33. Kerzerslauf 2011 - nach Ortschaft "R"

Kategorie Rang Name und Vorname Jg Land/Ort S Start Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-W05 --- Bangerter Eliane 1964 Radelfingen b. Aarbe 23140 44.17,7 ----- (23140) Video 8.51 15-M50 464. Siegenthaler Markus 1961 Radelfingen b. Aarbe 11116 1:39.19,4 47.01,4 (11116) Video 6.37 5-W05 --- Steiner Andrea 1989 Radelfingen b. Aarbe 18459 53.47,9 ----- (18459) Video 10.45 5-W05 --- Steiner Marie-Theres 1960 Radelfingen b. Aarbe 18460 53.47,5 ----- (18460) Video 10.45 15-M40 523. Voser Lukas 1968 Rafz 8095 1:25.12,2 33.00,9 (8095) Video 5.40 15-M20 238. Gut Philip 1988 Rain 5145 1:08.04,5 23.47,2 (5145) Video 4.32 5-F20 14. Schneider Melanie 1988 Ramsen 22130 21.59,5 3.44,9 (22130) Video 4.23 15-M40 67. Truffer Roger 1970 Randa 1344 1:00.51,4 8.40,1 (1344) Video 4.03 15-M50 192. Zuber Benno 1960 Randa 9552 1:11.24,0 19.06,0 (9552) Video 4.45 15-W15 --- Groner Heidi 1946 Rapperswil BE 14133 2:20.55,0 ----- (14133) Video 9.23 15-M45 167. Niemack Andreas 1962 Rapperswil BE 2398 1:07.02,0 14.30,5 (2398) Video 4.28 15-F45 44. Niemack Marianne 1965 Rapperswil BE 5238 1:14.12,9 15.52,3 (5238) Video 4.56 15-F35 140. Wuethrich Cornelia 1974 Rapperswil BE 9545 1:28.36,1 35.20,4 (9545) Video 5.54 15-M40 36. Braune-Krickau Wolfi 1969 Rapperswil SG 1147 58.24,0 6.12,7 (1147) Video 3.53 15-F20 69. Brügger Angela 1983 Rapperswil SG 7052 1:14.40,2 23.37,7 (7052) Video 4.58 15-W15 --- Hässig Josef 1949 Rapperswil SG 12011 2:17.15,8 ----- (12011) Video 9.09 15-M40 527. Raboud Yvan 1970 Ravoire 9436 1:25.28,7 33.17,4 (9436) Video 5.41 15-M45 322. Eichelberger Pascal 1966 Recherswil 4376 1:12.57,7 20.26,2 (4376) Video 4.51 15-M35 222. Schmid Tobias 1974 Recherswil 7264 1:11.59,9 25.32,9 (7264) Video 4.47 2-F13 20. Baechler Evelyne 1998 Rechthalten 31046 5.29,2 0.55,0 (31046) Video 3.55 15-M40 148. Baechler Gilbert 1970 Rechthalten 2180 1:05.55,7 13.44,4 (2180) Video 4.23 15-M35 196. Baechler Mattias 1975 Rechthalten 4240 1:10.31,5 24.04,5 (4240) Video 4.42 5-F19 18. Baechler Nathalie 1995 Rechthalten 21270 23.11,6 4.09,8 (21270) Video 4.38 15-M40 419. Baechler Thomas 1969 Rechthalten 6145 1:16.49,9 24.38,6 (6145) Video 5.07 15-M50 208. Chappuis François 1960 Rechthalten 4203 1:12.01,0 19.43,0 (4203) Video 4.48 15-M40 417. Gugler Stefan 1967 Rechthalten 4166 1:16.46,6 24.35,3 (4166) Video 5.07 15-M20 18. Huber Erich 1981 Rechthalten 27 51.55,4 7.38,1 (27) Video 3.27 15-M45 331. Stooss Ruedi 1964 Rechthalten 4278 1:13.25,0 20.53,5 (4278) Video 4.53 5-W05 --- Wohlhauser Claudia 1971 Rechthalten 18340 46.54,7 ----- (18340) Video 9.22 15-F40 2. Zahno Regula 1971 Rechthalten 519 57.37,4 0.48,0 (519) Video 3.50 15-F40 190. Zbinden Caroline 1971 Rechthalten 8383 1:28.14,3 31.24,9 (8383) Video 5.52 2-F13 10. Ziller Daniela 1998 Rechthalten 19080 5.13,0 0.38,8 (19080) Video 3.43 15-W15 --- Buehler Sylvie 1973 Reconvilier 12017 2:22.54,7 ----- (12017) Video 9.31 15-M45 306. Eichenberger Romain 1963 Reconvilier 3181 1:12.29,1 19.57,6 (3181) Video 4.49 15-M35 343. Leu Olivier 1973 Reconvilier 6178 1:25.49,2 39.22,2 (6178) Video 5.43 15-M20 19. Wahli Florian 1980 Reconvilier 18355 52.19,4 8.02,1 (18355) Video 3.29 15-M35 285. Zemp Peter 1973 Regensdorf 9080 1:16.58,7 30.31,7 (9080) Video 5.07 15-M35 114. Feuz Adrian 1973 Reichenbach im Kande 3118 1:05.29,7 19.02,7 (3118) Video 4.21 15-M45 553. Kunz Gerhard 1964 Reichenbach im Kande 9363 1:30.50,3 38.18,8 (9363) Video 6.03 15-F45 16. Schmid Astrid 1966 Reichenbach im Kande 18400 1:10.09,6 11.49,0 (18400) Video 4.40 15-M40 2. von Känel Martin 1967 Reichenbach im Kande 32 52.48,2 0.36,9 (32) Video 3.31 15-M35 302. Zurbrügg Heinz 1972 Reichenbach im Kande 8093 1:18.19,5 31.52,5 (8093) Video 5.13 15-M45 197. Basler André 1965 Reiden 5033 1:08.24,8 15.53,3 (5033) Video 4.33 15-M40 78. Bühler Thomas 1968 Reiden 1222 1:01.37,3 9.26,0 (1222) Video 4.06 15-M50 77. Ryser Martin 1960 Reiden 2115 1:05.54,5 13.36,5 (2115) Video 4.23 15-M20 163. Gautschi Martin 1983 Reinach AG 2065 1:04.35,0 20.17,7 (2065) Video 4.18 15-M40 92. Hofmann Raymond 1970 Reinach BL 1245 1:02.26,7 10.15,4 (1245) Video 4.09 5-W05 --- Jeger Cécile 1977 Reinach BL 24023 46.38,0 ----- (24023) Video 9.19 15-M45 360. Siegrist Urs 1964 Reinach BL 4133 1:14.20,1 21.48,6 (4133) Video 4.57 5-B05 13. Tschannen Hans 1942 Reinach BL 22326 37.07,7 15.59,0 (22326) Video 7.25 15-M50 314. Voegeli Pierre 1961 Reinach BL 8050 1:17.32,9 25.14,9 (8050) Video 5.10 15-M45 212. Zimmermann Daniel 1962 Reinach BL 5373 1:09.00,9 16.29,4 (5373) Video 4.36 15-M50 29. Maillard Pierre-André 1961 Remaufens 18360 1:01.34,8 9.16,8 (18360) Video 4.06 15-F45 36. Maillard Ruth 1966 Remaufens 4221 1:12.27,8 14.07,2 (4221) Video 4.49 15-M50 47. Fiechter Urs 1959 Remetschwil 1384 1:02.52,5 10.34,5 (1384) Video 4.11 15-W15 --- Binggeli Bernard 1946 Renens VD 12005 1:31.03,5 ----- (12005) Video 6.04 15-M50 216. Chapuis Bernard 1960 Renens VD 5079 1:12.16,3 19.58,3 (5079) Video 4.49 15-M20 475. De La Fuente Faustino 1977 Renens VD 2047 1:26.56,4 42.39,1 (2047) Video 5.47 15-M45 95. Funcasta Eric 1962 Renens VD 1232 1:04.02,8 11.31,3 (1232) Video 4.16 15-W15 --- Maeder Heidi 1943 Renens VD 12006 1:35.27,3 ----- (12006) Video 6.21 15-M70 7. Mletzkowsky Manfred 1934 Renens VD 6053 1:14.03,2 10.17,0 (6053) Video 4.56 5-M20 41. Barben Marcel 1960 Reutigen 21190 21.55,8 6.50,6 (21190) Video 4.23 5-F19 8. Barben Marcella 1993 Reutigen 20523 21.13,8 2.12,0 (20523) Video 4.14 5-F19 11. Barben Nathalie 1995 Reutigen 20524 21.46,9 2.45,1 (20524) Video 4.21 15-M45 22. Bärtschi Michael 1963 Reutigen 1139 58.37,1 6.05,6 (1139) Video 3.54 15-M45 369. Bodmer Thomas 1965 Reutigen 7042 1:14.32,5 22.01,0 (7042) Video 4.58 15-M55 160. Thönen Ulrich 1956 Reutigen 5331 1:16.51,3 22.17,0 (5331) Video 5.07 15-F45 164. Goy Filomena 1963 Reverolle 7383 1:25.06,3 26.45,7 (7383) Video 5.40 15-M55 271. Urwyler Philippe 1955 Reverolle 18241 1:37.52,3 43.18,0 (18241) Video 6.31 15-M55 278. Griessen Roland 1956 Richigen 11147 1:43.57,7 49.23,4 (11147) Video 6.55 5-M20 51. Wiedmer Markus 1957 Richigen 21477 22.50,8 7.45,6 (21477) Video 4.34 5-W05 --- Bachofner Jasmine 1997 Ried b. Kerzers 23001 40.37,3 ----- (23001) Video 8.07 2-F13 33. Baumgartner Lara 1999 Ried b. Kerzers 31096 5.47,9 1.13,7 (31096) Video 4.08 2-M9 23. Brand Sven 2003 Ried b. Kerzers 19024 5.56,9 0.57,3 (19024) Video 4.14 2-F11 96. Brandt Ramona 2001 Ried b. Kerzers 33059 6.50,1 2.03,4 (33059) Video 4.52 15-F55 41. Broennimann Helene 1954 Ried b. Kerzers 8201 1:25.06,8 18.25,7 (8201) Video 5.40 5-W05 --- Brügger Jasmin 1997 Ried b. Kerzers 23002 46.05,8 ----- (23002) Video 9.13 2-M11 115. Domingues Fabio 2001 Ried b. Kerzers 32040 6.46,4 2.04,2 (32040) Video 4.50 5-M20 34. Etter Eduard 1990 Ried b. Kerzers 21187 20.52,9 5.47,7 (21187) Video 4.10 1-MuVaKi 80. Etter Joy 2008 Ried b. Kerzers 39022 2.55,7 1.36,3 (39022) Video 9.45 2-M9 26. Etter Lukas 2003 Ried b. Kerzers 34048 6.00,8 1.01,2 (34048) Video 4.17 2-M11 31. Etter Michael 2001 Ried b. Kerzers 32062 5.22,1 0.39,9 (32062) Video 3.50 2-F9 63. Etter Vivienne 2003 Ried b. Kerzers 35053 7.12,7 1.59,9 (35053) Video 5.09 15-F40 37. Fasel Gutknecht Judith 1970 Ried b. Kerzers 3471 1:11.08,6 14.19,2 (3471) Video 4.44 1-M7 15. Gutknecht Aurel 2004 Ried b. Kerzers 36026 1.10,5 0.14,0 (36026) Video 3.55 2-M9 68. Gutknecht Elija 2003 Ried b. Kerzers 34063 6.27,6 1.28,0 (34063) Video 4.36 2-F11 38. Gutknecht Janine 2001 Ried b. Kerzers 33061 6.01,9 1.15,2 (33061) Video 4.18 5-FV05 4. Gutknecht Janine 2001 Ried b. Kerzers 50058 29.36,7 4.01,7 (50058) Video 5.55 15-W15 --- Gutknecht Karin 1974 Ried b. Kerzers 13008 2:01.33,8 ----- (13008) Video 8.06 2-F13 84. Gutknecht Lorena 1999 Ried b. Kerzers 31061 7.07,2 2.33,0 (31061) Video 5.05 5-W05 --- Gutknecht Sabrina 1997 Ried b. Kerzers 23007 42.10,9 ----- (23007) Video 8.26 5-M15 75. Gutknecht Yanik 1998 Ried b. Kerzers 21334 26.05,0 8.12,8 (21334) Video 5.13 5-MV05 9. Gutknecht Yanik 1998 Ried b. Kerzers 50066 25.51,5 5.18,4 (50066) Video 5.10 5-MV05 11. Hänni Jonathan 1963 Ried b. Kerzers 50040 26.28,1 5.55,0 (50040) Video 5.17 5-M15 34. Jendly Stefan 1997 Ried b. Kerzers 18336 23.22,0 5.29,8 (18336) Video 4.40 5-M15 54. Jendly Sven 1996 Ried b. Kerzers 21354 24.34,6 6.42,4 (21354) Video 4.54 15-FV 13. Johner Carole 1988 Ried b. Kerzers 50074 1:25.22,6 22.10,0 (50074) Video 5.41 15-WAVO --- Johner Kurt 1952 Ried b. Kerzers 50006 1:58.24,3 ----- (50006) Video 7.53 15-W15 --- Künzi Brigitta 1967 Ried b. Kerzers 13012 2:01.34,0 ----- (13012) Video 8.06 2-M9 25. Künzi David 2003 Ried b. Kerzers 34074 6.00,5 1.00,9 (34074) Video 4.17 5-M20 136. Künzi Fred 1967 Ried b. Kerzers 22111 28.12,2 13.07,0 (22111) Video 5.38 5-M15 99. Künzi Jonas 2000 Ried b. Kerzers 22112 28.12,0 10.19,8 (22112) Video 5.38 2-F9 67. Maeder Annalea 2002 Ried b. Kerzers 35031 7.17,8 2.05,0 (35031) Video 5.12 5-WA5VO --- Maeder Frédérique 1968 Ried b. Kerzers 50033 42.58,0 ----- (50033) Video 8.35 15-M45 522. Mäder Peter G 1963 Ried b. Kerzers 9074 1:25.07,8 32.36,3 (9074) Video 5.40 5-WA5VO --- Meyer Lars 1997 Ried b. Kerzers 50034 42.58,3 ----- (50034) Video 8.35 15-W15 --- Moser Rudolf 1956 Ried b. Kerzers 13019 2:05.44,9 ----- (13019) Video 8.22 15-W15 --- Moser Ursula 1956 Ried b. Kerzers 13020 2:05.44,5 ----- (13020) Video 8.22 15-M20 413. Rieder Christian 1982 Ried b. Kerzers 7235 1:19.32,5 35.15,2 (7235) Video 5.18 5-F15 54. Salvisberg Michelle 1997 Ried b. Kerzers 21493 27.40,6 7.17,0 (21493) Video 5.32 2-M9 121. Santamaria Luca 2003 Ried b. Kerzers 19051 8.06,4 3.06,8 (19051) Video 5.47 5-W05 --- Savoy Aimée 1997 Ried b. Kerzers 23018 41.05,5 ----- (23018) Video 8.13 5-F19 46. Savoy Salomé 1993 Ried b. Kerzers 22324 27.46,9 8.45,1 (22324) Video 5.33 15-FV 8. Schmied Katharina 1961 Ried b. Kerzers 50094 1:20.41,7 17.29,1 (50094) Video 5.22 1-F7 34. Schnidrig Liah 2005 Ried b. Kerzers 37066 1.20,8 0.17,0 (37066) Video 4.29 15-M60 137. Michlig Franz 1950 Ried-Brig 18419 1:25.51,3 26.12,1 (18419) Video 5.43 15-M40 238. Nellen Kilian 1971 Ried-Brig 4120 1:09.23,8 17.12,5 (4120) Video 4.37 15-M40 421. Zurwerra Philipp 1968 Ried-Brig 8387 1:17.00,6 24.49,3 (8387) Video 5.08 5-W05 --- Eggimann Brigitte 1970 Rieden AG 23087 49.23,4 ----- (23087) Video 9.52 5-W05 --- Eggimann Martin 1969 Rieden AG 23088 45.57,1 ----- (23088) Video 9.11 15-M40 455. Gutknecht Adrian 1969 Riedholz 4212 1:18.50,9 26.39,6 (4212) Video 5.15 15-M60 35. Lindner Willi 1947 Riedholz 3183 1:11.06,6 11.27,4 (3183) Video 4.44 15-M60 9. Gassmann Peter 1949 Riehen 18365 1:04.56,2 5.17,0 (18365) Video 4.19 15-M40 493. Jacomet Guido 1969 Riehen 8264 1:22.08,5 29.57,2 (8264) Video 5.28 15-F50 21. Nemeth Margret 1959 Riehen 3496 1:12.24,3 6.56,2 (3496) Video 4.49 15-M60 78. Weiss Martin 1950 Riehen 6304 1:17.03,3 17.24,1 (6304) Video 5.08 5-W05 --- Huber Hans-Rudolf 1938 Riffenmatt 23068 49.50,0 ----- (23068) Video 9.58 15-M60 145. Blum-Caluori Hannes 1950 Riggisberg 9196 1:29.07,0 29.27,8 (9196) Video 5.56 15-F55 65. Caluori Blum Christine 1952 Riggisberg 9212 1:32.16,0 25.34,9 (9212) Video 6.09 5-M19 15. Gonseth Raphael 1995 Riggisberg 18273 18.53,6 2.08,2 (18273) Video 3.46 15-M50 166. Keusen Lukas 1960 Riggisberg 18503 1:10.06,1 17.48,1 (18503) Video 4.40 15-M40 568. Ramseier Urs 1968 Riggisberg 10073 1:35.11,0 42.59,7 (10073) Video 6.20 15-M60 74. Schär Jürg 1948 Riggisberg 4174 1:15.54,8 16.15,6 (4174) Video 5.03 15-M50 455. Indermühle Urs 1959 Riken AG 18205 1:34.20,4 42.02,4 (18205) Video 6.17 15-M35 325. Marolf Valentin 1975 Rikon im Tösstal 8281 1:20.58,1 34.31,1 (8281) Video 5.23 15-M50 274. Borter Kurt 1960 Ringgenberg BE 5442 1:14.54,1 22.36,1 (5442) Video 4.59 15-M40 115. Schmocker Thomas 1968 Ringgenberg BE 1471 1:03.51,3 11.40,0 (1471) Video 4.15 15-M50 375. Stadelmann Billy 1959 Ringgenberg BE 7397 1:21.18,6 29.00,6 (7397) Video 5.25 15-W15 --- Wyss Barbara 1956 Ringgenberg BE 13064 2:09.27,3 ----- (13064) Video 8.37 5-W05 --- Del Boca Manuela 1963 Riva San Vitale 23086 47.07,1 ----- (23086) Video 9.25 15-M50 207. Fontana Romualdo 1960 Riva San Vitale 5111 1:12.00,7 19.42,7 (5111) Video 4.48 1-MuVaKi 62. Bringhen Sebastian 2008 Rizenbach 38011 2.37,6 1.22,8 (38011) Video 8.45 1-MuVaKi 61. Kohler Ron 2008 Rizenbach 38039 2.37,5 1.22,7 (38039) Video 8.45 15-M40 490. Mildner Mark 1969 Rizenbach 7197 1:21.51,0 29.39,7 (7197) Video 5.27 15-M45 141. Graf Jean-Claude 1963 Roggliswil 2070 1:06.15,1 13.43,6 (2070) Video 4.25 15-M50 78. Graf Nikolaus 1960 Roggliswil 2071 1:06.01,1 13.43,1 (2071) Video 4.24 15-F45 6. Schenk Susanne 1966 Roggwil BE 3097 1:06.00,5 7.39,9 (3097) Video 4.24 15-F20 46. Schär Franziska 1988 Rohrbach 4226 1:10.37,5 19.35,0 (4226) Video 4.42 15-M45 441. Stalder Andreas 1964 Rohrbach 4229 1:18.26,2 25.54,7 (4229) Video 5.13 15-M45 472. Choinard Thierry 1966 Rolle 4381 1:20.11,0 27.39,5 (4381) Video 5.20 15-M45 375. Hauser Olivier 1966 Rolle 5154 1:14.54,4 22.22,9 (5154) Video 4.59 15-M40 528. Pellet Frank 1969 Rolle 10196 1:25.51,4 33.40,1 (10196) Video 5.43 15-M40 577. Rossier Jean-Marie 1969 Rolle 13024 1:45.57,4 53.46,1 (13024) Video 7.03 15-M55 156. Devaud Jean-Pierre 1953 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 8214 1:16.37,3 22.03,0 (8214) Video 5.06 15-M35 180. Emery Pascal 1972 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 3253 1:09.44,0 23.17,0 (3253) Video 4.38 15-M45 100. Guiffault René 1966 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 2149 1:04.23,6 11.52,1 (2149) Video 4.17 15-M35 347. Jeanmonod Gilles 1975 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 10062 1:27.18,3 40.51,3 (10062) Video 5.49 15-W15 --- Kohler Eve 1945 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 13080 2:14.48,1 ----- (13080) Video 8.59 15-M60 152. Kohler Ulrich 1951 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 9358 1:31.55,3 32.16,1 (9358) Video 6.07 15-F45 263. Moeckli Christine 1963 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 11074 1:45.32,4 47.11,8 (11074) Video 7.02 15-M50 298. Möckli Claude-André 1961 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 7204 1:16.21,7 24.03,7 (7204) Video 5.05 15-F45 246. Morin Virginie 1965 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 9104 1:36.15,7 37.55,1 (9104) Video 6.25 5-M20 65. Bertholet Raymond 1975 Romont FR 21242 23.55,8 8.50,6 (21242) Video 4.47 15-F35 114. Bongard Eliane 1972 Romont FR 7004 1:24.10,2 30.54,5 (7004) Video 5.36 15-M20 478. Chammartin Pascal 1980 Romont FR 9584 1:27.43,6 43.26,3 (9584) Video 5.50 5-W05 --- Kick Tanja 1977 Romont FR 23099 42.35,0 ----- (23099) Video 8.31 15-W15 --- Müller Etienne 1938 Romont FR 14021 2:12.34,1 ----- (14021) Video 8.50 15-M20 138. Pichonnat Stephane 1981 Romont FR 7218 1:02.56,8 18.39,5 (7218) Video 4.11 15-F20 257. Python Martine 1982 Romont FR 11191 1:40.05,8 49.03,3 (11191) Video 6.40 15-M35 363. Python Olivier 1976 Romont FR 4330 1:40.05,5 53.38,5 (4330) Video 6.40 15-F40 78. Waeber Yvette 1970 Romont FR 7007 1:17.23,8 20.34,4 (7007) Video 5.09 5-F20 60. Afonso Margarida 1963 Root 18313 27.53,1 9.38,5 (18313) Video 5.34 15-M35 83. Zemp Marco 1972 Root 3413 1:03.45,9 17.18,9 (3413) Video 4.15 15-M50 205. Hagenbucher Fredi 1960 Rorbas 1354 1:11.51,5 19.33,5 (1354) Video 4.47 15-F45 124. Meyer Daniela 1963 Röschenz 9073 1:21.35,9 23.15,3 (9073) Video 5.26 15-M40 481. Spies Edgar 1971 Röschenz 8032 1:21.08,5 28.57,2 (8032) Video 5.24 2-M11 11. Stänz Lucien 2000 Rossemaison 32107 5.03,8 0.21,6 (32107) Video 3.37 1-F7 76. Chambettaz Lucie 2004 Rossens FR 37087 1.35,9 0.32,1 (37087) Video 5.19 15-M45 14. Kolly Eric 1966 Rossens FR 1029 56.19,2 3.47,7 (1029) Video 3.45 2-M13 13. Kolly Romain 1998 Rossens FR 30045 5.10,4 0.48,8 (30045) Video 3.41 5-M20 168. Riedo Jean-Daniel 1953 Rossens FR 18286 30.36,9 15.31,7 (18286) Video 6.07 15-M50 215. Bächler Dölf 1961 Rosshäusern 3230 1:12.14,9 19.56,9 (3230) Video 4.48 2-F13 56. Berger Debora 1999 Rosshäusern 19008 6.20,3 1.46,1 (19008) Video 4.31 15-M50 407. Freiburghaus Ueli 1960 Rosshäusern 18219 1:24.27,5 32.09,5 (18219) Video 5.37 15-F45 250. Fuchs Theres 1965 Rosshäusern 11115 1:38.08,4 39.47,8 (11115) Video 6.32 2-M9 81. Griot Kay 2003 Rosshäusern 34059 6.39,6 1.40,0 (34059) Video 4.45 5-M15 73. Griot Lars 1999 Rosshäusern 18337 25.55,1 8.02,9 (18337) Video 5.11 15-W15 --- Griot-Wenk Monika 1963 Rosshäusern 15092 2:08.25,7 ----- (15092) Video 8.33 5-M19 7. Käser Simon 1992 Rosshäusern 20008 17.59,1 1.13,7 (20008) Video 3.35 15-M35 96. Kilchenmann Pascal 1972 Rosshäusern 1250 1:04.22,1 17.55,1 (1250) Video 4.17 5-M20 118. Remund Tom 1986 Rosshäusern 21230 27.26,3 12.21,1 (21230) Video 5.29 5-M20 115. Siegenthaler Urs 1979 Rosshäusern 21453 27.13,4 12.08,2 (21453) Video 5.26 15-F20 117. Zen-Ruffinen Denise 1986 Rosshäusern 3087 1:20.56,0 29.53,5 (3087) Video 5.23 15-F35 89. Hostettler Tatjana 1972 Rossrüti 8413 1:20.17,4 27.01,7 (8413) Video 5.21 15-F40 107. Lenz Priska 1969 Rossrüti 8277 1:20.17,8 23.28,4 (8277) Video 5.21 15-M55 59. Béguelin Peter 1956 Röthenbach HBsee 4007 1:09.11,1 14.36,8 (4007) Video 4.36 15-M45 465. Althaus Felix 1963 Rothenburg 8190 1:19.50,9 27.19,4 (8190) Video 5.19 15-M40 113. Lemmel Edgar 1971 Rothenburg 2006 1:03.48,3 11.37,0 (2006) Video 4.15 15-M40 399. Meyer André 1967 Rothenburg 5220 1:16.01,1 23.49,8 (5220) Video 5.04 15-M50 119. Schürch Franz 1959 Rothenburg 18377 1:08.11,8 15.53,8 (18377) Video 4.32 15-M45 57. Wartmann Reto 1965 Rothenburg 1364 1:01.34,7 9.03,2 (1364) Video 4.06 15-M55 48. Willauer Vinzenz 1954 Rothenburg 18362 1:07.46,7 13.12,4 (18362) Video 4.31 5-M20 14. Maurer Remo 1989 Rothrist 20015 19.02,3 3.57,1 (20015) Video 3.48 15-M35 341. Stierli Martin 1972 Rothrist 11202 1:24.57,5 38.30,5 (11202) Video 5.39 15-M20 110. Denier Claude 1986 Rottenschwil 1227 1:01.14,9 16.57,6 (1227) Video 4.04 15-M45 425. Prélaz Jean-Michel 1964 Rue 6059 1:17.24,8 24.53,3 (6059) Video 5.09 5-M20 154. Bigler Hans 1953 Rubigen 22060 29.36,4 14.31,2 (22060) Video 5.55 15-M45 460. Fischer Roland 1962 Rubigen 6183 1:19.41,0 27.09,5 (6183) Video 5.18 5-F20 40. Fuss Denise 1982 Rubigen 21321 26.27,6 8.13,0 (21321) Video 5.17 15-F20 16. Ledergerber Anja 1981 Rubigen 539 1:01.55,3 10.52,8 (539) Video 4.07 2-M11 83. Lüthi David 2000 Rubigen 32085 6.06,0 1.23,8 (32085) Video 4.21 2-F11 101. Lüthi Jasmine 2000 Rubigen 33107 6.59,7 2.13,0 (33107) Video 4.59 15-F55 4. Mathys Odilia 1953 Rubigen 3100 1:09.44,1 3.03,0 (3100) Video 4.38 15-M40 171. Rohrbach Marco 1971 Rubigen 8325 1:06.51,2 14.39,9 (8325) Video 4.27 5-F20 156. Schär Silvia 1945 Rubigen 21443 32.36,6 14.22,0 (21443) Video 6.31 15-M60 138. Wahli Manuel 1950 Rubigen 10069 1:26.00,8 26.21,6 (10069) Video 5.44 5-M20 95. Wälti Rolf 1964 Rubigen 21482 25.39,4 10.34,2 (21482) Video 5.07 15-M50 218. Wegmüller Bernhard 1958 Rubigen 3402 1:12.20,0 20.02,0 (3402) Video 4.49 15-M40 225. Wegmüller Bruno 1968 Rubigen 3473 1:09.00,3 16.49,0 (3473) Video 4.36 15-F50 132. Wettstein-Kropf Veroni 1959 Rubigen 11107 1:32.07,3 26.39,2 (11107) Video 6.08 15-M40 511. Wildi Daniel 1969 Rubigen 8372 1:23.43,2 31.31,9 (8372) Video 5.34 15-M19 26. Zimmermann Simon 1992 Rüdtligen 7326 1:15.27,5 24.32,1 (7326) Video 5.01 5-B05 1. Wynistorf Christof 1985 Rüedisbach 21210 21.08,7 ----- (21210) Video 4.13 15-M35 22. Aeschbacher Simon 1974 Rüegsau 1302 56.24,7 9.57,7 (1302) Video 3.45 15-M35 281. Schertenleib Adrian 1974 Rüegsau 7259 1:16.34,4 30.07,4 (7259) Video 5.06 15-W15 --- Woodtli Susanne 1962 Rüegsbach 13125 2:09.52,3 ----- (13125) Video 8.39 15-M20 203. Bigler Stefan 1977 Rüfenacht BE 18502 1:06.27,9 22.10,6 (18502) Video 4.25 15-M45 426. Buser Franz 1963 Rüfenacht BE 4293 1:17.28,0 24.56,5 (4293) Video 5.09 15-M50 2. Gerber Markus 1960 Rüfenacht BE 43 54.05,0 1.47,0 (43) Video 3.36 2-F9 1. Giudice Laura 2002 Rüfenacht BE 35063 5.12,8 ----- (35063) Video 3.43 5-M20 140. Hofer Walter 1951 Rüfenacht BE 22104 28.22,5 13.17,3 (22104) Video 5.40 15-M20 98. Jau Nik 1984 Rüfenacht BE 1319 1:00.21,1 16.03,8 (1319) Video 4.01 15-F40 68. Junker Doris 1971 Rüfenacht BE 6201 1:16.16,5 19.27,1 (6201) Video 5.05 5-M19 10. Keller Tim 1995 Rüfenacht BE 20014 18.28,7 1.43,3 (20014) Video 3.41 15-F20 32. Koster Carole 1989 Rüfenacht BE 3024 1:07.01,8 15.59,3 (3024) Video 4.28 15-W15 --- Langenegger Ruth 1952 Rüfenacht BE 14096 2:16.24,3 ----- (14096) Video 9.05 5-W05 --- Rüfenacht Susanne 1982 Rüfenacht BE 23114 45.39,7 ----- (23114) Video 9.07 2-M11 8. Scheidegger Ian 2000 Rüfenacht BE 32130 4.55,3 0.13,1 (32130) Video 3.30 5-F15 8. Scheidegger Sarah 1997 Rüfenacht BE 20534 21.51,8 1.28,2 (20534) Video 4.22 15-M55 43. Schweizer Ulrich 1955 Rüfenacht BE 2429 1:06.54,5 12.20,2 (2429) Video 4.27 5-M20 166. Weixler Robert 1950 Rüfenacht BE 22220 30.28,2 15.23,0 (22220) Video 6.05 5-F20 92. Zbinden Céline 1985 Rüfenacht BE 22159 29.36,7 11.22,1 (22159) Video 5.55 15-W15 --- Brudermann Monika 1963 Rumisberg 12102 2:16.01,0 ----- (12102) Video 9.04 5-F20 12. Schär Yvonne 1984 Rumisberg 20532 20.47,7 2.33,1 (20532) Video 4.09 15-M35 218. Bayard Frédéric 1972 Rümligen 9181 1:11.40,6 25.13,6 (9181) Video 4.46 15-F60 43. Haldemann Erna 1950 Rümligen 10190 1:35.22,6 31.20,3 (10190) Video 6.21 15-M40 94. Lüthi Jürg 1968 Rümligen 1392 1:02.37,8 10.26,5 (1392) Video 4.10 15-M55 205. Fuhrer Markus 1956 Rünenberg 11043 1:22.31,0 27.56,7 (11043) Video 5.30 15-F55 35. Fuhrer Ruth 1956 Rünenberg 11044 1:22.53,1 16.12,0 (11044) Video 5.31 5-F20 105. Pauli Livia 1991 Rüschegg Gambach 21415 30.00,4 11.45,8 (21415) Video 6.00 5-F19 61. Rohrbach Lara 1993 Rüschegg Gambach 22300 32.48,4 13.46,6 (22300) Video 6.33 15-M45 354. Rohrbach Niklaus 1965 Rüschegg Gambach 5275 1:14.08,9 21.37,4 (5275) Video 4.56 5-W05 --- Ulrich Franziska 1969 Rüschegg Gambach 18451 47.01,2 ----- (18451) Video 9.24 15-W15 --- Gehrig Patrick Michel 1969 Rüschegg Heubach 15034 2:07.27,0 ----- (15034) Video 8.29 15-W15 --- Eugster Hans 1945 Rüschlikon 12092 1:58.01,5 ----- (12092) Video 7.52 15-M20 244. Hügli Claudio 1980 Rüschlikon 3288 1:08.21,7 24.04,4 (3288) Video 4.33 15-F55 30. Ruegge Regula 1955 Russikon 5281 1:21.11,4 14.30,3 (5281) Video 5.24 15-F55 46. Raemy Elisabeth 1956 Russy 9005 1:26.19,5 19.38,4 (9005) Video 5.45 15-W15 --- Affeltranger Sandy 1971 Ruswil 15025 2:09.23,0 ----- (15025) Video 8.37 2-F13 63. Schlup Anja 1999 Rüti b. Büren 31081 6.26,1 1.51,9 (31081) Video 4.35 15-M40 294. Schütz Hanspeter 1967 Rüti b. Büren 4187 1:11.31,5 19.20,2 (4187) Video 4.46 5-F20 136. Schütz Patricia 1969 Rüti b. Büren 21449 31.27,0 13.12,4 (21449) Video 6.17 2-F11 47. Schütz Sarah 2000 Rüti b. Büren 33120 6.11,3 1.24,6 (33120) Video 4.25 2-F11 28. Tanner Carmen 2001 Rüti b. Büren 33126 5.49,5 1.02,8 (33126) Video 4.09 2-F13 9. Tanner Michelle 1999 Rüti b. Büren 31087 5.11,4 0.37,2 (31087) Video 3.42 2-F11 14. Wachs Joana 2000 Rüti b. Büren 33130 5.31,3 0.44,6 (33130) Video 3.56 2-M9 11. Wachs Joshua 2003 Rüti b. Büren 34108 5.41,8 0.42,2 (34108) Video 4.04 15-M19 29. Wegmüller Adrian 1992 Rüti b. Büren 18183 1:19.53,8 28.58,4 (18183) Video 5.19 15-M45 299. Zaugg Heinz 1963 Rüti b. Büren 4359 1:12.14,9 19.43,4 (4359) Video 4.48 5-F19 7. Zaugg Nathalie 1993 Rüti b. Büren 20514 20.59,9 1.58,1 (20514) Video 4.11 15-F20 33. Zaugg Valérie 1991 Rüti b. Büren 3411 1:07.11,4 16.08,9 (3411) Video 4.28 15-M40 494. Kaufmann Stefan 1968 Rüti b. Lyssach 6204 1:22.14,8 30.03,5 (6204) Video 5.28 15-M50 147. Richard Peter 1959 Rüti b. Lyssach 2319 1:09.14,4 16.56,4 (2319) Video 4.36 15-W15 --- Schär Esther 1944 Rüti b. Riggisberg 14027 2:15.43,5 ----- (14027) Video 9.02 15-W15 --- Schär Paul 1942 Rüti b. Riggisberg 13055 2:06.11,3 ----- (13055) Video 8.24 5-M20 185. Gutmann Ernst 1948 Rüti ZH 22169 32.05,8 17.00,6 (22169) Video 6.25 15-M65 12. Bärtschi Walter 1946 Rütschelen 5070 1:12.18,3 12.30,6 (5070) Video 4.49 15-M40 228. Schär Daniel 1970 Rütschelen 18061 1:09.06,7 16.55,4 (18061) Video 4.36
Total 278

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