Schweizer Frauenlauf, Bern 2011 - nach Name "L"
Kategorie Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-NWalk --- La Macchia Ruth 1952 Satigny 2:16.51,4 ----- (13343) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ 5W-WalkS --- La Mantia Noreen, Burgdorf 1997 Oberstufe Pestalozzi, Bur 44.31,6 ----- (42047) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ 5-W30 288. Laager Nicole 1979 Au ZH 30.41,6 12.36,8 (34360) Diplom Video 6.08 ¦ 10-W40 172. Laager Ursula 1967 Arlesheim 51.52,7 14.37,4 (2738) Diplom Video 5.11 ¦ 5-MB 529. Labarile Anna, Bülach 1997 Kantonsschule Zürcher Unt 32.07,8 13.21,4 (29211) Diplom Video 6.25 ¦ 5-W40 53. Labruzzo Doris 1968 Benglen 24.30,0 5.10,7 (21321) Diplom Video 4.54 ¦ Girls --- Lachat Fiona 2004 Spiegel b. Bern 2.27,5 ----- (54088) Diplom Video 4.55 ¦ 5-W45 403. Lachat Monique 1962 Obergösgen 30.02,4 10.11,5 (31284) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ 5-W40 421. Lachat Nicole 1971 Spiegel b. Bern 30.34,0 11.14,7 (30488) Diplom Video 6.06 ¦ 10-W60 81. Lachenmeier Therese 1949 Basel 1:22.24,2 40.43,0 (6377) Diplom Video 8.14 ¦ 10-W50 171. Lacher Beatrice 1960 Egg SZ 56.16,1 16.17,8 (3128) Diplom Video 5.37 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lack Jolanda 1965 Nenzlingen 48.02,9 ----- (46078) Diplom Video 9.36 ¦ 5-W40 647. Lacy Regine 1968 Meilen 40.01,8 20.42,5 (33349) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ 10-W30 241. Läderach Claudia 1978 Bern 56.21,7 17.23,8 (6724) Diplom Video 5.38 ¦ 5-SB 58. Läderach Emily 2000 Kehrsatz 28.39,3 7.40,9 (24525) Diplom Video 5.43 ¦ 5-W40 270. Läderach Hanni 1971 Kehrsatz 28.46,2 9.26,9 (24526) Diplom Video 5.45 ¦ 5-MB 75. Läderach Joelle 1997 Aeschlen b. Oberdiessbach 24.31,2 5.44,8 (26194) Diplom Video 4.54 ¦ 5-JU 75. Läderach Michelle 1993 Aeschlen b. Oberdiessbach 26.17,3 6.49,0 (26195) Diplom Video 5.15 ¦ 5-W20 1080. Läderach Regina 1982 Zuzwil BE 33.49,9 14.53,9 (33235) Diplom Video 6.45 ¦ 5-W40 589. Läderach Sonja 1970 Worb 34.36,5 15.17,2 (34039) Diplom Video 6.55 ¦ 5-SA 228. Ladner Dara 1999 Uetikon am See 29.47,9 10.27,3 (31335) Diplom Video 5.57 ¦ 5-W40 358. Ladner Ladina 1970 Uetikon am See 29.48,4 10.29,1 (31336) Diplom Video 5.57 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Ladner-Plüss Huldi ???? Pfaffhausen 46.19,3 ----- (42229) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ 10-W20 523. Lädrach Doris 1986 Bern 58.27,6 21.49,2 (34326) Diplom Video 5.50 ¦ 10-W55 140. Lafferma Eliane 1956 Zürich 1:02.40,7 17.29,2 (4387) Diplom Video 6.16 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lagger Karin 1967 Agarn 44.16,7 ----- (43290) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ 10-W20 598. Lahti Oona 1985 Zürich 1:00.20,2 23.41,8 (5516) Diplom Video 6.02 ¦ 10-W50 157. Laim Maya 1959 Malix 55.32,7 15.34,4 (2101) Diplom Video 5.33 ¦ 5-W45 511. Laimer Claudia 1964 Andeer 31.53,6 12.02,7 (29151) Diplom Video 6.22 ¦ 10-W35 111. Laireiter Simone 1972 Strengelbach 51.06,8 12.07,2 (4362) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 5-W45 39. Lakomy Ursina 1965 Bern 23.37,9 3.47,0 (21438) Diplom Video 4.43 ¦ 5-W20 427. Lalot Fanny 1990 Petit-Lancy 27.42,2 8.46,2 (24523) Diplom Video 5.32 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Lalot Francine 1960 Petit-Lancy 44.42,9 ----- (42257) Diplom Video 8.56 ¦ 5-MB 150. Lalot Mathilde 1996 Petit-Lancy 26.21,8 7.35,4 (24524) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 10-W65 22. Lambert Marie-José 1945 Corminboeuf 1:02.22,1 11.49,5 (5089) Diplom Video 6.14 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lambert Patricia 1956 Epalinges 44.24,9 ----- (46191) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ 10-W30 289. Lamberti Alessandra 1980 Obernau 58.32,5 19.34,6 (3612) Diplom Video 5.51 ¦ 5-W40 609. Lambroia Patrizia 1967 Kirchberg BE 35.31,5 16.12,2 (32487) Diplom Video 7.06 ¦ 5-W35 138. Lamey Carine 1972 Villargiroud 27.02,8 7.45,9 (24547) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 5-SA 104. Lamey Mélissa 1998 Villargiroud 26.54,6 7.34,0 (24548) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 10-W45 544. Lamm Yvette 1963 D-Konstanz 1:13.43,0 33.24,7 (6003) Diplom Video 7.22 ¦ 10-W45 316. Lampe Gudrun 1966 Näfels 56.36,5 16.18,2 (4582) Diplom Video 5.39 ¦ 5-MB 561. Lampe Rahel 1997 Näfels 32.50,0 14.03,6 (33577) Diplom Video 6.34 ¦ 5-W35 359. Lamprecht-Grunder Regula 1974 Hinwil 31.01,9 11.45,0 (30221) Diplom Video 6.12 ¦ G-Meile --- Lamprecht Nina 1999 Hinwil 10.33,6 ----- (52116) Diplom Video 6.36 ¦ Girls --- Lamprecht Sara 2005 Hinwil 2.19,1 ----- (53085) Diplom Video 4.38 ¦ 10-W35 340. Lamprian Pia 1975 Pohlern 58.29,1 19.29,5 (4210) Diplom Video 5.50 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lance Michele 1956 Genève 2:14.00,5 ----- (12137) Diplom Video 8.56 ¦ 10-W35 432. Lanciano Rebekka 1974 Aathal-Seegräben 1:02.01,6 23.02,0 (4211) Diplom Video 6.12 ¦ 10-W40 80. Landenberger-Arnet Pia 1971 Frenkendorf 48.49,7 11.34,4 (1279) Diplom Video 4.52 ¦ 5-SB 50. Landenberger Lea 2000 Frenkendorf 28.20,4 7.22,0 (32235) Diplom Video 5.40 ¦ 5-MA 525. Lander Lisa, Wil SG 1995 Mädchensekundarschule St. 40.13,2 20.35,1 (32236) Diplom Video 8.02 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Landis Helene 1952 Turgi 44.20,9 ----- (45019) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ 5-W20 689. Landis Sabine 1984 Turgi 29.31,4 10.35,4 (34158) Diplom Video 5.54 ¦ 10-W40 475. Landolf Ursula 1971 Ostermundigen 58.41,5 21.26,2 (3748) Diplom Video 5.52 ¦ 5-W20 845. Landolt Anja, Mettmenstetten 1990 Club der Töchter 31.02,0 12.06,0 (29490) Diplom Video 6.12 ¦ 5-W50 230. Landolt Cornelia 1961 Langenthal 29.51,8 9.57,3 (32237) Diplom Video 5.58 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Landolt Edith 1955 Wallisellen 40.13,4 ----- (41103) Diplom Video 8.02 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Landolt Irene 1962 Näfels 2:20.33,0 ----- (12138) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ 10-W45 415. Landolt Karin 1964 Beringen 59.26,9 19.08,6 (6037) Diplom Video 5.56 ¦ 5-W20 698. Landolt Kerstin 1987 Benken SG 29.32,9 10.36,9 (33228) Diplom Video 5.54 ¦ 5-SA 147. Landolt Leandra 1998 Einsiedeln 28.12,0 8.51,4 (25608) Diplom Video 5.38 ¦ 10-W20 171. Landolt Martina, Zürich 1985 Club der Töchter 50.56,6 14.18,2 (6578) Diplom Video 5.05 ¦ 10-W40 69. Landolt Renata 1967 Einsiedeln 48.13,7 10.58,4 (1547) Diplom Video 4.49 ¦ 5-MB 473. Landolt Sereina 1997 Dachsen 31.17,1 12.30,7 (27149) Diplom Video 6.15 ¦ 5-MB 627. Landolt Tiziana, Zuzwil SG 1997 Mädchensekundarschule St. 35.47,7 17.01,3 (32238) Diplom Video 7.09 ¦ 5-W30 146. Landolt Yvonne 1977 Winterthur 27.49,0 9.44,2 (24585) Diplom Video 5.33 ¦ 10-W50 189. Landstedt Monica 1960 Nussbaumen AG 56.56,4 16.58,1 (2358) Diplom Video 5.41 ¦ 5-W45 523. Landtwing Christa 1962 Steinhausen 32.07,5 12.16,6 (24276) Diplom Video 6.25 ¦ 5-W30 277. Landtwing Helen 1981 Walchwil 30.27,0 12.22,2 (34468) Diplom Video 6.05 ¦ 5-W20 545. Landwehr Daria, Zürich 1986 Club der Töchter 28.30,3 9.34,3 (29491) Diplom Video 5.42 ¦ 5-W20 547. Landwehr Inessa, Zürich 1984 Club der Töchter 28.30,5 9.34,5 (29492) Diplom Video 5.42 ¦ 15-Walk --- Lanfranchi Cristina, Arbedo 1970 Helsana 2:14.58,8 ----- (11051) Diplom Video 8.59 ¦ 5-W35 213. Lang-Betschmann Dominique 1974 Oberwil-Lieli 28.17,7 9.00,8 (29077) Diplom Video 5.39 ¦ 5-W45 204. Lang Karin 1966 Muri AG 27.21,1 7.30,2 (24063) Diplom Video 5.28 ¦ 10-W40 71. Lang Lucevalda 1971 Grenchen 48.30,7 11.15,4 (1343) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 5-JU 88. Läng Michèle 1993 Kirchlindach 26.46,7 7.18,4 (26426) Diplom Video 5.21 ¦ 5-SB 10. Lang Nicole, Gommiswald 2000 Jugi Gommiswald 24.58,7 4.00,3 (25296) Diplom Video 4.59 ¦ 5-W40 97. Längauer Françoise 1971 Ittigen 25.38,8 6.19,5 (23141) Diplom Video 5.07 ¦ 5-W45 237. Langbrandner Sonja 1965 Thun 27.50,8 7.59,9 (32565) Diplom Video 5.34 ¦ 5-W45 550. Lange Roswitha 1966 Bützberg 32.42,3 12.51,4 (5248) Diplom Video 6.32 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Langenauer Maya 1969 Bubikon 46.53,3 ----- (42083) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ 10-W20 91. Langenauer Stephanie 1986 Zürich 48.32,0 11.53,6 (2744) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Langenbach Rosmarie 1951 Regensdorf 39.34,5 ----- (41129) Diplom Video 7.54 ¦ 5-W20 154. Langenegger Nicole 1985 Zürich 24.51,3 5.55,3 (22092) Diplom Video 4.58 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Langenegger-Oesch Ruth 1952 Rüfenacht BE 42.46,1 ----- (43071) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ 5-W50 123. Langhart Dora 1957 Chur 27.41,3 7.46,8 (23341) Diplom Video 5.32 ¦ 5-W45 596. Längle-Urfer Suzanne, Würenlos 1964 Migros 34.28,9 14.38,0 (33236) Diplom Video 6.53 ¦ 10-W50 340. Langmeier Karin 1961 Adlikon b. Regensdorf 1:07.16,4 27.18,1 (6117) Diplom Video 6.43 ¦ 10-W40 479. Langström Tarja 1967 Bern 58.54,4 21.39,1 (5009) Diplom Video 5.53 ¦ 5-MB 255. Lanicca Nina, Belp 1997 OSZ Belp 28.04,4 9.18,0 (32239) Diplom Video 5.36 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lanker-Gerster Hedwig 1957 Twann 50.27,5 ----- (46039) Diplom Video 10.05 ¦ 5-MA 175. Lanter Anja, Olten 1994 Kanti Olten 27.07,9 7.29,8 (30013) Diplom Video 5.25 ¦ 5-MA 405. Lanter Céline 1995 Kirchberg SG 31.45,0 12.06,9 (29416) Diplom Video 6.21 ¦ G-Meile --- Lanter Dinah 1999 Kirchberg SG 11.12,2 ----- (52117) Diplom Video 7.00 ¦ 5-W40 359. Lanter Sabina 1970 Kirchberg SG 29.50,0 10.30,7 (29417) Diplom Video 5.58 ¦ 10-W40 276. Lanz Carmen 1969 Bern 54.01,9 16.46,6 (6473) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 10-W40 10. Lanz Cécile 1968 Thun 42.40,4 5.25,1 (1501) Diplom Video 4.16 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lanz Heidi 1944 Ostermundigen 45.38,0 ----- (44039) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lanz Heidi 1968 Zäziwil 44.11,6 ----- (43160) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ 10-W40 434. Lanz Katrin 1969 Einigen 57.26,7 20.11,4 (3251) Diplom Video 5.44 ¦ 5-SA 12. Lanz Ladina 1998 Thun 22.40,9 3.20,3 (22341) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 10-W35 465. Lanz Michelle 1973 Zürich 1:06.53,3 27.53,7 (5136) Diplom Video 6.41 ¦ 10-W40 473. Lanz Monika 1971 Arch 58.33,3 21.18,0 (5517) Diplom Video 5.51 ¦ 10-W30 198. Lanz Nadia 1977 Stansstad 54.38,3 15.40,4 (3101) Diplom Video 5.27 ¦ 5-W20 595. Lanz Priska 1982 Huttwil 28.46,1 9.50,1 (29076) Diplom Video 5.45 ¦ 5-W30 212. Lanz Regula 1977 Rüschegg Gambach 29.13,6 11.08,8 (25368) Diplom Video 5.50 ¦ 10-W35 172. Lanz Simone 1975 Luzern 53.09,1 14.09,5 (1430) Diplom Video 5.18 ¦ 5-JU 158. Lanz Virginia 1992 Arch 29.12,3 9.44,0 (27150) Diplom Video 5.50 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lanzendorfer Maria 1967 Bazenheid 49.02,6 ----- (45034) Diplom Video 9.48 ¦ 5-MA 443. Lanzrein Etta, Langnau i. E. 1995 Gymnasium Kirchenfeld Ber 32.58,0 13.19,9 (32240) Diplom Video 6.35 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lapeta Karine 1970 Stäfa 2:03.25,3 ----- (12202) Diplom Video 8.13 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Lapinski Co Jenni Regula 1982 Wetzikon ZH 50.16,3 ----- (42298) Diplom Video 10.03 ¦ 15-Walk --- Lapres Hazel 1964 Champtauroz 1:59.08,7 ----- (11052) Diplom Video 7.56 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Larentis Lilian 1953 Luzern 41.20,5 ----- (41081) Diplom Video 8.16 ¦ 10-W20 256. Largo Gina 1982 Dübendorf 52.48,5 16.10,1 (2530) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lässer Antoinette 1954 Montherod 41.22,0 ----- (43119) Diplom Video 8.16 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lässer Monika 1959 Affoltern am Albis 2:32.52,2 ----- (14107) Diplom Video 10.11 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lasser Nadia 1990 Derendingen 48.22,2 ----- (46072) Diplom Video 9.40 ¦ 5-W20 523. Laesser Simona, Affoltern am Albis 1988 Ex-Ksler in Action 28.23,7 9.27,7 (30040) Diplom Video 5.40 ¦ 5-W20 355. Lässig Andrea 1990 Zürich 27.06,2 8.10,2 (28437) Diplom Video 5.25 ¦ 5-W50 282. Lässig Brigitte 1960 Zürich 31.13,5 11.19,0 (28438) Diplom Video 6.14 ¦ 5-W60 52. Lattmann Rosemarie 1951 Oberrohrdorf 29.30,5 6.22,0 (25209) Diplom Video 5.54 ¦ 5-W20 647. Latzer Manuela 1985 Romanshorn 29.11,0 10.15,0 (34035) Diplom Video 5.50 ¦ 5-W20 297. Laube Beatrice, Feldbach 1984 Rennmüüs 26.32,7 7.36,7 (22231) Diplom Video 5.18 ¦ 5-MA 144. Laube Nina 1994 Gelterkinden 26.41,4 7.03,3 (33559) Diplom Video 5.20 ¦ 5-W35 434. Lauber Barbara 1974 Burgdorf 33.24,8 14.07,9 (26421) Diplom Video 6.40 ¦ 5-W20 642. Lauber Caroline 1988 St. Niklaus VS 29.09,4 10.13,4 (32241) Diplom Video 5.49 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lauber Elfriede 1949 Täsch 41.57,0 ----- (43129) Diplom Video 8.23 ¦ 10-W45 267. Lauber Maria Gabriele 1963 Täsch 55.15,6 14.57,3 (3749) Diplom Video 5.31 ¦ 5-JU 35. Lauber Rebekka, Schenkon 1992 Theresianum Ingenbohl 24.25,8 4.57,5 (21372) Diplom Video 4.53 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Läubli Fabienne 1982 Rothrist 43.37,1 ----- (45202) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ 5W-WalkS --- Läubli Hanna 1996 Fällanden 42.18,2 ----- (42089) Diplom Video 8.27 ¦ 5-MA 269. Laubscher Anja, Engwang 1995 Sek Wigoltingen 28.39,8 9.01,7 (28202) Diplom Video 5.43 ¦ 5-MB 680. Laubscher Eliane, Engwang 1996 Sek Wigoltingen 41.15,3 22.28,9 (28203) Diplom Video 8.15 ¦ 5W-NWSch --- Laubscher Larissa 1994 Büren an der Aare 43.44,9 ----- (45254) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ 5-MA 35. Läuchli Alea 1995 Windisch 23.04,6 3.26,5 (21439) Diplom Video 4.36 ¦ 10-W30 169. Laug Michelle 1981 Genève 53.23,2 14.25,3 (5003) Diplom Video 5.20 ¦ 5-W45 159. Lauper Judith 1963 Plaffeien 26.32,0 6.41,1 (24316) Diplom Video 5.18 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lauper Judith 1964 Moosseedorf 41.12,6 ----- (43280) Diplom Video 8.14 ¦ 5-W35 482. Lauper Monika 1974 Bern 37.50,9 18.34,0 (33229) Diplom Video 7.34 ¦ 5-SA 148. Lauper Shania 1998 Moosseedorf 28.15,6 8.55,0 (27166) Diplom Video 5.39 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lauper Silvia 1965 Murten 44.06,4 ----- (43276) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ 10-W45 3. Laurent Daniela 1962 Näfels 41.38,0 1.19,7 (1031) Diplom Video 4.09 ¦ G-Meile --- Lautenschlager Julia 2001 Balterswil 7.02,7 ----- (52118) Diplom Video 4.24 ¦ 5-W40 223. Lautenschlager Susanna, Balterswil 1968 lets go 27.59,7 8.40,4 (34211) Diplom Video 5.35 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Layaz Christiane 1967 Treyvaux 43.24,4 ----- (43234) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ 5-W45 541. Laybourn Hanne 1962 Binningen 32.32,1 12.41,2 (33401) Diplom Video 6.30 ¦ 10-W50 298. Le Boudec Annelies 1958 Jouxtens-Mézery 1:02.25,2 22.26,9 (5602) Diplom Video 6.14 ¦ 10-W20 294. Le Boudec Joana 1986 Jouxtens-Mézery 53.41,8 17.03,4 (4509) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 10-W45 259. Le Cam Christine 1964 Marly 54.55,7 14.37,4 (1545) Diplom Video 5.29 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Le Thorel Lisely 1971 Safenwil 2:11.04,1 ----- (13126) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ 10-W20 299. Lea Kuelling Lea 1983 Basel 53.46,5 17.08,1 (3624) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 15-Walk --- Lebrun Charlotte 1982 Bern 2:10.07,5 ----- (11114) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ 15-Walk --- Lechner Elisabeth 1955 Genève 2:11.37,8 ----- (11106) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ 10-W30 305. Léchot Josée 1979 Biel/Bienne 59.09,3 20.11,4 (5433) Diplom Video 5.54 ¦ 5-SA 74. Leclerc Céline 1999 Kestenholz 25.44,6 6.24,0 (24394) Diplom Video 5.08 ¦ 5-W20 1049. Leclerc Laila, Zürich 1988 Club der Töchter 33.21,3 14.25,3 (29494) Diplom Video 6.40 ¦ 5-W45 194. Leclerc Marlis 1964 Kestenholz 27.12,6 7.21,7 (24367) Diplom Video 5.26 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lederer Sandra 1969 Oberbuchsiten 2:11.01,2 ----- (14124) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ 5-W30 3. Ledergerber Anja, Rubigen 1981 TVL Five 19.47,0 1.42,2 (21029) Diplom Video 3.57 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Ledergerber Esther 1954 Sevelen 47.13,2 ----- (45198) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ 5-W60 125. Ledergerber Heidi 1951 Muhen 37.31,1 14.22,6 (33230) Diplom Video 7.30 ¦ 10-W30 365. Ledergerber Katrin 1978 Speicher 1:02.08,1 23.10,2 (2531) Diplom Video 6.12 ¦ 10-W20 656. Ledergerber Martina 1983 St. Gallen 1:02.08,7 25.30,3 (2532) Diplom Video 6.12 ¦ 5-MA 495. Ledergerber Sara, Züberwangen 1994 Mädchensekundarschule St. 36.09,7 16.31,6 (32242) Diplom Video 7.13 ¦ 10-W20 464. Ledergerber Silja 1986 Bolligen 57.21,4 20.43,0 (2753) Diplom Video 5.44 ¦ 5-W60 24. Ledergerber Verena 1951 Ittigen 27.02,1 3.53,6 (23247) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 5-MA 516. Ledermann Anne Michelle, Eschlikon 1995 Mädchensekundarschule St. 38.09,6 18.31,5 (32243) Diplom Video 7.37 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Ledermann Sabine 1969 Ipsach 1:58.52,9 ----- (12139) Diplom Video 7.55 ¦ 5-SA 220. Ledermann Selin, Heimiswil 1998 Oberstufe Pestalozzi, Bur 29.43,1 10.22,5 (30159) Diplom Video 5.56 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Ledermann Ursula 1955 Gerlikon 2:06.20,3 ----- (12271) Diplom Video 8.25 ¦ 5-JU 27. Lee Agnes 1992 Köniz 23.43,4 4.15,1 (23058) Diplom Video 4.44 ¦ 10-W30 324. Lee Manuela 1981 St. Gallen 59.54,0 20.56,1 (5249) Diplom Video 5.59 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Lee Myrta 1943 Carouge GE 45.09,9 ----- (41067) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Leemann Irene 1953 Birr-Lupfig 38.15,2 ----- (41052) Diplom Video 7.39 ¦ 10-W20 563. Lees Melanie, Seuzach 1986 Club der Töchter 59.11,7 22.33,3 (6579) Diplom Video 5.55 ¦ 5-MA 376. Legeret Alexia 1995 Ecublens VD 30.47,3 11.09,2 (31122) Diplom Video 6.09 ¦ 10-W45 488. Legeret Ariane 1963 Ecublens VD 1:04.25,1 24.06,8 (5094) Diplom Video 6.26 ¦ 5-MB 384. Legeret Morgane 1997 Ecublens VD 29.52,3 11.05,9 (31285) Diplom Video 5.58 ¦ 5-MB 630. Lehmann Andrea, Oberburg 1996 Schule Oberburg 36.06,3 17.19,9 (26422) Diplom Video 7.13 ¦ 5-SA 98. Lehmann Anina, Gommiswald 1999 Jugi Gommiswald 26.47,9 7.27,3 (25297) Diplom Video 5.21 ¦ 5-SA 236. Lehmann Anneliese 1998 Linden 30.01,4 10.40,8 (24538) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Lehmann Barbara 1961 Bernex 49.30,9 ----- (42150) Diplom Video 9.54 ¦ 5-W40 294. Lehmann Bertha 1967 Düdingen 29.03,3 9.44,0 (25500) Diplom Video 5.48 ¦ 10-W35 275. Lehmann Caroline 1972 Zuzwil BE 56.17,3 17.17,7 (3673) Diplom Video 5.37 ¦ 5-W40 242. Lehmann Christine 1970 Düdingen 28.18,6 8.59,3 (31286) Diplom Video 5.39 ¦ 5-W35 367. Lehmann Claudia 1974 Schaffhausen 31.10,3 11.53,4 (32244) Diplom Video 6.14 ¦ 10-W20 144. Lehmann Eva 1987 Langenthal 50.15,3 13.36,9 (2312) Diplom Video 5.01 ¦ G-Meile --- Lehmann Franca 2003 Goldiwil (Thun) 7.30,5 ----- (51110) Diplom Video 4.41 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lehmann Hildi 1950 Gempen 43.30,2 ----- (44151) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ 5-W45 126. Lehmann Irene 1966 Gossau SG 25.56,7 6.05,8 (23248) Diplom Video 5.11 ¦ 10-W50 161. Lehmann Katharina 1961 Bolligen 55.45,0 15.46,7 (3314) Diplom Video 5.34 ¦ 5-MA 72. Lehmann Kristina, Wattwil 1994 Kanti Wattwil 25.08,8 5.30,7 (28204) Diplom Video 5.01 ¦ 10-W20 178. Lehmann Nicole, Wallisellen 1985 Club der Töchter 51.09,2 14.30,8 (6580) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 5-W40 129. Lehmann Petra 1971 Rüderswil 26.17,2 6.57,9 (23002) Diplom Video 5.15 ¦ 10-W45 118. Lehmann Regula 1962 Langenthal 51.06,4 10.48,1 (2313) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 5-W45 266. Lehmann Silvia 1966 Neuenegg 28.10,6 8.19,7 (33231) Diplom Video 5.38 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lehmann Ursula 1956 Münsingen 40.11,3 ----- (46192) Diplom Video 8.02 ¦ 5-MA 83. Lehner Livia, Weinfelden 1994 Mädchensekundarschule St. 25.27,2 5.49,1 (31225) Diplom Video 5.05 ¦ 5-MB 594. Lehner Michèle, Wil SG 1997 Mädchensekundarschule St. 33.53,6 15.07,2 (32245) Diplom Video 6.46 ¦ 5-W20 586. Lehner Sarah, Bürchen 1989 Berner Fachhochschule 28.43,1 9.47,1 (26423) Diplom Video 5.44 ¦ 5-W45 88. Lehner-Stucki Maja 1963 Bürchen 24.56,8 5.05,9 (26186) Diplom Video 4.59 ¦ 5-MB 395. Lehnert Marina 1996 Urtenen-Schönbühl 30.06,3 11.19,9 (27177) Diplom Video 6.01 ¦ 10-W20 381. Lehnherr Dominique 1984 Spiez 55.18,8 18.40,4 (4510) Diplom Video 5.31 ¦ 5-MB 170. Leibundgut Adriana 1997 Thun 26.43,8 7.57,4 (24388) Diplom Video 5.20 ¦ 10-W55 35. Leibundgut Hanni 1952 Lausen 52.50,2 7.38,7 (3349) Diplom Video 5.17 ¦ 5-SA 97. Leibundgut Joy 1998 Sarnen 26.45,7 7.25,1 (24081) Diplom Video 5.21 ¦ 5-SA 308. Leibundgut Myriam, Burgdorf 1998 Oberstufe Pestalozzi, Bur 32.22,3 13.01,7 (30160) Diplom Video 6.28 ¦ 5-W35 11. Leibundgut Rita 1974 Sarnen 21.08,4 1.51,5 (34531) Diplom Video 4.13 ¦ 5-SA 125. Leibundgut Robyn Madlaina 1998 Zuzwil BE 27.29,4 8.08,8 (25564) Diplom Video 5.29 ¦ 5-W35 329. Leiggener Claudia 1976 Bern 30.16,5 10.59,6 (24377) Diplom Video 6.03 ¦ 5-W35 150. Leiggener Evelyne 1976 Visp 27.15,1 7.58,2 (32246) Diplom Video 5.27 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Leiggener Ines 1965 Agarn 44.16,8 ----- (43291) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ 5-W50 318. Leimgruber Krebs Monika 1960 Hausen AG 32.10,7 12.16,2 (25122) Diplom Video 6.26 ¦ 10-W50 74. Leimgruber Maggie 1959 Stein AG 51.28,8 11.30,5 (4511) Diplom Video 5.08 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Leisebach-Landolt Bettina 1981 Wallisellen 40.11,9 ----- (41130) Diplom Video 8.02 ¦ 5-W20 321. Leisinger Céline 1990 Reinach BL 26.45,9 7.49,9 (21283) Diplom Video 5.21 ¦ 5-W45 24. Leisinger Heidi 1964 Reinach BL 22.45,1 2.54,2 (21196) Diplom Video 4.33 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Leiterer Gertrud 1949 Busswil TG 2:21.49,3 ----- (14196) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ 5-SA 160. Leitner Sara Nuria, Bern 1998 Primarschule Länggasse 28.24,2 9.03,6 (26188) Diplom Video 5.40 ¦ 10-W40 268. Lelli Samanta 1970 Bern 53.51,7 16.36,4 (3649) Diplom Video 5.23 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lemann Annina 1977 Wattenwil 2:20.47,0 ----- (14307) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ 10-W50 16. Lemieux Barbara, St-Cergue 1957 NEW CONCEPT SPORTS 46.35,0 6.36,7 (1489) Diplom Video 4.39 ¦ 10-W30 371. Lemmer Yvonne 1980 Männedorf 1:02.19,7 23.21,8 (5250) Diplom Video 6.13 ¦ 10-W50 252. Lemp Neuenschwander Susi 1959 Bern 59.43,6 19.45,3 (5057) Diplom Video 5.58 ¦ 5-W20 197. Lendi Claudia 1982 Fribourg 25.20,4 6.24,4 (24077) Diplom Video 5.04 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lengacher Gabi 1967 Spiez 45.11,7 ----- (44062) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ 5-MB 436. Lengacher Salome, Burgdorf 1996 Oberstufe Pestalozzi, Bur 30.46,7 12.00,3 (30161) Diplom Video 6.09 ¦ 5-SA 302. Lengacher Tamara, Burgdorf 1998 Oberstufe Pestalozzi, Bur 32.15,8 12.55,2 (30162) Diplom Video 6.27 ¦ 5-SB 5. Lengen Lynn 2001 Glis 21.55,9 0.57,5 (21156) Diplom Video 4.23 ¦ 5-SB 28. Lenggenhager Hanna 2000 Wabern 26.59,6 6.01,2 (32247) Diplom Video 5.23 ¦ 5-W40 169. Lenggenhager Jelena 1968 Wabern 27.04,5 7.45,2 (34036) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 5-W20 1249. Lenherr Marianne, Zürich 1984 Schule Halden 2B 44.21,8 25.25,8 (34507) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ 10-W35 427. Lenoir Anja 1975 Vevey 1:01.48,8 22.49,2 (5251) Diplom Video 6.10 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lenz Elisabeth 1950 Messen 44.17,9 ----- (43072) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ 5-W40 553. Lenz Michaela 1967 Lenzerheide/Lai 33.29,9 14.10,6 (30250) Diplom Video 6.41 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Leogrande Mélanie 1975 Le Locle 42.59,9 ----- (44196) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Leon Zamora Lorena 1962 Bern 43.18,1 ----- (43130) Diplom Video 8.39 ¦ 10-W45 390. Lepre Milvia 1964 Allschwil 58.43,1 18.24,8 (5058) Diplom Video 5.52 ¦ 10-W55 147. Lepri Monika 1954 Ulisbach 1:03.10,6 17.59,1 (6286) Diplom Video 6.19 ¦ 5-SB 77. Lerch Aline 2000 Chur 29.48,0 8.49,6 (29418) Diplom Video 5.57 ¦ 10-W40 601. Lerch Brigitte 1968 Eiken 1:06.53,8 29.38,5 (5518) Diplom Video 6.41 ¦ 5-W50 338. Lerch Caroline 1959 Tägertschi 32.47,2 12.52,7 (30390) Diplom Video 6.33 ¦ 5-MB 551. Lerch Célina, Oftringen 1996 Bezirksschule Oftringen 32.27,1 13.40,7 (32248) Diplom Video 6.29 ¦ 5-W20 1013. Lerch Karin 1989 Tägertschi 32.54,2 13.58,2 (30391) Diplom Video 6.34 ¦ 5-SA 295. Lerch Petra 1998 Suberg 32.04,2 12.43,6 (27168) Diplom Video 6.24 ¦ 10-W20 666. Lerch Prisca 1986 Tägertschi 1:02.22,9 25.44,5 (5185) Diplom Video 6.14 ¦ 5-W40 464. Lerch Sandra 1971 Chur 31.16,1 11.56,8 (29419) Diplom Video 6.15 ¦ 5-MA 338. Lerch Selina 1994 Le Fuet 30.02,0 10.23,9 (27026) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ 5-SA 270. Lerch Sina 1998 Chur 31.16,0 11.55,4 (29420) Diplom Video 6.15 ¦ 5-W45 282. Lerch Ursula 1966 Suberg 28.26,4 8.35,5 (34469) Diplom Video 5.41 ¦ 5-W20 1129. Leresche Véronique 1985 Ollon VD 34.47,4 15.51,4 (33331) Diplom Video 6.57 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lerf-Tgetgel Regula 1963 Schüpfen 48.51,7 ----- (45199) Diplom Video 9.46 ¦ 5-MA 39. Lergier Michèle 1995 Hünibach 23.30,7 3.52,6 (27116) Diplom Video 4.42 ¦ 5-W45 308. Lertskul Samnieng 1963 Sévery 28.49,6 8.58,7 (25026) Diplom Video 5.45 ¦ 5-SB 21. Leu Anne-Christine 2000 Bolligen 25.58,3 4.59,9 (29232) Diplom Video 5.11 ¦ 5-W20 844. Leu Iris 1982 Bern 31.01,2 12.05,2 (32249) Diplom Video 6.12 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Leu Jacqueline 1942 Nidau 50.17,4 ----- (46011) Diplom Video 10.03 ¦ 5-MA 299. Leu Patricia, Wigoltingen 1994 Sek Wigoltingen 29.20,8 9.42,7 (28205) Diplom Video 5.52 ¦ 5-W20 461. Leu Stefanie 1984 Villars-le-Grand 27.58,0 9.02,0 (26424) Diplom Video 5.35 ¦ 10-W35 478. Leu Ursula 1972 Sursee 1:07.58,6 28.59,0 (6397) Diplom Video 6.47 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Leuba Sandrine, Versoix 1962 38.27,1 ----- (43007) Diplom Video 7.41 ¦ 5-W45 101. Leuba Sylvia 1962 Neuchâtel 25.25,7 5.34,8 (25019) Diplom Video 5.05 ¦ 10-W20 675. Leuenberger Anna 1983 Bern 1:02.40,0 26.01,6 (6118) Diplom Video 6.16 ¦ 5-SA 54. Leuenberger Anna 1998 Schlosswil 24.43,2 5.22,6 (22232) Diplom Video 4.56 ¦ 10-W30 164. Leuenberger Annick 1981 Zürich 53.11,8 14.13,9 (5252) Diplom Video 5.19 ¦ 5-MB 51. Leuenberger Barbara 1997 Melchnau 23.51,0 5.04,6 (24073) Diplom Video 4.46 ¦ 10-MA 36. Leuenberger Carmen 1994 Urtenen-Schönbühl 57.28,2 14.18,1 (2534) Diplom Video 5.44 ¦ 5-MB 84. Leuenberger Celina 1997 Felsberg 24.58,8 6.12,4 (23014) Diplom Video 4.59 ¦ 5-W45 351. Leuenberger Christine 1965 Felsberg 29.18,7 9.27,8 (25433) Diplom Video 5.51 ¦ 5-SA 184. Leuenberger Fabienne 1999 Wyssachen 28.51,5 9.30,9 (28435) Diplom Video 5.46 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Leuenberger Irene 1965 Holziken 2:06.32,6 ----- (14004) Diplom Video 8.26 ¦ 10-W35 352. Leuenberger Isabella 1972 Wangen b. Dübendorf 58.46,0 19.46,4 (4512) Diplom Video 5.52 ¦ 5-W30 107. Leuenberger Isabelle 1981 Bern 26.50,4 8.45,6 (25009) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 5-SA 73. Leuenberger Lea 1998 Schlosswil 25.43,4 6.22,8 (34135) Diplom Video 5.08 ¦ 10-W20 674. Leuenberger Luisa 1985 Bern 1:02.39,4 26.01,0 (6119) Diplom Video 6.15 ¦ G-Meile --- Leuenberger Lya 2003 Wangen b. Dübendorf 9.37,2 ----- (51111) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ Girls --- Leuenberger Lynn 2005 Wangen b. Dübendorf 2.53,5 ----- (53086) Diplom Video 5.47 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Leuenberger Margrit 1941 Männedorf 43.21,0 ----- (43175) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ 10-W45 63. Leuenberger Margrit 1964 Melchnau 48.51,8 8.33,5 (2125) Diplom Video 4.53 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Leuenberger Marianne 1958 Gunzwil 2:15.37,1 ----- (12037) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ G-Meile --- Leuenberger Nina 2002 Wyssachen 8.42,1 ----- (51112) Diplom Video 5.26 ¦ 5-MB 67. Leuenberger Rahel 1997 Melchnau 24.20,9 5.34,5 (21249) Diplom Video 4.52 ¦ 5-W60 37. Leuenberger Regina 1948 Dürrenroth 28.09,7 5.01,2 (34037) Diplom Video 5.37 ¦ 5-W40 212. Leuenberger Regula 1970 Bern 27.45,1 8.25,8 (34038) Diplom Video 5.33 ¦ 5-W40 268. Leuenberger Rosmarie 1967 Melchnau 28.44,4 9.25,1 (34397) Diplom Video 5.44 ¦ 5-MB 63. Leuenberger Sabrina, Düdingen 1996 OS Düdingen 24.07,9 5.21,5 (22233) Diplom Video 4.49 ¦ 5-MB 133. Leuenberger Sabrina, Gondiswil 1996 Jugendgruppe Gondiswil 26.04,6 7.18,2 (27018) Diplom Video 5.12 ¦ 5-JU 111. Leuenberger Stephanie 1993 Bern 27.44,9 8.16,6 (26189) Diplom Video 5.32 ¦ 5-MB 104. Leuenberger Vera 1997 Melchnau 25.30,3 6.43,9 (21250) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 5-W50 184. Leuenberger Yvonne 1960 Burgdorf 28.47,8 8.53,3 (26190) Diplom Video 5.45 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Leumann Monika 1972 Schliern b. Köniz 2:21.31,1 ----- (14078) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ 10-W40 415. Leupin Sandra 1968 Bern 56.56,4 19.41,1 (5028) Diplom Video 5.41 ¦ 5-W40 377. Leuppi Claudia 1967 Basel 29.58,5 10.39,2 (25220) Diplom Video 5.59 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Leuthold Barbara 1962 Hinterkappelen 2:10.23,4 ----- (13232) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ 10-W20 634. Leuthold Jaana 1987 Lyss 1:01.39,5 25.01,1 (4214) Diplom Video 6.09 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Leuthold Michèle 1980 Ottenbach 2:02.41,8 ----- (14097) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ 5-MB 228. Leuthold Nina 1997 Lenk im Simmental 27.34,2 8.47,8 (29409) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 5-W55 145. Leuthold Ursula 1954 Gais 32.35,6 12.46,8 (34398) Diplom Video 6.31 ¦ 10-W40 564. Leuzinger Claudia 1968 Bubendorf 1:03.41,2 26.25,9 (6008) Diplom Video 6.22 ¦ 5-W30 113. Leuzinger Nicole, CH 1980 adidas 27.00,7 8.55,9 (25648) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 5-MB 391. Leuzinger Sarah 1997 Bubendorf 30.00,7 11.14,3 (27069) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ 5-W35 370. Levanti Carole, Morges 1974 Chicas de oro 31.14,2 11.57,3 (29640) Diplom Video 6.14 ¦ 10-W50 230. Levasseur Nicole 1958 Vernamiège 58.43,9 18.45,6 (3453) Diplom Video 5.52 ¦ 10-W40 262. Lhote Sophie 1970 Nänikon 53.43,1 16.27,8 (2535) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 5W-NWSch --- Liberato Claudia 1995 Beringen 43.35,7 ----- (45200) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Liberato Jacqueline 1965 Beringen 2:20.08,7 ----- (14254) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ 10-W45 191. Libiszewski Birgit 1965 Bern 53.10,5 12.52,2 (3156) Diplom Video 5.19 ¦ 5-W35 221. Lichtensteiger Erika 1975 Romanshorn 28.27,0 9.10,1 (33232) Diplom Video 5.41 ¦ 5-MB 313. Liebe Anja Vera 1997 Thun 28.56,0 10.09,6 (30102) Diplom Video 5.47 ¦ 5-SA 29. Liebe Jana Sofie 1999 Thun 23.34,5 4.13,9 (23035) Diplom Video 4.42 ¦ 5-JU 46. Lieberherr Iris 1992 Dozwil 24.59,9 5.31,6 (21310) Diplom Video 4.59 ¦ 5-SA 288. Liebi Angelina, Herbligen 1998 OSZ Belp 31.51,4 12.30,8 (34250) Diplom Video 6.22 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Liebi Evelyne 1963 Hindelbank 1:59.18,4 ----- (12277) Diplom Video 7.57 ¦ 5-W20 541. Liechti Andrea 1985 Bern 28.29,6 9.33,6 (29322) Diplom Video 5.41 ¦ 5-W40 149. Liechti Anita 1971 Eriswil 26.38,8 7.19,5 (24586) Diplom Video 5.19 ¦ 5-SB 67. Liechti Annika 2001 Dieterswil 29.22,6 8.24,2 (30163) Diplom Video 5.52 ¦ 10-W35 145. Liechti Corinne 1973 Burgdorf 52.19,5 13.19,9 (4215) Diplom Video 5.13 ¦ G-Meile --- Liechti Jill Li 2002 Bern 7.55,7 ----- (51048) Diplom Video 4.57 ¦ 5-W55 83. Liechti Kaethi 1955 Krauchthal 29.43,0 9.54,2 (25188) Diplom Video 5.56 ¦ 10-W20 436. Liechti Lisa 1987 Röthenbach im Emmental 56.40,3 20.01,9 (4513) Diplom Video 5.40 ¦ 10-W20 54. Liechti-Odermatt Felicia 1983 Konolfingen 46.45,5 10.07,1 (1093) Diplom Video 4.40 ¦ 10-W65 28. Liechti Rosmarie 1942 Riehen 1:24.52,1 34.19,5 (6328) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ 10-W20 359. Liechti Sonja 1983 Thun 55.01,6 18.23,2 (3476) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 5-W45 140. Liechti Susanna 1966 Lostorf 26.09,6 6.18,7 (22234) Diplom Video 5.13 ¦ 5-W40 317. Liechti Susanne 1967 Dieterswil 29.18,8 9.59,5 (30164) Diplom Video 5.51 ¦ 5-W50 107. Liechti Verena 1959 Eggiwil 27.22,5 7.28,0 (24437) Diplom Video 5.28 ¦ 5-W35 161. Liem Dewi 1973 Sissach 27.26,8 8.09,9 (24359) Diplom Video 5.29 ¦ 5-W40 134. Lienammer Rahel 1970 Pfäffikon ZH 26.22,5 7.03,2 (28208) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 5-MA 320. Lienert Alina, Embrach 1995 Hot Chilis 29.41,8 10.03,7 (29618) Diplom Video 5.56 ¦ 5-MB 365. Lienert Chiara, Embrach 1996 Hot Chilis 29.39,0 10.52,6 (29619) Diplom Video 5.55 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lienert Regina 1964 Embrach 47.26,8 ----- (46253) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ 5-W50 306. Lienert Susanne 1960 Aesch BL 31.50,1 11.55,6 (30489) Diplom Video 6.22 ¦ 5-MA 157. Lienhard Annina, Kehrsatz 1994 Gymnasium Kirchenfeld Ber 26.51,6 7.13,5 (26191) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 5-W45 401. Lienhard Barbara 1962 Oberglatt ZH 30.02,1 10.11,2 (31287) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ 5-W20 1135. Lienhard Kathrin 1983 Zürich 34.52,0 15.56,0 (33560) Diplom Video 6.58 ¦ 5-MA 493. Lienhart Anaïs, Wil SG 1994 Mädchensekundarschule St. 36.07,1 16.29,0 (32250) Diplom Video 7.13 ¦ 5-W30 437. Lienin Monica 1977 Zürich 36.50,1 18.45,3 (31371) Diplom Video 7.22 ¦ 10-W60 71. Lier Hedy 1951 Cham 1:05.54,6 24.13,4 (5253) Diplom Video 6.35 ¦ 5-MB 267. Liesch Lina 1996 Herrenschwanden 28.19,2 9.32,8 (23323) Diplom Video 5.39 ¦ 5-MA 342. Lieske Janne, Burgdorf 1995 Oberstufe Pestalozzi, Bur 30.05,5 10.27,4 (30165) Diplom Video 6.01 ¦ 10-W40 25. Limacher Alice 1969 Sarnen 45.46,7 8.31,4 (1156) Diplom Video 4.34 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Limacher Annarosa 1971 Wiggen 41.23,5 ----- (46193) Diplom Video 8.16 ¦ 5-W20 264. Limacher Corina 1984 Müllheim Dorf 26.08,7 7.12,7 (33479) Diplom Video 5.13 ¦ 5-MB 311. Limacher Daria 1997 Sarnen 28.53,7 10.07,3 (25015) Diplom Video 5.46 ¦ 10-W30 101. Limacher Jolanda 1979 Horgen 50.48,2 11.50,3 (4216) Diplom Video 5.04 ¦ 5-MA 418. Limacher Julia, Alpnach Dorf 1994 Kantonsschule Sarnen (OW) 32.04,9 12.26,8 (24171) Diplom Video 6.24 ¦ 10-W20 454. Limacher Regula, Bern 1989 Berner Fachhochschule 57.09,6 20.31,2 (3650) Diplom Video 5.42 ¦ 10-W60 7. Limacher Rösli 1950 Alpnach Dorf 51.44,5 10.03,3 (2306) Diplom Video 5.10 ¦ 10-W55 34. Limbach Christine 1956 Schüpfen 52.44,1 7.32,6 (3613) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 10-W40 312. Lindauer Eva 1971 Steinen 54.55,7 17.40,4 (3303) Diplom Video 5.29 ¦ 5-W40 497. Lindauer Sylvie 1967 Meggen 32.02,7 12.43,4 (33233) Diplom Video 6.24 ¦ 5-W55 106. Lindblom Maud 1955 Zweisimmen 30.50,3 11.01,5 (25123) Diplom Video 6.10 ¦ 5-W30 452. Lindenmann Barbara 1979 Dürrenäsch 39.49,2 21.44,4 (34399) Diplom Video 7.57 ¦ 10-W35 378. Lindenmann Sarah 1975 Root 59.50,7 20.51,1 (3350) Diplom Video 5.59 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Linder Andrea 1963 Ebnat-Kappel 2:02.17,2 ----- (12140) Diplom Video 8.09 ¦ 5-W45 264. Linder Manuela 1964 Bern 28.07,7 8.16,8 (25172) Diplom Video 5.37 ¦ 5-W50 408. Linder Susanne 1957 Utzigen 38.20,0 18.25,5 (33095) Diplom Video 7.40 ¦ 10-W45 409. Lingg Maria 1963 Uffikon 59.16,6 18.58,3 (5254) Diplom Video 5.55 ¦ 5-W40 629. Lingg Susanne 1969 Uettligen 36.47,6 17.28,3 (33135) Diplom Video 7.21 ¦ 5-W30 247. Liniger Dominique 1978 Bern 29.50,9 11.46,1 (30097) Diplom Video 5.58 ¦ 5-W20 468. Liniger Dominique Nadiya 1987 Luzern 28.04,0 9.08,0 (28209) Diplom Video 5.36 ¦ 10-W30 368. Liniger Doris 1981 Beringen 1:02.08,8 23.10,9 (6287) Diplom Video 6.12 ¦ 5-W35 305. Liniger Simone 1975 Bern 29.51,1 10.34,2 (30098) Diplom Video 5.58 ¦ 10-W40 587. Linsi Petra 1967 Ottenbach 1:05.42,6 28.27,3 (6120) Diplom Video 6.34 ¦ 10-W40 516. Lintzen Sabine 1967 Oberengstringen 1:00.15,1 22.59,8 (4217) Diplom Video 6.01 ¦ 5-W55 176. Lipp Alexa 1953 Geuensee 34.32,4 14.43,6 (33019) Diplom Video 6.54 ¦ 5-MA 304. Lipp Melanie, Menznau 1995 Frei's Schulen Luzern 29.23,0 9.44,9 (28436) Diplom Video 5.52 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lippuner Abrego Blanca Eugenia 1955 Grabs 2:23.11,9 ----- (14292) Diplom Video 9.32 ¦ 5-W40 595. Lischer Judith 1969 Luzern 34.49,1 15.29,8 (30357) Diplom Video 6.57 ¦ 5-W35 83. Lischer Rahel, Bern 1973 The crazy Fafas 25.31,4 6.14,5 (22235) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lischer Renate 1963 Savigny 2:05.33,4 ----- (13272) Diplom Video 8.22 ¦ 5-W45 335. Lischer Renate 1962 Mauensee 29.11,9 9.21,0 (25143) Diplom Video 5.50 ¦ 5-W40 357. Lischetti Hurni Sandra 1968 Wallenbuch 29.47,9 10.28,6 (26192) Diplom Video 5.57 ¦ 10-W40 495. Litscher Renate 1969 Hedingen 59.25,7 22.10,4 (3069) Diplom Video 5.56 ¦ 10-W45 172. Llaury Isabelle 1966 Gockhausen 52.41,9 12.23,6 (2536) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lo Giudice Angela 1968 Bern 2:08.24,2 ----- (13329) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ 5-W65 45. Loeber-Erni Beatrice 1946 Thalwil 33.58,8 10.39,6 (29317) Diplom Video 6.47 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lobo Marie-Constance 1958 Lavigny 41.27,7 ----- (43094) Diplom Video 8.17 ¦ 10-W50 247. Lobsiger Verena 1958 Grosshöchstetten 59.31,7 19.33,4 (6370) Diplom Video 5.57 ¦ 5-W20 445. Locher Adriana 1988 Goldach 27.51,8 8.55,8 (28210) Diplom Video 5.34 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Locher Daniela 1969 Oberschan 47.13,5 ----- (45201) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ 5-MB 409. Locher Filippa, Thundorf 1997 Mädchensekundarschule St. 30.22,2 11.35,8 (32251) Diplom Video 6.04 ¦ 5-W20 1063. Locher Fleur, Zürich 1991 Club der Töchter 33.31,5 14.35,5 (29496) Diplom Video 6.42 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Locher Margrith 1957 Meiringen 46.11,4 ----- (43283) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ 10-W50 192. Locher Marlies 1960 Mels 56.59,1 17.00,8 (3495) Diplom Video 5.41 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Locher Romy 1965 Grosshöchstetten 2:16.08,1 ----- (13131) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Locher Sandra 1989 Leukerbad 46.19,1 ----- (42151) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Locher Susanne 1972 Seuzach 42.03,4 ----- (44017) Diplom Video 8.24 ¦ 10-W35 271. Locher-Tanner Michèle 1972 Uerikon 56.14,1 17.14,5 (2537) Diplom Video 5.37 ¦ 5-SA 182. Locher Xenija, Thundorf 1998 Mädchensekundarschule St. 28.48,7 9.28,1 (32252) Diplom Video 5.45 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lochmann Franziska 1966 Rohr b. Olten 2:07.37,3 ----- (12063) Diplom Video 8.30 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Löffel Irene 1959 Münsingen 44.07,7 ----- (44008) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ 5-W40 155. Loegel Nicole 1968 Riggisberg 26.47,4 7.28,1 (24403) Diplom Video 5.21 ¦ 5-W30 417. Logodin Karine, Vevey 1980 Helsana 35.16,2 17.11,4 (34308) Diplom Video 7.03 ¦ G-Meile --- Lohm Alina 2000 Lohn-Ammannsegg 11.52,0 ----- (52054) Diplom Video 7.25 ¦ 10-W40 221. Lohm Christine 1967 Lohn-Ammannsegg 52.47,4 15.32,1 (1431) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ G-Meile --- Lohm Svea 2002 Lohn-Ammannsegg 9.54,7 ----- (51049) Diplom Video 6.11 ¦ 5-SA 85. Lohner Stefanie 1998 Brienz BE 26.02,5 6.41,9 (24123) Diplom Video 5.12 ¦ G-Meile --- Löhrer Eliane 1999 Müselbach 11.13,1 ----- (52119) Diplom Video 7.00 ¦ 5-W30 246. Lohrer Evelyn, Zürich 1980 BFH Runners 29.48,4 11.43,6 (28212) Diplom Video 5.57 ¦ G-Meile --- Löhrer Melanie 2000 Sirnach 10.20,1 ----- (52055) Diplom Video 6.27 ¦ 10-W35 137. Löhrer Monika 1973 Sirnach 52.09,0 13.09,4 (2719) Diplom Video 5.12 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lohri-Newman Diane 1942 Lyss 49.09,0 ----- (45082) Diplom Video 9.49 ¦ 10-W45 246. Lohri-Zaugg Ursula 1962 Münsingen 54.44,6 14.26,3 (3351) Diplom Video 5.28 ¦ 5-W20 992. Lois Manuela 1984 Bern 32.38,4 13.42,4 (32566) Diplom Video 6.31 ¦ 5-W35 242. Lolli-Traffa Daniela 1974 Münchenbuchsee 28.43,9 9.27,0 (26193) Diplom Video 5.44 ¦ 5-W20 711. Loop Cornelia, Lenzerheide 1991 Team Fierz 29.42,6 10.46,6 (25396) Diplom Video 5.56 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Looser Christine 1964 Warth 2:24.12,9 ----- (14197) Diplom Video 9.36 ¦ 10-W20 328. Loosli Andrea 1983 Thun 54.13,5 17.35,1 (4218) Diplom Video 5.25 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Loosli Brigitte 1962 Roggwil BE 2:00.18,5 ----- (12241) Diplom Video 8.01 ¦ 10-W20 236. Loosli Daniela, Herzogenbuchsee 1988 Club der Töchter 52.24,7 15.46,3 (6581) Diplom Video 5.14 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Loosli-Hiller Brigitte 1964 Bubendorf 42.02,2 ----- (44011) Diplom Video 8.24 ¦ 5-W35 85. Loosli Manuela 1974 Wyssachen 25.35,5 6.18,6 (25298) Diplom Video 5.07 ¦ 10-Jun 44. Loosli Manuela 1993 Roggwil BE 59.59,0 16.38,3 (4219) Diplom Video 5.59 ¦ 5-W20 679. Loosli Patrizia 1986 Bern 29.26,8 10.30,8 (31001) Diplom Video 5.53 ¦ 5-W40 113. Loosli Pirjo 1968 Herzogenbuchsee 25.54,5 6.35,2 (23283) Diplom Video 5.10 ¦ 5-MB 496. Lopez Jessica, Luzern 1997 OZ Tribschen 31.41,3 12.54,9 (28213) Diplom Video 6.20 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lopez Silvia 1973 Köniz 2:00.02,5 ----- (12038) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Löpfe Diana 1979 St. Gallen 46.18,6 ----- (44153) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ 5-W20 181. Löpfe Janine 1989 Häggenschwil 25.09,3 6.13,3 (22372) Diplom Video 5.01 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lorber Jeannette 1962 Zürich 2:03.28,7 ----- (12188) Diplom Video 8.13 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lördemann Antje 1940 Urdorf 2:30.04,2 ----- (14293) Diplom Video 10.00 ¦ 5-MA 199. Lorenz Viola 1995 Belp 27.24,9 7.46,8 (24048) Diplom Video 5.28 ¦ 10-MA 2. Loretan Ariane 1994 Brig 43.21,5 0.11,4 (1176) Diplom Video 4.20 ¦ 10-W40 420. Loretan Edith 1969 Naters 57.03,8 19.48,5 (4220) Diplom Video 5.42 ¦ 10-W30 186. Loretan Isabelle 1977 Seftigen 54.07,4 15.09,5 (3568) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Loretan-Julen Rebekka 1981 Ried-Brig 45.48,0 ----- (42152) Diplom Video 9.09 ¦ G-Meile --- Loretan Melanie 2000 Naters 11.19,1 ----- (52056) Diplom Video 7.04 ¦ 10-W40 332. Lorez Alexandra 1969 Bern 55.15,1 17.59,8 (2343) Diplom Video 5.31 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lorretan Margrit 1961 Wattenwil 39.11,2 ----- (43073) Diplom Video 7.50 ¦ 10-W35 90. Lörtscher Melanie 1974 Wilderswil 50.02,5 11.02,9 (2656) Diplom Video 5.00 ¦ 5-JU 185. Lörtscher Sabrina 1993 Heimberg 30.09,8 10.41,5 (26196) Diplom Video 6.01 ¦ 5-JU 78. Losa Gianna, Mörschwil 1993 flade notker 26.20,9 6.52,6 (28214) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 5-MB 378. Loesch Corina, Schmerikon 1996 Kanti Wattwil 29.49,2 11.02,8 (28211) Diplom Video 5.57 ¦ 5-W20 1011. Loser Amanda 1985 Derendingen 32.53,0 13.57,0 (33413) Diplom Video 6.34 ¦ 10-W30 23. Loser Esther 1977 Kreuzlingen 45.45,9 6.48,0 (1247) Diplom Video 4.34 ¦ 5-W45 525. Losinger Prisca 1963 Köniz 32.10,9 12.20,0 (31125) Diplom Video 6.26 ¦ 5-SB 116. Losinger Sophia 2000 Köniz 32.11,9 11.13,5 (31126) Diplom Video 6.26 ¦ 5-W55 14. Lötscher Anita 1955 Ilanz 24.47,8 4.59,0 (21281) Diplom Video 4.57 ¦ 5-JU 181. Lötscher Anna 1992 Turtmann 30.04,7 10.36,4 (32254) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lötscher Erika 1954 Grosswangen 49.41,0 ----- (45203) Diplom Video 9.56 ¦ 5-W30 136. Lötscher Manuela 1981 Luzern 27.39,7 9.34,9 (33483) Diplom Video 5.31 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lötscher Margrit 1956 Gisikon 46.09,2 ----- (46040) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ 10-W35 46. Lötscher Sandra 1974 Luzern Reussbühl 47.43,9 8.44,3 (1575) Diplom Video 4.46 ¦ 5-W20 578. Lötscher Wilma 1983 Bern 28.40,3 9.44,3 (32631) Diplom Video 5.44 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lott Evelyne 1964 Uerikon 46.10,4 ----- (43040) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ 10-W40 524. Loukos Nina 1970 Rolle 1:00.50,3 23.35,0 (5360) Diplom Video 6.05 ¦ 10-W50 354. Lourens Doris 1958 Spiegel b. Bern 1:18.50,5 38.52,2 (6355) Diplom Video 7.53 ¦ 10-W35 466. Lövgren Tanja 1976 Lausanne 1:06.54,9 27.55,3 (5611) Diplom Video 6.41 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lucarelli Margrit 1963 Bern 2:07.01,8 ----- (13309) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ 10-W50 339. Lucassen Kornelia 1958 D-Kandern 1:06.52,5 26.54,2 (6202) Diplom Video 6.41 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Luccini Carmen 1970 Port 48.39,0 ----- (44152) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ 5-W20 491. Lucek Anja 1991 Meiringen 28.12,3 9.16,3 (23249) Diplom Video 5.38 ¦ 10-W20 761. Lüchinger Alexandra 1984 St. Gallen 1:16.20,2 39.41,8 (6398) Diplom Video 7.38 ¦ 10-W30 435. Luechinger Caroline 1978 Tennwil 1:08.33,9 29.36,0 (6288) Diplom Video 6.51 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lüchinger Rita 1958 St. Gallen 2:28.36,9 ----- (14160) Diplom Video 9.54 ¦ 5-W35 421. Luchs Rachel 1974 Niederscherli 33.02,7 13.45,8 (33234) Diplom Video 6.36 ¦ 10-W20 360. Luchsinger Karin 1983 Wohlen AG 55.03,3 18.24,9 (4514) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 5-JU 113. Luchsinger Larissa 1993 Schlieren 27.49,5 8.21,2 (25299) Diplom Video 5.33 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Luchsinger Margreth 1967 Schwanden GL 2:20.02,6 ----- (13060) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ 5-W40 440. Luder Dominique 1967 Koppigen 30.49,2 11.29,9 (26425) Diplom Video 6.09 ¦ 10-W45 520. Luder Karin 1962 Uzwil 1:07.20,6 27.02,3 (6121) Diplom Video 6.44 ¦ G-Meile --- Luder Naomi 2000 Koppigen 10.41,1 ----- (52120) Diplom Video 6.40 ¦ 5-W20 431. Luder Simone 1983 Bern 27.43,4 8.47,4 (33041) Diplom Video 5.32 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Lüdi Anita 1977 Wangen an der Aare 40.01,9 ----- (41131) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ 10-W40 573. Lüdi-Jörg Annette 1967 Utzigen 1:04.31,9 27.16,6 (4013) Diplom Video 6.27 ¦ 5-MA 350. Luedi Laura Annina, Bern 1994 Gymnasium Kirchenfeld Ber 30.14,3 10.36,2 (22236) Diplom Video 6.02 ¦ 5-SB 104. Lüdi Sarina, Gommiswald 2000 Jugi Gommiswald 31.23,5 10.25,1 (25300) Diplom Video 6.16 ¦ 5-W45 98. Lüdin Regina 1963 Hemmiken 25.18,6 5.27,7 (22008) Diplom Video 5.03 ¦ 5-W35 309. Ludl Akoja 1976 Wohlen AG 29.56,0 10.39,1 (33480) Diplom Video 5.59 ¦ 5-W30 254. Ludl Simona 1981 Wohlen AG 29.55,6 11.50,8 (33481) Diplom Video 5.59 ¦ 10-W20 224. Ludwig Andrea 1986 St. Gallen 52.08,7 15.30,3 (2745) Diplom Video 5.12 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Ludwig Elisabeth, Sagogn 1944 Migros 2:12.06,6 ----- (13083) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ 5-W20 372. Ludwig Ursina 1985 Bern 27.15,6 8.19,6 (25603) Diplom Video 5.27 ¦ 10-W35 110. Luggauer Evelyn 1976 Chur 51.06,3 12.06,7 (2063) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 5-W55 67. Luggen Christine 1956 Glis 28.46,4 8.57,6 (34148) Diplom Video 5.45 ¦ 5-W40 527. Luginbühl Monika 1967 Bern 32.36,6 13.17,3 (33482) Diplom Video 6.31 ¦ 5-JU 187. Luginbühl Tamara, Wilderswil 1992 Club der Töchter 30.11,9 10.43,6 (29497) Diplom Video 6.02 ¦ 15-Walk --- Luisier Erica 1941 Confignon 1:57.11,3 ----- (11053) Diplom Video 7.48 ¦ 5-SA 64. Luisoni Tosca, Berikon 1999 Kreisschule Mutschellen, 25.21,2 6.00,6 (31194) Diplom Video 5.04 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Lukas Karin 1967 Muttenz 42.56,1 ----- (41068) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ 10-W35 428. Lukaszewski Tanja 1974 Ostermundigen 1:01.49,9 22.50,3 (5342) Diplom Video 6.10 ¦ 10-W35 480. Lukesch Anne 1976 Langenthal 1:08.09,1 29.09,5 (5548) Diplom Video 6.48 ¦ 10-W50 43. Lueoend Isabella 1959 Chur 49.04,1 9.05,8 (1337) Diplom Video 4.54 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lüönd Anita 1953 Sattel 2:10.57,4 ----- (13040) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lüönd Marlis 1959 Brunnen 47.20,7 ----- (45204) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ 5-W20 67. Lüpold Barbara 1984 Aarau 22.59,1 4.03,1 (21203) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 5-SA 247. Lüpold Nina 1999 Bern 30.28,9 11.08,3 (27169) Diplom Video 6.05 ¦ 5-W35 168. Lüpold Sahron 1973 Bern 27.32,4 8.15,5 (24587) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 10-W30 331. Lüscher Andrea 1979 Schlierbach 1:00.00,9 21.03,0 (5519) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ 5-W40 646. Lüscher Barbara, Kloten 1970 Migros 39.49,6 20.30,3 (29038) Diplom Video 7.57 ¦ 10-W40 156. Lüscher Barbara 1971 Herzogenbuchsee 51.25,0 14.09,7 (2707) Diplom Video 5.08 ¦ 5-W35 183. Lüscher Barbara 1972 Allschwil 27.48,7 8.31,8 (34190) Diplom Video 5.33 ¦ 10-W20 225. Lüscher Barbara 1983 Wabern 52.09,1 15.30,7 (6289) Diplom Video 5.12 ¦ 5-W50 260. Lüscher Claudine 1959 Brunnen 30.34,9 10.40,4 (28218) Diplom Video 6.06 ¦ 5-W45 174. Lüscher Erika 1964 Langenthal 26.53,1 7.02,2 (24173) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 5-W55 162. Lüscher Heidi 1952 Adlikon b. Regensdorf 33.43,4 13.54,6 (5255) Diplom Video 6.44 ¦ 5-W45 211. Lüscher-Neidhart Ursula 1965 Aarburg 27.27,7 7.36,8 (22238) Diplom Video 5.29 ¦ 5-SA 167. Lüscher Sarah, Kloten 1999 Migros 28.34,4 9.13,8 (29039) Diplom Video 5.42 ¦ 5-W55 108. Lüscher Vero 1955 Oberbözberg 30.53,6 11.04,8 (29588) Diplom Video 6.10 ¦ 5-W20 118. Lusser Bigna 1987 Bern 24.10,4 5.14,4 (21218) Diplom Video 4.50 ¦ 5-W60 25. Lusser Gunda 1947 Bern 27.04,3 3.55,8 (24229) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 10-W20 678. Lusser Vera 1984 Bern 1:02.48,0 26.09,6 (5027) Diplom Video 6.16 ¦ 5-MB 526. Lussi Livia, Luzern 1997 OZ Tribschen 32.05,3 13.18,9 (28215) Diplom Video 6.25 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lüssi Monika 1952 Wetzikon ZH 2:10.46,4 ----- (13152) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lussi Simone, Dierikon 1984 BFH Runners 42.49,1 ----- (43115) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ 10-W40 302. Lustenberger Brigitta 1971 Gross 54.43,8 17.28,5 (6476) Diplom Video 5.28 ¦ 10-W20 188. Lustenberger Christina 1988 Bern 51.21,1 14.42,7 (2538) Diplom Video 5.08 ¦ 10-W20 53. Lustenberger Kathrin, Bern 1988 Club der Töchter 46.44,9 10.06,5 (6582) Diplom Video 4.40 ¦ 10-W40 290. Lustenberger-Meier Monika 1969 Kölliken 54.28,1 17.12,8 (2673) Diplom Video 5.26 ¦ 5-W30 377. Lustenberger Petra 1978 Adliswil 33.09,0 15.04,2 (28216) Diplom Video 6.37 ¦ 15-Walk --- Lustenberger Regina 1950 Genève 2:03.04,6 ----- (11054) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ 5W-WalkS --- Lüthi Aline, Burgdorf 1997 Oberstufe Pestalozzi, Bur 52.46,4 ----- (42048) Diplom Video 10.33 ¦ 5-MB 191. Lüthi Andrina 1996 Burgdorf 27.03,5 8.17,1 (23302) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 10-W60 64. Lüthi Angela 1950 Thun 1:03.26,7 21.45,5 (5178) Diplom Video 6.20 ¦ 5-W50 416. Lüthi Barbara, Magglingen/Macolin 1960 Les follos 40.50,3 20.55,8 (33239) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ 5-W40 562. Luethi Beatrice 1971 Gümmenen 33.41,8 14.22,5 (32567) Diplom Video 6.44 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lüthi Beatrix 1964 Mühlethurnen 2:08.37,3 ----- (14039) Diplom Video 8.34 ¦ 5-W45 289. Lüthi Christa 1965 Ittigen 28.35,1 8.44,2 (21316) Diplom Video 5.43 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lüthi Christine 1972 Burgdorf 41.03,8 ----- (44154) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lüthi Claudia 1967 Aarwangen 40.59,9 ----- (43278) Diplom Video 8.11 ¦ 5-JU 270. Lüthi Claudia 1993 Niederwangen b. Bern 33.39,9 14.11,6 (25547) Diplom Video 6.43 ¦ 5-W40 636. Lüthi-Diggelmann Andrea 1968 Dübendorf 38.12,0 18.52,7 (34350) Diplom Video 7.38 ¦ 5-W65 1. Lüthi Emmi 1944 Burgdorf 23.19,2 ----- (21096) Diplom Video 4.39 ¦ 5-W30 312. Lüthi Eveline 1980 Hindelbank 31.14,8 13.10,0 (29262) Diplom Video 6.14 ¦ 5-W20 549. Lüthi Isabelle 1986 Bern 28.30,8 9.34,8 (34040) Diplom Video 5.42 ¦ 10-W30 300. Lüthi Karin 1978 Belp 58.55,4 19.57,5 (3035) Diplom Video 5.53 ¦ 10-W55 71. Luethi Katharina 1953 Burgdorf 56.10,5 10.59,0 (4426) Diplom Video 5.37 ¦ 5-MB 186. Lüthi Kathrin 1996 Mühlethurnen 26.56,3 8.09,9 (29148) Diplom Video 5.23 ¦ 5-W40 570. Lüthi Katrin 1970 Heimberg 33.54,0 14.34,7 (26197) Diplom Video 6.46 ¦ 10-W20 632. Lüthi Marie-Louise 1983 Winterthur 1:01.27,9 24.49,5 (5034) Diplom Video 6.08 ¦ 5-MB 366. Lüthi Michelle, Bremgarten b. Bern 1996 FC Goldstern, B-Juniorinn 29.39,3 10.52,9 (34041) Diplom Video 5.55 ¦ 10-W40 570. Lüthi Miriam 1971 Winterthur 1:04.06,1 26.50,8 (4515) Diplom Video 6.24 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lüthi Monika 1948 Thörishaus 44.14,0 ----- (46245) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ 5-SA 218. Lüthi Pascale, Bremgarten b. Bern 1998 FC Goldstern, B-Juniorinn 29.39,9 10.19,3 (34042) Diplom Video 5.55 ¦ 10-W40 249. Lüthi Pia 1971 Duggingen 53.22,6 16.07,3 (2380) Diplom Video 5.20 ¦ 5-W35 429. Lüthi Rahel 1976 Uetendorf 33.19,6 14.02,7 (29329) Diplom Video 6.39 ¦ 5-W20 183. Lüthi Ramona 1991 Mühlethurnen 25.10,9 6.14,9 (24527) Diplom Video 5.02 ¦ 10-W55 167. Lüthi Ruth 1953 Hägendorf 1:06.42,9 21.31,4 (6214) Diplom Video 6.40 ¦ 5-MB 513. Lüthi Sandra, Burgdorf 1997 Oberstufe Pestalozzi, Bur 31.58,0 13.11,6 (30166) Diplom Video 6.23 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lüthi Sonja 1973 Steffisburg 2:16.59,6 ----- (14260) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ 5-SA 92. Lüthi Sophie 1998 Mühlethurnen 26.37,6 7.17,0 (26198) Diplom Video 5.19 ¦ 5-MB 362. Lüthi Tamara, Oberburg 1996 Schule Oberburg 29.32,6 10.46,2 (26427) Diplom Video 5.54 ¦ 5-MB 383. Lüthi Tanja, Oberburg 1996 Schule Oberburg 29.52,1 11.05,7 (26428) Diplom Video 5.58 ¦ 5-W50 33. Lüthi Ursula, Glarus 1958 Büel-Joggerinnen 25.02,8 5.08,3 (22039) Diplom Video 5.00 ¦ 5-JU 225. Lüthin Sara, Wettingen 1992 Kantonsschule Wettingen 31.45,4 12.17,1 (34043) Diplom Video 6.21 ¦ 5-W45 566. Lüthy Esther 1965 Steinen 33.15,9 13.25,0 (33240) Diplom Video 6.39 ¦ 5-SA 295. Lüthy Rahel, Uetendorf 1998 Schule Uetendorf 32.04,2 12.43,6 (34044) Diplom Video 6.24 ¦ 5-JU 208. Lüthy Ramona 1993 Steinen 30.54,0 11.25,7 (28219) Diplom Video 6.10 ¦ 5-W20 865. Lüthy Sarah 1991 Steinen 31.15,1 12.19,1 (28220) Diplom Video 6.15 ¦ 5W-Walk --- Lütolf Anna 1937 Knutwil 50.48,8 ----- (42131) Diplom Video 10.09 ¦ 5W-NWalk --- Lütolf Rita 1954 Dagmersellen 46.11,9 ----- (43074) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ 10-W45 224. Lütolf Yolanda 1964 Sempach 54.05,5 13.47,2 (2539) Diplom Video 5.24 ¦ 10-W30 342. Lutz Ambühl Stefanie 1981 Niederwangen b. Bern 1:00.32,6 21.34,7 (6356) Diplom Video 6.03 ¦ 10-W20 720. Lutz Cindy 1982 Utzigen 1:05.50,6 29.12,2 (5603) Diplom Video 6.35 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lutz Claudia 1953 Galgenen 2:25.57,7 ----- (14022) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ 10-W35 359. Lutz Cornelia 1975 Wittenbach 58.58,6 19.59,0 (3386) Diplom Video 5.53 ¦ 15-Walk --- Lutz Erika 1964 Elsau 1:54.48,9 ----- (11055) Diplom Video 7.39 ¦ 15-NWalk --- Lutziger Catherine 1958 Genève 2:30.02,7 ----- (14198) Diplom Video 10.00 ¦ 5-MB 171. Luzio Ladina, Züberwangen 1997 Mädchensekundarschule St. 26.45,1 7.58,7 (32253) Diplom Video 5.21 ¦ Girls --- Lyner Ella, Bremgarten b. Bern 2006 Helsana 3.15,4 ----- (53038) Diplom Video 6.30 ¦ 10-W40 596. Lyon Sibylle 1968 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 1:06.27,5 29.12,2 (6122) Diplom Video 6.38 ¦
Total 564
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