11. Eiger Bike Challenge 2008, Grindelwald - nach Ortschaft "W"

Kategorie  Rang Name                      Jg   Team                      Ortschaft                        Zeit   Rückstand    Stnr             km/h ¦         Teil1 ¦        Teil2 ¦        Teil3 ¦        Teil4 ¦
55/HF3     180. Bürgstein Wolfgang        1961 Thömus Veloshop           Wabern                      5:38.32,8   2:38.37,9  (7023) Diplom     9,747 ¦  3:02.39  185.¦ 1:18.16  181.¦ 1:17.36  176.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:20.56  183.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF2     DNF  Kohler Beat               1978 Kraftwerk                 Wabern                      2:18.18,5        Feld   (229)              --- ¦  2:18.18   12.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     163. Flüeler Patrick           1965                           Wädenswil                   5:10.37,9   2:10.43,0  (6030) Diplom    10,623 ¦  2:47.43  165.¦ 1:11.01  165.¦ 1:11.53  157.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.44  165.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF1      12. Ostertag Sebastian        1985 velo-reichmuth.ch         Wädenswil                   3:15.03,0     16.06,4  (3230) Diplom    16,918 ¦  1:46.25   12.¦   42.13   10.¦   46.24   13.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:28.39   11.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/JHL       2. Wildhaber Michael         1990 Tower Sports - VC Eschenb Wagen                       3:04.52,1      0.39,3  (3038) Diplom    17,850 ¦  1:44.05    5.¦   38.32    1.¦   42.14    1.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:22.37    2.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     128. Meyer Roland              1959                           Wald ZH                     4:41.08,6   1:41.13,7  (6071) Diplom    11,737 ¦  2:29.29  123.¦ 1:04.41  134.¦ 1:06.58  130.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.10  128.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/DF3      14. Zimmermann Anna           1956 Thömus Veloshop           Waldegg (Beatenberg)        6:03.56,2   2:12.20,0  (7128) Diplom     9,067 ¦  3:11.15   14.¦ 1:23.48   14.¦ 1:28.52   15.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:35.03   14.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF4       7. Zimmermann Bernhard       1955 Thömus Veloshop           Waldegg (Beatenberg)        3:41.01,8     20.17,9  (7110) Diplom    14,930 ¦  1:59.38    8.¦   49.42    8.¦   51.40    8.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:49.21    8.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF3      33. Hipp Kari                 1959 The Fighters/Sportplausch Wallisellen                 7:17.14,3   2:19.45,6   (223) Diplom    12,075 ¦  2:45.37   38.¦ 1:15.05   42.¦ 2:34.45   30.¦   41.46   32.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 4:00.42   39.¦ 6:35.28   32.¦
88/HF1       9. Maier Thomas              1988 The Fighters / Sportplaus Wallisellen                 6:09.17,3     37.05,4  (2079) Diplom    14,297 ¦  2:27.27   16.¦   59.47   10.¦ 2:06.49    7.¦   35.12    6.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 3:27.14   15.¦ 5:34.04   10.¦
55/HF3      41. Möri Peter                1961 Bonehead Bikers Lyss      Walperswil                  3:57.32,4     57.37,5  (5243) Diplom    13,892 ¦  2:10.57   47.¦   52.28   41.¦   54.06   30.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:03.26   47.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF4       2. Strebel Bruno             1958 Sämis Veloshop            Waltenschwil                3:26.36,1      5.52,2  (5163) Diplom    15,972 ¦  1:51.36    2.¦   46.32    3.¦   48.27    2.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:38.08    2.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF4      53. Hirschi Peter             1954 Thömus Veloshop           Wangen b. Dübendorf         4:53.15,1   1:32.31,2  (7051) Diplom    11,253 ¦  2:39.15   51.¦ 1:06.35   50.¦ 1:07.24   51.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.50   53.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF3       1. Girardi Thomas            1968 PeRu Racing Team          Wangs                       4:57.28,7       -----   (201) Diplom    17,749 ¦  1:54.53    1.¦   49.17    1.¦ 1:42.28    1.¦   30.49    1.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 2:44.11    1.¦ 4:26.39    1.¦
88/HF2     DSQ  Bohren Bruno              1969 www.ski-velo-center.ch    Wasen im Emmental               -----        disq  (2018)              --- ¦  2:44.45  ----¦ 1:12.12  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 3:56.58  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF3      37. Ruch Beat                 1961                           Wasen im Emmental           7:30.19,0   2:32.50,3  (2096) Diplom    11,725 ¦  2:51.38   43.¦ 1:13.13   39.¦ 2:44.44   37.¦   40.42   29.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 4:04.51   41.¦ 6:49.36   37.¦
25/HF       39. Urech Hannes              1985 Thömus Veloshop           Wasen im Emmental           1:55.48,6     41.39,3  (8064) Diplom    12,952 ¦    53.52   42.¦ 1:01.56   36.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3      80. Krähenbühl Christian      1966                           Wattenwil                   4:19.10,2   1:19.15,3  (5096) Diplom    12,732 ¦  2:22.40   93.¦   57.39   78.¦   58.49   61.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:20.20   89.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF2      63. Schmid Christian          1973 no limits                 Weissbad                    8:16.18,4   3:06.16,7  (2101) Diplom    10,638 ¦  3:03.49   71.¦ 1:23.43   67.¦ 3:04.11   65.¦   44.34   55.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 4:27.32   66.¦ 7:31.44   63.¦
55/HF3      52. Brunner Walter            1965                           Wengen                      4:06.11,7   1:06.16,8  (5208) Diplom    13,404 ¦  2:15.17   56.¦   54.08   50.¦   56.45   51.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:09.26   53.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     182. Bütikofer Martin          1965                           Wermatswil                  5:42.07,8   2:42.12,9  (6017) Diplom     9,645 ¦  3:03.27  189.¦ 1:19.26  182.¦ 1:19.13  183.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:22.53  184.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF3       9. Müller Peter              1967 Troehler Sport            Wermatswil                  6:00.36,7   1:03.08,0  (2085) Diplom    14,641 ¦  2:20.17   12.¦ 1:01.01   12.¦ 2:03.37   10.¦   35.40    9.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 3:21.19   12.¦ 5:24.56    9.¦
88/HF2       8. Weiss Martin              1977 Team Bike Zone            Wettingen                   5:45.04,6     35.02,9   (244) Diplom    15,300 ¦  2:10.05    7.¦   54.51    6.¦ 1:59.32    8.¦   40.35   34.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 3:04.56    7.¦ 5:04.28    8.¦
55/HF2      62. Loser Roger               1971 tomsbikecenter.ch / BIXS  Wetzikon ZH                 3:48.02,6     50.14,7  (5107) Diplom    14,470 ¦  2:07.28   78.¦   49.34   61.¦   51.00   43.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:57.02   73.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF4      44. Maiezza Bernhard          1949                           Wetzikon ZH                 4:47.07,9   1:26.24,0  (5111) Diplom    11,492 ¦  2:35.39   43.¦ 1:06.49   51.¦ 1:04.39   37.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:42.28   48.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     152. Kobel Jörg                1966                           Wichtrach                   4:59.52,0   1:59.57,1  (6167) Diplom    11,004 ¦  2:30.55  131.¦ 1:11.44  166.¦ 1:17.12  175.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:42.39  141.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HEL      20. Perrin Damian             1981 Velobern-Racingteam       Wichtrach                   5:23.32,5     49.39,7    (29) Diplom    16,319 ¦  2:01.31   17.¦   51.35   17.¦ 1:51.38   19.¦   38.47   30.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 2:53.06   15.¦ 4:44.45   17.¦
55/HF2      32. Reusser Walter            1975                           Wichtrach                   3:33.54,5     36.06,6  (6247) Diplom    15,427 ¦  1:57.29   41.¦   47.47   43.¦   48.38   21.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:45.16   38.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF3      57. Jud Hans                  1960                           Wiesen GR                   8:24.39,1   3:27.10,4  (2147) Diplom    10,462 ¦  3:11.21   66.¦ 1:24.13   58.¦ 2:58.51   52.¦   50.12   64.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 4:35.35   61.¦ 7:34.26   56.¦
88/DF        6. Jud Ursina                1958                           Wiesen GR                   8:23.40,0   2:20.08,5  (1013) Diplom    10,483 ¦  3:10.47    7.¦ 1:24.51    6.¦ 2:58.16    6.¦   49.45    7.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 4:35.38    6.¦ 7:33.55    6.¦
55/HF3     121. Rimann Sven               1966 simplon                   Wiesendangen                4:37.17,6   1:37.22,7  (6085) Diplom    11,900 ¦  2:28.40  118.¦ 1:02.52  122.¦ 1:05.44  118.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.33  119.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF2     DNF  Allemann Dani             1970                           Wila                        4:01.40,3  Bort Rest.  (2142)              --- ¦  2:50.25   53.¦ 1:11.15   44.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 4:01.40   49.¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF2      47. Müller Oliver             1970                           Wilderswil                  7:33.40,2   2:23.38,5  (2084) Diplom    11,638 ¦  2:55.29   60.¦ 1:14.37   50.¦ 2:42.46   46.¦   40.46   35.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 4:10.06   54.¦ 6:52.53   49.¦
25/HF       51. Striegel Joel             1973 Tricolor                  Wilderswil                  2:04.05,7     49.56,4  (8062) Diplom    12,087 ¦    58.16   56.¦ 1:05.49   45.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF3       4. Burch Renato              1961                           Wilen (Sarnen)              5:39.28,2     41.59,5   (259) Diplom    15,553 ¦  2:14.58    7.¦   57.20    6.¦ 1:52.12    2.¦   34.56    5.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 3:12.18    6.¦ 5:04.31    3.¦
55/HF2      38. Ramseier René             1970 Bicycle Obsession Aarberg Wiler b. Seedorf            3:35.20,9     37.33,0  (5133) Diplom    15,324 ¦  1:56.20   35.¦   44.15   15.¦   54.45   76.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:40.35   29.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
25/HF       38. Gyr Andreas               1988 RAD N' ROll MTB Team      Willerzell                  1:54.38,1     40.28,8  (8022) Diplom    13,085 ¦    55.02   48.¦   59.36   32.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
25/HF        8. Gyr Markus                1983 RAD N' ROLL MTB Team      Willerzell                  1:35.30,0     21.20,7  (8023) Diplom    15,706 ¦    44.14   12.¦   51.15    7.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
25/HF       29. Vögeli Stefan             1994                           Wimmis                      1:50.33,2     36.23,9  (8097) Diplom    13,568 ¦    50.20   30.¦ 1:00.13   33.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF1       7. Baumann Yves              1981 veloculture.ch            Winterthur                  5:47.15,6     15.03,7  (2011) Diplom    15,204 ¦  2:12.57    6.¦   57.14    5.¦ 2:02.27    5.¦   34.36    5.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 3:10.12    7.¦ 5:12.39    7.¦
55/HF1     DNF  Bigler Simon              1982 Rotwild Bike Doc          Winterthur                  2:26.48,3     Bussalp  (5021)              --- ¦  2:26.48   90.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF1      34. Hess Richard              1981 Felt / veloschoepfli.ch   Winterthur                  3:35.53,1     36.56,5  (3222) Diplom    15,285 ¦  1:56.29   35.¦   46.12   30.¦   53.10   45.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:42.42   32.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF1      31. Imhof Mathias             1982 Felt / veloschoepfli.ch   Winterthur                  3:30.21,5     31.24,9  (3225) Diplom    15,687 ¦  1:56.27   34.¦   45.04   24.¦   48.49   23.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:41.31   31.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF2     144. Neukomm Mark              1973                           Winterthur                  4:39.00,0   1:41.12,1  (6078) Diplom    11,827 ¦  2:32.49  155.¦ 1:02.01  140.¦ 1:04.09  129.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.50  149.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF1      57. Osterwalder Patrick       1980                           Winterthur                  3:57.11,4     58.14,8  (5128) Diplom    13,912 ¦  2:09.44   58.¦   51.13   50.¦   56.13   59.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:00.58   57.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     110. Bieri Heinz               1960 Thömus Veloshop           Wohlen b. Bern              4:32.02,9   1:32.08,0  (7016) Diplom    12,130 ¦  2:27.15  111.¦ 1:01.12  114.¦ 1:03.35  105.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:28.27  110.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     139. Ihle Frank                1963 Thömus Veloshop           Wohlen b. Bern              4:50.20,4   1:50.25,5  (7056) Diplom    11,365 ¦  2:32.39  137.¦ 1:07.49  153.¦ 1:09.50  147.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.29  138.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     166. Keller Daniel             1960 Thömus Veloshop           Wohlen b. Bern              5:14.39,9   2:14.45,0  (7061) Diplom    10,487 ¦  2:51.32  173.¦ 1:08.24  158.¦ 1:14.42  167.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:59.57  166.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/DF3      13. Keller Theresia           1966 Thömus Veloshop           Wohlen b. Bern              5:22.04,5   1:30.28,3  (7003) Diplom    10,246 ¦  2:54.21   13.¦ 1:14.13   13.¦ 1:13.29   11.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:08.34   13.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     157. Walther Bernhard          1960 Thömus Veloshop           Wohlen b. Bern              5:04.16,8   2:04.21,9  (7096) Diplom    10,845 ¦  2:45.16  159.¦ 1:10.47  163.¦ 1:08.13  137.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:56.03  159.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3      79. Ackermann Alex            1963                           Wolfwil                     4:18.28,5   1:18.33,6  (6197) Diplom    12,767 ¦  2:20.49   87.¦   56.23   63.¦ 1:01.16   86.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:17.12   78.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF4     DSQ  Hürzeler Max              1950                           Wolfwil                         -----        disq  (2157)              --- ¦  3:44.49  ----¦ 1:40.40  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 5:25.30  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF2     119. Brügger Silvan            1970 Bieri Treuhand Racing-Tea Wolhusen                    4:26.30,7   1:28.42,8  (6206) Diplom    12,382 ¦  2:16.31  102.¦ 1:02.06  141.¦ 1:07.53  153.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:18.37  115.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3     DNF  Marti Oliver              1968 Bieri Treuhand Racing - T Wolhusen                    2:45.30,7     Bussalp  (6180)              --- ¦  2:45.30  160.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
25/HF        5. Kälin Andreas             1991                           Wollerau                    1:30.12,7     16.03,4  (8092) Diplom    16,627 ¦    40.45    5.¦   49.27    4.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3      82. Knieper Kai               1965                           Wollerau                    4:19.37,8   1:19.42,9  (5270) Diplom    12,710 ¦  2:21.26   90.¦   56.56   69.¦ 1:01.14   85.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:18.23   82.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF1      48. Kindler Adrian            1981 Thömus Veloshop           Worb                        3:51.59,9     53.03,3  (7063) Diplom    14,224 ¦  2:06.56   55.¦   50.45   46.¦   54.18   49.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:57.41   52.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
55/HF3      31. Frei Fabian               1968 Funracer Baden            Würenlingen                 3:52.21,6     52.26,7  (5057) Diplom    14,202 ¦  2:07.47   39.¦   50.50   30.¦   53.43   28.¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 2:58.38   34.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
88/HF3      11. Zürcher Christof          1960 by Schneider Wynigen      Wynigen                     6:05.07,4   1:07.38,7  (2131) Diplom    14,460 ¦  2:12.51    6.¦ 1:04.21   18.¦ 2:11.40   15.¦   36.14   11.¦
                                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦ 3:17.12   10.¦ 5:28.52   11.¦

Total 59


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