Halbmarathon Frauen

5. Lucerne Marathon 2011, Luzern - Halbmarathon Frauen

Ränge: Rang 1-500 (ab 1:22.33,9)
Rang Name Jg Land/Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt ¦ Start-Horw ¦ Horw-Ziel ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Kaskel Jeannine 1977 D-Bad Säckingen TV Bad Säckingen 1:22.33,9 ----- (6820) Diplom H-F30 1. 3.54 ¦ 49.21 1.¦ 33.12 1.¦ 2. Frey-Wolf Claudia 1963 Starrkirch-Wil 1:23.47,0 1.13,1 (5175) Diplom H-F40 1. 3.58 ¦ 50.26 3.¦ 33.20 2.¦ 3. Chollet Maya 1987 Palézieux BCVS Mount Aesics Team 1:24.03,2 1.29,3 (5202) Diplom H-F20 1. 3.59 ¦ 49.59 2.¦ 34.03 4.¦ 4. Hegner Simone 1982 Rüti ZH 1:24.37,0 2.03,1 (9117) Diplom H-F20 2. 4.00 ¦ 50.55 5.¦ 33.41 3.¦ 5. Kronenberg Manuela 1977 Schenkon Team IMUA 1:24.56,6 2.22,7 (7254) Diplom H-F30 2. 4.01 ¦ 50.38 4.¦ 34.18 8.¦ 6. Bühler Annatina 1980 Nottwil 1:25.23,8 2.49,9 (6530) Diplom H-F30 3. 4.02 ¦ 51.08 6.¦ 34.15 7.¦ 7. Buholzer Sandra 1985 Ebikon 1:26.48,4 4.14,5 (4238) Diplom H-F20 3. 4.06 ¦ 52.39 9.¦ 34.09 6.¦ 8. Bühlmann Tanja 1966 Baar Velorado Racing Team 1:26.57,8 4.23,9 (713) Diplom H-F40 2. 4.07 ¦ 51.45 7.¦ 35.12 12.¦ 9. Brülisauer Marianne 1968 Appenzell 1:27.22,4 4.48,5 (3731) Diplom H-F40 3. 4.08 ¦ 52.58 11.¦ 34.23 9.¦ 10. Mazzotti Giulia 1990 Zürich LC Zürich 1:27.56,1 5.22,2 (9179) Diplom H-F20 4. 4.10 ¦ 53.49 15.¦ 34.07 5.¦ 11. Georgeot Nicole 1962 Epalinges 1:28.08,1 5.34,2 (6920) Diplom H-F40 4. 4.10 ¦ 52.32 8.¦ 35.36 16.¦ 12. Sommer Daniela 1968 Sempach Stadt Seelandlaufteam Sempach 1:28.55,4 6.21,5 (25) Diplom H-F40 5. 4.12 ¦ 53.59 19.¦ 34.56 11.¦ 13. Schillig-Planzer Stefanie 1967 Altdorf UR 1:29.13,4 6.39,5 (8952) Diplom H-F40 6. 4.13 ¦ 53.03 12.¦ 36.09 22.¦ 14. Sonderegger Tanja 1982 Rotkreuz 1:29.18,3 6.44,4 (9257) Diplom H-F20 5. 4.13 ¦ 53.43 14.¦ 35.34 15.¦ 15. Keller Jacqueline 1962 Gebenstorf LG Horn 1:29.25,9 6.52,0 (5075) Diplom H-F40 7. 4.14 ¦ 54.00 20.¦ 35.25 14.¦ 16. Poltéra Ornella 1990 Sagogn 1:29.37,4 7.03,5 (3885) Diplom H-F20 6. 4.14 ¦ 53.54 16.¦ 35.43 18.¦ 17. Müller Christina 1980 Schaffhausen Tristar Schaffhausen/cres 1:29.43,7 7.09,8 (7141) Diplom H-F30 4. 4.15 ¦ 54.20 23.¦ 35.23 13.¦ 18. Weibel Kristin 1970 Steffisburg TV Länggasse 1:29.49,0 7.15,1 (9597) Diplom H-F40 8. 4.15 ¦ 53.34 13.¦ 36.14 24.¦ 19. Briggs Ruth 1971 Schattdorf 1:30.08,6 7.34,7 (8331) Diplom H-F40 9. 4.16 ¦ 52.39 10.¦ 37.29 46.¦ 20. Furrer Veronika 1990 Rickenbach LU 1:30.24,3 7.50,4 (7949) Diplom H-F20 7. 4.17 ¦ 55.32 44.¦ 34.51 10.¦ 21. Aburto Nancy 1972 Genève oms 1:30.27,5 7.53,6 (8559) Diplom H-F30 5. 4.17 ¦ 54.23 24.¦ 36.04 20.¦ 22. Odermatt Conny 1974 Küssnacht am Rigi conny odermatt personal t 1:30.37,4 8.03,5 (7925) Diplom H-F30 6. 4.17 ¦ 54.31 27.¦ 36.05 21.¦ 23. Wojnowski Domenica 1963 Ennetmoos 1:30.37,7 8.03,8 (6292) Diplom H-F40 10. 4.17 ¦ 54.18 21.¦ 36.19 25.¦ 24. Zibung Irene 1983 Granges-Paccot 1:30.39,5 8.05,6 (9356) Diplom H-F20 8. 4.17 ¦ 53.54 17.¦ 36.45 33.¦ 25. Gut Ursula 1956 Jens LCA Bärn 1:30.57,7 8.23,8 (8854) Diplom H-F50 1. 4.18 ¦ 54.57 35.¦ 36.00 19.¦ 26. Fleischli Lucia 1967 Eschenbach LU 1:30.59,8 8.25,9 (3512) Diplom H-F40 11. 4.18 ¦ 54.31 29.¦ 36.28 27.¦ 27. Farner Monika 1968 Lommis 1:31.04,6 8.30,7 (6534) Diplom H-F40 12. 4.19 ¦ 54.26 26.¦ 36.38 31.¦ 28. Höhener Angelika 1984 Bern 1:31.06,9 8.33,0 (4495) Diplom H-F20 9. 4.19 ¦ 53.56 18.¦ 37.10 41.¦ 29. Zesiger Ursina 1977 Interlaken 1:31.12,7 8.38,8 (9355) Diplom H-F30 7. 4.19 ¦ 55.02 38.¦ 36.10 23.¦ 30. Wallimann Doris 1983 Rotkreuz 1:31.30,6 8.56,7 (4025) Diplom H-F20 10. 4.20 ¦ 54.44 32.¦ 36.46 34.¦ 31. Huonder Judith 1972 Zürich cityrunning.ch 1:31.34,5 9.00,6 (7129) Diplom H-F30 8. 4.20 ¦ 54.25 25.¦ 37.09 40.¦ 32. Bachrouri Claudia 1965 Olten 1:31.46,5 9.12,6 (9426) Diplom H-F40 13. 4.21 ¦ 54.42 31.¦ 37.04 39.¦ 33. Wenger Iris 1983 Matten b. Interlaken 1:31.46,9 9.13,0 (6454) Diplom H-F20 11. 4.21 ¦ 55.06 39.¦ 36.40 32.¦ 34. Studer Barbara 1984 Zürich 1:31.53,3 9.19,4 (5506) Diplom H-F20 12. 4.21 ¦ 55.25 42.¦ 36.28 27.¦ 35. Joye Karine 1969 Châtonnaye 1:31.56,6 9.22,7 (6396) Diplom H-F40 14. 4.21 ¦ 55.18 41.¦ 36.37 30.¦ 36. Bidermann Jutta 1956 D-Aalen 1:31.58,2 9.24,3 (9019) Diplom H-F50 2. 4.21 ¦ 54.31 28.¦ 37.26 45.¦ 37. Wartmann Kunz Carol 1962 Merlischachen 1:32.04,2 9.30,3 (5299) Diplom H-F40 15. 4.21 ¦ 55.43 46.¦ 36.21 26.¦ 38. Kleis Maggie 1956 Bonaduz 1:32.18,6 9.44,7 (8263) Diplom H-F50 3. 4.22 ¦ 54.39 30.¦ 37.38 52.¦ 39. Lötscher-Plantera Manuela 1969 Malters 1:32.23,8 9.49,9 (4893) Diplom H-F40 16. 4.22 ¦ 54.20 22.¦ 38.03 65.¦ 40. Kläger Bernadette 1974 Andwil SG 1:32.45,5 10.11,6 (5200) Diplom H-F30 9. 4.23 ¦ 54.55 33.¦ 37.49 56.¦ 41. Forrer Schönholzer Ursula 1978 Wil SG 1:32.49,1 10.15,2 (7420) Diplom H-F30 10. 4.23 ¦ 57.06 71.¦ 35.42 17.¦ 42. Lingua Denise 1979 Buch am Irchel 1:33.02,8 10.28,9 (5967) Diplom H-F30 11. 4.24 ¦ 55.39 45.¦ 37.23 44.¦ 43. Mohn Sabrina 1981 Niederteufen TV Teufen Läufergruppe 1:33.10,2 10.36,3 (3068) Diplom H-F30 12. 4.24 ¦ 55.16 40.¦ 37.54 60.¦ 44. Niemack Marianne 1965 Rapperswil BE 1:33.10,4 10.36,5 (5767) Diplom H-F40 17. 4.24 ¦ 56.08 51.¦ 37.01 37.¦ 45. Giger Marlis 1959 Ebikon 1:33.15,9 10.42,0 (7736) Diplom H-F50 4. 4.25 ¦ 56.04 50.¦ 37.11 42.¦ 46. Leibundgut Rita 1974 Sarnen 1:33.18,6 10.44,7 (8131) Diplom H-F30 13. 4.25 ¦ 55.44 48.¦ 37.33 47.¦ 47. Hille Ulrike 1979 D-Lörrach SV Schlau.com Saar05 1:33.20,1 10.46,2 (8479) Diplom H-F30 14. 4.25 ¦ 55.43 47.¦ 37.36 49.¦ 48. Voney Karin 1964 Rotkreuz 1:33.29,5 10.55,6 (4970) Diplom H-F40 18. 4.25 ¦ 57.01 69.¦ 36.28 29.¦ 49. Besomi Patrizia 1972 Tesserete 1:33.33,0 10.59,1 (8574) Diplom H-F30 15. 4.26 ¦ 56.29 56.¦ 37.03 38.¦ 50. Szalai Evelyne 1982 Horgen TV Dresden / Horgen 1:33.39,8 11.05,9 (7399) Diplom H-F20 13. 4.26 ¦ 55.01 37.¦ 38.38 81.¦ 51. Reifler Barbara 1976 Frauenfeld 1:33.40,4 11.06,5 (1085) Diplom H-F30 16. 4.26 ¦ 55.29 43.¦ 38.11 68.¦ 52. Matter Daniela 1984 Sursee 1:34.03,2 11.29,3 (8742) Diplom H-F20 14. 4.27 ¦ 54.56 34.¦ 39.06 98.¦ 53. Pfeiffer Monika 1965 Bern TV Länggasse 1:34.07,0 11.33,1 (8291) Diplom H-F40 19. 4.27 ¦ 56.17 53.¦ 37.49 55.¦ 54. Moreira Rosa 1967 Obfelden 1:34.13,1 11.39,2 (7772) Diplom H-F40 20. 4.27 ¦ 56.15 52.¦ 37.57 63.¦ 55. Furrer Madeleine 1971 Lüterkofen Mosterei Pärli 1:34.20,6 11.46,7 (8101) Diplom H-F40 21. 4.28 ¦ 56.43 61.¦ 37.37 50.¦ 56. Kaufmann Monika 1958 Muhen 1:34.22,7 11.48,8 (8261) Diplom H-F50 5. 4.28 ¦ 56.25 55.¦ 37.57 62.¦ 57. Bitzi Rebecca 1963 Emmenbrücke 1:34.28,9 11.55,0 (9303) Diplom H-F40 22. 4.28 ¦ 55.57 49.¦ 38.31 77.¦ 58. Jenny Manuela 1983 Luzern 1:34.30,9 11.57,0 (6876) Diplom H-F20 15. 4.28 ¦ 55.00 36.¦ 39.30 115.¦ 59. Geiger Diana 1977 D-Müllheim 1:34.31,5 11.57,6 (7529) Diplom H-F30 17. 4.28 ¦ 56.34 58.¦ 37.57 61.¦ 60. Vogel Andrea 1968 St. Niklausen LU 1:34.38,8 12.04,9 (9275) Diplom H-F40 23. 4.29 ¦ 56.48 63.¦ 37.50 57.¦ 61. Steinmann Edith 1972 Ufhusen 1:34.39,5 12.05,6 (7213) Diplom H-F30 18. 4.29 ¦ 57.02 70.¦ 37.37 51.¦ 62. Arnet Jolanda 1976 Schenkon 1:34.39,6 12.05,7 (3185) Diplom H-F30 19. 4.29 ¦ 56.45 62.¦ 37.53 59.¦ 63. Gosteli Barbara 1983 Sarnen 1:34.39,9 12.06,0 (5406) Diplom H-F20 16. 4.29 ¦ 57.41 84.¦ 36.58 36.¦ 64. Urech Caroline 1984 Renens VD 1:34.45,9 12.12,0 (7536) Diplom H-F20 17. 4.29 ¦ 56.31 57.¦ 38.14 72.¦ 65. Brunner Manuela 1989 Schongau 1:34.57,9 12.24,0 (3643) Diplom H-F20 18. 4.30 ¦ 57.37 82.¦ 37.20 43.¦ 66. Nietlispach Denise 1980 Langenthal 1:35.00,6 12.26,7 (4867) Diplom H-F30 20. 4.30 ¦ 57.00 68.¦ 38.00 64.¦ 67. Weibel Nora 1984 Bern 1:35.11,7 12.37,8 (3145) Diplom H-F20 19. 4.30 ¦ 56.58 65.¦ 38.13 70.¦ 68. Schmidlin Muff Fabienne 1975 Zug 1:35.17,1 12.43,2 (8405) Diplom H-F30 21. 4.30 ¦ 57.37 81.¦ 37.40 53.¦ 69. Achermann-Zumbühl Petra 1978 Buochs 1:35.17,3 12.43,4 (4825) Diplom H-F30 22. 4.31 ¦ 56.59 67.¦ 38.17 73.¦ 70. Wertli Beatrice 1976 Bern 1:35.23,5 12.49,6 (6941) Diplom H-F30 23. 4.31 ¦ 57.15 73.¦ 38.08 66.¦ 71. Trumm Susanne 1965 D-Lauchringen 1:35.35,0 13.01,1 (8311) Diplom H-F40 24. 4.31 ¦ 58.39 101.¦ 36.55 35.¦ 72. Hadorn Lea 1969 Buchrain 1:35.39,1 13.05,2 (6501) Diplom H-F40 25. 4.32 ¦ 57.47 86.¦ 37.51 58.¦ 73. Schelbert Bettina 1978 Stallikon 1:35.44,4 13.10,5 (3452) Diplom H-F30 24. 4.32 ¦ 57.24 76.¦ 38.19 74.¦ 74. Althaus Helena 1966 Arlesheim 1:36.00,6 13.26,7 (6572) Diplom H-F40 26. 4.33 ¦ 57.26 77.¦ 38.33 79.¦ 75. Zgraggen Patricia 1983 Altdorf UR 1:36.18,7 13.44,8 (9290) Diplom H-F20 20. 4.33 ¦ 57.20 74.¦ 38.58 93.¦ 76. Fankhauser Beatrice 1959 Roggwil BE 1:36.20,4 13.46,5 (8591) Diplom H-F50 6. 4.33 ¦ 57.37 83.¦ 38.42 85.¦ 77. Herzog Andrea 1968 Ebikon 1:36.22,0 13.48,1 (8477) Diplom H-F40 27. 4.34 ¦ 57.13 72.¦ 39.08 100.¦ 78. Loretz Manuela 1986 Erstfeld 1:36.23,7 13.49,8 (4006) Diplom H-F20 21. 4.34 ¦ 56.23 54.¦ 40.00 132.¦ 79. Rütschi Marianne 1970 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:36.29,2 13.55,3 (5853) Diplom H-F40 28. 4.34 ¦ 57.31 78.¦ 38.58 92.¦ 80. Muheim-Käslin Ursula 1974 Flüelen 1:36.30,0 13.56,1 (9527) Diplom H-F30 25. 4.34 ¦ 57.44 85.¦ 38.45 87.¦ 81. Brandenberger Renata 1963 Bonstetten 1:36.39,8 14.05,9 (8437) Diplom H-F40 29. 4.34 ¦ 57.35 80.¦ 39.04 96.¦ 82. Marti-Degonda Celsa 1967 Kriens 1:36.42,7 14.08,8 (5968) Diplom H-F40 30. 4.35 ¦ 58.28 96.¦ 38.14 71.¦ 83. Grosskopf Ute 1967 D-Bad Säckingen Hochrhein-Runners 1:36.45,1 14.11,2 (1708) Diplom H-F40 31. 4.35 ¦ 57.54 88.¦ 38.50 89.¦ 84. Hefti Beatrix 1969 Goldach 1:36.50,3 14.16,4 (9554) Diplom H-F40 32. 4.35 ¦ 58.07 92.¦ 38.42 84.¦ 85. Baumgartner Isabel 1968 Kriens 1:36.54,1 14.20,2 (6909) Diplom H-F40 33. 4.35 ¦ 58.13 95.¦ 38.40 82.¦ 86. Humbel Ruth 1957 Birmenstorf AG 1:36.55,2 14.21,3 (9601) Diplom H-F50 7. 4.35 ¦ 56.34 59.¦ 40.20 151.¦ 87. Odermatt Alexandra 1970 Kerns 1:36.55,3 14.21,4 (8653) Diplom H-F40 34. 4.35 ¦ 58.13 94.¦ 38.42 83.¦ 88. Hunkeler Sonja 1956 Ebikon 1:36.56,9 14.23,0 (8485) Diplom H-F50 8. 4.35 ¦ 56.37 60.¦ 40.19 149.¦ 89. Fleischli Heidi 1981 Hildisrieden 1:37.01,0 14.27,1 (4170) Diplom H-F30 26. 4.35 ¦ 58.00 90.¦ 39.00 95.¦ 90. Albisser Sandra 1978 Luzern 1:37.01,1 14.27,2 (5951) Diplom H-F30 27. 4.35 ¦ 59.17 121.¦ 37.43 54.¦ 91. Bucher Rita 1960 Wohlen AG 1:37.03,3 14.29,4 (3568) Diplom H-F50 9. 4.36 ¦ 57.22 75.¦ 39.41 122.¦ 92. Zurwerra Natalie 1968 Ried-Brig 1:37.06,0 14.32,1 (4061) Diplom H-F40 35. 4.36 ¦ 59.31 124.¦ 37.35 48.¦ 93. Peronnet Josiane 1976 Zug 1:37.13,3 14.39,4 (6652) Diplom H-F30 28. 4.36 ¦ 59.03 112.¦ 38.09 67.¦ 94. Anderhalden Isabelle 1984 Zürich 1:37.25,7 14.51,8 (8429) Diplom H-F20 22. 4.37 ¦ 58.12 93.¦ 39.13 104.¦ 95. Thalmann Susi 1972 Ibach 1:37.26,7 14.52,8 (3704) Diplom H-F30 29. 4.37 ¦ 56.58 66.¦ 40.28 158.¦ 96. Aschwanden Martina 1975 Emmenbrücke Läuferriege Maurizius 1:37.36,8 15.02,9 (8069) Diplom H-F30 30. 4.37 ¦ 58.59 108.¦ 38.37 80.¦ 97. Sestito Luzia 1969 Niederhasli Free Radicals 1:37.37,0 15.03,1 (5005) Diplom H-F40 36. 4.37 ¦ 57.32 79.¦ 40.04 134.¦ 98. Scheidegger Therese 1971 Niederbipp Brooks Woman Running Team 1:37.46,0 15.12,1 (6781) Diplom H-F40 37. 4.38 ¦ 56.53 64.¦ 40.52 182.¦ 99. Nyffenegger Sonya 1986 Affoltern am Albis 1:37.46,1 15.12,2 (3752) Diplom H-F20 23. 4.38 ¦ 59.32 126.¦ 38.13 69.¦ 100. Girardin Heike 1961 Baar Velorado Racing Team 1:37.46,9 15.13,0 (6535) Diplom H-F50 10. 4.38 ¦ 58.38 100.¦ 39.08 100.¦ 101. Dirren Andrea 1975 Brig Timeless 1:37.47,7 15.13,8 (4317) Diplom H-F30 31. 4.38 ¦ 59.02 109.¦ 38.45 86.¦ 102. Wersin Birgit 1979 Samedan 1:37.57,0 15.23,1 (8317) Diplom H-F30 32. 4.38 ¦ 57.49 87.¦ 40.07 135.¦ 103. De Winter Linda 1972 Jegenstorf 1:38.05,1 15.31,2 (3082) Diplom H-F30 33. 4.38 ¦ 59.12 119.¦ 38.52 90.¦ 104. Hugelshofer Christin 1982 Bottighofen 1:38.18,0 15.44,1 (8115) Diplom H-F20 24. 4.39 ¦ 58.31 98.¦ 39.46 125.¦ 105. Müller Jennifer 1984 Frenkendorf 1:38.18,7 15.44,8 (6748) Diplom H-F20 25. 4.39 ¦ 59.03 111.¦ 39.15 106.¦ 106. Pittet Margrit 1958 Wengi bei Büren 1:38.22,8 15.48,9 (9215) Diplom H-F50 11. 4.39 ¦ 59.02 109.¦ 39.20 108.¦ 107. Moser Christiane 1969 Meggen 1:38.23,4 15.49,5 (8281) Diplom H-F40 38. 4.39 ¦ 59.27 123.¦ 38.55 91.¦ 108. Peter Eveline 1986 Susten 1:38.33,9 16.00,0 (4496) Diplom H-F20 26. 4.40 ¦ 58.04 91.¦ 40.29 161.¦ 109. Minder Esther 1966 Mühledorf BE 1:38.39,4 16.05,5 (4879) Diplom H-F40 39. 4.40 ¦ 59.19 122.¦ 39.19 107.¦ 110. Meyer Uschi 1949 Zürich 1:38.44,3 16.10,4 (7138) Diplom H-F60 1. 4.40 ¦ 59.06 114.¦ 39.37 120.¦ 111. Schafer-Simmen Melanie 1977 Schattdorf 1:38.44,7 16.10,8 (7606) Diplom H-F30 34. 4.40 ¦ 59.44 132.¦ 38.59 94.¦ 112. Brinkel Teresa 1980 Schachen LU 1:38.47,2 16.13,3 (8801) Diplom H-F30 35. 4.40 ¦ 57.59 89.¦ 40.47 177.¦ 113. Precek Raphaela 1984 Aarau 1:38.50,4 16.16,5 (5368) Diplom H-F20 27. 4.41 ¦ 1:00.18 148.¦ 38.32 78.¦ 114. Abgottspon Chantal 1990 Büren SO 1:38.51,1 16.17,2 (6003) Diplom H-F20 28. 4.41 ¦ 1:00.23 150.¦ 38.27 76.¦ 115. Ahern Kate 1976 Australien 1:38.51,9 16.18,0 (7983) Diplom H-F30 36. 4.41 ¦ 59.07 115.¦ 39.44 123.¦ 116. Steimen Christine 1974 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:38.55,9 16.22,0 (4444) Diplom H-F30 37. 4.41 ¦ 1:00.28 154.¦ 38.27 75.¦ 117. Dönni-Eggerschwiler Kathr 1968 Alpnach Dorf Triathlon Club Hergiswil 1:38.56,0 16.22,1 (6108) Diplom H-F40 40. 4.41 ¦ 58.59 107.¦ 39.56 131.¦ 118. Rüttimann Andrea 1971 Muri AG 1:38.59,2 16.25,3 (7862) Diplom H-F40 41. 4.41 ¦ 59.45 133.¦ 39.14 105.¦ 119. Kaiser Mirjam 1975 Küsnacht ZH 1:39.03,1 16.29,2 (7489) Diplom H-F30 38. 4.41 ¦ 59.51 139.¦ 39.11 103.¦ 120. Ettlin Franziska 1974 Zürich cityrunning.ch 1:39.05,2 16.31,3 (6307) Diplom H-F30 39. 4.41 ¦ 59.38 128.¦ 39.26 113.¦ 121. Abgottspon Laura 1990 Büren SO 1:39.06,2 16.32,3 (6004) Diplom H-F20 29. 4.41 ¦ 59.56 140.¦ 39.09 102.¦ 122. Wiget Andrea 1981 Allschwil 1:39.06,4 16.32,5 (6073) Diplom H-F30 40. 4.41 ¦ 58.53 104.¦ 40.12 140.¦ 123. Schmidlin Brigitta 1974 Eich go-in.ch 1:39.09,3 16.35,4 (7396) Diplom H-F30 41. 4.41 ¦ 1:00.03 145.¦ 39.06 97.¦ 124. Umbricht Silvana 1958 Gibswil-Ried 1:39.11,9 16.38,0 (9270) Diplom H-F50 12. 4.42 ¦ 58.47 103.¦ 40.24 155.¦ 125. von Felten Stefanie 1977 Trimbach 1:39.14,1 16.40,2 (8205) Diplom H-F30 42. 4.42 ¦ 58.34 99.¦ 40.39 169.¦ 126. Dörre-Heinig Katrin 1961 D-Erbach 1:39.21,9 16.48,0 (13005) Diplom H-F50 13. 4.42 ¦ 1:00.01 143.¦ 39.20 110.¦ 127. Krummenacher Sarah 1985 Sempach 1:39.24,6 16.50,7 (8127) Diplom H-F20 30. 4.42 ¦ 59.48 135.¦ 39.36 118.¦ 128. Grimm Sabrina 1979 Luzern 1:39.27,6 16.53,7 (3345) Diplom H-F30 43. 4.42 ¦ 59.16 120.¦ 40.10 138.¦ 129. Abgottspon Sandrine 1990 Büren SO 1:39.31,6 16.57,7 (6005) Diplom H-F20 31. 4.43 ¦ 1:00.23 149.¦ 39.08 99.¦ 130. Nadig Barbara 1978 Flumserberg Bergheim 1:39.31,7 16.57,8 (3335) Diplom H-F30 44. 4.43 ¦ 58.54 105.¦ 40.37 166.¦ 131. Schindler-Jaussi Anne-Kät 1977 Aarwangen 1:39.37,9 17.04,0 (9563) Diplom H-F30 45. 4.43 ¦ 1:00.52 172.¦ 38.45 88.¦ 132. Vilberg Siri 1989 N-Oslo LOL Norwegen 1:39.38,3 17.04,4 (6378) Diplom H-F20 32. 4.43 ¦ 58.54 106.¦ 40.43 173.¦ 133. Marcec Nicole 1978 Luzern 1:39.41,2 17.07,3 (6272) Diplom H-F30 46. 4.43 ¦ 59.50 138.¦ 39.50 128.¦ 134. Egli Gabriela 1977 St. Moritz Brooks Women Running Team 1:39.48,7 17.14,8 (6373) Diplom H-F30 47. 4.43 ¦ 59.34 127.¦ 40.14 142.¦ 135. Freiermuth Karin 1981 Zürich 1:39.56,3 17.22,4 (5518) Diplom H-F30 48. 4.44 ¦ 1:00.06 146.¦ 39.50 127.¦ 136. Radermacher Colleen 1958 USA-Spring / texas 1:39.58,4 17.24,5 (3379) Diplom H-F50 14. 4.44 ¦ 1:00.37 165.¦ 39.20 109.¦ 137. Zibung Carmen 1981 Attinghausen 1:40.01,3 17.27,4 (5567) Diplom H-F30 49. 4.44 ¦ 59.50 137.¦ 40.11 139.¦ 138. Strickler Daniela 1973 Baar 1:40.06,5 17.32,6 (5384) Diplom H-F30 50. 4.44 ¦ 1:00.32 159.¦ 39.33 116.¦ 139. Wehrmüller Karin 1977 Luzern 1:40.07,5 17.33,6 (5392) Diplom H-F30 51. 4.44 ¦ 58.29 97.¦ 41.38 242.¦ 140. Minder Eliane 1971 Rain 1:40.18,8 17.44,9 (4313) Diplom H-F40 42. 4.45 ¦ 59.41 131.¦ 40.37 165.¦ 141. Gonzalez Angela 1958 Greifensee 1:40.20,7 17.46,8 (9098) Diplom H-F50 15. 4.45 ¦ 59.07 117.¦ 41.12 212.¦ 142. Amstutz Heidi 1967 Sachseln 1:40.22,3 17.48,4 (7449) Diplom H-F40 43. 4.45 ¦ 59.12 118.¦ 41.10 204.¦ 143. Heid Radermacher Shannon 1984 USA-Spring / texas 1:40.22,6 17.48,7 (3378) Diplom H-F20 33. 4.45 ¦ 1:00.37 164.¦ 39.45 124.¦ 144. Erne Karin 1970 Würenlingen 1:40.26,0 17.52,1 (8454) Diplom H-F40 44. 4.45 ¦ 59.39 130.¦ 40.46 176.¦ 145. Zurbrugg Isabelle 1982 Baar 1:40.28,6 17.54,7 (3849) Diplom H-F20 34. 4.45 ¦ 59.07 116.¦ 41.20 218.¦ 146. Zimmerli Beatrice 1962 Meggen 1:40.32,6 17.58,7 (3810) Diplom H-F40 45. 4.45 ¦ 1:00.17 147.¦ 40.15 144.¦ 147. Alexander Helen 1986 Zürich 1:40.34,2 18.00,3 (6755) Diplom H-F20 35. 4.46 ¦ 1:00.58 176.¦ 39.36 117.¦ 148. Buob Priska 1962 Luzern ultra-marathon team 1:40.40,2 18.06,3 (4388) Diplom H-F40 46. 4.46 ¦ 59.47 134.¦ 40.52 181.¦ 149. Rieder Stéphanie 1980 Niederbipp 42 for 42 1:40.42,6 18.08,7 (8517) Diplom H-F30 52. 4.46 ¦ 1:01.17 196.¦ 39.25 111.¦ 150. Käppeli Andrea 1977 Merenschwand 1:40.43,6 18.09,7 (7131) Diplom H-F30 53. 4.46 ¦ 59.32 125.¦ 41.10 206.¦ 151. Kessler Valérie 1965 Schönenwerd LGAARAU 1:40.47,9 18.14,0 (8889) Diplom H-F40 47. 4.46 ¦ 59.57 141.¦ 40.50 180.¦ 152. Baume Muriel 1967 Les Breuleux Cross club Nidau 1:40.48,7 18.14,8 (6589) Diplom H-F40 48. 4.46 ¦ 1:00.30 155.¦ 40.18 148.¦ 153. Lanagan Moira 1970 Luzern 1:40.49,3 18.15,4 (6549) Diplom H-F40 49. 4.46 ¦ 59.50 136.¦ 40.59 190.¦ 154. Tännler Monika 1988 Meiringen 1:40.50,2 18.16,3 (6699) Diplom H-F20 36. 4.46 ¦ 1:00.35 162.¦ 40.14 142.¦ 155. Rüegg Heidi 1958 Rapperswil SG 1:41.01,1 18.27,2 (7512) Diplom H-F50 16. 4.47 ¦ 1:01.24 204.¦ 39.37 119.¦ 156. Peralta Aline 1978 Ebikon 1:41.02,2 18.28,3 (7857) Diplom H-F30 54. 4.47 ¦ 59.04 113.¦ 41.57 255.¦ 157. Schwarzmann Julia 1976 Landquart 1:41.03,2 18.29,3 (4804) Diplom H-F30 55. 4.47 ¦ 59.39 129.¦ 41.24 225.¦ 158. Rothen Fränzi 1965 Dürnten 1:41.08,8 18.34,9 (6517) Diplom H-F40 50. 4.47 ¦ 1:00.40 167.¦ 40.28 156.¦ 159. von Ah Mirjam 1973 Stalden (Sarnen) 1:41.11,1 18.37,2 (8060) Diplom H-F30 56. 4.47 ¦ 1:00.03 144.¦ 41.08 201.¦ 160. Kellerhals Luzia 1974 Niederbipp 1:41.12,6 18.38,7 (8624) Diplom H-F30 57. 4.47 ¦ 1:01.05 183.¦ 40.07 136.¦ 161. Graf Teresa 1958 Wila 1:41.13,5 18.39,6 (4745) Diplom H-F50 17. 4.47 ¦ 1:00.50 171.¦ 40.23 153.¦ 162. Gisler Andrea 1971 Luzern 1:41.14,2 18.40,3 (4518) Diplom H-F40 51. 4.47 ¦ 1:00.33 160.¦ 40.40 170.¦ 163. Burri Isabelle 1979 Eich 1:41.20,9 18.47,0 (8380) Diplom H-F30 58. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.30 157.¦ 40.50 179.¦ 163. Zaugg Valérie 1991 Rüti b. Rüti bei Büren 1:41.20,9 18.47,0 (8987) Diplom H-F20 37. 4.48 ¦ 58.43 102.¦ 42.37 303.¦ 165. Decking Wiebke 1972 Luzern 1:41.22,7 18.48,8 (8717) Diplom H-F30 59. 4.48 ¦ 1:01.01 178.¦ 40.21 152.¦ 166. Stanford Naomi 1950 USA-Washington DC 1:41.25,1 18.51,2 (4218) Diplom H-F60 2. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.31 158.¦ 40.54 185.¦ 167. Grimm Maggy 1961 Buchrain 1:41.27,0 18.53,1 (8469) Diplom H-F50 18. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.27 153.¦ 40.59 191.¦ 168. Akil Nilay 1983 Buchrain 1:41.31,4 18.57,5 (5950) Diplom H-F20 38. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.25 152.¦ 41.05 194.¦ 169. Aregger Kerstin 1979 Luzern 1:41.31,7 18.57,8 (4753) Diplom H-F30 60. 4.48 ¦ 1:01.03 181.¦ 40.28 157.¦ 170. Schwegler Nicole 1975 Fehraltorf 1:41.31,9 18.58,0 (8959) Diplom H-F30 61. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.57 175.¦ 40.34 163.¦ 171. Vogt Annette 1988 Oberdiessbach 1:41.33,3 18.59,4 (3646) Diplom H-F20 39. 4.48 ¦ 1:01.39 219.¦ 39.53 129.¦ 172. Patraud Christine 1978 F-Boullogne 1:41.35,8 19.01,9 (9487) Diplom H-F30 62. 4.48 ¦ 1:02.05 235.¦ 39.29 114.¦ 173. Pezzicara Leigh 1973 Horgen 1:41.36,9 19.03,0 (7390) Diplom H-F30 63. 4.48 ¦ 1:01.18 199.¦ 40.18 147.¦ 174. Wespi Beatrice 1966 Uitikon Waldegg 1:41.39,2 19.05,3 (7539) Diplom H-F40 52. 4.49 ¦ 1:01.10 186.¦ 40.28 158.¦ 175. Dängeli Susanne 1981 Bern 1:41.40,8 19.06,9 (8445) Diplom H-F30 64. 4.49 ¦ 1:01.54 229.¦ 39.46 125.¦ 176. Matter Corinne 1985 Rickenbach LU 1:41.44,3 19.10,4 (7840) Diplom H-F20 40. 4.49 ¦ 1:02.05 234.¦ 39.38 121.¦ 177. Miescher Petra 1971 FL-Vaduz 1:41.45,6 19.11,7 (6402) Diplom H-F40 53. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.37 165.¦ 41.07 198.¦ 178. Mahler Corinne 1973 Fislisbach 1:41.46,2 19.12,3 (8276) Diplom H-F30 65. 4.49 ¦ 1:01.33 213.¦ 40.12 141.¦ 179. Vajna Bettina 1975 Hemmental 1:41.46,6 19.12,7 (7978) Diplom H-F30 66. 4.49 ¦ 1:01.02 179.¦ 40.43 172.¦ 180. Beerli Katja 1977 Thun 1:41.50,7 19.16,8 (3580) Diplom H-F30 67. 4.49 ¦ 1:01.35 216.¦ 40.15 145.¦ 181. Schmid Anneliese 1966 Schmitten FR 1:42.03,6 19.29,7 (3543) Diplom H-F40 54. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.55 174.¦ 41.07 199.¦ 182. Tocci Monika 1963 Goldau 1:42.04,0 19.30,1 (9480) Diplom H-F40 55. 4.50 ¦ 1:01.55 230.¦ 40.09 137.¦ 183. Gachoud Ursula 1960 Bussigny-près-Lausanne 1:42.05,9 19.32,0 (3209) Diplom H-F50 19. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.33 161.¦ 41.32 236.¦ 184. Worm Yvonne 1966 D-Eimeldingen 1:42.06,5 19.32,6 (8422) Diplom H-F40 56. 4.50 ¦ 1:01.13 190.¦ 40.53 183.¦ 185. Limacher Alice 1969 Sarnen 1:42.09,1 19.35,2 (8634) Diplom H-F40 57. 4.50 ¦ 1:01.20 201.¦ 40.48 178.¦ 186. Frutiger Michaela 1988 Recherswil 1:42.12,1 19.38,2 (3631) Diplom H-F20 41. 4.50 ¦ 1:01.16 194.¦ 40.56 187.¦ 187. Torre Andrea 1987 Solothurn 1:42.12,4 19.38,5 (9387) Diplom H-F20 42. 4.50 ¦ 1:01.15 193.¦ 40.56 188.¦ 188. von Ah Andrea 1972 Cham TV Cham 1884 1:42.15,8 19.41,9 (8807) Diplom H-F30 68. 4.50 ¦ 1:02.50 275.¦ 39.25 112.¦ 189. Streit Deborah 1986 Lyss 1:42.18,9 19.45,0 (6730) Diplom H-F20 43. 4.50 ¦ 1:01.13 188.¦ 41.05 195.¦ 190. Bünter Christina 1975 Wilen (Sarnen) Achermann Sport 1:42.19,0 19.45,1 (5906) Diplom H-F30 69. 4.50 ¦ 1:01.07 185.¦ 41.11 207.¦ 191. Helfenstein Ruth 1968 Luzern 1:42.22,9 19.49,0 (5220) Diplom H-F40 58. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.15 191.¦ 41.07 199.¦ 192. Sulzer Andrea 1979 Kriens 1:42.23,3 19.49,4 (4012) Diplom H-F30 70. 4.51 ¦ 59.58 142.¦ 42.24 290.¦ 193. Odermatt Anita 1968 Stans 1:42.30,0 19.56,1 (5840) Diplom H-F40 59. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.15 191.¦ 41.14 215.¦ 194. Tresch-Kessler Judith 1979 Schattdorf 1:42.34,5 20.00,6 (7702) Diplom H-F30 71. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.32 211.¦ 41.02 192.¦ 195. Lhommel Laurence 1971 Mettmenstetten 1:42.35,2 20.01,3 (8633) Diplom H-F40 60. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.24 205.¦ 41.10 205.¦ 196. Greub Lucia 1967 Buochs Lauftreff Nidwalden 1:42.37,4 20.03,5 (6500) Diplom H-F40 61. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.43 169.¦ 41.53 249.¦ 197. Schmidli Rita 1963 Ebikon 1:42.39,5 20.05,6 (8173) Diplom H-F40 62. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.45 224.¦ 40.53 184.¦ 198. Auf der Maur Nina 1973 Schwyz 1:42.41,9 20.08,0 (6671) Diplom H-F30 72. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.03 180.¦ 41.38 243.¦ 199. Henseler Doris 1963 Goldau 1:42.42,4 20.08,5 (6922) Diplom H-F40 63. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.57 231.¦ 40.45 174.¦ 200. Güntzel Sara 1969 Zürich 1:42.46,3 20.12,4 (3159) Diplom H-F40 64. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.34 214.¦ 41.11 210.¦ 201. Petersen Amy 1969 Cham 1:42.47,2 20.13,3 (9210) Diplom H-F40 65. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.16 195.¦ 41.30 235.¦ 202. Mennel Eveline 1980 Luzern LAR STV Hitzkirch 1:42.47,5 20.13,6 (7595) Diplom H-F30 73. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.53 226.¦ 40.54 186.¦ 203. Pender Louise 1972 Zürich 1:42.47,9 20.14,0 (9530) Diplom H-F30 74. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.17 198.¦ 41.30 232.¦ 204. Wizemann-Hahn Sonja 1959 D-Sankt Johann 1:42.50,4 20.16,5 (8775) Diplom H-F50 20. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.48 170.¦ 42.02 260.¦ 205. Hauser Claudia 1965 Herrliberg 1:42.51,8 20.17,9 (8254) Diplom H-F40 66. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.21 202.¦ 41.30 233.¦ 206. Huber Oberholzer Edith 1976 Horw Triathlon Club Hergiswil 1:42.54,1 20.20,2 (5881) Diplom H-F30 75. 4.52 ¦ 1:02.08 236.¦ 40.45 174.¦ 207. Müller Iris 1978 Zürich 1:42.55,8 20.21,9 (5646) Diplom H-F30 76. 4.52 ¦ 1:02.13 241.¦ 40.41 171.¦ 208. Schärli Cornelia 1982 Hochdorf 1:42.59,1 20.25,2 (6780) Diplom H-F20 44. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.31 210.¦ 41.27 229.¦ 209. Hablützel Sonja 1956 Ebikon 1:43.02,9 20.29,0 (9631) Diplom H-F50 21. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.07 184.¦ 41.55 251.¦ 210. Ladenberger Simone 1974 D-Maulburg 1:43.06,3 20.32,4 (7338) Diplom H-F30 77. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.30 207.¦ 41.36 239.¦ 211. Thompson Sarah 1973 Basel 1:43.06,6 20.32,7 (8196) Diplom H-F30 78. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.52 225.¦ 41.14 213.¦ 212. Ganz Eliza 1956 Mönchaltorf 1:43.06,9 20.33,0 (8724) Diplom H-F50 22. 4.53 ¦ 1:00.53 173.¦ 42.13 276.¦ 213. Stocker Alina 1987 Basel 1:43.10,1 20.36,2 (6840) Diplom H-F20 45. 4.53 ¦ 1:02.41 265.¦ 40.28 158.¦ 214. Zimmermann Irène 1960 Wolhusen 1:43.10,6 20.36,7 (8220) Diplom H-F50 23. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.17 196.¦ 41.53 248.¦ 215. Thüring Petra 1982 Dornach 1:43.14,6 20.40,7 (8683) Diplom H-F20 46. 4.53 ¦ 1:00.24 151.¦ 42.49 311.¦ 216. Dal Balcon Beatrice 1967 Küsnacht ZH cityrunning.ch 1:43.16,3 20.42,4 (9052) Diplom H-F40 67. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.19 200.¦ 41.56 254.¦ 216. Rinderer Sandra 1983 Flumserberg Portels 1:43.16,3 20.42,4 (6611) Diplom H-F20 47. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.01 177.¦ 42.14 277.¦ 218. Tschanz Conny 1974 Wolfwil Brooks Women Team 1:43.23,4 20.49,5 (4090) Diplom H-F30 79. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.22 203.¦ 42.01 258.¦ 219. Rolfe Mirjam 1971 D-Hamburg 1:43.26,3 20.52,4 (5732) Diplom H-F40 68. 4.54 ¦ 1:02.23 248.¦ 41.03 193.¦ 220. Huser Beatrice 1967 Luzern 1:43.27,8 20.53,9 (3343) Diplom H-F40 69. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.53 226.¦ 41.34 238.¦ 221. Magnin Susanne 1968 Plan-les-Ouates 1:43.30,9 20.57,0 (5096) Diplom H-F40 70. 4.54 ¦ 1:02.12 238.¦ 41.18 216.¦ 222. Jud Annemarie 1959 Rufi 1:43.32,3 20.58,4 (3617) Diplom H-F50 24. 4.54 ¦ 1:03.15 296.¦ 40.16 146.¦ 223. Zibung Susanne 1986 Zürich 1:43.33,1 20.59,2 (8989) Diplom H-F20 48. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.12 187.¦ 42.20 284.¦ 224. Schröder Peggy 1978 D-Berlin LG Am Mühlgraben 1:43.35,5 21.01,6 (1028) Diplom H-F30 80. 4.54 ¦ 1:02.12 239.¦ 41.22 223.¦ 225. Engelhardt Sabine 1972 D-Maulburg 1:43.40,2 21.06,3 (7241) Diplom H-F30 81. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.30 207.¦ 42.09 270.¦ 226. Stofer Maya 1978 Sempach 1:43.40,7 21.06,8 (8969) Diplom H-F30 82. 4.54 ¦ 1:02.15 243.¦ 41.25 227.¦ 227. Roschi Manuela 1982 Fraubrunnen 1:43.42,0 21.08,1 (6217) Diplom H-F20 49. 4.54 ¦ 1:02.30 250.¦ 41.11 209.¦ 228. Gindroz Sandra 1988 Penthéréaz Team Fédé 1:43.49,3 21.15,4 (6677) Diplom H-F20 50. 4.55 ¦ 1:00.37 163.¦ 43.12 341.¦ 229. Smith Leila 1976 Horw 1:43.50,1 21.16,2 (5733) Diplom H-F30 83. 4.55 ¦ 1:00.42 168.¦ 43.07 328.¦ 230. Gätzi Sibille 1982 Dübendorf 1:43.50,6 21.16,7 (8842) Diplom H-F20 51. 4.55 ¦ 1:03.30 308.¦ 40.19 150.¦ 231. Spörri Karin 1969 Wila LSV Winterthur 1:43.52,2 21.18,3 (7698) Diplom H-F40 71. 4.55 ¦ 1:03.57 334.¦ 39.54 130.¦ 232. Egger Beatrice 1970 Zofingen 1:43.52,3 21.18,4 (13009) Diplom H-F40 72. 4.55 ¦ 1:02.30 250.¦ 41.21 220.¦ 233. Sanchez Dürig Rosa 1968 Adliswil 1:43.53,0 21.19,1 (8667) Diplom H-F40 73. 4.55 ¦ 1:02.30 253.¦ 41.22 222.¦ 234. Pietsch Claudia 1965 Brütten 1:43.53,5 21.19,6 (7436) Diplom H-F40 74. 4.55 ¦ 1:01.43 221.¦ 42.09 269.¦ 235. Ehrler Irène 1969 Haldenstein 1:43.57,5 21.23,6 (4714) Diplom H-F40 75. 4.55 ¦ 1:02.13 240.¦ 41.43 246.¦ 236. Fenk Simone 1991 Willisau 1:43.57,9 21.24,0 (6712) Diplom H-F20 52. 4.55 ¦ 1:03.33 312.¦ 40.24 154.¦ 237. Erni Sabine 1982 Malters Raiffeisen 1:44.01,2 21.27,3 (3968) Diplom H-F20 53. 4.55 ¦ 1:02.52 278.¦ 41.09 203.¦ 238. Stütz Yvonne 1965 Ermatingen BCT Tägerwilen 1:44.03,8 21.29,9 (5875) Diplom H-F40 76. 4.55 ¦ 1:01.44 222.¦ 42.19 283.¦ 239. Otto Corinne 1956 Egg b. Zürich 1:44.11,2 21.37,3 (9204) Diplom H-F50 25. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.45 223.¦ 42.26 293.¦ 240. Zürcher Monika 1969 Bolligen 1:44.14,6 21.40,7 (8778) Diplom H-F40 77. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.13 189.¦ 43.01 319.¦ 241. Müller Andrea 1964 Schwyz 1:44.15,9 21.42,0 (3688) Diplom H-F40 78. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.55 280.¦ 41.20 217.¦ 242. Stamm Alina 1990 Luzern 1:44.16,1 21.42,2 (4384) Diplom H-F20 54. 4.56 ¦ 1:03.04 289.¦ 41.11 207.¦ 243. Kleeb Claudia 1969 Hünikon Neftenbach 1:44.19,4 21.45,5 (9328) Diplom H-F40 79. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.42 267.¦ 41.37 241.¦ 244. Wengi Patrizia 1963 Klingnau LV Unteres Aaretal 1:44.20,1 21.46,2 (8065) Diplom H-F40 80. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.36 259.¦ 41.43 245.¦ 245. Schriber Desirée 1986 Zürich 1:44.21,7 21.47,8 (5505) Diplom H-F20 55. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.09 237.¦ 42.12 275.¦ 246. Huber Barbara 1964 Rain 1:44.22,7 21.48,8 (9125) Diplom H-F40 81. 4.56 ¦ 1:03.48 325.¦ 40.34 164.¦ 247. Betschart Pia 1970 Brunnen 1:44.26,9 21.53,0 (3710) Diplom H-F40 82. 4.57 ¦ 1:03.28 306.¦ 40.58 189.¦ 248. Waltert Sonja 1989 Brüttisellen Brüttiseller Berggeisli 1:44.27,7 21.53,8 (9378) Diplom H-F20 56. 4.57 ¦ 1:03.00 285.¦ 41.26 228.¦ 249. Sigel Michele 1975 Hergiswil NW 1:44.33,6 21.59,7 (7611) Diplom H-F30 84. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.22 247.¦ 42.11 272.¦ 250. Hirt Ursula 1959 Hochdorf 1:44.37,3 22.03,4 (5289) Diplom H-F50 26. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.41 264.¦ 41.55 251.¦ 251. Zimmermann Karin 1973 Sins 1:44.38,1 22.04,2 (4726) Diplom H-F30 85. 4.57 ¦ 1:01.34 215.¦ 43.03 320.¦ 252. Feuz Karin 1972 Luzern 1:44.39,0 22.05,1 (7177) Diplom H-F30 86. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.31 256.¦ 42.07 266.¦ 253. Mösch Silvie 1987 Klingnau 1:44.42,5 22.08,6 (3249) Diplom H-F20 57. 4.57 ¦ 1:03.20 299.¦ 41.22 221.¦ 254. Giese Corinne 1981 Adligenswil 1:44.49,8 22.15,9 (5216) Diplom H-F30 87. 4.58 ¦ 1:02.05 233.¦ 42.44 308.¦ 255. Körner Monika 1955 Sempach 1:44.50,5 22.16,6 (5095) Diplom H-F50 27. 4.58 ¦ 1:01.37 218.¦ 43.12 344.¦ 256. Zurfluh-Sigrist Myriam 1979 Flüelen 1:44.50,9 22.17,0 (6208) Diplom H-F30 88. 4.58 ¦ 1:01.30 209.¦ 43.20 355.¦ 257. Schneider Janina 1982 Zürich cityrunning.ch 1:44.58,4 22.24,5 (9241) Diplom H-F20 58. 4.58 ¦ 1:02.40 262.¦ 42.18 281.¦ 258. Bucher Karin 1967 Eich 1:45.01,1 22.27,2 (4219) Diplom H-F40 83. 4.58 ¦ 1:03.30 307.¦ 41.30 233.¦ 259. Wiederkehr Bernadette 1963 Rupperswil Easy Runners 1:45.02,7 22.28,8 (3834) Diplom H-F40 84. 4.58 ¦ 1:01.42 220.¦ 43.20 355.¦ 260. Bisang Simone 1976 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:45.03,5 22.29,6 (6145) Diplom H-F30 89. 4.58 ¦ 1:03.00 284.¦ 42.02 261.¦ 261. Grunder Lea 1987 Oberdorf SO 1:45.03,6 22.29,7 (5448) Diplom H-F20 59. 4.58 ¦ 1:03.22 302.¦ 41.41 244.¦ 262. Niederberger Myrta 1981 Horw 1:45.03,9 22.30,0 (3585) Diplom H-F30 90. 4.58 ¦ 1:03.09 293.¦ 41.54 250.¦ 263. Werthmann Ruth 1979 Basel 1:45.04,3 22.30,4 (5946) Diplom H-F30 91. 4.58 ¦ 1:03.34 313.¦ 41.29 230.¦ 264. Hartmann Esther 1962 Kloten 1:45.06,0 22.32,1 (9112) Diplom H-F40 85. 4.58 ¦ 1:02.31 254.¦ 42.34 300.¦ 265. Sidler Helen 1986 Luzern 1:45.06,2 22.32,3 (3634) Diplom H-F20 60. 4.58 ¦ 1:01.53 228.¦ 43.12 345.¦ 266. Furrer Daniela 1964 Schwyz 1:45.07,6 22.33,7 (4633) Diplom H-F40 86. 4.58 ¦ 1:02.41 266.¦ 42.25 292.¦ 267. Mathonnet Zwicky Sophie 1975 Oberägeri 1:45.10,6 22.36,7 (7768) Diplom H-F30 92. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.59 283.¦ 42.11 273.¦ 268. Christen Angela 1984 Stansstad 1:45.11,0 22.37,1 (7417) Diplom H-F20 61. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.49 274.¦ 42.21 285.¦ 269. Wunsch Martina 1971 Egg b. Zürich city running 1:45.11,5 22.37,6 (5414) Diplom H-F40 87. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.46 271.¦ 42.25 291.¦ 270. Johner Nicola 1968 Lufingen LSV Kloten 1:45.13,5 22.39,6 (1389) Diplom H-F40 88. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.30 252.¦ 42.42 306.¦ 271. Felix Claudia 1969 Horw 1:45.14,3 22.40,4 (7176) Diplom H-F40 89. 4.59 ¦ 1:01.30 206.¦ 43.44 405.¦ 272. Klemenz Judith 1978 Zürich cityrunning.ch 1:45.15,5 22.41,6 (7835) Diplom H-F30 93. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.36 258.¦ 42.39 304.¦ 273. Wallimann Erna 1968 Alpnach Dorf 1:45.17,7 22.43,8 (5055) Diplom H-F40 90. 4.59 ¦ 1:01.37 217.¦ 43.40 394.¦ 274. Bach Francine 1963 Lussy FR 1:45.18,0 22.44,1 (8703) Diplom H-F40 91. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.45 270.¦ 42.32 296.¦ 275. Hossbach Katja 1979 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:45.20,8 22.46,9 (5862) Diplom H-F30 94. 4.59 ¦ 1:03.02 287.¦ 42.18 282.¦ 276. Gerber Sarah 1988 Aeschlen b. Oberdiessbach 1:45.24,3 22.50,4 (6498) Diplom H-F20 62. 4.59 ¦ 1:04.12 348.¦ 41.11 211.¦ 276. Good Nadja 1977 Zug 1:45.24,3 22.50,4 (9099) Diplom H-F30 95. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.15 244.¦ 43.08 332.¦ 278. Blank Eveline 1968 Sarnen 1:45.26,4 22.52,5 (4275) Diplom H-F40 92. 4.59 ¦ 1:03.04 288.¦ 42.21 289.¦ 279. Oehri Michelle 1987 Obernau 1:45.34,3 23.00,4 (7059) Diplom H-F20 63. 5.00 ¦ 1:00.30 156.¦ 45.03 540.¦ 280. Jermann Sandra 1982 Basel 1:45.36,4 23.02,5 (3134) Diplom H-F20 64. 5.00 ¦ 1:04.58 394.¦ 40.37 167.¦ 281. Marty Astrid 1964 Altdorf UR 1:45.39,4 23.05,5 (5969) Diplom H-F40 93. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.04 232.¦ 43.35 387.¦ 282. Peralta Sarah 1975 Kriens 1:45.42,4 23.08,5 (5791) Diplom H-F30 96. 5.00 ¦ 1:03.37 315.¦ 42.05 264.¦ 283. Plüss Karen 1973 Obernau 1:45.42,5 23.08,6 (8292) Diplom H-F30 97. 5.00 ¦ 1:03.53 329.¦ 41.48 247.¦ 284. Mcguinness Alexis 1981 Rotkreuz 1:45.43,2 23.09,3 (8918) Diplom H-F30 98. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.51 277.¦ 42.51 313.¦ 285. Künzi Petra 1967 Baar 1:45.43,6 23.09,7 (5142) Diplom H-F40 94. 5.00 ¦ 1:03.33 311.¦ 42.10 271.¦ 286. Likov Sandra 1986 CZ-Ostrava Ladies fit club 1:45.44,6 23.10,7 (8501) Diplom H-F20 65. 5.00 ¦ 1:05.11 404.¦ 40.33 162.¦ 287. Hartmann Brigitte 1960 Schlieren 1:45.50,2 23.16,3 (1912) Diplom H-F50 28. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.31 255.¦ 43.18 352.¦ 288. Schurtenberger Claudia 1977 Willisau 1:45.50,5 23.16,6 (4430) Diplom H-F30 99. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.29 249.¦ 43.20 359.¦ 289. Jud Franziska 1971 Luzern 1:45.51,5 23.17,6 (3416) Diplom H-F40 95. 5.01 ¦ 1:01.32 212.¦ 44.18 465.¦ 290. Friedli Claudia 1967 Baar 1:45.52,2 23.18,3 (7477) Diplom H-F40 96. 5.01 ¦ 1:03.54 330.¦ 41.58 257.¦ 290. Stähli Elsbeth 1957 Eich 1:45.52,2 23.18,3 (6063) Diplom H-F50 29. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.54 279.¦ 42.57 318.¦ 292. Müller-Lötscher Judith 1963 Horw 1:45.55,2 23.21,3 (8285) Diplom H-F40 97. 5.01 ¦ 1:03.22 303.¦ 42.32 297.¦ 293. Knisel Heike 1965 D-Tübingen LAV ASICS Tübingen 1:45.56,0 23.22,1 (8020) Diplom H-F40 98. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.33 257.¦ 43.22 364.¦ 294. Limacher Esther 1985 Winterthur 1:45.56,9 23.23,0 (7259) Diplom H-F20 66. 5.01 ¦ 1:03.27 305.¦ 42.29 294.¦ 295. Lüthi Käthi 1962 Heimberg 1:45.57,9 23.24,0 (3499) Diplom H-F40 99. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.46 272.¦ 43.11 339.¦ 296. Casagrande Ruth 1956 Luzern 1:45.58,0 23.24,1 (4901) Diplom H-F50 30. 5.01 ¦ 1:03.01 286.¦ 42.56 316.¦ 297. Donoghue Erin 1977 Hedingen 1:46.01,7 23.27,8 (8449) Diplom H-F30 100. 5.01 ¦ 1:03.40 316.¦ 42.21 288.¦ 298. Rickenbacher-Keller Stefa 1973 F-Liebenswiller 1:46.02,2 23.28,3 (4097) Diplom H-F30 101. 5.01 ¦ 1:04.38 371.¦ 41.23 224.¦ 299. Wyler Karin 1971 Niederwil AG 1:46.03,5 23.29,6 (5877) Diplom H-F40 100. 5.01 ¦ 1:03.57 332.¦ 42.06 265.¦ 300. Kosanovic Kristina 1979 Biberist Brooks Women running team 1:46.08,5 23.34,6 (9155) Diplom H-F30 102. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.56 281.¦ 43.11 339.¦ 301. Büchi Sandra 1970 Oberwil b. Büren 1:46.09,2 23.35,3 (1160) Diplom H-F40 101. 5.01 ¦ 1:03.47 324.¦ 42.21 286.¦ 302. Kayser Karin 1967 Oberdorf NW 1:46.14,1 23.40,2 (5364) Diplom H-F40 102. 5.02 ¦ 1:03.23 304.¦ 42.50 312.¦ 303. Steiner Mirella 1981 Baar 1:46.15,0 23.41,1 (7614) Diplom H-F30 103. 5.02 ¦ 1:03.31 309.¦ 42.44 307.¦ 304. Siegenthaler Brigitte 1964 Oberentfelden 1:46.15,7 23.41,8 (6726) Diplom H-F40 103. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.49 273.¦ 43.26 374.¦ 305. Kempf Anita 1983 Altdorf UR 1:46.16,4 23.42,5 (6118) Diplom H-F20 67. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.19 246.¦ 43.56 427.¦ 306. Lichtsteiner Inge 1960 Egolzwil 1:46.18,6 23.44,7 (9332) Diplom H-F50 31. 5.02 ¦ 1:03.07 291.¦ 43.11 337.¦ 307. Isenrich Rahel 1990 Basel 1:46.21,0 23.47,1 (3531) Diplom H-F20 68. 5.02 ¦ 1:04.04 337.¦ 42.16 279.¦ 308. Kaufmann Irene 1983 Sursee 1:46.21,4 23.47,5 (7114) Diplom H-F20 69. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.38 260.¦ 43.42 401.¦ 309. Wettenschwiler Helen 1956 Goldach 1:46.24,5 23.50,6 (4620) Diplom H-F50 32. 5.02 ¦ 1:03.16 297.¦ 43.08 330.¦ 310. Jenny Esther 1963 Winterthur Finishers Winterthur 1:46.26,1 23.52,2 (8615) Diplom H-F40 104. 5.02 ¦ 1:03.10 295.¦ 43.15 347.¦ 311. Fleischli Heidi 1969 Udligenswil 1:46.26,2 23.52,3 (6111) Diplom H-F40 105. 5.02 ¦ 1:03.56 331.¦ 42.30 295.¦ 312. von Rickenbach Brigitte 1954 Oberägeri Lauftreff Oberägeri 1:46.28,9 23.55,0 (6334) Diplom H-F50 33. 5.02 ¦ 1:04.20 355.¦ 42.08 268.¦ 313. Gisler Margrit 1958 Obernau 1:46.31,1 23.57,2 (8466) Diplom H-F50 34. 5.02 ¦ 1:03.57 334.¦ 42.33 298.¦ 314. Tiboni Michèle 1981 Gunzwil 1:46.35,9 24.02,0 (5555) Diplom H-F30 104. 5.03 ¦ 1:05.02 398.¦ 41.33 237.¦ 315. Haller Claudia 1979 Pfäffikon ZH 1:46.37,0 24.03,1 (5606) Diplom H-F30 105. 5.03 ¦ 1:03.05 290.¦ 43.31 381.¦ 316. Gut Helen 1963 Rain 1:46.38,5 24.04,6 (3583) Diplom H-F40 106. 5.03 ¦ 1:03.49 326.¦ 42.48 309.¦ 317. Jucker Pia 1976 Nuolen LG Görps Wangen SZ 1:46.38,6 24.04,7 (7015) Diplom H-F30 106. 5.03 ¦ 1:02.58 282.¦ 43.39 392.¦ 318. Siegenthaler Simone 1989 Luzern 1:46.40,8 24.06,9 (6408) Diplom H-F20 70. 5.03 ¦ 1:03.21 300.¦ 43.19 353.¦ 319. Berchtold Marion 1972 Filet 1:46.42,6 24.08,7 (5656) Diplom H-F30 107. 5.03 ¦ 1:04.27 358.¦ 42.15 278.¦ 320. Hengartner Nicole 1967 St. Gallen 1:46.44,0 24.10,1 (6966) Diplom H-F40 107. 5.03 ¦ 1:04.40 373.¦ 42.03 262.¦ 320. Moschner Bettina 1967 D-Ehrenkirchen 1:46.44,0 24.10,1 (8142) Diplom H-F40 107. 5.03 ¦ 1:04.08 344.¦ 42.36 302.¦ 322. Gut Christiane 1966 Luzern 1:46.47,1 24.13,2 (7831) Diplom H-F40 109. 5.03 ¦ 1:05.26 419.¦ 41.20 218.¦ 323. Vetterli Nadège 1984 Luzern 1:46.48,4 24.14,5 (7159) Diplom H-F20 71. 5.03 ¦ 1:02.40 263.¦ 44.07 444.¦ 324. Kaderli Tabea 1990 Luzern 1:46.49,2 24.15,3 (8618) Diplom H-F20 72. 5.03 ¦ 1:05.41 437.¦ 41.08 202.¦ 325. Hess Rita 1971 Emmenbrücke 1:46.49,7 24.15,8 (6541) Diplom H-F40 110. 5.03 ¦ 1:03.44 320.¦ 43.05 324.¦ 326. Christen-Amstutz Marion 1966 Sachseln 1:46.49,9 24.16,0 (4828) Diplom H-F40 111. 5.03 ¦ 1:02.39 261.¦ 44.10 451.¦ 327. Hanson Liz 1967 Adliswil SilverCoast Runners 1:46.53,2 24.19,3 (6764) Diplom H-F40 112. 5.03 ¦ 1:03.19 298.¦ 43.33 384.¦ 328. Nater Kathrin 1960 Luzern 1:46.54,8 24.20,9 (5097) Diplom H-F50 35. 5.04 ¦ 1:02.51 276.¦ 44.03 437.¦ 329. Taylor-Palmer Fiona 1964 Rotkreuz 1:46.55,2 24.21,3 (4824) Diplom H-F40 113. 5.04 ¦ 1:05.48 450.¦ 41.06 196.¦ 330. Egli Karin 1982 St. Gallen 1:46.57,9 24.24,0 (5955) Diplom H-F20 73. 5.04 ¦ 1:03.35 314.¦ 43.22 364.¦ 331. Bauer-Rebsamen Vreni 1966 Hochdorf 1:46.59,5 24.25,6 (6144) Diplom H-F40 114. 5.04 ¦ 1:02.43 268.¦ 44.15 459.¦ 332. Grossenbacher Franziska 1963 Reiden 1:47.01,9 24.28,0 (8107) Diplom H-F40 115. 5.04 ¦ 1:03.42 317.¦ 43.19 354.¦ 333. Walker Yvonne 1965 Walchwil 1:47.02,6 24.28,7 (6335) Diplom H-F40 116. 5.04 ¦ 1:05.48 450.¦ 41.14 214.¦ 334. Gadient Georgina 1979 Klosters 1:47.03,1 24.29,2 (9086) Diplom H-F30 108. 5.04 ¦ 1:04.55 387.¦ 42.07 267.¦ 335. Schär Katharina 1960 Wädenswil 1:47.04,1 24.30,2 (6935) Diplom H-F50 36. 5.04 ¦ 1:02.17 245.¦ 44.46 517.¦ 336. Combremont Séverine 1986 Ménières 1:47.08,6 24.34,7 (8087) Diplom H-F20 74. 5.04 ¦ 1:04.03 336.¦ 43.05 322.¦ 337. Dow Norma Katherine 1967 Baar 1:47.11,9 24.38,0 (4864) Diplom H-F40 117. 5.04 ¦ 1:05.47 448.¦ 41.24 226.¦ 338. Gugelmann Regula 1968 Rheinau 1:47.13,3 24.39,4 (5199) Diplom H-F40 118. 5.04 ¦ 1:05.11 405.¦ 42.01 259.¦ 339. Hubli Julitta 1957 Pfungen 1:47.13,6 24.39,7 (9324) Diplom H-F50 37. 5.04 ¦ 1:04.05 338.¦ 43.08 331.¦ 340. Kunz Sibylle 1973 Hünenberg See 1:47.14,6 24.40,7 (7337) Diplom H-F30 109. 5.05 ¦ 1:05.18 410.¦ 41.56 253.¦ 341. Achermann Schwizer Esther 1966 Reiden 1:47.16,8 24.42,9 (9298) Diplom H-F40 119. 5.05 ¦ 1:03.42 318.¦ 43.34 385.¦ 342. Deas Lucy 1967 Oberägeri ISZL 1:47.17,3 24.43,4 (6348) Diplom H-F40 120. 5.05 ¦ 1:04.11 347.¦ 43.05 323.¦ 343. Zacharias Anina 1977 D-Essen 1:47.21,8 24.47,9 (3903) Diplom H-F30 110. 5.05 ¦ 1:03.44 321.¦ 43.37 389.¦ 344. Vontobel Nicola 1980 Luzern 1:47.24,7 24.50,8 (4941) Diplom H-F30 111. 5.05 ¦ 1:04.07 342.¦ 43.17 351.¦ 345. Schmitter Melanie 1972 Rothrist 1:47.31,7 24.57,8 (7094) Diplom H-F30 112. 5.05 ¦ 1:04.07 343.¦ 43.24 367.¦ 346. Bruder Beatrice 1970 Goldach 1:47.32,5 24.58,6 (9471) Diplom H-F40 121. 5.05 ¦ 1:04.58 394.¦ 42.34 299.¦ 347. Letta Susan 1966 Abtwil SG 1:47.34,8 25.00,9 (7020) Diplom H-F40 122. 5.05 ¦ 1:04.05 340.¦ 43.29 378.¦ 348. Curry Karen 1975 Edlibach 1:47.35,3 25.01,4 (5602) Diplom H-F30 113. 5.05 ¦ 1:04.38 370.¦ 42.56 315.¦ 349. Hesse Anne 1969 L-Soleuvre 1:47.35,8 25.01,9 (5739) Diplom H-F40 123. 5.06 ¦ 1:04.18 351.¦ 43.17 348.¦ 350. Karlin Pascale 1969 Langenbruck 1:47.37,2 25.03,3 (9462) Diplom H-F40 124. 5.06 ¦ 1:04.31 361.¦ 43.06 326.¦ 351. Cibotto Martine 1965 Thônex 1:47.37,6 25.03,7 (4556) Diplom H-F40 125. 5.06 ¦ 1:03.09 294.¦ 44.27 480.¦ 352. Steiner Isabelle 1976 Jona 1:47.38,5 25.04,6 (9255) Diplom H-F30 114. 5.06 ¦ 1:03.45 323.¦ 43.52 425.¦ 353. Romer Martina 1981 Walenstadt 1:47.38,8 25.04,9 (8521) Diplom H-F30 115. 5.06 ¦ 1:01.03 182.¦ 46.35 732.¦ 354. Herbolsheimer Lara 1970 Wädenswil 1:47.46,7 25.12,8 (4799) Diplom H-F40 126. 5.06 ¦ 1:05.48 454.¦ 41.58 256.¦ 355. Lang Franziska 1975 Ennetbürgen 1:47.47,1 25.13,2 (8496) Diplom H-F30 116. 5.06 ¦ 1:04.37 368.¦ 43.09 334.¦ 356. Waser Irene 1986 Inwil Team 3 1/2 1:47.48,1 25.14,2 (5717) Diplom H-F20 75. 5.06 ¦ 1:04.31 361.¦ 43.17 349.¦ 357. Müller Doris 1963 Cham 1:47.49,8 25.15,9 (3990) Diplom H-F40 127. 5.06 ¦ 1:04.41 376.¦ 43.08 332.¦ 358. Strub Kunz Jrène 1966 Tenniken 1:47.50,0 25.16,1 (7283) Diplom H-F40 128. 5.06 ¦ 1:05.33 425.¦ 42.16 280.¦ 359. Grichting Sandra 1981 Pfäffikon ZH 1:47.59,7 25.25,8 (6740) Diplom H-F30 117. 5.07 ¦ 1:04.17 350.¦ 43.41 398.¦ 360. Muff Martina 1985 Rickenbach LU 1:47.59,9 25.26,0 (6513) Diplom H-F20 76. 5.07 ¦ 1:04.32 363.¦ 43.27 377.¦ 361. Rueegger Andrea 1974 Kappel SO Brooks Women Running Team 1:48.03,4 25.29,5 (5985) Diplom H-F30 118. 5.07 ¦ 1:03.51 327.¦ 44.11 453.¦ 362. Hügli Anna 1983 Zürich 1:48.04,6 25.30,7 (8010) Diplom H-F20 77. 5.07 ¦ 1:05.09 402.¦ 42.54 314.¦ 363. Schnüriger Cornelia 1971 Horw 1:48.06,9 25.33,0 (3423) Diplom H-F40 129. 5.07 ¦ 1:04.41 374.¦ 43.25 373.¦ 364. Boschung Manuela 1962 Kloten 1:48.07,1 25.33,2 (7364) Diplom H-F40 130. 5.07 ¦ 1:03.08 292.¦ 44.58 534.¦ 365. Hübscher Sara 1980 Cham 1:48.08,0 25.34,1 (5250) Diplom H-F30 119. 5.07 ¦ 1:05.33 425.¦ 42.34 300.¦ 366. Siegenthaler Simone 1976 Aesch BL 1:48.09,4 25.35,5 (3558) Diplom H-F30 120. 5.07 ¦ 1:04.24 357.¦ 43.45 406.¦ 367. Rohr Simone 1979 Mettmenstetten 1:48.14,4 25.40,5 (7604) Diplom H-F30 121. 5.07 ¦ 1:03.57 332.¦ 44.17 461.¦ 368. Vieli Sylvia 1980 Zürich 1:48.15,0 25.41,1 (9595) Diplom H-F30 122. 5.07 ¦ 1:04.12 349.¦ 44.02 435.¦ 369. Bradàcs Edit 1984 Zürich 1:48.17,6 25.43,7 (7816) Diplom H-F20 78. 5.07 ¦ 1:03.21 301.¦ 44.55 527.¦ 370. Vogt Brigitte 1957 Adligenswil 1:48.18,2 25.44,3 (67) Diplom H-F50 38. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.27 359.¦ 43.50 420.¦ 371. Poltéra Stefanie 1960 Sagogn 1:48.18,7 25.44,8 (3886) Diplom H-F50 39. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.41 374.¦ 43.37 391.¦ 372. Berger Silvia 1967 Aarberg 1:48.19,7 25.45,8 (7046) Diplom H-F40 131. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.32 365.¦ 43.46 413.¦ 373. Marek Aleksandra 1977 Zürich 1:48.21,1 25.47,2 (7341) Diplom H-F30 123. 5.08 ¦ 1:06.17 479.¦ 42.03 263.¦ 374. Meloni Francesca 1975 Hergiswil NW 1:48.21,6 25.47,7 (8138) Diplom H-F30 124. 5.08 ¦ 1:02.45 269.¦ 45.36 603.¦ 375. Berges Sarah 1979 Horgen 1:48.26,8 25.52,9 (6300) Diplom H-F30 125. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.28 360.¦ 43.57 429.¦ 376. Murer Judith 1981 Emmenbrücke 1:48.30,2 25.56,3 (5149) Diplom H-F30 126. 5.08 ¦ 1:05.20 411.¦ 43.09 334.¦ 377. Erdin Iris 1967 Koblenz 1:48.30,6 25.56,7 (8342) Diplom H-F40 132. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.49 382.¦ 43.41 395.¦ 378. Peyer Stephanie 1974 Hünenberg See 1:48.30,8 25.56,9 (6776) Diplom H-F30 127. 5.08 ¦ 1:06.09 474.¦ 42.21 287.¦ 379. Ladner Marianne 1971 Wallisellen 1:48.31,2 25.57,3 (4877) Diplom H-F40 133. 5.08 ¦ 1:05.41 438.¦ 42.49 310.¦ 380. Blättler Stephanie 1985 Hergiswil NW 1:48.31,5 25.57,6 (6345) Diplom H-F20 79. 5.08 ¦ 1:03.33 310.¦ 44.58 533.¦ 381. Brand Monika 1983 Wettswil 1:48.32,5 25.58,6 (5235) Diplom H-F20 80. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.19 354.¦ 44.12 454.¦ 382. Burri Eliane 1969 Rain 1:48.34,5 26.00,6 (5577) Diplom H-F40 134. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.53 385.¦ 43.41 395.¦ 383. Hahn Monika 1972 Münchenbuchsee 1:48.36,4 26.02,5 (5960) Diplom H-F30 128. 5.08 ¦ 1:05.55 460.¦ 42.40 305.¦ 384. Doppler Caroline 1975 Basel 1:48.37,3 26.03,4 (8091) Diplom H-F30 129. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.46 380.¦ 43.51 421.¦ 385. Graf Karin 1978 Sempach Stadt 1:48.41,1 26.07,2 (5372) Diplom H-F30 130. 5.09 ¦ 1:07.33 570.¦ 41.07 197.¦ 386. Artho Andrea 1969 Abtwil SG 1:48.42,9 26.09,0 (6250) Diplom H-F40 135. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.05 338.¦ 44.37 500.¦ 387. Vollenweider Tanja 1991 Ennetbürgen 1:48.48,6 26.14,7 (8059) Diplom H-F20 81. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.56 390.¦ 43.52 424.¦ 388. Haemmerli Jolanda 1980 Rapperswil SG 1:48.49,5 26.15,6 (4687) Diplom H-F30 131. 5.09 ¦ 1:05.24 416.¦ 43.25 369.¦ 389. Odermatt-Schmid Rita 1963 Stans 1:48.49,7 26.15,8 (5841) Diplom H-F40 136. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.18 351.¦ 44.30 489.¦ 390. Lammertyn Karen 1976 F-Hesingue 1:48.53,4 26.19,5 (6719) Diplom H-F30 132. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.32 364.¦ 44.20 469.¦ 391. Vorster-Busch Kirsten 1968 Basel 1:48.55,2 26.21,3 (6754) Diplom H-F40 137. 5.09 ¦ 1:05.27 420.¦ 43.27 376.¦ 392. Küttel Andrea 1972 Schmerikon 1:48.55,7 26.21,8 (4227) Diplom H-F30 133. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.19 353.¦ 44.35 497.¦ 393. Werder Andrea Martina 1980 Liebefeld 1:48.58,4 26.24,5 (5702) Diplom H-F30 134. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.59 397.¦ 43.58 431.¦ 394. Krummenacher Corinne 1982 Reinach BL LSV Basel 1:48.59,7 26.25,8 (9159) Diplom H-F20 82. 5.09 ¦ 1:05.14 406.¦ 43.45 407.¦ 395. Rütimann Gabriela 1964 Bülach 1:49.00,1 26.26,2 (8946) Diplom H-F40 138. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.30 422.¦ 43.29 379.¦ 396. Schuler Nicole 1983 Zug 1:49.03,1 26.29,2 (3186) Diplom H-F20 83. 5.10 ¦ 1:04.51 383.¦ 44.11 452.¦ 397. Rufer Corinne 1958 Frenkendorf LC Basel 1:49.03,9 26.30,0 (8169) Diplom H-F50 40. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.22 414.¦ 43.41 397.¦ 398. Volz Silvia 1965 Therwil 1:49.04,3 26.30,4 (9596) Diplom H-F40 139. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.42 439.¦ 43.22 362.¦ 399. Späni Andrea 1984 Pfäffikon SZ running bikers 1:49.04,7 26.30,8 (7525) Diplom H-F20 84. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.40 435.¦ 43.24 366.¦ 400. Ziegler Linda 1991 St. Niklausen OW 1:49.06,0 26.32,1 (9256) Diplom H-F20 85. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.22 413.¦ 43.44 404.¦ 401. Domeni Brigitte 1976 Zürich 1:49.09,3 26.35,4 (9059) Diplom H-F30 135. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.56 463.¦ 43.12 345.¦ 402. Roggo Esther 1962 Fribourg 1:49.10,0 26.36,1 (9223) Diplom H-F40 140. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.44 445.¦ 43.25 368.¦ 402. Zimmermann-Lanz Tina 1973 Egerkingen 1:49.10,0 26.36,1 (9569) Diplom H-F30 136. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.44 444.¦ 43.25 370.¦ 404. Ting Caroline 1977 Zürich 1:49.10,6 26.36,7 (6522) Diplom H-F30 137. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.35 431.¦ 43.34 386.¦ 405. Schildknecht Heidi 1953 Thalwil 1:49.12,4 26.38,5 (6159) Diplom H-F50 41. 5.10 ¦ 1:04.43 378.¦ 44.29 484.¦ 406. Bärtschi Regula 1974 Muri AG 1:49.14,1 26.40,2 (13010) Diplom H-F30 138. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.48 453.¦ 43.25 371.¦ 407. Demont Nathalie 1983 Othmarsingen 1:49.14,3 26.40,4 (4076) Diplom H-F20 86. 5.10 ¦ 1:04.44 379.¦ 44.29 486.¦ 407. Hegner Pia 1960 Rain 1:49.14,3 26.40,4 (647) Diplom H-F50 42. 5.10 ¦ 1:04.11 346.¦ 45.02 538.¦ 409. Helfer Gabi 1967 Mühledorf BE 1:49.15,8 26.41,9 (7184) Diplom H-F40 141. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.29 421.¦ 43.46 412.¦ 410. Stucky Irmine 1964 Glis 1:49.15,9 26.42,0 (5411) Diplom H-F40 142. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.34 427.¦ 43.41 398.¦ 411. Ruf-Jost Rita 1982 Obergesteln 1:49.16,4 26.42,5 (7513) Diplom H-F20 87. 5.10 ¦ 1:06.19 482.¦ 42.57 317.¦ 412. Johannsen Hilke 1967 D-Zürich 1:49.16,6 26.42,7 (5451) Diplom H-F40 143. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.24 417.¦ 43.52 423.¦ 413. Jost Anneliese 1957 Eriswil 1:49.17,4 26.43,5 (4876) Diplom H-F50 43. 5.10 ¦ 1:04.05 341.¦ 45.11 555.¦ 414. Buchenhorner Sarah 1981 Zürich 1:49.18,7 26.44,8 (4756) Diplom H-F30 139. 5.10 ¦ 1:07.07 540.¦ 42.11 274.¦ 415. Wietlisbach Meggy 1964 Rothenburg 1:49.18,9 26.45,0 (3350) Diplom H-F40 144. 5.10 ¦ 1:03.53 328.¦ 45.25 584.¦ 416. Jäger Elisabeth 1962 Beromünster 1:49.21,1 26.47,2 (6395) Diplom H-F40 145. 5.10 ¦ 1:06.00 467.¦ 43.20 358.¦ 417. Flückiger Nicole 1970 Malters 1:49.22,1 26.48,2 (4640) Diplom H-F40 146. 5.11 ¦ 1:04.56 392.¦ 44.25 477.¦ 418. Urban Manuela 1967 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:49.26,5 26.52,6 (3837) Diplom H-F40 147. 5.11 ¦ 1:05.09 401.¦ 44.17 462.¦ 419. Amhof-Wyss Luzia 1972 Hitzkirch 1:49.26,7 26.52,8 (8999) Diplom H-F30 140. 5.11 ¦ 1:05.44 443.¦ 43.42 400.¦ 420. Raemy Manuela 1974 Sempach Station 1:49.28,2 26.54,3 (4396) Diplom H-F30 141. 5.11 ¦ 1:05.15 409.¦ 44.12 455.¦ 421. Zehnder Corinne 1986 Zürich 1:49.34,4 27.00,5 (8988) Diplom H-F20 88. 5.11 ¦ 1:05.36 433.¦ 43.58 430.¦ 422. Liechti Felicia 1983 Konolfingen 1:49.37,7 27.03,8 (3545) Diplom H-F20 89. 5.11 ¦ 1:06.00 466.¦ 43.37 389.¦ 423. Heiniger Elsbeth 1952 Büren an der Aare 1:49.41,6 27.07,7 (7903) Diplom H-F50 44. 5.11 ¦ 1:05.51 457.¦ 43.50 419.¦ 424. Rüegsegger Anna 1986 Adliswil 1:49.43,6 27.09,7 (6014) Diplom H-F20 90. 5.12 ¦ 1:06.37 501.¦ 43.05 324.¦ 425. Bättig Ruth 1968 Schenkon 1:49.44,9 27.11,0 (3812) Diplom H-F40 148. 5.12 ¦ 1:06.22 485.¦ 43.22 363.¦ 426. Brenner Barbara 1975 Neftenbach 1:49.46,0 27.12,1 (8800) Diplom H-F30 142. 5.12 ¦ 1:04.36 367.¦ 45.09 551.¦ 427. Wyss Edith 1965 Aarberg 1:49.47,7 27.13,8 (6796) Diplom H-F40 149. 5.12 ¦ 1:06.39 503.¦ 43.08 329.¦ 428. Villiger Miriam 1979 Zug 1:49.51,2 27.17,3 (5511) Diplom H-F30 143. 5.12 ¦ 1:05.50 456.¦ 44.00 434.¦ 429. Gisler Sabrina 1983 Kriens 1:49.53,2 27.19,3 (8104) Diplom H-F20 91. 5.12 ¦ 1:05.34 430.¦ 44.18 464.¦ 430. Auf der Maur Gaby 1963 Schwyz 1:49.55,8 27.21,9 (4340) Diplom H-F40 150. 5.12 ¦ 1:04.10 345.¦ 45.45 626.¦ 431. Stalder Heidi 1958 Luzern 1:50.03,0 27.29,1 (6894) Diplom H-F50 45. 5.12 ¦ 1:05.32 424.¦ 44.30 487.¦ 432. Erzinger Tanja 1985 Rorbas-Freienstein 1:50.04,6 27.30,7 (6492) Diplom H-F20 92. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.07 400.¦ 44.56 530.¦ 433. Hamacher Denise 1984 Zürich 1:50.08,6 27.34,7 (9110) Diplom H-F20 93. 5.13 ¦ 1:08.32 681.¦ 41.36 240.¦ 434. Gwerder Beatrice 1975 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:50.09,5 27.35,6 (8855) Diplom H-F30 144. 5.13 ¦ 1:08.40 693.¦ 41.29 231.¦ 435. Kaiser Daniela 1963 Kriens 1:50.11,5 27.37,6 (6643) Diplom H-F40 151. 5.13 ¦ 1:06.05 472.¦ 44.05 441.¦ 436. Jäckel Annette 1967 Thörishaus 1:50.12,4 27.38,5 (5917) Diplom H-F40 152. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.48 452.¦ 44.23 473.¦ 436. Kriese Pia 1954 Baden 1:50.12,4 27.38,5 (8629) Diplom H-F50 46. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.53 459.¦ 44.19 466.¦ 438. Marbot Sandra 1977 Gelterkinden 1:50.15,3 27.41,4 (9173) Diplom H-F30 145. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.48 449.¦ 44.27 479.¦ 439. Frasson Brigitte 1965 Obernau MSD 1:50.15,7 27.41,8 (3418) Diplom H-F40 153. 5.13 ¦ 1:06.13 476.¦ 44.02 436.¦ 440. Viehr Helen 1981 Visp 1:50.19,5 27.45,6 (6290) Diplom H-F30 146. 5.13 ¦ 1:06.35 498.¦ 43.43 403.¦ 441. Werer Karin 1972 Zürich 1:50.19,6 27.45,7 (6021) Diplom H-F30 147. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.34 429.¦ 44.44 512.¦ 442. Gretener Eveliina 1969 Hünenberg See 1:50.26,3 27.52,4 (8604) Diplom H-F40 154. 5.14 ¦ 1:07.14 544.¦ 43.11 337.¦ 443. Wyler Bettina 1986 Walchwil 1:50.27,0 27.53,1 (4524) Diplom H-F20 94. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.47 381.¦ 45.39 613.¦ 444. Steiner-Greber Berta 1967 Buochs 1:50.29,8 27.55,9 (6372) Diplom H-F40 155. 5.14 ¦ 1:05.45 446.¦ 44.44 511.¦ 445. Stucki Beatrice 1969 Hinwil 1:50.30,1 27.56,2 (7618) Diplom H-F40 156. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.43 507.¦ 43.46 413.¦ 446. Jäger Lilian 1973 Ennetmoos 1:50.30,6 27.56,7 (7053) Diplom H-F30 148. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.57 527.¦ 43.32 382.¦ 447. Robert Véronique 1970 Gals 1:50.31,0 27.57,1 (9602) Diplom H-F40 157. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.53 384.¦ 45.38 610.¦ 448. Horvath Birgit 1963 A-Telfs 1:50.31,9 27.58,0 (6432) Diplom H-F40 158. 5.14 ¦ 1:05.43 440.¦ 44.48 519.¦ 449. Lussi Cecile 1984 Ennetbürgen lussi 1:50.32,0 27.58,1 (8274) Diplom H-F20 95. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.44 510.¦ 43.47 416.¦ 450. Beckers Ruth 1964 Walchwil 1:50.32,1 27.58,2 (7232) Diplom H-F40 159. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.59 396.¦ 45.32 593.¦ 451. Lussi Isabelle 1986 Ennetbürgen lussi 1:50.32,6 27.58,7 (8275) Diplom H-F20 96. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.44 509.¦ 43.47 417.¦ 451. Zoebeli Patricia 1966 Kirchlindach 1:50.32,6 27.58,7 (7409) Diplom H-F40 160. 5.14 ¦ 1:07.22 549.¦ 43.10 336.¦ 453. Keller Margrit 1948 Urdorf 1:50.32,8 27.58,9 (3939) Diplom H-F60 3. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.57 393.¦ 45.35 602.¦ 454. Brandenberg Monika 1965 Steffisburg 1:50.34,7 28.00,8 (5807) Diplom H-F40 161. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.23 356.¦ 46.11 682.¦ 455. Belloli Nicole 1970 Cama Rc Bellinzona 1:50.35,8 28.01,9 (9571) Diplom H-F40 162. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.49 518.¦ 43.45 408.¦ 456. Solari Francesca 1965 Vezia RCBellinzona 1:50.36,7 28.02,8 (9592) Diplom H-F40 163. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.50 520.¦ 43.46 410.¦ 457. Schneider Hannah 1978 Zürich 1:50.40,5 28.06,6 (5943) Diplom H-F30 149. 5.14 ¦ 1:03.45 322.¦ 46.55 776.¦ 458. Oostenbrug Iris 1963 Obernau 1:50.41,7 28.07,8 (6651) Diplom H-F40 164. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.31 493.¦ 44.09 450.¦ 459. Capella Cornelia 1965 Luzern 1:50.42,8 28.08,9 (7004) Diplom H-F40 165. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.41 377.¦ 46.01 655.¦ 460. Rimpf Rita 1964 Mellingen 1:50.44,2 28.10,3 (8293) Diplom H-F40 166. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.38 369.¦ 46.05 666.¦ 461. Carlen Patricia 1988 Gluringen 5i ab 12i 1:50.45,0 28.11,1 (6957) Diplom H-F20 97. 5.14 ¦ 1:07.23 553.¦ 43.21 361.¦ 461. Weger Juliana 1991 Geschinen 1:50.45,0 28.11,1 (7040) Diplom H-F20 97. 5.14 ¦ 1:07.23 554.¦ 43.21 360.¦ 463. Gampp Gabi 1963 Klingnau 1:50.46,1 28.12,2 (4751) Diplom H-F40 167. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.00 468.¦ 44.45 515.¦ 464. Stöckli Rahel 1976 Zürich 1:50.46,6 28.12,7 (9540) Diplom H-F30 150. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.14 407.¦ 45.32 591.¦ 465. Mueller Adriana 1977 Zürich 1:50.47,8 28.13,9 (4938) Diplom H-F30 151. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.04 399.¦ 45.43 620.¦ 466. Gilli Giovanna 1984 Uitikon Waldegg 1:50.49,5 28.15,6 (7421) Diplom H-F20 99. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.30 423.¦ 45.19 570.¦ 467. Radermacher Megan 1984 USA-Spring / texas 1:50.50,4 28.16,5 (3377) Diplom H-F20 100. 5.15 ¦ 1:04.56 389.¦ 45.54 646.¦ 468. Züger Simone 1986 Zürich 1:50.54,1 28.20,2 (9294) Diplom H-F20 101. 5.15 ¦ 1:07.36 574.¦ 43.17 350.¦ 469. Garrity Heather 1975 Thalwil 1:50.54,2 28.20,3 (4717) Diplom H-F30 152. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.46 447.¦ 45.08 548.¦ 470. Lohbauer Catrin 1983 Luzern 1:50.55,3 28.21,4 (1258) Diplom H-F20 102. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.22 414.¦ 45.33 594.¦ 471. Lanz Claudia 1968 Oberengstringen 1:50.57,4 28.23,5 (5963) Diplom H-F40 168. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.44 441.¦ 45.13 561.¦ 472. Gwerder Myriam 1981 Wettingen TTL/THRaceTeam 1:50.57,9 28.24,0 (8251) Diplom H-F30 153. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.52 523.¦ 44.05 440.¦ 473. Granzow Anne 1980 Aarau 1:50.58,2 28.24,3 (8468) Diplom H-F30 154. 5.15 ¦ 1:07.51 607.¦ 43.06 327.¦ 474. Reichen Gaby 1966 Unterägeri Aegeri Dream Team 1:50.59,0 28.25,1 (8162) Diplom H-F40 169. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.10 403.¦ 45.48 630.¦ 475. Vaterlaus Susanna 1963 Otelfingen 1:50.59,1 28.25,2 (5036) Diplom H-F40 170. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.24 418.¦ 45.34 598.¦ 476. Haeny Selina 1985 Oberwil-Lieli 1:51.00,2 28.26,3 (5537) Diplom H-F20 103. 5.15 ¦ 1:07.20 547.¦ 43.39 392.¦ 477. Arnold Susanne 1978 Schattdorf 1:51.00,6 28.26,7 (5576) Diplom H-F30 155. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.40 436.¦ 45.19 574.¦ 478. Schindler Eva 1983 D-Berlin 1:51.01,7 28.27,8 (7517) Diplom H-F20 104. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.32 494.¦ 44.29 485.¦ 479. Deck-Meier Rosie 1964 Watt 1:51.02,6 28.28,7 (5423) Diplom H-F40 171. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.38 502.¦ 44.24 475.¦ 480. Wolf Iris 1970 Wädenswil 1:51.02,9 28.29,0 (5590) Diplom H-F40 172. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.07 473.¦ 44.55 526.¦ 481. Zimmermann Daphne 1984 Luzern DJP 1:51.03,1 28.29,2 (4945) Diplom H-F20 105. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.28 490.¦ 44.34 496.¦ 482. Ferraiuolo Anna 1989 Zürich Swiss Hammer Team 1:51.03,3 28.29,4 (4018) Diplom H-F20 106. 5.15 ¦ 1:07.51 605.¦ 43.12 342.¦ 483. Berger Stephanie 1984 Luzern 1:51.04,3 28.30,4 (5011) Diplom H-F20 107. 5.15 ¦ 1:03.43 319.¦ 47.20 841.¦ 484. Kessler Christine 1974 Zürich 1:51.04,9 28.31,0 (7757) Diplom H-F30 156. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.35 499.¦ 44.29 481.¦ 485. Cadelbert Alessandra 1971 Chur 1:51.05,2 28.31,3 (3603) Diplom H-F40 173. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.23 487.¦ 44.42 506.¦ 486. Burri Esther 1985 Luzern 1:51.07,5 28.33,6 (4627) Diplom H-F20 108. 5.16 ¦ 1:11.06 976.¦ 40.01 133.¦ 487. Stucki-Sabeti Shiva 1985 Luzern 1:51.07,9 28.34,0 (3638) Diplom H-F20 109. 5.16 ¦ 1:06.48 515.¦ 44.19 466.¦ 488. Rutishauser Maya 1984 Zürich 1:51.09,5 28.35,6 (3444) Diplom H-F20 110. 5.16 ¦ 1:07.43 585.¦ 43.26 374.¦ 489. Käser Therese 1963 Aarberg 1:51.09,6 28.35,7 (6819) Diplom H-F40 174. 5.16 ¦ 1:06.59 531.¦ 44.09 449.¦ 490. Raschle Irina 1993 St. Peterzell 1:51.11,1 28.37,2 (7601) Diplom H-F20 111. 5.16 ¦ 1:05.59 464.¦ 45.11 555.¦ 491. Köchli Helen 1987 Kriens 1:51.11,2 28.37,3 (5244) Diplom H-F20 112. 5.16 ¦ 1:05.34 428.¦ 45.36 606.¦ 492. Schüpfer Andrea 1992 Obernau 1:51.11,9 28.38,0 (9619) Diplom H-F20 113. 5.16 ¦ 1:07.25 556.¦ 43.46 415.¦ 493. Gut Fabienne 1987 Rothenburg 1:51.15,0 28.41,1 (9108) Diplom H-F20 114. 5.16 ¦ 1:06.37 500.¦ 44.37 499.¦ 494. Umbricht Eva 1964 Untersiggenthal 1:51.15,7 28.41,8 (7285) Diplom H-F40 175. 5.16 ¦ 1:06.52 522.¦ 44.23 472.¦ 495. Topalovic Dragana 1977 Zollikon 1:51.16,6 28.42,7 (626) Diplom H-F30 157. 5.16 ¦ 1:07.02 533.¦ 44.14 457.¦ 496. Huber Monika 1984 Horw 1:51.17,3 28.43,4 (8484) Diplom H-F20 115. 5.16 ¦ 1:06.54 525.¦ 44.22 471.¦ 497. Tschuppert Carina 1982 Luzern 1:51.18,3 28.44,4 (7444) Diplom H-F20 116. 5.16 ¦ 1:06.31 492.¦ 44.46 518.¦ 498. Gilg Simone 1974 Pfäffikon SZ 1:51.25,5 28.51,6 (9095) Diplom H-F30 158. 5.16 ¦ 1:08.13 642.¦ 43.12 343.¦ 499. Cestonato Antonella 1966 Herrliberg 1:51.29,9 28.56,0 (7990) Diplom H-F40 176. 5.17 ¦ 1:05.52 458.¦ 45.37 607.¦ 500. Säuberli Michèle 1981 Zürich Triathlon Club Zürich 1:51.31,8 28.57,9 (5899) Diplom H-F30 159. 5.17 ¦ 1:06.18 480.¦ 45.13 562.¦

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