Overall Männer

16. Jungfrau-Marathon 2008, Interlaken - Overall Männer

Ränge: 2501-3000 (5:51.18,7)

  Rang Name                           Jg   Land/Ort                         Zeit   Rückstand    Stnr         Kat/Rang       Schnitt ¦  L'brn 21.1km ¦Wengen 30.3km ¦  Wixi 37.9km ¦  Ziel 42.2km ¦
 2501. Morgner Bernd                  1954 DE-Billigheim               5:51.18,7   2:48.00,1  (2512) Diplom  M50      351.     8.19 ¦  2:08.45 2562.¦ 1:22.37 2518.¦ 1:20.26 2304.¦   59.28 2749.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.23 2529.¦ 4:51.49 2463.¦ 5:51.18 2501.¦
 2502. Goetz Stefan                   1959 Mühleberg                   5:51.22,4   2:48.03,8  (4575) Diplom  M45      525.     8.19 ¦  2:13.10 2826.¦ 1:25.56 2698.¦ 1:18.30 2111.¦   53.44 1993.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.06 2766.¦ 4:57.37 2599.¦ 5:51.22 2502.¦
 2503. Bühler Röbi                    1958 Thal                        5:51.35,1   2:48.16,5  (1740) Diplom  M50      352.     8.19 ¦  2:05.51 2381.¦ 1:25.42 2683.¦ 1:21.39 2429.¦   58.21 2581.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.34 2537.¦ 4:53.14 2495.¦ 5:51.35 2503.¦
 2504. Herm Christoph                 1962 DE-Meinersen                5:51.37,3   2:48.18,7  (4687) Diplom  M45      526.     8.19 ¦  2:05.54 2386.¦ 1:25.43 2684.¦ 1:21.41 2433.¦   58.17 2571.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.37 2541.¦ 4:53.19 2498.¦ 5:51.37 2504.¦
 2505. Gamper Hansjörg                1942 AT-Lustenau                 5:51.38,0   2:48.19,4  (4407) Diplom  M65      16.      8.20 ¦  2:17.59 3029.¦ 1:20.12 2358.¦ 1:18.16 2085.¦   55.09 2147.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.11 2734.¦ 4:56.28 2577.¦ 5:51.38 2505.¦
 2506. Albrecht Jürgen                1965 Vilters                     5:51.45,4   2:48.26,8  (3187) Diplom  M40      587.     8.20 ¦  2:03.40 2239.¦ 1:20.43 2393.¦ 1:25.14 2719.¦ 1:02.07 2961.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:24.23 2302.¦ 4:49.37 2406.¦ 5:51.45 2506.¦
 2507. Göttmann Alexander             1966 DE-Frankfurt                5:51.47,4   2:48.28,8  (1994) Diplom  M40      588.     8.20 ¦  2:10.44 2683.¦ 1:21.04 2421.¦ 1:22.04 2473.¦   57.54 2530.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.48 2547.¦ 4:53.53 2510.¦ 5:51.47 2507.¦
 2508. Küchler Anton                  1951 Sachseln                    5:51.52,9   2:48.34,3  (3924) Diplom  M55      193.     8.20 ¦  2:19.32 3077.¦ 1:19.15 2295.¦ 1:15.10 1753.¦   57.55 2532.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.47 2755.¦ 4:53.57 2514.¦ 5:51.52 2508.¦
 2509. Roth André                     1964 Birsfelden                  5:51.57,3   2:48.38,7  (4857) Diplom  M40      589.     8.20 ¦  2:04.57 2336.¦ 1:27.07 2755.¦ 1:21.24 2400.¦   58.27 2597.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.05 2554.¦ 4:53.29 2503.¦ 5:51.57 2509.¦
 2510. Jonas Eduard                   1961 IE-Dublin Dublin            5:52.00,5   2:48.41,9  (4528) Diplom  M45      527.     8.20 ¦  2:04.27 2304.¦ 1:22.30 2508.¦ 1:23.27 2590.¦ 1:01.35 2929.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.58 2393.¦ 4:50.25 2422.¦ 5:52.00 2510.¦
 2511. Schusselé Nicolas              1986 Genève                      5:52.03,8   2:48.45,2  (4277) Diplom  M20      760.     8.20 ¦  2:09.57 2633.¦ 1:25.46 2686.¦ 1:19.40 2233.¦   56.39 2335.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.43 2673.¦ 4:55.24 2556.¦ 5:52.03 2511.¦
 2512. Engel Werner                   1965 DE-Bochum                   5:52.04,7   2:48.46,1  (2970) Diplom  M40      590.     8.20 ¦  2:09.06 2581.¦ 1:27.32 2773.¦ 1:20.05 2276.¦   55.20 2166.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.39 2695.¦ 4:56.44 2588.¦ 5:52.04 2512.¦
 2513. Haas Markus                    1967 DE-Hettstadt                5:52.05,7   2:48.47,1  (2464) Diplom  M40      591.     8.20 ¦  2:11.19 2719.¦ 1:19.56 2341.¦ 1:22.03 2470.¦   58.47 2648.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.15 2523.¦ 4:53.18 2497.¦ 5:52.05 2513.¦
 2514. Marti Patrick                  1966 Wolfhausen                  5:52.11,6   2:48.53,0  (2607) Diplom  M40      592.     8.20 ¦  2:11.56 2769.¦ 1:18.42 2255.¦ 1:21.26 2405.¦ 1:00.06 2823.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.38 2507.¦ 4:52.05 2468.¦ 5:52.11 2514.¦
 2515. Brot Cyrille                   1974 FR-Seillans                 5:52.12,5   2:48.53,9  (4539) Diplom  M20      761.     8.20 ¦  2:13.37 2848.¦ 1:19.57 2345.¦ 1:19.52 2256.¦   58.44 2639.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.35 2601.¦ 4:53.28 2502.¦ 5:52.12 2515.¦
 2516. Bätz Udo                       1974 DE-Steinach                 5:52.12,7   2:48.54,1  (3190) Diplom  M20      762.     8.20 ¦  2:01.30 2102.¦ 1:29.18 2845.¦ 1:25.08 2712.¦   56.15 2277.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.48 2512.¦ 4:55.57 2566.¦ 5:52.12 2516.¦
 2517. Schweizer Daniel               1971 Rheinfelden                 5:52.14,9   2:48.56,3  (4809) Diplom  M20      763.     8.20 ¦  2:16.00 2956.¦ 1:20.42 2389.¦ 1:18.58 2160.¦   56.34 2320.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.42 2697.¦ 4:55.40 2561.¦ 5:52.14 2517.¦
 2518. Barrot Christian               1945 Meyrin                      5:52.15,0   2:48.56,4   (697) Diplom  M60      75.      8.20 ¦  2:12.00 2777.¦ 1:22.49 2529.¦ 1:20.25 2302.¦   56.59 2391.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.50 2649.¦ 4:55.15 2555.¦ 5:52.15 2518.¦
 2519. Zurbuchen Alfred               1946 Rothenburg                  5:52.28,5   2:49.09,9  (2029) Diplom  M60      76.      8.21 ¦  2:07.45 2501.¦ 1:26.14 2715.¦ 1:20.31 2310.¦   57.56 2536.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.59 2617.¦ 4:54.31 2532.¦ 5:52.28 2519.¦
 2520. Kernen Christian               1978 Uetendorf                   5:52.28,9   2:49.10,3  (3174) Diplom  M20      764.     8.21 ¦  2:01.38 2109.¦ 1:23.34 2569.¦ 1:27.57 2852.¦   59.17 2723.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:25.13 2328.¦ 4:53.11 2493.¦ 5:52.28 2520.¦
 2521. Krider Joseph Wallace          1968 RU-Moskau - Krasnogorskij   5:52.42,0   2:49.23,4  (5082) Diplom  M40      593.     8.21 ¦  1:52.47 1359.¦ 1:22.40 2521.¦ 1:36.18 3068.¦ 1:00.56 2886.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:15.27 1928.¦ 4:51.45 2461.¦ 5:52.42 2521.¦
 2522. Haberland Holger               1957 DE-Berlin                   5:52.44,7   2:49.26,1  (3117) Diplom  M50      353.     8.21 ¦  2:16.55 2998.¦ 1:21.07 2422.¦ 1:16.11 1862.¦   58.30 2603.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.03 2731.¦ 4:54.14 2523.¦ 5:52.44 2522.¦
 2523. van Den Berg Jan               1950 NL-Noordwijkerhout          5:52.46,0   2:49.27,4  (3974) Diplom  M55      194.     8.21 ¦  2:04.21 2296.¦ 1:33.35 2984.¦ 1:18.24 2097.¦   56.24 2295.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.57 2727.¦ 4:56.22 2575.¦ 5:52.46 2523.¦
 2524. Busch Harald                   1958 DE-Heilbad Heiligenstadt    5:52.50,7   2:49.32,1  (3049) Diplom  M50      354.     8.21 ¦  2:09.34 2607.¦ 1:20.28 2378.¦ 1:23.10 2570.¦   59.37 2765.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.03 2494.¦ 4:53.13 2494.¦ 5:52.50 2524.¦
 2525. Bill Martin                    1955 Trin Mulin                  5:52.51,4   2:49.32,8  (3193) Diplom  M50      355.     8.21 ¦  2:11.08 2711.¦ 1:23.42 2575.¦ 1:18.40 2124.¦   59.19 2729.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.51 2650.¦ 4:53.32 2505.¦ 5:52.51 2525.¦
 2526. Goldkuhle Werner               1960 DE-Herzebrock-Clarholz      5:52.51,9   2:49.33,3  (4502) Diplom  M45      528.     8.21 ¦  1:59.30 1936.¦ 1:22.21 2498.¦ 1:28.20 2865.¦ 1:02.39 2989.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:21.51 2213.¦ 4:50.12 2419.¦ 5:52.51 2526.¦
 2527. Borer Claudius                 1946 Cham                        5:52.52,9   2:49.34,3  (2745) Diplom  M60      77.      8.21 ¦  2:12.28 2801.¦ 1:21.47 2461.¦ 1:19.35 2223.¦   59.02 2682.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.15 2627.¦ 4:53.50 2508.¦ 5:52.52 2527.¦
 2528. Ruef Thomas                    1962 Bern                        5:52.56,0   2:49.37,4  (2597) Diplom  M45      529.     8.21 ¦  2:07.35 2486.¦ 1:24.05 2602.¦ 1:23.10 2569.¦   58.04 2551.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.40 2544.¦ 4:54.51 2543.¦ 5:52.56 2528.¦
 2529. Zanobini Enrico                1962 IT-Savona (SV)              5:52.57,6   2:49.39,0  (3896) Diplom  M45      530.     8.21 ¦  2:08.17 2531.¦ 1:26.30 2727.¦ 1:20.41 2328.¦   57.29 2470.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.47 2646.¦ 4:55.28 2559.¦ 5:52.57 2529.¦
 2530. Sauter Wolfgang                1956 DE-Oberboihingen            5:53.01,2   2:49.42,6  (2825) Diplom  M50      356.     8.21 ¦  2:22.17 3136.¦ 1:08.19 1161.¦ 1:24.04 2635.¦   58.19 2579.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.36 2504.¦ 4:54.41 2538.¦ 5:53.01 2530.¦
 2531. Wilkening Ulrich               1969 DE-Lörrach                  5:53.04,1   2:49.45,5  (4208) Diplom  M20      765.     8.22 ¦  2:03.53 2259.¦ 1:27.53 2787.¦ 1:24.45 2680.¦   56.31 2314.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.46 2546.¦ 4:56.32 2580.¦ 5:53.04 2531.¦
 2532. Schwind Martin                 1965 DE-Karlsruhe                5:53.06,7   2:49.48,1  (2823) Diplom  M40      594.     8.22 ¦  1:55.25 1563.¦ 1:22.48 2527.¦ 1:35.37 3061.¦   59.15 2714.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:18.13 2058.¦ 4:53.51 2509.¦ 5:53.06 2532.¦
 2533. Bühler Stephan                 1960 Basel                       5:53.08,8   2:49.50,2  (4397) Diplom  M45      531.     8.22 ¦  2:09.44 2619.¦ 1:17.23 2130.¦ 1:27.26 2837.¦   58.34 2614.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:27.08 2401.¦ 4:54.34 2534.¦ 5:53.08 2533.¦
 2534. Bührer John                    1964 Zürich                      5:53.16,6   2:49.58,0  (2301) Diplom  M40      595.     8.22 ¦  2:08.31 2549.¦ 1:29.29 2851.¦ 1:20.35 2317.¦   54.39 2081.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.01 2730.¦ 4:58.37 2624.¦ 5:53.16 2534.¦
 2535. Stephan Oskar                  1960 DE-Hockenheim               5:53.24,1   2:50.05,5  (3168) Diplom  M45      532.     8.22 ¦  2:13.46 2860.¦ 1:26.09 2711.¦ 1:17.44 2035.¦   55.43 2218.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.55 2784.¦ 4:57.40 2600.¦ 5:53.24 2535.¦
 2536. Schindler Hans Georg           1945 AT-Wien                     5:53.25,6   2:50.07,0  (3066) Diplom  M60      78.      8.22 ¦  2:10.37 2672.¦ 1:19.34 2319.¦ 1:21.13 2383.¦ 1:02.00 2952.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.12 2497.¦ 4:51.25 2447.¦ 5:53.25 2536.¦
 2537. Planzer Thomas                 1967 Zug                         5:53.28,6   2:50.10,0  (2258) Diplom  M40      596.     8.22 ¦  2:17.01 3003.¦ 1:22.20 2494.¦ 1:16.35 1910.¦   57.30 2473.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.22 2769.¦ 4:55.57 2567.¦ 5:53.28 2537.¦
 2538. Kieselbach Marco               1977 DE-Ubstadt-Weiher           5:53.31,8   2:50.13,2  (4591) Diplom  M20      766.     8.22 ¦  2:05.55 2387.¦ 1:20.42 2391.¦ 1:25.58 2756.¦ 1:00.55 2884.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.37 2379.¦ 4:52.36 2477.¦ 5:53.31 2538.¦
 2539. Gilmartin Richard              1972 GB-Cheshire                 5:53.34,5   2:50.15,9  (2843) Diplom  M20      767.     8.22 ¦  2:14.13 2877.¦ 1:22.18 2492.¦ 1:17.46 2037.¦   59.16 2719.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.31 2692.¦ 4:54.18 2525.¦ 5:53.34 2539.¦
 2540. Bechtel Wilfried               1942 DE-Heidelberg               5:53.36,3   2:50.17,7   (668) Diplom  M65      17.      8.22 ¦  2:14.17 2878.¦ 1:23.39 2572.¦ 1:16.32 1905.¦   59.08 2700.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.56 2725.¦ 4:54.28 2531.¦ 5:53.36 2540.¦
 2541. Sahli Hannes                   1943 Hinterkappelen              5:53.36,4   2:50.17,8  (2624) Diplom  M65      18.      8.22 ¦  2:08.38 2557.¦ 1:23.01 2538.¦ 1:23.07 2565.¦   58.48 2650.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.40 2543.¦ 4:54.47 2541.¦ 5:53.36 2541.¦
 2542. Büchter Martin                 1960 DE-Hennef                   5:53.37,3   2:50.18,7  (4500) Diplom  M45      533.     8.22 ¦  2:01.22 2091.¦ 1:29.07 2833.¦ 1:20.58 2357.¦ 1:02.09 2962.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.30 2502.¦ 4:51.28 2448.¦ 5:53.37 2542.¦
 2543. Crimaudo  Enzo                 1963 Luzern                      5:53.37,6   2:50.19,0  (4335) Diplom  M45      534.     8.22 ¦  2:15.53 2944.¦ 1:19.24 2307.¦ 1:19.52 2255.¦   58.26 2596.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.18 2664.¦ 4:55.10 2553.¦ 5:53.37 2543.¦
 2544. Nakagawa Tatsuhiko             1943 JAP                         5:53.39,1   2:50.20,5  (5125) Diplom  M65      19.      8.22 ¦  1:57.57 1794.¦ 1:28.03 2793.¦ 1:29.07 2908.¦   58.31 2607.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.00 2354.¦ 4:55.07 2550.¦ 5:53.39 2544.¦
 2545. Armbruster Reiner              1959 DE-Achern                   5:53.42,8   2:50.24,2  (3343) Diplom  M45      535.     8.22 ¦  2:07.41 2495.¦ 1:29.08 2834.¦ 1:17.09 1972.¦   59.43 2779.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.50 2702.¦ 4:53.59 2515.¦ 5:53.42 2545.¦
 2546. Grieshaber Herbert             1947 DE-Bräunlingen              5:53.42,9   2:50.24,3  (3177) Diplom  M60      79.      8.22 ¦  2:08.27 2542.¦ 1:24.52 2631.¦ 1:20.54 2352.¦   59.29 2751.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.19 2590.¦ 4:54.13 2522.¦ 5:53.42 2546.¦
 2547. Bank Walter                    1948 DE-Bräunlingen              5:53.43,5   2:50.24,9  (2694) Diplom  M60      80.      8.22 ¦  2:08.16 2529.¦ 1:25.04 2645.¦ 1:20.54 2352.¦   59.28 2748.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.20 2591.¦ 4:54.14 2524.¦ 5:53.43 2547.¦
 2548. Krieg Ralf                     1962 DE-Appenweier               5:53.45,6   2:50.27,0  (3401) Diplom  M45      536.     8.23 ¦  2:07.41 2495.¦ 1:29.09 2836.¦ 1:17.20 2005.¦   59.34 2761.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.50 2703.¦ 4:54.11 2520.¦ 5:53.45 2548.¦
 2549. Debus Ulrich                   1939 DE-Nieder-Olm               5:53.45,9   2:50.27,3  (2438) Diplom  M65      20.      8.23 ¦  2:07.50 2508.¦ 1:21.49 2465.¦ 1:23.26 2586.¦ 1:00.39 2867.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:29.39 2487.¦ 4:53.06 2491.¦ 5:53.45 2549.¦
 2550. Grommas Juergen                1947 DE-Freden                   5:53.46,2   2:50.27,6  (4077) Diplom  M60      81.      8.23 ¦  2:02.33 2177.¦ 1:26.19 2719.¦ 1:25.39 2736.¦   59.13 2712.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:28.52 2467.¦ 4:54.32 2533.¦ 5:53.46 2550.¦
 2551. Wespi Thomas                   1958 Bern                        5:53.48,9   2:50.30,3  (2152) Diplom  M50      357.     8.23 ¦  2:09.17 2595.¦ 1:32.19 2950.¦ 1:17.31 2017.¦   54.40 2088.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.37 2830.¦ 4:59.08 2634.¦ 5:53.48 2551.¦
 2552. Bicik Tomas                    1968 CZ-Praha                    5:53.52,0   2:50.33,4  (3449) Diplom  M40      597.     8.23 ¦  1:58.53 1873.¦ 1:27.39 2779.¦ 1:26.11 2766.¦ 1:01.07 2898.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.33 2377.¦ 4:52.44 2481.¦ 5:53.52 2552.¦
 2553. Bauer Maximilian               1982 DE-Oberroth                 5:53.52,9   2:50.34,3  (3541) Diplom  M20      768.     8.23 ¦  2:03.10 2216.¦ 1:30.19 2883.¦ 1:22.10 2482.¦   58.12 2561.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.30 2597.¦ 4:55.40 2560.¦ 5:53.52 2553.¦
 2554. Zimmermann Hans                1947 Mels                        5:53.54,1   2:50.35,5  (2565) Diplom  M60      82.      8.23 ¦  2:06.20 2407.¦ 1:32.28 2958.¦ 1:20.24 2297.¦   54.40 2085.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.49 2756.¦ 4:59.13 2636.¦ 5:53.54 2554.¦
 2555. Osner Christian                1965 DE-Berlin                   5:53.56,6   2:50.38,0  (4689) Diplom  M40      598.     8.23 ¦  2:00.39 2038.¦ 1:25.21 2657.¦ 1:27.06 2824.¦ 1:00.49 2878.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.01 2355.¦ 4:53.07 2492.¦ 5:53.56 2555.¦
 2556. Drinkwater Andrew              1963 LU-Alzingen L               5:54.00,8   2:50.42,2  (4246) Diplom  M45      537.     8.23 ¦  2:09.26 2601.¦ 1:22.48 2528.¦ 1:23.56 2626.¦   57.49 2516.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.15 2558.¦ 4:56.11 2571.¦ 5:54.00 2556.¦
 2557. Götz Steven                    1969 Bern                        5:54.04,0   2:50.45,4  (3887) Diplom  M20      769.     8.23 ¦  2:08.29 2546.¦ 1:24.19 2611.¦ 1:23.45 2616.¦   57.29 2470.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.49 2573.¦ 4:56.35 2582.¦ 5:54.04 2557.¦
 2558. Hügi Roland                    1961 Luzern                      5:54.06,2   2:50.47,6  (1591) Diplom  M45      538.     8.23 ¦  2:02.15 2155.¦ 1:14.15 1799.¦ 1:36.25 3071.¦ 1:01.09 2900.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:16.30 1978.¦ 4:52.56 2484.¦ 5:54.06 2558.¦
 2559. Schneider Peter                1960 Mels                        5:54.07,4   2:50.48,8  (2914) Diplom  M45      539.     8.23 ¦  2:11.22 2725.¦ 1:20.27 2375.¦ 1:24.39 2669.¦   57.38 2492.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.49 2549.¦ 4:56.29 2578.¦ 5:54.07 2559.¦
 2560. Nijborg Garmt-Jan              1980 NL-Hoogezand                5:54.15,9   2:50.57,3  (2933) Diplom  M20      770.     8.23 ¦  2:12.39 2806.¦ 1:26.19 2720.¦ 1:19.19 2189.¦   55.57 2245.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.59 2761.¦ 4:58.18 2612.¦ 5:54.15 2560.¦
 2561. Haase Stephan                  1965 DE-Schönfließ               5:54.17,7   2:50.59,1  (3115) Diplom  M40      599.     8.23 ¦  2:20.59 3109.¦ 1:20.31 2379.¦ 1:12.42 1498.¦ 1:00.05 2819.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.30 2825.¦ 4:54.12 2521.¦ 5:54.17 2561.¦
 2562. Rosado Michel                  1971 Monthey                     5:54.18,1   2:50.59,5  (3247) Diplom  M20      771.     8.23 ¦  1:57.43 1770.¦ 1:33.26 2981.¦ 1:25.31 2730.¦   57.36 2487.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.09 2521.¦ 4:56.41 2586.¦ 5:54.18 2562.¦
 2563. Blättler Walter                1951 Emmen                       5:54.18,5   2:50.59,9  (1792) Diplom  M55      195.     8.23 ¦  2:16.21 2974.¦ 1:25.11 2650.¦ 1:15.44 1818.¦   57.01 2396.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.32 2827.¦ 4:57.17 2596.¦ 5:54.18 2563.¦
 2564. Foreman David                  1962 Neyruz FR                   5:54.19,3   2:51.00,7  (1401) Diplom  M45      540.     8.23 ¦  2:09.09 2583.¦ 1:25.23 2659.¦ 1:24.52 2695.¦   54.54 2114.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.32 2638.¦ 4:59.24 2644.¦ 5:54.19 2564.¦
 2565. Le Chi Thanh                   1950 Lausanne                    5:54.19,9   2:51.01,3  (2619) Diplom  M55      196.     8.23 ¦  2:13.08 2825.¦ 1:22.01 2478.¦ 1:19.54 2257.¦   59.16 2720.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.09 2658.¦ 4:55.03 2547.¦ 5:54.19 2565.¦
 2566. Aemmer Daniel                  1959 Matten b. Interlaken        5:54.20,1   2:51.01,5  (4359) Diplom  M45      541.     8.23 ¦  2:12.25 2800.¦ 1:25.18 2654.¦ 1:19.07 2172.¦   57.28 2468.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.43 2720.¦ 4:56.51 2590.¦ 5:54.20 2566.¦
 2567. Küng Christoph                 1964 Wolfhalden                  5:54.24,5   2:51.05,9  (4432) Diplom  M40      600.     8.23 ¦  2:07.42 2497.¦ 1:16.34 2053.¦ 1:25.03 2705.¦ 1:05.03 3034.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:24.17 2299.¦ 4:49.21 2401.¦ 5:54.24 2567.¦
 2568. Mathys Peter                   1944 Sulz AG                     5:54.24,9   2:51.06,3  (2323) Diplom  M60      83.      8.23 ¦  2:14.17 2879.¦ 1:23.39 2573.¦ 1:20.04 2273.¦   56.23 2294.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.57 2726.¦ 4:58.01 2606.¦ 5:54.24 2568.¦
 2569. Peter Rijsbergen Van           1966 NL-Son                      5:54.28,9   2:51.10,3  (2282) Diplom  M40      601.     8.24 ¦  2:06.55 2444.¦ 1:23.43 2576.¦ 1:20.46 2335.¦ 1:03.04 3001.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.38 2505.¦ 4:51.24 2446.¦ 5:54.28 2569.¦
 2570. Schorpp Utz                    1958 DE-Kalkar                   5:54.29,5   2:51.10,9  (3152) Diplom  M50      358.     8.24 ¦  2:20.03 3083.¦ 1:18.25 2235.¦ 1:16.56 1947.¦   59.03 2688.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.29 2741.¦ 4:55.25 2557.¦ 5:54.29 2570.¦
 2571. Feuz Daniel                    1973 Gsteigwiler                 5:54.30,6   2:51.12,0  (5011) Diplom  M20      772.     8.24 ¦  2:09.15 2591.¦ 1:30.50 2902.¦ 1:19.48 2245.¦   54.36 2076.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.06 2788.¦ 4:59.54 2658.¦ 5:54.30 2571.¦
 2572. Heimberg Beat                  1969 Ringgenberg BE              5:54.30,8   2:51.12,2  (2547) Diplom  M20      773.     8.24 ¦  2:09.16 2592.¦ 1:30.50 2903.¦ 1:19.48 2248.¦   54.35 2074.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.06 2789.¦ 4:59.55 2660.¦ 5:54.30 2572.¦
 2573. Dräger Frank                   1967 DE-Berlin                   5:54.34,7   2:51.16,1  (2467) Diplom  M40      602.     8.24 ¦  2:09.51 2626.¦ 1:26.25 2723.¦ 1:20.58 2359.¦   57.19 2445.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.16 2689.¦ 4:57.15 2595.¦ 5:54.34 2573.¦
 2574. Marsili Felicetto              1961 IT-Marano Equo (RM)         5:54.42,2   2:51.23,6  (3202) Diplom  M45      542.     8.24 ¦  1:59.28 1932.¦ 1:25.07 2647.¦ 1:29.45 2926.¦ 1:00.21 2845.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:24.35 2310.¦ 4:54.20 2526.¦ 5:54.42 2574.¦
 2575. Keller Max Felix               1945 TH-Chiang Mai               5:54.42,5   2:51.23,9   (844) Diplom  M60      84.      8.24 ¦  2:02.19 2163.¦ 1:19.57 2345.¦ 1:30.12 2945.¦ 1:02.11 2964.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:22.17 2231.¦ 4:52.30 2476.¦ 5:54.42 2575.¦
 2576. Inniger Christian              1966 Mühlethurnen                5:54.43,2   2:51.24,6  (2743) Diplom  M40      603.     8.24 ¦  2:16.35 2982.¦ 1:21.37 2454.¦ 1:18.40 2122.¦   57.50 2519.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.12 2736.¦ 4:56.52 2591.¦ 5:54.43 2576.¦
 2577. Aebischer Beat                 1960 Bern                        5:54.44,4   2:51.25,8  (2787) Diplom  M45      543.     8.24 ¦  2:02.12 2152.¦ 1:24.49 2629.¦ 1:23.05 2559.¦ 1:04.36 3029.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:27.02 2395.¦ 4:50.07 2416.¦ 5:54.44 2577.¦
 2578. Mcqueen Tony                   1964 GB-Edinburgh                5:54.45,1   2:51.26,5  (3060) Diplom  M40      604.     8.24 ¦  2:12.09 2785.¦ 1:20.03 2350.¦ 1:21.44 2439.¦ 1:00.48 2877.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.12 2557.¦ 4:53.56 2513.¦ 5:54.45 2578.¦
 2579. Stalder Pascal                 1972 Bettlach                    5:54.45,6   2:51.27,0  (3603) Diplom  M20      774.     8.24 ¦  2:15.35 2936.¦ 1:18.18 2221.¦ 1:19.04 2171.¦ 1:01.47 2941.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.53 2613.¦ 4:52.58 2486.¦ 5:54.45 2579.¦
 2580. Gorrengourt Hanspeter          1954 Ettingen                    5:54.46,4   2:51.27,8  (2047) Diplom  M50      359.     8.24 ¦  2:03.36 2236.¦ 1:23.56 2589.¦ 1:27.04 2821.¦ 1:00.08 2826.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:27.33 2417.¦ 4:54.38 2537.¦ 5:54.46 2580.¦
 2581. Stoller Peter                  1959 Interlaken                  5:54.56,5   2:51.37,9  (2522) Diplom  M45      544.     8.24 ¦  2:06.43 2432.¦ 1:28.05 2794.¦ 1:19.21 2199.¦ 1:00.47 2876.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.48 2647.¦ 4:54.09 2519.¦ 5:54.56 2581.¦
 2582. van Nies Marcel                1971 NL-Beugen                   5:54.57,9   2:51.39,3  (3733) Diplom  M20      775.     8.24 ¦  2:10.23 2660.¦ 1:23.40 2574.¦ 1:21.01 2363.¦   59.52 2800.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.04 2619.¦ 4:55.05 2549.¦ 5:54.57 2582.¦
 2583. Liechti Alexander              1955 Effretikon                  5:55.03,9   2:51.45,3  (2829) Diplom  M50      360.     8.24 ¦  2:09.08 2582.¦ 1:25.57 2699.¦ 1:23.20 2579.¦   56.38 2333.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.05 2657.¦ 4:58.25 2618.¦ 5:55.03 2583.¦
 2584. Dagneaux Vincent               1969 FR-Choisy Au Bac            5:55.04,3   2:51.45,7  (3952) Diplom  M20      776.     8.24 ¦  2:02.38 2182.¦ 1:24.12 2607.¦ 1:29.53 2933.¦   58.20 2580.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.50 2389.¦ 4:56.44 2587.¦ 5:55.04 2584.¦
 2585. Feuz Thomas                    1963 Gsteigwiler                 5:55.05,4   2:51.46,8   (823) Diplom  M45      545.     8.24 ¦  2:09.59 2637.¦ 1:23.32 2566.¦ 1:22.42 2531.¦   58.51 2656.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.31 2600.¦ 4:56.14 2573.¦ 5:55.05 2585.¦
 2586. Keppenne Claude                1964 DE-Pfungstadt               5:55.08,7   2:51.50,1  (3985) Diplom  M40      605.     8.25 ¦  2:11.45 2757.¦ 1:24.59 2641.¦ 1:21.25 2401.¦   56.58 2387.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.44 2699.¦ 4:58.09 2607.¦ 5:55.08 2586.¦
 2587. Egli Martin                    1960 Schinznach Bad              5:55.11,0   2:51.52,4  (4166) Diplom  M45      546.     8.25 ¦  2:10.20 2656.¦ 1:21.25 2436.¦ 1:22.56 2544.¦ 1:00.29 2858.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.45 2545.¦ 4:54.41 2539.¦ 5:55.11 2587.¦
 2588. Coray Markus                   1970 Pfäffikon ZH                5:55.12,1   2:51.53,5  (4712) Diplom  M20      777.     8.25 ¦  2:05.49 2379.¦ 1:21.19 2430.¦ 1:28.40 2880.¦   59.22 2738.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:27.09 2403.¦ 4:55.49 2564.¦ 5:55.12 2588.¦
 2589. Nierod Martin                  1958 DE-Rückersdorf              5:55.15,4   2:51.56,8  (3841) Diplom  M50      361.     8.25 ¦  2:12.50 2813.¦ 1:26.02 2705.¦ 1:19.26 2204.¦   56.56 2376.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.52 2757.¦ 4:58.19 2613.¦ 5:55.15 2589.¦
 2590. Fries Stefano                  1957 Unterseen                   5:55.23,0   2:52.04,4  (4570) Diplom  M50      362.     8.25 ¦  2:07.36 2491.¦ 1:31.51 2934.¦ 1:19.19 2195.¦   56.35 2324.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.28 2771.¦ 4:58.47 2628.¦ 5:55.23 2590.¦
 2591. Mäder Hans Peter               1954 Bern                        5:55.24,0   2:52.05,4  (3586) Diplom  M50      363.     8.25 ¦  2:09.46 2621.¦ 1:23.22 2555.¦ 1:23.28 2594.¦   58.46 2646.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.09 2586.¦ 4:56.37 2583.¦ 5:55.24 2591.¦
 2592. Schrauth Frank                 1973 DE-Karlstadt                5:55.28,1   2:52.09,5  (4276) Diplom  M20      778.     8.25 ¦  1:54.25 1482.¦ 1:21.58 2477.¦ 1:34.06 3043.¦ 1:04.57 3032.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:16.23 1969.¦ 4:50.30 2425.¦ 5:55.28 2592.¦
 2593. Jost Werner                    1955 Solothurn                   5:55.29,1   2:52.10,5  (2528) Diplom  M50      364.     8.25 ¦  2:02.51 2200.¦ 1:26.21 2721.¦ 1:25.56 2755.¦ 1:00.19 2842.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:29.13 2475.¦ 4:55.09 2552.¦ 5:55.29 2593.¦
 2594. Sauter Peter                   1962 Wallisellen                 5:55.29,2   2:52.10,6  (3148) Diplom  M45      547.     8.25 ¦  2:07.51 2512.¦ 1:22.18 2493.¦ 1:24.57 2699.¦ 1:00.21 2846.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.10 2496.¦ 4:55.07 2551.¦ 5:55.29 2594.¦
 2595. Favray Frederic                1968 FR-Epinal                   5:55.29,5   2:52.10,9  (3656) Diplom  M40      606.     8.25 ¦  2:11.07 2709.¦ 1:24.56 2636.¦ 1:22.06 2478.¦   57.18 2442.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.03 2684.¦ 4:58.10 2608.¦ 5:55.29 2595.¦
 2596. Becker Friedhelm               1961 DE-Koblenz                  5:55.29,6   2:52.11,0  (2477) Diplom  M45      548.     8.25 ¦  2:06.45 2438.¦ 1:25.24 2662.¦ 1:25.38 2735.¦   57.41 2496.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.10 2556.¦ 4:57.48 2601.¦ 5:55.29 2596.¦
 2597. Jackson Robert David           1948 ZA-Kwa-Zulu Natal           5:55.31,1   2:52.12,5  (4827) Diplom  M60      85.      8.25 ¦  2:20.36 3099.¦ 1:18.29 2239.¦ 1:18.00 2058.¦   58.25 2592.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.05 2765.¦ 4:57.06 2593.¦ 5:55.31 2597.¦
 2598. Rosendahl Christoph            1964 Oberlunkhofen               5:55.31,6   2:52.13,0  (2363) Diplom  M40      607.     8.25 ¦  2:06.45 2437.¦ 1:27.07 2754.¦ 1:26.04 2760.¦   55.34 2199.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.53 2612.¦ 4:59.57 2661.¦ 5:55.31 2598.¦
 2599. Brunner Hansueli               1962 Brienz BE                   5:55.35,2   2:52.16,6  (1557) Diplom  M45      549.     8.25 ¦  2:01.24 2094.¦ 1:22.37 2517.¦ 1:33.21 3037.¦   58.12 2563.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:24.01 2289.¦ 4:57.22 2598.¦ 5:55.35 2599.¦
 2600. Eggenschwiler Bruno            1958 Belp                        5:55.42,4   2:52.23,8  (2345) Diplom  M50      365.     8.25 ¦  2:11.49 2763.¦ 1:22.26 2505.¦ 1:24.14 2648.¦   57.12 2421.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.15 2629.¦ 4:58.30 2620.¦ 5:55.42 2600.¦
 2601. Schreiter Jürgen               1964 DE-Frankfurt                5:55.51,0   2:52.32,4   (699) Diplom  M40      608.     8.26 ¦  2:10.54 2693.¦ 1:25.41 2680.¦ 1:22.32 2517.¦   56.42 2343.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.36 2694.¦ 4:59.08 2635.¦ 5:55.51 2601.¦
 2602. Isch Martin                    1958 Etzelkofen                  5:55.54,2   2:52.35,6  (5145) Diplom  M50      366.     8.26 ¦  2:15.54 2945.¦ 1:23.05 2541.¦ 1:19.42 2235.¦   57.12 2420.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.00 2762.¦ 4:58.42 2625.¦ 5:55.54 2602.¦
 2603. Farner Roger                   1977 Schlieren                   5:55.55,9   2:52.37,3  (4012) Diplom  M20      779.     8.26 ¦  2:09.12 2587.¦ 1:23.33 2568.¦ 1:23.06 2561.¦ 1:00.03 2816.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.45 2570.¦ 4:55.52 2565.¦ 5:55.55 2603.¦
 2604. Weimann Johannes               1966 Zollikofen                  5:56.03,0   2:52.44,4  (3778) Diplom  M40      609.     8.26 ¦  2:08.06 2520.¦ 1:22.12 2489.¦ 1:27.43 2844.¦   58.01 2544.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.18 2499.¦ 4:58.01 2605.¦ 5:56.03 2604.¦
 2605. Boppart Philipp                1973 Biel-Benken BL              5:56.03,2   2:52.44,6  (3195) Diplom  M20      780.     8.26 ¦  2:15.28 2932.¦ 1:22.36 2515.¦ 1:20.44 2333.¦   57.13 2424.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.04 2732.¦ 4:58.49 2630.¦ 5:56.03 2605.¦
 2606. Ziese Bernd                    1963 DE-Münster                  5:56.03,7   2:52.45,1  (3279) Diplom  M45      550.     8.26 ¦  2:11.07 2707.¦ 1:22.39 2520.¦ 1:22.11 2485.¦ 1:00.05 2821.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.46 2608.¦ 4:55.58 2568.¦ 5:56.03 2606.¦
 2607. Cavaleri Olivier               1962 Lutry                       5:56.04,2   2:52.45,6  (2491) Diplom  M45      551.     8.26 ¦  2:18.03 3030.¦ 1:22.42 2522.¦ 1:21.26 2404.¦   53.52 2009.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.45 2803.¦ 5:02.11 2694.¦ 5:56.04 2607.¦
 2608. Meyer Michael                  1962 AT-Wien                     5:56.05,5   2:52.46,9  (4050) Diplom  M45      552.     8.26 ¦  2:22.35 3144.¦ 1:22.21 2499.¦ 1:15.56 1831.¦   55.11 2150.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.57 2880.¦ 5:00.54 2678.¦ 5:56.05 2608.¦
 2609. Bürgi Roland                   1962 Felben-Wellhausen           5:56.05,7   2:52.47,1  (2079) Diplom  M45      553.     8.26 ¦  2:04.12 2284.¦ 1:19.02 2276.¦ 1:32.53 3027.¦   59.56 2807.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:23.15 2269.¦ 4:56.09 2570.¦ 5:56.05 2609.¦
 2610. Gysin Hugo                     1954 Riedholz                    5:56.21,5   2:53.02,9  (2791) Diplom  M50      367.     8.26 ¦  2:13.25 2837.¦ 1:23.53 2585.¦ 1:23.06 2561.¦   55.55 2242.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.19 2711.¦ 5:00.25 2669.¦ 5:56.21 2610.¦
 2611. Bregenzer Michael              1972 DE-München                  5:56.23,5   2:53.04,9  (5260) Diplom  M20      781.     8.26 ¦  2:10.44 2684.¦ 1:27.14 2760.¦ 1:21.27 2407.¦   56.57 2382.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.58 2728.¦ 4:59.25 2645.¦ 5:56.23 2611.¦
 2612. Chopart Hubert                 1956 FR-Nanteuil les Meaux       5:56.29,6   2:53.11,0  (3943) Diplom  M50      368.     8.26 ¦  2:15.43 2939.¦ 1:24.26 2616.¦ 1:20.04 2274.¦   56.15 2276.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.09 2791.¦ 5:00.14 2667.¦ 5:56.29 2612.¦
 2613. Scheffler Axel                 1970 DE-Münster-Sarmsheim        5:56.29,7   2:53.11,1  (3972) Diplom  M20      782.     8.26 ¦  2:00.56 2055.¦ 1:24.32 2621.¦ 1:31.05 2984.¦   59.55 2806.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:25.28 2334.¦ 4:56.33 2581.¦ 5:56.29 2613.¦
 2614. Schneider Martin               1953 Wetzikon ZH                 5:56.31,9   2:53.13,3  (5094) Diplom  M55      197.     8.26 ¦  2:11.14 2714.¦ 1:26.34 2731.¦ 1:20.57 2355.¦   57.45 2505.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.49 2721.¦ 4:58.46 2627.¦ 5:56.31 2614.¦
 2615. Lofink Andreas                 1968 DE-Gedern                   5:56.34,0   2:53.15,4  (3135) Diplom  M40      610.     8.27 ¦  2:12.15 2790.¦ 1:20.18 2366.¦ 1:22.14 2489.¦ 1:01.45 2939.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.34 2564.¦ 4:54.48 2542.¦ 5:56.34 2615.¦
 2616. Jonas Nico                     1972 IE-Dublin Dublin            5:56.42,6   2:53.24,0  (4529) Diplom  M20      783.     8.27 ¦  2:03.58 2264.¦ 1:22.04 2481.¦ 1:28.57 2898.¦ 1:01.41 2933.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.03 2357.¦ 4:55.01 2546.¦ 5:56.42 2616.¦
 2616. Sandberg Curt                  1951 SE-Uppland Väsby            5:56.42,6   2:53.24,0  (4883) Diplom  M55      198.     8.27 ¦  2:10.40 2680.¦ 1:23.09 2546.¦ 1:23.18 2577.¦   59.34 2759.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.50 2611.¦ 4:57.08 2594.¦ 5:56.42 2616.¦
 2618. Kramer Peter                   1951 DE-Gelsenkirchen            5:56.46,5   2:53.27,9  (2599) Diplom  M55      199.     8.27 ¦  2:08.32 2550.¦ 1:28.00 2792.¦ 1:22.59 2551.¦   57.15 2427.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.32 2693.¦ 4:59.31 2647.¦ 5:56.46 2618.¦
 2619. Pinnington Rob                 1962 DE-Obernhain                5:56.47,4   2:53.28,8  (2655) Diplom  M45      554.     8.27 ¦  2:08.34 2553.¦ 1:23.26 2560.¦ 1:25.21 2722.¦   59.24 2743.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.00 2553.¦ 4:57.22 2597.¦ 5:56.47 2619.¦
 2620. Guillame Rene                  1958 FR-Montfaucon               5:56.48,8   2:53.30,2  (4725) Diplom  M50      369.     8.27 ¦  2:00.53 2054.¦ 1:12.52 1650.¦ 1:14.02 1635.¦ 1:29.00 3076.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:13.46 1845.¦ 4:27.48 1751.¦ 5:56.48 2620.¦
 2621. Maleika Andreas                1969 DE-Frankfurt                5:56.56,7   2:53.38,1  (1841) Diplom  M20      784.     8.27 ¦  2:14.50 2905.¦ 1:21.00 2416.¦ 1:20.39 2326.¦ 1:00.25 2852.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.51 2674.¦ 4:56.31 2579.¦ 5:56.56 2621.¦
 2622. Schwausch Hans-Joachim         1944 DE-Bad Schwalbach           5:56.57,7   2:53.39,1  (4497) Diplom  M60      86.      8.27 ¦  2:04.02 2269.¦ 1:27.24 2764.¦ 1:26.57 2817.¦   58.33 2613.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.26 2530.¦ 4:58.24 2617.¦ 5:56.57 2622.¦
 2623. Zajac Pierre-Louis             1953 FR-Passy                    5:57.00,2   2:53.41,6  (1972) Diplom  M55      200.     8.27 ¦  1:59.08 1901.¦ 1:27.35 2777.¦ 1:32.39 3019.¦   57.35 2486.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.44 2383.¦ 4:59.24 2643.¦ 5:57.00 2623.¦
 2624. Stahel Hansruedi               1944 DE-Bingen am Rhein          5:57.02,8   2:53.44,2  (2354) Diplom  M60      87.      8.27 ¦  2:12.04 2780.¦ 1:29.23 2847.¦ 1:18.02 2066.¦   57.31 2477.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.28 2820.¦ 4:59.31 2646.¦ 5:57.02 2624.¦
 2625. Eggerschwiler Viktor           1955 Baar                        5:57.03,7   2:53.45,1  (2131) Diplom  M50      370.     8.27 ¦  2:08.19 2532.¦ 1:25.38 2677.¦ 1:23.55 2624.¦   59.10 2705.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.57 2616.¦ 4:57.53 2603.¦ 5:57.03 2625.¦
 2626. Keller Ralph                   1971 Zug                         5:57.05,8   2:53.47,2  (4017) Diplom  M20      785.     8.27 ¦  2:11.22 2726.¦ 1:26.08 2709.¦ 1:21.42 2437.¦   57.51 2523.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.31 2713.¦ 4:59.14 2637.¦ 5:57.05 2626.¦
 2627. Wagner Gerhard                 1968 Zürich                      5:57.07,4   2:53.48,8  (4318) Diplom  M40      611.     8.27 ¦  2:06.45 2439.¦ 1:20.03 2349.¦ 1:28.56 2897.¦ 1:01.21 2914.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.49 2387.¦ 4:55.45 2562.¦ 5:57.07 2627.¦
 2628. Gambelli Ferdinando            1950 IT-Ancona (AN)              5:57.08,2   2:53.49,6  (3817) Diplom  M55      201.     8.27 ¦  2:02.46 2193.¦ 1:25.10 2648.¦ 1:31.17 2996.¦   57.53 2527.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:27.57 2431.¦ 4:59.15 2638.¦ 5:57.08 2628.¦
 2629. Kortyka Joachim                1955 DE-Speyer                   5:57.11,2   2:53.52,6  (2621) Diplom  M50      371.     8.27 ¦  2:07.23 2475.¦ 1:21.27 2437.¦ 1:30.03 2941.¦   58.17 2569.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:28.50 2462.¦ 4:58.53 2631.¦ 5:57.11 2629.¦
 2630. Bechtold Rolf                  1954 DE-Heidelberg               5:57.12,5   2:53.53,9  (2920) Diplom  M50      372.     8.27 ¦  2:11.19 2721.¦ 1:25.26 2665.¦ 1:21.41 2431.¦   58.46 2645.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.45 2701.¦ 4:58.26 2619.¦ 5:57.12 2630.¦
 2631. Malchau Carsten                1978 DE-Schönebeck               5:57.13,6   2:53.55,0  (3304) Diplom  M20      786.     8.27 ¦  2:16.22 2975.¦ 1:29.00 2825.¦ 1:17.17 1995.¦   54.33 2072.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.23 2887.¦ 5:02.40 2701.¦ 5:57.13 2631.¦
 2632. Zürcher Rudolf                 1982 Wengen                      5:57.16,0   2:53.57,4  (2663) Diplom  M20      787.     8.28 ¦  2:00.32 2024.¦ 1:20.26 2373.¦ 1:33.29 3040.¦ 1:02.47 2993.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:20.58 2181.¦ 4:54.28 2530.¦ 5:57.16 2632.¦
 2633. Dittmer Lutz                   1977 DE-Magdeburg                5:57.17,8   2:53.59,2  (3518) Diplom  M20      788.     8.28 ¦  2:16.22 2976.¦ 1:29.01 2826.¦ 1:17.16 1993.¦   54.37 2078.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.23 2888.¦ 5:02.40 2702.¦ 5:57.17 2633.¦
 2634. Repond Maurice                 1948 Thun                        5:57.18,0   2:53.59,4  (2910) Diplom  M60      88.      8.28 ¦  2:06.16 2405.¦ 1:24.58 2639.¦ 1:28.30 2873.¦   57.32 2479.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.15 2522.¦ 4:59.45 2654.¦ 5:57.18 2634.¦
 2635. Barker Richard                 1962 AT-Haag am Hausruck         5:57.22,3   2:54.03,7  (5233) Diplom  M45      555.     8.28 ¦  2:12.20 2794.¦ 1:28.42 2816.¦ 1:18.59 2164.¦   57.19 2443.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.03 2810.¦ 5:00.03 2665.¦ 5:57.22 2635.¦
 2636. Remmel Thomas                  1962 DE-Rösrath                  5:57.27,9   2:54.09,3  (2531) Diplom  M45      556.     8.28 ¦  2:08.06 2522.¦ 1:29.26 2849.¦ 1:22.17 2495.¦   57.37 2490.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.33 2716.¦ 4:59.50 2657.¦ 5:57.27 2636.¦
 2637. Zenger Stephan                 1968 Wilderswil                  5:57.31,6   2:54.13,0    (52) Diplom  M40      612.     8.28 ¦  2:15.56 2950.¦ 1:22.23 2501.¦ 1:20.10 2279.¦   59.01 2677.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.20 2739.¦ 4:58.30 2620.¦ 5:57.31 2637.¦
 2638. Bowald Eric                    1960 Kriens                      5:57.32,2   2:54.13,6  (1234) Diplom  M45      557.     8.28 ¦  2:08.49 2563.¦ 1:35.48 3052.¦ 1:18.43 2131.¦   54.11 2037.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.37 2875.¦ 5:03.20 2716.¦ 5:57.32 2638.¦
 2639. Chris Jack                     1961 NL-Renkum                   5:57.32,9   2:54.14,3  (3740) Diplom  M45      558.     8.28 ¦  2:11.43 2752.¦ 1:23.57 2590.¦ 1:21.08 2374.¦ 1:00.44 2873.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.40 2670.¦ 4:56.48 2589.¦ 5:57.32 2639.¦
 2640. Graf Jonas                     1965 Bönigen b. Interlaken       5:57.33,2   2:54.14,6   (810) Diplom  M40      613.     8.28 ¦  2:13.05 2821.¦ 1:27.50 2784.¦ 1:17.17 1996.¦   59.19 2728.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.56 2806.¦ 4:58.13 2610.¦ 5:57.33 2640.¦
 2641. Gargiullo William              1954 Pully                       5:57.33,4   2:54.14,8  (3211) Diplom  M50      373.     8.28 ¦  2:16.24 2977.¦ 1:22.28 2507.¦ 1:26.45 2803.¦   51.54 1771.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.53 2758.¦ 5:05.38 2746.¦ 5:57.33 2641.¦
 2642. Herrmann Tobias                1976 DE-Erlangen                 5:57.41,4   2:54.22,8  (4364) Diplom  M20      789.     8.28 ¦  2:18.13 3045.¦ 1:27.53 2788.¦ 1:16.14 1872.¦   55.19 2165.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.07 2904.¦ 5:02.21 2699.¦ 5:57.41 2642.¦
 2643. Burkhard Pascal                1974 Schattenhalb                5:57.51,1   2:54.32,5  (2033) Diplom  M20      790.     8.28 ¦  2:10.48 2687.¦ 1:21.58 2476.¦ 1:23.54 2622.¦ 1:01.10 2901.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.46 2571.¦ 4:56.41 2585.¦ 5:57.51 2643.¦
 2644. La Barre Sedar                 1971 US-Virginia                 5:57.54,8   2:54.36,2  (2767) Diplom  M20      791.     8.28 ¦  2:05.33 2365.¦ 1:25.44 2685.¦ 1:29.18 2914.¦   57.18 2440.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.17 2527.¦ 5:00.36 2672.¦ 5:57.54 2644.¦
 2645. Bühler Joachim                 1972 Teufen AR                   5:58.17,0   2:54.58,4  (2183) Diplom  M20      792.     8.29 ¦  2:12.06 2783.¦ 1:28.16 2802.¦ 1:19.32 2217.¦   58.21 2583.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.23 2795.¦ 4:59.55 2659.¦ 5:58.17 2645.¦
 2646. Kaufmann Norman                1953 LI-Vaduz                    5:58.18,6   2:55.00,0  (2945) Diplom  M55      202.     8.29 ¦  2:24.16 3181.¦ 1:24.56 2637.¦ 1:19.30 2216.¦   49.35 1449.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.12 2957.¦ 5:08.43 2799.¦ 5:58.18 2646.¦
 2647. Borer Markus                   1958 Brienz BE                   5:58.20,2   2:55.01,6  (2627) Diplom  M50      374.     8.29 ¦  2:15.23 2927.¦ 1:23.21 2554.¦ 1:19.46 2241.¦   59.48 2794.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.45 2750.¦ 4:58.31 2622.¦ 5:58.20 2647.¦
 2648. Schürch Walter                 1962 Volken                      5:58.22,3   2:55.03,7  (2507) Diplom  M45      559.     8.29 ¦  2:12.00 2776.¦ 1:22.17 2491.¦ 1:23.41 2611.¦ 1:00.23 2849.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.17 2630.¦ 4:57.58 2604.¦ 5:58.22 2648.¦
 2649. Wyer Stefan                    1965 Spiez                       5:58.26,2   2:55.07,6  (2082) Diplom  M40      614.     8.29 ¦  1:53.57 1453.¦ 1:48.21 3177.¦ 1:17.05 1963.¦   59.02 2681.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:42.18 2838.¦ 4:59.23 2642.¦ 5:58.26 2649.¦
 2650. Stotzer Martin                 1962 Bern                        5:58.33,8   2:55.15,2  (4341) Diplom  M45      560.     8.29 ¦  2:12.01 2778.¦ 1:32.25 2956.¦ 1:17.47 2039.¦   56.19 2283.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.26 2870.¦ 5:02.14 2696.¦ 5:58.33 2650.¦
 2651. Egli Heinz                     1956 Brienz BE                   5:58.37,4   2:55.18,8   (813) Diplom  M50      375.     8.29 ¦  2:06.55 2445.¦ 1:25.28 2667.¦ 1:30.20 2950.¦   55.53 2236.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.23 2560.¦ 5:02.43 2704.¦ 5:58.37 2651.¦
 2652. Stampfli Marco                 1975 Subingen                    5:58.39,2   2:55.20,6  (4119) Diplom  M20      793.     8.29 ¦  2:04.10 2277.¦ 1:21.12 2426.¦ 1:32.48 3023.¦ 1:00.27 2855.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:25.23 2331.¦ 4:58.11 2609.¦ 5:58.39 2652.¦
 2653. Kuhn Heinz                     1962 Aeugst am Albis             5:58.40,7   2:55.22,1  (5156) Diplom  M45      561.     8.30 ¦  2:12.43 2810.¦ 1:17.37 2152.¦ 1:28.36 2879.¦   59.42 2776.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.21 2500.¦ 4:58.58 2632.¦ 5:58.40 2653.¦
 2654. Dierker Stefan                 1965 DE-Troisdorf                5:58.41,0   2:55.22,4  (2232) Diplom  M40      615.     8.30 ¦  2:10.57 2696.¦ 1:18.16 2219.¦ 1:30.08 2943.¦   59.18 2727.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:29.14 2476.¦ 4:59.22 2641.¦ 5:58.41 2654.¦
 2655. Kammermann Rudolf              1959 Zollbrück                   5:58.41,7   2:55.23,1   (836) Diplom  M45      562.     8.30 ¦  2:08.28 2545.¦ 1:20.22 2368.¦ 1:28.07 2857.¦ 1:01.43 2936.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:28.51 2463.¦ 4:56.58 2592.¦ 5:58.41 2655.¦
 2656. Renner Anton                   1964 Hospental                   5:58.51,2   2:55.32,6   (683) Diplom  M40      616.     8.30 ¦  2:08.02 2518.¦ 1:31.09 2915.¦ 1:22.46 2535.¦   56.53 2368.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.11 2768.¦ 5:01.58 2690.¦ 5:58.51 2656.¦
 2657. Gugger Ruedi                   1960 Trimbach                    5:58.57,6   2:55.39,0  (4794) Diplom  M45      563.     8.30 ¦  2:08.19 2533.¦ 1:26.13 2714.¦ 1:25.07 2711.¦   59.17 2722.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.32 2639.¦ 4:59.40 2650.¦ 5:58.57 2657.¦
 2658. Janda Marek                    1972 DE-Frankfurt                5:59.05,8   2:55.47,2  (2100) Diplom  M20      794.     8.30 ¦  2:12.17 2791.¦ 1:27.31 2770.¦ 1:20.58 2356.¦   58.18 2577.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.48 2782.¦ 5:00.47 2675.¦ 5:59.05 2658.¦
 2659. Guth Karl Friedrich            1960 DE-Kehl                     5:59.08,7   2:55.50,1  (2985) Diplom  M45      564.     8.30 ¦  2:15.10 2915.¦ 1:28.08 2796.¦ 1:19.18 2187.¦   56.31 2312.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.19 2847.¦ 5:02.37 2700.¦ 5:59.08 2659.¦
 2660. Schüssler Markus               1963 DE-Modautal                 5:59.17,1   2:55.58,5  (2584) Diplom  M45      565.     8.30 ¦  2:17.02 3005.¦ 1:23.48 2582.¦ 1:18.51 2144.¦   59.34 2762.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.50 2805.¦ 4:59.42 2652.¦ 5:59.17 2660.¦
 2661. Schild Christian               1975 Wilderswil                  5:59.24,2   2:56.05,6  (2127) Diplom  M20      795.     8.31 ¦  1:59.25 1926.¦ 1:19.18 2299.¦ 1:40.57 3086.¦   59.43 2780.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:18.44 2080.¦ 4:59.41 2651.¦ 5:59.24 2661.¦
 2662. Weyermann Rolf                 1967 Frenkendorf                 5:59.25,4   2:56.06,8   (749) Diplom  M40      617.     8.31 ¦  2:08.23 2538.¦ 1:24.03 2599.¦ 1:24.11 2642.¦ 1:02.46 2992.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.27 2561.¦ 4:56.38 2584.¦ 5:59.25 2662.¦
 2663. van Laethem Keon               1963 BE-Zemst Hofstade           5:59.30,1   2:56.11,5  (4916) Diplom  M45      566.     8.31 ¦  2:15.28 2931.¦ 1:21.30 2444.¦ 1:21.34 2418.¦ 1:00.57 2889.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.58 2705.¦ 4:58.32 2623.¦ 5:59.30 2663.¦
 2664. Iwens Wilfried                 1955 BE-Mechelen                 5:59.30,5   2:56.11,9  (2313) Diplom  M50      376.     8.31 ¦  2:15.28 2933.¦ 1:21.29 2442.¦ 1:21.16 2386.¦ 1:01.16 2908.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.58 2705.¦ 4:58.14 2611.¦ 5:59.30 2664.¦
 2665. Jäger Otto                     1938 DE-Michelstadt              5:59.39,2   2:56.20,6  (1768) Diplom  M65      21.      8.31 ¦  2:13.39 2854.¦ 1:25.07 2646.¦ 1:28.42 2884.¦   52.09 1803.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.47 2754.¦ 5:07.29 2778.¦ 5:59.39 2665.¦
 2666. Büchler Adrian                 1968 Bellikon                    5:59.41,4   2:56.22,8  (1902) Diplom  M40      618.     8.31 ¦  2:11.19 2724.¦ 1:22.35 2514.¦ 1:25.24 2725.¦ 1:00.21 2847.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.55 2615.¦ 4:59.19 2640.¦ 5:59.41 2666.¦
 2667. Heilmann Daniel                1961 Rüti ZH                     5:59.42,9   2:56.24,3  (3487) Diplom  M45      567.     8.31 ¦  2:13.19 2834.¦ 1:30.41 2895.¦ 1:23.27 2592.¦   52.13 1811.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.01 2858.¦ 5:07.29 2777.¦ 5:59.42 2667.¦
 2668. Vrouenraets Bart               1966 NL-Naarden-Vesting          5:59.51,2   2:56.32,6  (4042) Diplom  M40      619.     8.31 ¦  2:12.50 2815.¦ 1:23.10 2547.¦ 1:23.18 2578.¦ 1:00.31 2861.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.00 2681.¦ 4:59.19 2639.¦ 5:59.51 2668.¦
 2669. Dietrich Frank                 1968 DE-Mackenbach               5:59.57,5   2:56.38,9  (4374) Diplom  M40      620.     8.31 ¦  2:14.35 2895.¦ 1:23.24 2556.¦ 1:21.42 2434.¦ 1:00.14 2835.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.00 2729.¦ 4:59.42 2653.¦ 5:59.57 2669.¦
 2670. Kameyama Yasumasa              1957 JAP-Nakatado-Gun            5:59.59,5   2:56.40,9  (5133) Diplom  M50      377.     8.31 ¦  2:22.40 3147.¦ 1:15.02 1897.¦ 1:13.55 1621.¦ 1:08.21 3058.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.42 2718.¦ 4:51.38 2455.¦ 5:59.59 2670.¦
 2671. Polli Luciano                  1954 Dättlikon                   6:00.00,0   2:56.41,4  (2765) Diplom  M50      378.     8.31 ¦  2:16.01 2957.¦ 1:22.11 2487.¦ 1:23.46 2617.¦   58.01 2543.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.12 2735.¦ 5:01.58 2691.¦ 6:00.00 2671.¦
 2672. Gisler Ernst                   1950 St. Erhard                  6:00.02,0   2:56.43,4  (2906) Diplom  M55      203.     8.31 ¦  2:07.32 2481.¦ 1:22.09 2485.¦ 1:30.17 2948.¦ 1:00.03 2814.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:29.41 2488.¦ 4:59.58 2662.¦ 6:00.02 2672.¦
 2672. Salisbury Tom                  1971 GB-SW9 9UP                  6:00.02,0   2:56.43,4  (3799) Diplom  M20      796.     8.31 ¦  2:14.24 2884.¦ 1:26.17 2717.¦ 1:18.52 2147.¦ 1:00.28 2856.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.41 2801.¦ 4:59.33 2648.¦ 6:00.02 2672.¦
 2674. Gassner Rolf                   1980 Thun                        6:00.02,2   2:56.43,6  (3572) Diplom  M20      797.     8.31 ¦  2:10.17 2655.¦ 1:24.44 2628.¦ 1:26.07 2763.¦   58.52 2659.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.02 2655.¦ 5:01.09 2681.¦ 6:00.02 2674.¦
 2675. Matscheko Georg                1946 SE-Kalmar                   6:00.04,7   2:56.46,1  (5136) Diplom  M60      89.      8.32 ¦  2:10.09 2647.¦ 1:25.47 2691.¦ 1:21.51 2451.¦ 1:02.16 2970.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.57 2679.¦ 4:57.48 2602.¦ 6:00.04 2675.¦
 2676. Greco Marco                    1985 Uznach                      6:00.05,2   2:56.46,6  (4173) Diplom  M20      798.     8.32 ¦  2:00.28 2018.¦ 1:38.34 3109.¦ 1:22.26 2508.¦   58.35 2619.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.03 2763.¦ 5:01.29 2686.¦ 6:00.05 2676.¦
 2676. Wagner Heinz                   1964 Rieden SG                   6:00.05,2   2:56.46,6  (4126) Diplom  M40      621.     8.32 ¦  1:59.19 1915.¦ 1:36.21 3065.¦ 1:25.48 2746.¦   58.35 2616.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.41 2671.¦ 5:01.30 2687.¦ 6:00.05 2676.¦
 2678. Haase Heinz                    1950 DE-Duisburg                 6:00.10,9   2:56.52,3  (2705) Diplom  M55      204.     8.32 ¦  2:13.30 2840.¦ 1:24.35 2624.¦ 1:22.21 2502.¦   59.42 2777.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.06 2733.¦ 5:00.28 2671.¦ 6:00.10 2678.¦
 2679. Tanner Alain                   1966 Münchenbuchsee              6:00.14,2   2:56.55,6  (3377) Diplom  M40      622.     8.32 ¦  2:26.44 3216.¦ 1:18.15 2218.¦ 1:17.41 2032.¦   57.32 2480.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.59 2882.¦ 5:02.41 2703.¦ 6:00.14 2679.¦
 2680. Dhaese Michael                 1965 BE-Affligem                 6:00.20,1   2:57.01,5  (3681) Diplom  M40      623.     8.32 ¦  2:05.12 2347.¦ 1:30.41 2894.¦ 1:23.56 2625.¦ 1:00.30 2859.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.53 2677.¦ 4:59.49 2656.¦ 6:00.20 2680.¦
 2681. Zürcher Pascal                 1988 Hasle-Rüegsau               6:00.34,4   2:57.15,8  (3041) Diplom  M20      799.     8.32 ¦  2:05.10 2346.¦ 1:33.35 2983.¦ 1:24.51 2692.¦   56.56 2379.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.46 2753.¦ 5:03.37 2721.¦ 6:00.34 2681.¦
 2682. Fouradoulas Andreas            1974 Birsfelden                  6:00.37,3   2:57.18,7  (1928) Diplom  M20      800.     8.32 ¦  2:10.38 2676.¦ 1:24.03 2597.¦ 1:23.38 2607.¦ 1:02.17 2971.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.41 2644.¦ 4:58.20 2614.¦ 6:00.37 2682.¦
 2683. Henke Matthias                 1975 Basel                       6:00.37,5   2:57.18,9  (3695) Diplom  M20      801.     8.32 ¦  2:10.39 2677.¦ 1:24.05 2601.¦ 1:23.37 2604.¦ 1:02.15 2968.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.44 2645.¦ 4:58.22 2616.¦ 6:00.37 2683.¦
 2684. Carstens Oliver                1964 DE-Schenefeld               6:00.40,9   2:57.22,3  (2059) Diplom  M40      624.     8.32 ¦  2:05.13 2348.¦ 1:28.41 2814.¦ 1:28.23 2869.¦   58.22 2589.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.54 2614.¦ 5:02.18 2698.¦ 6:00.40 2684.¦
 2685. Bütikofer Ernst                1946 Läufelfingen                6:00.41,1   2:57.22,5   (830) Diplom  M60      90.      8.32 ¦  2:04.56 2332.¦ 1:27.57 2790.¦ 1:26.44 2801.¦ 1:01.03 2893.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.53 2576.¦ 4:59.37 2649.¦ 6:00.41 2685.¦
 2686. Straub Marcel                  1972 Hinwil                      6:00.41,3   2:57.22,7  (3505) Diplom  M20      802.     8.32 ¦  2:06.26 2417.¦ 1:27.12 2758.¦ 1:28.00 2853.¦   59.02 2680.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.38 2603.¦ 5:01.39 2688.¦ 6:00.41 2686.¦
 2687. van der Woude Egbert           1962 NL-Maarn                    6:00.42,4   2:57.23,8  (2676) Diplom  M45      568.     8.32 ¦  2:10.35 2668.¦ 1:31.27 2920.¦ 1:19.21 2200.¦   59.16 2721.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:42.03 2836.¦ 5:01.25 2684.¦ 6:00.42 2687.¦
 2688. Hennemann Mike                 1962 DE-Berlin                   6:00.43,1   2:57.24,5  (4081) Diplom  M45      569.     8.32 ¦  2:17.48 3025.¦ 1:26.26 2725.¦ 1:19.19 2191.¦   57.09 2415.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.14 2863.¦ 5:03.33 2720.¦ 6:00.43 2688.¦
 2689. Vontz Thomas                   1964 Ottikon b. Kemptthal        6:00.47,7   2:57.29,1  (2723) Diplom  M40      625.     8.33 ¦  2:07.25 2477.¦ 1:24.03 2598.¦ 1:24.46 2681.¦ 1:04.32 3027.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.28 2532.¦ 4:56.14 2574.¦ 6:00.47 2689.¦
 2690. Oakley Andrew                  1962 Ettingen                    6:00.52,7   2:57.34,1  (5022) Diplom  M45      570.     8.33 ¦  2:06.44 2435.¦ 1:26.52 2740.¦ 1:27.27 2839.¦   59.48 2792.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.36 2602.¦ 5:01.04 2679.¦ 6:00.52 2690.¦
 2691. Heer Lorenz                    1969 Rubigen                     6:00.56,3   2:57.37,7  (3822) Diplom  M20      803.     8.33 ¦  2:12.56 2816.¦ 1:27.59 2791.¦ 1:23.23 2583.¦   56.36 2329.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.56 2807.¦ 5:04.19 2735.¦ 6:00.56 2691.¦
 2692. Giese Matthias                 1955 DE-Heidelberg               6:00.57,1   2:57.38,5  (3000) Diplom  M50      379.     8.33 ¦  2:14.41 2898.¦ 1:25.50 2694.¦ 1:20.54 2351.¦   59.31 2756.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.31 2797.¦ 5:01.25 2685.¦ 6:00.57 2692.¦
 2693. Ammann Anton                   1939 Winterthur                  6:01.00,4   2:57.41,8   (724) Diplom  M65      22.      8.33 ¦  2:10.24 2661.¦ 1:24.50 2630.¦ 1:25.54 2751.¦   59.51 2799.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.14 2663.¦ 5:01.08 2680.¦ 6:01.00 2693.¦
 2694. Bienert Andreas                1959 DE-Bondorf                  6:01.13,1   2:57.54,5  (2938) Diplom  M45      571.     8.33 ¦  2:30.23 3253.¦ 1:19.41 2329.¦ 1:16.26 1901.¦   54.41 2091.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.04 2969.¦ 5:06.31 2764.¦ 6:01.13 2694.¦
 2695. Schwarze Johann                1955 DE-Martfeld                 6:01.21,1   2:58.02,5  (2482) Diplom  M50      380.     8.33 ¦  2:01.48 2124.¦ 1:19.46 2334.¦ 1:32.47 3021.¦ 1:06.59 3048.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:21.34 2202.¦ 4:54.21 2527.¦ 6:01.21 2695.¦
 2696. Schreiber Frank                1970 DE-Dossenheim               6:01.27,9   2:58.09,3  (3724) Diplom  M20      804.     8.33 ¦  2:09.09 2584.¦ 1:28.42 2815.¦ 1:24.57 2700.¦   58.38 2625.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.52 2723.¦ 5:02.49 2705.¦ 6:01.27 2696.¦
 2697. Dürig Theo                     1955 Amriswil                    6:01.33,2   2:58.14,6  (2031) Diplom  M50      381.     8.34 ¦  2:10.47 2686.¦ 1:30.18 2881.¦ 1:23.06 2564.¦   57.20 2449.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.06 2811.¦ 5:04.12 2733.¦ 6:01.33 2697.¦
 2698. Messerli Heinz                 1962 Kiesen                      6:01.36,4   2:58.17,8  (2017) Diplom  M45      572.     8.34 ¦  2:13.29 2839.¦ 1:27.29 2768.¦ 1:23.38 2608.¦   56.59 2389.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.58 2808.¦ 5:04.37 2736.¦ 6:01.36 2698.¦
 2699. Blumer Renato                  1958 Watt                        6:01.53,9   2:58.35,3  (2614) Diplom  M50      382.     8.34 ¦  2:15.30 2934.¦ 1:25.46 2686.¦ 1:22.00 2463.¦   58.36 2621.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.16 2817.¦ 5:03.17 2714.¦ 6:01.53 2699.¦
 2700. Krüger Hendrik                 1963 DE-Dresden                  6:01.55,0   2:58.36,4  (2063) Diplom  M45      573.     8.34 ¦  2:09.49 2625.¦ 1:31.40 2928.¦ 1:20.38 2323.¦   59.45 2786.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.30 2825.¦ 5:02.09 2693.¦ 6:01.55 2700.¦
 2701. Rimmele Stefan                 1958 DE-Albbruck                 6:01.58,0   2:58.39,4  (3319) Diplom  M50      383.     8.34 ¦  2:08.27 2543.¦ 1:26.32 2730.¦ 1:30.51 2974.¦   56.06 2261.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.00 2654.¦ 5:05.51 2750.¦ 6:01.58 2701.¦
 2702. Danioth Franz                  1948 Andermatt                   6:02.01,8   2:58.43,2  (2072) Diplom  M60      91.      8.34 ¦  2:00.59 2060.¦ 1:27.35 2776.¦ 1:31.52 3010.¦ 1:01.35 2930.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:28.34 2455.¦ 5:00.26 2670.¦ 6:02.01 2702.¦
 2703. Wey Franz                      1954 Rickenbach LU               6:02.17,6   2:58.59,0  (3779) Diplom  M50      384.     8.35 ¦  2:13.38 2851.¦ 1:24.05 2602.¦ 1:28.03 2855.¦   56.31 2311.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.43 2719.¦ 5:05.46 2749.¦ 6:02.17 2703.¦
 2704. Müller Peter                   1963 Seftigen                    6:02.21,3   2:59.02,7  (4447) Diplom  M45      574.     8.35 ¦  1:56.34 1658.¦ 1:39.18 3121.¦ 1:31.12 2994.¦   55.16 2162.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.52 2676.¦ 5:07.05 2773.¦ 6:02.21 2704.¦
 2705. Antikainen Jyrki               1964 FI-Espoo                    6:02.24,7   2:59.06,1  (2544) Diplom  M40      626.     8.35 ¦  2:12.02 2779.¦ 1:26.35 2732.¦ 1:24.26 2660.¦   59.20 2734.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.38 2748.¦ 5:03.04 2708.¦ 6:02.24 2705.¦
 2706. Maiwald Henry                  1951 DE-Berlin                   6:02.27,1   2:59.08,5  (3835) Diplom  M55      205.     8.35 ¦  2:08.06 2520.¦ 1:23.28 2561.¦ 1:28.25 2871.¦ 1:02.27 2981.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.34 2537.¦ 4:59.59 2663.¦ 6:02.27 2706.¦
 2707. Reichlin Marco                 1978 Ibach                       6:02.38,7   2:59.20,1  (2706) Diplom  M20      805.     8.35 ¦  2:08.43 2560.¦ 1:32.39 2963.¦ 1:24.18 2654.¦   56.58 2384.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.22 2819.¦ 5:05.40 2748.¦ 6:02.38 2707.¦
 2708. Siegenthaler Michel            1980 Grenchen                    6:02.40,3   2:59.21,7  (3468) Diplom  M20      806.     8.35 ¦  2:17.56 3027.¦ 1:23.31 2565.¦ 1:22.23 2507.¦   58.48 2651.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.28 2822.¦ 5:03.51 2724.¦ 6:02.40 2708.¦
 2709. Miosga Erwin                   1948 Hellikon                    6:02.42,0   2:59.23,4   (841) Diplom  M60      92.      8.35 ¦  2:11.28 2736.¦ 1:25.57 2700.¦ 1:25.55 2754.¦   59.20 2735.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.25 2712.¦ 5:03.21 2717.¦ 6:02.42 2709.¦
 2710. Heiber Klaus-Friedrich         1951 DE-Wuppertal                6:02.42,2   2:59.23,6   (867) Diplom  M55      206.     8.35 ¦  2:19.24 3070.¦ 1:23.37 2571.¦ 1:20.45 2334.¦   58.54 2664.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.02 2842.¦ 5:03.47 2723.¦ 6:02.42 2710.¦
 2711. Emmenegger Michael             1969 Rothenburg                  6:02.50,7   2:59.32,1  (2691) Diplom  M20      807.     8.35 ¦  2:15.31 2935.¦ 1:20.44 2395.¦ 1:22.32 2518.¦ 1:04.01 3019.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.16 2688.¦ 4:58.49 2629.¦ 6:02.50 2711.¦
 2712. Holt Tim                       1978 GB-Surrey                   6:02.54,1   2:59.35,5  (4377) Diplom  M20      808.     8.36 ¦  2:20.16 3091.¦ 1:25.42 2682.¦ 1:21.53 2452.¦   55.02 2131.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.58 2900.¦ 5:07.52 2784.¦ 6:02.54 2712.¦
 2713. Weigel Andreas                 1961 DE-Olbernhau                6:03.00,4   2:59.41,8  (3470) Diplom  M45      575.     8.36 ¦  2:14.26 2886.¦ 1:25.38 2676.¦ 1:23.04 2558.¦   59.50 2797.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.05 2787.¦ 5:03.09 2710.¦ 6:03.00 2713.¦
 2714. Iwanetzki Peter                1963 DE-Albbruck                 6:03.04,0   2:59.45,4  (2662) Diplom  M45      576.     8.36 ¦  2:14.54 2908.¦ 1:29.40 2863.¦ 1:22.30 2515.¦   55.59 2250.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.34 2873.¦ 5:07.04 2772.¦ 6:03.04 2714.¦
 2715. Lischka Karl                   1950 DE-Melsungen                6:03.10,5   2:59.51,9  (2309) Diplom  M55      207.     8.36 ¦  2:14.04 2871.¦ 1:30.12 2879.¦ 1:23.33 2601.¦   55.20 2168.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.16 2865.¦ 5:07.50 2783.¦ 6:03.10 2715.¦
 2716. Dekker Thomas                  1955 Fischbach-Göslikon          6:03.11,5   2:59.52,9  (2716) Diplom  M50      385.     8.36 ¦  2:04.22 2298.¦ 1:29.45 2866.¦ 1:30.38 2964.¦   58.25 2594.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.07 2623.¦ 5:04.46 2738.¦ 6:03.11 2716.¦
 2717. Fischer Hanspeter              1960 Winterthur                  6:03.16,4   2:59.57,8   (665) Diplom  M45      577.     8.36 ¦  2:16.00 2955.¦ 1:28.37 2811.¦ 1:22.00 2465.¦   56.38 2332.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.37 2874.¦ 5:06.38 2765.¦ 6:03.16 2717.¦
 2718. Hirono Takumi                  1964 JAP-Kanagawa                6:03.18,1   2:59.59,5  (2595) Diplom  M40      627.     8.36 ¦  2:17.21 3016.¦ 1:27.52 2785.¦ 1:20.58 2358.¦   57.06 2406.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.13 2885.¦ 5:06.12 2757.¦ 6:03.18 2718.¦
 2719. Morel Alain                    1971 Bulle                       6:03.19,5   3:00.00,9  (3927) Diplom  M20      809.     8.36 ¦  2:03.51 2256.¦ 1:28.47 2819.¦ 1:33.18 3035.¦   57.21 2453.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:32.39 2567.¦ 5:05.58 2753.¦ 6:03.19 2719.¦
 2720. Kohler Fritz                   1950 Adligenswil                 6:03.20,6   3:00.02,0  (3230) Diplom  M55      208.     8.36 ¦  2:09.54 2629.¦ 1:23.11 2548.¦ 1:32.10 3012.¦   58.04 2549.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.05 2583.¦ 5:05.16 2742.¦ 6:03.20 2720.¦
 2721. Häsler Fritz                   1948 Birsfelden                  6:03.21,0   3:00.02,4  (1948) Diplom  M60      93.      8.36 ¦  2:10.59 2698.¦ 1:24.13 2608.¦ 1:27.00 2818.¦ 1:01.06 2897.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.13 2661.¦ 5:02.14 2695.¦ 6:03.21 2721.¦
 2722. Balsiger Olivier               1970 Oulens-sous-Echallens       6:03.23,3   3:00.04,7  (2622) Diplom  M20      810.     8.36 ¦  2:11.17 2717.¦ 1:25.53 2696.¦ 1:24.57 2701.¦ 1:01.15 2906.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.10 2708.¦ 5:02.08 2692.¦ 6:03.23 2722.¦
 2723. Den Ijzerman Jan               1957 NL-Den Helder               6:03.24,5   3:00.05,9  (2593) Diplom  M50      386.     8.36 ¦  2:17.21 3017.¦ 1:25.28 2668.¦ 1:15.30 1790.¦ 1:05.03 3035.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:42.50 2841.¦ 4:58.20 2615.¦ 6:03.24 2723.¦
 2724. Hörner Werner                  1965 AT-Guttaring                6:03.27,3   3:00.08,7  (4354) Diplom  M40      628.     8.36 ¦  2:11.06 2706.¦ 1:28.33 2809.¦ 1:24.23 2658.¦   59.23 2741.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.40 2776.¦ 5:04.03 2731.¦ 6:03.27 2724.¦
 2725. Furrer Josef                   1943 Liestal                     6:03.32,4   3:00.13,8  (1536) Diplom  M65      23.      8.36 ¦  2:05.34 2368.¦ 1:29.14 2839.¦ 1:29.08 2909.¦   59.34 2763.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.49 2648.¦ 5:03.57 2728.¦ 6:03.32 2725.¦
 2726. Rathske Urs                    1963 Port                        6:03.36,5   3:00.17,9  (2810) Diplom  M45      578.     8.37 ¦  2:12.38 2805.¦ 1:27.03 2748.¦ 1:24.15 2650.¦   59.39 2772.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.41 2779.¦ 5:03.56 2727.¦ 6:03.36 2726.¦
 2727. Uffelmann Thorsten             1966 Interlaken                  6:03.38,9   3:00.20,3  (3061) Diplom  M40      629.     8.37 ¦  2:18.07 3039.¦ 1:30.05 2875.¦ 1:20.14 2284.¦   55.11 2152.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.13 2942.¦ 5:08.27 2795.¦ 6:03.38 2727.¦
 2728. von Thienen Wolfhard           1953 DE-Mering                   6:03.44,0   3:00.25,4  (4651) Diplom  M55      209.     8.37 ¦  2:17.07 3010.¦ 1:24.00 2595.¦ 1:23.33 2600.¦   59.02 2679.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.08 2813.¦ 5:04.42 2737.¦ 6:03.44 2728.¦
 2729. Remund Andreas                 1959 Allenlüften                 6:03.52,9   3:00.34,3  (3318) Diplom  M45      579.     8.37 ¦  2:17.13 3012.¦ 1:26.57 2742.¦ 1:20.39 2325.¦   59.03 2687.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.10 2862.¦ 5:04.49 2739.¦ 6:03.52 2729.¦
 2730. von Moos Kurt                  1962 Alpnach Dorf                6:03.53,3   3:00.34,7  (2930) Diplom  M45      580.     8.37 ¦  2:16.05 2961.¦ 1:28.52 2824.¦ 1:21.10 2378.¦   57.44 2502.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.57 2881.¦ 5:06.08 2756.¦ 6:03.53 2730.¦
 2731. Grossmann Balthasar            1954 Zürich                      6:03.55,0   3:00.36,4   (833) Diplom  M50      387.     8.37 ¦  2:19.09 3061.¦ 1:25.33 2670.¦ 1:21.17 2387.¦   57.55 2532.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.42 2877.¦ 5:05.59 2754.¦ 6:03.55 2731.¦
 2732. Sosef Kees                     1951 NL-Almere                   6:04.02,1   3:00.43,5  (1790) Diplom  M55      210.     8.37 ¦  2:09.11 2585.¦ 1:30.23 2889.¦ 1:19.27 2207.¦ 1:04.59 3033.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.34 2773.¦ 4:59.02 2633.¦ 6:04.02 2732.¦
 2733. Lüthi Michael                  1971 Niedergösgen                6:04.03,0   3:00.44,4  (4800) Diplom  M20      811.     8.37 ¦  2:18.07 3037.¦ 1:28.47 2820.¦ 1:23.29 2596.¦   53.38 1979.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.54 2926.¦ 5:10.24 2820.¦ 6:04.03 2733.¦
 2734. Reusser Urs                    1946 Herbligen                   6:04.04,7   3:00.46,1  (3012) Diplom  M60      94.      8.37 ¦  2:11.19 2722.¦ 1:28.11 2800.¦ 1:24.39 2670.¦   59.53 2801.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.31 2772.¦ 5:04.11 2732.¦ 6:04.04 2734.¦
 2735. Neidert Gerhard                1953 DE-Melsungen                6:04.07,5   3:00.48,9  (1901) Diplom  M55      211.     8.37 ¦  2:14.05 2872.¦ 1:30.12 2879.¦ 1:23.35 2602.¦   56.14 2273.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.17 2866.¦ 5:07.52 2786.¦ 6:04.07 2735.¦
 2736. Schönborn Michael              1965 Hinteregg                   6:04.10,5   3:00.51,9  (5051) Diplom  M40      630.     8.37 ¦  2:11.42 2751.¦ 1:27.00 2744.¦ 1:24.27 2663.¦ 1:01.00 2891.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.42 2749.¦ 5:03.09 2710.¦ 6:04.10 2736.¦
 2737. Ransome Donald                 1950 US-Indiana                  6:04.10,6   3:00.52,0  (2243) Diplom  M55      212.     8.37 ¦  2:14.02 2868.¦ 1:23.48 2581.¦ 1:23.59 2630.¦ 1:02.20 2974.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.50 2722.¦ 5:01.50 2689.¦ 6:04.10 2737.¦
 2738. Wüthrich Ernst                 1954 Pratteln                    6:04.10,7   3:00.52,1  (4058) Diplom  M50      388.     8.37 ¦  2:13.18 2833.¦ 1:26.16 2716.¦ 1:25.45 2741.¦   58.50 2653.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.35 2774.¦ 5:05.20 2743.¦ 6:04.10 2738.¦
 2739. Sütterlin Paul                 1943 Basel                       6:04.15,4   3:00.56,8  (2537) Diplom  M65      24.      8.37 ¦  2:11.24 2727.¦ 1:28.11 2799.¦ 1:26.51 2809.¦   57.48 2512.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.35 2775.¦ 5:06.27 2762.¦ 6:04.15 2739.¦
 2740. Werthmüller Adrian             1958 Rüegsauschachen             6:04.17,8   3:00.59,2  (2335) Diplom  M50      389.     8.38 ¦  2:11.31 2737.¦ 1:27.04 2751.¦ 1:23.39 2609.¦ 1:02.02 2954.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.36 2742.¦ 5:02.15 2697.¦ 6:04.17 2740.¦
 2741. Knam Klaus                     1959 DE-Königstein               6:04.22,6   3:01.04,0  (1879) Diplom  M45      581.     8.38 ¦  2:14.47 2901.¦ 1:24.54 2633.¦ 1:21.02 2364.¦ 1:03.38 3012.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.41 2778.¦ 5:00.44 2673.¦ 6:04.22 2741.¦
 2742. von Schweinichen Biwoi         1959 DE-Frankfurt                6:04.23,5   3:01.04,9  (4205) Diplom  M45      582.     8.38 ¦  2:14.48 2903.¦ 1:24.53 2632.¦ 1:21.02 2365.¦ 1:03.38 3013.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.42 2780.¦ 5:00.44 2674.¦ 6:04.23 2742.¦
 2743. Allemann René                  1952 Genève                      6:04.26,9   3:01.08,3   (819) Diplom  M55      213.     8.38 ¦  2:12.23 2797.¦ 1:22.32 2510.¦ 1:28.47 2892.¦ 1:00.44 2872.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.55 2652.¦ 5:03.42 2722.¦ 6:04.26 2743.¦
 2744. Wittwer Bruno                  1958 Gwatt (Thun)                6:04.31,0   3:01.12,4  (2789) Diplom  M50      390.     8.38 ¦  2:07.38 2492.¦ 1:28.14 2801.¦ 1:36.23 3070.¦   52.15 1814.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.52 2675.¦ 5:12.15 2848.¦ 6:04.31 2744.¦
 2745. Reutemann Patrick              1975 Baar                        6:04.48,0   3:01.29,4  (2799) Diplom  M20      812.     8.38 ¦  2:01.26 2099.¦ 1:33.53 2996.¦ 1:31.34 3004.¦   57.53 2528.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.19 2666.¦ 5:06.54 2770.¦ 6:04.48 2745.¦
 2746. van Heerden Kobus              1962 ZA-0700 South Africa        6:04.49,7   3:01.31,1  (3894) Diplom  M45      583.     8.38 ¦  2:10.50 2690.¦ 1:25.49 2692.¦ 1:23.43 2613.¦ 1:04.26 3026.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.40 2696.¦ 5:00.23 2668.¦ 6:04.49 2746.¦
 2747. Zell Klaus                     1964 DE-Biberach                 6:04.54,8   3:01.36,2  (2770) Diplom  M40      631.     8.38 ¦  2:07.16 2468.¦ 1:25.46 2688.¦ 1:29.51 2932.¦ 1:02.00 2953.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.02 2580.¦ 5:02.54 2706.¦ 6:04.54 2747.¦
 2748. Höfler Ivo                     1944 DE-Villingen-Schwenningen   6:05.00,4   3:01.41,8  (1839) Diplom  M60      95.      8.39 ¦  2:15.17 2921.¦ 1:23.47 2580.¦ 1:21.47 2446.¦ 1:04.07 3023.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.05 2764.¦ 5:00.52 2677.¦ 6:05.00 2748.¦
 2749. Sala Giorgio                   1965 Comano                      6:05.03,7   3:01.45,1  (3771) Diplom  M40      632.     8.39 ¦  2:20.44 3105.¦ 1:20.26 2374.¦ 1:21.59 2461.¦ 1:01.53 2946.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.11 2815.¦ 5:03.10 2712.¦ 6:05.03 2749.¦
 2750. Benoit Edouard                 1944 Les Ponts-de-Martel         6:05.05,8   3:01.47,2  (2162) Diplom  M60      96.      8.39 ¦  2:18.10 3043.¦ 1:29.01 2826.¦ 1:25.04 2709.¦   52.49 1882.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.11 2932.¦ 5:12.16 2849.¦ 6:05.05 2750.¦
 2751. Scherer Manfred                1968 DE-Bad Kreuznach            6:05.06,5   3:01.47,9   (816) Diplom  M40      633.     8.39 ¦  2:13.36 2847.¦ 1:25.32 2669.¦ 1:24.45 2678.¦ 1:01.12 2904.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.09 2767.¦ 5:03.54 2726.¦ 6:05.06 2751.¦
 2752. Timberg Ville-Veikko           1970 LU-Hesperange               6:05.09,9   3:01.51,3   (554) Diplom  M20      813.     8.39 ¦  2:24.12 3178.¦ 1:24.29 2619.¦ 1:19.29 2213.¦   56.58 2386.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.41 2950.¦ 5:08.11 2791.¦ 6:05.09 2752.¦
 2753. Pasquinelli Claudio            1957 Bern                        6:05.12,7   3:01.54,1  (2844) Diplom  M50      391.     8.39 ¦  2:14.23 2882.¦ 1:25.20 2656.¦ 1:26.46 2804.¦   58.41 2633.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.44 2781.¦ 5:06.30 2763.¦ 6:05.12 2753.¦
 2754. Sutton Thomas                  1963 GB-Cheshire                 6:05.20,7   3:02.02,1  (2525) Diplom  M45      584.     8.39 ¦  2:04.31 2308.¦ 1:29.12 2838.¦ 1:32.39 3020.¦   58.56 2670.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.44 2607.¦ 5:06.24 2761.¦ 6:05.20 2754.¦
 2755. Miller Franz                   1958 DE-Pfaffenhofen an der Il   6:05.32,0   3:02.13,4  (2978) Diplom  M50      392.     8.39 ¦  2:20.17 3092.¦ 1:26.09 2710.¦ 1:20.50 2347.¦   58.14 2564.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.26 2912.¦ 5:07.17 2775.¦ 6:05.32 2755.¦
 2756. Schneider Jose                 1957 FR-Achenheim                6:05.32,6   3:02.14,0  (4115) Diplom  M50      393.     8.39 ¦  2:16.42 2989.¦ 1:27.09 2756.¦ 1:23.15 2574.¦   58.25 2593.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.51 2855.¦ 5:07.07 2774.¦ 6:05.32 2756.¦
 2757. Gysin Ernst                    1945 Oberdorf SO                 6:05.33,6   3:02.15,0   (791) Diplom  M60      97.      8.39 ¦  2:13.41 2856.¦ 1:27.17 2761.¦ 1:24.21 2657.¦ 1:00.13 2834.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.58 2809.¦ 5:05.20 2744.¦ 6:05.33 2757.¦
 2758. Fensky Ulrich                  1951 DE-Aachen                   6:05.39,1   3:02.20,5  (4298) Diplom  M55      214.     8.39 ¦  2:22.41 3148.¦ 1:27.07 2753.¦ 1:18.14 2082.¦   57.35 2484.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.49 2964.¦ 5:08.03 2788.¦ 6:05.39 2758.¦
 2759. Wiewiora Klemens               1961 DE-Uedem                    6:05.43,9   3:02.25,3  (2280) Diplom  M45      585.     8.40 ¦  2:16.11 2969.¦ 1:35.05 3029.¦ 1:19.20 2197.¦   55.06 2142.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.16 3002.¦ 5:10.37 2822.¦ 6:05.43 2759.¦
 2760. Marti Markus                   1970 Ennenda                     6:05.44,6   3:02.26,0  (2815) Diplom  M20      814.     8.40 ¦  2:17.41 3022.¦ 1:27.46 2782.¦ 1:21.28 2408.¦   58.47 2649.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.28 2890.¦ 5:06.56 2771.¦ 6:05.44 2760.¦
 2761. Bachmann Jens                  1970 DE-Oberursel                6:05.44,9   3:02.26,3  (3672) Diplom  M20      815.     8.40 ¦  2:04.12 2280.¦ 1:18.32 2243.¦ 1:29.44 2925.¦ 1:13.15 3071.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:22.45 2253.¦ 4:52.29 2475.¦ 6:05.44 2761.¦
 2762. Odermatt Hubert                1958 Biasca                      6:05.47,1   3:02.28,5   (853) Diplom  M50      394.     8.40 ¦  2:07.33 2483.¦ 1:27.02 2746.¦ 1:28.45 2888.¦ 1:02.25 2978.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.36 2640.¦ 5:03.21 2718.¦ 6:05.47 2762.¦
 2763. Hamacher Jürg                  1961 Bremgarten bei Bern         6:05.54,9   3:02.36,3  (2501) Diplom  M45      586.     8.40 ¦  2:20.52 3107.¦ 1:29.45 2867.¦ 1:21.47 2445.¦   53.30 1964.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.37 2987.¦ 5:12.24 2852.¦ 6:05.54 2763.¦
 2764. Felder Daniel                  1971 Entlebuch                   6:05.59,8   3:02.41,2  (4567) Diplom  M20      816.     8.40 ¦  2:19.20 3068.¦ 1:29.14 2840.¦ 1:20.06 2277.¦   57.18 2441.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.34 2947.¦ 5:08.41 2798.¦ 6:05.59 2764.¦
 2764. Grossmann Jörg                 1966 Zürich                      6:05.59,8   3:02.41,2  (4155) Diplom  M40      634.     8.40 ¦  2:14.48 2902.¦ 1:25.15 2652.¦ 1:28.20 2865.¦   57.35 2485.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.04 2786.¦ 5:08.24 2794.¦ 6:05.59 2764.¦
 2766. Krösche Jens                   1968 DE-Hattingen                6:06.06,8   3:02.48,2  (4931) Diplom  M40      635.     8.40 ¦  2:14.37 2896.¦ 1:24.20 2612.¦ 1:24.12 2644.¦ 1:02.56 2995.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.58 2760.¦ 5:03.10 2713.¦ 6:06.06 2766.¦
 2767. Summermatter Philipp           1967 Interlaken                  6:06.08,4   3:02.49,8  (2629) Diplom  M40      636.     8.40 ¦  2:09.57 2634.¦ 1:31.49 2932.¦ 1:26.22 2784.¦   57.59 2540.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.47 2832.¦ 5:08.09 2790.¦ 6:06.08 2767.¦
 2768. Boss Daniel                    1974 Grindelwald                 6:06.10,8   3:02.52,2  (5059) Diplom  M20      817.     8.40 ¦  2:08.52 2568.¦ 1:20.14 2360.¦ 1:34.24 3047.¦ 1:02.39 2987.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:29.06 2470.¦ 5:03.31 2719.¦ 6:06.10 2768.¦
 2769. Vossemer Berthold              1950 DE-Mechernich               6:06.19,3   3:03.00,7  (4917) Diplom  M55      215.     8.40 ¦  2:08.30 2548.¦ 1:29.11 2837.¦ 1:28.31 2875.¦ 1:00.05 2822.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.41 2717.¦ 5:06.13 2758.¦ 6:06.19 2769.¦
 2770. Härle Günter                   1955 DE-Abstatt                  6:06.23,4   3:03.04,8  (3693) Diplom  M50      395.     8.40 ¦  2:20.40 3102.¦ 1:28.48 2821.¦ 1:21.50 2449.¦   55.03 2139.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.29 2960.¦ 5:11.19 2837.¦ 6:06.23 2770.¦
 2771. Wernli Hans-Peter              1964 Zofingen                    6:06.27,7   3:03.09,1  (2693) Diplom  M40      637.     8.41 ¦  2:16.19 2973.¦ 1:29.56 2871.¦ 1:26.17 2775.¦   53.53 2011.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.16 2911.¦ 5:12.33 2854.¦ 6:06.27 2771.¦
 2772. Gerwer Armin                   1947 Münchenbuchsee              6:06.28,6   3:03.10,0  (1992) Diplom  M60      98.      8.41 ¦  2:12.32 2802.¦ 1:24.59 2642.¦ 1:28.51 2896.¦ 1:00.05 2820.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.31 2714.¦ 5:06.23 2760.¦ 6:06.28 2772.¦
 2773. Hess René                      1965 Saanen                      6:06.32,8   3:03.14,2  (2913) Diplom  M40      638.     8.41 ¦  2:18.13 3044.¦ 1:26.56 2741.¦ 1:24.42 2673.¦   56.40 2338.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.09 2883.¦ 5:09.52 2811.¦ 6:06.32 2773.¦
 2774. Tlusty Ladislav                1940 CZ-Kladno                   6:06.34,6   3:03.16,0   (662) Diplom  M65      25.      8.41 ¦  2:09.27 2602.¦ 1:30.47 2900.¦ 1:27.24 2835.¦   58.54 2665.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.15 2793.¦ 5:07.39 2780.¦ 6:06.34 2774.¦
 2775. Bühlmann Ernst                 1943 Küsnacht ZH                 6:06.35,9   3:03.17,3   (755) Diplom  M65      26.      8.41 ¦  2:23.24 3167.¦ 1:27.26 2765.¦ 1:22.03 2471.¦   53.41 1985.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.51 2991.¦ 5:12.54 2857.¦ 6:06.35 2775.¦
 2776. Weiss Franz                    1956 Reinach BL                  6:06.39,9   3:03.21,3  (2417) Diplom  M50      396.     8.41 ¦  2:21.43 3124.¦ 1:29.09 2835.¦ 1:21.21 2396.¦   54.25 2061.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.52 2992.¦ 5:12.14 2847.¦ 6:06.39 2776.¦
 2777. Thoenen Ulrich                 1956 Reutigen                    6:06.58,9   3:03.40,3   (739) Diplom  M50      397.     8.41 ¦  2:10.40 2679.¦ 1:23.58 2593.¦ 1:36.21 3069.¦   55.58 2249.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.39 2643.¦ 5:11.00 2827.¦ 6:06.58 2777.¦
 2778. Wilken Andreas                 1969 DE-Freiburg                 6:07.01,3   3:03.42,7  (4367) Diplom  M20      818.     8.41 ¦  2:26.01 3202.¦ 1:22.49 2530.¦ 1:21.26 2403.¦   56.44 2346.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.50 2951.¦ 5:10.17 2816.¦ 6:07.01 2778.¦
 2779. Achermann Paul                 1958 Reiden                      6:07.05,7   3:03.47,1  (3752) Diplom  M50      398.     8.41 ¦  2:05.21 2358.¦ 1:43.13 3158.¦ 1:23.15 2575.¦   55.15 2160.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.34 2946.¦ 5:11.50 2843.¦ 6:07.05 2779.¦
 2780. Hartwig Rainer                 1972 Meggen                      6:07.06,5   3:03.47,9   (828) Diplom  M20      819.     8.42 ¦  2:14.33 2893.¦ 1:28.47 2818.¦ 1:23.22 2582.¦ 1:00.23 2849.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.21 2848.¦ 5:06.43 2766.¦ 6:07.06 2780.¦
 2781. Siebers Frank                  1967 DE-Bergisch Gladbach        6:07.14,1   3:03.55,5  (4469) Diplom  M40      639.     8.42 ¦  2:15.55 2948.¦ 1:25.40 2678.¦ 1:24.03 2634.¦ 1:01.34 2928.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.36 2829.¦ 5:05.39 2747.¦ 6:07.14 2781.¦
 2782. Seman Ivan                     1942 SK-Lipt. Mikulas            6:07.19,5   3:04.00,9  (1720) Diplom  M65      27.      8.42 ¦  2:17.27 3019.¦ 1:31.28 2921.¦ 1:21.26 2406.¦   56.57 2380.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.55 2952.¦ 5:10.22 2818.¦ 6:07.19 2782.¦
 2783. Quiske Fabian                  1969 DE-Alfter                   6:07.22,2   3:04.03,6  (5070) Diplom  M20      820.     8.42 ¦  2:10.40 2678.¦ 1:30.10 2878.¦ 1:27.26 2838.¦   59.05 2692.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.50 2804.¦ 5:08.17 2793.¦ 6:07.22 2783.¦
 2784. Brandt Bernd                   1952 DE-Weirod                   6:07.23,3   3:04.04,7  (4148) Diplom  M55      216.     8.42 ¦  2:13.46 2861.¦ 1:32.54 2970.¦ 1:23.37 2606.¦   57.04 2402.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.41 2919.¦ 5:10.18 2817.¦ 6:07.23 2784.¦
 2785. Choi Hohyun                    1950 DE-Offenbach                6:07.26,4   3:04.07,8  (3344) Diplom  M55      217.     8.42 ¦  2:15.19 2923.¦ 1:24.07 2605.¦ 1:23.40 2610.¦ 1:04.20 3025.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.26 2770.¦ 5:03.06 2709.¦ 6:07.26 2785.¦
 2786. Ryser Beat                     1962 Vordemwald                  6:07.28,0   3:04.09,4  (4030) Diplom  M45      587.     8.42 ¦  2:05.18 2353.¦ 1:28.07 2795.¦ 1:30.26 2955.¦ 1:03.35 3011.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.25 2594.¦ 5:03.52 2725.¦ 6:07.28 2786.¦
 2787. Lewis David                    1954 GB-Kent                     6:07.37,7   3:04.19,1  (2798) Diplom  M50      399.     8.42 ¦  2:20.32 3096.¦ 1:25.41 2680.¦ 1:21.37 2426.¦   59.45 2785.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.14 2910.¦ 5:07.52 2785.¦ 6:07.37 2787.¦
 2788. Bennett Raymond                1939 GB-8 HQ Tavistok Devon      6:07.39,3   3:04.20,7  (5279) Diplom  M65      28.      8.42 ¦  2:20.07 3085.¦ 1:23.58 2593.¦ 1:20.11 2281.¦ 1:03.22 3007.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.06 2861.¦ 5:04.17 2734.¦ 6:07.39 2788.¦
 2789. Hogekamp Karl-Heinz            1942 DE-Kalkar                   6:07.43,7   3:04.25,1  (5262) Diplom  M65      29.      8.42 ¦  2:22.55 3159.¦ 1:25.40 2679.¦ 1:21.11 2380.¦   57.56 2535.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.36 2948.¦ 5:09.47 2810.¦ 6:07.43 2789.¦
 2790. Steffen Peter                  1957 Burgdorf                    6:07.44,8   3:04.26,2  (2488) Diplom  M50      400.     8.42 ¦  2:14.52 2907.¦ 1:31.44 2929.¦ 1:23.07 2566.¦   58.00 2541.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.36 2917.¦ 5:09.44 2809.¦ 6:07.44 2790.¦
 2791. Maeder Lars                    1989 Münsingen                   6:07.49,5   3:04.30,9  (4801) Diplom  M20      821.     8.43 ¦  2:16.44 2993.¦ 1:23.52 2583.¦ 1:26.15 2773.¦ 1:00.57 2888.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.37 2799.¦ 5:06.52 2769.¦ 6:07.49 2791.¦
 2792. Dessens Bas                    1970 NL-Vlaardingen              6:07.53,7   3:04.35,1  (2523) Diplom  M20      822.     8.43 ¦  2:13.19 2835.¦ 1:30.18 2882.¦ 1:26.13 2770.¦   58.01 2542.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.38 2852.¦ 5:09.52 2812.¦ 6:07.53 2792.¦
 2793. Brouwer Marcel                 1973 NL-Vlaardingen              6:07.54,0   3:04.35,4  (2524) Diplom  M20      823.     8.43 ¦  2:13.20 2836.¦ 1:30.21 2885.¦ 1:26.14 2772.¦   57.58 2538.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.41 2853.¦ 5:09.56 2813.¦ 6:07.54 2793.¦
 2794. Te Heesen Stephan              1959 Kefikon                     6:07.56,3   3:04.37,7  (2184) Diplom  M45      588.     8.43 ¦  2:05.37 2370.¦ 1:35.40 3047.¦ 1:29.49 2930.¦   56.49 2357.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.17 2818.¦ 5:11.06 2833.¦ 6:07.56 2794.¦
 2795. Muriset Jean-Pierre            1970 Jegenstorf                  6:08.00,7   3:04.42,1  (2661) Diplom  M20      824.     8.43 ¦  2:11.32 2738.¦ 1:31.38 2924.¦ 1:25.04 2707.¦   59.46 2790.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.10 2845.¦ 5:08.14 2792.¦ 6:08.00 2795.¦
 2796. Jankowsky Moritz               1951 Gossau ZH                   6:08.01,4   3:04.42,8   (753) Diplom  M55      218.     8.43 ¦  2:10.21 2658.¦ 1:31.07 2914.¦ 1:29.29 2920.¦   57.02 2397.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.28 2823.¦ 5:10.58 2826.¦ 6:08.01 2796.¦
 2796. Strimer Marco                  1961 Elgg                        6:08.01,4   3:04.42,8   (809) Diplom  M45      589.     8.43 ¦  2:10.21 2657.¦ 1:31.07 2913.¦ 1:29.32 2921.¦   57.00 2395.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.28 2821.¦ 5:11.00 2828.¦ 6:08.01 2796.¦
 2798. Herty Wolfgang                 1951 DE-Dannstadt-Schauernheim   6:08.01,9   3:04.43,3  (5179) Diplom  M55      219.     8.43 ¦  2:14.26 2888.¦ 1:31.05 2912.¦ 1:23.21 2581.¦   59.07 2698.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.32 2892.¦ 5:08.54 2800.¦ 6:08.01 2798.¦
 2799. Rudin Martin                   1982 Frenkendorf                 6:08.02,3   3:04.43,7  (2128) Diplom  M20      825.     8.43 ¦  1:59.34 1941.¦ 1:37.43 3092.¦ 1:28.05 2856.¦ 1:02.39 2986.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.17 2710.¦ 5:05.23 2745.¦ 6:08.02 2799.¦
 2800. Isler Daniel                   1971 Pfäffikon ZH                6:08.11,1   3:04.52,5  (2397) Diplom  M20      826.     8.43 ¦  2:04.50 2324.¦ 1:32.40 2964.¦ 1:28.25 2870.¦ 1:02.14 2967.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.31 2715.¦ 5:05.56 2752.¦ 6:08.11 2800.¦
 2801. Eschler Simon                  1988 Boltigen                    6:08.12,0   3:04.53,4  (4070) Diplom  M20      827.     8.43 ¦  2:00.16 1997.¦ 1:38.20 3105.¦ 1:33.02 3030.¦   56.31 2313.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.37 2747.¦ 5:11.40 2840.¦ 6:08.12 2801.¦
 2802. Hodges Richard                 1962 US-Salt Lake City Utah      6:08.14,1   3:04.55,5  (3658) Diplom  M45      590.     8.43 ¦  2:18.06 3036.¦ 1:30.31 2891.¦ 1:23.59 2629.¦   55.36 2201.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.38 2949.¦ 5:12.37 2855.¦ 6:08.14 2802.¦
 2803. Meier Jörg                     1950 Wilderswil                  6:08.17,8   3:04.59,2   (797) Diplom  M55      220.     8.43 ¦  2:09.04 2576.¦ 1:31.39 2927.¦ 1:28.51 2895.¦   58.42 2635.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.44 2802.¦ 5:09.35 2806.¦ 6:08.17 2803.¦
 2804. De Romijn Lucas                1963 Neuheim                     6:08.20,7   3:05.02,1  (4713) Diplom  M45      591.     8.43 ¦  2:17.06 3009.¦ 1:25.26 2666.¦ 1:25.24 2726.¦ 1:00.23 2851.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:42.32 2839.¦ 5:07.57 2787.¦ 6:08.20 2804.¦
 2805. Bünermann Dieter               1956 DE-Mettmann                 6:08.27,5   3:05.08,9  (2748) Diplom  M50      401.     8.43 ¦  2:23.30 3168.¦ 1:24.32 2621.¦ 1:19.38 2229.¦ 1:00.45 2874.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.03 2941.¦ 5:07.41 2781.¦ 6:08.27 2805.¦
 2806. Schmidt Mathias                1970 DE-Gengenbach               6:08.29,4   3:05.10,8  (5292) Diplom  M20      828.     8.43 ¦  1:56.29 1652.¦ 1:22.22 2500.¦ 1:46.03 3091.¦ 1:03.34 3010.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:18.51 2087.¦ 5:04.54 2740.¦ 6:08.29 2806.¦
 2807. Adam Thomas                    1965 DE-Bremen                   6:08.37,8   3:05.19,2  (4233) Diplom  M40      640.     8.44 ¦  2:26.11 3207.¦ 1:27.50 2783.¦ 1:18.00 2056.¦   56.36 2328.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.01 3037.¦ 5:12.01 2845.¦ 6:08.37 2807.¦
 2808. Sei Mauro                      1954 IT-Alfonsine (RA)           6:08.40,7   3:05.22,1  (4683) Diplom  M50      402.     8.44 ¦  2:11.59 2773.¦ 1:26.37 2735.¦ 1:28.09 2861.¦ 1:01.53 2947.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.37 2745.¦ 5:06.47 2768.¦ 6:08.40 2808.¦
 2809. Benedetti Renzo                1954 IT-Ravenna (RA)             6:08.40,8   3:05.22,2  (4673) Diplom  M50      403.     8.44 ¦  2:12.00 2775.¦ 1:26.36 2733.¦ 1:28.07 2858.¦ 1:01.56 2950.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.37 2744.¦ 5:06.44 2767.¦ 6:08.40 2809.¦
 2810. Nierlich Jürgen                1976 DE-Remchingen               6:08.47,8   3:05.29,2  (3370) Diplom  M20      829.     8.44 ¦  2:02.46 2192.¦ 1:25.37 2674.¦ 1:32.52 3026.¦ 1:07.31 3055.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:28.23 2445.¦ 5:01.16 2683.¦ 6:08.47 2810.¦
 2811. Rowland Chris                  1950 GB-Surrey                   6:08.47,9   3:05.29,3  (2796) Diplom  M55      221.     8.44 ¦  2:17.47 3024.¦ 1:29.02 2829.¦ 1:22.53 2540.¦   59.04 2691.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.50 2925.¦ 5:09.43 2808.¦ 6:08.47 2811.¦
 2812. Saup Michael                   1965 DE-Neckarsulm               6:08.51,0   3:05.32,4  (4194) Diplom  M40      641.     8.44 ¦  2:16.13 2971.¦ 1:25.35 2673.¦ 1:24.05 2637.¦ 1:02.56 2996.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.48 2834.¦ 5:05.54 2751.¦ 6:08.51 2812.¦
 2813. Trüssel Cyril                  1985 Ostermundigen               6:08.56,4   3:05.37,8  (2909) Diplom  M20      830.     8.44 ¦  2:11.25 2728.¦ 1:24.11 2606.¦ 1:32.29 3017.¦ 1:00.50 2881.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.36 2669.¦ 5:08.06 2789.¦ 6:08.56 2813.¦
 2814. Milek Jose Bernardo            1980 BR-22271-08 Rio de Janeir   6:09.04,4   3:05.45,8  (4879) Diplom  M20      831.     8.44 ¦  2:16.49 2995.¦ 1:24.18 2610.¦ 1:23.50 2619.¦ 1:04.06 3022.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.07 2812.¦ 5:04.57 2741.¦ 6:09.04 2814.¦
 2815. Bertolosi Othmar               1962 Hochfelden                  6:09.04,6   3:05.46,0  (5205) Diplom  M45      592.     8.44 ¦  2:10.50 2691.¦ 1:35.19 3033.¦ 1:24.16 2651.¦   58.37 2624.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.10 2907.¦ 5:10.27 2821.¦ 6:09.04 2815.¦
 2816. Meyer Peter                    1949 Wikon                       6:09.10,4   3:05.51,8  (2908) Diplom  M55      222.     8.44 ¦  2:10.37 2670.¦ 1:29.33 2856.¦ 1:31.51 3009.¦   57.07 2410.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.10 2792.¦ 5:12.02 2846.¦ 6:09.10 2816.¦
 2817. Schädelin Peter                1962 Zürich                      6:09.11,3   3:05.52,7   (521) Diplom  M45      593.     8.44 ¦  2:15.58 2953.¦ 1:31.28 2922.¦ 1:21.44 2440.¦   59.59 2810.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.27 2933.¦ 5:09.11 2802.¦ 6:09.11 2817.¦
 2818. Bosshard Gerhard               1955 Pfäffikon ZH                6:09.11,8   3:05.53,2   (775) Diplom  M50      404.     8.44 ¦  2:12.24 2799.¦ 1:32.00 2938.¦ 1:26.37 2798.¦   58.09 2555.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.25 2868.¦ 5:11.02 2831.¦ 6:09.11 2818.¦
 2819. Bons Tom                       1966 NL-Haarlem                  6:09.16,0   3:05.57,4  (2495) Diplom  M40      642.     8.45 ¦  2:10.32 2666.¦ 1:29.36 2858.¦ 1:30.31 2958.¦   58.35 2617.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.09 2790.¦ 5:10.40 2823.¦ 6:09.16 2819.¦
 2820. Riemer Torsten                 1963 DE-Sinsheim                 6:09.16,4   3:05.57,8  (2064) Diplom  M45      594.     8.45 ¦  2:38.25 3292.¦ 1:18.40 2252.¦ 1:16.07 1851.¦   56.02 2256.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.06 3078.¦ 5:13.13 2864.¦ 6:09.16 2820.¦
 2821. Glaus Thomas                   1973 Diemtigen                   6:09.16,9   3:05.58,3  (2613) Diplom  M20      832.     8.45 ¦  2:03.54 2260.¦ 1:22.08 2484.¦ 1:41.24 3088.¦ 1:01.49 2943.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:26.02 2356.¦ 5:07.27 2776.¦ 6:09.16 2821.¦
 2822. Krapf René                     1937 Rüti ZH                     6:09.23,4   3:06.04,8   (798) Diplom  M65      30.      8.45 ¦  2:19.27 3072.¦ 1:30.29 2890.¦ 1:23.00 2554.¦   56.25 2300.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.56 2968.¦ 5:12.57 2860.¦ 6:09.23 2822.¦
 2823. Bohnenblust Daniel             1976 Bern                        6:09.25,3   3:06.06,7  (4890) Diplom  M20      833.     8.45 ¦  2:18.04 3033.¦ 1:32.20 2952.¦ 1:23.27 2589.¦   55.33 2197.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.24 2982.¦ 5:13.52 2871.¦ 6:09.25 2823.¦
 2824. Isoz Michael                   1979 Urtenen-Schönbühl           6:09.25,6   3:06.07,0  (5053) Diplom  M20      834.     8.45 ¦  2:18.04 3033.¦ 1:32.20 2953.¦ 1:23.27 2591.¦   55.32 2196.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.25 2983.¦ 5:13.52 2872.¦ 6:09.25 2824.¦
 2825. Sim Quan-Ling                  1968 Genève                      6:09.33,2   3:06.14,6  (3331) Diplom  M40      643.     8.45 ¦  2:07.30 2480.¦ 1:35.32 3042.¦ 1:26.18 2776.¦ 1:00.11 2833.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.03 2843.¦ 5:09.21 2804.¦ 6:09.33 2825.¦
 2826. Häsler Hans                    1947 Adliswil                    6:09.34,4   3:06.15,8   (653) Diplom  M60      99.      8.45 ¦  2:23.57 3176.¦ 1:34.09 3000.¦ 1:21.38 2427.¦   49.48 1477.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.07 3092.¦ 5:19.46 2935.¦ 6:09.34 2826.¦
 2827. Till Ian Charles               1963 IT-Castelverde (CR)         6:09.36,1   3:06.17,5  (4380) Diplom  M45      595.     8.45 ¦  2:08.41 2558.¦ 1:25.23 2661.¦ 1:29.56 2936.¦ 1:05.35 3039.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.04 2621.¦ 5:04.01 2729.¦ 6:09.36 2827.¦
 2828. Chiodelli Massimo              1963 IT-Cremona (CR)             6:09.36,9   3:06.18,3  (4401) Diplom  M45      596.     8.45 ¦  2:08.42 2559.¦ 1:25.23 2660.¦ 1:29.56 2936.¦ 1:05.34 3038.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.05 2622.¦ 5:04.02 2730.¦ 6:09.36 2828.¦
 2829. Pötschke Rainer                1969 DE-Mülheim an der Ruhr      6:09.40,8   3:06.22,2  (3145) Diplom  M20      835.     8.45 ¦  2:13.01 2818.¦ 1:35.58 3056.¦ 1:24.30 2665.¦   56.09 2263.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.00 2954.¦ 5:13.30 2869.¦ 6:09.40 2829.¦
 2830. Grime Colin                    1945 GB-Warrington               6:09.43,0   3:06.24,4  (2223) Diplom  M60      100.     8.45 ¦  2:06.57 2452.¦ 1:27.32 2772.¦ 1:34.33 3052.¦ 1:00.40 2868.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.29 2636.¦ 5:09.02 2801.¦ 6:09.43 2830.¦
 2831. Haupenthal Norbert             1954 DE-Nohfelden                6:09.45,1   3:06.26,5  (2462) Diplom  M50      405.     8.45 ¦  2:20.01 3082.¦ 1:30.21 2884.¦ 1:21.59 2462.¦   57.22 2458.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.22 2979.¦ 5:12.22 2851.¦ 6:09.45 2831.¦
 2832. Kofler Werner                  1958 IT-Eyrs (BZ)                6:09.51,7   3:06.33,1  (4740) Diplom  M50      406.     8.45 ¦  2:14.58 2909.¦ 1:29.40 2864.¦ 1:28.40 2881.¦   56.31 2314.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.39 2876.¦ 5:13.19 2867.¦ 6:09.51 2832.¦
 2833. Hackel Hans Dietger            1940 DE-Bonn                     6:09.53,0   3:06.34,4  (2449) Diplom  M65      31.      8.45 ¦  2:17.55 3026.¦ 1:32.26 2957.¦ 1:22.56 2546.¦   56.34 2322.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.21 2977.¦ 5:13.18 2866.¦ 6:09.53 2833.¦
 2834. Wüthrich Franz                 1948 Thalwil                     6:09.53,5   3:06.34,9  (3043) Diplom  M60      101.     8.45 ¦  2:13.16 2832.¦ 1:28.39 2812.¦ 1:29.18 2913.¦   58.39 2627.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.56 2835.¦ 5:11.14 2834.¦ 6:09.53 2834.¦
 2835. Dobbelaere Wim                 1956 BE-SintLaureins Watervlie   6:09.53,6   3:06.35,0  (3106) Diplom  M50      407.     8.45 ¦  2:15.16 2920.¦ 1:21.27 2437.¦ 1:23.04 2557.¦ 1:10.06 3066.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.43 2698.¦ 4:59.47 2655.¦ 6:09.53 2835.¦
 2836. Hata Iwao                      1934 JAP                         6:09.57,0   3:06.38,4  (5124) Diplom  M65      32.      8.46 ¦  2:08.23 2539.¦ 1:30.22 2888.¦ 1:32.48 3024.¦   58.22 2584.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.46 2752.¦ 5:11.34 2839.¦ 6:09.57 2836.¦
 2837. Schmittkamp Frank              1968 DE-Essen                    6:09.57,5   3:06.38,9  (3722) Diplom  M40      644.     8.46 ¦  2:16.07 2963.¦ 1:30.03 2873.¦ 1:26.18 2777.¦   57.28 2469.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.10 2907.¦ 5:12.29 2853.¦ 6:09.57 2837.¦
 2838. Balmer Ernst                   1946 Kerzers                     6:09.57,7   3:06.39,1  (4551) Diplom  M60      102.     8.46 ¦  2:09.32 2605.¦ 1:29.05 2831.¦ 1:24.26 2661.¦ 1:06.53 3045.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.37 2746.¦ 5:03.03 2707.¦ 6:09.57 2838.¦
 2839. Schneider Rudolf               1943 Ammerzwil BE                6:09.59,3   3:06.40,7   (851) Diplom  M65      33.      8.46 ¦  2:11.32 2740.¦ 1:27.24 2763.¦ 1:32.01 3011.¦   59.01 2676.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.56 2759.¦ 5:10.58 2825.¦ 6:09.59 2839.¦
 2840. Menzel Wolfgang                1955 DE-Sankt Augustin           6:10.00,7   3:06.42,1  (1218) Diplom  M50      408.     8.46 ¦  2:16.11 2970.¦ 1:27.46 2781.¦ 1:27.06 2823.¦   58.56 2671.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.57 2857.¦ 5:11.03 2832.¦ 6:10.00 2840.¦
 2841. Scholl Heinz                   1944 DE-Stolberg                 6:10.02,4   3:06.43,8  (3723) Diplom  M60      103.     8.46 ¦  2:22.42 3149.¦ 1:27.37 2778.¦ 1:22.54 2543.¦   56.48 2355.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.19 2976.¦ 5:13.14 2865.¦ 6:10.02 2841.¦
 2842. Spengler Kurt                  1965 Schönenbaumgarten           6:10.02,8   3:06.44,2  (2788) Diplom  M40      645.     8.46 ¦  2:05.57 2391.¦ 1:29.16 2844.¦ 1:33.21 3038.¦ 1:01.26 2922.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:35.14 2662.¦ 5:08.36 2797.¦ 6:10.02 2842.¦
 2843. Kaufmann Markus                1961 Basel                       6:10.05,0   3:06.46,4   (732) Diplom  M45      597.     8.46 ¦  2:26.04 3204.¦ 1:29.30 2853.¦ 1:19.19 2189.¦   55.11 2151.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:55.34 3063.¦ 5:14.53 2881.¦ 6:10.05 2843.¦
 2844. Imhof Armin                    1952 Brigerbad                   6:10.10,1   3:06.51,5  (5299) Diplom  M55      223.     8.46 ¦  2:13.26 2838.¦ 1:29.39 2862.¦ 1:27.19 2830.¦   59.45 2786.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.05 2844.¦ 5:10.24 2819.¦ 6:10.10 2844.¦
 2845. Kaufmann Carlo                 1959 LU-Schifflange              6:10.12,9   3:06.54,3  (3828) Diplom  M45      598.     8.46 ¦  2:08.35 2555.¦ 1:28.27 2805.¦ 1:29.16 2911.¦ 1:03.53 3016.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.03 2707.¦ 5:06.19 2759.¦ 6:10.12 2845.¦
 2846. Rüfli Roland                   1956 Ostermundigen               6:10.16,9   3:06.58,3  (2382) Diplom  M50      409.     8.46 ¦  2:00.10 1986.¦ 1:40.05 3134.¦ 1:29.25 2918.¦ 1:00.36 2866.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.15 2794.¦ 5:09.40 2807.¦ 6:10.16 2846.¦
 2847. Krajcuska Miroslav             1962 SK-Liptovsky Mikulas        6:10.17,8   3:06.59,2  (4093) Diplom  M45      599.     8.46 ¦  2:11.39 2747.¦ 1:29.55 2870.¦ 1:31.38 3006.¦   57.04 2400.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.35 2828.¦ 5:13.13 2863.¦ 6:10.17 2847.¦
 2848. Aerschmann-Aebischer Joseph    1948 Alterswil FR                6:10.18,0   3:06.59,4  (2783) Diplom  M60      104.     8.46 ¦  2:18.50 3056.¦ 1:34.54 3022.¦ 1:21.07 2373.¦   55.25 2179.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.44 3033.¦ 5:14.52 2880.¦ 6:10.18 2848.¦
 2849. Stritt Nicolas                 1963 Belp                        6:10.29,5   3:07.10,9  (2257) Diplom  M45      600.     8.46 ¦  2:05.37 2371.¦ 1:34.16 3003.¦ 1:31.24 2998.¦   59.10 2704.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.54 2783.¦ 5:11.19 2836.¦ 6:10.29 2849.¦
 2850. Koning Win                     1962 NL-ED Leersum               6:10.35,2   3:07.16,6  (4365) Diplom  M45      601.     8.46 ¦  2:24.47 3188.¦ 1:27.32 2774.¦ 1:22.52 2539.¦   55.22 2174.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.20 3016.¦ 5:15.13 2886.¦ 6:10.35 2850.¦
 2851. Visker Jos                     1980 NL-HN Hoogezand             6:10.43,9   3:07.25,3  (3047) Diplom  M20      836.     8.47 ¦  2:13.38 2853.¦ 1:29.53 2869.¦ 1:27.52 2849.¦   59.19 2733.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:43.31 2851.¦ 5:11.24 2838.¦ 6:10.43 2851.¦
 2852. Cheung Titan                   1972 HK-Tuen Mun                 6:10.44,3   3:07.25,7  (4709) Diplom  M20      837.     8.47 ¦  2:15.46 2942.¦ 1:29.31 2854.¦ 1:24.40 2671.¦ 1:00.46 2875.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.17 2886.¦ 5:09.57 2814.¦ 6:10.44 2852.¦
 2853. Bender Wolfgang                1957 DE-Weinsberg                6:10.58,6   3:07.40,0  (3674) Diplom  M50      410.     8.47 ¦  2:09.33 2606.¦ 1:35.00 3026.¦ 1:24.43 2675.¦ 1:01.41 2935.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.33 2872.¦ 5:09.16 2803.¦ 6:10.58 2853.¦
 2854. Schuppisser Beat               1961 Frauenfeld                  6:11.15,5   3:07.56,9   (872) Diplom  M45      602.     8.47 ¦  2:11.37 2744.¦ 1:30.04 2874.¦ 1:26.52 2811.¦ 1:02.41 2990.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.42 2831.¦ 5:08.34 2796.¦ 6:11.15 2854.¦
 2855. Haltiner Rolf                  1953 Reiden                      6:11.40,4   3:08.21,8  (2241) Diplom  M55      224.     8.48 ¦  2:11.53 2766.¦ 1:30.46 2898.¦ 1:27.35 2842.¦ 1:01.25 2921.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:42.39 2840.¦ 5:10.14 2815.¦ 6:11.40 2855.¦
 2856. Dragun Igor                    1945 RU-Russia, Moscow           6:12.07,0   3:08.48,4  (3065) Diplom  M60      105.     8.49 ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 6:12.07 2856.¦
 2857. Kummer Rudolf                  1958 Jaberg                      6:12.11,7   3:08.53,1  (3461) Diplom  M50      411.     8.49 ¦  2:13.15 2828.¦ 1:35.41 3048.¦ 1:26.32 2792.¦   56.42 2344.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.56 2953.¦ 5:15.29 2890.¦ 6:12.11 2857.¦
 2858. Hübner Knut                    1962 DE-Ilmenau                  6:12.19,7   3:09.01,1  (2135) Diplom  M45      603.     8.49 ¦  2:16.09 2967.¦ 1:32.10 2941.¦ 1:26.38 2799.¦   57.21 2455.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.19 2943.¦ 5:14.58 2883.¦ 6:12.19 2858.¦
 2859. Regeling Jacob                 1947 NL-Annen                    6:12.20,4   3:09.01,8  (3008) Diplom  M60      106.     8.49 ¦  2:16.44 2992.¦ 1:29.16 2843.¦ 1:26.40 2800.¦   59.39 2771.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.00 2901.¦ 5:12.40 2856.¦ 6:12.20 2859.¦
 2860. Graf Patrick                   1973 Oberburg                    6:12.20,9   3:09.02,3  (5040) Diplom  M20      838.     8.49 ¦  2:09.38 2609.¦ 1:35.32 3043.¦ 1:28.16 2863.¦   58.53 2662.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.10 2884.¦ 5:13.27 2868.¦ 6:12.20 2860.¦
 2861. Wenger Bernhard                1948 Clarens                     6:12.22,4   3:09.03,8  (2459) Diplom  M60      107.     8.49 ¦  2:17.34 3020.¦ 1:28.31 2807.¦ 1:27.43 2845.¦   58.33 2611.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.05 2903.¦ 5:13.49 2870.¦ 6:12.22 2861.¦
 2862. Schmid Beni                    1976 Zürich                      6:12.22,5   3:09.03,9  (4512) Diplom  M20      839.     8.49 ¦  2:15.22 2925.¦ 1:35.02 3027.¦ 1:24.25 2659.¦   57.32 2478.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.24 2981.¦ 5:14.50 2879.¦ 6:12.22 2862.¦
 2863. Logue Stephen P.               1962 US-Williamsport, PA         6:12.26,3   3:09.07,7  (5078) Diplom  M45      604.     8.49 ¦  2:19.16 3064.¦ 1:32.14 2943.¦ 1:25.01 2703.¦   55.54 2239.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.30 3003.¦ 5:16.32 2897.¦ 6:12.26 2863.¦
 2864. Zedlitz Markus                 1969 DE-Wiesloch                 6:12.29,2   3:09.10,6  (3855) Diplom  M20      840.     8.49 ¦  2:12.11 2786.¦ 1:34.00 2998.¦ 1:29.02 2902.¦   57.15 2428.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.11 2909.¦ 5:15.13 2887.¦ 6:12.29 2864.¦
 2865. King James                     1975 GB-London                   6:12.31,4   3:09.12,8  (3945) Diplom  M20      841.     8.49 ¦  2:15.56 2949.¦ 1:28.50 2823.¦ 1:30.25 2953.¦   57.19 2446.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.46 2879.¦ 5:15.11 2885.¦ 6:12.31 2865.¦
 2866. Annighöfer Wolfgang            1957 Männedorf                   6:12.32,0   3:09.13,4  (1959) Diplom  M50      412.     8.49 ¦  2:07.49 2507.¦ 1:36.32 3069.¦ 1:28.50 2893.¦   59.19 2732.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.22 2867.¦ 5:13.12 2862.¦ 6:12.32 2866.¦
 2867. Blumenroth Michael             1964 DE-Frankfurt                6:12.33,5   3:09.14,9  (5182) Diplom  M40      646.     8.49 ¦  2:20.19 3093.¦ 1:26.26 2724.¦ 1:22.43 2532.¦ 1:03.05 3002.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.45 2922.¦ 5:09.28 2805.¦ 6:12.33 2867.¦
 2868. Thurnheer Mike                 1975 Diepoldsau                  6:12.38,7   3:09.20,1  (4811) Diplom  M20      842.     8.49 ¦  2:16.08 2965.¦ 1:37.49 3093.¦ 1:22.58 2550.¦   55.43 2215.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.57 3035.¦ 5:16.55 2902.¦ 6:12.38 2868.¦
 2869. Kleinekoort Hans               1939 NL-Soest                    6:12.41,6   3:09.23,0  (2768) Diplom  M65      34.      8.49 ¦  2:23.10 3163.¦ 1:26.06 2708.¦ 1:26.20 2782.¦   57.04 2400.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.16 2958.¦ 5:15.37 2891.¦ 6:12.41 2869.¦
 2870. Wernig Christian               1973 AT-St. Georgen am Längsee   6:12.45,1   3:09.26,5  (4333) Diplom  M20      843.     8.50 ¦  2:11.07 2708.¦ 1:28.33 2808.¦ 1:37.34 3081.¦   55.29 2190.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:39.40 2777.¦ 5:17.15 2906.¦ 6:12.45 2870.¦
 2871. Braun Alfred                   1963 Cham                        6:12.45,2   3:09.26,6  (4149) Diplom  M45      605.     8.50 ¦  2:25.07 3192.¦ 1:33.24 2979.¦ 1:20.03 2271.¦   54.09 2036.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.31 3100.¦ 5:18.35 2923.¦ 6:12.45 2871.¦
 2872. Becker Hans J                  1951 DE-Lohmar                   6:12.49,0   3:09.30,4  (2972) Diplom  M55      225.     8.50 ¦  2:10.22 2659.¦ 1:35.09 3031.¦ 1:28.45 2890.¦   58.31 2605.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.32 2891.¦ 5:14.18 2876.¦ 6:12.49 2872.¦
 2873. Kooiman Walter                 1970 Mettmenstetten              6:12.49,1   3:09.30,5  (4983) Diplom  M20      844.     8.50 ¦  2:25.45 3197.¦ 1:23.54 2587.¦ 1:25.42 2739.¦   57.26 2463.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.40 2963.¦ 5:15.23 2889.¦ 6:12.49 2873.¦
 2874. Gussoni Carlo                  1968 IT-Castano Primo (MI)       6:12.54,4   3:09.35,8  (3761) Diplom  M40      647.     8.50 ¦  2:16.56 2999.¦ 1:31.24 2918.¦ 1:25.46 2743.¦   58.46 2646.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.21 2944.¦ 5:14.07 2873.¦ 6:12.54 2874.¦
 2875. Biram Roni                     1960 IL-Moshav Ramot Hashavim    6:13.28,7   3:10.10,1  (3631) Diplom  M45      606.     8.51 ¦  2:13.31 2841.¦ 1:30.55 2906.¦ 1:29.46 2928.¦   59.15 2717.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.26 2869.¦ 5:14.13 2874.¦ 6:13.28 2875.¦
 2876. Gazit Adi                      1982 IL-P.S. Dead Sea            6:13.29,1   3:10.10,5  (3633) Diplom  M20      845.     8.51 ¦  2:13.35 2846.¦ 1:30.51 2905.¦ 1:29.46 2927.¦   59.15 2717.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.27 2871.¦ 5:14.13 2875.¦ 6:13.29 2876.¦
 2877. Müller Urs                     1946 Winznau                     6:13.29,4   3:10.10,8   (759) Diplom  M60      108.     8.51 ¦  2:17.26 3018.¦ 1:40.48 3146.¦ 1:21.51 2450.¦   53.23 1953.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.15 3095.¦ 5:20.06 2944.¦ 6:13.29 2877.¦
 2878. Geyer Marc                     1982 Wengen                      6:13.32,0   3:10.13,4  (2670) Diplom  M20      846.     8.51 ¦  2:00.05 1979.¦ 1:36.09 3062.¦ 1:34.46 3054.¦ 1:02.29 2985.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:36.15 2687.¦ 5:11.02 2830.¦ 6:13.32 2878.¦
 2879. Eggenberger Hansjörg           1959 Vouvry                      6:13.38,2   3:10.19,6  (2875) Diplom  M45      607.     8.51 ¦  2:12.50 2814.¦ 1:28.39 2813.¦ 1:29.48 2929.¦ 1:02.19 2972.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.30 2824.¦ 5:11.19 2835.¦ 6:13.38 2879.¦
 2880. Wirth Karl                     1951 DE-Stammbach                6:13.40,9   3:10.22,3  (3737) Diplom  M55      226.     8.51 ¦  2:22.23 3139.¦ 1:29.15 2841.¦ 1:26.18 2779.¦   55.43 2215.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.39 3006.¦ 5:17.57 2915.¦ 6:13.40 2880.¦
 2881. Simone Robert                  1965 Berikon                     6:13.47,8   3:10.29,2  (2807) Diplom  M40      648.     8.51 ¦  2:20.38 3100.¦ 1:29.33 2856.¦ 1:27.19 2831.¦   56.15 2278.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.12 2974.¦ 5:17.32 2911.¦ 6:13.47 2881.¦
 2882. Leuthold Herbert               1964 Wittenbach                  6:13.49,7   3:10.31,1  (4025) Diplom  M40      649.     8.51 ¦  2:13.41 2857.¦ 1:36.40 3072.¦ 1:26.34 2793.¦   56.53 2369.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.21 2978.¦ 5:16.56 2904.¦ 6:13.49 2882.¦
 2883. Lerch Daniel                   1974 Subingen                    6:14.03,8   3:10.45,2  (4024) Diplom  M20      847.     8.51 ¦  2:18.33 3053.¦ 1:39.20 3122.¦ 1:21.11 2382.¦   54.58 2121.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.54 3090.¦ 5:19.05 2929.¦ 6:14.03 2883.¦
 2884. Triantafillou Christos         1968 Bern                        6:14.08,9   3:10.50,3  (2579) Diplom  M40      650.     8.52 ¦  2:09.54 2630.¦ 1:30.45 2897.¦ 1:31.06 2985.¦ 1:02.22 2976.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:40.40 2800.¦ 5:11.46 2842.¦ 6:14.08 2884.¦
 2885. Flückiger Walter               1979 Ipsach                      6:14.09,6   3:10.51,0  (3863) Diplom  M20      848.     8.52 ¦  2:18.23 3048.¦ 1:27.31 2771.¦ 1:30.43 2968.¦   57.31 2475.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.55 2897.¦ 5:16.38 2898.¦ 6:14.09 2885.¦
 2886. Flückiger Nicolas              1985 Mont-Soleil                 6:14.09,8   3:10.51,2  (4406) Diplom  M20      849.     8.52 ¦  2:18.24 3050.¦ 1:27.30 2769.¦ 1:30.44 2969.¦   57.29 2472.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.55 2898.¦ 5:16.39 2900.¦ 6:14.09 2886.¦
 2887. Mühlberg Ronny                 1969 DE-Borstendorf              6:14.19,1   3:11.00,5  (3840) Diplom  M20      850.     8.52 ¦  2:26.36 3214.¦ 1:28.11 2798.¦ 1:22.09 2481.¦   57.21 2454.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.47 3044.¦ 5:16.57 2905.¦ 6:14.19 2887.¦
 2888. Hüring Frank                   1968 DE-Pulheim                  6:14.27,0   3:11.08,4  (2690) Diplom  M40      651.     8.52 ¦  2:12.21 2795.¦ 1:33.36 2985.¦ 1:28.59 2899.¦   59.30 2752.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.57 2899.¦ 5:14.57 2882.¦ 6:14.27 2888.¦
 2889. Walker Bruno                   1950 Oberbipp                    6:14.28,8   3:11.10,2  (2998) Diplom  M55      227.     8.52 ¦  2:16.35 2983.¦ 1:29.25 2848.¦ 1:30.39 2966.¦   57.49 2517.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.00 2902.¦ 5:16.39 2899.¦ 6:14.28 2889.¦
 2890. Moser Christian                1962 Wetzikon ZH                 6:14.34,5   3:11.15,9  (2669) Diplom  M45      608.     8.52 ¦  2:16.07 2964.¦ 1:30.48 2901.¦ 1:27.22 2832.¦ 1:00.16 2840.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.55 2927.¦ 5:14.18 2877.¦ 6:14.34 2890.¦
 2891. Pericart Francois              1958 FR-Chaponost                6:14.45,4   3:11.26,8  (3315) Diplom  M50      413.     8.52 ¦  2:11.58 2772.¦ 1:32.17 2945.¦ 1:30.45 2970.¦   59.44 2782.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:44.15 2864.¦ 5:15.01 2884.¦ 6:14.45 2891.¦
 2892. Knapp Jeff                     1962 US-New York City            6:14.48,0   3:11.29,4  (3526) Diplom  M45      609.     8.52 ¦  2:15.57 2951.¦ 1:31.02 2911.¦ 1:24.01 2631.¦ 1:03.46 3015.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.00 2928.¦ 5:11.01 2829.¦ 6:14.48 2892.¦
 2893. Dysli Marcel                   1952 Zollbrück                   6:14.54,5   3:11.35,9   (834) Diplom  M55      228.     8.53 ¦  2:16.15 2972.¦ 1:36.42 3074.¦ 1:28.22 2867.¦   53.34 1971.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.58 3022.¦ 5:21.20 2962.¦ 6:14.54 2893.¦
 2894. Opatz Hans-Joachim             1955 Lohn-Ammannsegg             6:15.05,9   3:11.47,3  (5223) Diplom  M50      414.     8.53 ¦  2:22.45 3152.¦ 1:34.41 3017.¦ 1:22.10 2483.¦   55.28 2186.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.27 3083.¦ 5:19.37 2934.¦ 6:15.05 2894.¦
 2895. Wingerter Bernd                1955 DE-Bad Münder               6:15.07,9   3:11.49,3  (2355) Diplom  M50      415.     8.53 ¦  2:18.03 3031.¦ 1:40.38 3143.¦ 1:17.48 2041.¦   58.37 2622.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.42 3104.¦ 5:16.30 2896.¦ 6:15.07 2895.¦
 2896. Traub Lothar                   1967 DE-München                  6:15.15,3   3:11.56,7  (2635) Diplom  M40      652.     8.53 ¦  2:07.50 2509.¦ 1:26.17 2718.¦ 1:38.47 3083.¦ 1:02.19 2973.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.08 2624.¦ 5:12.55 2859.¦ 6:15.15 2896.¦
 2897. Stieger Marco                  1968 Vinelz                      6:15.21,2   3:12.02,6  (3604) Diplom  M40      653.     8.53 ¦  2:17.36 3021.¦ 1:29.29 2850.¦ 1:31.07 2987.¦   57.07 2413.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.05 2929.¦ 5:18.13 2920.¦ 6:15.21 2897.¦
 2898. Leuenberger Walter             1965 Zürich                      6:15.21,4   3:12.02,8  (2928) Diplom  M40      654.     8.53 ¦  2:13.41 2855.¦ 1:32.53 2969.¦ 1:26.20 2781.¦ 1:02.26 2979.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.34 2915.¦ 5:12.55 2858.¦ 6:15.21 2898.¦
 2899. Aeschimann Peter               1951 Matten b. Interlaken        6:15.22,8   3:12.04,2  (4937) Diplom  M55      229.     8.53 ¦  2:19.09 3062.¦ 1:32.03 2939.¦ 1:26.23 2785.¦   57.47 2508.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.12 3001.¦ 5:17.35 2912.¦ 6:15.22 2899.¦
 2900. Appel Ad                       1954 NL-Heemstede                6:15.30,7   3:12.12,1   (859) Diplom  M50      416.     8.53 ¦  2:21.43 3124.¦ 1:29.20 2846.¦ 1:26.18 2777.¦   58.08 2553.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.03 2997.¦ 5:17.22 2908.¦ 6:15.30 2900.¦
 2901. Egli Silvan                    1959 Niederwil SG                6:15.31,5   3:12.12,9  (2747) Diplom  M45      610.     8.53 ¦  2:14.33 2892.¦ 1:38.06 3099.¦ 1:26.08 2764.¦   56.43 2345.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.39 3021.¦ 5:18.47 2924.¦ 6:15.31 2901.¦
 2902. Bürgisser Marc                 1963 Lindau                      6:15.31,6   3:12.13,0  (5305) Diplom  M45      611.     8.53 ¦  2:16.24 2978.¦ 1:31.36 2923.¦ 1:26.26 2789.¦ 1:01.04 2894.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:48.01 2940.¦ 5:14.27 2878.¦ 6:15.31 2902.¦
 2903. Ocvirk Ralf                    1964 DE-Laufenburg               6:15.40,4   3:12.21,8  (4612) Diplom  M40      655.     8.54 ¦  2:16.59 3001.¦ 1:36.33 3070.¦ 1:25.48 2745.¦   56.18 2282.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.33 3031.¦ 5:19.21 2931.¦ 6:15.40 2903.¦
 2904. Kallen Martin                  1956 Aeschi b. Spiez             6:15.56,2   3:12.37,6  (2878) Diplom  M50      417.     8.54 ¦  2:18.08 3040.¦ 1:29.01 2828.¦ 1:28.11 2862.¦ 1:00.34 2863.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.10 2931.¦ 5:15.22 2888.¦ 6:15.56 2904.¦
 2905. Plüss Hansjörg                 1958 Olten                       6:16.01,5   3:12.42,9  (1974) Diplom  M50      418.     8.54 ¦  2:11.16 2715.¦ 1:36.30 3068.¦ 1:33.18 3034.¦   54.56 2118.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.46 2937.¦ 5:21.04 2958.¦ 6:16.01 2905.¦
 2906. Schaber Jean                   1960 LU-Tetange                  6:16.04,6   3:12.46,0  (3057) Diplom  M45      612.     8.54 ¦  2:21.28 3118.¦ 1:25.10 2649.¦ 1:26.25 2788.¦ 1:02.59 2997.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.39 2918.¦ 5:13.04 2861.¦ 6:16.04 2906.¦
 2907. Schmitz Berthold               1942 DE-Efringen-Kirchen         6:16.14,3   3:12.55,7  (2005) Diplom  M65      35.      8.54 ¦  2:20.14 3090.¦ 1:27.40 2780.¦ 1:29.56 2938.¦   58.22 2585.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.55 2939.¦ 5:17.52 2913.¦ 6:16.14 2907.¦
 2908. Kirsch Andreas                 1958 DE-Neuruppin                6:17.10,7   3:13.52,1  (2725) Diplom  M50      419.     8.56 ¦  2:15.18 2922.¦ 1:35.10 3032.¦ 1:25.37 2734.¦ 1:01.04 2895.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.28 2985.¦ 5:16.06 2892.¦ 6:17.10 2908.¦
 2909. Bornemann Thomas               1963 DE-Hannover                 6:17.10,8   3:13.52,2  (4674) Diplom  M45      613.     8.56 ¦  2:15.19 2924.¦ 1:35.21 3035.¦ 1:27.24 2834.¦   59.06 2696.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.40 2988.¦ 5:18.04 2917.¦ 6:17.10 2909.¦
 2910. Petscharnig Heimo              1968 AT-Guttaring                6:17.11,8   3:13.53,2  (4329) Diplom  M40      656.     8.56 ¦  2:11.08 2710.¦ 1:35.24 3037.¦ 1:31.30 3002.¦   59.09 2701.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.32 2914.¦ 5:18.02 2916.¦ 6:17.11 2910.¦
 2911. Kolodiazny Norman              1963 CA-Melbourne Ontario        6:17.12,1   3:13.53,5  (5267) Diplom  M45      614.     8.56 ¦  2:27.16 3220.¦ 1:28.46 2817.¦ 1:25.10 2715.¦   55.59 2250.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:56.02 3070.¦ 5:21.13 2960.¦ 6:17.12 2911.¦
 2912. Müller Markus                  1946 Niederrohrdorf              6:17.30,5   3:14.11,9   (802) Diplom  M60      109.     8.56 ¦  2:20.48 3106.¦ 1:33.12 2974.¦ 1:25.27 2729.¦   58.01 2545.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.01 3038.¦ 5:19.28 2932.¦ 6:17.30 2912.¦
 2913. Pult Andi                      1951 Galgenen                    6:17.43,7   3:14.25,1  (4618) Diplom  M55      230.     8.57 ¦  2:10.46 2685.¦ 1:42.24 3154.¦ 1:26.49 2807.¦   57.44 2501.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.10 3024.¦ 5:19.59 2938.¦ 6:17.43 2913.¦
 2914. Kis Janos                      1964 HU-Hodmezovasarhely         6:17.50,9   3:14.32,3  (4229) Diplom  M40      657.     8.57 ¦  2:13.37 2848.¦ 1:47.42 3175.¦ 1:21.19 2392.¦   55.11 2154.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:01.19 3127.¦ 5:22.39 2985.¦ 6:17.50 2914.¦
 2915. Radloff Walter                 1945 US-San Jose                 6:17.52,6   3:14.34,0  (1763) Diplom  M60      110.     8.57 ¦  2:16.37 2987.¦ 1:36.33 3070.¦ 1:28.45 2888.¦   55.56 2243.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.10 3025.¦ 5:21.56 2972.¦ 6:17.52 2915.¦
 2916. Scheurer Daniel                1966 Thun                        6:17.53,8   3:14.35,2  (2586) Diplom  M40      658.     8.57 ¦  2:18.08 3041.¦ 1:28.34 2810.¦ 1:34.20 3046.¦   56.49 2359.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.43 2920.¦ 5:21.04 2957.¦ 6:17.53 2916.¦
 2917. Aeppli Christoph               1944 Sissach                     6:17.57,5   3:14.38,9   (534) Diplom  M60      111.     8.57 ¦  2:11.56 2770.¦ 1:25.59 2701.¦ 1:32.56 3029.¦ 1:07.04 3051.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:37.56 2724.¦ 5:10.52 2824.¦ 6:17.57 2917.¦
 2918. Host-Hansen Tore               1957 US-Red Lodge, MT            6:17.58,0   3:14.39,4  (2632) Diplom  M50      420.     8.57 ¦  2:21.25 3116.¦ 1:31.49 2931.¦ 1:26.54 2814.¦   57.49 2517.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.14 3026.¦ 5:20.08 2945.¦ 6:17.58 2918.¦
 2919. Feuz Werner                    1980 Wichtrach                   6:18.03,6   3:14.45,0  (2963) Diplom  M20      851.     8.57 ¦  2:24.23 3183.¦ 1:34.28 3011.¦ 1:23.50 2618.¦   55.21 2172.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.51 3110.¦ 5:22.41 2986.¦ 6:18.03 2919.¦
 2920. Göhring Stefan                 1956 DE-Sölden                   6:18.10,3   3:14.51,7  (2460) Diplom  M50      421.     8.57 ¦  2:06.21 2413.¦ 1:32.14 2943.¦ 1:33.42 3042.¦ 1:05.51 3041.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:38.36 2742.¦ 5:12.18 2850.¦ 6:18.10 2920.¦
 2921. Smith Allan                    1933 GB-SA35RA Wales             6:18.15,6   3:14.57,0  (3255) Diplom  M65      36.      8.57 ¦  2:07.22 2474.¦ 1:34.25 3009.¦ 1:35.03 3057.¦ 1:01.23 2917.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:41.48 2833.¦ 5:16.52 2901.¦ 6:18.15 2921.¦
 2922. Pletschet René                 1934 Zermatt                     6:18.16,0   3:14.57,4   (871) Diplom  M65      37.      8.57 ¦  2:35.25 3285.¦ 1:29.37 2861.¦ 1:16.49 1930.¦   56.24 2296.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:05.02 3144.¦ 5:21.51 2971.¦ 6:18.16 2922.¦
 2923. Koch Jürgen                    1965 Ostermundigen               6:18.19,2   3:15.00,6  (2816) Diplom  M40      659.     8.57 ¦  2:21.23 3113.¦ 1:30.57 2909.¦ 1:28.41 2882.¦   57.16 2434.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.21 3017.¦ 5:21.02 2954.¦ 6:18.19 2923.¦
 2924. Hoffmann Jens                  1970 DE-Hünstetten               6:18.19,3   3:15.00,7  (4326) Diplom  M20      852.     8.57 ¦  2:21.23 3115.¦ 1:30.57 2908.¦ 1:28.41 2882.¦   57.16 2433.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.21 3018.¦ 5:21.03 2955.¦ 6:18.19 2924.¦
 2925. Beugger Moritz                 1963 Iseltwald                   6:18.22,2   3:15.03,6  (2824) Diplom  M45      615.     8.58 ¦  2:16.08 2966.¦ 1:36.04 3059.¦ 1:26.03 2759.¦ 1:00.06 2824.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.12 3013.¦ 5:18.15 2921.¦ 6:18.22 2925.¦
 2926. Visser Oscar Simon             1973 NL-ZT Amsterdam             6:18.25,0   3:15.06,4  (4888) Diplom  M20      853.     8.58 ¦  2:30.00 3247.¦ 1:34.52 3021.¦ 1:20.25 2300.¦   53.07 1921.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:04.52 3141.¦ 5:25.18 3010.¦ 6:18.25 2926.¦
 2927. Bruggemans Marco               1962 NL-Rotterdam                6:18.29,6   3:15.11,0  (2961) Diplom  M45      616.     8.58 ¦  2:15.54 2947.¦ 1:31.12 2917.¦ 1:29.16 2912.¦ 1:02.05 2958.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.06 2930.¦ 5:16.23 2894.¦ 6:18.29 2927.¦
 2928. Sieber Peter                   1971 Eglisau                     6:18.33,4   3:15.14,8  (2880) Diplom  M20      854.     8.58 ¦  2:19.11 3063.¦ 1:36.54 3076.¦ 1:25.17 2720.¦   57.09 2417.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:56.06 3071.¦ 5:21.23 2964.¦ 6:18.33 2928.¦
 2929. Roberts Lorwerth               1943 GB-LL28 5ST Conwy           6:18.34,4   3:15.15,8  (1788) Diplom  M65      38.      8.58 ¦  2:22.49 3157.¦ 1:34.32 3014.¦ 1:21.33 2416.¦   59.37 2767.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.22 3081.¦ 5:18.56 2927.¦ 6:18.34 2929.¦
 2930. Liembd Kurt                    1958 Hergiswil NW                6:18.35,8   3:15.17,2  (3623) Diplom  M50      422.     8.58 ¦  2:16.01 2958.¦ 1:34.30 3013.¦ 1:27.53 2850.¦ 1:00.10 2828.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.31 2986.¦ 5:18.25 2922.¦ 6:18.35 2930.¦
 2931. Windoffer Stefan               1963 DE-Leverkusen               6:18.36,6   3:15.18,0  (4320) Diplom  M45      617.     8.58 ¦  2:19.35 3078.¦ 1:32.36 2962.¦ 1:26.35 2795.¦   59.48 2796.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.12 3012.¦ 5:18.47 2925.¦ 6:18.36 2931.¦
 2932. Kohler Christof                1963 Basel                       6:18.37,9   3:15.19,3  (3048) Diplom  M45      618.     8.58 ¦  2:12.49 2812.¦ 1:34.57 3023.¦ 1:29.35 2923.¦ 1:01.15 2905.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:47.47 2938.¦ 5:17.22 2909.¦ 6:18.37 2932.¦
 2933. Hamann Patrick                 1981 Basel                       6:18.47,5   3:15.28,9  (4353) Diplom  M20      855.     8.58 ¦  2:30.18 3252.¦ 1:28.09 2797.¦ 1:22.39 2528.¦   57.40 2493.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.28 3099.¦ 5:21.07 2959.¦ 6:18.47 2933.¦
 2934. Lauener Hans                   1949 Thun                        6:19.04,9   3:15.46,3  (3961) Diplom  M55      231.     8.59 ¦  2:19.28 3075.¦ 1:35.04 3028.¦ 1:27.11 2828.¦   57.20 2448.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.33 3042.¦ 5:21.44 2968.¦ 6:19.04 2934.¦
 2935. Pfister Andres                 1970 Genève                      6:19.05,2   3:15.46,6  (2954) Diplom  M20      856.     8.59 ¦  2:14.48 2904.¦ 1:38.36 3111.¦ 1:29.01 2901.¦   56.37 2331.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.25 3029.¦ 5:22.27 2980.¦ 6:19.05 2935.¦
 2936. Schmid Fritz                   1966 Barmelweid                  6:19.05,7   3:15.47,1  (1855) Diplom  M40      660.     8.59 ¦  2:14.06 2873.¦ 1:27.56 2789.¦ 1:35.26 3059.¦ 1:01.35 2930.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:42.03 2836.¦ 5:17.30 2910.¦ 6:19.05 2936.¦
 2937. Lauener Fritz                  1953 Interlaken                  6:19.07,3   3:15.48,7  (2644) Diplom  M55      232.     8.59 ¦  2:19.30 3076.¦ 1:32.22 2954.¦ 1:19.58 2263.¦ 1:07.15 3054.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.53 3008.¦ 5:11.51 2844.¦ 6:19.07 2937.¦
 2938. Shoji Tomiyoshi                1940 JAP                         6:19.13,6   3:15.55,0  (5132) Diplom  M65      39.      8.59 ¦  2:14.25 2885.¦ 1:31.45 2930.¦ 1:31.07 2986.¦ 1:01.56 2949.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.10 2906.¦ 5:17.17 2907.¦ 6:19.13 2938.¦
 2939. Draper Dennis                  1936 GB-Herts                    6:19.21,6   3:16.03,0  (3756) Diplom  M65      40.      8.59 ¦  2:26.18 3209.¦ 1:30.42 2896.¦ 1:22.00 2464.¦ 1:00.20 2843.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.00 3077.¦ 5:19.01 2928.¦ 6:19.21 2939.¦
 2940. Gales Fernand                  1952 LU-Dudelange                6:19.30,3   3:16.11,7  (3456) Diplom  M55      233.     8.59 ¦  2:19.18 3067.¦ 1:30.46 2898.¦ 1:26.25 2787.¦ 1:03.00 2998.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.04 2970.¦ 5:16.30 2895.¦ 6:19.30 2940.¦
 2941. Michel Samuel                  1954 Bäretswil                   6:19.30,6   3:16.12,0  (2929) Diplom  M50      423.     8.59 ¦  2:22.14 3134.¦ 1:32.19 2948.¦ 1:25.26 2728.¦   59.30 2754.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.33 3041.¦ 5:20.00 2939.¦ 6:19.30 2941.¦
 2942. Richardson Philip              1981 GB-Malton                   6:19.35,5   3:16.16,9  (3627) Diplom  M20      857.     8.59 ¦  2:17.04 3007.¦ 1:37.24 3084.¦ 1:29.55 2935.¦   55.11 2153.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.28 3040.¦ 5:24.24 3001.¦ 6:19.35 2942.¦
 2943. Smit Thomas Maria              1964 NL-1911 LT Uitgeest         6:19.38,1   3:16.19,5  (4885) Diplom  M40      661.     8.59 ¦  2:10.52 2692.¦ 1:20.57 2412.¦ 1:35.42 3062.¦ 1:12.05 3070.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:31.49 2550.¦ 5:07.32 2779.¦ 6:19.38 2943.¦
 2944. Bader Harald                   1957 DE-Königsbach-Stein         6:19.38,6   3:16.20,0  (2977) Diplom  M50      424.     8.59 ¦  2:12.20 2793.¦ 1:34.29 3012.¦ 1:31.20 2997.¦ 1:01.28 2923.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.49 2924.¦ 5:18.10 2918.¦ 6:19.38 2944.¦
 2945. Kühl Werner                    1950 DE-Elchingen                6:19.40,3   3:16.21,7  (2876) Diplom  M55      234.     8.59 ¦  2:24.10 3177.¦ 1:34.40 3016.¦ 1:23.42 2612.¦   57.07 2409.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.51 3108.¦ 5:22.33 2982.¦ 6:19.40 2945.¦
 2946. Röthlisberger Marc-André       1955 Münsingen                   6:19.41,7   3:16.23,1  (2457) Diplom  M50      425.     8.59 ¦  2:13.15 2828.¦ 1:40.27 3140.¦ 1:25.52 2749.¦ 1:00.07 2825.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.42 3032.¦ 5:19.34 2933.¦ 6:19.41 2946.¦
 2947. Grandchamp Didier              1952 Granges-Marnand             6:19.51,3   3:16.32,7  (2732) Diplom  M55      235.     9.00 ¦  2:23.35 3172.¦ 1:32.50 2967.¦ 1:26.12 2767.¦   57.12 2422.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:56.25 3072.¦ 5:22.38 2984.¦ 6:19.51 2947.¦
 2948. Thewes Peter                   1956 DE-Bergisch Gladbach        6:19.52,3   3:16.33,7  (4201) Diplom  M50      426.     9.00 ¦  2:30.25 3256.¦ 1:27.03 2748.¦ 1:24.14 2647.¦   58.08 2552.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.29 3084.¦ 5:21.43 2967.¦ 6:19.52 2948.¦
 2949. Gehrig Roland                  1960 Steinhausen                 6:19.56,8   3:16.38,2  (3634) Diplom  M45      619.     9.00 ¦  2:25.06 3191.¦ 1:33.25 2980.¦ 1:23.26 2587.¦   57.58 2538.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.32 3102.¦ 5:21.58 2974.¦ 6:19.56 2949.¦
 2950. Glauser Alfred                 1947 Bern                        6:19.57,9   3:16.39,3   (829) Diplom  M60      112.     9.00 ¦  2:16.41 2988.¦ 1:34.05 2999.¦ 1:27.25 2836.¦ 1:01.44 2938.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.47 2990.¦ 5:18.13 2919.¦ 6:19.57 2950.¦
 2951. Zeiter Patrik                  1970 Riken AG                    6:20.01,2   3:16.42,6  (3021) Diplom  M20      858.     9.00 ¦  2:16.32 2981.¦ 1:32.34 2961.¦ 1:31.10 2992.¦   59.44 2783.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.06 2956.¦ 5:20.16 2946.¦ 6:20.01 2951.¦
 2952. Mathe Joachim                  1966 DE-Wuppertal                6:20.24,2   3:17.05,6  (2786) Diplom  M40      662.     9.00 ¦  1:49.34 1059.¦ 1:34.26 3010.¦ 1:42.04 3089.¦ 1:14.18 3073.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:24.01 2288.¦ 5:06.06 2755.¦ 6:20.24 2952.¦
 2953. Brönnimann Rolf                1968 Bern                        6:20.27,1   3:17.08,5  (3561) Diplom  M40      663.     9.00 ¦  2:16.05 2962.¦ 1:37.20 3082.¦ 1:25.45 2740.¦ 1:01.15 2907.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.26 3030.¦ 5:19.11 2930.¦ 6:20.27 2953.¦
 2954. Bolis Luciano                  1957 Camorino                    6:20.29,0   3:17.10,4  (1418) Diplom  M50      427.     9.01 ¦  1:50.46 1168.¦ 1:58.50 3183.¦ 1:30.24 2952.¦ 1:00.28 2857.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.36 2962.¦ 5:20.00 2941.¦ 6:20.29 2954.¦
 2955. Arita Ryuji                    1968 JAP-Kanagawa                6:20.31,8   3:17.13,2  (3900) Diplom  M40      664.     9.01 ¦  2:13.34 2843.¦ 1:32.10 2942.¦ 1:26.00 2758.¦ 1:08.46 3064.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.44 2894.¦ 5:11.44 2841.¦ 6:20.31 2955.¦
 2956. Kwakkenbos Paul                1963 NL-Oudewater                6:20.45,1   3:17.26,5  (2927) Diplom  M45      620.     9.01 ¦  2:24.13 3179.¦ 1:30.39 2893.¦ 1:26.09 2765.¦   59.42 2778.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.52 3048.¦ 5:21.02 2953.¦ 6:20.45 2956.¦
 2957. Beck Daniel                    1951 LI-Triesenberg              6:20.48,8   3:17.30,2  (2839) Diplom  M55      236.     9.01 ¦  2:27.33 3224.¦ 1:31.10 2916.¦ 1:24.14 2648.¦   57.50 2519.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.43 3105.¦ 5:22.58 2988.¦ 6:20.48 2957.¦
 2958. Perret Jean-Claude             1946 Attiswil                    6:20.50,6   3:17.32,0   (787) Diplom  M60      113.     9.01 ¦  2:22.43 3150.¦ 1:32.23 2955.¦ 1:25.33 2731.¦ 1:00.10 2829.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:55.06 3053.¦ 5:20.39 2948.¦ 6:20.50 2958.¦
 2959. Verweyen Jan                   1952 DE-Kalkar                   6:20.58,8   3:17.40,2  (3160) Diplom  M55      237.     9.01 ¦  2:19.01 3059.¦ 1:27.05 2752.¦ 1:30.48 2972.¦ 1:04.02 3020.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.07 2905.¦ 5:16.56 2903.¦ 6:20.58 2959.¦
 2960. Schablinski Stephan            1972 DE-Bonn                     6:20.59,0   3:17.40,4  (5266) Diplom  M20      859.     9.01 ¦  2:32.32 3270.¦ 1:26.58 2743.¦ 1:21.19 2392.¦ 1:00.08 2827.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:59.30 3114.¦ 5:20.50 2949.¦ 6:20.59 2960.¦
 2961. Gerber Andreas                 1943 Burgdorf                    6:21.05,7   3:17.47,1   (821) Diplom  M65      41.      9.01 ¦  2:20.10 3088.¦ 1:30.59 2910.¦ 1:30.35 2961.¦   59.19 2729.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.10 3000.¦ 5:21.46 2969.¦ 6:21.05 2961.¦
 2962. Aubrecht Jaroslav              1963 CZ-Dolní Bre?any            6:21.07,5   3:17.48,9  (4228) Diplom  M45      621.     9.01 ¦  2:25.21 3194.¦ 1:29.36 2858.¦ 1:26.21 2783.¦   59.48 2794.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.57 3050.¦ 5:21.19 2961.¦ 6:21.07 2962.¦
 2963. Lewis Christopher              1954 JAP-Japan                   6:21.08,8   3:17.50,2  (4680) Diplom  M50      428.     9.01 ¦  2:23.31 3169.¦ 1:34.50 3019.¦ 1:24.07 2640.¦   58.39 2628.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.22 3098.¦ 5:22.29 2981.¦ 6:21.08 2963.¦
 2964. Bobe Rudolf                    1938 DE-Altenberg                6:21.22,2   3:18.03,6  (2628) Diplom  M65      42.      9.02 ¦  2:26.56 3218.¦ 1:30.51 2904.¦ 1:24.11 2643.¦   59.23 2740.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.47 3088.¦ 5:21.58 2973.¦ 6:21.22 2964.¦
 2965. Schurte Paul                   1946 LI-Triesen                  6:21.25,3   3:18.06,7  (3329) Diplom  M60      114.     9.02 ¦  2:16.43 2990.¦ 1:32.18 2946.¦ 1:30.59 2981.¦ 1:01.25 2920.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.01 2955.¦ 5:20.00 2940.¦ 6:21.25 2965.¦
 2966. Seydoux Jean-Pierre            1947 Villaz-St-Pierre            6:21.25,4   3:18.06,8  (4468) Diplom  M60      115.     9.02 ¦  2:21.20 3111.¦ 1:31.58 2936.¦ 1:27.13 2829.¦ 1:00.53 2883.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.18 3027.¦ 5:20.32 2947.¦ 6:21.25 2966.¦
 2967. Wyssmann Christoph             1967 Wabern                      6:21.28,1   3:18.09,5  (4045) Diplom  M40      665.     9.02 ¦  2:07.14 2465.¦ 1:46.45 3174.¦ 1:25.53 2750.¦ 1:01.34 2927.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.00 3036.¦ 5:19.54 2936.¦ 6:21.28 2967.¦
 2968. Pittet Darcy                   1962 Villaraboud                 6:21.30,1   3:18.11,5   (822) Diplom  M45      622.     9.02 ¦  2:22.02 3131.¦ 1:32.48 2966.¦ 1:26.04 2761.¦ 1:00.34 2864.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.50 3047.¦ 5:20.55 2952.¦ 6:21.30 2968.¦
 2969. Gysin Peter                    1948 Unterseen                   6:21.34,1   3:18.15,5  (3457) Diplom  M60      116.     9.02 ¦  2:21.38 3121.¦ 1:33.23 2978.¦ 1:29.50 2931.¦   56.41 2342.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:55.01 3051.¦ 5:24.52 3006.¦ 6:21.34 2969.¦
 2970. Kundert Marc                   1969 Steffisburg                 6:21.35,8   3:18.17,2  (3055) Diplom  M20      860.     9.02 ¦  2:14.07 2874.¦ 1:37.30 3086.¦ 1:29.14 2910.¦ 1:00.43 2871.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.38 3004.¦ 5:20.52 2950.¦ 6:21.35 2970.¦
 2971. Gross Uwe                      1971 DE-Gummersbach              6:21.40,2   3:18.21,6  (3691) Diplom  M20      861.     9.02 ¦  2:17.02 3005.¦ 1:38.48 3114.¦ 1:27.39 2843.¦   58.09 2556.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:55.50 3065.¦ 5:23.30 2993.¦ 6:21.40 2971.¦
 2972. Daloz Rémy                     1958 Wohlen AG                   6:21.44,7   3:18.26,1  (3860) Diplom  M50      429.     9.02 ¦  2:04.39 2315.¦ 1:29.30 2852.¦ 1:48.15 3092.¦   59.19 2729.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:34.09 2625.¦ 5:22.25 2978.¦ 6:21.44 2972.¦
 2973. Gruner Samuel                  1956 Wangen a. A.                6:21.55,1   3:18.36,5  (2953) Diplom  M50      430.     9.03 ¦  2:24.15 3180.¦ 1:31.39 2926.¦ 1:28.50 2893.¦   57.09 2418.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:55.55 3067.¦ 5:24.45 3004.¦ 6:21.55 2973.¦
 2974. Cavat Bernard                  1950 Penthalaz                   6:21.56,8   3:18.38,2  (2737) Diplom  M55      238.     9.03 ¦  2:22.16 3135.¦ 1:37.24 3085.¦ 1:24.50 2690.¦   57.24 2461.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:59.41 3115.¦ 5:24.32 3003.¦ 6:21.56 2974.¦
 2975. Vontobel André                 1960 Baden                       6:22.09,4   3:18.50,8  (1762) Diplom  M45      623.     9.03 ¦  2:06.02 2392.¦ 1:39.45 3128.¦ 1:37.59 3082.¦   58.22 2586.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.47 2896.¦ 5:23.47 2996.¦ 6:22.09 2975.¦
 2976. Feuz Marcel                    1962 Gsteigwiler                 6:22.11,0   3:18.52,4   (858) Diplom  M45      624.     9.03 ¦  2:17.08 3011.¦ 1:33.50 2994.¦ 1:27.51 2848.¦ 1:03.21 3006.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.58 2996.¦ 5:18.49 2926.¦ 6:22.11 2976.¦
 2977. Hämmerli Anton                 1941 Langendorf                  6:22.25,6   3:19.07,0  (2926) Diplom  M65      43.      9.03 ¦  2:26.04 3205.¦ 1:33.12 2975.¦ 1:24.50 2689.¦   58.17 2570.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:59.17 3112.¦ 5:24.08 3000.¦ 6:22.25 2977.¦
 2978. Odermatt Urs                   1960 Luzern                      6:22.27,4   3:19.08,8   (818) Diplom  M45      625.     9.03 ¦  2:17.56 3027.¦ 1:33.41 2988.¦ 1:30.48 2971.¦ 1:00.00 2812.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:51.38 3005.¦ 5:22.26 2979.¦ 6:22.27 2978.¦
 2979. Kreuzer Martin                 1951 Wettswil                    6:22.38,7   3:19.20,1  (2266) Diplom  M55      239.     9.04 ¦  2:20.32 3097.¦ 1:33.48 2992.¦ 1:30.52 2975.¦   57.25 2462.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.21 3039.¦ 5:25.13 3008.¦ 6:22.38 2979.¦
 2980. Neuhaus Toni                   1956 Brugg AG                    6:22.41,5   3:19.22,9  (3368) Diplom  M50      431.     9.04 ¦  2:20.04 3084.¦ 1:32.59 2971.¦ 1:29.05 2904.¦ 1:00.33 2862.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:53.03 3023.¦ 5:22.08 2977.¦ 6:22.41 2980.¦
 2981. Bourgnon Pierre                1946 Basel                       6:22.42,2   3:19.23,6  (2795) Diplom  M60      117.     9.04 ¦  2:14.51 2906.¦ 1:30.34 2892.¦ 1:30.54 2976.¦ 1:06.21 3044.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:45.26 2889.¦ 5:16.20 2893.¦ 6:22.42 2981.¦
 2982. Durrer Peter                   1974 Kerns                       6:22.46,1   3:19.27,5  (1655) Diplom  M20      862.     9.04 ¦  1:58.26 1838.¦ 1:35.21 3036.¦ 1:29.29 2919.¦ 1:19.28 3074.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:33.48 2609.¦ 5:03.17 2715.¦ 6:22.46 2982.¦
 2983. Senn Jürg                      1954 Azmoos                      6:23.07,2   3:19.48,6  (5154) Diplom  M50      432.     9.04 ¦  2:22.58 3160.¦ 1:32.43 2965.¦ 1:28.43 2885.¦   58.42 2634.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:55.41 3064.¦ 5:24.25 3002.¦ 6:23.07 2983.¦
 2984. Perrollaz Peter                1958 Fraubrunnen                 6:23.09,4   3:19.50,8   (768) Diplom  M50      433.     9.04 ¦  2:13.14 2827.¦ 1:33.17 2976.¦ 1:37.00 3076.¦   59.37 2766.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:46.31 2913.¦ 5:23.31 2994.¦ 6:23.09 2984.¦
 2985. Johnson Richard                1946 Gattikon                    6:23.14,9   3:19.56,3   (865) Diplom  M60      118.     9.04 ¦  2:23.46 3174.¦ 1:28.17 2803.¦ 1:28.59 2900.¦ 1:02.11 2963.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.03 3010.¦ 5:21.03 2956.¦ 6:23.14 2985.¦
 2986. Habegger Hans                  1953 Utzigen                     6:23.15,5   3:19.56,9   (842) Diplom  M55      240.     9.04 ¦  2:31.23 3262.¦ 1:33.37 2986.¦ 1:21.34 2419.¦   56.40 2337.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:05.00 3143.¦ 5:26.35 3023.¦ 6:23.15 2986.¦
 2987. Auer Thomas                    1959 Sargans                     6:23.15,7   3:19.57,1   (866) Diplom  M45      626.     9.04 ¦  2:21.58 3129.¦ 1:35.39 3046.¦ 1:25.46 2742.¦   59.51 2798.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.38 3086.¦ 5:23.24 2992.¦ 6:23.15 2987.¦
 2988. Affa Ingo                      1964 DE-Erlangen                 6:23.16,5   3:19.57,9  (3540) Diplom  M40      666.     9.05 ¦  2:15.15 2919.¦ 1:42.10 3150.¦ 1:28.35 2878.¦   57.15 2431.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:57.25 3082.¦ 5:26.00 3017.¦ 6:23.16 2988.¦
 2989. Daetwyler Iwan                 1969 Luzern                      6:23.22,1   3:20.03,5  (4164) Diplom  M20      863.     9.05 ¦  2:15.51 2943.¦ 1:33.57 2997.¦ 1:30.05 2942.¦ 1:03.27 3008.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:49.49 2965.¦ 5:19.54 2937.¦ 6:23.22 2989.¦
 2990. Kim Donghyun                   1969 DE-Frankfurt                6:23.23,7   3:20.05,1  (4174) Diplom  M20      864.     9.05 ¦  2:26.03 3203.¦ 1:35.20 3034.¦ 1:22.41 2529.¦   59.18 2726.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:01.24 3129.¦ 5:24.05 2999.¦ 6:23.23 2990.¦
 2991. Haas Felix                     1951 Münchenstein                6:23.26,8   3:20.08,2  (4727) Diplom  M55      241.     9.05 ¦  2:19.56 3081.¦ 1:34.58 3025.¦ 1:29.05 2905.¦   59.26 2745.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.55 3049.¦ 5:24.00 2998.¦ 6:23.26 2991.¦
 2992. Tobita Hisayoshi               1952 JAP                         6:23.33,3   3:20.14,7  (5122) Diplom  M55      242.     9.05 ¦  2:07.51 2511.¦ 1:43.03 3156.¦ 1:31.09 2991.¦ 1:01.28 2923.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:50.55 2994.¦ 5:22.04 2975.¦ 6:23.33 2992.¦
 2993. Zaugg Bruno                    1956 Nidau                       6:23.40,9   3:20.22,3  (2988) Diplom  M50      434.     9.05 ¦  2:21.07 3110.¦ 1:33.41 2989.¦ 1:29.06 2907.¦   59.45 2788.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:54.48 3045.¦ 5:23.55 2997.¦ 6:23.40 2993.¦
 2994. Fallet Eric                    1951 Boécourt                    6:23.41,4   3:20.22,8  (2284) Diplom  M55      243.     9.05 ¦  2:31.58 3268.¦ 1:30.21 2885.¦ 1:22.53 2541.¦   58.27 2597.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:02.19 3132.¦ 5:25.13 3009.¦ 6:23.41 2994.¦
 2995. Veraguth Christian             1964 Waltensburg/Vuorz           6:23.45,4   3:20.26,8  (2994) Diplom  M40      667.     9.05 ¦  2:18.58 3057.¦ 1:36.21 3066.¦ 1:26.13 2771.¦ 1:02.12 2965.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:55.19 3058.¦ 5:21.33 2965.¦ 6:23.45 2995.¦
 2996. Schmalenberg Renè              1982 Mürren                      6:23.46,6   3:20.28,0  (2983) Diplom  M20      865.     9.05 ¦  2:23.22 3166.¦ 1:35.09 3030.¦ 1:28.09 2860.¦   57.05 2404.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.31 3100.¦ 5:26.41 3025.¦ 6:23.46 2996.¦
 2997. Dörig Hans                     1945 Illnau                      6:23.50,4   3:20.31,8   (873) Diplom  M60      119.     9.05 ¦  2:13.05 2822.¦ 1:39.02 3117.¦ 1:29.35 2922.¦ 1:02.07 2959.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:52.08 3011.¦ 5:21.43 2966.¦ 6:23.50 2997.¦
 2998. Schrulle Berthold              1950 DE-Murnau                   6:23.56,3   3:20.37,7  (1504) Diplom  M55      244.     9.05 ¦  2:22.36 3145.¦ 1:35.39 3044.¦ 1:24.43 2677.¦ 1:00.57 2887.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:58.15 3096.¦ 5:22.59 2989.¦ 6:23.56 2998.¦
 2999. Monti Di Sopra Pascal          1968 US-Fort Colins - CO         6:23.58,7   3:20.40,1  (2500) Diplom  M40      668.     9.06 ¦  1:57.07 1701.¦ 1:33.44 2990.¦ 1:57.08 3093.¦   55.57 2246.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 3:30.52 2516.¦ 5:28.01 3042.¦ 6:23.58 2999.¦
 3000. Altermatt Josef                1963 Arch                        6:24.05,4   3:20.46,8  (5004) Diplom  M45      627.     9.06 ¦  2:22.20 3138.¦ 1:39.58 3133.¦ 1:24.56 2697.¦   56.49 2357.¦
                                                                                                                                    ¦               ¦ 4:02.18 3131.¦ 5:27.15 3033.¦ 6:24.05 3000.¦


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