(65) Walking/Nordic Walking Frauen 21.1km

Hallwilerseelauf 2011, Beinwil am See - (65) Walking/Nordic Walking Frauen 21.1km

Rang Name Jg Land/Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Aegerter Jeanette 1964 Olten 3:11.20,9 ----- (12200) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Allemann Ursula 1953 Bärschwil 2:40.15,8 ----- (7002) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Andrèe Esther 1960 Liebefeld 3:47.35,2 ----- (7004) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Arlati Regula 1949 Wangen b. Olten 3:07.46,4 ----- (7005) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bächler Corinne 1984 Affoltern am Albis 3:54.01,0 ----- (7006) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Baldinger Ute 1968 Tegerfelden 3:06.15,1 ----- (7007) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bamert Monica 1943 Oetwil an der Limmat 3:01.49,9 ----- (7008) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Baumann Hildegard 1947 Wohlen AG 3:32.50,4 ----- (7010) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Baur Franziska 1964 Brüttisellen 3:41.59,3 ----- (7013) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Becher Sylvia 1964 Turgi 3:18.48,8 ----- (7014) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Benz Nadine 1985 FL-Gamprin-Bendern Lauftreff Buchs 3:11.00,9 ----- (12208) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bernauer Ursula 1954 Watt Walk Dich Fit 3:26.02,4 ----- (7016) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bieri Brigitte 1962 Wettingen 3:01.19,5 ----- (7018) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Birk Daniela 1974 Wilchingen 2:49.13,3 ----- (7019) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bollinger Barbara 1982 Luzern 3:30.21,8 ----- (7020) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bonomi Daniela 1968 Buchs AG 3:53.10,6 ----- (12211) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Borer-Meier Margrit 1956 Himmelried 4:13.50,2 ----- (8022) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bösch Beatrice 1954 Birmensdorf ZH 3:10.28,2 ----- (7021) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bosshart Marlene 1963 Dussnang 3:18.36,5 ----- (7022) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Boutellier Christine 1956 Gansingen 2:39.12,1 ----- (7023) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Brändli Margrit 1957 Mellingen 3:20.14,7 ----- (12554) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Brugger Brigitte 1960 Emmenbrücke 3:20.49,8 ----- (7026) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Büchi Sandra 1981 Gipf-Oberfrick 3:10.41,5 ----- (7028) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Büchler Vreni 1954 Tägerig 3:32.38,8 ----- (12216) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Büchli Julia 1945 Stilli 3:09.41,2 ----- (7030) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Burger Rose 1950 Ehrendingen 3:23.54,8 ----- (12617) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Bürgin Theres 1966 Kölliken 3:20.47,0 ----- (7031) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Burkard Vreni 1967 Rickenbach LU 2:53.13,6 ----- (7032) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Christen Claudia 1966 Buchrain 4:00.32,7 ----- (7033) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Christen Daisy 1963 Turgi 3:18.45,1 ----- (7034) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Cina Nadia 1984 Sissach 3:09.31,7 ----- (7035) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Deppeler-Gfeller Monika 1968 Tegerfelden 3:23.55,4 ----- (12219) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Dietzfelbinger Maria 1951 D-Tübingen 3:26.46,8 ----- (7037) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Dubiski Heidrun 1951 Oberentfelden 2:57.00,6 ----- (12222) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Eichenberger Barbara 1973 Herzogenbuchsee 3:30.11,0 ----- (7042) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Eichenberger Marlene 1960 Wohlen AG 3:10.01,0 ----- (7044) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Eichenberger Monika 1978 Birrwil 3:36.22,0 ----- (12223) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Eicher Sonja 1959 Killwangen 3:00.56,6 ----- (7046) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Felder-Bieri Edith 1967 Schüpfheim 3:13.53,7 ----- (7048) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Felgenträger Gabriela 1957 Beinwil am See 3:47.35,4 ----- (7049) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Fels Silvia 1962 Ostertermundigen Basivilla 3:34.19,7 ----- (7051) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Fey Ursula 1954 Villigen 3:22.57,9 ----- (7052) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Fischer Erika 1963 Mellingen 3:20.14,7 ----- (12604) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Flück Maria 1949 Salenstein 2:57.58,1 ----- (7053) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Fuchs Vivien 1955 Meinisberg 3:28.35,5 ----- (7056) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Gallay Danielle 1956 Perroy Helsana 3:25.45,1 ----- (7058) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Geib Ana Maria 1958 L-Schuttrange 4:31.52,6 ----- (7061) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Geissbühler Iris 1956 Stallikon 3:08.11,3 ----- (7062) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Geissmann Christine 1975 Hausen AG 3:20.08,6 ----- (7063) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Gohl Gerda 1953 Kerns Post 3:34.10,9 ----- (7065) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Grimm Sonja 1966 Eglisau 3:25.11,8 ----- (7068) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Gugl Sarah 1982 Adliswil 3:30.21,2 ----- (7069) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Günter Maria 1967 Stallikon 4:12.21,8 ----- (7071) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hablützel Lilian 1971 Seon 3:29.16,0 ----- (7073) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Häfeli Heidi 1943 Buchs AG 3:10.10,3 ----- (7075) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Häfliger Diana 1981 Wilchingen Post 3:13.59,0 ----- (7076) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Haemmerli Christine 1979 Bonstetten 2:54.30,0 ----- (7074) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Haselwander Doris 1965 Sisseln AG DSM Sisseln 3:01.56,4 ----- (7078) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Häusermann Esther 1960 Dintikon 3:18.40,4 ----- (12464) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hedinger Cindy 1978 Wilchingen 3:08.25,9 ----- (7080) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Herter Helen 1963 Fislisbach 3:16.15,4 ----- (7083) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Heutschi Margot 1944 Oberdorf NW 3:37.45,6 ----- (7086) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hilber Alice 1939 Horgen 3:22.25,4 ----- (7087) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hilfiker Kathrin 1973 Muhen 3:23.47,2 ----- (7089) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hilpert Irene 1964 Tägerig 3:32.39,6 ----- (12255) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hirs Rosmarie 1949 Dielsdorf 3:24.26,0 ----- (7091) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hitz Jeanette 1965 Gränichen 3:07.32,7 ----- (7092) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hofer Katja 1991 Gretzenbach 3:26.44,4 ----- (7093) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Hofstetter Christine 1972 Bern 2:57.50,7 ----- (7095) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Höhn Rita 1957 Untersiggenthal 3:25.21,1 ----- (12731) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Huber Stephanie 1987 Hägglingen 3:27.45,2 ----- (7097) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Huber Vanessa 1988 Hägglingen 3:27.46,2 ----- (7098) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Huwilwe Josy 1950 Aïre 2:44.52,9 ----- (12599) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Jakober-Meyer Gabriela 1966 Oberbuchsiten Familie 3:27.07,4 ----- (7101) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Jost Gertrud 1950 Utzenstorf 3:21.01,6 ----- (7104) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Kaltenrieder Margrit 1956 Düdingen 3:14.13,4 ----- (7105) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Kenel Rös 1950 Spreitenbach 3:22.08,5 ----- (7110) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Kipfer Eveline 1953 Zürich 3:11.03,3 ----- (7111) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Knecht Doris 1964 Pieterlen 3:28.32,8 ----- (7116) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Knecht Jacqueline 1967 Menznau Lauftreff Wolhusen 3:11.39,2 ----- (7117) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Knubel Claudia 1970 Watt 2:49.22,7 ----- (7118) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Knuchel Helen 1952 Meggen 3:10.34,9 ----- (12547) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Krajnc Gabi 1960 Speicherschwendi 3:29.08,2 ----- (7120) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Kremer Ulrike 1950 D-Inzlingen 3:32.49,1 ----- (7122) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Kronenberg Helen 1958 Boswil 3:06.05,8 ----- (7123) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Kündig Brigitte 1966 Würenlos 2:55.53,3 ----- (7124) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Kym-Eberhard Theresia 1950 Basel 3:08.23,2 ----- (7125) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Lehmann Eva 1987 Basel 2:50.32,5 ----- (3481) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Lehmann Regula 1962 Langenthal 2:50.33,1 ----- (3668) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Lorber Jeannette 1962 Zürich 3:00.02,5 ----- (7127) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Losa Claudia 1966 Hägendorf 3:23.06,5 ----- (12677) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Luisier Erica 1941 Confignon SATUS GRÜTLI WALKING 2:59.09,5 ----- (7128) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Lustenberger Regina 1950 Genève SATUS GRÜTLI WALKING 3:09.13,2 ----- (7129) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Lutz Irene 1963 Buchs ZH 3:07.24,7 ----- (7131) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Maag Vanja 1964 Glattfelden 3:25.21,1 ----- (7133) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Maier Karin 1967 Frauenfeld 3:00.58,5 ----- (7134) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Marti Silvia 1967 Kappel SO 3:22.24,0 ----- (12730) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Mathys Brigitte 1969 Unterseen 3:10.31,4 ----- (7135) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Matt Nathalie 1970 Oekingen 3:37.45,2 ----- (7136) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Maurer Eveline 1980 Egliswil Post 3:32.27,4 ----- (7138) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Maurer Monika 1961 Hunzenschwil 3:10.35,3 ----- (7140) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Meier Käthy 1951 Bülach 4:05.08,8 ----- (7141) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Meier Monika 1960 Tegerfelden 3:23.53,4 ----- (7142) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Meier Pia 1964 Zeglingen 3:01.32,2 ----- (7143) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Meier Ruth 1950 Utzensdorf 3:21.02,6 ----- (7144) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Mele Marianne 1962 Gränichen 3:21.35,1 ----- (7146) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Meyer Elisabeth 1951 Uezwil 3:15.41,0 ----- (7149) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Meyer Gina Maria 1961 Villigen 3:21.16,6 ----- (7150) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Meyer Sylvia 1953 Gwatt (Thun) Lauftreff-Bircher 2:52.01,9 ----- (7153) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Michel Yolande 1956 Colombier VD Helsana 3:25.43,2 ----- (7155) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Möller Brigitte 1967 Speicherschwendi 3:29.08,8 ----- (7156) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Morf Béatrice 1964 Zürich 3:00.49,1 ----- (7157) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Moser-Aebi Adelheid 1952 Spiez Post 3:05.14,6 ----- (7159) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Moser Marianne 1955 Messen 3:06.17,0 ----- (7158) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Muff Therese 1962 Würenlos 2:55.52,9 ----- (7160) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Mühlebach Nicole 1969 Bassersdorf 2:54.59,6 ----- (7161) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Muhmenthaler Gabriella 1967 Zimmerwald 3:40.49,7 ----- (10576) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Müller Anna 1952 Füllinsdorf 3:03.34,6 ----- (7162) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Müller Brigitte 1957 Kleindöttingen 2:49.09,5 ----- (12294) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Müller Esther 1962 Dällikon Post 3:33.53,3 ----- (7163) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Münger Manuela 1972 Dottikon 3:17.57,0 ----- (7165) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Muston Jacqueline 1944 La Tour-de-Peilz 3:33.06,1 ----- (7166) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Mutti Rosmarie 1965 Hendschiken 3:28.25,2 ----- (7168) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Näf Manuela 1969 Winterthur 3:00.59,9 ----- (7169) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Oberli Andrea 1968 Dietikon 3:54.00,3 ----- (7173) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Pantillon Sonja 1967 Aarau Rohr 3:20.03,8 ----- (12486) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Pfiffner Bernadette 1964 Steinhausen 3:20.08,1 ----- (7176) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Pignat Annette 1970 Fislisbach 3:23.47,6 ----- (7177) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Poncetta Petra 1972 Zürich 3:09.42,3 ----- (7178) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Portner Barbara 1962 Frauenfeld 3:00.59,8 ----- (7179) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Rabeneck Viviane 1976 Reinach AG 3:47.44,5 ----- (7182) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Rietmann Edith 1954 Hittnau 3:22.36,5 ----- (7183) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Rimann Beatrice 1960 Ottenbach 2:59.05,1 ----- (7184) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Rohner Margrith 1959 Hettenschwil 2:54.15,4 ----- (12573) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Roth Astrid 1966 Kölliken 3:20.47,6 ----- (7186) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Ruch Ursula 1950 Herzogenbuchsee 3:30.09,7 ----- (7189) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Rüfli Marlies 1960 Lengnau BE 3:28.35,1 ----- (7192) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Rüger Rita 1967 Wilchingen 3:08.25,0 ----- (7193) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Ruess Barbera 1964 Sisseln AG DSM Sisseln 3:16.02,7 ----- (7191) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Ryf Fabienne 1986 Olten 3:21.24,8 ----- (7195) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Santabarbara Antonia 1973 Binningen 3:09.31,6 ----- (7196) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Schegg Christa 1968 Dielsdorf 3:24.10,0 ----- (7198) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Scheiwiller Lotti 1965 Bülach 3:14.06,3 ----- (7199) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Scheurer Heidi 1954 Seedorf BE 2:52.22,6 ----- (7203) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Schlaginhaufen Renate 1955 Winterthur 3:34.17,9 ----- (7204) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Schmid Cécile 1945 Schüpfheim 3:53.07,2 ----- (12313) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Schmid Maja 1976 Wilchingen 3:13.57,1 ----- (7206) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Schmutz Rita 1961 Gontenschwil 2:55.07,6 ----- (7208) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Schraner Andrea 1975 Frick 3:10.41,1 ----- (7210) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Schwarz Monika 1976 Bern 3:02.49,9 ----- (7212) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Senglet Franziska 1966 Ostertermundigen 3:34.20,4 ----- (7214) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Siegenthaler-Urech Esther 1953 Thalheim AG Post 3:26.29,3 ----- (7215) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Siegrist Erika 1969 Meisterschwanden 3:01.26,8 ----- (7216) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Signer-Inauen Marie There 1959 Waldstatt Post 3:00.20,0 ----- (7217) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Stäheli Margrit 1950 Obergösgen Team Jurasüdfuss 3:08.14,7 ----- (12666) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Stammbach Helen 1953 Kleindöttingen 2:54.21,3 ----- (12574) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Stänz Sonja 1958 Staufen 3:45.16,7 ----- (7219) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Staudenmann Rosmarie 1957 Interlaken 3:05.14,8 ----- (7221) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Steiger Petra 1972 Wetzikon ZH 3:53.10,4 ----- (7222) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Steiger Verena 1962 Lenzburg 3:24.10,6 ----- (7223) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Steiner Hedy 1956 Herzogenbuchsee 3:10.50,1 ----- (7224) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Steiner Ursula 1957 Emmenbrücke 3:20.49,5 ----- (7225) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Steinmann Edith 1955 Neuenkirch 3:24.05,6 ----- (12723) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Steinmann Monica 1960 Arlesheim 3:02.54,5 ----- (7226) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Sternberg Simone 1969 D-Waldshut-Tiengen 3:06.16,5 ----- (7228) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Steuri Rosina 1960 Gränichen 3:21.54,1 ----- (12410) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Stieger Ursula 1954 Seewis Dorf 3:28.37,3 ----- (7230) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Stöckli Corinne 1971 Gerlafingen 3:12.33,2 ----- (7231) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Strassmann Susanne 1952 Wetzikon ZH 3:39.19,2 ----- (7233) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Stücker Erika 1955 Bätterkinden 3:21.00,4 ----- (7235) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Stucki-Schibler Luzia 1955 Zeglingen Post 3:01.33,6 ----- (7236) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Studer Lea 1976 Zürich 3:20.09,1 ----- (7237) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Studer Lucia 1961 Wilen (Sarnen) 3:04.34,5 ----- (12726) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Tanner Maja 1989 Wangen b. Olten 3:21.24,4 ----- (7238) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Thalmann Susanne 1963 Eschlikon TG 3:18.34,0 ----- (7239) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Tobler Evelyn 1960 Stallikon 4:12.18,5 ----- (7241) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Tomaschett Ursula 1952 Thalwil 3:24.10,8 ----- (7242) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Töngi Monika 1953 Gränichen 3:21.35,3 ----- (7243) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Vogel-Wassmer Marlen 1972 Hägglingen 3:00.44,0 ----- (7247) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Vogt Rebekka 1976 Ottikon (Gossau ZH) 2:59.00,9 ----- (7248) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- von Gunten Brigitte 1963 Wetzikon ZH 3:02.59,4 ----- (7250) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Vontobel Noëlle 1981 Aarau 3:25.43,8 ----- (7251) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Wacker Elvira 1964 Dottikon 3:25.43,0 ----- (7252) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Wahlen Ruth 1958 Oberentfelden 2:50.34,9 ----- (12352) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Waibel Monika 1958 Himmelried 4:13.53,1 ----- (8206) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Walti Sibylle 1972 Seon 3:29.15,3 ----- (7254) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Weber Ruth 1964 Hemberg TV St. Peterzell 3:27.35,9 ----- (7255) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Weibel Nicole 1983 Lenzburg 3:34.51,8 ----- (7256) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Weibel Ursula 1961 Pieterlen 3:28.33,5 ----- (7257) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Wey Eveline 1957 Dintikon 3:18.41,5 ----- (12462) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Windlin Silvia 1960 Sarnen Post 3:36.11,5 ----- (7263) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Wyss Barbara 1956 Ringgenberg BE 3:10.19,5 ----- (7265) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Zberg Loosli Franziska 1963 Schenkon 3:32.00,0 ----- (7266) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Zbinden Margrit 1959 Stallikon 4:12.51,9 ----- (7267) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Zemp-Felder Josefine 1957 Schüpfheim 3:53.06,5 ----- (7269) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Zemp Marietheres 1965 Schüpfheim 2:59.15,0 ----- (7268) Diplom Foto Video ---- --- Zordan Anni 1960 Hochfelden 3:18.24,7 ----- (7272) Diplom Foto Video ----

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