30. Engadiner Sommerlauf 2009, Bever - Sommerlauf Männer
Rang Name Jg Land/Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Caldiroli Fabio 1969 I-Olgiate Olona (VA) 1:33.39,9 ----- (398) S/S2 1. 3.28 2. Hass Erik 1982 D-Zwickau 1:34.11,2 0.31,3 (499) S/HK 1. 3.29 3. Luongo Antonio 1969 I-Tirano (SO) 1:34.27,3 0.47,4 (216) S/S2 2. 3.29 4. Zanotti Franco 1971 I-Bergamo 1:36.03,8 2.23,9 (382) S/S1 1. 3.33 5. Battelli Paolo 1975 I-Massa 1:37.08,9 3.29,0 (68) S/S1 2. 3.35 6. Ernst Walter 1970 Au SG 1:39.02,5 5.22,6 (483) S/S1 3. 3.40 7. Kerber Alexander 1969 La Punt-Chamues-ch 1:39.31,2 5.51,3 (1119) S/S2 3. 3.41 8. Srb Thomas 1968 A-Klosterneuburg ULC Klosterneuburg RR 1:40.51,8 7.11,9 (327) S/S2 4. 3.44 9. Wyss Eric 1966 St. Moritz 1:41.16,8 7.36,9 (380) S/S2 5. 3.45 10. Pöllinger Reini 1957 Bever LT St. Moritz 1:42.04,0 8.24,1 (431) S/S3 1. 3.46 11. Knier Max 1986 St. Moritz 1:43.16,1 9.36,2 (5033) S/HK 2. 3.49 12. Sulzer Peter 1976 Binningen 1:43.53,1 10.13,2 (459) S/S1 4. 3.50 13. Masar Patric 1977 Meilen 1:44.06,4 10.26,5 (226) S/HK 3. 3.51 14. Bühner Jörg 1978 D-Schirmitz LLC Marathon Regensburg 1:45.36,9 11.57,0 (55) S/HK 4. 3.54 15. Salinetti Michele 1972 Cureglia USC Capriaschese 1:46.08,6 12.28,7 (304) S/S1 5. 3.55 16. Valentini Francesco 1976 I-Agrate Brianza (MI) Gamber de Cuncuress 1:46.35,5 12.55,6 (361) S/S1 6. 3.56 17. Jacot Daniel 1967 Kloten 1:47.01,0 13.21,1 (1115) S/S2 6. 3.57 18. Congiu Fabio 1979 I-Tresivio (SO) PT SKYRUNNING 1:47.01,5 13.21,6 (400) S/HK 5. 3.57 19. Kamm Jan 1974 Madulain 1:47.10,0 13.30,1 (182) S/S1 7. 3.58 20. Girardet David 1979 Belfaux 1:47.19,5 13.39,6 (137) S/HK 6. 3.58 21. Morotti Giuseppe 1959 I-Albano S.Alessandro (BG amatori lazzaretto 1:47.29,7 13.49,8 (424) S/S3 2. 3.58 22. Morelli Giovanni 1968 I-Cornate d'Adda (MI) Gamber de Cuncuress 1:47.43,0 14.03,1 (249) S/S2 7. 3.59 23. Süess Stefan 1958 Schönenberg an der Thur LC Uzwil 1:48.04,8 14.24,9 (343) S/S3 3. 4.00 24. Malighetti Angelo 1966 I-Lecco (LC) Atletica Lecco 1:48.55,8 15.15,9 (5027) S/S2 8. 4.02 25. Rottoli Daniele 1967 I-Terno d'Isola (BG) amatori lazzaretto 1:49.01,5 15.21,6 (435) S/S2 9. 4.02 26. Elmer Hannes 1989 Matt LAV Glarus 1:49.26,6 15.46,7 (1141) S/HK 7. 4.03 27. Bächler Kurt 1970 Domat/Ems 1:49.42,5 16.02,6 (22) S/S1 8. 4.03 28. Glässner Marcel 1972 Davos Platz 1:49.43,7 16.03,8 (5047) S/S1 9. 4.03 29. Melcher Gian-Duri 1983 Samedan 1:49.44,9 16.05,0 (478) S/HK 8. 4.03 30. Divano Yuri 1970 I-Lierna (LC) 1:50.16,1 16.36,2 (5043) S/S1 10. 4.05 31. Morlacchi Michelangelo 1961 I-Torre Boldone (BG) 1:50.26,8 16.46,9 (423) S/S2 10. 4.05 32. Rigamonti Michele 1972 I-Sondrio (SO) marathon club sondrio 1:51.12,8 17.32,9 (434) S/S1 11. 4.07 33. Rossi Robert 1958 A-Mieming 1:51.18,6 17.38,7 (295) S/S3 4. 4.07 34. Lanfranchi Natale 1964 Li Curt 1:51.42,5 18.02,6 (417) S/S2 11. 4.08 35. Koligiotis Theo 1970 GR-Ioannina EKA DODONI 1:51.44,0 18.04,1 (191) S/S1 12. 4.08 36. Fürer Daniel 1972 Wittenbach 1:51.45,3 18.05,4 (117) S/S1 13. 4.08 37. Marbach Boris 1975 D-München 1:51.50,5 18.10,6 (419) S/S1 14. 4.08 38. Gatti Renato 1963 I-Caravaggio (BG) 1:51.59,1 18.19,2 (125) S/S2 12. 4.08 39. Lorenzetti Valerio 1974 Curio USC 1:52.20,8 18.40,9 (212) S/S1 15. 4.09 40. Fleissner Michael 1969 Zollikofen TV Länggasse 1:52.23,0 18.43,1 (107) S/S2 13. 4.09 41. Schäfli Martin 1959 Pontresina 1:52.47,2 19.07,3 (4) S/S3 5. 4.10 42. Viviano Damiano 1970 I-Bormio (SO) USB Atletica 1:52.59,2 19.19,3 (1127) S/S1 16. 4.11 43. Kolly Sven 1975 Zürich 1:53.05,6 19.25,7 (416) S/S1 17. 4.11 44. Pedrolini Marco 1964 I-Poggiridenti (SO) 1:53.18,6 19.38,7 (430) S/S2 14. 4.11 45. Frehner Ruedi 1963 Castrisch 1:53.24,1 19.44,2 (5008) S/S2 15. 4.12 46. Franzini Andrea 1969 I-Grosio (SO) G.P. RUPE MAGNA 1:54.16,9 20.37,0 (113) S/S2 16. 4.13 47. Crippa Gaetano 1968 I-Grosotto (SO) G.P. RUPE MAGNA 1:54.21,1 20.41,2 (81) S/S2 17. 4.14 48. Blättler Alex 1970 Speicher PAIS-SPRT 1:54.28,1 20.48,2 (35) S/S1 18. 4.14 49. Ripamonti Luca 1972 I-Biassono (MI) ASD Falchi 1:54.30,0 20.50,1 (290) S/S1 19. 4.14 50. Mariotti Christian 1974 Gordola Bombazza Team 1:54.50,3 21.10,4 (223) S/S1 20. 4.15 51. Puricelli Antonio 1970 I-Casorate Sempione (VA) 1:54.55,6 21.15,7 (286) S/S1 21. 4.15 52. Neri Filippo 1974 Oetwil an der Limmat Freeradicals 1:54.58,5 21.18,6 (260) S/S1 22. 4.15 53. Piccinin Gianpaolo 1952 St. Moritz 1:55.04,0 21.24,1 (444) S/S3 6. 4.15 54. Cattaneo Marco 1962 I-Solza ASD Runners Bergamo 1:55.15,3 21.35,4 (1144) S/S2 18. 4.16 55. Giudice Claudio Simone 1967 I-Lovero Valtellino (SO) G.P. RUPE MAGNA 1:55.18,4 21.38,5 (140) S/S2 19. 4.16 56. Hunziker Markus 1954 Spreitenbach 1:55.36,3 21.56,4 (168) S/S3 7. 4.16 57. Stecher Manfred 1963 I-Mals Rennerclub Vinschgau 1:55.37,8 21.57,9 (5039) S/S2 20. 4.16 58. Cecconi Riccardo 1961 I-Montecatini Terme e Tet S. Fedi 1:55.44,1 22.04,2 (73) S/S2 21. 4.17 59. Favarò Giusto 1964 I-Azzano Decimo (PN) AZZANO RUNNERS 1:55.47,2 22.07,3 (100) S/S2 22. 4.17 60. Bitschnau George 1958 Pfäffikon SZ LT Rapperswil-Jona 1:56.11,3 22.31,4 (1136) S/S3 8. 4.18 61. Pini Paolo 1977 I-Grosio (SO) ASS.PODISTICA RUPE MAGNA 1:56.13,1 22.33,2 (278) S/HK 9. 4.18 62. Merzario Paolo 1975 I-Mandello laro (LC) ATL Lecco 1:56.22,3 22.42,4 (5044) S/S1 23. 4.18 63. Decol Paolo 1965 I-Torino (TO) Savoia 1:56.51,0 23.11,1 (489) S/S2 23. 4.19 64. Bordoni Dario 1962 I-Tirano (SO) G.P. RUPE MAGNA 1:56.53,0 23.13,1 (42) S/S2 24. 4.19 65. Maschler Alfons 1959 I-Prad Reschenseelaufteam 1:57.01,9 23.22,0 (1140) S/S3 9. 4.20 66. Giardini Alberto 1975 I-Monza (MI) Gamber de Cuncuress 1:57.02,8 23.22,9 (133) S/S1 24. 4.20 67. Bacci Antonio 1969 I-Porcia (PN) 1:57.03,2 23.23,3 (20) S/S2 25. 4.20 68. Galliard Bruno 1967 Fläsch 1:57.50,9 24.11,0 (121) S/S2 26. 4.21 69. Loconsole Bjorn 1977 B-Beringen 1:57.52,9 24.13,0 (210) S/HK 10. 4.21 70. Pagnoncelli Gianluca 1964 I-Bottanuco (BG) 1:58.06,4 24.26,5 (426) S/S2 27. 4.22 71. Schäffer Bruno 1961 Zürich interAir Gruppe 1:58.13,8 24.33,9 (312) S/S2 28. 4.22 72. Rüdisüli Pius 1959 Herrliberg 1:58.21,6 24.41,7 (299) S/S3 10. 4.23 73. Pozzi Cesare 1971 I-Mariano Comense Amici Sport Briosco 1:58.26,4 24.46,5 (5005) S/S1 25. 4.23 74. Galasio Sergio 1968 I-Sondrio (SO) 2002MarathonClub 1:58.34,1 24.54,2 (120) S/S2 29. 4.23 75. Nava Marco 1970 I-Merone (CO) 1:58.46,5 25.06,6 (257) S/S1 26. 4.23 76. Bassi Massimo 1970 I-Buglio in Monte (SO) gs csi morbegno 1:58.49,6 25.09,7 (23) S/S1 27. 4.24 77. Hofstetter-Hefti Heinz 1964 St. Gallen 1:58.54,2 25.14,3 (163) S/S2 30. 4.24 78. Cantù Davide 1967 I-Terno d'Isola (BG) 1:59.00,3 25.20,4 (399) S/S2 31. 4.24 79. Radice Enrico 1969 I-Mariano Comense (CO) 1:59.05,3 25.25,4 (287) S/S2 32. 4.24 80. Nigotti Walter 1967 I-Tirano (SO) 1:59.07,1 25.27,2 (265) S/S2 33. 4.24 81. Akeret Martin 1975 Winterthur www.popshop.cc 1:59.11,3 25.31,4 (9) S/S1 28. 4.24 82. Bartholdi Marcel 1973 Kefikon 1:59.22,3 25.42,4 (470) S/S1 29. 4.25 83. Peverelli Raffaele 1969 I-Moltrasio (CO) Team Lario 1:59.43,5 26.03,6 (51) S/S2 34. 4.26 84. Del Maffeo Gianluca 1970 I-Tirano (SO) 1:59.48,1 26.08,2 (5049) S/S1 30. 4.26 85. Sanna Daniele 1965 Claro RC Bellinzona 2:00.03,7 26.23,8 (306) S/S2 35. 4.26 86. Höhener Daniel 1975 Pontresina 2:00.19,1 26.39,2 (474) S/S1 31. 4.27 87. Brioschi Filippo 1974 I-Bollate (MI) 2:00.19,6 26.39,7 (467) S/S1 32. 4.27 88. Gianola Claudio 1953 I-Premana 2:00.25,1 26.45,2 (66) S/S3 11. 4.27 89. Hoff Sascha 1978 D-Dresden 2:00.36,2 26.56,3 (477) S/HK 11. 4.28 90. Donghi Silvano 1965 I-Rogeno (LC) AVIS Oggiono 2:00.57,0 27.17,1 (406) S/S2 36. 4.28 91. Paglietti Bruno 1965 I-Spilimbergo (PN) 2:01.14,0 27.34,1 (268) S/S2 37. 4.29 92. Poma Franco 1949 I-Bergamo (BG) amatori lazzaretto 2:01.22,9 27.43,0 (432) S/S4 1. 4.29 93. Meier Heinz 1959 Pfäffikon ZH Team Meier 2:01.27,1 27.47,2 (235) S/S3 12. 4.29 94. Müller Fritz 1949 D-Weil am Rhein 2:01.44,0 28.04,1 (252) S/S4 2. 4.30 95. Bengtson Lars 1961 Speicher Turnverein Teufen AR 2:01.58,4 28.18,5 (27) S/S2 38. 4.31 96. Bönisch Manfred 1960 D-Gottmadingen 2:01.59,0 28.19,1 (41) S/S2 39. 4.31 97. Bohr Werner 1949 D-Frankfurt 2:02.07,5 28.27,6 (38) S/S4 3. 4.31 98. Vogel Hans 1962 Amriswil Molkerei Biedermann 2:02.12,3 28.32,4 (5019) S/S2 40. 4.31 99. Fumagalli Camillo 1962 I-Bergamo (BG) amatori lazzaretto 2:02.16,2 28.36,3 (409) S/S2 41. 4.31 100. Leopizzi Mario 1959 I-Monza (MI) Gamber de Cuncuress 2:02.18,4 28.38,5 (205) S/S3 13. 4.31 101. Portmann Peter 1966 Davos Platz 2:02.20,0 28.40,1 (282) S/S2 42. 4.31 102. Mazzoni Marco 1976 I-Morbegno (SO) 2:02.23,7 28.43,8 (232) S/S1 33. 4.31 103. Del Vincenzo Fabrizio 1971 I-Spriana (SO) 2:02.28,8 28.48,9 (403) S/S1 34. 4.32 104. Willi Rico 1968 Chur marathonBLOG.ch 2:02.36,6 28.56,7 (377) S/S2 43. 4.32 105. Valmadre Giancarlo 1950 St. Moritz Podisho Riccione 2:02.57,5 29.17,6 (362) S/S3 14. 4.33 106. Altorfer Oliver 1969 Zihlschlacht Molkerei Biedermann AG 2:03.11,4 29.31,5 (5016) S/S2 44. 4.33 107. Giorgini Nazareno 1956 I-Casalguidi (PT) Atletica Vinci 2:03.26,5 29.46,6 (136) S/S3 15. 4.34 108. Ruffner Retus 1956 Chur Retika 2:03.34,8 29.54,9 (301) S/S3 16. 4.34 109. Pizzatti Sertorelli Miche 1970 I-Poggiridenti (SO) PT SKYRUNNING 2:03.51,4 30.11,5 (279) S/S1 35. 4.35 110. Tenderini Daniele 1963 I-Premana 2:03.57,9 30.18,0 (64) S/S2 45. 4.35 111. Sgier Giusep 1961 Chur GG Chur 2:04.02,0 30.22,1 (436) S/S2 46. 4.35 112. Mayer René 1963 Allschwil Tria VC Allschwil 2:04.15,9 30.36,0 (230) S/S2 47. 4.36 113. Abt Markus 1967 Zürich 2:04.19,7 30.39,8 (463) S/S2 48. 4.36 114. Häfele Wolfgang 1959 D-Stuttgart 2:04.40,4 31.00,5 (153) S/S3 17. 4.37 115. Schmid Heinz 1956 Wollerau 2:04.56,8 31.16,9 (318) S/S3 18. 4.37 116. Gross Gian 1955 Châtel-St-Denis 2:04.58,4 31.18,5 (1137) S/S3 19. 4.37 117. Küng Rudolf 1964 Einsiedeln 2:05.15,6 31.35,7 (196) S/S2 49. 4.38 118. Larini Alain 1973 Buchs SG 2:05.25,6 31.45,7 (1143) S/S1 36. 4.38 119. Cadei Nicola 1964 I-Milano (MI) 2:05.28,8 31.48,9 (493) S/S2 50. 4.38 120. Eustachi Paolo 1948 I-Roma (RM) AICS Marathon Roma 2:05.31,0 31.51,1 (457) S/S4 4. 4.38 121. Jud Alex 1966 Bever SAC Bernina 2:05.34,3 31.54,4 (177) S/S2 51. 4.39 122. Bosio Giacomo 1962 I-Bergamo (BG) 2:06.06,2 32.26,3 (397) S/S2 52. 4.40 123. Materese Giacomo 1965 La Punt-Chamues-ch 2:06.22,7 32.42,8 (229) S/S2 53. 4.40 124. Kessler Peter 1957 D-Mainz interAir Gruppe 2:06.40,8 33.00,9 (184) S/S3 20. 4.41 125. Ingellis Antonio 1965 Davos Platz 2:06.44,3 33.04,4 (490) S/S2 54. 4.41 126. Pedrini Didier 1967 I-Livigno (SO) Marathon Club Livigno 2:06.57,7 33.17,8 (429) S/S2 55. 4.42 127. Biffi Domenico 1960 I-Barzago (LC) AVIS OGGIONO 2:07.07,0 33.27,1 (32) S/S2 56. 4.42 128. Gottschall Markus 1965 Nänikon 2:07.19,2 33.39,3 (1110) S/S2 57. 4.42 129. Rohner Martin 1965 Rorschacherberg 2:07.24,3 33.44,4 (455) S/S2 58. 4.43 130. Meola Timoteo 1987 I-Tirano Stazione 2:07.27,6 33.47,7 (1134) S/HK 12. 4.43 131. Tempra Gianvittorio 1969 I-Sondrio (SO) 2:07.32,7 33.52,8 (1130) S/S2 59. 4.43 132. Gerna Mario 1963 I-Chiuro (SO) PT SKYRUNNING 2:07.39,2 33.59,3 (127) S/S2 60. 4.43 133. Seiler Rico 1959 Jona 2:07.43,0 34.03,1 (468) S/S3 21. 4.43 134. Steiner Caspar 1970 Küsnacht ZH 2:07.44,2 34.04,3 (333) S/S1 37. 4.43 135. Martelli Roberto 1966 I-Morbegno (SO) 2002 Marathon Club 2:07.46,6 34.06,7 (5004) S/S2 61. 4.43 136. Geiger Freddy 1955 Untereggen Jogger Untereggen 2:07.54,5 34.14,6 (126) S/S3 22. 4.44 137. Knapp Christian 1967 Zürich 2:07.56,4 34.16,5 (188) S/S2 62. 4.44 138. Althaus Daniel 1968 Zürich TV Unterstrass 2:07.59,4 34.19,5 (447) S/S2 63. 4.44 139. Briz Maurizio 1957 I-Dongo (CO) G.p. Santi Nuova Olonio 2:08.06,7 34.26,8 (49) S/S3 23. 4.44 140. Straub Michael 1963 Winterthur 2:08.14,4 34.34,5 (337) S/S2 64. 4.44 141. Pedrini Francesco 1957 I-Cosio Valtellino (SO) 2002 Marathon 2:08.27,0 34.47,1 (5022) S/S3 24. 4.45 142. Giudicatti Massimo 1967 I-Treviglio (BG) G.S. AVIS TREVIGLIO 2:08.28,3 34.48,4 (139) S/S2 65. 4.45 143. Heim Samuel 1973 Romanshorn 2:08.30,1 34.50,2 (158) S/S1 38. 4.45 144. Tomasone Michele 1964 Savosa 2:08.33,7 34.53,8 (469) S/S2 66. 4.45 145. Gastaldini Daniele 1956 I-Bianzone (SO) Marathon Livigno 2:08.36,5 34.56,6 (124) S/S3 25. 4.45 146. Ponti Cristiano 1959 I-Livigno (SO) 2:08.42,8 35.02,9 (476) S/S3 26. 4.46 147. Schild Michael 1975 Bern MT Racing Team 2:08.44,7 35.04,8 (57) S/S1 39. 4.46 148. Giubbani Denny 1966 I-Ceriano Laghetto (MI) gap saronno 2:08.47,7 35.07,8 (138) S/S2 67. 4.46 149. Gülle Jörg 1959 D-Stuttgart TV Stammheim 2:08.49,1 35.09,2 (149) S/S3 27. 4.46 150. Mundwiler Lukas 1977 Gams 2:08.56,4 35.16,5 (256) S/HK 13. 4.46 151. Bacciarini Emanuele 1968 Cugnasco 2:08.58,9 35.19,0 (21) S/S2 68. 4.46 152. Cigliano Antonio 1954 I-curno BG (BG) 2:08.59,6 35.19,7 (74) S/S3 28. 4.46 153. Carle Andrea 1984 St. Moritz 2:09.11,7 35.31,8 (66) S/HK 14. 4.47 154. Hatecke August 1965 Samedan 2:09.21,3 35.41,4 (498) S/S2 69. 4.47 155. Grischott Arnold 1953 Paspels alpinrunner 2:09.27,2 35.47,3 (144) S/S3 29. 4.47 156. Thöni Albert 1958 Bonaduz LG Bonaduz 2:09.40,7 36.00,8 (5029) S/S3 30. 4.48 157. Fumagalli Sergio 1954 I-Ponte Lambro (CO) 2:09.44,6 36.04,7 (116) S/S3 31. 4.48 158. Lerch Jürgen 1970 Chur 2:09.50,0 36.10,1 (206) S/S1 40. 4.48 159. Negri Giovanni Battista 1971 I-Lecco (LC) Atletica Lecco Colombo Costruz 2:09.52,3 36.12,4 (259) S/S1 41. 4.48 160. Milanesi Mario 1968 I 2:09.53,2 36.13,3 (471) S/S2 70. 4.48 161. Peyer Lukas 1972 Zürich 2:09.55,8 36.15,9 (273) S/S1 42. 4.48 162. Micheletti Luciano 1956 I-Calusco d'Adda (BG) 2:10.01,9 36.22,0 (421) S/S3 32. 4.48 163. Westerberg Nils 1959 Pfäffikon SZ ASVZ 2:10.03,0 36.23,1 (440) S/S3 33. 4.49 164. Rivolta Ivano 1969 I-Macherio (MI) 2:10.08,7 36.28,8 (292) S/S2 71. 4.49 165. Stadlin Markus 1958 Bettingen 2:10.18,8 36.38,9 (331) S/S3 34. 4.49 166. Desarzens Gregory 1981 Epesses Triviera 2:10.20,8 36.40,9 (87) S/HK 15. 4.49 167. Coelho Gomes Antonio 1955 Sils/Segl Baselgia 2:10.21,7 36.41,8 (1145) S/S3 35. 4.49 168. Boller Roger 1964 Wetzikon ZH 2:10.29,2 36.49,3 (395) S/S2 72. 4.49 169. Sagunto Francesco 1960 St. Moritz 2:10.32,0 36.52,1 (303) S/S2 73. 4.50 170. Schelbert Julius 1958 Muotathal Lauftreff Ibach 2:10.55,9 37.16,0 (315) S/S3 36. 4.50 171. Hinkel Rudolf 1952 D-Sigmaringen 2:11.04,1 37.24,2 (450) S/S3 37. 4.51 172. Weyerke Bernd 1964 Risch 2:11.07,2 37.27,3 (441) S/S2 74. 4.51 173. Galigani Luciano 1966 I-Domaso (CO) GP Santi Nuova Olonio 2:11.10,0 37.30,1 (1149) S/S2 75. 4.51 174. Monti Leonardo 1945 I-Lamporecchio (PT) 2:11.20,2 37.40,3 (484) S/S4 5. 4.51 175. Hege Martin 1965 Tann 2:11.29,1 37.49,2 (157) S/S2 76. 4.52 176. Müller Peter 1959 D-Straubenhardt 2:11.30,9 37.51,0 (466) S/S3 38. 4.52 177. Manetti Alberto 1963 Sementina RCB bellinzona 2:11.33,5 37.53,6 (221) S/S2 77. 4.52 178. Stucchi Gianmario 1956 I-Madone (BG) ATLETICA CASTEL ROZZONE 2:11.56,9 38.17,0 (341) S/S3 39. 4.53 179. Fiori Marco 1969 I-Sondrio (SO) 2:12.04,1 38.24,2 (105) S/S2 78. 4.53 180. Caputo Corrado 1966 I-Sondrio (SO) 2:12.04,6 38.24,7 (65) S/S2 79. 4.53 181. Scandelli Maurizio 1955 I-Milano (MI) Road Runner Milano 2:12.08,0 38.28,1 (309) S/S3 40. 4.53 182. Jost Thomas 1962 Zürich 2:12.15,1 38.35,2 (176) S/S2 80. 4.53 183. Meuli Andrea 1956 Fläsch 2:12.28,2 38.48,3 (245) S/S3 41. 4.54 184. Gemtili Massimo 1963 Silvaplana 2:12.35,4 38.55,5 (465) S/S2 81. 4.54 185. Suti Valerio ???? I-Milano (MI) 2:12.36,1 38.56,2 (345) S/HK 16. 4.54 186. Rohrer René 1953 Chur smrun 2:12.39,2 38.59,3 (293) S/S3 42. 4.54 187. Herrmann Michael 1977 St. Gallen 2:12.49,0 39.09,1 (160) S/HK 17. 4.55 188. Reber Rolf 1958 Domat/Ems 2:13.06,2 39.26,3 (5028) S/S3 43. 4.55 189. Zehnder Peter 1969 Dottikon 2:13.16,7 39.36,8 (383) S/S2 82. 4.56 190. Melloni Tomaso 1979 St. Moritz 2:13.17,9 39.38,0 (454) S/HK 18. 4.56 191. Comi Adriano Franco 1964 I-Missaglia (LC) UP Missagua 2:13.18,6 39.38,7 (5009) S/S2 83. 4.56 192. Zanoni René 1947 Widen Beriker Joggers 2:13.21,8 39.41,9 (381) S/S4 6. 4.56 193. Pescarolo Massimiliano 1968 I-Giussano (MI) Gamber de Cuncuress 2:13.25,9 39.46,0 (271) S/S2 84. 4.56 194. Tomassini Rossano 1952 I-Pellio Intelvi 2:13.29,1 39.49,2 (5020) S/S3 44. 4.56 195. Mornico Simone 1970 I-Mariano Comense GAP Saronno 2:13.35,8 39.55,9 (67) S/S1 43. 4.56 196. Amadio Giorgio 1963 I-Azzano Decimo (PN) Azzano Runners 2:13.40,0 40.00,1 (14) S/S2 85. 4.57 197. Piasini Enrico 1975 I-Tresivio (SO) GS CSI MORBEGNO 2:13.45,0 40.05,1 (277) S/S1 44. 4.57 198. Krawanja Thorsten 1973 Chur 2:13.52,5 40.12,6 (5046) S/S1 45. 4.57 199. Malinverno Piero 1961 I-Urio (CO) ATLHETIC TEAM LARIO 2:13.53,7 40.13,8 (219) S/S2 86. 4.57 200. Born Leo 1967 Winkel 2:14.05,1 40.25,2 (44) S/S2 87. 4.57 201. Miscioscia Davide 1982 I-Albavilla (CO) 2:14.07,3 40.27,4 (422) S/HK 19. 4.58 202. Lange Winand 1957 D-Kempen 2:14.09,7 40.29,8 (202) S/S3 45. 4.58 203. De Miro Giancarlo 1955 I-Milano (MI) 2:14.10,8 40.30,9 (402) S/S3 46. 4.58 204. Cusini Ivano 1968 I-Grosio (SO) ASS. PODISTICA RUPE MAGNA 2:14.11,8 40.31,9 (401) S/S2 88. 4.58 205. Corti Michele 1967 I-Morbegno (SO) 2:14.22,1 40.42,2 (5023) S/S2 89. 4.58 206. Stadelmann Philipp 1953 Therwil 2:14.24,2 40.44,3 (330) S/S3 47. 4.58 207. Saameli Paul 1961 Bottmingen 2:14.24,6 40.44,7 (302) S/S2 90. 4.58 208. Testa Fabio 1974 I-Galbiate G.S. Avis Oggiono 2:14.31,5 40.51,6 (1131) S/S1 46. 4.58 209. Wurmet Beat 1969 Adligenswil 2:14.32,3 40.52,4 (379) S/S2 91. 4.58 210. Roffler Markus 1962 Churwalden 2:14.34,6 40.54,7 (5026) S/S2 92. 4.59 211. Aebersold Thomas 1963 Zürich 2:14.36,8 40.56,9 (5) S/S2 93. 4.59 212. Cazzaniga Giorgio 1949 I-Isso (BG) ATLETICA PRESEZZO 2:14.39,1 40.59,2 (72) S/S4 7. 4.59 213. Grünenfelder Alexander 1968 Wädenswil 2:14.51,3 41.11,4 (1114) S/S2 94. 4.59 214. Thoma Werner 1942 I-Prad (BZ) ASV Rennerclub Vinschgau 2:14.56,7 41.16,8 (348) S/S4 8. 4.59 215. Widmer Daniel 1960 Nürensdorf 2:15.00,3 41.20,4 (1112) S/S2 95. 5.00 216. Mettler Martin 1982 Hauptwil Molkerei Biedermann 2:15.03,4 41.23,5 (5018) S/HK 20. 5.00 217. Foppa Federico 1972 I-Como (CO) 2:15.12,1 41.32,2 (110) S/S1 47. 5.00 218. Gugiatti Stefano 1965 I-Sondrio 2002 Marathon Club 2:15.27,1 41.47,2 (1124) S/S2 96. 5.01 219. Thomasin Claudio 1962 Dörflingen 2:15.45,2 42.05,3 (349) S/S2 97. 5.01 220. Crameri Giordano 1954 Pontresina 2:15.47,4 42.07,5 (79) S/S3 48. 5.01 221. Kramer Josef 1950 Dörflingen 2:15.51,2 42.11,3 (194) S/S3 49. 5.01 222. Metzger Ulrich 1962 D-Stuttgart CVJM Sonnenberg 2:16.04,5 42.24,6 (244) S/S2 98. 5.02 223. Liberati Alberto 1966 I-Chiavenna (SO) 2:16.18,6 42.38,7 (1150) S/S2 99. 5.02 224. Bott Reto 1956 Hofstetten SO Laufbewegung 2:16.26,5 42.46,6 (46) S/S3 50. 5.03 225. Hill Martin 1982 St. Moritz 2:16.29,4 42.49,5 (161) S/HK 21. 5.03 226. Caminada Tino 1990 St. Moritz 2:16.30,9 42.51,0 (5007) S/JM 1. 5.03 227. Burkhart Georg 1964 D-Neusäß DAV Augsburg 2:16.34,4 42.54,5 (58) S/S2 100. 5.03 228. Giacomelli Luca 1973 I-Sondrio (SO) 2:16.37,3 42.57,4 (129) S/S1 48. 5.03 229. Fatigati Davide 1969 Celerina/Schlarigna 2:16.42,3 43.02,4 (99) S/S2 101. 5.03 230. Merazzi Gianni 1953 I-Lucino (CO) 2:16.42,8 43.02,9 (240) S/S3 51. 5.03 231. Hafner Joachim 1982 St. Moritz 2:16.43,5 43.03,6 (154) S/HK 22. 5.03 232. Mastromei Walter 1962 I-Lido di Camaiore (LU) Il Campione 2:16.45,1 43.05,2 (228) S/S2 102. 5.03 233. Severi Angelo 1956 I-Viareggio (LU) Il Campione 2:16.46,4 43.06,5 (321) S/S3 52. 5.03 234. Potenza Toni 1980 St. Moritz 2:16.49,8 43.09,9 (283) S/HK 23. 5.04 235. Gilson Jean-Marie 1958 L-Neuhaeusgen 2:16.55,6 43.15,7 (134) S/S3 53. 5.04 236. Valentin Chasper 1979 Pontresina 2:17.08,5 43.28,6 (492) S/HK 24. 5.04 237. Marti Thomas 1959 Diegten SC Diegten 2:17.13,5 43.33,6 (420) S/S3 54. 5.04 238. Pfister Samuel 1978 Uetikon am See 2:17.16,2 43.36,3 (275) S/HK 25. 5.05 239. Ritz Daniel 1971 Diepoldsau 2:17.35,1 43.55,2 (291) S/S1 49. 5.05 240. Antonietti Bruno 1952 Purasca Sam Massagno 2:17.49,4 44.09,5 (16) S/S3 55. 5.06 241. Weiss Martin 1965 Wetzikon ZH 2:17.50,4 44.10,5 (373) S/S2 103. 5.06 242. Capeder Bernard 1954 Zürich 2:17.51,5 44.11,6 (64) S/S3 56. 5.06 243. Candolfi Nelson 1959 Locarno SP Locarnese 2:17.59,2 44.19,3 (62) S/S3 57. 5.06 244. Signorelli Stefano 1969 I-Bergamo (BG) 2:18.00,5 44.20,6 (437) S/S2 104. 5.06 245. Flückiger Peter 1957 Zollikofen 2:18.11,7 44.31,8 (108) S/S3 58. 5.07 246. Seibert Heinz-Peter 1954 Zollikofen 2:18.12,6 44.32,7 (319) S/S3 59. 5.07 247. Mühlemann Heinz 1947 Scharnachtal Quadrifoglio 2:18.13,2 44.33,3 (5011) S/S4 9. 5.07 248. Pfrunder Harry 1952 Rüschlikon 2:18.13,8 44.33,9 (276) S/S3 60. 5.07 249. Bossetti Umberto 1964 I-Castelmarte (CO) 2:18.31,3 44.51,4 (45) S/S2 105. 5.07 250. Andriolo Damiano 1965 I-Varese (VA) 2:18.42,5 45.02,6 (449) S/S2 106. 5.08 251. Tributh Gerhard 1951 D-Marktheidenfeld TV Maaktheidenfeld 2:18.54,5 45.14,6 (355) S/S3 61. 5.08 252. Edenhofer Horst 1951 Corminboeuf 2:18.58,7 45.18,8 (92) S/S3 62. 5.08 253. Fasnacht Markus 1968 Kestenholz 2:19.05,3 45.25,4 (98) S/S2 107. 5.09 254. Bonadeo Marco 1964 I-Milano (MI) PT SKYRUNNING 2:19.06,2 45.26,3 (40) S/S2 108. 5.09 255. Jenni Dieter 1958 Affoltern am Albis 2:19.12,1 45.32,2 (174) S/S3 63. 5.09 256. Ramirez Juan 1957 Davos Wolfgang 2:19.17,8 45.37,9 (288) S/S3 64. 5.09 257. Haerri Hans Peter 1956 Reinach BL 2:19.20,5 45.40,6 (152) S/S3 65. 5.09 258. Tschuor Toni 1969 Obersaxen Affeier 2:19.21,4 45.41,5 (5013) S/S2 109. 5.09 259. Leuthard Werner 1966 Hünenberg 2:19.28,7 45.48,8 (207) S/S2 110. 5.09 260. Patt Niklaus 1967 Chur 2:19.44,8 46.04,9 (5030) S/S2 111. 5.10 261. Börlin Peter 1957 Uster 2:19.46,3 46.06,4 (488) S/S3 66. 5.10 262. Bassola Leonardo 1973 I-Sondrio (SO) polisportiva albosaggia 2:19.54,6 46.14,7 (393) S/S1 50. 5.10 263. Jungo Pirmin 1972 Alterswil FR 2:19.56,0 46.16,1 (179) S/S1 51. 5.10 264. Boller Roland 1965 Wetzikon ZH 2:19.58,0 46.18,1 (39) S/S2 112. 5.11 265. Kaul Rolf 1952 Hagendorn 2:20.10,4 46.30,5 (496) S/S3 67. 5.11 266. Schaufelberger Walter 1942 Küsnacht ZH 2:20.11,2 46.31,3 (3) S/S4 10. 5.11 267. Kaspar Hans 1954 Diepflingen 2:20.18,4 46.38,5 (414) S/S3 68. 5.11 268. Frigerio Mauro 1971 I-Lipomo Athletic Team Lario 2:20.21,6 46.41,7 (1148) S/S1 52. 5.11 269. Sanz Aguilar Oscar 1974 Lostallo val di gat 2:20.27,8 46.47,9 (307) S/S1 53. 5.12 270. Huber Georg 1968 Davos Dorf Track Club Davos 2:20.28,8 46.48,9 (166) S/S2 113. 5.12 271. Bethke Hartmut 1942 Allschwil 2:20.34,5 46.54,6 (30) S/S4 11. 5.12 272. Wehrle Urs 1963 St. Gallen 2:20.36,6 46.56,7 (370) S/S2 114. 5.12 273. Blunschi Xaver 1953 Berikon Beriker Jogger 2:20.42,4 47.02,5 (36) S/S3 69. 5.12 274. Bühner Siegfried 1947 D-Schirmitz TB Weiden 2:20.54,5 47.14,6 (56) S/S4 12. 5.13 275. Ferretti Renzo 1981 Samedan Club 83 2:20.57,6 47.17,7 (103) S/HK 26. 5.13 276. Giustolisi Corrado 1964 I-Sondrio Polisportiva Albosaggia 2:20.58,9 47.19,0 (1123) S/S2 115. 5.13 277. Wricke Achim 1971 D-Pohlheim InterAir 2:21.00,1 47.20,2 (58) S/S1 54. 5.13 278. Vedani Carlo 1966 I-Milano (MI) 2:21.07,1 47.27,2 (363) S/S2 116. 5.13 279. Valsecchi Maurizio 1961 I-Piuro (SO) 2:21.12,3 47.32,4 (5035) S/S2 117. 5.13 280. Ruotolo Tiziano 1975 I-Pieve a Nievole (PT) 2:21.38,2 47.58,3 (485) S/S1 55. 5.14 281. Rota Gian Mario 1965 I-Carvico (BG) BIGACC DE ELA 2:21.48,5 48.08,6 (297) S/S2 118. 5.15 282. Stiehle Harald 1961 D-Leinfelden-Echterdingen interAir Gruppe 2:21.50,9 48.11,0 (335) S/S2 119. 5.15 283. Eichenberger Max 1954 Arbon 2:22.03,3 48.23,4 (494) S/S3 70. 5.15 284. Müller Urs 1972 Wald ZH Erdinger-Alkoholfrei 2:22.03,9 48.24,0 (254) S/S1 56. 5.15 285. Giacomelli Simone 1979 I-Sondrio (SO) 2:22.13,0 48.33,1 (130) S/HK 27. 5.16 286. De Vries Bert-Jan 1963 Speicher TV Teufen 2:22.16,2 48.36,3 (84) S/S2 120. 5.16 287. Arioli Matteo 1944 St. Moritz SC Alpina St. Moritz 2:22.26,3 48.46,4 (17) S/S4 13. 5.16 288. Tognoli Jacopo 1991 I-Grosotto (SO) CUS PAVIA 2:22.29,0 48.49,1 (351) S/JM 2. 5.16 289. Cantarelli Angelo 1967 St. Moritz 2:22.30,0 48.50,1 (63) S/S2 121. 5.16 290. Zimmermann Matthias 1964 D-Lörrach 2:22.32,4 48.52,5 (386) S/S2 122. 5.16 291. Gaffuri Paolo 1958 I-Strozza (BG) 2:22.40,3 49.00,4 (119) S/S3 71. 5.17 292. Selvetti Pietro 1950 I-Sondrio (SO) 2:22.54,2 49.14,3 (320) S/S3 72. 5.17 293. Fabiano Riccardo Dario 1936 I-Prato (PO) Gruppo Podistici Croce D'Oro 2:22.56,0 49.16,1 (95) S/S4 14. 5.17 294. Bumann Daniel 1958 La Punt-Chamues-ch 2:23.03,9 49.24,0 (5041) S/S3 73. 5.17 295. Rossi Marco 1964 I-Lurago d'Erba (CO) GSA Corno Marco Italia 2:23.08,6 49.28,7 (294) S/S2 123. 5.18 296. Zeller Christoph 1972 Allschwil andys laufträff 2:23.11,1 49.31,2 (384) S/S1 57. 5.18 297. Gabrian Peter 1956 D-Wellendingen 2:23.13,9 49.34,0 (1138) S/S3 74. 5.18 298. Jegerlehner Hansruedi 1971 Bern bern frontrunners 2:23.37,4 49.57,5 (173) S/S1 58. 5.19 299. Ruell Axel 1967 D-München 2:23.55,3 50.15,4 (464) S/S2 124. 5.19 300. Targa Giorgio 1967 I-Calvignano (PV) 2:24.00,6 50.20,7 (1109) S/S2 125. 5.20 301. Gerosa Matteo 1973 Riva San Vitale 2:24.10,6 50.30,7 (128) S/S1 59. 5.20 302. Viganò Marco Valentino 1961 I-Presezzo (BG) ATLETICA PRESEZZO 2:24.11,7 50.31,8 (365) S/S2 126. 5.20 303. De La Harpe Guy 1957 Cossonay 2:24.13,3 50.33,4 (83) S/S3 75. 5.20 304. Cassoni David 1977 I-Villa di Tirano (SO) 2:24.14,0 50.34,1 (68) S/HK 28. 5.20 305. Tomaschett Martin 1959 Trun dai tut 2:24.15,5 50.35,6 (352) S/S3 76. 5.20 306. Taddei Francesco 1958 I-Firenze (FI) Il Ponte Scandicci 2:24.17,1 50.37,2 (346) S/S3 77. 5.20 307. Vetti Ottavio 1951 St. Moritz 2:24.22,2 50.42,3 (364) S/S3 78. 5.20 308. Giorgini Luciano 1953 I-Pistoia (PT) Atletica Vinci 2:24.23,1 50.43,2 (135) S/S3 79. 5.20 309. Montanari Remo 1959 Zürich Cityrunning 2:24.44,2 51.04,3 (248) S/S3 80. 5.21 310. Kleeb Reto 1980 Zürich 2:24.46,9 51.07,0 (187) S/HK 29. 5.21 311. Burth Karl 1948 D-Mühlheim interAir Gruppe 2:24.48,1 51.08,2 (59) S/S4 15. 5.21 312. Zöllig Markus 1959 St. Gallen 2:24.59,3 51.19,4 (389) S/S3 81. 5.22 313. Camozzi Renato 1957 I-Porlezza (CO) GP. Santi-Nuova Olonio 2:25.02,8 51.22,9 (61) S/S3 82. 5.22 314. Bigagli Roberto 1964 I-Prato (PO) 2:25.21,2 51.41,3 (33) S/S2 127. 5.23 315. Mercatelli Fabio 1981 St. Moritz 2:25.24,4 51.44,5 (241) S/HK 30. 5.23 316. Mantegazza Davide 1965 St. Moritz 2:25.25,6 51.45,7 (446) S/S2 128. 5.23 317. Passerini Gianluigi 1950 I-Sondrio (SO) Podisti Sondriesi 2:25.45,1 52.05,2 (428) S/S3 83. 5.23 318. Cvorovic Mitar 1946 Pontresina LT St. Moritz 2:25.54,3 52.14,4 (82) S/S4 16. 5.24 319. Allemann Andri 1983 Samedan 2:25.56,8 52.16,9 (13) S/HK 31. 5.24 320. Stoll Ruedi 1953 Zumikon 2:26.13,8 52.33,9 (336) S/S3 84. 5.24 321. Guzzi Simone 1967 Gerra Piano 2:26.19,2 52.39,3 (150) S/S2 129. 5.25 322. Buchmann Erich 1953 Haldenstein 2:26.25,6 52.45,7 (54) S/S3 85. 5.25 323. Spaggiari Giuseppe 1955 Bellinzona 2:26.31,3 52.51,4 (326) S/S3 86. 5.25 324. Hollenweger Mirko 1977 Fehraltorf 2:26.33,5 52.53,6 (165) S/HK 32. 5.25 325. Pellegrini Sebastiano 1959 Mendrisio 2:26.35,3 52.55,4 (270) S/S3 87. 5.25 326. Müller Viktor 1940 Adliswil SSC Langnau 2:26.39,2 52.59,3 (480) S/S4 17. 5.25 327. Giger Heinz 1940 Kilchberg ZH 2:26.40,2 53.00,3 (481) S/S4 18. 5.25 328. Broggini Silvano 1972 I-Mese (SO) PTS Sky Running 2:26.46,4 53.06,5 (50) S/S1 60. 5.26 329. Rohrer Herbert 1962 Felsberg 2:26.48,6 53.08,7 (5037) S/S2 130. 5.26 330. Knobel Ernst 1957 Wangen SZ 2:26.58,5 53.18,6 (415) S/S3 88. 5.26 331. Peter Christoph 1967 St. Gallen 2:27.02,1 53.22,2 (272) S/S2 131. 5.26 332. Trimarchi Michele 1975 I-Tirano Stazione (SO) 2:27.10,8 53.30,9 (5034) S/S1 61. 5.27 333. Eicher Josef 1949 St. Moritz 2:27.16,0 53.36,1 (479) S/S4 19. 5.27 334. Stucki Roger 1966 Hinwil 2:27.17,4 53.37,5 (342) S/S2 132. 5.27 335. Pulliero Fabrizio 1947 I-Sondrio (SO) 2:27.18,5 53.38,6 (285) S/S4 20. 5.27 336. Vagnone Paolo 1963 I-Milano (MI) 2:27.21,3 53.41,4 (359) S/S2 133. 5.27 337. Bechtle Henner 1942 Herrliberg 2:27.22,3 53.42,4 (1120) S/S4 21. 5.27 338. Widmer Pierre 1975 Zürich 2:27.45,0 54.05,1 (376) S/S1 62. 5.28 339. Rönnfeld Steve 1965 St. Gallen 2:27.54,0 54.14,1 (56) S/S2 134. 5.28 340. Landtwing Martin 1957 Dietlikon 2:28.00,2 54.20,3 (200) S/S3 89. 5.28 341. Lange Thomas 1965 Bützberg 2:28.05,8 54.25,9 (201) S/S2 135. 5.29 342. Bumann Jan 1975 Lausanne 2:28.11,1 54.31,2 (57) S/S1 63. 5.29 343. Schaller Bernhard 1966 Faulensee 2:28.15,3 54.35,4 (314) S/S2 136. 5.29 344. Buser Franz 1963 Rüfenacht BE LC Worb 2:28.17,4 54.37,5 (60) S/S2 137. 5.29 345. Pfäffli Michael 1962 St. Moritz 2:28.33,5 54.53,6 (274) S/S2 138. 5.30 346. Gianera Nicola 1975 I-Mese (SO) PT SKYRUNNING 2:28.47,9 55.08,0 (132) S/S1 64. 5.30 347. Perletti Massimiliano 1964 I-Milano (MI) 2:28.51,9 55.12,0 (497) S/S2 139. 5.30 348. Da Prada Gianantonio 1957 I-Pavia (PV) San Martino PV 2:29.10,2 55.30,3 (500) S/S3 90. 5.31 349. Bigger Walter 1966 Obersaxen Meierhof 2:29.11,1 55.31,2 (5012) S/S2 140. 5.31 350. Lupi Gianpiero 1949 I-Poggio Mirteto (RI) 2:29.16,5 55.36,6 (456) S/S4 22. 5.31 351. Matti Enrico 1973 I-Vigevano Atletica Meda 2:29.25,2 55.45,3 (65) S/S1 65. 5.32 352. Boriosi Claudio 1963 I-Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) Atletica Signa ASD 2:29.27,8 55.47,9 (43) S/S2 141. 5.32 353. Ledermann Martin 1976 Chur 2:29.32,5 55.52,6 (59) S/S1 66. 5.32 354. Collet Georg 1946 Küsnacht ZH 2:29.34,2 55.54,3 (77) S/S4 23. 5.32 355. Sustar Davor 1973 Lugano 2:29.42,8 56.02,9 (344) S/S1 67. 5.32 356. Marty Thomas 1964 Altdorf UR 2:29.45,8 56.05,9 (225) S/S2 142. 5.32 357. Nesa Massimo 1971 I-Tresivio (SO) PT SKYRUNNING 2:29.52,5 56.12,6 (261) S/S1 68. 5.33 358. Hotz Walter 1953 Müstair TV Val Müstair 2:29.59,4 56.19,5 (2) S/S3 91. 5.33 359. Scieghi Lorenzo 1966 I-Tirano Stazione 2:30.07,0 56.27,1 (1132) S/S2 143. 5.33 360. Forrer Markus 1964 Wollerau 2:30.10,5 56.30,6 (111) S/S2 144. 5.33 361. Lienhard Heinz 1962 Rheinau 2:30.35,0 56.55,1 (208) S/S2 145. 5.34 362. Parenti Giovanni 1964 I-Sassuolo (MO) Casa Modena 2:30.41,3 57.01,4 (462) S/S2 146. 5.34 363. Siegrist Urs 1964 Reinach BL 2:30.48,5 57.08,6 (322) S/S2 147. 5.35 364. Iseli Rolf 1942 Basel SSC Riehen 2:31.03,9 57.24,0 (171) S/S4 24. 5.35 365. Kiener Sandro 1982 Arth 2:31.12,6 57.32,7 (185) S/HK 33. 5.36 366. Wagner Walter 1953 D-Reichelsheim 2:31.14,0 57.34,1 (475) S/S3 92. 5.36 367. Vögeli Bernhard 1958 Buchs SG Lauftreff Buchs 2:31.29,4 57.49,5 (439) S/S3 93. 5.36 368. Ladner Wolfgang 1952 D-Fugönheim 2:31.34,0 57.54,1 (198) S/S3 94. 5.36 369. Gandolfi Alberto 1971 I-Brembate di Sopra (BG) 2:31.51,3 58.11,4 (122) S/S1 69. 5.37 370. Paganini Daniel 1971 Samedan TV Samedan 2:31.56,8 58.16,9 (445) S/S1 70. 5.37 371. Weishaupt Urs 1953 St. Gallen 2:32.11,0 58.31,1 (372) S/S3 95. 5.38 372. Hunziker Roger 1957 Rüschlikon 2:32.15,0 58.35,1 (453) S/S3 96. 5.38 373. Cigolotti Marco 1965 I-Viareggio (LU) CEF Viareggio 2:32.45,2 59.05,3 (75) S/S2 148. 5.39 374. Plüer Kurt 1956 Magden 2:32.52,1 59.12,2 (280) S/S3 97. 5.39 375. Civatti Abramo 1975 Riva San Vitale 2:32.55,6 59.15,7 (76) S/S1 71. 5.39 376. Lüssi Markus 1966 Hombrechtikon 2:32.57,1 59.17,2 (418) S/S2 149. 5.39 377. Tschuor Isidor 1957 Rueun 2:33.03,6 59.23,7 (358) S/S3 98. 5.40 378. Bressmer Achim 1955 D-Süßen [email protected] 2:33.07,2 59.27,3 (473) S/S3 99. 5.40 379. Wahl Kurt 1951 Stallikon interAir Gruppe 2:33.15,3 59.35,4 (368) S/S3 100. 5.40 380. Speziale Marcello 1961 I-Morbegno (SO) 2:33.17,5 59.37,6 (5003) S/S2 150. 5.40 381. Uster Werner 1952 Uster 2:33.31,3 59.51,4 (53) S/S3 101. 5.41 382. Koss Werner 1967 Zürich 2:33.37,3 59.57,4 (193) S/S2 151. 5.41 383. Berther Duri 1961 Chur 2:33.59,9 1:00.20,0 (29) S/S2 152. 5.42 384. Baumann Marc 1979 Oberhünigen 2:34.05,8 1:00.25,9 (5040) S/HK 34. 5.42 385. Hinderling Felix 1986 Röschenz 2:34.09,2 1:00.29,3 (1111) S/HK 35. 5.42 386. Thommen Roland 1935 Rorschacherberg smrun 2:34.11,3 1:00.31,4 (350) S/S4 25. 5.42 387. Aecherli Erwin 1954 Berikon 2:34.14,8 1:00.34,9 (7) S/S3 102. 5.42 388. Trifoni Vezio 1969 I-Prato (PO) Il Campione 2:34.23,2 1:00.43,3 (356) S/S2 153. 5.43 389. Nievergelt Thomas 1954 Samedan 2:34.26,7 1:00.46,8 (264) S/S3 103. 5.43 390. Cattaneo Massimo 1962 Balerna 2:34.34,8 1:00.54,9 (69) S/S2 154. 5.43 391. Basletta Fausto 1951 I-Bergamo (BG) 2:34.38,4 1:00.58,5 (392) S/S3 104. 5.43 392. Mottalli Bruno 1968 I-Sondrio (SO) PTS Sky Running 2:34.44,4 1:01.04,5 (250) S/S2 155. 5.43 393. Marlboroush Neil 1962 Veyrier 2:35.03,6 1:01.23,7 (1142) S/S2 156. 5.44 394. Ganter Wilhelm 1955 D-Furtwangen interAir Gruppe 2:35.08,4 1:01.28,5 (410) S/S3 105. 5.44 395. Jutzi Bruno 1950 Basel 2:35.11,2 1:01.31,3 (180) S/S3 106. 5.44 396. Mazzo Antonio 1952 I-Bergamo ASD Runners Bergamo 2:35.12,9 1:01.33,0 (1135) S/S3 107. 5.44 397. Jonski Reiner 1961 D-Nürtingen 2:35.32,5 1:01.52,6 (175) S/S2 157. 5.45 398. Ibler Reinhard 1952 D-Marburg 2:35.45,4 1:02.05,5 (170) S/S3 108. 5.46 399. Dosch Dario 1983 Celerina/Schlarigna 2:35.50,2 1:02.10,3 (90) S/HK 36. 5.46 400. Eberhard Pius 1962 Galgenen MTV Lachen 2:35.59,7 1:02.19,8 (407) S/S2 158. 5.46 401. Blickenstorfer Marco 1951 Thun Gruppe Hotel Kempinski 2:36.04,5 1:02.24,6 (394) S/S3 109. 5.46 402. Crane Howard 1973 GB-Surrey TEAM ROOSTER 2:36.09,7 1:02.29,8 (80) S/S1 72. 5.47 403. Travaini Francesco 1958 Riva San Vitale 2:36.16,4 1:02.36,5 (354) S/S3 110. 5.47 404. Schafknecht Hansueli 1956 Bürglen TG 2:36.45,6 1:03.05,7 (313) S/S3 111. 5.48 405. Mottadelli Roberto 1964 I-Rovagnate (LC) UP MIssaglia 2:36.46,3 1:03.06,4 (5014) S/S2 159. 5.48 406. Stricker Kurt 1971 Dierikon 2:36.50,8 1:03.10,9 (339) S/S1 73. 5.48 407. Schlicht Michael 1974 Niederrohrdorf interAir Gruppe 2:36.51,5 1:03.11,6 (317) S/S1 74. 5.48 408. Gaberthüel Godi 1950 Neerach LST Zürich 2:36.52,0 1:03.12,1 (118) S/S3 112. 5.48 409. Albin Basil 1944 Falera 2:36.54,0 1:03.14,1 (10) S/S4 26. 5.48 410. Thalmann Rolf 1957 Emmenbrücke 2:36.57,0 1:03.17,1 (347) S/S3 113. 5.48 411. Weisstanner Andreas 1962 Celerina/Schlarigna TV Celerina 2:37.01,9 1:03.22,0 (374) S/S2 160. 5.48 412. Müller Walter 1938 Celerina/Schlarigna 2:37.26,8 1:03.46,9 (255) S/S4 27. 5.49 413. Allmendinger André 1955 Yverdon-les-Bains 2:37.32,9 1:03.53,0 (1117) S/S3 114. 5.50 414. Kaminski Wieslaw 1967 PL-Swieciechowa 2:37.58,6 1:04.18,7 (181) S/S2 161. 5.51 415. Kohler Fritz 1950 Adligenswil SM RUN 2:38.00,5 1:04.20,6 (190) S/S3 115. 5.51 416. Klink Götz 1965 D-Stuttgart 2:38.05,2 1:04.25,3 (448) S/S2 162. 5.51 417. Tschanz Freddy 1977 Aarau 2:38.10,2 1:04.30,3 (357) S/HK 37. 5.51 418. Meier René 1945 Scuol 2:38.14,6 1:04.34,7 (237) S/S4 28. 5.51 419. Holenstein Peter 1959 Allschwil 2:38.36,7 1:04.56,8 (164) S/S3 116. 5.52 420. Rüffer Gunnar 1966 D-Hanau interAir Gruppe 2:38.39,2 1:04.59,3 (300) S/S2 163. 5.52 421. Benvenuti Pierino 1935 I-Firenze (FI) Il Campione 2:38.46,6 1:05.06,7 (28) S/S4 29. 5.52 422. Bergamin Markus 1955 Adliswil 2:38.49,2 1:05.09,3 (443) S/S3 117. 5.52 423. Arpagaus Urs 1965 Zürich 2:38.50,5 1:05.10,6 (18) S/S2 164. 5.52 424. Maag Walter 1947 Siblingen 2:40.10,8 1:06.30,9 (217) S/S4 30. 5.55 425. Asgharzadeh Asghar 1956 Rorschach 2:40.16,3 1:06.36,4 (19) S/S3 118. 5.56 426. Kälin Walter 1958 Feldmeilen 2:40.20,9 1:06.41,0 (413) S/S3 119. 5.56 427. Ferrara Davide 1969 I-Truccazzano (MI) 2:41.01,8 1:07.21,9 (102) S/S2 165. 5.57 428. Sigrist René 1962 Russikon 2:41.03,9 1:07.24,0 (323) S/S2 166. 5.57 429. Krebs Thomas 1965 Pfäffikon ZH 2:41.12,9 1:07.33,0 (195) S/S2 167. 5.58 430. Dinardo Andrea 1952 I-Zingonia (BG) 2:41.13,9 1:07.34,0 (404) S/S3 120. 5.58 431. Möldner Markus 1977 D-Bietigheim-Bissingen 2:41.25,0 1:07.45,1 (461) S/HK 38. 5.58 432. Reichel Uwe 1941 D-Heidenheim 2:41.58,2 1:08.18,3 (289) S/S4 31. 5.59 433. Dervey Hans-Ruedi 1951 Hinwil 2:42.07,6 1:08.27,7 (86) S/S3 121. 6.00 434. Cavelti Remo 1969 Samedan 2:42.18,9 1:08.39,0 (61) S/S2 168. 6.00 435. Giacon Fabio 1966 I-Milano (MI) Running Club Soresina 2:42.29,1 1:08.49,2 (131) S/S2 169. 6.01 436. Mandelli Felice 1951 I-Sondrio (SO) 2002 marathon club 2:42.31,3 1:08.51,4 (220) S/S3 122. 6.01 437. Heinze André 1976 Schaffhausen 2:42.47,3 1:09.07,4 (159) S/S1 75. 6.01 438. Stache Michael 1982 Luzern SV Ostermünchen 2:42.52,9 1:09.13,0 (328) S/HK 39. 6.01 439. Steimann Ernst 1960 Gattikon Schwinn 2:43.01,9 1:09.22,0 (332) S/S2 170. 6.02 440. Valentino Nobile 1973 I-Cesano Maderno Atletica Intesa 2:43.02,6 1:09.22,7 (5024) S/S1 76. 6.02 441. Estler Eberhard 1955 D-Tübingen Post Sv Tübingen 2:43.07,0 1:09.27,1 (94) S/S3 123. 6.02 442. Michel René 1961 Brienz BE 2:43.19,5 1:09.39,6 (246) S/S2 171. 6.02 443. Müller Roland 1969 Baar 2:43.28,1 1:09.48,2 (253) S/S2 172. 6.03 444. Zaccagno Gianluca 1968 Breganzona 2:43.34,2 1:09.54,3 (442) S/S2 173. 6.03 445. Mornata Angelo 1953 I-Cesano Maderno 2:43.37,3 1:09.57,4 (1121) S/S3 124. 6.03 446. Steriti Danny 1964 Buchs SG 2:43.38,8 1:09.58,9 (334) S/S2 174. 6.03 447. Rota Giambattista 1971 I-Bonate Sopra (BG) ATLETICA PRESEZZO 2:43.42,4 1:10.02,5 (296) S/S1 77. 6.03 448. Habel Christopher 1950 D-Hamburg 2:43.43,6 1:10.03,7 (151) S/S3 125. 6.03 449. Lenherr Karl 1950 FL-Schaan 2:43.47,4 1:10.07,5 (204) S/S3 126. 6.03 450. Anliker Urs 1969 Worben 2:44.02,2 1:10.22,3 (15) S/S2 175. 6.04 451. Heim Alexander 1976 Finhaut 2:44.05,7 1:10.25,8 (458) S/S1 78. 6.04 452. Hug Balthasar L. 1961 Basel 2:44.34,7 1:10.54,8 (167) S/S2 176. 6.05 453. Kindler Heinz 1951 Utzigen 2:44.50,4 1:11.10,5 (186) S/S3 127. 6.06 454. Widmer Peter 1945 Kloten smrun 2:44.51,2 1:11.11,3 (375) S/S4 32. 6.06 455. Strimer Marco 1961 Zürich 2:44.58,8 1:11.18,9 (340) S/S2 177. 6.06 456. Vogel Remo 1962 Wetzikon ZH 2:44.59,8 1:11.19,9 (366) S/S2 178. 6.06 457. Mazzucchelli Marco 1969 I-Milano (MI) 2:45.10,6 1:11.30,7 (233) S/S2 179. 6.07 458. Neese Martin 1961 Baar 2:45.22,5 1:11.42,6 (258) S/S2 180. 6.07 459. Schuchter Philipp 1949 Teufen AR LG TV Teufen 2:45.31,4 1:11.51,5 (5031) S/S4 33. 6.07 460. Albrecht Marco 1956 Basel 2:45.41,1 1:12.01,2 (11) S/S3 128. 6.08 461. Lechthaler Urs 1952 Scuol 2:45.48,5 1:12.08,6 (203) S/S3 129. 6.08 462. Fritz Peter 1943 D-Heroldstatt interAir 2:45.56,9 1:12.17,0 (115) S/S4 34. 6.08 463. Wirth Patrick 1970 Regensdorf 2:45.58,4 1:12.18,5 (378) S/S1 79. 6.08 464. Meier Michael 1981 Volken 2:46.01,1 1:12.21,2 (236) S/HK 40. 6.08 465. Grob Tobias 1987 Pontresina Kronenhof Pontresina 2:46.09,2 1:12.29,3 (146) S/HK 41. 6.09 466. Lüdke Uwe 1965 D-Berlin interAir Gruppe 2:46.35,0 1:12.55,1 (214) S/S2 181. 6.10 467. Mayer Urs 1957 Basel 2:46.51,5 1:13.11,6 (231) S/S3 130. 6.10 468. Lorimer Malcolm 1964 D-Geltendorf 2:46.52,5 1:13.12,6 (213) S/S2 182. 6.10 469. Zink Bertold 1962 D-Oelde Oelde 2:47.00,4 1:13.20,5 (388) S/S2 183. 6.11 470. Landone Roberto 1967 I-Cremia (CO) 2:47.31,4 1:13.51,5 (199) S/S2 184. 6.12 471. Ochsner Thomy 1976 Zollikon 2:47.37,9 1:13.58,0 (425) S/S1 80. 6.12 472. Gasche Otto 1945 Derendingen LG Derendingen 2:47.42,2 1:14.02,3 (123) S/S4 35. 6.12 473. Fankhauser Thomas 1975 Zürich 2:47.54,0 1:14.14,1 (96) S/S1 81. 6.13 474. Zwahlen René 1949 Chur 2:48.15,5 1:14.35,6 (390) S/S4 36. 6.13 475. Gasche Alexander 1964 Derendingen Gruppe Hotel Kempinski 2:48.41,3 1:15.01,4 (411) S/S2 185. 6.14 476. Düsel Andreas 1950 Zürich 2:48.58,3 1:15.18,4 (91) S/S3 131. 6.15 477. Bissig Thomas 1962 Altdorf UR 2:50.19,7 1:16.39,8 (34) S/S2 186. 6.18 478. Strada Angelo 1954 I-Milano (MI) 2:50.22,4 1:16.42,5 (60) S/S3 132. 6.18 479. Müller Christof 1963 Ittigen 2:50.23,9 1:16.44,0 (5038) S/S2 187. 6.18 480. Mercati Guido 1949 I-Milano (MI) 2:50.28,8 1:16.48,9 (242) S/S4 37. 6.18 481. Belotti Renato 1962 Tesserete 2:50.39,4 1:16.59,5 (26) S/S2 188. 6.19 482. Pompeo Danilo 1952 I-Montorfano (CO) 2:51.01,9 1:17.22,0 (281) S/S3 133. 6.20 483. Bochow Jens 1976 Champfèr 2:51.21,3 1:17.41,4 (37) S/S1 82. 6.20 484. Vahl Joachim 1949 D-Frankfurt 2:51.32,4 1:17.52,5 (360) S/S4 38. 6.21 485. Meisterhans Richi 1952 Russikon 2:52.30,1 1:18.50,2 (239) S/S3 134. 6.23 486. Baur Rico 1951 Pontresina 2:52.34,4 1:18.54,5 (24) S/S3 135. 6.23 487. Flammer Rolf 1953 Aesch BL Laufbewegung 2:52.46,0 1:19.06,1 (106) S/S3 136. 6.23 488. Bellini Claudio 1961 Pontresina 2:53.23,9 1:19.44,0 (451) S/S2 189. 6.25 489. Stricker Hansjürg 1961 Pontresina 2:53.25,0 1:19.45,1 (338) S/S2 190. 6.25 490. Engler Walter 1951 Sennwald 2:53.27,8 1:19.47,9 (93) S/S3 137. 6.25 491. Salow Jochen 1957 D-Bad Homburg interAir Gruppe 2:53.31,4 1:19.51,5 (305) S/S3 138. 6.25 492. Alessio Vincenzo 1960 I-Presezzo (BG) ATLETICA PRESEZZO 2:53.38,9 1:19.59,0 (12) S/S2 191. 6.25 493. Wein Norbert 1952 D-Karlsruhe LSG Karlsruhe 2:53.49,5 1:20.09,6 (371) S/S3 139. 6.26 494. Hartmann Siggi 1957 D-Weiler-Simmerberg 2:53.50,9 1:20.11,0 (156) S/S3 140. 6.26 495. Martelli Mario 1939 I-Poggio a Caiano (PO) Amici di Mario 2:54.31,4 1:20.51,5 (224) S/S4 39. 6.27 496. Lualdi Giordano 1971 I-Pandino (CR) 2:54.32,6 1:20.52,7 (62) S/S1 83. 6.27 497. Margot Philippe 1969 Embrach 2:54.51,9 1:21.12,0 (222) S/S2 192. 6.28 498. Vergeni Angelo 1945 I-Missaglia UP Missaglia 2:54.59,7 1:21.19,8 (5010) S/S4 40. 6.28 499. Niederhauser Martin 1951 Therwil 2:55.03,7 1:21.23,8 (263) S/S3 141. 6.29 500. Felber Ernst 1946 Biberist Gruppe Hotel Kempinski 2:55.10,3 1:21.30,4 (408) S/S4 41. 6.29 501. Sommer Martin 1952 Bremgarten b. Bern Gruppe Hotel Kempinski 2:55.11,2 1:21.31,3 (438) S/S3 142. 6.29 502. Merki Jürg W. 1942 Neftenbach 2:55.12,7 1:21.32,8 (243) S/S4 42. 6.29 503. Grotz Peter 1954 D-Böblingwn 2:55.17,5 1:21.37,6 (147) S/S3 143. 6.29 504. Benini Giorgio 1944 I-Porlezza GP Santi 2:55.18,6 1:21.38,7 (5021) S/S4 43. 6.29 505. Fietz Peter 1955 Zollikon 2:55.42,5 1:22.02,6 (104) S/S3 144. 6.30 506. Müller Heinrich 1951 Hombrechtikon 2:56.07,3 1:22.27,4 (495) S/S3 145. 6.31 507. Calamai Marcello 1945 I-Calenzano Fi (FI) 2:56.15,6 1:22.35,7 (491) S/S4 44. 6.31 508. Bellini Severino 1953 I-Castello di Brianza 2:56.22,6 1:22.42,7 (1122) S/S3 146. 6.31 509. Brena Pierino 1953 I-Presezzo (BG) ATLETICA PRESEZZO 2:58.21,6 1:24.41,7 (48) S/S3 147. 6.36 510. Meyer Andreas 1959 Zollikerberg 2:58.36,0 1:24.56,1 (482) S/S3 148. 6.36 511. Keller Hans-Peter 1953 Zollikon 2:58.56,7 1:25.16,8 (5048) S/S3 149. 6.37 512. Raimondi Franco 1974 GB-London 2:58.58,1 1:25.18,2 (433) S/S1 84. 6.37 513. Agosti Adriano 1955 Zürich 2:58.59,3 1:25.19,4 (8) S/S3 150. 6.37 514. Modica Giovanni 1962 Eschenbach LU 3:00.02,0 1:26.22,1 (247) S/S2 193. 6.40 515. Bruder Urs 1954 Witterswil 3:00.36,0 1:26.56,1 (51) S/S3 151. 6.41 516. Zich Peter 1946 A-Wien interAir Gruppe 3:00.44,6 1:27.04,7 (385) S/S4 45. 6.41 517. Dockett Tony 1975 GB-London 3:00.45,4 1:27.05,5 (405) S/S1 85. 6.41 518. Linggi Kurt 1958 Hinwil 3:01.22,8 1:27.42,9 (209) S/S3 152. 6.43 519. Müller Burkhard 1957 D-Weinsheim 3:01.27,6 1:27.47,7 (251) S/S3 153. 6.43 520. Heiz Daniel 1950 Schwyz smrun 3:01.32,9 1:27.53,0 (1126) S/S3 154. 6.43 521. Madella Giorgio 1954 I-Milano (MI) ABC progetto azzurri 3:01.37,7 1:27.57,8 (218) S/S3 155. 6.43 522. Behrens Franz 1957 Wetzikon ZH 3:01.51,6 1:28.11,7 (25) S/S3 156. 6.44 523. Morelli Massimiliano 1967 I-Firenze (FI) 3:03.32,9 1:29.53,0 (486) S/S2 194. 6.47 524. Gubler Daniel 1968 Uetikon am See 3:04.32,0 1:30.52,1 (148) S/S2 195. 6.50 525. Wegmann Filip Nico 1973 Basel 3:05.18,8 1:31.38,9 (487) S/S1 86. 6.51 526. Schwendeler Werner 1954 Siebnen Laufgruppe Görbs Wangen SZ 3:05.22,0 1:31.42,1 (52) S/S3 157. 6.51 527. Rovelli Giovanni 1952 I-Missaglia (LC) ATLETICA PRESEZZO 3:05.57,7 1:32.17,8 (298) S/S3 158. 6.53 528. Demmel Christoph 1955 Oberrindal 3:06.07,5 1:32.27,6 (85) S/S3 159. 6.53 529. Fontana Giorgio 1947 I-Valsolda (CO) Santi Nolonio (SO) 3:06.29,6 1:32.49,7 (109) S/S4 46. 6.54 530. Zingg Hans-Jörg 1962 La Punt-Chamues-ch 3:06.40,1 1:33.00,2 (387) S/S2 196. 6.54 531. Snoek Jac 1952 A-Weiler 3:06.57,0 1:33.17,1 (324) S/S3 160. 6.55 532. Frei Walter 1938 Trimmis WSV Graubünden 3:07.48,4 1:34.08,5 (114) S/S4 47. 6.57 533. Meier Stefan 1954 Fehraltorf 3:07.54,8 1:34.14,9 (238) S/S3 161. 6.57 534. Krapf René 1937 Rüti ZH 3:08.35,2 1:34.55,3 (1133) S/S4 48. 6.59 535. Kaufmann Philippe 1970 Zwillikon 3:09.11,4 1:35.31,5 (183) S/S1 87. 7.00 536. Kuoni Urs 1959 Gebertingen 3:09.50,5 1:36.10,6 (197) S/S3 162. 7.01 537. Cavagna Antonello 1956 I-Presezzo (BG) ATLETICA PRESEZZO 3:12.57,6 1:39.17,7 (70) S/S3 163. 7.08 538. Neumeyer Wolfram 1934 Zürich 3:13.18,5 1:39.38,6 (262) S/S4 49. 7.09 539. Burns David 1945 Effingen 3:14.49,7 1:41.09,8 (452) S/S4 50. 7.12 540. Luginbühl Peter 1944 Binz 3:15.58,7 1:42.18,8 (215) S/S4 51. 7.15 541. Amati Umberto 1948 I-Maresso UP Missaglia 3:15.59,5 1:42.19,6 (5015) S/S4 52. 7.15 542. Vaccari Paolo 1939 I-Modena (MO) 3:16.58,3 1:43.18,4 (460) S/S4 53. 7.17 543. Stache Werner 1950 D-Ostermünchen SV Ostermünchen 3:17.59,7 1:44.19,8 (329) S/S3 164. 7.19 544. Zwicky Wilfred 1938 Zürich 3:18.53,1 1:45.13,2 (391) S/S4 54. 7.21 545. Tanner Jörg 1936 Kloten 3:23.08,2 1:49.28,3 (1) S/S4 55. 7.31 546. Wiedemann Michael 1954 D-Müllheim 3:24.02,9 1:50.23,0 (1139) S/S3 165. 7.33 547. Köhl Christian 1934 Igis WSY Graubünden 3:27.09,4 1:53.29,5 (189) S/S4 56. 7.40 548. Gruber Sylvester 1949 RSA-Swellendam 3:28.09,3 1:54.29,4 (5050) S/S4 57. 7.42 549. Meier Gian 1961 Ponte Capriasca Quadrifoglio 3:29.06,8 1:55.26,9 (234) S/S2 197. 7.44 550. Ceresa Gianbattista 1936 I-Livigno (SO) 3:31.13,3 1:57.33,4 (69) S/S4 58. 7.49 551. Lange Hilmar 1961 Auw 3:31.14,2 1:57.34,3 (1118) S/S2 198. 7.49 552. Tonolli Alberto 1948 Davos Dorf 3:31.29,2 1:57.49,3 (353) S/S4 59. 7.49 553. Brasser Hanspeter 1950 Goldach 3:40.24,0 2:06.44,1 (47) S/S3 166. 8.09 554. Kortyka Joachim 1955 D-Speyer 3:44.00,8 2:10.20,9 (192) S/S3 167. 8.17
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