 145.¦ 129. Bachmann Monika 1964 Hochdorf 51.53,7 10.53,7 (3404) Diplom Video 10km 914. 5.11 ¦ 21.17 130.¦ 30.36 128.¦ 130. Hobi-Wyss Theres 1967 Flums Hochwiese 51.55,7 10.55,7 (4379) Diplom Video 10km 921. 5.11 ¦ 21.32 153.¦ 30.23 118.¦ 131. Freudenberg Karen 1967 Bern 51.55,8 10.55,8 (2675) Diplom Video 10km 922. 5.11 ¦ 21.25 139.¦ 30.30 125.¦ 132. Schuepbach Gabi 1966 F-Blotzheim 51.57,6 10.57,6 (2115) Diplom Video 10km 924. 5.11 ¦ 20.44 88.¦ 31.13 161.¦ 133. Stettler Janet 1967 Schwerzenbach 51.59,1 10.59,1 (2770) Diplom Video 10km 925. 5.11 ¦ 21.11 124.¦ 30.47 137.¦ 134. Odermatt Niederberger Elisabeth 1965 Stans 52.01,9 11.01,9 (2457) Diplom Video 10km 933. 5.12 ¦ 21.14 125.¦ 30.47 136.¦ 135. Kessler Maya 1965 Grüsch 52.09,1 11.09,1 (4563) Diplom Video 10km 952. 5.12 ¦ 21.05 116.¦ 31.03 152.¦ 136. Brändle Mägi 1966 Mosnang 52.11,3 11.11,3 (1612) Diplom Video 10km 959. 5.13 ¦ 20.50 98.¦ 31.20 167.¦ 137. Piana-Messerli Caroline 1965 Murten 52.11,7 11.11,7 (1392) Diplom Video 10km 965. 5.13 ¦ 20.52 100.¦ 31.18 165.¦ 138. Niederer Heidi 1964 Gossau SG 52.12,2 11.12,2 (2568) Diplom Video 10km 967. 5.13 ¦ 21.32 149.¦ 30.40 131.¦ 139. Spielmann Franziska 1963 Jona 52.13,3 11.13,3 (2212) Diplom Video 10km 968. 5.13 ¦ 21.11 123.¦ 31.01 148.¦ 140. Giger Daniela 1963 Zug 52.14,3 11.14,3 (2131) Diplom Video 10km 972. 5.13 ¦ 22.09 208.¦ 30.04 108.¦ 141. Marbacher Sonja 1966 Unterkulm 52.19,7 11.19,7 (1331) Diplom Video 10km 989. 5.13 ¦ 21.16 127.¦ 31.03 150.¦ 142. Käser Therese, Aarberg 1963 Mondo Sport 52.21,0 11.21,0 (2076) Diplom Video 10km 992. 5.14 ¦ 21.32 149.¦ 30.48 138.¦ 143. Bleuel Nicole 1967 Schüpfen 52.21,4 11.21,4 (2009) Diplom Video 10km 993. 5.14 ¦ 21.41 170.¦ 30.39 130.¦ 144. Erb Maja 1966 Winterthur 52.23,9 11.23,9 (2058) Diplom Video 10km 998. 5.14 ¦ 21.34 157.¦ 30.49 139.¦ 145. Sommerhalder Jacqueline 1964 Beinwil am See 52.28,0 11.28,0 (2122) Diplom Video 10km 1015. 5.14 ¦ 21.48 179.¦ 30.39 129.¦ 146. Date Felizitas 1967 Teufen AR 52.28,9 11.28,9 (2105) Diplom Video 10km 1020. 5.14 ¦ 21.01 112.¦ 31.27 175.¦ 147. Müller Locher Line 1963 Niederrohrdorf 52.30,5 11.30,5 (3321) Diplom Video 10km 1026. 5.15 ¦ 22.02 201.¦ 30.28 124.¦ 148. Speiser Margrit 1963 Subingen 52.30,9 11.30,9 (2647) Diplom Video 10km 1029. 5.15 ¦ 21.19 133.¦ 31.11 159.¦ 149. Eigensatz Bernadette 1966 Reiden 52.32,6 11.32,6 (2047) Diplom Video 10km 1032. 5.15 ¦ 22.00 198.¦ 30.31 127.¦ 150. Hertach-Frey Gabriele 1967 Niederurnen 52.33,5 11.33,5 (3433) Diplom Video 10km 1034. 5.15 ¦ 21.47 178.¦ 30.45 133.¦ 151. Schneebeli Ruth 1964 Ottenbach 52.36,1 11.36,1 (1493) Diplom Video 10km 1041. 5.15 ¦ 21.29 143.¦ 31.06 154.¦ 152. Mooser Karin 1963 Täsch 52.39,2 11.39,2 (2049) Diplom Video 10km 1053. 5.15 ¦ 21.52 184.¦ 30.46 135.¦ 153. Kempf Heidi 1964 Luzern 52.39,5 11.39,5 (2219) Diplom Video 10km 1055. 5.15 ¦ 21.55 192.¦ 30.43 132.¦ 153. Steffenoni Désirée 1963 Schaffhausen 52.39,5 11.39,5 (3412) Diplom Video 10km 1055. 5.15 ¦ 21.48 180.¦ 30.50 142.¦ 155. Huovinen Anja 1965 Basel 52.41,0 11.41,0 (2079) Diplom Video 10km 1062. 5.16 ¦ 21.27 141.¦ 31.13 162.¦ 156. Habermacher Katharina 1963 Schlossrued 52.41,3 11.41,3 (2320) Diplom Video 10km 1063. 5.16 ¦ 21.55 190.¦ 30.45 133.¦ 157. Meyer Daniela 1963 Röschenz 52.41,9 11.41,9 (2139) Diplom Video 10km 1066. 5.16 ¦ 21.40 166.¦ 31.01 148.¦ 158. Barmet Lise 1964 Menzingen 52.43,2 11.43,2 (2032) Diplom Video 10km 1072. 5.16 ¦ 21.31 147.¦ 31.11 160.¦ 159. Erne Regula 1966 Würenlingen 52.44,9 11.44,9 (2253) Diplom Video 10km 1079. 5.16 ¦ 21.31 147.¦ 31.13 163.¦ 160. Schneider Daniela 1964 Greifensee 52.45,0 11.45,0 (4357) Diplom Video 10km 1080. 5.16 ¦ 22.42 249.¦ 30.02 105.¦ 161. Kals Karin 1967 Uster 52.45,8 11.45,8 (2485) Diplom Video 10km 1082. 5.16 ¦ 21.15 126.¦ 31.30 179.¦ 162. Fischer Karin 1964 Volketswil 52.49,5 11.49,5 (3005) Diplom Video 10km 1096. 5.16 ¦ 21.59 196.¦ 30.50 140.¦ 163. Sedioli Claudia 1965 Winterthur 52.49,7 11.49,7 (2025) Diplom Video 10km 1097. 5.16 ¦ 21.44 174.¦ 31.04 153.¦ 164. Schiel Heidi 1966 D-Weilheim 52.50,0 11.50,0 (2782) Diplom Video 10km 1100. 5.17 ¦ 21.26 140.¦ 31.23 170.¦ 165. Casanova Anita 1964 Brig 52.50,2 11.50,2 (2024) Diplom Video 10km 1102. 5.17 ¦ 21.51 182.¦ 30.58 146.¦ 166. Fedier Gaby 1963 Altdorf UR 52.53,1 11.53,1 (1337) Diplom Video 10km 1117. 5.17 ¦ 20.56 106.¦ 31.56 202.¦ 167. Schlaepfer Bernadette 1963 Hinwil 52.54,8 11.54,8 (2472) Diplom Video 10km 1129. 5.17 ¦ 21.29 143.¦ 31.25 172.¦ 168. Styger Esther 1965 Sargans 52.57,2 11.57,2 (3330) Diplom Video 10km 1137. 5.17 ¦ 21.53 186.¦ 31.03 151.¦ 169. Brändli Edith 1967 Ramlinsburg 53.00,7 12.00,7 (2246) Diplom Video 10km 1145. 5.18 ¦ 21.16 128.¦ 31.44 192.¦ 170. Monay Liliane 1965 Collombey 53.02,9 12.02,9 (2456) Diplom Video 10km 1154. 5.18 ¦ 21.20 135.¦ 31.42 189.¦ 171. Mottier Monod Annick 1963 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 53.04,0 12.04,0 (2343) Diplom Video 10km 1156. 5.18 ¦ 21.32 149.¦ 31.31 181.¦ 172. With Esther 1967 Belp 53.04,2 12.04,2 (3006) Diplom Video 10km 1158. 5.18 ¦ 21.35 160.¦ 31.28 177.¦ 173. Courcier Astrid 1967 Gockhausen 53.05,7 12.05,7 (2648) Diplom Video 10km 1163. 5.18 ¦ 21.56 193.¦ 31.09 158.¦ 174. Meyer-Wilmes Christel 1964 Münsingen 53.06,4 12.06,4 (2206) Diplom Video 10km 1168. 5.18 ¦ 21.37 161.¦ 31.29 178.¦ 175. Steiner Susann 1964 Nussbaumen AG 53.07,0 12.07,0 (2750) Diplom Video 10km 1172. 5.18 ¦ 21.46 176.¦ 31.20 168.¦ 176. Bischof Astrid 1967 Schaffhausen 53.11,0 12.11,0 (2013) Diplom Video 10km 1186. 5.19 ¦ 21.32 153.¦ 31.38 185.¦ 177. Sonderegger Gabi 1963 Au SG 53.17,9 12.17,9 (1420) Diplom Video 10km 1226. 5.19 ¦ 21.30 146.¦ 31.47 195.¦ 178. Zumbühl-Felder Melanie 1967 Wolfenschiessen 53.18,9 12.18,9 (2608) Diplom Video 10km 1230. 5.19 ¦ 21.41 169.¦ 31.37 184.¦ 179. Progin Silvia 1963 Bulle 53.19,9 12.19,9 (2235) Diplom Video 10km 1234. 5.19 ¦ 21.39 165.¦ 31.40 187.¦ 180. Kiechler Sandra 1967 Leukerbad 53.20,8 12.20,8 (2635) Diplom Video 10km 1239. 5.20 ¦ 21.54 188.¦ 31.26 174.¦ 181. Brunner Doris 1964 Grüt (Gossau ZH) 53.24,6 12.24,6 (2532) Diplom Video 10km 1262. 5.20 ¦ 21.34 156.¦ 31.50 200.¦ 182. van Niekerk Anita 1965 Ossingen 53.28,3 12.28,3 (2769) Diplom Video 10km 1276. 5.20 ¦ 21.44 173.¦ 31.43 191.¦ 183. Wey Bitterli Regina 1966 Richterswil 53.29,4 12.29,4 (2101) Diplom Video 10km 1284. 5.20 ¦ 21.39 164.¦ 31.49 198.¦ 184. Krienbuehl Beatrice 1966 Sattel 53.33,2 12.33,2 (2698) Diplom Video 10km 1298. 5.21 ¦ 22.42 250.¦ 30.50 141.¦ 185. Thévenaz Florence 1964 Cortaillod 53.35,0 12.35,0 (4146) Diplom Video 10km 1307. 5.21 ¦ 22.09 209.¦ 31.25 173.¦ 186. Sauter Esther 1964 Uerikon 53.35,5 12.35,5 (2274) Diplom Video 10km 1310. 5.21 ¦ 22.01 199.¦ 31.34 182.¦ 187. Rohrbach Marianne 1964 Schwarzenburg 53.37,8 12.37,8 (2735) Diplom Video 10km 1319. 5.21 ¦ 21.39 163.¦ 31.58 204.¦ 188. Weibel Nicole 1966 Teufen AR 53.38,8 12.38,8 (2278) Diplom Video 10km 1321. 5.21 ¦ 21.37 162.¦ 32.01 206.¦ 189. Sudan Florence 1966 Siviriez 53.42,6 12.42,6 (6632) Diplom Video 10km 1331. 5.22 ¦ 22.24 226.¦ 31.17 164.¦ 190. Villars Rita 1967 Waltenschwil 53.43,5 12.43,5 (2129) Diplom Video 10km 1336. 5.22 ¦ 21.40 166.¦ 32.03 207.¦ 191. Honegger Charlotte 1966 Uster 53.44,7 12.44,7 (2201) Diplom Video 10km 1338. 5.22 ¦ 22.12 212.¦ 31.31 180.¦ 192. Huber Barbara 1965 Zürich 53.46,4 12.46,4 (2609) Diplom Video 10km 1347. 5.22 ¦ 22.37 242.¦ 31.08 157.¦ 193. Brunner Regula 1967 Wettingen 53.46,9 12.46,9 (2214) Diplom Video 10km 1349. 5.22 ¦ 22.04 202.¦ 31.42 190.¦ 194. Geiges Ruth 1963 Warth 53.47,8 12.47,8 (2480) Diplom Video 10km 1352. 5.22 ¦ 21.57 195.¦ 31.50 199.¦ 195. Kunz Brigitta 1963 Steinhausen 53.48,8 12.48,8 (3477) Diplom Video 10km 1355. 5.22 ¦ 21.56 193.¦ 31.52 201.¦ 196. Gloor Isabelle 1966 Scherz 53.57,0 12.57,0 (6544) Diplom Video 10km 1391. 5.23 ¦ 21.44 172.¦ 32.12 213.¦ 197. Nussbaum Erika 1967 Bowil 53.58,8 12.58,8 (3054) Diplom Video 10km 1394. 5.23 ¦ 22.38 244.¦ 31.19 166.¦ 198. Howald Regula 1965 Bern 54.00,2 13.00,2 (3029) Diplom Video 10km 1399. 5.24 ¦ 21.54 187.¦ 32.06 209.¦ 199. Christen Verena 1963 Niederhünigen 54.02,2 13.02,2 (2586) Diplom Video 10km 1410. 5.24 ¦ 22.15 214.¦ 31.46 194.¦ 200. Gilbert Rosmarie 1964 Cham 54.02,8 13.02,8 (2307) Diplom Video 10km 1415. 5.24 ¦ 21.52 183.¦ 32.10 211.¦ 201. Balsiger Barbara 1967 Uster 54.03,5 13.03,5 (2484) Diplom Video 10km 1417. 5.24 ¦ 22.13 213.¦ 31.49 197.¦ 202. Maritz Zehnder Claudia 1964 Suhr 54.04,4 13.04,4 (3289) Diplom Video 10km 1418. 5.24 ¦ 21.48 181.¦ 32.15 215.¦ 203. Kunz Beate 1964 D-Radolfzell 54.04,6 13.04,6 (3542) Diplom Video 10km 1419. 5.24 ¦ 22.18 217.¦ 31.46 193.¦ 204. Vögeli Brigit 1966 Bern 54.04,8 13.04,8 (2380) Diplom Video 10km 1420. 5.24 ¦ 22.26 228.¦ 31.38 186.¦ 205. Rupf Judith 1963 Mels 54.05,3 13.05,3 (2616) Diplom Video 10km 1423. 5.24 ¦ 22.56 263.¦ 31.08 156.¦ 206. Schenker Danijela 1967 Widen 54.08,4 13.08,4 (5723) Diplom Video 10km 1438. 5.24 ¦ 21.55 189.¦ 32.13 214.¦ 207. Wildhaber Heidi 1963 Goldingen 54.10,4 13.10,4 (3032) Diplom Video 10km 1448. 5.25 ¦ 22.22 221.¦ 31.48 196.¦ 208. Widmer Astrid 1967 Kirchberg SG 54.15,1 13.15,1 (4641) Diplom Video 10km 1468. 5.25 ¦ 21.42 171.¦ 32.32 230.¦ 209. Krempasky Renata 1963 Rüfenach AG 54.19,5 13.19,5 (2590) Diplom Video 10km 1480. 5.25 ¦ 21.34 158.¦ 32.45 240.¦ 210. Steiner Patricia 1964 Broc 54.22,8 13.22,8 (6628) Diplom Video 10km 1497. 5.26 ¦ 22.59 270.¦ 31.23 170.¦ 211. Galliker Suzanne 1963 Ballwil 54.24,8 13.24,8 (2331) Diplom Video 10km 1510. 5.26 ¦ 21.45 175.¦ 32.39 238.¦ 212. Bucher Ronny 1966 Erlenbach ZH 54.27,0 13.27,0 (4572) Diplom Video 10km 1523. 5.26 ¦ 22.00 197.¦ 32.26 223.¦ 213. Schwammberger Priska 1966 Suhr 54.28,7 13.28,7 (2560) Diplom Video 10km 1525. 5.26 ¦ 22.05 204.¦ 32.22 218.¦ 214. Schaller Beatrice 1965 Ruswil 54.29,4 13.29,4 (3083) Diplom Video 10km 1529. 5.26 ¦ 22.30 233.¦ 31.59 205.¦ 215. Tran Phung 1966 D-Waldshut-Tiengen 54.29,7 13.29,7 (2780) Diplom Video 10km 1531. 5.26 ¦ 21.40 168.¦ 32.49 247.¦ 216. Schellenberg Dorothea 1964 Reichenburg 54.41,4 13.41,4 (5144) Diplom Video 10km 1570. 5.28 ¦ 22.43 252.¦ 31.57 203.¦ 217. Niemack Marianne 1965 Rapperswil BE 54.42,2 13.42,2 (1804) Diplom Video 10km 1573. 5.28 ¦ 22.33 235.¦ 32.08 210.¦ 218. Rüegg Beatrice 1967 Rüti ZH 54.49,7 13.49,7 (2488) Diplom Video 10km 1601. 5.28 ¦ 22.16 215.¦ 32.33 233.¦ 219. Hirter-Anders Ursula 1967 Aefligen 54.51,5 13.51,5 (2518) Diplom Video 10km 1609. 5.29 ¦ 22.06 205.¦ 32.45 241.¦ 220. Jungi Petra 1965 Wileroltigen 54.52,0 13.52,0 (4410) Diplom Video 10km 1612. 5.29 ¦ 22.20 218.¦ 32.32 228.¦ 221. Studer-Rohr Irène 1966 Luzern 54.52,1 13.52,1 (4411) Diplom Video 10km 1613. 5.29 ¦ 22.20 219.¦ 32.32 228.¦ 222. Stillhart Karin 1965 Fontnas 54.52,3 13.52,3 (3182) Diplom Video 10km 1615. 5.29 ¦ 21.46 177.¦ 33.05 260.¦ 223. Kan Berger Akemi 1963 Bern 54.57,9 13.57,9 (6208) Diplom Video 10km 1634. 5.29 ¦ 22.24 226.¦ 32.33 232.¦ 224. Würsch Rosi 1965 Seelisberg 54.58,9 13.58,9 (2687) Diplom Video 10km 1635. 5.29 ¦ 22.21 220.¦ 32.37 237.¦ 225. Egli Rosmarie 1964 Sulgen 55.03,3 14.03,3 (3301) Diplom Video 10km 1646. 5.30 ¦ 22.35 240.¦ 32.28 224.¦ 226. von Holzen Bettina 1967 Ebikon 55.04,0 14.04,0 (3085) Diplom Video 10km 1651. 5.30 ¦ 22.17 216.¦ 32.46 243.¦ 227. Good Susanne 1966 Mels 55.04,3 14.04,3 (2053) Diplom Video 10km 1655. 5.30 ¦ 22.39 246.¦ 32.25 221.¦ 228. Zeder Susanne 1963 Dintikon 55.06,7 14.06,7 (2148) Diplom Video 10km 1667. 5.30 ¦ 22.50 257.¦ 32.16 216.¦ 229. Sommer Katharina 1966 Unterseen 55.09,4 14.09,4 (2574) Diplom Video 10km 1678. 5.30 ¦ 22.46 255.¦ 32.23 219.¦ 230. Millius Ellen 1966 Baltschieder 55.09,8 14.09,8 (3002) Diplom Video 10km 1679. 5.30 ¦ 22.01 200.¦ 33.08 266.¦ 231. Kessler Sibylle 1966 Forch 55.10,1 14.10,1 (3511) Diplom Video 10km 1681. 5.31 ¦ 22.33 235.¦ 32.36 236.¦ 232. Heinzmann-Bögli Claudia 1967 Mühlethurnen 55.10,2 14.10,2 (4004) Diplom Video 10km 1682. 5.31 ¦ 22.11 210.¦ 32.58 253.¦ 233. Kälin Rosmarie 1965 Wollerau 55.10,3 14.10,3 (3368) Diplom Video 10km 1683. 5.31 ¦ 23.05 284.¦ 32.04 208.¦ 234. Hauser Anni 1963 Wädenswil 55.12,7 14.12,7 (3092) Diplom Video 10km 1692. 5.31 ¦ 22.05 203.¦ 33.06 263.¦ 235. Zubler Iris 1963 Schaffhausen 55.13,2 14.13,2 (4335) Diplom Video 10km 1696. 5.31 ¦ 23.01 278.¦ 32.11 212.¦ 236. Gollin Elisabeth 1963 Roggwil BE 55.14,2 14.14,2 (2604) Diplom Video 10km 1703. 5.31 ¦ 22.33 237.¦ 32.40 239.¦ 237. Zeiter Eve-Marie 1963 Naters 55.14,6 14.14,6 (2528) Diplom Video 10km 1706. 5.31 ¦ 22.43 253.¦ 32.30 226.¦ 238. Miazza Valerie 1965 F-Prevessin Moens 55.15,5 14.15,5 (2511) Diplom Video 10km 1709. 5.31 ¦ 22.07 206.¦ 33.07 265.¦ 239. Baur Bea 1965 Winterthur 55.17,1 14.17,1 (2319) Diplom Video 10km 1715. 5.31 ¦ 22.51 259.¦ 32.25 222.¦ 240. Stänz Marianne 1966 Birmenstorf AG 55.21,3 14.21,3 (3082) Diplom Video 10km 1727. 5.32 ¦ 22.34 238.¦ 32.47 244.¦ 241. Fankhauser Marianne 1963 Walperswil 55.23,9 14.23,9 (3116) Diplom Video 10km 1738. 5.32 ¦ 22.22 223.¦ 33.01 255.¦ 242. Hoerler Susanne 1963 Hitzkirch 55.24,3 14.24,3 (3122) Diplom Video 10km 1741. 5.32 ¦ 22.48 256.¦ 32.35 234.¦ 243. Albin Anita 1965 Untervaz 55.24,6 14.24,6 (6490) Diplom Video 10km 1743. 5.32 ¦ 22.22 222.¦ 33.02 257.¦ 244. Bucher Ruth 1966 Oberrüti 55.27,7 14.27,7 (2043) Diplom Video 10km 1754. 5.32 ¦ 21.33 155.¦ 33.54 318.¦ 245. Mollet Franziska 1966 Unterramsern 55.31,8 14.31,8 (3160) Diplom Video 10km 1767. 5.33 ¦ 22.24 224.¦ 33.07 264.¦ 246. Tönz Jasmine 1967 Busswil TG 55.32,3 14.32,3 (4051) Diplom Video 10km 1768. 5.33 ¦ 22.59 267.¦ 32.33 231.¦ 247. Nicolet Susi 1963 Oftringen 55.37,8 14.37,8 (3399) Diplom Video 10km 1784. 5.33 ¦ 22.24 225.¦ 33.13 272.¦ 248. Radosavljevic Katharina 1966 Münsingen 55.39,8 14.39,8 (6397) Diplom Video 10km 1791. 5.33 ¦ 23.58 358.¦ 31.41 188.¦ 249. Charrière Fabienne 1963 Montévraz 55.41,0 14.41,0 (2257) Diplom Video 10km 1800. 5.34 ¦ 22.08 207.¦ 33.32 289.¦ 249. Diethelm Barbara 1965 Zäziwil 55.41,0 14.41,0 (4195) Diplom Video 10km 1800. 5.34 ¦ 22.29 230.¦ 33.11 268.¦ 251. Andreoli Barbara 1964 Trin Mulin 55.41,8 14.41,8 (4294) Diplom Video 10km 1803. 5.34 ¦ 23.10 289.¦ 32.31 227.¦ 252. Bayard Caroline 1966 Baden 55.46,6 14.46,6 (3021) Diplom Video 10km 1817. 5.34 ¦ 23.18 302.¦ 32.28 225.¦ 253. Metzger Bea 1966 Waldstatt 55.48,1 14.48,1 (2670) Diplom Video 10km 1826. 5.34 ¦ 21.52 185.¦ 33.55 319.¦ 254. Arnold Natascha 1967 Sempach Stadt 55.49,4 14.49,4 (2447) Diplom Video 10km 1829. 5.34 ¦ 23.00 277.¦ 32.48 246.¦ 255. Iseli Evi 1966 Lenzburg 55.50,8 14.50,8 (1198) Diplom Video 10km 1834. 5.35 ¦ 22.35 241.¦ 33.15 275.¦ 256. Vetter Silvia 1966 Wilen b. Wil 55.52,9 14.52,9 (3123) Diplom Video 10km 1841. 5.35 ¦ 22.40 247.¦ 33.12 271.¦ 257. Hari Ellen 1967 Reichenbach im Kandertal 55.53,3 14.53,3 (4203) Diplom Video 10km 1842. 5.35 ¦ 23.35 325.¦ 32.18 217.¦ 258. Muehlebach Rita 1963 Nidau 55.55,8 14.55,8 (5703) Diplom Video 10km 1848. 5.35 ¦ 22.59 270.¦ 32.56 251.¦ 259. Sabini Barbara 1963 Oberembrach 55.56,2 14.56,2 (2479) Diplom Video 10km 1850. 5.35 ¦ 23.02 280.¦ 32.53 248.¦ 260. Hofmann Monika 1966 Köniz 55.58,5 14.58,5 (3272) Diplom Video 10km 1858. 5.35 ¦ 22.53 261.¦ 33.05 259.¦ 261. Frantzen Roth Barbara 1967 Hilterfingen 56.00,7 15.00,7 (2743) Diplom Video 10km 1867. 5.36 ¦ 22.28 229.¦ 33.32 291.¦ 262. Tross-Müller Marianne 1967 Bachenbülach 56.01,7 15.01,7 (3070) Diplom Video 10km 1871. 5.36 ¦ 23.05 281.¦ 32.56 252.¦ 263. Lintzen Sabine 1967 Oberengstringen 56.03,0 15.03,0 (4319) Diplom Video 10km 1878. 5.36 ¦ 22.30 232.¦ 33.32 292.¦ 264. Gasser Irene 1964 Lungern 56.08,4 15.08,4 (3113) Diplom Video 10km 1892. 5.36 ¦ 23.15 295.¦ 32.53 248.¦ 265. Martin Rita 1964 Schmitten FR 56.09,9 15.09,9 (3201) Diplom Video 10km 1895. 5.36 ¦ 23.07 286.¦ 33.02 257.¦ 266. Bonvin Florence 1967 Ardon 56.10,2 15.10,2 (3074) Diplom Video 10km 1897. 5.37 ¦ 23.24 311.¦ 32.46 242.¦ 267. Liechti Veronika Fee 1966 Walkringen 56.11,4 15.11,4 (6151) Diplom Video 10km 1900. 5.37 ¦ 22.51 258.¦ 33.20 283.¦ 268. Renggli Sibylle 1965 Schwarzenburg 56.12,5 15.12,5 (6342) Diplom Video 10km 1905. 5.37 ¦ 23.36 330.¦ 32.36 235.¦ 269. Rigamonti Véronique 1965 Bern 56.12,8 15.12,8 (2699) Diplom Video 10km 1906. 5.37 ¦ 22.42 248.¦ 33.30 287.¦ 270. Fehr Silvia 1965 Koppigen 56.13,4 15.13,4 (4118) Diplom Video 10km 1909. 5.37 ¦ 22.59 267.¦ 33.14 273.¦ 271. von Mühlenen Regula 1964 Limpach 56.14,2 15.14,2 (4441) Diplom Video 10km 1917. 5.37 ¦ 22.59 273.¦ 33.14 274.¦ 272. Bleiker Karin 1967 Worb 56.14,3 15.14,3 (5169) Diplom Video 10km 1918. 5.37 ¦ 23.19 304.¦ 32.54 250.¦ 272. Hauri Nadia 1967 Suhr 56.14,3 15.14,3 (4550) Diplom Video 10km 1918. 5.37 ¦ 24.38 395.¦ 31.36 183.¦ 274. Fuchs Susanna 1967 Pfäffikon SZ 56.14,4 15.14,4 (3348) Diplom Video 10km 1921. 5.37 ¦ 23.01 279.¦ 33.12 269.¦ 275. Hofmann Nicole 1967 Rothrist 56.15,9 15.15,9 (3137) Diplom Video 10km 1929. 5.37 ¦ 22.59 274.¦ 33.16 276.¦ 276. Lang Anne 1966 Haute-Nendaz 56.18,0 15.18,0 (3384) Diplom Video 10km 1934. 5.37 ¦ 23.11 290.¦ 33.06 262.¦ 277. Janzen Katrin 1963 Bern 56.19,7 15.19,7 (4059) Diplom Video 10km 1940. 5.37 ¦ 22.34 239.¦ 33.44 306.¦ 278. Meier Ursula 1963 Buchs AG 56.25,6 15.25,6 (2326) Diplom Video 10km 1965. 5.38 ¦ 22.32 234.¦ 33.53 314.¦ 279. Bührer Erika 1966 Weinfelden 56.25,8 15.25,8 (3120) Diplom Video 10km 1967. 5.38 ¦ 22.45 254.¦ 33.40 301.¦ 279. Schmid Claudia 1965 Malters 56.25,8 15.25,8 (4277) Diplom Video 10km 1967. 5.38 ¦ 22.52 260.¦ 33.33 293.¦ 281. Schluechter Terese 1965 Meyriez 56.26,7 15.26,7 (3044) Diplom Video 10km 1970. 5.38 ¦ 22.43 251.¦ 33.43 304.¦ 282. Gasser Rita 1967 St. Silvester 56.27,1 15.27,1 (2351) Diplom Video 10km 1973. 5.38 ¦ 22.12 211.¦ 34.14 332.¦ 283. Vögtli Monika 1963 Hochwald 56.27,7 15.27,7 (2321) Diplom Video 10km 1976. 5.38 ¦ 22.38 244.¦ 33.48 309.¦ 284. Lampe Gudrun 1966 Näfels 56.29,2 15.29,2 (3135) Diplom Video 10km 1978. 5.38 ¦ 22.59 275.¦ 33.29 286.¦ 285. Meier Astrid 1966 Oberwil b. Zug 56.35,3 15.35,3 (3205) Diplom Video 10km 2006. 5.39 ¦ 23.16 299.¦ 33.18 282.¦ 286. Mühlemann Franziska 1965 Stettlen 56.36,2 15.36,2 (3471) Diplom Video 10km 2012. 5.39 ¦ 22.59 266.¦ 33.37 296.¦ 287. Bieri Silvia 1965 Schangnau 56.38,8 15.38,8 (3536) Diplom Video 10km 2019. 5.39 ¦ 23.20 305.¦ 33.18 280.¦ 288. Vecchio Claudia 1967 Zürich 56.42,3 15.42,3 (2328) Diplom Video 10km 2031. 5.40 ¦ 23.21 308.¦ 33.20 284.¦ 289. Schmid Maja 1967 Burgdorf 56.43,2 15.43,2 (4543) Diplom Video 10km 2035. 5.40 ¦ 23.30 320.¦ 33.12 270.¦ 290. Dettling Güldner Heidi 1963 Zürich 56.46,5 15.46,5 (5102) Diplom Video 10km 2050. 5.40 ¦ 22.57 265.¦ 33.48 308.¦ 291. Müller Niederhauser Sonja 1963 Worb 56.50,2 15.50,2 (6039) Diplom Video 10km 2060. 5.41 ¦ 23.17 300.¦ 33.32 289.¦ 292. Zaninetti Isabelle 1965 Bern 56.52,1 15.52,1 (6394) Diplom Video 10km 2064. 5.41 ¦ 23.46 344.¦ 33.06 261.¦ 293. Lapping Ann 1967 Erlenbach ZH 56.54,2 15.54,2 (2559) Diplom Video 10km 2073. 5.41 ¦ 23.16 298.¦ 33.37 297.¦ 294. Planzer Daniela 1965 Schattdorf 56.54,5 15.54,5 (4002) Diplom Video 10km 2075. 5.41 ¦ 23.14 293.¦ 33.39 300.¦ 295. Knecht Anita 1965 Neerach 56.54,7 15.54,7 (4328) Diplom Video 10km 2076. 5.41 ¦ 23.36 329.¦ 33.18 279.¦ 296. Kugler Ireen 1964 Hefenhofen 56.57,1 15.57,1 (3091) Diplom Video 10km 2083. 5.41 ¦ 23.18 303.¦ 33.38 298.¦ 297. Imhof Anita 1966 Goldau 56.58,5 15.58,5 (3539) Diplom Video 10km 2087. 5.41 ¦ 22.57 264.¦ 34.01 321.¦ 298. Staffelbach Rita 1967 Uffikon 56.59,3 15.59,3 (4560) Diplom Video 10km 2090. 5.41 ¦ 23.05 282.¦ 33.53 315.¦ 299. Constantin Sonia 1967 Arbaz 56.59,9 15.59,9 (2362) Diplom Video 10km 2094. 5.41 ¦ 22.59 270.¦ 34.00 320.¦ 299. Tanno Daniela 1966 Luzern 56.59,9 15.59,9 (3211) Diplom Video 10km 2094. 5.41 ¦ 23.05 283.¦ 33.54 316.¦ 301. Buchser Marie-Louise 1965 Meinisberg 57.04,1 16.04,1 (3094) Diplom Video 10km 2113. 5.42 ¦ 23.25 314.¦ 33.38 299.¦ 302. Binggeli Irène 1966 Basel 57.05,8 16.05,8 (3434) Diplom Video 10km 2117. 5.42 ¦ 23.48 348.¦ 33.17 277.¦ 303. Burkhalter Judith 1967 Diemerswil 57.07,5 16.07,5 (6035) Diplom Video 10km 2125. 5.42 ¦ 23.23 310.¦ 33.44 305.¦ 304. Gilg Angelika 1966 Steinhausen 57.12,1 16.12,1 (3246) Diplom Video 10km 2142. 5.43 ¦ 23.08 287.¦ 34.03 323.¦ 305. Häfliger Vilma 1967 St. Gallen 57.12,7 16.12,7 (4001) Diplom Video 10km 2144. 5.43 ¦ 22.59 269.¦ 34.13 330.¦ 306. Altenberger Theres 1965 Zug 57.16,6 16.16,6 (6073) Diplom Video 10km 2158. 5.43 ¦ 23.58 357.¦ 33.18 280.¦ 307. Jeckelmann Renate 1967 Vugelles-La Mothe 57.17,1 16.17,1 (3479) Diplom Video 10km 2160. 5.43 ¦ 23.28 315.¦ 33.49 310.¦ 308. Baud Patricia 1967 Spiegel b. Bern 57.18,5 16.18,5 (2577) Diplom Video 10km 2165. 5.43 ¦ 23.06 285.¦ 34.12 328.¦ 309. Gabriel Trudy 1967 Ennetbürgen 57.20,7 16.20,7 (3115) Diplom Video 10km 2178. 5.44 ¦ 23.29 318.¦ 33.51 311.¦ 310. Mabillard Fassio Catherine 1964 Rivaz 57.22,8 16.22,8 (2708) Diplom Video 10km 2186. 5.44 ¦ 23.10 288.¦ 34.12 329.¦ 310. Weber Françoise 1967 Collombey 57.22,8 16.22,8 (5318) Diplom Video 10km 2186. 5.44 ¦ 23.35 328.¦ 33.47 307.¦ 312. Bugnon Anne 1964 Neyruz FR 57.22,9 16.22,9 (4582) Diplom Video 10km 2188. 5.44 ¦ 24.34 393.¦ 32.48 245.¦ 313. Brand Manuela 1966 Gempenach 57.23,8 16.23,8 (3039) Diplom Video 10km 2192. 5.44 ¦ 22.38 243.¦ 34.45 355.¦ 314. Rahlenbeck Deborah, Bern 1967 International School of Ber 57.24,2 16.24,2 (4519) Diplom Video 10km 2194. 5.44 ¦ 22.54 262.¦ 34.30 341.¦ 315. Avila Christine 1967 Gland 57.25,8 16.25,8 (3480) Diplom Video 10km 2200. 5.44 ¦ 23.21 307.¦ 34.04 324.¦ 316. Zahno Monika 1963 Birsfelden 57.29,4 16.29,4 (5251) Diplom Video 10km 2212. 5.44 ¦ 23.28 315.¦ 34.01 321.¦ 317. Stadler Heidi 1966 Freidorf TG 57.29,9 16.29,9 (3455) Diplom Video 10km 2217. 5.44 ¦ 23.13 292.¦ 34.16 334.¦ 318. Auderset Jöhri Corinne 1965 Aarberg 57.30,8 16.30,8 (6677) Diplom Video 10km 2222. 5.45 ¦ 24.22 376.¦ 33.08 267.¦ 319. Briner Ivana 1964 Freidorf TG 57.31,1 16.31,1 (3141) Diplom Video 10km 2224. 5.45 ¦ 23.15 296.¦ 34.15 333.¦ 320. Jähnig Catrin 1964 Worb 57.31,7 16.31,7 (6665) Diplom Video 10km 2227. 5.45 ¦ 25.07 421.¦ 32.24 220.¦ 321. Arnold Daniela 1963 Reidermoos 57.32,0 16.32,0 (2174) Diplom Video 10km 2228. 5.45 ¦ 23.24 312.¦ 34.07 326.¦ 322. Mussoi Isabelle 1967 Granges-Paccot 57.35,2 16.35,2 (5342) Diplom Video 10km 2245. 5.45 ¦ 24.34 390.¦ 33.01 254.¦ 323. Haratine Kathryn 1963 Wädenswil 57.38,7 16.38,7 (3376) Diplom Video 10km 2251. 5.45 ¦ 23.44 341.¦ 33.54 317.¦ 324. Bourban Carmel 1965 Brignon (Nendaz) 57.43,1 16.43,1 (5640) Diplom Video 10km 2267. 5.46 ¦ 24.07 363.¦ 33.35 294.¦ 325. Koller Monica 1966 Untersiggenthal 57.44,1 16.44,1 (5246) Diplom Video 10km 2273. 5.46 ¦ 24.02 361.¦ 33.42 302.¦ 326. Buitendijk Angelika 1966 Teufen AR 57.44,9 16.44,9 (3093) Diplom Video 10km 2277. 5.46 ¦ 23.52 352.¦ 33.52 312.¦ 327. Abplanalp Annelies 1966 Meiringen 57.47,9 16.47,9 (3451) Diplom Video 10km 2295. 5.46 ¦ 23.40 332.¦ 34.07 325.¦ 328. Lauber Maria Gabriele 1963 Täsch 57.48,6 16.48,6 (2529) Diplom Video 10km 2297. 5.46 ¦ 22.29 231.¦ 35.18 375.¦ 329. Hutzli Dorothee 1965 Pieterlen 57.51,5 16.51,5 (4606) Diplom Video 10km 2304. 5.47 ¦ 24.50 405.¦ 33.01 255.¦ 330. Wicki Andrea 1963 Oberdorf NW 57.58,6 16.58,6 (3234) Diplom Video 10km 2326. 5.47 ¦ 23.24 313.¦ 34.33 345.¦ 331. Bielesch Dora 1965 Port 58.03,1 17.03,1 (3220) Diplom Video 10km 2342. 5.48 ¦ 23.30 319.¦ 34.32 343.¦ 332. Tamarri Marie-Hélène 1963 Epalinges 58.09,4 17.09,4 (6620) Diplom Video 10km 2362. 5.48 ¦ 24.32 387.¦ 33.37 295.¦ 333. Hanimann Helen 1963 Forch 58.09,6 17.09,6 (3510) Diplom Video 10km 2363. 5.48 ¦ 23.30 321.¦ 34.38 351.¦ 334. Rütsche Irène, Niederuzwil 1964 Gruppe Dürr 58.11,0 17.11,0 (6182) Diplom Video 10km 2366. 5.49 ¦ 23.57 356.¦ 34.13 330.¦ 335. Spirgi Caroline 1964 Rheinfelden 58.12,6 17.12,6 (4008) Diplom Video 10km 2374. 5.49 ¦ 23.47 347.¦ 34.25 337.¦ 336. Fahrni Lisbeth 1963 Burgdorf 58.13,3 17.13,3 (3352) Diplom Video 10km 2376. 5.49 ¦ 23.18 301.¦ 34.55 360.¦ 337. Wirth Luigina 1964 Spiegel b. Bern 58.13,5 17.13,5 (3468) Diplom Video 10km 2378. 5.49 ¦ 23.00 276.¦ 35.12 369.¦ 338. Kunz Karin 1963 Wohlen AG 58.15,7 17.15,7 (4486) Diplom Video 10km 2386. 5.49 ¦ 23.15 297.¦ 35.00 364.¦ 339. Valdettaro Sharon 1963 Bern 58.16,7 17.16,7 (6509) Diplom Video 10km 2391. 5.49 ¦ 24.24 378.¦ 33.52 312.¦ 340. Krauer Monika 1967 Neuenkirch 58.17,8 17.17,8 (3347) Diplom Video 10km 2393. 5.49 ¦ 23.34 324.¦ 34.43 354.¦ 341. Hohl Christine 1967 Allschwil 58.18,0 17.18,0 (3317) Diplom Video 10km 2395. 5.49 ¦ 23.56 355.¦ 34.22 336.¦ 342. Zimmermann Sonja 1963 Winterthur 58.18,4 17.18,4 (5320) Diplom Video 10km 2397. 5.49 ¦ 23.46 345.¦ 34.32 342.¦ 343. Fankhauser Ruth 1963 Walkringen 58.20,0 17.20,0 (3035) Diplom Video 10km 2403. 5.50 ¦ 23.52 351.¦ 34.27 339.¦ 344. Stiegeler Ursula 1964 Mörschwil 58.29,1 17.29,1 (4469) Diplom Video 10km 2433. 5.50 ¦ 23.20 306.¦ 35.08 368.¦ 345. Bühlmann Tabea 1965 Wallisellen 58.30,9 17.30,9 (6608) Diplom Video 10km 2439. 5.51 ¦ 25.13 427.¦ 33.17 278.¦ 346. Schicker Michelle 1964 Buchillon 58.33,1 17.33,1 (4604) Diplom Video 10km 2447. 5.51 ¦ 25.06 420.¦ 33.26 285.¦ 347. Trittibach Cornelia 1965 Oey 58.34,6 17.34,6 (3154) Diplom Video 10km 2454. 5.51 ¦ 23.44 342.¦ 34.50 356.¦ 348. Studer Maria 1965 Olten 58.35,0 17.35,0 (3161) Diplom Video 10km 2457. 5.51 ¦ 23.54 354.¦ 34.40 353.¦ 349. Burkhalter Esther 1967 Langendorf 58.35,9 17.35,9 (3285) Diplom Video 10km 2460. 5.51 ¦ 24.00 360.¦ 34.35 347.¦ 350. Wolff Schmandt Kathrin 1964 Forch 58.36,8 17.36,8 (3512) Diplom Video 10km 2464. 5.51 ¦ 23.14 294.¦ 35.21 378.¦ 351. Josty Beatrice 1967 Hindelbank 58.37,3 17.37,3 (4189) Diplom Video 10km 2467. 5.51 ¦ 24.10 365.¦ 34.27 338.¦ 352. Schwerzmann-Odermatt Monika 1965 Seuzach 58.38,4 17.38,4 (4098) Diplom Video 10km 2470. 5.51 ¦ 24.29 382.¦ 34.09 327.¦ 353. Peter Karin 1967 Busswil 58.39,6 17.39,6 (5279) Diplom Video 10km 2475. 5.51 ¦ 23.43 338.¦ 34.56 361.¦ 354. Disler Marianne 1965 Kriens 58.43,2 17.43,2 (3631) Diplom Video 10km 2486. 5.52 ¦ 23.42 336.¦ 35.00 365.¦ 355. Graber Michèle 1965 Udligenswil 58.47,3 17.47,3 (4274) Diplom Video 10km 2506. 5.52 ¦ 24.08 364.¦ 34.38 352.¦ 356. Osterwalder Sarah 1965 Termine 58.48,2 17.48,2 (4456) Diplom Video 10km 2509. 5.52 ¦ 23.48 349.¦ 34.59 363.¦ 357. Russo Andrea 1966 Zürich 58.50,8 17.50,8 (2329) Diplom Video 10km 2516. 5.53 ¦ 23.22 309.¦ 35.28 383.¦ 358. Dannenhauer Brigitta 1967 Frenkendorf 58.53,6 17.53,6 (3250) Diplom Video 10km 2522. 5.53 ¦ 23.35 327.¦ 35.18 373.¦ 359. Bangerter Astrid 1965 Meiringen 58.55,2 17.55,2 (3107) Diplom Video 10km 2528. 5.53 ¦ 23.39 331.¦ 35.15 371.¦ 360. Rotzetter Catherine 1965 Corminboeuf 58.57,1 17.57,1 (6636) Diplom Video 10km 2534. 5.53 ¦ 24.21 374.¦ 34.35 348.¦ 361. Hardegger Yvonne 1963 Kehrsatz 58.58,3 17.58,3 (5172) Diplom Video 10km 2537. 5.53 ¦ 24.25 379.¦ 34.33 344.¦ 362. Fuhrer Barbara 1965 Lyssach 59.01,9 18.01,9 (3391) Diplom Video 10km 2549. 5.54 ¦ 23.42 336.¦ 35.19 376.¦ 363. Giller Gaby 1967 Wintersingen 59.02,7 18.02,7 (4225) Diplom Video 10km 2553. 5.54 ¦ 24.42 400.¦ 34.19 335.¦ 364. Gauch Theres 1963 Steinhausen 59.03,5 18.03,5 (4045) Diplom Video 10km 2555. 5.54 ¦ 24.11 367.¦ 34.51 357.¦ 365. Mury Carole 1966 Blonay 59.04,5 18.04,5 (2356) Diplom Video 10km 2556. 5.54 ¦ 23.40 333.¦ 35.23 381.¦ 366. Clerc Karin 1966 Liebistorf 59.06,1 18.06,1 (5043) Diplom Video 10km 2561. 5.54 ¦ 23.32 322.¦ 35.33 387.¦ 367. Scharwath Birgitt 1963 Pully 59.08,2 18.08,2 (4122) Diplom Video 10km 2565. 5.54 ¦ 23.45 343.¦ 35.22 380.¦ 368. Portner Rita 1967 Ostermundigen 59.13,6 18.13,6 (3207) Diplom Video 10km 2578. 5.55 ¦ 24.21 373.¦ 34.52 358.¦ 369. Jacomet Patricia 1967 Aarburg 59.18,4 18.18,4 (5375) Diplom Video 10km 2591. 5.55 ¦ 25.35 447.¦ 33.43 303.¦ 370. Wiesmann Claudia 1966 Oberneunforn 59.19,2 18.19,2 (3503) Diplom Video 10km 2594. 5.55 ¦ 23.35 325.¦ 35.44 397.¦ 371. Ammann Sandra 1967 Thalwil 59.21,8 18.21,8 (4371) Diplom Video 10km 2600. 5.56 ¦ 25.50 453.¦ 33.31 288.¦ 372. Freyer Daniela 1967 Lavigny 59.23,9 18.23,9 (5146) Diplom Video 10km 2610. 5.56 ¦ 24.31 385.¦ 34.52 359.¦ 373. Hartmann Aldina 1963 Thalwil 59.26,1 18.26,1 (5437) Diplom Video 10km 2617. 5.56 ¦ 24.23 377.¦ 35.02 366.¦ 374. Ben Said Kahena 1964 Genève 59.27,2 18.27,2 (5633) Diplom Video 10km 2622. 5.56 ¦ 24.50 408.¦ 34.36 349.¦ 375. Burkart Daniela 1965 Horw 59.30,3 18.30,3 (4275) Diplom Video 10km 2633. 5.57 ¦ 24.53 410.¦ 34.36 350.¦ 375. Reusser Doris 1965 Teuffenthal b. Thun 59.30,3 18.30,3 (3191) Diplom Video 10km 2633. 5.57 ¦ 23.43 339.¦ 35.46 399.¦ 377. Saurer Christine 1963 Bätterkinden 59.36,0 18.36,0 (5134) Diplom Video 10km 2647. 5.57 ¦ 23.28 317.¦ 36.07 410.¦ 378. Remy Beatrice 1966 St. Silvester 59.36,5 18.36,5 (2352) Diplom Video 10km 2648. 5.57 ¦ 24.14 369.¦ 35.22 379.¦ 379. Aeschlimann Therese 1964 Gunzwil 59.38,0 18.38,0 (4083) Diplom Video 10km 2651. 5.57 ¦ 23.53 353.¦ 35.44 398.¦ 380. Repond Fabienne 1966 Grolley 59.39,3 18.39,3 (6021) Diplom Video 10km 2656. 5.57 ¦ 24.40 399.¦ 34.58 362.¦ 381. Niederhauser Barbara 1964 Wynigen 59.41,5 18.41,5 (5446) Diplom Video 10km 2662. 5.58 ¦ 25.12 424.¦ 34.28 340.¦ 382. Bitterli Doris 1967 Zunzgen 59.44,5 18.44,5 (4226) Diplom Video 10km 2672. 5.58 ¦ 24.38 396.¦ 35.06 367.¦ 383. Hasler Katharina 1965 Walterswil BE 59.45,0 18.45,0 (3457) Diplom Video 10km 2673. 5.58 ¦ 23.11 291.¦ 36.33 427.¦ 384. Soder Cornelia 1965 Böckten 59.50,3 18.50,3 (6406) Diplom Video 10km 2693. 5.59 ¦ 25.16 429.¦ 34.34 346.¦ 385. Forrer Charlotte, Kirchberg SG 1964 Gruppe Dürr 59.54,7 18.54,7 (6186) Diplom Video 10km 2715. 5.59 ¦ 24.15 370.¦ 35.38 394.¦ 386. Feusi Jolanda 1964 Aeugst a. A. 59.55,1 18.55,1 (3499) Diplom Video 10km 2718. 5.59 ¦ 24.39 398.¦ 35.15 372.¦ 387. Atassi Hermien 1966 Dintikon 59.57,1 18.57,1 (3527) Diplom Video 10km 2726. 5.59 ¦ 23.40 333.¦ 36.16 413.¦ 388. Roos Andrea 1967 Galgenen 59.57,7 18.57,7 (4107) Diplom Video 10km 2728. 5.59 ¦ 24.02 362.¦ 35.55 405.¦ 389. Dermois Wytske 1963 Villmergen 59.57,8 18.57,8 (3528) Diplom Video 10km 2729. 5.59 ¦ 23.41 335.¦ 36.16 414.¦ 390. Schmutz-Zehnder Christine 1964 Golaten 1:00.00,0 19.00,0 (5174) Diplom Video 10km 2740. 6.00 ¦ 24.31 386.¦ 35.28 384.¦ 391. Guntern Anne 1966 Haute-Nendaz 1:00.02,2 19.02,2 (3383) Diplom Video 10km 2746. 6.00 ¦ 23.44 340.¦ 36.18 417.¦ 392. Schmid-Wicki Monika 1966 Dottikon 1:00.05,6 19.05,6 (5291) Diplom Video 10km 2751. 6.00 ¦ 24.17 371.¦ 35.48 400.¦ 393. Stauffer Christa 1966 Oberbütschel 1:00.20,5 19.20,5 (5007) Diplom Video 10km 2783. 6.02 ¦ 25.00 415.¦ 35.20 377.¦ 394. Lingg Maria 1963 Uffikon 1:00.22,8 19.22,8 (4559) Diplom Video 10km 2791. 6.02 ¦ 24.22 375.¦ 36.00 409.¦ 395. De Luigi Sonja 1965 Sils im Domleschg 1:00.22,9 19.22,9 (5379) Diplom Video 10km 2792. 6.02 ¦ 24.45 401.¦ 35.37 392.¦ 396. Seiler Yvonne 1964 Bubendorf 1:00.24,8 19.24,8 (4504) Diplom Video 10km 2801. 6.02 ¦ 24.49 404.¦ 35.35 389.¦ 397. Schwehr Petra 1966 D-Grenzach-Wyhlen 1:00.25,8 19.25,8 (4405) Diplom Video 10km 2808. 6.02 ¦ 23.49 350.¦ 36.36 432.¦ 398. Ten Doesschate Herma, Hünenberg 1963 International school of Zug 1:00.25,9 19.25,9 (3490) Diplom Video 10km 2810. 6.02 ¦ 23.58 359.¦ 36.27 420.¦ 399. Jäggi Therese 1964 Beinwil am See 1:00.26,2 19.26,2 (4253) Diplom Video 10km 2814. 6.02 ¦ 24.33 389.¦ 35.52 402.¦ 400. Seliner Roswitha 1967 Wangen SZ 1:00.27,9 19.27,9 (4009) Diplom Video 10km 2821. 6.02 ¦ 24.30 383.¦ 35.57 407.¦ 401. Monroy Lucila 1967 Winkel 1:00.30,3 19.30,3 (6410) Diplom Video 10km 2830. 6.03 ¦ 24.59 412.¦ 35.31 386.¦ 402. Schelbert Monika 1964 Beinwil am See 1:00.31,1 19.31,1 (4254) Diplom Video 10km 2832. 6.03 ¦ 24.32 388.¦ 35.58 408.¦ 403. Wattinger-Müller Esther 1966 Landschlacht 1:00.32,0 19.32,0 (3194) Diplom Video 10km 2836. 6.03 ¦ 23.34 323.¦ 36.57 442.¦ 404. Bartolotta Roberta 1966 D-Efringen-Kirchen 1:00.33,3 19.33,3 (5631) Diplom Video 10km 2839. 6.03 ¦ 24.59 413.¦ 35.33 388.¦ 405. Schiffmann Franziska 1963 Homberg b. Thun 1:00.40,1 19.40,1 (3336) Diplom Video 10km 2860. 6.04 ¦ 24.12 368.¦ 36.27 421.¦ 406. Brulhart Rosanna 1964 Marly 1:00.43,2 19.43,2 (3371) Diplom Video 10km 2867. 6.04 ¦ 25.00 415.¦ 35.43 396.¦ 406. Studer Hanna 1965 Luzern 1:00.43,2 19.43,2 (3610) Diplom Video 10km 2867. 6.04 ¦ 24.34 392.¦ 36.08 411.¦ 408. Büchi Eva 1963 Kreuzlingen 1:00.47,3 19.47,3 (6146) Diplom Video 10km 2885. 6.04 ¦ 25.32 444.¦ 35.14 370.¦ 409. Hollenstein Ursula 1965 Aadorf 1:00.49,9 19.49,9 (5220) Diplom Video 10km 2888. 6.04 ¦ 25.24 436.¦ 35.25 382.¦ 410. Bärtschi Doris 1963 Oberburg 1:00.54,3 19.54,3 (5358) Diplom Video 10km 2896. 6.05 ¦ 25.01 417.¦ 35.53 403.¦ 411. Aeschlimann Rosi 1966 Les Cullayes 1:00.55,1 19.55,1 (4510) Diplom Video 10km 2897. 6.05 ¦ 25.12 424.¦ 35.42 395.¦ 412. Landolt Karin 1964 Beringen 1:00.57,2 19.57,2 (4028) Diplom Video 10km 2903. 6.05 ¦ 24.27 381.¦ 36.30 424.¦ 413. Urbanski Sabine 1967 D-Konstanz 1:00.59,0 19.59,0 (4110) Diplom Video 10km 2911. 6.05 ¦ 25.29 441.¦ 35.29 385.¦ 414. Sprung Nikola 1967 Zürich 1:01.03,2 20.03,2 (4614) Diplom Video 10km 2918. 6.06 ¦ 24.31 384.¦ 36.32 425.¦ 415. Zantedeschi Petra 1966 Untersiggenthal 1:01.06,2 20.06,2 (5056) Diplom Video 10km 2928. 6.06 ¦ 25.12 423.¦ 35.54 404.¦ 416. Maurer Mirjam 1967 Guggisberg 1:01.06,7 20.06,7 (6675) Diplom Video 10km 2930. 6.06 ¦ 25.30 442.¦ 35.36 390.¦ 417. Germann Sannie 1963 Wichtrach 1:01.08,2 20.08,2 (6398) Diplom Video 10km 2935. 6.06 ¦ 25.49 452.¦ 35.18 374.¦ 418. Kurzbein Rita 1967 Schlieren 1:01.11,1 20.11,1 (4432) Diplom Video 10km 2944. 6.07 ¦ 24.38 397.¦ 36.32 426.¦ 419. Kesseli Christa 1965 Zug 1:01.12,5 20.12,5 (3251) Diplom Video 10km 2948. 6.07 ¦ 24.48 403.¦ 36.23 418.¦ 420. Niederhauser Franziska 1967 Heimenschwand 1:01.18,7 20.18,7 (5138) Diplom Video 10km 2962. 6.07 ¦ 24.52 409.¦ 36.25 419.¦ 421. Zellweger Gabriele 1964 Teufen AR 1:01.24,7 20.24,7 (4638) Diplom Video 10km 2980. 6.08 ¦ 24.34 391.¦ 36.50 437.¦ 422. Rivoir Vera 1966 Bubendorf 1:01.25,3 20.25,3 (5173) Diplom Video 10km 2981. 6.08 ¦ 24.26 380.¦ 36.58 445.¦ 423. Dietrich Susanne 1967 Innerberg 1:01.27,7 20.27,7 (3531) Diplom Video 10km 2986. 6.08 ¦ 24.58 411.¦ 36.29 423.¦ 424. Kalberer-Wyss Annelies 1966 Wangs 1:01.38,9 20.38,9 (4300) Diplom Video 10km 3024. 6.09 ¦ 25.05 419.¦ 36.33 428.¦ 425. Achtnich Karen 1966 Celerina/Schlarigna 1:01.40,6 20.40,6 (3313) Diplom Video 10km 3028. 6.10 ¦ 23.46 346.¦ 37.54 469.¦ 426. Hirt Kathleen, D-Schopfheim 1965 Weleda 1:01.41,2 20.41,2 (4422) Diplom Video 10km 3030. 6.10 ¦ 25.29 440.¦ 36.11 412.¦ 427. Senti Silvia 1963 Chur 1:01.42,3 20.42,3 (4292) Diplom Video 10km 3035. 6.10 ¦ 25.24 435.¦ 36.18 415.¦ 427. Stierli Beatrice, Allschwil 1964 SBB 1:01.42,3 20.42,3 (4005) Diplom Video 10km 3035. 6.10 ¦ 24.46 402.¦ 36.56 441.¦ 429. Keist Regula 1963 Neuenkirch 1:01.46,4 20.46,4 (4049) Diplom Video 10km 3042. 6.10 ¦ 25.10 422.¦ 36.35 431.¦ 430. Bauer Bettina 1965 Teufen AR 1:01.49,6 20.49,6 (4041) Diplom Video 10km 3047. 6.10 ¦ 24.50 406.¦ 36.59 446.¦ 431. Oesch Monica 1963 Schüpfen 1:01.53,3 20.53,3 (4436) Diplom Video 10km 3056. 6.11 ¦ 25.17 431.¦ 36.35 430.¦ 432. Jegen Christinger Ursula, Schlat 1965 Helsana 1:01.55,3 20.55,3 (5217) Diplom Video 10km 3059. 6.11 ¦ 26.04 458.¦ 35.51 401.¦ 433. Schneider Petra 1964 Chur 1:02.01,9 21.01,9 (4419) Diplom Video 10km 3067. 6.12 ¦ 24.59 414.¦ 37.02 448.¦ 434. Etter Iris 1964 Gattikon 1:02.02,7 21.02,7 (5606) Diplom Video 10km 3068. 6.12 ¦ 25.28 439.¦ 36.34 429.¦ 435. Häberlin Edith 1967 Neuwilen 1:02.07,4 21.07,4 (5223) Diplom Video 10km 3078. 6.12 ¦ 25.20 433.¦ 36.46 434.¦ 436. Josi Jacqueline 1966 Bern 1:02.08,5 21.08,5 (6299) Diplom Video 10km 3082. 6.12 ¦ 25.12 426.¦ 36.55 440.¦ 437. Ferrari Fabienne 1965 Cornol 1:02.08,8 21.08,8 (6747) Diplom Video 10km 3086. 6.12 ¦ 25.27 438.¦ 36.41 433.¦ 438. Voegeli Jacqueline 1967 Bern 1:02.11,7 21.11,7 (5368) Diplom Video 10km 3092. 6.13 ¦ 26.34 476.¦ 35.37 391.¦ 439. Bähre Claudia 1965 Wabern 1:02.12,6 21.12,6 (5264) Diplom Video 10km 3096. 6.13 ¦ 26.34 478.¦ 35.37 392.¦ 440. Schneider Elsbeth 1963 Wettingen 1:02.20,1 21.20,1 (6715) Diplom Video 10km 3112. 6.14 ¦ 25.20 432.¦ 37.00 447.¦ 441. Modenese Mirella 1967 Bassersdorf 1:02.30,5 21.30,5 (4340) Diplom Video 10km 3125. 6.15 ¦ 24.36 394.¦ 37.53 468.¦ 442. Janes Michèle 1964 Stans 1:02.34,2 21.34,2 (3538) Diplom Video 10km 3131. 6.15 ¦ 24.11 366.¦ 38.22 477.¦ 443. Seiler-Roten Pascale 1967 Steg VS 1:02.36,4 21.36,4 (4470) Diplom Video 10km 3136. 6.15 ¦ 24.19 372.¦ 38.16 475.¦ 444. Ruch Brigitte 1965 Zäziwil 1:02.40,0 21.40,0 (5369) Diplom Video 10km 3141. 6.16 ¦ 25.31 443.¦ 37.08 453.¦ 445. Söchtig Ursula 1966 Horw 1:02.40,3 21.40,3 (5063) Diplom Video 10km 3143. 6.16 ¦ 26.43 480.¦ 35.57 406.¦ 446. Günther Edita 1964 Schaffhausen 1:02.42,9 21.42,9 (5308) Diplom Video 10km 3149. 6.16 ¦ 25.56 455.¦ 36.46 435.¦ 447. Aregger Yvonne 1964 Oberrüti 1:02.49,3 21.49,3 (5196) Diplom Video 10km 3163. 6.16 ¦ 26.31 473.¦ 36.18 415.¦ 448. Fabbri Katrin 1965 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 1:02.49,6 21.49,6 (5655) Diplom Video 10km 3164. 6.16 ¦ 25.34 446.¦ 37.15 456.¦ 449. Willener Doris 1963 Romanshorn 1:02.55,9 21.55,9 (5112) Diplom Video 10km 3174. 6.17 ¦ 25.47 450.¦ 37.08 452.¦ 450. Dürr Claudia, Zuzwil SG 1966 Gruppe Dürr 1:02.57,9 21.57,9 (6184) Diplom Video 10km 3180. 6.17 ¦ 26.29 472.¦ 36.28 422.¦ 451. Erni-Stirnimann Silvia 1967 Buchrain 1:02.58,7 21.58,7 (4273) Diplom Video 10km 3182. 6.17 ¦ 25.17 430.¦ 37.41 463.¦ 452. Schmid Pascale 1966 Brig 1:03.02,8 22.02,8 (5724) Diplom Video 10km 3189. 6.18 ¦ 25.58 456.¦ 37.04 450.¦ 453. Tresch Gisela 1967 Münchwilen TG 1:03.07,2 22.07,2 (6250) Diplom Video 10km 3199. 6.18 ¦ 26.09 460.¦ 36.57 443.¦ 454. Graf Daniela 1964 Steffisburg 1:03.09,7 22.09,7 (4197) Diplom Video 10km 3206. 6.18 ¦ 25.04 418.¦ 38.04 471.¦ 455. Stiftner Sandra 1964 Binningen 1:03.11,4 22.11,4 (5610) Diplom Video 10km 3209. 6.19 ¦ 26.12 462.¦ 36.58 444.¦ 456. Blaser Marianne 1963 Belp 1:03.12,8 22.12,8 (6341) Diplom Video 10km 3214. 6.19 ¦ 26.24 467.¦ 36.48 436.¦ 457. Scheiwiller Edith 1963 Teufen AR 1:03.13,8 22.13,8 (5240) Diplom Video 10km 3216. 6.19 ¦ 25.37 448.¦ 37.36 461.¦ 458. Schlegel Johanna 1963 Buchs SG 1:03.21,8 22.21,8 (4412) Diplom Video 10km 3223. 6.20 ¦ 26.16 466.¦ 37.05 451.¦ 459. Blaser Suzanne 1966 Mönchaltorf 1:03.22,3 22.22,3 (5227) Diplom Video 10km 3225. 6.20 ¦ 26.27 470.¦ 36.54 439.¦ 460. Lüdi-Jörg Annette 1967 Utzigen 1:03.28,2 22.28,2 (4463) Diplom Video 10km 3240. 6.20 ¦ 25.33 445.¦ 37.54 470.¦ 461. Blom-Thaler Daniela 1965 Laufen 1:03.36,0 22.36,0 (6799) Diplom Video 10km 3258. 6.21 ¦ 25.26 437.¦ 38.09 474.¦ 462. Hurt Jacqueline 1963 Möhlin 1:03.39,0 22.39,0 (5675) Diplom Video 10km 3263. 6.21 ¦ 25.55 454.¦ 37.43 464.¦ 463. Zbinden Monika 1964 Horgen 1:03.50,5 22.50,5 (5050) Diplom Video 10km 3283. 6.23 ¦ 26.58 484.¦ 36.51 438.¦ 464. Troxler Ardila Claudia Cecilia 1963 Maur 1:03.52,3 22.52,3 (6084) Diplom Video 10km 3288. 6.23 ¦ 26.50 482.¦ 37.02 448.¦ 465. Flügel Anke 1963 Münchenstein 1:03.56,2 22.56,2 (5182) Diplom Video 10km 3293. 6.23 ¦ 25.13 428.¦ 38.42 480.¦ 466. Grazioli Helen 1966 Gibswil-Ried 1:04.08,9 23.08,9 (4581) Diplom Video 10km 3312. 6.24 ¦ 26.02 457.¦ 38.06 472.¦ 467. Rohrbach Anna 1965 Rüschegg Gambach 1:04.14,7 23.14,7 (5396) Diplom Video 10km 3320. 6.25 ¦ 26.34 477.¦ 37.40 462.¦ 468. Holenstein Gabriela 1967 Gähwil 1:04.17,6 23.17,6 (6248) Diplom Video 10km 3322. 6.25 ¦ 26.33 474.¦ 37.44 465.¦ 469. Pasche-Zuercher Gabrielle 1963 St-Légier 1:04.22,6 23.22,6 (4478) Diplom Video 10km 3334. 6.26 ¦ 25.48 451.¦ 38.33 478.¦ 470. Röhrich Elisabeth 1966 Gansingen 1:04.30,1 23.30,1 (6777) Diplom Video 10km 3346. 6.27 ¦ 27.17 491.¦ 37.12 454.¦ 471. Keller Yukari 1963 Niederteufen 1:04.35,4 23.35,4 (5238) Diplom Video 10km 3352. 6.27 ¦ 26.43 481.¦ 37.51 467.¦ 472. Schmitz Karin 1966 Lostorf 1:04.35,9 23.35,9 (5395) Diplom Video 10km 3354. 6.27 ¦ 24.50 407.¦ 39.45 497.¦ 473. Maurer Sandra, Flawil 1963 Gruppe Dürr 1:04.36,8 23.36,8 (6181) Diplom Video 10km 3356. 6.27 ¦ 26.29 471.¦ 38.07 473.¦ 474. Keller Christa 1967 D-Wittlingen 1:04.37,8 23.37,8 (6115) Diplom Video 10km 3358. 6.27 ¦ 27.11 489.¦ 37.26 458.¦ 475. Ingold Barbara 1964 Ostermundigen 1:04.46,4 23.46,4 (6433) Diplom Video 10km 3369. 6.28 ¦ 27.27 495.¦ 37.18 457.¦ 476. Krucher Barbara 1963 Zürich 1:04.47,5 23.47,5 (5278) Diplom Video 10km 3374. 6.28 ¦ 27.34 500.¦ 37.13 455.¦ 477. Jucker Anke 1965 Bern 1:04.48,6 23.48,6 (4158) Diplom Video 10km 3376. 6.28 ¦ 25.22 434.¦ 39.26 487.¦ 478. Konrad Françoise 1966 Bünzen 1:04.49,5 23.49,5 (6160) Diplom Video 10km 3379. 6.28 ¦ 26.58 483.¦ 37.50 466.¦ 479. Reichle Bea 1967 Schenkon 1:04.53,9 23.53,9 (6071) Diplom Video 10km 3386. 6.29 ¦ 27.27 497.¦ 37.26 458.¦ 479. Stütz Christine 1966 Schenkon 1:04.53,9 23.53,9 (6072) Diplom Video 10km 3386. 6.29 ¦ 27.27 496.¦ 37.26 460.¦ 481. Koller Priska 1966 Oberbüren 1:05.01,3 24.01,3 (5684) Diplom Video 10km 3398. 6.30 ¦ 26.26 469.¦ 38.34 479.¦ 482. Meiskey Lori 1963 Zürich 1:05.12,4 24.12,4 (5398) Diplom Video 10km 3405. 6.31 ¦ 25.45 449.¦ 39.27 488.¦ 483. Pacciarelli Cäcilia 1963 Forch 1:05.20,1 24.20,1 (3632) Diplom Video 10km 3413. 6.32 ¦ 26.13 463.¦ 39.06 484.¦ 484. Bürchler Susanne 1966 Arni-Islisberg 1:05.23,6 24.23,6 (6100) Diplom Video 10km 3417. 6.32 ¦ 26.38 479.¦ 38.45 481.¦ 485. Moser Christine 1966 Zürich 1:05.44,5 24.44,5 (6425) Diplom Video 10km 3442. 6.34 ¦ 26.15 464.¦ 39.28 489.¦ 486. Steib Salome 1963 Bern 1:05.45,9 24.45,9 (6172) Diplom Video 10km 3446. 6.34 ¦ 26.09 461.¦ 39.36 492.¦ 487. Maier Claudia 1967 Beringen 1:05.52,2 24.52,2 (3316) Diplom Video 10km 3455. 6.35 ¦ 26.08 459.¦ 39.43 496.¦ 488. Baumann Karin 1965 Thun 1:06.02,5 25.02,5 (5179) Diplom Video 10km 3463. 6.36 ¦ 26.33 475.¦ 39.29 490.¦ 489. Quraishi Dina 1967 Zürich 1:06.14,8 25.14,8 (6806) Diplom Video 10km 3482. 6.37 ¦ 26.26 468.¦ 39.48 498.¦ 490. Kugler Irène 1963 Bassersdorf 1:06.36,8 25.36,8 (5485) Diplom Video 10km 3501. 6.39 ¦ 27.04 485.¦ 39.32 491.¦ 491. Fahrni Claudia 1967 Oberbalm 1:06.40,5 25.40,5 (4175) Diplom Video 10km 3509. 6.40 ¦ 26.15 464.¦ 40.24 506.¦ 492. Grossrieder Hélène 1964 Basel 1:06.41,5 25.41,5 (4584) Diplom Video 10km 3513. 6.40 ¦ 27.29 498.¦ 39.12 485.¦ 493. Frei Heike 1963 Würenlos 1:06.43,4 25.43,4 (5193) Diplom Video 10km 3517. 6.40 ¦ 27.18 492.¦ 39.24 486.¦ 494. Clerc Bérod Annick 1964 Grimisuat 1:06.46,2 25.46,2 (5130) Diplom Video 10km 3518. 6.40 ¦ 27.07 488.¦ 39.38 493.¦ 495. Aguaysol Marcela 1964 Adliswil 1:06.46,4 25.46,4 (5412) Diplom Video 10km 3519. 6.40 ¦ 27.46 506.¦ 38.59 483.¦ 496. Walker Chrigi 1964 Grosshöchstetten 1:06.57,6 25.57,6 (3504) Diplom Video 10km 3533. 6.41 ¦ 28.11 511.¦ 38.46 482.¦ 497. Colombo-Müller Karin 1964 Eich 1:06.57,7 25.57,7 (5378) Diplom Video 10km 3534. 6.41 ¦ 27.15 490.¦ 39.42 495.¦ 498. Wirz-Niklaus Monika 1963 Küttigen 1:07.04,7 26.04,7 (5101) Diplom Video 10km 3542. 6.42 ¦ 27.04 487.¦ 39.59 499.¦ 499. Seiler Christine 1964 Reinach BL 1:07.15,9 26.15,9 (6744) Diplom Video 10km 3556. 6.43 ¦ 28.57 521.¦ 38.18 476.¦ 500. Klucker Seline 1965 Zürich 1:07.23,9 26.23,9 (4613) Diplom Video 10km 3564. 6.44 ¦ 27.42 503.¦ 39.41 494.¦ 501. Bolliger Sabine 1965 Bern 1:07.38,6 26.38,6 (5285) Diplom Video 10km 3574. 6.45 ¦ 27.19 493.¦ 40.18 502.¦ 502. Jung-Maltese Michelle 1965 Basel 1:07.40,5 26.40,5 (5107) Diplom Video 10km 3576. 6.46 ¦ 27.20 494.¦ 40.20 503.¦ 503. Moser Brigitte 1966 Männedorf 1:07.49,9 26.49,9 (4902) Diplom Video 10km 3584. 6.46 ¦ 27.43 505.¦ 40.06 501.¦ 504. Waldvogel Astrid 1966 Embrach 1:08.04,1 27.04,1 (5105) Diplom Video 10km 3596. 6.48 ¦ 27.58 508.¦ 40.05 500.¦ 505. Wüest-Züger Claudia 1967 Landschlacht 1:08.11,7 27.11,7 (6412) Diplom Video 10km 3602. 6.49 ¦ 27.42 503.¦ 40.29 507.¦ 506. Schmid Larissa 1965 Grossaffoltern 1:08.24,7 27.24,7 (6049) Diplom Video 10km 3616. 6.50 ¦ 28.04 510.¦ 40.20 504.¦ 507. Seliner Ursula 1967 Murg 1:08.31,1 27.31,1 (5266) Diplom Video 10km 3624. 6.51 ¦ 27.39 502.¦ 40.51 509.¦ 508. Mozsar Judit 1964 Pratteln 1:08.35,0 27.35,0 (6772) Diplom Video 10km 3627. 6.51 ¦ 27.35 501.¦ 40.59 510.¦ 509. Schären-Signer Claudia 1967 Oberwangen b. Bern 1:08.50,1 27.50,1 (6762) Diplom Video 10km 3635. 6.53 ¦ 28.28 514.¦ 40.21 505.¦ 510. Mcdonald Susanne 1966 Unterägeri 1:09.04,8 28.04,8 (5198) Diplom Video 10km 3649. 6.54 ¦ 28.31 515.¦ 40.33 508.¦ 511. Mckerrow Fiona 1965 Basel 1:09.18,6 28.18,6 (6771) Diplom Video 10km 3659. 6.55 ¦ 27.33 499.¦ 41.44 515.¦ 512. Keller Jonna 1963 Brülisau 1:09.31,7 28.31,7 (5295) Diplom Video 10km 3667. 6.57 ¦ 27.04 486.¦ 42.27 518.¦ 513. Blöchlinger Sonja 1967 Zürich 1:09.35,9 28.35,9 (4447) Diplom Video 10km 3669. 6.57 ¦ 28.19 513.¦ 41.16 512.¦ 514. Legeret Ariane 1963 Ecublens VD 1:09.54,0 28.54,0 (5362) Diplom Video 10km 3676. 6.59 ¦ 28.31 515.¦ 41.22 513.¦ 515. Schole Annette 1965 Zürich 1:10.02,6 29.02,6 (5301) Diplom Video 10km 3682. 7.00 ¦ 28.13 512.¦ 41.48 516.¦ 516. Sailer Andrea 1967 D-Rheinfelden 1:10.04,1 29.04,1 (6116) Diplom Video 10km 3684. 7.00 ¦ 29.01 522.¦ 41.02 511.¦ 517. Cathomas Daniela 1966 Wagen 1:10.11,5 29.11,5 (33310) Diplom Video 10km 3694. 7.01 ¦ 27.49 507.¦ 42.21 517.¦ 518. Racine Beatrice 1964 Wald ZH 1:10.35,4 29.35,4 (6010) Diplom Video 10km 3702. 7.03 ¦ 29.11 523.¦ 41.24 514.¦ 519. Inniger Gertrud 1963 Adelboden 1:11.28,3 30.28,3 (6689) Diplom Video 10km 3722. 7.08 ¦ 28.36 518.¦ 42.52 519.¦ 520. Spicher Ursula 1966 Düdingen 1:12.12,6 31.12,6 (6123) Diplom Video 10km 3733. 7.13 ¦ 28.47 520.¦ 43.25 520.¦ 521. Fiechter Marianne 1966 Zollbrück 1:12.13,9 31.13,9 (5658) Diplom Video 10km 3734. 7.13 ¦ 28.38 519.¦ 43.35 521.¦ 522. Bergamo Arlette 1964 F-Divonne les Bains 1:13.00,7 32.00,7 (4409) Diplom Video 10km 3744. 7.18 ¦ 28.02 509.¦ 44.57 524.¦ 523. Klingert Friedhilde 1965 D-Rheinfelden 1:14.04,2 33.04,2 (6155) Diplom Video 10km 3760. 7.24 ¦ 29.42 527.¦ 44.21 522.¦ 524. White Stéphanie 1965 Neuchâtel 1:14.14,2 33.14,2 (6203) Diplom Video 10km 3762. 7.25 ¦ 29.30 525.¦ 44.43 523.¦ 525. Kennel Andrea 1964 Dübendorf 1:14.27,6 33.27,6 (5269) Diplom Video 10km 3766. 7.26 ¦ 28.31 517.¦ 45.55 527.¦ 526. Wymann Cornelia 1965 Luzern 1:14.48,4 33.48,4 (6137) Diplom Video 10km 3768. 7.28 ¦ 29.39 526.¦ 45.08 525.¦ 527. Ramazzini Patricia 1966 Nyon 1:14.55,8 33.55,8 (6279) Diplom Video 10km 3769. 7.29 ¦ 29.46 528.¦ 45.09 526.¦ 528. Ünal Figen 1963 Studen BE 1:19.09,9 38.09,9 (4151) Diplom Video 10km 3800. 7.54 ¦ 29.26 524.¦ 49.43 529.¦ 529. Helwig Claudia 1967 Zuoz 1:21.04,6 40.04,6 (6270) Diplom Video 10km 3804. 8.06 ¦ 32.41 530.¦ 48.23 528.¦ 530. Bünter Karin 1966 Bülach 1:21.56,6 40.56,6 (4467) Diplom Video 10km 3805. 8.11 ¦ 31.11 529.¦ 50.45 531.¦ 531. Soyka Martina 1966 Zürich 1:23.27,5 42.27,5 (4615) Diplom Video 10km 3808. 8.20 ¦ 33.33 531.¦ 49.54 530.¦
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