Nationalpark-Bike-Marathon, Scuol 2008 - Land "NL"

Kategorie  Rang Name                      Jg   Team                      Ort                              Zeit   Rückstand    Stnr             km/h ¦     > Fuldera ¦   > Livignio ¦    > s-Chanf ¦      > Lavin ¦      > Scuol ¦
138/HF2     83. Feenstra Jan              1973 In the Mud                NL-Ede                      8:31.14,1   2:04.27,5   (485) Diplom    16,196 ¦  2:00.09  123.¦ 2:25.48   84.¦ 1:54.53   82.¦ 1:04.42   56.¦ 1:05.39   75.¦
138/HF2     82. Feenstra Arjen            1978 In the Mud                NL-Epse                     8:31.13,9   2:04.27,3   (484) Diplom    16,196 ¦  2:00.09  122.¦ 2:25.50   85.¦ 1:54.52   81.¦ 1:04.42   55.¦ 1:05.39   76.¦
138/HF2    171. Schulte Eric              1976                           NL-KV Utrecht              11:02.24,7   4:35.38,1   (673) Diplom    12,499 ¦  2:22.39  185.¦ 3:10.24  178.¦ 2:52.19  178.¦ 1:22.22  162.¦ 1:14.38  133.¦
138/HF3    198. Vercauteren Dirk          1961                           NL-Mesele                   9:59.24,2   3:20.59,2   (718) Diplom    13,813 ¦  2:15.49  222.¦ 2:50.34  202.¦ 2:06.33  131.¦ 1:21.14  201.¦ 1:25.12  222.¦
104/HF3    131. Splunter Christiaan Van   1962                           NL-Westerland               8:39.23,3   3:43.04,3  (1490) Diplom    12,014 ¦     ----  ----¦ 2:45.30  115.¦ 2:50.32  138.¦ 1:27.43  126.¦ 1:35.37  136.¦
71/HF2      41. Visser Alfred             1972                           NL-Wieringerwerf            9:04.18,4   5:40.07,4  (2133) Diplom     7,826 ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 4:58.28   42.¦ 1:55.24   42.¦ 2:10.25   41.¦
71/HF2      42. Meer Ronald van Der       1970                           NL-Wieringerwerf            9:04.20,3   5:40.09,3  (2087) Diplom     7,826 ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 4:58.31   43.¦ 1:54.15   41.¦ 2:11.33   42.¦

Total 7


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