Salomon Zugspitz Ultratrail 2011 - by name "T"
category pos name year county/city team time back bib --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUP-W 4. Tassani-Prell Barbara 1973 Ainring Team Salomon Deutschland 9:39.41,1 34.13,0 (1003) diploma foto SUP-MM 17. Tassani-Prell Stephan 1970 Ainring Team Salomon Deutschland 9:39.41,6 2:19.20,0 (1004) diploma foto SUP-MM 70. Temsch Jochen 1971 München 13:46.22,7 6:26.01,1 (1018) diploma foto SUP-M DNF Thiele Ulrich 1976 Berlin Rock the Mountain 5:45.51,4 Supertrail (1244) foto P-M 8. Tiemann Claudio 1968 Bischofswiesen 19.25,9 3.08,9 (15) foto ULT-SMW DNF Topolski Marianne 1953 Pfullingen SV Ohmenhausen 9:57.56,1 Ultratrail (172) foto ULT-SM DNF Triebel Karl 1961 Germering 9:05.53,6 Ultratrail (321) foto SUP-MM 60. Trier Martin 1962 Mainleus 12:46.37,9 5:26.16,3 (1202) diploma foto ULT-SM 59. Trinkler Richard 1957 CH-Gränichen 25:17.36,8 11:33.31,9 (306) diploma foto ULT-SM 12. Tscharner Thomas 1953 CH-Chur 18:12.12,1 4:28.07,2 (307) diploma foto P-W 8. Tünde Harmony Augusztin 1964 H-UAC 27.43,6 5.42,0 (11) foto
total 11
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