(205) Herren Volksläufer

41. Engadin Skimarathon 2009 - (205) Herren Volksläufer

Rang Name und Vorname Jg Land/Ort Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall km/h ¦ -Silvaplana ¦ -Ziel ¦ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Uhl Adrian 1994 D-Steinach 1:15.30,9 ----- (55126) Diplom H-Mann 32. 16,762 ¦ 35.50 1.¦ 39.40 1.¦ 2. Müller Kilian Steivan 1994 Unterägeri 1:23.25,0 7.54,1 (55083) Diplom H-Mann 49. 15,174 ¦ 38.09 3.¦ 45.15 2.¦ 3. Benz Thomas 1980 Lyss 1:25.46,2 10.15,3 (55228) Diplom H-Mann 59. 14,758 ¦ 37.39 2.¦ 48.06 6.¦ 4. Rettenegger Erich 1959 A-Innsbruck 1:27.16,1 11.45,2 (55245) Diplom H-Mann 65. 14,504 ¦ 39.47 6.¦ 47.28 5.¦ 5. Oberholzer Rainer 1965 St. Moritz 1:27.28,4 11.57,5 (55264) Diplom H-Mann 66. 14,470 ¦ 40.13 8.¦ 47.14 3.¦ 6. Slistin Boris 1974 RUS-Moscow 1:28.14,5 12.43,6 (55216) Diplom H-Mann 70. 14,344 ¦ 40.48 11.¦ 47.26 4.¦ 7. Tracq Jean-Baptiste 1980 F-Saint Jean de Maur 1:29.13,7 13.42,8 (55124) Diplom H-Mann 72. 14,186 ¦ 38.47 5.¦ 50.26 9.¦ 8. Feldmann Werner 1955 Schänis 1:29.46,4 14.15,5 (55030) Diplom H-Mann 75. 14,100 ¦ 38.37 4.¦ 51.09 12.¦ 9. Karrer Yves 1994 Bever 1:31.01,0 15.30,1 (55058) Diplom H-Mann 79. 13,907 ¦ 41.59 13.¦ 49.01 7.¦ 10. Bäbler Stefan 1993 Elm 1:31.30,2 15.59,3 (55007) Diplom H-Mann 83. 13,833 ¦ 40.47 10.¦ 50.42 10.¦ 11. Barthmann Ralf 1965 D-Fichtelberg 1:31.54,4 16.23,5 (55192) Diplom H-Mann 85. 13,772 ¦ 41.58 12.¦ 49.56 8.¦ 12. Zoss Reto 1993 Münsingen 1:33.01,6 17.30,7 (55146) Diplom H-Mann 93. 13,607 ¦ 39.51 7.¦ 53.10 14.¦ 13. Brogli Manuel 1993 Liestal 1:34.50,5 19.19,6 (55017) Diplom H-Mann 99. 13,346 ¦ 43.54 17.¦ 50.56 11.¦ 13. Oberholzer Benjamin Da 1994 St. Moritz 1:34.50,5 19.19,6 (55184) Diplom H-Mann 99. 13,346 ¦ 42.59 15.¦ 51.51 13.¦ 15. Dietsche Nico 1992 Zizers 1:37.11,7 21.40,8 (55197) Diplom H-Mann 109. 13,023 ¦ 43.09 16.¦ 54.02 18.¦ 16. Hunziker Ernst 1961 Lostorf 1:37.31,2 22.00,3 (55049) Diplom H-Mann 111. 12,980 ¦ 42.34 14.¦ 54.57 26.¦ 17. Schaub Theo 1961 Zumikon 1:37.45,8 22.14,9 (55102) Diplom H-Mann 112. 12,947 ¦ 44.21 19.¦ 53.24 16.¦ 18. Gredig Thomas 1984 Portein 1:38.40,9 23.10,0 (55040) Diplom H-Mann 117. 12,827 ¦ 44.16 18.¦ 54.24 20.¦ 19. von Schulthess Roman 1994 St. Gallen 1:40.13,2 24.42,3 (55130) Diplom H-Mann 121. 12,630 ¦ 47.01 28.¦ 53.11 15.¦ 20. Kramer Axel 1969 Wettingen 1:40.27,3 24.56,4 (55274) Diplom H-Mann 123. 12,600 ¦ 45.54 22.¦ 54.33 22.¦ 21. Rieder Walter 1949 Kippel 1:40.46,9 25.16,0 (55262) Diplom H-Mann 125. 12,560 ¦ 47.18 30.¦ 53.28 17.¦ 22. Kühn Andreas 1981 Au ZH 1:41.07,5 25.36,6 (55177) Diplom H-Mann 126. 12,517 ¦ 45.26 20.¦ 55.41 30.¦ 23. Calise Fabio 1994 St. Moritz 1:41.31,7 26.00,8 (55194) Diplom H-Mann 128. 12,467 ¦ 47.24 31.¦ 54.07 19.¦ 24. Lomb Stefan 1969 D-Wehr 1:41.55,8 26.24,9 (55069) Diplom H-Mann 131. 12,418 ¦ 45.35 21.¦ 56.20 34.¦ 25. Känzig Marcel 1969 Lützelflüh-Goldbach 1:42.29,2 26.58,3 (55231) Diplom H-Mann 136. 12,351 ¦ 47.32 32.¦ 54.56 25.¦ 26. Blanc Marcel 1956 Meggen 1:43.01,9 27.31,0 (50131) Diplom H-Mann 139. 12,285 ¦ 46.30 23.¦ 56.31 37.¦ 27. Indovini Andrea 1980 I-Bologna (BO) 1:43.07,0 27.36,1 (51962) Diplom H-Mann 140. 12,275 ¦ 48.00 37.¦ 55.06 27.¦ 28. Werthmüller Robert 1971 Bäch SZ 1:43.19,5 27.48,6 (55237) Diplom H-Mann 143. 12,250 ¦ 46.49 24.¦ 56.30 36.¦ 29. Lukasek Libor 1973 CZ-Zdar Nad Sazvov 1:43.21,7 27.50,8 (55285) Diplom H-Mann 145. 12,246 ¦ 47.35 34.¦ 55.46 32.¦ 30. Steinmann Urs 1973 Lüterswil-Gächliwil 1:43.39,8 28.08,9 (55267) Diplom H-Mann 148. 12,210 ¦ 47.56 36.¦ 55.43 31.¦ 31. Zulliger Lukas 1976 Uster 1:44.04,5 28.33,6 (55266) Diplom H-Mann 151. 12,162 ¦ 49.32 47.¦ 54.31 21.¦ 32. Espinos Javier 1957 E-Madrid 1:44.07,3 28.36,4 (55229) Diplom H-Mann 152. 12,157 ¦ 47.17 29.¦ 56.50 40.¦ 33. Del Simone Pietro Gius 1958 I-Villa di Tirano (S 1:45.00,2 29.29,3 (55025) Diplom H-Mann 159. 12,055 ¦ 50.27 55.¦ 54.33 22.¦ 34. Kranzbühler Benedikt 1986 Zürich 1:45.15,2 29.44,3 (55272) Diplom H-Mann 160. 12,026 ¦ 47.33 33.¦ 57.42 49.¦ 35. Bonesi Massimo 1969 I-Sondrio (SO) 1:45.26,3 29.55,4 (55211) Diplom H-Mann 161. 12,005 ¦ 48.17 38.¦ 57.08 42.¦ 36. Hänseler Flurin 1988 Neerach 1:45.48,2 30.17,3 (55173) Diplom H-Mann 162. 11,963 ¦ 46.57 26.¦ 58.51 55.¦ 37. Flückiger Johannes 1938 Sumiswald 1:45.50,0 30.19,1 (55252) Diplom H-Mann 163. 11,960 ¦ 51.14 61.¦ 54.35 24.¦ 38. Melzer Lutz 1956 Sedrun 1:46.10,5 30.39,6 (55079) Diplom H-Mann 164. 11,922 ¦ 49.27 46.¦ 56.42 39.¦ 39. Altenburger Beat 1951 Burgdorf 1:46.20,7 30.49,8 (55005) Diplom H-Mann 165. 11,902 ¦ 48.42 40.¦ 57.38 48.¦ 40. Velik Krystof 1993 CZ-Usti nad Labem 1:46.37,7 31.06,8 (55248) Diplom H-Mann 167. 11,871 ¦ 51.04 58.¦ 55.33 28.¦ 41. Moeckli Simon 1993 Zollikon 1:46.38,8 31.07,9 (55081) Diplom H-Mann 168. 11,869 ¦ 49.13 42.¦ 57.25 45.¦ 42. Calise Gianluca 1994 St. Moritz 1:46.40,4 31.09,5 (55195) Diplom H-Mann 169. 11,866 ¦ 49.25 45.¦ 57.15 43.¦ 43. Zumbühl Martin 1982 Emmenbrücke 1:46.46,5 31.15,6 (52225) Diplom H-Mann 170. 11,855 ¦ 46.50 25.¦ 59.56 62.¦ 44. Risel Wolfgang 1968 St. Gallen 1:46.51,3 31.20,4 (55246) Diplom H-Mann 171. 11,846 ¦ 51.15 62.¦ 55.35 29.¦ 45. Portale Alessandro 1978 Samedan 1:46.51,9 31.21,0 (55092) Diplom H-Mann 172. 11,845 ¦ 49.21 44.¦ 57.30 47.¦ 46. Fries Othmar 1962 Scuol 1:46.56,2 31.25,3 (50423) Diplom H-Mann 173. 11,837 ¦ 47.00 27.¦ 59.56 62.¦ 47. Planta Joachim 1963 A-Bregenz 1:47.06,7 31.35,8 (50988) Diplom H-Mann 174. 11,817 ¦ 49.15 43.¦ 57.51 50.¦ 48. Weiler Walter 1969 Walchwil 1:47.30,0 31.59,1 (55155) Diplom H-Mann 176. 11,775 ¦ 51.23 65.¦ 56.06 33.¦ 49. Borga Fabrizio 1950 I-Trento (TN) 1:47.49,8 32.18,9 (55193) Diplom H-Mann 177. 11,739 ¦ 51.07 59.¦ 56.42 38.¦ 50. Pohlschmidt Ralf 1961 Bever 1:47.53,7 32.22,8 (50992) Diplom H-Mann 178. 11,731 ¦ 48.32 39.¦ 59.21 60.¦ 51. Zweifel Ricardo 1993 St. Moritz 1:48.25,6 32.54,7 (55253) Diplom H-Mann 180. 11,674 ¦ 49.42 50.¦ 58.42 52.¦ 52. Cadonau Claudio 1994 St. Moritz 1:48.42,0 33.11,1 (55239) Diplom H-Mann 181. 11,645 ¦ 49.44 51.¦ 58.58 57.¦ 53. Achermann Marco 1977 Altendorf 1:49.11,6 33.40,7 (55251) Diplom H-Mann 184. 11,592 ¦ 51.52 73.¦ 57.19 44.¦ 54. Graf Markus 1962 Wattwil 1:49.18,1 33.47,2 (50503) Diplom H-Mann 186. 11,580 ¦ 47.51 35.¦1:01.27 80.¦ 55. Schäfer Christian 1981 Baar 1:49.45,5 34.14,6 (55153) Diplom H-Mann 187. 11,532 ¦ 51.21 64.¦ 58.23 51.¦ 56. Friederich Hansruedi 1947 Zug 1:50.10,5 34.39,6 (52137) Diplom H-Mann 188. 11,489 ¦ 49.08 41.¦1:01.02 77.¦ 57. Zobel Fernand 1968 Riehen 1:50.35,8 35.04,9 (55145) Diplom H-Mann 191. 11,445 ¦ 50.06 54.¦1:00.29 69.¦ 58. Joos Benedikt 1983 Andeer 1:50.39,4 35.08,5 (51666) Diplom H-Mann 192. 11,439 ¦ 51.48 71.¦ 58.51 56.¦ 59. Candrian Uolf 1992 Sagogn 1:50.57,5 35.26,6 (50230) Diplom H-Mann 193. 11,408 ¦ 49.39 48.¦1:01.18 78.¦ 60. Vasina Jozef 1966 SK-Horné Lefantovce 1:51.09,8 35.38,9 (55189) Diplom H-Mann 196. 11,387 ¦ 51.49 72.¦ 59.20 59.¦ 61. Freiermuth Rene 1969 Zug 1:51.20,4 35.49,5 (55259) Diplom H-Mann 197. 11,368 ¦ 52.33 76.¦ 58.47 53.¦ 62. Spirig Konrad 1944 Widnau 1:51.22,5 35.51,6 (55154) Diplom H-Mann 198. 11,365 ¦ 52.33 77.¦ 58.49 54.¦ 63. Gysin Lukas 1979 Reussbühl 1:51.57,7 36.26,8 (50539) Diplom H-Mann 199. 11,305 ¦ 51.17 63.¦1:00.40 71.¦ 64. Wegmann Thomas 1974 Effretikon 1:52.16,3 36.45,4 (51379) Diplom H-Mann 200. 11,274 ¦ 51.30 67.¦1:00.46 73.¦ 65. Baltensperger Guido 1974 Brütten 1:52.43,3 37.12,4 (50065) Diplom H-Mann 201. 11,229 ¦ 52.18 75.¦1:00.24 67.¦ 66. Malgiaritta Rico 1978 FL-Triesen 1:52.59,0 37.28,1 (55073) Diplom H-Mann 202. 11,203 ¦ 51.40 70.¦1:01.18 79.¦ 67. Cantieni Marco 1970 Buchs SG 1:52.59,2 37.28,3 (55196) Diplom H-Mann 203. 11,203 ¦ 52.15 74.¦1:00.44 72.¦ 68. Dengler Andreas 1981 D-Rohrdorf 1:53.15,2 37.44,3 (50303) Diplom H-Mann 205. 11,176 ¦ 52.41 78.¦1:00.33 70.¦ 69. Zwicker Albert 1946 Jona 1:53.23,3 37.52,4 (55190) Diplom H-Mann 206. 11,163 ¦ 50.50 57.¦1:02.32 84.¦ 70. Baumann Adrian 1992 Samstagern 1:53.26,3 37.55,4 (55009) Diplom H-Mann 207. 11,158 ¦ 54.28 93.¦ 58.58 57.¦ 71. Glass Achim 1968 Feusisberg 1:53.33,9 38.03,0 (55219) Diplom H-Mann 208. 11,146 ¦ 53.15 85.¦1:00.18 65.¦ 72. Steinmann Markus 1981 Bern 1:53.51,7 38.20,8 (55207) Diplom H-Mann 210. 11,117 ¦ 57.22 113.¦ 56.28 35.¦ 73. Ackermann Ralf 1971 D-Bichl 1:53.57,2 38.26,3 (55001) Diplom H-Mann 211. 11,108 ¦ 53.10 83.¦1:00.47 74.¦ 74. Meland Morten 1970 Wollerau 1:53.58,9 38.28,0 (55181) Diplom H-Mann 212. 11,105 ¦ 57.00 109.¦ 56.58 41.¦ 75. Filippi Remo 1961 I-Villanova Mondovì 1:54.10,8 38.39,9 (55271) Diplom H-Mann 213. 11,086 ¦ 51.26 66.¦1:02.44 86.¦ 76. Märk Urs 1970 Zollikon 1:54.17,1 38.46,2 (55261) Diplom H-Mann 214. 11,075 ¦ 56.50 107.¦ 57.26 46.¦ 77. Bachmann Werner 1931 Jona 1:54.33,9 39.03,0 (50054) Diplom H-Mann 216. 11,048 ¦ 55.12 98.¦ 59.21 61.¦ 78. Allmendinger Jürgen 1946 D-Oberursel 1:54.42,8 39.11,9 (51489) Diplom H-Mann 218. 11,034 ¦ 52.54 79.¦1:01.47 82.¦ 79. Schaffner Heinz 1958 Hausen AG 1:55.18,6 39.47,7 (51100) Diplom H-Mann 219. 10,977 ¦ 51.33 68.¦1:03.44 98.¦ 80. Bärtschi René 1951 Bremgarten AG 1:56.06,6 40.35,7 (55008) Diplom H-Mann 224. 10,901 ¦ 53.09 82.¦1:02.57 89.¦ 81. Lehmann Matthias 1984 Zürich 1:56.17,6 40.46,7 (55232) Diplom H-Mann 227. 10,884 ¦ 55.24 100.¦1:00.53 75.¦ 82. Valaulta Tino 1984 Zürich 1:56.24,2 40.53,3 (55236) Diplom H-Mann 229. 10,874 ¦ 54.38 96.¦1:01.46 81.¦ 83. Roth Beat 1953 Jona 1:56.28,7 40.57,8 (55097) Diplom H-Mann 230. 10,867 ¦ 53.11 84.¦1:03.17 93.¦ 84. Steinmann Fritz 1939 Berg TG 1:56.30,4 40.59,5 (55120) Diplom H-Mann 232. 10,864 ¦ 53.32 86.¦1:02.57 89.¦ 85. Köhler Thomas 1952 D-Bad Homburg 1:56.30,8 40.59,9 (51964) Diplom H-Mann 233. 10,864 ¦ 53.01 80.¦1:03.29 94.¦ 86. Moosmann Andrin 1994 Oberbüren 1:56.40,0 41.09,1 (55082) Diplom H-Mann 235. 10,849 ¦ 49.41 49.¦1:06.58 120.¦ 87. Hunziker Walter 1941 Bühler 1:57.04,0 41.33,1 (55230) Diplom H-Mann 236. 10,812 ¦ 56.06 103.¦1:00.57 76.¦ 88. Sembeni Sandro 1976 Chur 1:57.25,1 41.54,2 (51189) Diplom H-Mann 238. 10,780 ¦ 54.23 90.¦1:03.01 91.¦ 89. Cortese Roberto 1964 I-Rivoli (TO) 1:57.26,7 41.55,8 (55166) Diplom H-Mann 239. 10,777 ¦ 54.52 97.¦1:02.33 85.¦ 90. Varden Hans Jorgen 1939 N-Osteras 1:57.50,9 42.20,0 (51318) Diplom H-Mann 240. 10,741 ¦ 53.02 81.¦1:04.48 104.¦ 91. Goetz Wolfgang 1949 D-Kaufbeuren 1:58.01,0 42.30,1 (55199) Diplom H-Mann 241. 10,725 ¦ 54.24 92.¦1:03.36 95.¦ 92. Wengler Helmut 1959 D-Münchhausen 1:58.07,8 42.36,9 (55136) Diplom H-Mann 242. 10,715 ¦ 55.12 99.¦1:02.55 88.¦ 93. Rossi Jacques-Michel 1952 Vessy 1:58.27,3 42.56,4 (51055) Diplom H-Mann 244. 10,686 ¦ 49.58 52.¦1:08.29 132.¦ 94. Bolognini Giorgio 1956 I-Induno Olona (VA) 1:58.58,6 43.27,7 (55212) Diplom H-Mann 245. 10,639 ¦ 58.32 126.¦1:00.26 68.¦ 95. Steinmetz Paul 1967 Davos Platz 1:59.27,8 43.56,9 (55121) Diplom H-Mann 247. 10,595 ¦ 54.23 91.¦1:05.04 107.¦ 96. Bähler Fredy 1963 Lachen SZ 2:00.38,0 45.07,1 (50062) Diplom H-Mann 251. 10,493 ¦ 50.05 53.¦1:10.32 153.¦ 97. Edelmann Andreas 1971 Zürich 2:01.01,5 45.30,6 (50345) Diplom H-Mann 252. 10,459 ¦ 54.17 89.¦1:06.43 117.¦ 98. Walker Mario 1970 Reichenburg 2:01.31,6 46.00,7 (51363) Diplom H-Mann 254. 10,415 ¦ 56.16 105.¦1:05.15 109.¦ 99. Kalberer Andreas 1983 Mels 2:01.37,1 46.06,2 (50667) Diplom H-Mann 255. 10,408 ¦ 51.12 60.¦1:10.24 151.¦ 100. Joder Christian 1949 Niederscherli 2:01.37,7 46.06,8 (55054) Diplom H-Mann 256. 10,407 ¦ 51.38 69.¦1:09.59 143.¦ 101. Gerber Mauro 1981 St. Gallen 2:01.51,6 46.20,7 (55036) Diplom H-Mann 257. 10,387 ¦ 56.54 108.¦1:04.57 105.¦ 102. Fink Heinz 1964 Dinhard 2:02.04,5 46.33,6 (55284) Diplom H-Mann 258. 10,369 ¦ 54.04 88.¦1:08.00 130.¦ 103. Vonarburg Peter 1964 Luzern 2:02.22,8 46.51,9 (55131) Diplom H-Mann 260. 10,343 ¦ 57.52 119.¦1:04.30 100.¦ 104. Savrij Droste Wouter 1976 Meinier 2:02.33,9 47.03,0 (55152) Diplom H-Mann 261. 10,327 ¦ 58.51 132.¦1:03.42 97.¦ 105. Nielsen Johnny Hedegaa 1973 Rüschlikon 2:02.40,8 47.09,9 (55204) Diplom H-Mann 262. 10,318 ¦ 57.52 120.¦1:04.48 103.¦ 106. von Moos Matthias 1973 Bern 2:02.51,9 47.21,0 (51345) Diplom H-Mann 263. 10,302 ¦ 55.49 101.¦1:07.02 121.¦ 107. Dietschweiler Roger 1973 Wil SG 2:02.53,0 47.22,1 (50316) Diplom H-Mann 264. 10,300 ¦ 57.34 115.¦1:05.18 111.¦ 108. Leuenberger Gilbert 1951 Belprahon 2:03.02,1 47.31,2 (55067) Diplom H-Mann 266. 10,288 ¦ 1:00.37 151.¦1:02.24 83.¦ 109. Trumpp Herbert 1947 I-Domaso (CO) 2:03.02,2 47.31,3 (55278) Diplom H-Mann 267. 10,288 ¦ 58.22 123.¦1:04.39 101.¦ 110. Surer Kurt 1942 Uznach 2:03.04,5 47.33,6 (51261) Diplom H-Mann 268. 10,284 ¦ 54.30 94.¦1:08.34 134.¦ 111. Kiener Lukas 1993 Emmenbrücke 2:03.07,0 47.36,1 (55059) Diplom H-Mann 269. 10,281 ¦ 58.22 122.¦1:04.45 102.¦ 112. Scelsi Mario 1952 I-Pavia (PV) 2:03.33,9 48.03,0 (55100) Diplom H-Mann 271. 10,244 ¦ 57.18 112.¦1:06.15 115.¦ 113. Vogel Frédéric 1994 Unterägeri 2:03.57,6 48.26,7 (55191) Diplom H-Mann 273. 10,211 ¦ 1:01.12 156.¦1:02.45 87.¦ 114. Wallnöfer Andri 1985 Sils Maria 2:04.09,3 48.38,4 (55132) Diplom H-Mann 274. 10,195 ¦ 58.54 133.¦1:05.14 108.¦ 115. Brugger Daniel 1973 Fislisbach 2:04.09,9 48.39,0 (50187) Diplom H-Mann 275. 10,194 ¦ 50.32 56.¦1:13.37 172.¦ 116. Pünchera Roman 1968 Sils Maria 2:04.11,2 48.40,3 (55185) Diplom H-Mann 276. 10,192 ¦ 58.54 134.¦1:05.16 110.¦ 117. Beck Jonathan 1983 Oeschgen 2:04.26,2 48.55,3 (55011) Diplom H-Mann 277. 10,172 ¦ 1:04.03 175.¦1:00.22 66.¦ 118. Seitz Adrian 1982 Sursee 2:04.37,7 49.06,8 (55109) Diplom H-Mann 278. 10,156 ¦ 59.13 140.¦1:05.24 112.¦ 119. Kisthardt Tobias 1993 D-Murnau 2:04.54,7 49.23,8 (55150) Diplom H-Mann 279. 10,133 ¦ 54.32 95.¦1:10.22 150.¦ 120. Follonier Michel 1956 Les Haudères 2:04.57,5 49.26,6 (55282) Diplom H-Mann 280. 10,129 ¦ 1:01.46 163.¦1:03.11 92.¦ 121. Altermatt Willy 1937 Chur 2:05.12,8 49.41,9 (50021) Diplom H-Mann 281. 10,109 ¦ 57.15 111.¦1:07.57 129.¦ 122. Derungs Roman 1979 Zürich 2:05.40,9 50.10,0 (50309) Diplom H-Mann 283. 10,071 ¦ 57.32 114.¦1:08.08 131.¦ 123. Gabriel Kari 1949 Ennetbürgen 2:05.48,2 50.17,3 (55169) Diplom H-Mann 284. 10,061 ¦ 59.50 147.¦1:05.57 114.¦ 124. Schwarzenbach Ueli 1942 Celerina/Schlarigna 2:06.21,6 50.50,7 (55270) Diplom H-Mann 285. 10,017 ¦ 57.36 116.¦1:08.45 136.¦ 125. Fehr Stefan 1973 Bachenbülach 2:06.28,1 50.57,2 (50381) Diplom H-Mann 286. 10,008 ¦ 58.41 128.¦1:07.47 128.¦ 126. Miloezger Milo 1985 Kastanienbaum 2:06.32,7 51.01,8 (55249) Diplom H-Mann 287. 10,002 ¦ 1:01.30 158.¦1:05.02 106.¦ 127. Rindlisbacher Manfred 1958 Abtwil SG 2:06.34,9 51.04,0 (55186) Diplom H-Mann 288. 10,000 ¦ 58.50 131.¦1:07.44 126.¦ 128. Eichenberger Willy 1936 Wohlen AG 2:06.41,0 51.10,1 (55167) Diplom H-Mann 289. 9,992 ¦ 59.21 143.¦1:07.19 123.¦ 129. Guasti Federico 1939 I-Milano (MI) 2:06.43,9 51.13,0 (55043) Diplom H-Mann 290. 9,988 ¦ 58.57 135.¦1:07.46 127.¦ 130. Koller Lukas 1981 Silvaplana 2:06.48,3 51.17,4 (55200) Diplom H-Mann 291. 9,982 ¦ 59.44 146.¦1:07.03 122.¦ 131. Fontanilles Alain 1985 Arlesheim 2:06.56,5 51.25,6 (50401) Diplom H-Mann 292. 9,971 ¦ 1:00.01 148.¦1:06.54 118.¦ 132. Scandella Marco 1983 Sent 2:06.59,1 51.28,2 (51751) Diplom H-Mann 294. 9,968 ¦ 1:03.20 171.¦1:03.38 96.¦ 133. Soler Beat 1969 Mellingen 2:07.03,0 51.32,1 (51201) Diplom H-Mann 296. 9,963 ¦ 56.11 104.¦1:10.51 154.¦ 134. Rohner Marcel 1973 Oberlunkhofen 2:07.11,2 51.40,3 (55160) Diplom H-Mann 297. 9,952 ¦ 58.39 127.¦1:08.31 133.¦ 135. Napoli Alessandro 1964 I-Saronno (VA) 2:07.42,1 52.11,2 (55215) Diplom H-Mann 298. 9,912 ¦ 1:07.28 199.¦1:00.13 64.¦ 136. Gageik Klaus 1960 D-Koselitz 2:07.58,4 52.27,5 (55034) Diplom H-Mann 299. 9,891 ¦ 1:01.02 155.¦1:06.56 119.¦ 137. Louzecky Milos 1940 CZ-Praha 2:08.03,1 52.32,2 (55179) Diplom H-Mann 301. 9,885 ¦ 1:04.06 177.¦1:03.56 99.¦ 138. Sarti Andrea 1948 I-Firenze (FI) 2:08.10,5 52.39,6 (51089) Diplom H-Mann 302. 9,875 ¦ 58.31 125.¦1:09.38 140.¦ 139. Zengl Marcus 1979 D-Stuttgart 2:08.36,5 53.05,6 (55144) Diplom H-Mann 303. 9,842 ¦ 1:03.02 170.¦1:05.34 113.¦ 140. Regin Konrad 1948 D-Niederviehbach 2:08.40,9 53.10,0 (51017) Diplom H-Mann 304. 9,836 ¦ 57.08 110.¦1:11.32 158.¦ 141. Buchegger Jürg 1956 Fischenthal 2:09.06,0 53.35,1 (50197) Diplom H-Mann 309. 9,804 ¦ 58.46 130.¦1:10.19 147.¦ 142. Süess Gabriel 1982 Spiegel b. Bern 2:09.09,6 53.38,7 (55208) Diplom H-Mann 310. 9,800 ¦ 1:01.38 161.¦1:07.31 124.¦ 143. Müller Simon 1980 Samedan 2:09.18,2 53.47,3 (55203) Diplom H-Mann 311. 9,789 ¦ 1:01.36 160.¦1:07.41 125.¦ 144. Albertazzi Roberto 1965 I-Calderara di Reno 2:09.21,2 53.50,3 (55269) Diplom H-Mann 312. 9,785 ¦ 59.02 138.¦1:10.18 146.¦ 145. Uhr Raphael 1951 Finstersee 2:09.24,0 53.53,1 (51554) Diplom H-Mann 313. 9,782 ¦ 58.58 136.¦1:10.26 152.¦ 146. Woodtli Hugo 1950 Neftenbach 2:09.42,9 54.12,0 (55139) Diplom H-Mann 314. 9,758 ¦ 57.51 118.¦1:11.51 159.¦ 147. Isler Peter 1965 Schwerzenbach 2:10.03,1 54.32,2 (55053) Diplom H-Mann 315. 9,733 ¦ 58.44 129.¦1:11.19 157.¦ 148. Albert Oskar 1937 Gisikon 2:10.32,2 55.01,3 (55004) Diplom H-Mann 317. 9,697 ¦ 1:00.11 149.¦1:10.21 149.¦ 149. Grünig Peter 1972 St. Gallen 2:10.51,2 55.20,3 (55172) Diplom H-Mann 318. 9,673 ¦ 58.58 137.¦1:11.53 160.¦ 150. Vettiger Gerold 1958 Horgen 2:11.35,9 56.05,0 (51328) Diplom H-Mann 319. 9,618 ¦ 59.17 141.¦1:12.18 163.¦ 151. Ludwig Jens 1959 D-Erlensee 2:12.04,8 56.33,9 (55071) Diplom H-Mann 320. 9,583 ¦ 1:01.45 162.¦1:10.19 148.¦ 152. Gantenbein Willi 1931 Balgach 2:12.17,0 56.46,1 (50441) Diplom H-Mann 321. 9,569 ¦ 1:02.37 167.¦1:09.39 141.¦ 153. Löffler Paul 1936 D-Triberg 2:12.19,1 56.48,2 (55178) Diplom H-Mann 322. 9,566 ¦ 1:02.48 168.¦1:09.30 138.¦ 154. Seitz Karl Werner 1953 D-Trochtelfingen 2:12.22,0 56.51,1 (51185) Diplom H-Mann 323. 9,562 ¦ 57.39 117.¦1:14.43 176.¦ 155. Mann Franz 1937 D-Budenheim 2:12.40,9 57.10,0 (55075) Diplom H-Mann 324. 9,540 ¦ 1:04.05 176.¦1:08.35 135.¦ 156. Lameli Alfred 1971 D-Marburg 2:12.41,6 57.10,7 (50755) Diplom H-Mann 325. 9,539 ¦ 1:02.28 166.¦1:10.12 144.¦ 157. Gärtner Felix 1985 D-Wildberg 2:13.32,5 58.01,6 (55263) Diplom H-Mann 326. 9,478 ¦ 1:00.38 152.¦1:12.54 166.¦ 158. Guidi Carlo 1941 St. Gallen 2:13.36,1 58.05,2 (55238) Diplom H-Mann 327. 9,474 ¦ 1:01.31 159.¦1:12.05 161.¦ 159. Isler Emil 1938 Feldmeilen 2:13.58,1 58.27,2 (55052) Diplom H-Mann 328. 9,448 ¦ 1:00.41 153.¦1:13.16 170.¦ 160. Erlenmaier Klaus 1959 D-Schömberg 2:14.00,7 58.29,8 (55168) Diplom H-Mann 329. 9,445 ¦ 59.04 139.¦1:14.56 179.¦ 161. Laschalt Franz 1962 A-Spittal an der Dra 2:14.04,9 58.34,0 (55066) Diplom H-Mann 330. 9,440 ¦ 1:07.47 201.¦1:06.17 116.¦ 162. Wirth Guido 1963 Wetzikon ZH 2:14.10,1 58.39,2 (51447) Diplom H-Mann 331. 9,434 ¦ 1:00.54 154.¦1:13.16 169.¦ 163. Rey Dominik 1976 Trübbach 2:14.13,7 58.42,8 (51025) Diplom H-Mann 332. 9,430 ¦ 1:02.57 169.¦1:11.15 156.¦ 164. Greber Ronald 1953 Wabern 2:14.26,3 58.55,4 (55255) Diplom H-Mann 333. 9,415 ¦ 58.28 124.¦1:15.58 188.¦ 165. Zeiger Francis 1946 Füllinsdorf 2:14.35,1 59.04,2 (51468) Diplom H-Mann 334. 9,405 ¦ 1:03.23 172.¦1:11.11 155.¦ 166. Panter Meinrad 1957 D-Bad Peterstal-Grie 2:14.40,5 59.09,6 (50950) Diplom H-Mann 335. 9,399 ¦ 1:05.50 183.¦1:08.49 137.¦ 167. Motzet Günter 1964 D-Dietmannsried 2:14.40,6 59.09,7 (50894) Diplom H-Mann 336. 9,398 ¦ 1:01.17 157.¦1:13.23 171.¦ 168. Lambelet Erich 1966 Niederönz 2:15.04,4 59.33,5 (50754) Diplom H-Mann 337. 9,371 ¦ 1:02.25 165.¦1:12.39 164.¦ 169. Hürlimann Silvan 1975 Oberarth 2:15.40,8 1:00.09,9 (55050) Diplom H-Mann 338. 9,329 ¦ 59.24 144.¦1:16.15 189.¦ 170. Kost Fabrizio 1977 Sursee 2:16.32,3 1:01.01,4 (55176) Diplom H-Mann 339. 9,270 ¦ 1:03.39 173.¦1:12.52 165.¦ 171. Jäger Remo 1994 Ganterschwil 2:16.49,9 1:01.19,0 (55213) Diplom H-Mann 341. 9,250 ¦ 1:07.06 195.¦1:09.43 142.¦ 172. Götschmann Philipp 1976 St. Gallen 2:17.12,4 1:01.41,5 (50497) Diplom H-Mann 342. 9,225 ¦ 1:04.02 174.¦1:13.10 168.¦ 173. Glatthard Daniel 1960 Interlaken 2:17.20,0 1:01.49,1 (55037) Diplom H-Mann 343. 9,217 ¦ 1:07.47 200.¦1:09.32 139.¦ 174. Aepli Damian 1972 Rhäzüns 2:17.23,4 1:01.52,5 (51984) Diplom H-Mann 344. 9,213 ¦ 1:07.06 195.¦1:10.16 145.¦ 174. Engel Manfred 1938 D-Veitshöchheim 2:17.23,4 1:01.52,5 (55029) Diplom H-Mann 344. 9,213 ¦ 1:01.54 164.¦1:15.29 182.¦ 176. Wanner Volker 1956 D-Oberstenfeld 2:17.27,0 1:01.56,1 (51373) Diplom H-Mann 346. 9,209 ¦ 59.21 142.¦1:18.05 197.¦ 177. Hummel Christoph 1968 Zollikon 2:18.28,6 1:02.57,7 (55260) Diplom H-Mann 347. 9,141 ¦ 59.38 145.¦1:18.50 203.¦ 178. Gritti Werner 1926 Zürich 2:18.34,5 1:03.03,6 (50515) Diplom H-Mann 348. 9,134 ¦ 1:06.23 189.¦1:12.11 162.¦ 179. Baumann Urs 1955 Samstagern 2:18.38,3 1:03.07,4 (55010) Diplom H-Mann 349. 9,130 ¦ 1:05.40 181.¦1:12.58 167.¦ 180. Wettstein Werner 1941 Bivio 2:18.55,6 1:03.24,7 (51796) Diplom H-Mann 350. 9,111 ¦ 56.28 106.¦1:22.27 217.¦ 181. Bottazzi Franco 1956 I-Bassignana (AL) 2:20.00,7 1:04.29,8 (55015) Diplom H-Mann 352. 9,040 ¦ 1:04.28 179.¦1:15.32 183.¦ 182. Pema Thubten 1964 Rapperswil SG 2:20.49,7 1:05.18,8 (55088) Diplom H-Mann 353. 8,988 ¦ 1:05.59 184.¦1:14.50 178.¦ 183. Gantenbein Florian 1930 Watt 2:20.54,7 1:05.23,8 (50440) Diplom H-Mann 354. 8,983 ¦ 1:06.56 194.¦1:13.58 173.¦ 184. Brugger Andreas 1970 St. Margarethen TG 2:21.15,3 1:05.44,4 (50186) Diplom H-Mann 355. 8,961 ¦ 1:07.11 197.¦1:14.03 174.¦ 185. Kunz Klaus 1951 D-Tuttlingen 2:21.57,6 1:06.26,7 (51683) Diplom H-Mann 356. 8,916 ¦ 1:06.01 185.¦1:15.56 187.¦ 186. Deus Klaus 1941 D-München 2:22.15,8 1:06.44,9 (55026) Diplom H-Mann 357. 8,897 ¦ 1:06.26 190.¦1:15.49 186.¦ 187. Kübele Mark 1963 Zürich 2:23.26,9 1:07.56,0 (50737) Diplom H-Mann 359. 8,824 ¦ 1:06.19 187.¦1:17.07 191.¦ 188. Glöser Martin 1938 D-Battenberg 2:23.44,0 1:08.13,1 (50482) Diplom H-Mann 360. 8,806 ¦ 1:05.47 182.¦1:17.56 194.¦ 189. Mariani Mauro 1968 GB-London 2:24.03,6 1:08.32,7 (51701) Diplom H-Mann 361. 8,786 ¦ 1:08.28 207.¦1:15.34 184.¦ 190. Rach Uwe 1957 D-Sössen 2:24.29,5 1:08.58,6 (55250) Diplom H-Mann 363. 8,760 ¦ 1:09.29 212.¦1:14.59 180.¦ 191. Winkler Marc 1975 Pratteln 2:24.35,9 1:09.05,0 (51441) Diplom H-Mann 364. 8,754 ¦ 1:05.06 180.¦1:19.29 205.¦ 192. Kamer Reto 1975 Benken SG 2:24.42,1 1:09.11,2 (50668) Diplom H-Mann 365. 8,747 ¦ 1:09.34 214.¦1:15.07 181.¦ 193. Gross Volkmar 1945 D-Berlin 2:24.55,9 1:09.25,0 (55042) Diplom H-Mann 366. 8,733 ¦ 1:06.38 192.¦1:18.17 198.¦ 194. Gescholowitz Frede A. 1940 D-Schauenburg 2:25.09,0 1:09.38,1 (50467) Diplom H-Mann 367. 8,720 ¦ 1:06.39 193.¦1:18.29 200.¦ 195. Nydegger Rudolf 1954 Rietheim 2:26.28,6 1:10.57,7 (50934) Diplom H-Mann 370. 8,641 ¦ 1:08.00 204.¦1:18.28 199.¦ 196. Nieberle Erich 1961 D-Marktoberdorf 2:26.41,3 1:11.10,4 (55183) Diplom H-Mann 371. 8,629 ¦ 1:12.25 225.¦1:14.16 175.¦ 197. Fossa Marco 1980 I-Borgo San Dalmazzo 2:27.20,4 1:11.49,5 (55033) Diplom H-Mann 372. 8,591 ¦ 1:09.21 211.¦1:17.59 195.¦ 198. Grubitzsch Siegfried 1940 D-Oldenburg 2:27.34,2 1:12.03,3 (50519) Diplom H-Mann 373. 8,577 ¦ 1:12.50 229.¦1:14.44 177.¦ 199. Münzer Michael 1968 D-Darmstadt 2:27.49,5 1:12.18,6 (50907) Diplom H-Mann 374. 8,562 ¦ 1:00.35 150.¦1:27.13 244.¦ 200. Elsener Martin 1971 Erlenbach ZH 2:28.35,1 1:13.04,2 (55218) Diplom H-Mann 375. 8,519 ¦ 1:07.11 198.¦1:21.23 214.¦ 201. Richarz Peter 1948 D-Seddiner See 2:29.33,3 1:14.02,4 (55094) Diplom H-Mann 376. 8,463 ¦ 1:09.20 210.¦1:20.13 209.¦ 202. Sprenger Hubert 1937 D-Wolfsburg 2:30.06,8 1:14.35,9 (55113) Diplom H-Mann 377. 8,432 ¦ 1:09.33 213.¦1:20.33 210.¦ 203. Felber Oliver 1974 Pratteln 2:30.07,4 1:14.36,5 (51507) Diplom H-Mann 378. 8,431 ¦ 1:06.21 188.¦1:23.46 227.¦ 204. Wyss Stefan 1986 Hünenberg 2:31.26,8 1:15.55,9 (55141) Diplom H-Mann 379. 8,358 ¦ 1:15.03 236.¦1:16.23 190.¦ 205. Oesch Toni 1927 Zollikofen 2:31.38,5 1:16.07,6 (55085) Diplom H-Mann 380. 8,347 ¦ 1:06.13 186.¦1:25.25 232.¦ 206. Wüest Marcel 1978 Zofingen 2:31.41,0 1:16.10,1 (51934) Diplom H-Mann 381. 8,345 ¦ 1:10.50 218.¦1:20.50 211.¦ 207. Meinlschmidt Erhard 1947 D-Kiel 2:32.12,9 1:16.42,0 (55078) Diplom H-Mann 382. 8,316 ¦ 1:08.26 206.¦1:23.46 226.¦ 207. Rafael Leoz 1949 E-Madrid 2:32.12,9 1:16.42,0 (55234) Diplom H-Mann 382. 8,316 ¦ 1:08.54 209.¦1:23.18 222.¦ 209. Blattmann Heiner 1951 Winterthur 2:33.00,6 1:17.29,7 (55013) Diplom H-Mann 384. 8,272 ¦ 1:14.58 235.¦1:18.01 196.¦ 210. Moeckli Alfred 1960 Zollikon 2:33.14,8 1:17.43,9 (50884) Diplom H-Mann 385. 8,260 ¦ 1:09.43 215.¦1:23.31 225.¦ 211. Meier Arnold 1951 Zürich 2:33.30,3 1:17.59,4 (50853) Diplom H-Mann 386. 8,246 ¦ 1:08.00 203.¦1:25.30 234.¦ 212. Rey Patrick 1971 Küssnacht am Rigi 2:33.50,7 1:18.19,8 (55093) Diplom H-Mann 387. 8,227 ¦ 1:10.58 219.¦1:22.52 220.¦ 213. Seeger Simon 1986 D-Rohrdorf 2:34.00,9 1:18.30,0 (51179) Diplom H-Mann 388. 8,218 ¦ 1:15.24 237.¦1:18.36 201.¦ 214. Manetsch Urs 1970 Chur 2:34.07,6 1:18.36,7 (55279) Diplom H-Mann 389. 8,212 ¦ 1:11.20 221.¦1:22.47 218.¦ 215. Hailer Ulrich 1939 D-Ravensburg 2:34.12,0 1:18.41,1 (50547) Diplom H-Mann 390. 8,208 ¦ 1:16.45 244.¦1:17.26 193.¦ 216. Frangi Antonello 1963 Mezzovico 2:34.21,0 1:18.50,1 (55198) Diplom H-Mann 391. 8,200 ¦ 1:12.33 228.¦1:21.48 216.¦ 217. Zanolari Achille 1952 St. Moritz 2:34.28,1 1:18.57,2 (55142) Diplom H-Mann 392. 8,194 ¦ 58.03 121.¦1:36.24 267.¦ 218. Fuchs Hanns 1943 Luzern 2:34.39,8 1:19.08,9 (50430) Diplom H-Mann 393. 8,184 ¦ 1:19.01 253.¦1:15.38 185.¦ 219. Reichel Uwe 1941 D-Heidenheim 2:34.59,8 1:19.28,9 (55205) Diplom H-Mann 394. 8,166 ¦ 1:17.37 247.¦1:17.22 192.¦ 220. Meneghelli Miro 1981 Sursee 2:35.52,7 1:20.21,8 (55080) Diplom H-Mann 395. 8,120 ¦ 1:11.48 224.¦1:24.03 229.¦ 221. Scalon Oriano 1978 Grabs 2:36.01,4 1:20.30,5 (51095) Diplom H-Mann 396. 8,113 ¦ 40.28 9.¦1:55.32 300.¦ 222. Walther Heinrich 1933 Seftigen 2:37.00,7 1:21.29,8 (55133) Diplom H-Mann 398. 8,061 ¦ 1:17.25 246.¦1:19.34 206.¦ 223. Geisinger Manfred 1939 D-Bad Rippoldsau-Sch 2:38.08,3 1:22.37,4 (55035) Diplom H-Mann 400. 8,004 ¦ 1:17.56 249.¦1:20.11 208.¦ 224. Princivalle Sergio 1972 I-Bologna (BO) 2:38.18,9 1:22.48,0 (55221) Diplom H-Mann 401. 7,995 ¦ 1:11.44 223.¦1:26.34 239.¦ 225. Steybe Walter 1950 Rudolfstetten 2:38.32,4 1:23.01,5 (51239) Diplom H-Mann 402. 7,984 ¦ 1:08.26 205.¦1:30.05 253.¦ 226. Schmucki Olaf 1971 Benken SG 2:38.44,7 1:23.13,8 (51137) Diplom H-Mann 404. 7,973 ¦ 1:12.30 227.¦1:26.13 237.¦ 227. Kurz Jean-Francois 1934 Trelex 2:38.52,4 1:23.21,5 (55065) Diplom H-Mann 405. 7,967 ¦ 1:20.04 256.¦1:18.48 202.¦ 228. Di Giorgio Mario 1938 Wiesen GR 2:38.54,6 1:23.23,7 (55149) Diplom H-Mann 406. 7,965 ¦ 1:20.02 255.¦1:18.52 204.¦ 229. Bühlmann Michael 1978 Muri AG 2:39.27,7 1:23.56,8 (55018) Diplom H-Mann 407. 7,938 ¦ 1:12.29 226.¦1:26.58 242.¦ 230. Gerteis Eduard 1943 Orpund 2:39.29,8 1:23.58,9 (52013) Diplom H-Mann 408. 7,936 ¦ 1:15.29 238.¦1:24.00 228.¦ 231. De Salinas Harnden Leo 1981 GB-London 2:40.07,4 1:24.36,5 (51609) Diplom H-Mann 409. 7,905 ¦ 1:16.57 245.¦1:23.10 221.¦ 232. Gremmelspacher Theo 1933 D-Freiburg 2:40.19,8 1:24.48,9 (50513) Diplom H-Mann 410. 7,895 ¦ 1:20.13 257.¦1:20.06 207.¦ 233. Gonon Frederick 1994 Zürich 2:40.23,7 1:24.52,8 (55039) Diplom H-Mann 411. 7,891 ¦ 1:14.35 233.¦1:25.48 236.¦ 234. Druck Walter 1954 D-Ingolstadt 2:41.00,5 1:25.29,6 (55028) Diplom H-Mann 412. 7,861 ¦ 1:06.37 191.¦1:34.23 262.¦ 235. Laurent Philippe 1960 Bercher 2:41.28,9 1:25.58,0 (55202) Diplom H-Mann 413. 7,838 ¦ 1:20.24 260.¦1:21.04 212.¦ 236. Laurent Alexis 1993 Bercher 2:41.30,2 1:25.59,3 (55201) Diplom H-Mann 414. 7,837 ¦ 1:20.26 261.¦1:21.04 213.¦ 237. Rhys-Williams Stuart 1951 GB-Dorset 2:41.48,2 1:26.17,3 (51908) Diplom H-Mann 415. 7,823 ¦ 1:13.37 231.¦1:28.10 247.¦ 238. Schwär Stefan 1937 D-Titisee-Neustadt 2:42.07,5 1:26.36,6 (55275) Diplom H-Mann 416. 7,807 ¦ 1:20.28 262.¦1:21.39 215.¦ 239. Pützhoven Andreas 1969 D-Raben Steinfeld 2:42.20,1 1:26.49,2 (55257) Diplom H-Mann 417. 7,797 ¦ 1:18.56 252.¦1:23.23 224.¦ 240. Broekema Paul 1950 NL-Utrecht 2:42.23,7 1:26.52,8 (55210) Diplom H-Mann 418. 7,794 ¦ 1:14.58 234.¦1:27.25 245.¦ 241. Herren Andreas 1972 Therwil 2:42.36,0 1:27.05,1 (52027) Diplom H-Mann 419. 7,784 ¦ 1:12.53 230.¦1:29.42 251.¦ 242. Peterer Walter 1936 Steinach 2:42.54,2 1:27.23,3 (50975) Diplom H-Mann 420. 7,770 ¦ 1:16.31 242.¦1:26.22 238.¦ 243. Baumann Hubert 1957 Bad Ragaz 2:42.54,7 1:27.23,8 (55241) Diplom H-Mann 421. 7,769 ¦ 1:09.51 216.¦1:33.03 258.¦ 244. Wittig Burghardt 1947 D-Berlin 2:43.05,9 1:27.35,0 (52132) Diplom H-Mann 422. 7,761 ¦ 1:20.16 258.¦1:22.49 219.¦ 245. Caduff Roman 1981 Bubikon 2:44.10,4 1:28.39,5 (55021) Diplom H-Mann 423. 7,710 ¦ 1:16.21 240.¦1:27.49 246.¦ 246. Hechelmann Bodo 1978 Zürich 2:44.21,4 1:28.50,5 (51518) Diplom H-Mann 424. 7,701 ¦ 1:18.47 251.¦1:25.33 235.¦ 247. Paganini Mario 1956 Birmensdorf ZH 2:44.59,3 1:29.28,4 (55086) Diplom H-Mann 425. 7,672 ¦ 1:11.00 220.¦1:33.59 260.¦ 248. Frei Raimund 1938 Rapperswil SG 2:45.16,3 1:29.45,4 (50416) Diplom H-Mann 426. 7,659 ¦ 1:19.49 254.¦1:25.26 233.¦ 249. Karlin Fritz 1951 D-Kenzingen 2:46.30,9 1:31.00,0 (55268) Diplom H-Mann 427. 7,601 ¦ 1:10.40 217.¦1:35.50 266.¦ 250. Heer Markus 1957 Olten 2:46.35,7 1:31.04,8 (52281) Diplom H-Mann 428. 7,598 ¦ 1:23.17 269.¦1:23.18 223.¦ 251. Engeli Peter 1943 Engishofen 2:46.50,7 1:31.19,8 (50362) Diplom H-Mann 429. 7,586 ¦ 1:21.57 265.¦1:24.53 230.¦ 252. Brunner Hansjörg 1966 Winterthur 2:47.23,3 1:31.52,4 (50194) Diplom H-Mann 431. 7,562 ¦ 1:04.10 178.¦1:43.13 276.¦ 253. Kreis Rico 1975 Wil SG 2:49.37,2 1:34.06,3 (50725) Diplom H-Mann 432. 7,462 ¦ 1:16.42 243.¦1:32.54 257.¦ 254. Hintermann Rolf 1935 Uitikon Waldegg 2:49.47,6 1:34.16,7 (55225) Diplom H-Mann 433. 7,455 ¦ 1:23.00 267.¦1:26.47 241.¦ 254. Zeller Robert 1968 Zürich 2:49.47,6 1:34.16,7 (55223) Diplom H-Mann 433. 7,455 ¦ 1:23.02 268.¦1:26.45 240.¦ 256. Groth Konradin 1947 D-Berlin 2:50.33,5 1:35.02,6 (52122) Diplom H-Mann 435. 7,421 ¦ 1:20.33 263.¦1:30.00 252.¦ 257. Kägi Rolf 1946 St. Gallen 2:50.59,2 1:35.28,3 (55056) Diplom H-Mann 436. 7,403 ¦ 1:20.17 259.¦1:30.42 255.¦ 258. Rittatore Renato 1941 I-Gassino Torinese ( 2:51.05,6 1:35.34,7 (51038) Diplom H-Mann 438. 7,398 ¦ 1:07.59 202.¦1:43.06 275.¦ 259. Wenger Werner 1957 Thun 2:51.17,3 1:35.46,4 (55135) Diplom H-Mann 439. 7,389 ¦ 1:17.49 248.¦1:33.27 259.¦ 260. Mohr Johan 1933 N-Nesttun 2:51.21,2 1:35.50,3 (50885) Diplom H-Mann 440. 7,387 ¦ 1:22.32 266.¦1:28.48 249.¦ 261. Kim Jung Hwan 1971 Geneva 2:52.25,9 1:36.55,0 (55060) Diplom H-Mann 441. 7,340 ¦ 1:27.03 284.¦1:25.22 231.¦ 262. Wild Peter 1970 Flaach 2:53.01,2 1:37.30,3 (51428) Diplom H-Mann 442. 7,316 ¦ 1:17.56 250.¦1:35.04 263.¦ 263. Clément Daniel 1968 Zürich 2:53.07,2 1:37.36,3 (55024) Diplom H-Mann 443. 7,311 ¦ 1:24.49 275.¦1:28.18 248.¦ 264. van Waterschoot Patric 1950 B-Holsbeek 2:53.18,4 1:37.47,5 (55128) Diplom H-Mann 444. 7,303 ¦ 1:16.24 241.¦1:36.53 268.¦ 265. Berchtold Hans-Jörg 1951 Niederhasli 2:54.33,0 1:39.02,1 (50100) Diplom H-Mann 445. 7,251 ¦ 1:24.26 273.¦1:30.06 254.¦ 266. Rust Ferdinand 1971 Feusisberg 2:55.59,5 1:40.28,6 (55281) Diplom H-Mann 447. 7,192 ¦ 1:21.47 264.¦1:34.11 261.¦ 267. Fetzer Norbert 1947 D-Ravensburg 2:56.18,6 1:40.47,7 (50389) Diplom H-Mann 448. 7,179 ¦ 1:26.53 283.¦1:29.24 250.¦ 268. Imberg Klaus Sherlock 1926 Affoltern am Albis 2:56.39,0 1:41.08,1 (55051) Diplom H-Mann 449. 7,165 ¦ 1:25.55 279.¦1:30.43 256.¦ 269. Tsakunov Vitaly 1982 RUS-Moscow 2:56.50,5 1:41.19,6 (55125) Diplom H-Mann 450. 7,157 ¦ 1:29.48 296.¦1:27.02 243.¦ 270. Staiger Hermann 1927 D-Gerlingen 2:58.44,6 1:43.13,7 (55115) Diplom H-Mann 451. 7,081 ¦ 1:11.36 222.¦1:47.08 282.¦ 271. Grob Arnold 1937 Unterrindal 3:06.05,6 1:50.34,7 (50516) Diplom H-Mann 453. 6,802 ¦ 1:27.31 288.¦1:38.34 270.¦ 272. Poltera Anton A. 1941 Allschwil 3:06.33,8 1:51.02,9 (55090) Diplom H-Mann 454. 6,784 ¦ 1:24.48 274.¦1:41.45 272.¦ 273. Sauter Ottmar 1933 D-Balingen 3:07.36,4 1:52.05,5 (55099) Diplom H-Mann 455. 6,747 ¦ 1:29.28 295.¦1:38.07 269.¦ 274. Hörder Wolf-Eberhart 1934 D-München 3:07.50,0 1:52.19,1 (50611) Diplom H-Mann 456. 6,739 ¦ 1:27.10 286.¦1:40.39 271.¦ 275. Kuhn Max 1942 Bremgarten AG 3:08.08,6 1:52.37,7 (55063) Diplom H-Mann 457. 6,727 ¦ 1:16.18 239.¦1:51.50 291.¦ 276. Gräsle Eckhard 1942 D-Aidlingen 3:10.06,0 1:54.35,1 (50508) Diplom H-Mann 458. 6,658 ¦ 1:24.10 271.¦1:45.55 279.¦ 277. Schlauderer Henry 1937 D-Dippoldiswalde 3:12.54,5 1:57.23,6 (55103) Diplom H-Mann 459. 6,561 ¦ 1:29.58 297.¦1:42.56 274.¦ 278. Röthlisberger Friedric 1941 Erlinsbach 3:13.01,0 1:57.30,1 (51062) Diplom H-Mann 460. 6,558 ¦ 1:29.25 294.¦1:43.35 277.¦ 279. Ronda Santapau Ramón 1955 E-Alicante 3:13.29,3 1:57.58,4 (55222) Diplom H-Mann 461. 6,542 ¦ 1:31.04 299.¦1:42.24 273.¦ 280. Planik Edis 1990 Knutwil 3:15.01,4 1:59.30,5 (55089) Diplom H-Mann 462. 6,490 ¦ 1:39.42 336.¦1:35.19 264.¦ 281. Affolter Res 1968 Wangen an der Aare 3:15.08,7 1:59.37,8 (55002) Diplom H-Mann 463. 6,486 ¦ 1:39.43 337.¦1:35.24 265.¦ 282. Ebeling Rainer 1949 Salmsach 3:15.20,6 1:59.49,7 (50342) Diplom H-Mann 464. 6,479 ¦ 1:27.05 285.¦1:48.15 284.¦ 283. Schmucki Karl 1951 Schänis 3:15.27,7 1:59.56,8 (55105) Diplom H-Mann 465. 6,476 ¦ 1:26.16 281.¦1:49.11 286.¦ 284. Häfliger Hans 1937 Rothenburg 3:15.51,9 2:00.21,0 (55044) Diplom H-Mann 466. 6,462 ¦ 1:26.33 282.¦1:49.18 288.¦ 285. Mcgee Thomas 1963 USA-Chicago Illinois 3:16.42,3 2:01.11,4 (55151) Diplom H-Mann 467. 6,435 ¦ 1:27.21 287.¦1:49.21 289.¦ 286. Mednov Sergej 1967 RUS-Balashikha 3:17.29,0 2:01.58,1 (55283) Diplom H-Mann 468. 6,409 ¦ 1:25.37 277.¦1:51.51 292.¦ 287. Züger Philipp 1987 Bichwil 3:17.51,6 2:02.20,7 (55147) Diplom H-Mann 469. 6,397 ¦ 1:23.56 270.¦1:53.55 294.¦ 288. Malzacher Mario 1986 Neuhaus SG 3:17.55,1 2:02.24,2 (55074) Diplom H-Mann 470. 6,395 ¦ 1:32.17 303.¦1:45.37 278.¦ 289. Hensch Joël 1987 St. Gallen 3:19.03,0 2:03.32,1 (55243) Diplom H-Mann 471. 6,359 ¦ 1:24.12 272.¦1:54.50 298.¦ 290. Wyser Jörg 1955 Hombrechtikon 3:19.21,6 2:03.50,7 (55140) Diplom H-Mann 472. 6,349 ¦ 1:32.29 306.¦1:46.52 281.¦ 291. Candinas Walter 1929 Horn 3:20.46,1 2:05.15,2 (55022) Diplom H-Mann 473. 6,304 ¦ 1:34.46 319.¦1:45.59 280.¦ 292. Leddy Thomas 1960 Rüschlikon 3:22.53,7 2:07.22,8 (50766) Diplom H-Mann 475. 6,238 ¦ 1:28.20 289.¦1:54.32 297.¦ 293. Lupieri Pietro 1945 I-Milano (MI) 3:24.50,8 2:09.19,9 (55072) Diplom H-Mann 476. 6,179 ¦ 1:36.24 322.¦1:48.26 285.¦ 294. Burkard Erwin 1936 D-Duisburg 3:25.11,3 2:09.40,4 (50216) Diplom H-Mann 477. 6,169 ¦ 1:26.16 280.¦1:58.55 309.¦ 295. Maroni Marco 1965 Wangen SZ 3:25.38,5 2:10.07,6 (50819) Diplom H-Mann 479. 6,155 ¦ 53.34 87.¦2:32.04 344.¦ 296. Ambrosini Tiziano 1956 I-Settimo Milanese ( 3:26.15,2 2:10.44,3 (55161) Diplom H-Mann 480. 6,137 ¦ 1:35.17 321.¦1:50.58 290.¦ 297. Pfister Rolf 1939 Aesch BL 3:27.36,4 2:12.05,5 (50981) Diplom H-Mann 482. 6,097 ¦ 1:33.33 315.¦1:54.02 296.¦ 298. Wedekind Rino 1971 Hochdorf 3:28.24,3 2:12.53,4 (51792) Diplom H-Mann 483. 6,073 ¦ 1:28.29 291.¦1:59.55 310.¦ 299. Zaugg Paul 1930 Zürich 3:28.30,3 2:12.59,4 (55143) Diplom H-Mann 484. 6,070 ¦ 1:32.56 314.¦1:55.33 301.¦ 300. Suckale Roland 1951 D-Berlin 3:28.46,3 2:13.15,4 (55276) Diplom H-Mann 485. 6,063 ¦ 1:39.31 335.¦1:49.14 287.¦ 301. Hässig Josef 1949 Rapperswil SG 3:28.49,5 2:13.18,6 (55047) Diplom H-Mann 486. 6,061 ¦ 1:25.52 278.¦2:02.57 318.¦ 302. Pierach Claus 1934 USA-Minneapolis MN 3:29.20,8 2:13.49,9 (50983) Diplom H-Mann 487. 6,046 ¦ 1:31.23 301.¦1:57.57 305.¦ 303. Staub Kaspar 1985 Amriswil 3:29.28,9 2:13.58,0 (55247) Diplom H-Mann 488. 6,042 ¦ 1:32.17 302.¦1:57.11 304.¦ 304. Müller Andreas C. 1964 D-München 3:29.34,3 2:14.03,4 (55233) Diplom H-Mann 489. 6,040 ¦ 1:34.34 318.¦1:54.59 299.¦ 305. Krömler Guido 1945 Schwarzenbach SG 3:29.52,0 2:14.21,1 (55062) Diplom H-Mann 490. 6,031 ¦ 1:36.37 323.¦1:53.14 293.¦ 306. Santini Roberto 1963 I-Forte dei Marmi (L 3:30.13,4 2:14.42,5 (55240) Diplom H-Mann 491. 6,021 ¦ 1:28.27 290.¦2:01.45 315.¦ 307. Lüönd Albert 1980 Brunnen 3:30.41,4 2:15.10,5 (50795) Diplom H-Mann 492. 6,007 ¦ 1:34.30 317.¦1:56.11 302.¦ 308. Kirner Ernst 1940 Mettmenstetten 3:31.14,4 2:15.43,5 (55061) Diplom H-Mann 493. 5,992 ¦ 1:28.30 292.¦2:02.43 317.¦ 309. Odermatt Anton 1928 Zofingen 3:31.19,4 2:15.48,5 (50937) Diplom H-Mann 494. 5,989 ¦ 1:32.45 310.¦1:58.33 306.¦ 310. Späth Peter 1951 D-Remlingen 3:31.36,9 2:16.06,0 (55111) Diplom H-Mann 495. 5,981 ¦ 1:32.44 309.¦1:58.52 308.¦ 311. Rottler Gerhard 1935 D-Aidlingen 3:32.27,7 2:16.56,8 (51064) Diplom H-Mann 496. 5,957 ¦ 1:32.27 305.¦2:00.00 311.¦ 312. Aebischer Beat 1972 Laupen BE 3:33.16,3 2:17.45,4 (55217) Diplom H-Mann 497. 5,935 ¦ 1:32.39 308.¦2:00.36 313.¦ 313. Aebischer Walter 1945 Laupen BE 3:33.19,6 2:17.48,7 (55227) Diplom H-Mann 498. 5,933 ¦ 1:14.21 232.¦2:18.58 336.¦ 314. Räpple Heinrich 1948 D-Bad Peterstal-Grie 3:34.06,6 2:18.35,7 (51011) Diplom H-Mann 499. 5,912 ¦ 1:25.04 276.¦2:09.01 328.¦ 315. Lenhardt Friedrich 1949 D-Emmingen-Liptingen 3:35.04,5 2:19.33,6 (50773) Diplom H-Mann 500. 5,885 ¦ 1:33.50 316.¦2:01.13 314.¦ 316. Hollenstein Urs 1974 Zürich 3:35.09,7 2:19.38,8 (50603) Diplom H-Mann 501. 5,883 ¦ 1:31.07 300.¦2:04.02 320.¦ 317. Hartmann Paul 1932 Walenstadt 3:35.10,5 2:19.39,6 (55046) Diplom H-Mann 502. 5,882 ¦ 1:31.03 298.¦2:04.07 322.¦ 318. Loog Hardo 1932 EE-Tallinn 3:35.17,0 2:19.46,1 (55273) Diplom H-Mann 503. 5,879 ¦ 1:28.53 293.¦2:06.23 323.¦ 319. Kehrer Marcel ???? Lienz 3:36.19,9 2:20.49,0 (55175) Diplom H-Mann 504. 5,851 ¦ 1:48.28 346.¦1:47.51 283.¦ 320. Sutter Ralph 1978 Wittenbach 3:36.27,2 2:20.56,3 (55209) Diplom H-Mann 505. 5,848 ¦ 1:32.23 304.¦2:04.03 321.¦ 321. Davies Gareth 1963 Wittenbach 3:36.30,0 2:20.59,1 (51850) Diplom H-Mann 506. 5,846 ¦ 1:32.36 307.¦2:03.53 319.¦ 322. Caducio Joel 1968 Basel 3:37.09,6 2:21.38,7 (52176) Diplom H-Mann 507. 5,828 ¦ 1:38.35 331.¦1:58.34 307.¦ 323. Will Ewald 1939 D-Bad Königshofen 3:40.19,9 2:24.49,0 (51432) Diplom H-Mann 508. 5,745 ¦ 1:46.22 342.¦1:53.57 295.¦ 324. Küng Eugen 1925 Rothrist 3:41.08,6 2:25.37,7 (55064) Diplom H-Mann 509. 5,723 ¦ 1:38.37 332.¦2:02.30 316.¦ 325. Spörri Kurt 1960 Reichenburg 3:41.18,0 2:25.47,1 (55112) Diplom H-Mann 510. 5,719 ¦ 1:32.47 311.¦2:08.30 326.¦ 326. Cavalli Daniele 1942 I-Milano (MI) 3:41.28,5 2:25.57,6 (50245) Diplom H-Mann 511. 5,715 ¦ 1:45.16 341.¦1:56.12 303.¦ 327. Beti Alan 1975 Pontresina 3:46.01,8 2:30.30,9 (55012) Diplom H-Mann 513. 5,600 ¦ 1:32.55 313.¦2:13.06 333.¦ 328. Majno Giorgio 1954 I-Milano (MI) 3:47.07,2 2:31.36,3 (55180) Diplom H-Mann 514. 5,573 ¦ 1:46.58 344.¦2:00.08 312.¦ 329. Felix Grolman 1979 Zürich 3:48.13,0 2:32.42,1 (50382) Diplom H-Mann 515. 5,546 ¦ 1:39.17 334.¦2:08.55 327.¦ 330. Venter Barry 1944 RSA-Mosselbay 3:49.32,5 2:34.01,6 (55129) Diplom H-Mann 516. 5,514 ¦ 1:38.00 329.¦2:11.32 330.¦ 331. Salerno Carmelo 1935 Basel 3:50.12,6 2:34.41,7 (51081) Diplom H-Mann 517. 5,498 ¦ 1:38.34 330.¦2:11.38 331.¦ 332. De Jong Mark Arjan Bar 1975 F-Veigy Foncenex 3:55.37,9 2:40.07,0 (50286) Diplom H-Mann 518. 5,372 ¦ 1:32.54 312.¦2:22.43 339.¦ 333. Castelnuovo Angelo 1938 Sorengo 3:55.48,1 2:40.17,2 (55023) Diplom H-Mann 519. 5,368 ¦ 1:41.33 338.¦2:14.14 334.¦ 334. Mathys Peter 1935 Thun 3:55.55,2 2:40.24,3 (55077) Diplom H-Mann 520. 5,365 ¦ 1:48.52 347.¦2:07.02 324.¦ 335. Beckhardt Lorenz 1961 D-Bonn 3:58.14,5 2:42.43,6 (50091) Diplom H-Mann 522. 5,313 ¦ 1:37.38 325.¦2:20.35 337.¦ 336. Venzin Raimondo 1938 Sedrun 4:03.27,8 2:47.56,9 (51323) Diplom H-Mann 523. 5,199 ¦ 1:53.17 348.¦2:10.10 329.¦ 337. Brunner Anton 1946 Zürich 4:04.59,4 2:49.28,5 (55265) Diplom H-Mann 524. 5,166 ¦ 1:42.46 339.¦2:22.13 338.¦ 338. Bleichenbacher Jerome 1986 Thal 4:06.17,9 2:50.47,0 (55014) Diplom H-Mann 525. 5,139 ¦ 1:53.38 349.¦2:12.39 332.¦ 339. Zoja Marcello 1946 I-Milano (MI) 4:07.09,5 2:51.38,6 (55258) Diplom H-Mann 526. 5,121 ¦ 1:59.15 354.¦2:07.54 325.¦ 340. Schwab René 1961 Hornussen 4:12.25,7 2:56.54,8 (55107) Diplom H-Mann 527. 5,014 ¦ 1:42.54 340.¦2:29.31 343.¦ 341. Rüfenacht Peter 1957 Hornussen 4:12.27,7 2:56.56,8 (55098) Diplom H-Mann 528. 5,013 ¦ 1:46.25 343.¦2:26.02 341.¦ 342. Noesarchuck Otto 1941 Bellinzona 4:12.36,8 2:57.05,9 (50931) Diplom H-Mann 529. 5,010 ¦ 1:55.31 351.¦2:17.05 335.¦ 343. Staubach Moritz 1990 D-Fulda 4:12.44,2 2:57.13,3 (55119) Diplom H-Mann 530. 5,008 ¦ 1:37.15 324.¦2:35.28 347.¦ 344. Staubach Maximilian 1981 D-Fulda 4:14.19,6 2:58.48,7 (55118) Diplom H-Mann 531. 4,977 ¦ 1:37.51 328.¦2:36.27 348.¦ 345. Staubach Kurt 1929 D-Fulda 4:14.22,1 2:58.51,2 (55117) Diplom H-Mann 532. 4,976 ¦ 1:37.48 327.¦2:36.33 349.¦ 346. Staubach Andreas 1958 D-Fulda 4:14.22,7 2:58.51,8 (55116) Diplom H-Mann 533. 4,976 ¦ 1:37.41 326.¦2:36.41 350.¦ 347. Teuber Reinhard 1948 D-Stuttgart 4:21.06,8 3:05.35,9 (55158) Diplom H-Mann 535. 4,847 ¦ 1:56.26 352.¦2:24.40 340.¦ 348. Becker Günther 1926 Uerkheim 4:21.13,4 3:05.42,5 (50090) Diplom H-Mann 536. 4,845 ¦ 1:54.06 350.¦2:27.07 342.¦ 349. Wipprecht Uwe 1950 Riniken 4:34.28,0 3:18.57,1 (55137) Diplom H-Mann 538. 4,611 ¦ 1:47.53 345.¦2:46.34 351.¦ 350. Anker Kevin 1991 Knutwil 4:37.38,4 3:22.07,5 (55006) Diplom H-Mann 539. 4,559 ¦ 2:02.50 355.¦2:34.47 345.¦ 351. Schweizer Adrian 1968 Sursee 4:37.42,3 3:22.11,4 (55108) Diplom H-Mann 540. 4,558 ¦ 2:02.51 356.¦2:34.50 346.¦ 352. Kämpf Patrik 1966 Fislisbach 4:37.49,7 3:22.18,8 (52105) Diplom H-Mann 541. 4,556 ¦ 1:34.47 320.¦3:03.02 353.¦ 353. Vaterlaus Werner 1973 Bülach 4:37.59,3 3:22.28,4 (51322) Diplom H-Mann 542. 4,553 ¦ 1:38.42 333.¦2:59.16 352.¦ DNF Ambroso Giancarlo 1949 I-Milano (MI) 55.54,3 Silvaplana (55162) H-Mann --- ¦ 55.54 102.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Leuenberger Philippe 1954 Belprahon 1:08.49,8 Silvaplana (55068) H-Mann --- ¦ 1:08.49 208.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Lapp Andreas 1956 D-Stuttgart 1:56.50,8 Silvaplana (55159) H-Mann --- ¦ 1:56.50 353.¦ ---- ----¦

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