4. Swiss Snow Walking Event, Arosa 2008 - St. Gallen (Schweiz)

aktueller Stand von 15.01.2008 14:37:24
Kategorie  Rang Name/Ort                            Jg   Team/Ortschaft                   Zeit   Rückstand    Stnr         
NW11       ---  Abegg Katja, St. Gallen             1980 NW Winkeln                  1:46.06,3       -----  (3173) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Abegg Ursula, St. Gallen            1954 NW Winkeln                  1:44.32,3       -----  (3174) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Aebi Marlis                         1948 Lienz                       1:06.07,0       -----  (9031) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Amstutz Rosmarie                    1945 St. Gallen                  4:20.44,7       -----  (2127) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Baldinger Ursula                    1954 St. Gallen                  3:59.02,4       -----  (2004) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Ballmann Doris, St. Gallen          1958 NW Winkeln                  1:58.44,5       -----  (4193) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Ballmann Elisabeth, St. Gallen      1962 NW Winkeln                  1:54.26,4       -----  (4194) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bannwart Arlette                    1968 Berneck                     2:12.15,4       -----  (3239) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Baer Detlef, St. Gallen             1939 NW Winkeln                  2:08.11,7       -----  (4199) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Baer Gretel, St. Gallen             1937 NW Winkeln                  2:04.58,6       -----  (4192) Diplom  
W6         ---  Baumann Andrea-Cornelia             1970 Rorschacherberg             1:10.49,8       -----  (8009) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Baumann Carola                      1972 Haag (Rheintal)             2:05.56,5       -----  (6105) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Baumberger Lotti, Flawil            1943 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      1:54.12,0       ----- (10045) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Baumeler Manuela                    1963 Rorschach                   2:24.21,0       -----  (6029) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Baumgartner Erna                    1958 Widnau                      1:54.27,2       -----  (4026) Diplom  
NW17       OUT  Beggiato-Eggler Kathrin             1972 Sevelen                     1:53.49,8   aus.Konk.  (1012)         
NW17       ---  Belser Sandra, Flawil               1972 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      3:38.23,7       -----  (1013) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Benz Hedi                           1953 St. Gallen                  1:32.57,4       -----  (9125) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Berger Christine                    1972 Abtwil SG                   1:57.27,5       -----  (7044) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Berger Hanspeter                    1959 Buchs SG                    3:34.35,0       -----  (1014) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Berger Renate                       1960 Buchs SG                    2:01.44,1       -----  (4118) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Bernold Manuela                     1969 Walenstadt                  3:26.04,2       -----  (2007) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Billinger Esther                    1963 Lienz                       3:18.50,5       -----  (2008) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Bischof Ursula                      1956 Grub SG                     1:07.30,1       -----  (9040) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bislin Gämperli Anita               1960 Sargans                     2:01.57,1       -----  (6196) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bislin Marlies                      1958 Mels                        2:03.29,0       -----  (3207) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Blattner Margrit                    1952 Buchs SG                    1:24.35,0       -----  (9146) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bolliger Marlis, Gossau SG          1959 NW Winkeln                  1:58.34,5       -----  (4198) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bösch Nutchanat                     1961 Bütschwil                   2:19.17,7       -----  (3017) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Brändle Vreni, Uzwil                1960 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      3:38.22,5       -----  (1021) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Brauchli Martina                    1972 Sargans                     2:26.48,0       -----  (2012) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Breitenmoser Regula                 1966 Muolen                      2:06.04,1       -----  (7024) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Britt Linda                         1953 Weisstannen                 1:57.24,9       -----  (7056) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Brocchetto Anna-Rosa, Flawil        1967 NW Treff Flawil             2:02.26,2       -----  (4016) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Brocchetto Luigi, Flawil            1966 NW Treff Flawil             2:53.13,6       -----  (1022) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Brückner Alexandra                  1980 Valens                      1:57.08,9       -----  (7015) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bruderer Mägi                       1954 Gossau SG                   1:57.30,7       -----  (3221) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bruderer Vreni                      1949 Sennwald                    2:00.02,8       -----  (4225) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Brülisauer Maja                     1968 Untereggen                  3:23.54,1       -----  (1025) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Bucher Priska                       1938 Widnau                      1:24.43,7       -----  (9110) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Burri-Stalder Nelly                 1968 Gossau SG                   4:05.15,7       -----  (1027) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Capaul Alexandra                    1973 Rheineck                    2:29.44,3       -----  (6028) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Cavegn Madeleine                    1963 Wil SG                      2:09.03,4       -----  (4169) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Cina Litterio                       1947 Marbach SG                  2:03.20,9       -----  (4177) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Contaldi Luzia, Flawil              ???? NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   1:12.14,8       ----- (10063) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Deiss Angela, Marbach SG            1960 Trix Walkingteam            3:25.29,2       -----  (1034) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Diener Agathe                       1933 St. Gallen                  1:25.35,9       -----  (9129) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Dietsche Rosmarie, Oberriet SG      1945 Bewegen.Mit Spass &Jacque   1:20.49,4       -----  (9035) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Diezi Brigitte                      1962 Arnegg                      3:47.44,9       -----  (2022) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Disch Fritz                         1947 Jona                        2:05.44,4       -----  (7088) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Disch Margrith                      1947 Jona                        2:11.29,3       -----  (7087) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Dorn Jeannette                      1967 Wangs                       1:56.30,2       -----  (4163) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Dürr Jrene                          1961 Gams                        1:13.23,7       ----- (10066) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Ebneter Claudia                     1965 Muolen                      2:06.05,4       -----  (7022) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Edelmann Catia                      1971 Gossau SG                   4:05.18,1       -----  (1041) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Egeter Lydia                        1961 Lienz                       1:52.35,6       -----  (3041) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Eggenberger Manuela                 1973 Werdenberg                  1:14.51,4       -----  (9076) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Egger Barbara                       1971 Widnau                      2:05.10,7       -----  (5154) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Eichenberger Elisabeth              1955 Altstätten SG               2:11.04,9       -----  (5227) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Eilinger Rita                       1954 Häggenschwil                1:16.15,7       -----  (9084) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Eisenring Claudia                   1964 Niederuzwil                 2:03.33,1       -----  (5030) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Engesser Gisela                     1956 Gossau SG                   3:24.24,8       -----  (1043) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Eppisser André                      1950 Sennwald                    2:16.39,8       -----  (5080) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Erb Martin                          1969 Grabs                       2:23.15,8       -----  (5254) Diplom  
W6         ---  Erne Alex                           1999 Algetshausen                1:30.50,7       -----  (8020) Diplom  
W6         ---  Erne Burkhard                       1961 Algetshausen                1:30.48,0       -----  (8021) Diplom  
W6         ---  Erne Rita                           1963 Algetshausen                1:30.51,3       -----  (8022) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Erni Lisa                           1965 Zuckenriet                  1:06.52,2       -----  (9024) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Fantozzi Barbara                    1960 Jona                        1:22.50,7       -----  (9124) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Feurer Simone                       1953 Mörschwil                   2:36.40,2       -----  (7060) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Fischbacher Bernadette              1963 Mosnang                       57.02,1       -----  (9112) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Fischer Lilia                       1974 Zuckenriet                  1:13.18,5       -----  (9043) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Fischli Margreth                    1958 Haag (Rheintal)             2:01.32,3       -----  (4102) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Fleischmann Alice, St. Gallen       1947 NW Winkeln                  2:05.00,7       -----  (4191) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Flepp Marlis                        1973 Altstätten SG               2:45.09,4       -----  (7038) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Forrer Nadine                       1980 St. Gallen                  1:33.01,2       -----  (9127) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Frei Anita                          1952 Degersheim                  1:57.53,0       -----  (7049) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Frei Ida                            1940 Widnau                      1:24.45,6       -----  (9087) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Frei Rosmarie, Altstätten SG        1946 Trix Walkingteam            3:48.13,1       -----  (1050) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Friemel Cäcilia                     1951 St. Gallen                  1:55.31,2       -----  (3220) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Friemel Gabriela                    1972 Gossau SG                   1:51.42,2       -----  (3217) Diplom  
NW17       OUT  Frommer Susan                       1970 Sevelen                     1:47.58,1   aus.Konk.  (2134)         
NW11       ---  Furgler Christine                   1974 Bad Ragaz                   2:00.29,6       -----  (5167) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Gabathuler Silvia                   1962 Rheineck                    2:29.43,0       -----  (6030) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Gahlinger Ruth                      1958 Zuckenriet                  1:08.13,8       -----  (9018) Diplom  
W6         ---  Gallucci Alberto                    1973 Rorschacherberg             1:10.51,1       -----  (8023) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Gämperle Franziska, Züberwangen     1969 DR STV Wil                  1:59.56,3       -----  (6144) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Gebert Katharina                    2000 Wittenbach                  2:26.10,5       -----  (5095) Diplom  
W6         ---  Giger Bürli Eveline                 1977 Wagen                       1:10.04,9       -----  (8024) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Giger Eliane                        1961 Gossau SG                   2:04.46,9       -----  (5198) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Giger Ivo                           1958 Gossau SG                   2:03.49,2       -----  (5092) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Good Agnes                          1964 Heiligkreuz (Mels)          2:03.30,2       -----  (3205) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Good Regula                         1968 Heiligkreuz (Mels)          1:53.22,0       -----  (3208) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Graf Eva                            1963 St. Gallen                  2:07.16,2       -----  (4135) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Graf Margrit                        1960 Gossau SG                   3:05.52,3       -----  (1055) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Grella Edith                        1939 Wil SG                      2:45.13,6       -----  (7032) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Grob Franz                          1969 Walenstadt                  3:23.59,6       -----  (2033) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Grob Hans-Jürg, Buchs SG            1960 the rhinevalley four        2:23.17,4       -----  (5136) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Grogg Denise                        1955 Wittenbach                  1:57.02,6       -----  (4183) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Grosso Claudia                      1969 Bazenheid                   2:19.16,9       -----  (3019) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Gstöttner Robert                    1960 St. Gallen                  3:06.27,9       -----  (2034) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Guarisco Kurt                       1943 Heerbrugg                   1:53.02,0       -----  (4243) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Guglielmo Eveline                   1963 Jona                        1:22.48,7       -----  (9123) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Gürtler Astrid                      1978 Rapperswil SG               2:32.29,6       -----  (6172) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Häberli Elisabeth                   1941 St. Gallen                  2:14.37,9       -----  (7073) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hagen Alice, Flawil                 1950 NW Treff Flawil             2:02.28,6       -----  (4028) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hainzl Renate, St. Gallen           1947 NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   1:12.23,4       ----- (10061) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Haller Dora                         1959 Wittenbach                  3:13.40,2       -----  (1059) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Haller Walter                       1955 Wittenbach                  3:02.04,1       -----  (1060) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Halter Silvia, Marbach SG           1967 Trix Walkingteam            2:52.38,4       -----  (1061) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hasler Mägi                         1956 Altstätten SG               2:07.53,9       -----  (5250) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Haug Susann                         1964 Grabs                       1:11.00,0       -----  (9028) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heeb Cornelia                       1962 Rüthi (Rheintal)            2:04.17,2       -----  (4181) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Heeb Vrena                          1948 Lienz                       1:04.27,5       -----  (9014) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hefti Barbara                       1967 Wil SG                      2:43.52,0       -----  (7009) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hegglin Anita, Marbach SG           1967 Trix Walkingteam            2:51.25,9       -----  (1063) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heim Eliana, Flawil                 1958 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      2:12.49,4       -----  (3188) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Helg Erika                          1954 Uzwil                       3:38.53,1       -----  (2038) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hengartner Maria                    1958 St. Gallen                  1:59.43,5       -----  (7045) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hess Irène                          1970 Steinach                    1:58.41,5       -----  (4218) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heuberger Thomas                    1952 Mörschwil                   2:16.09,7       -----  (3093) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hinz Bernhard                       1951 Widnau                      3:18.54,1       -----  (1066) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hobi Susan                          1958 Mels                        1:59.42,7       -----  (5069) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hochstrasser Heidi                  1958 Sargans                     3:05.26,3       -----  (1067) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Högger Beatrice, Altstätten SG      1964 Bewegen.Mit Spass &Jacque   1:56.53,5       -----  (5042) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hollauf Tanja                       1979 Abtwil SG                   1:13.09,4       ----- (10054) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hörler Anita                        1948 St. Gallen                  2:24.48,2       -----  (4212) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hörler Käthi, Flawil                1959 NW Treff Flawil             3:08.46,4       -----  (1069) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hörler Wisi                         1948 St. Gallen                  2:04.23,9       -----  (4211) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Horne Marianne                      1957 Azmoos                      1:20.32,8       -----  (9096) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hug Romeo                           1960 Buchs SG                    1:42.46,3       -----  (3079) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hug Tsering                         1964 Walenstadt                  3:24.49,6       -----  (2041) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Huser Silvia                        1961 Gossau SG                   1:53.12,6       -----  (4017) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hutter Kurt                         1959 Diepoldsau                  4:08.10,4       -----  (1070) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Inhelder Marlene                    1965 Tübach                      2:03.02,4       -----  (4051) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Isenring Pia                        1952 Bazenheid                   2:19.19,3       -----  (3018) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Jäger Doris                         1973 Widnau                      2:05.05,9       -----  (5147) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Jäger Trudi                         1956 Züberwangen                 1:55.36,9       -----  (3259) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Jakschik Annette                    1961 Rebstein                    1:54.28,2       -----  (4024) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Jung Brigitte, Oberbüren            1943 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      2:13.17,3       -----  (3190) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Kaiser Stefan                       1951 St. Gallen                  3:35.09,1       -----  (2049) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Kaltbrunner Rosmarie                1950 Wittenbach                  1:59.20,7       -----  (4156) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Kashi Jacqueline                    1962 Benken SG                   1:54.30,2       -----  (4066) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Keller Daniela                      1972 Rüthi (Rheintal)            2:12.47,0       -----  (5162) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Keller Doris                        1962 Marbach SG                  2:13.21,6       -----  (4176) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Keller Heidi                        ???? Mörschwil                   3:23.20,6       -----  (2052) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Keller Marianne                     1967 Buchs SG                    2:01.12,6       -----  (4178) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Keller Marlies, Bazenheid           1959 Gruppe Messerli             4:16.10,2       -----  (2053) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Kempter Brigitte, St. Gallen        1959 W-Gruppe LC Brühl St.Gall   2:20.50,1       -----  (6051) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Kempter Elfriede                    1955 Züberwangen                 1:58.46,6       -----  (3080) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Kistler Fina                        1949 Gossau SG                   1:07.29,2       -----  (9116) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Kläger Rosmarie                     1972 Müselbach                   3:23.55,3       -----  (1078) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Kluser Ralph                        1975 Haag (Rheintal)             2:20.59,3       -----  (6097) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Knellwolf Marianne, Flawil          1950 NW Treff Flawil             3:08.47,3       -----  (1079) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Knellwolf Walter, Flawil            1946 NW Treff Flawil             3:08.48,7       -----  (1080) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Koller Claudia                      1964 St. Gallen                  2:25.03,1       -----  (4215) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Koller Daniel                       1961 St. Gallen                  1:32.59,3       -----  (9131) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Koller Daniela                      1964 Gossau SG                   1:53.49,9       -----  (3219) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Koller Karl                         1954 St. Gallen                  1:56.58,9       -----  (4208) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Koller Susi                         1965 Wittenbach                  1:54.09,9       -----  (4258) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Kramer Ruth                         1957 Wil SG                      1:10.28,8       ----- (10119) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Kreis Judith                        1954 Goldach                     2:02.35,9       -----  (4057) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Kressig Sabina                      1968 Vättis                      3:35.32,9       -----  (2058) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Kurath Petra                        1974 Eggersriet                  2:12.18,9       -----  (6219) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Lampert Carmela                     1965 Mels                        1:57.58,0       -----  (5111) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Lampugnani Anita                    1948 Kronbühl                    3:59.01,2       -----  (2063) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Landweer Maria                      1953 Oberriet SG                 2:34.23,3       -----  (4056) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Langenegger Stefan, Altstätten SG   1960 Trix Walkingteam            3:25.29,9       -----  (1083) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Langenegger Trix, Altstätten SG     1963 Trix Walkingteam            3:48.14,8       -----  (1084) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Lanter Anka                         1953 Oberriet SG                 2:34.24,8       -----  (4079) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Latanzio Ruth                       1953 Gossau SG                   1:57.31,9       -----  (3206) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Laub Marion                         1972 Rheineck                    4:20.40,4       -----  (2064) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Lenherr Kathrin                     1965 Mühlrüti                    1:56.37,7       -----  (4049) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Lenherr Margrith                    1948 Buchs SG                    1:57.32,4       -----  (4069) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Lieberherr Monica                   1959 Gossau SG                   2:52.55,2       -----  (1088) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Liechti Barbara                     1955 Muolen                      2:04.36,0       -----  (3098) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Liechti Erika                       1944 Gossau SG                   3:34.33,1       -----  (2065) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Locher Angelika                     1963 Bad Ragaz                   1:43.59,7       -----  (4009) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Locher Daniel                       1969 Abtwil SG                   1:47.49,9       -----  (4152) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Locher Jeanette                     1970 Abtwil SG                   1:54.20,4       -----  (4119) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Loher Jolanda, Lienz                1963 Bewegen.Mit Spass &Jacque   1:49.09,3       -----  (3035) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Lombriser Liliana, Flawil           1931 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      1:54.13,9       ----- (10044) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Loser Judith, Züberwangen           1966 DR STV Wil                  1:57.59,8       -----  (6147) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Lütscher Christina                  1951 Azmoos                      1:59.10,9       -----  (5049) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Maag Corinne                        1982 Gossau SG                   2:24.33,4       -----  (6154) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Maag Monika                         1958 Abtwil SG                   2:24.00,2       -----  (6204) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Machleidt Esther                    1951 Au SG                       2:06.52,2       -----  (4001) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Maggi Nadia                         1973 Steinach                    1:58.43,1       -----  (4219) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Mannhart Ellen                      1972 Walenstadt                  3:33.01,9       -----  (2066) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Manzoni Urs                         1966 Berneck                     1:55.36,0       -----  (3240) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Marty Erika                         1962 Grabs                       1:06.05,7       -----  (9027) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Mathis Silvia                       1961 Mels                        1:51.11,5       -----  (5076) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Meier Brigitte                      1971 Haag (Rheintal)             2:05.55,5       -----  (6107) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Meier Reinhard                      ???? Walenstadt                  2:07.19,4       -----  (7027) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Meier-Uffer Claudia                 1972 Gossau SG                   1:57.10,0       -----  (4234) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Menet Claudia                       1961 Sargans                     2:01.58,5       -----  (6194) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Meyer-Böhm Maja                     1956 Mogelsberg                  1:55.04,6       -----  (4164) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Meyer Kurt                          1953 Buchs SG                    3:34.32,8       -----  (1097) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Meyer Martha                        1960 Buchs SG                    2:01.13,4       -----  (4088) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Moosbrugger Delia                   1940 St. Gallen                  1:24.06,3       -----  (9039) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Möri Linda                          1962 St. Gallen                  3:59.00,2       -----  (2072) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Müller Doris                        1967 Buchs SG                    2:01.10,8       -----  (4120) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Müller Maria                        1938 Sevelen                     1:20.43,7       -----  (9095) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Müller Regula                       1976 Zuzwil SG                   2:24.34,7       -----  (6155) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Odermatt Irmgard                    1969 Mühlrüti                    1:56.38,9       -----  (4174) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Ortmann Manuela                     1966 St. Gallen                  1:10.51,5       ----- (10055) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Paul Erika                          1972 Buchs SG                    1:10.29,3       -----  (9044) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Perot Bruna                         1942 St. Gallen                  1:27.06,2       -----  (9130) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Pfändler Marianne                   1953 Rorschach                   2:24.26,5       -----  (6027) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Plompen Karin                       1968 Goldach                     1:54.32,9       -----  (4188) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Raschle Franz                       1958 Waldkirch                   3:47.46,3       -----  (2078) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Reith Ursula                        1935 Sevelen                     2:26.19,1       -----  (4087) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rettenmund Gabriela, Buchs SG       1970 the rhinevalley four        2:23.18,8       -----  (5180) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rhiner Katja                        1972 Sax                         1:53.23,4       -----  (4222) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Riedi Magdalena                     1969 Diepoldsau                  4:08.13,5       -----  (1114) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Rieser Annemarie                    1962 Kronbühl                    3:07.31,7       -----  (1115) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Rieser Marcel                       1960 Kronbühl                    2:33.14,4       -----  (1116) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rodighiero Jacqueline, Lüchingen    1958 Bewegen.Mit Spass &Jacque   1:56.30,8       -----  (5037) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Rohner Elisabeth                    1948 Balgach                     4:16.09,1       -----  (2083) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rohner-Nufer Sandra                 1975 Gossau SG                   1:49.05,6       -----  (3257) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rohrer-Grass Simona                 1973 Gossau SG                   1:57.08,8       -----  (4236) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Romer Daniela, Bad Ragaz            1971 Bewegen.Mit Spass &Jacque   2:16.42,3       -----  (5040) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Roos Brigitte                       1963 Bazenheid                   3:24.25,0       -----  (2085) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Roth Heidi                          1965 Grabs                       2:09.33,7       -----  (6082) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rothmund Manuel                     1985 Bad Ragaz                   1:33.30,6       -----  (3276) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Ruckstuhl Agnes                     1961 Uzwil                       2:37.46,3       -----  (4213) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Ruckstuhl Bruno                     1956 Uzwil                       2:37.44,8       -----  (4207) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rüdisühli Marianne, St. Gallen      1960 NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   2:14.23,2       -----  (6049) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Ruf Andrea                          1969 St. Gallen                  4:31.19,6       -----  (2086) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Ruf Claudia                         1968 Goldach                     4:31.20,7       -----  (2087) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rüfenacht Marianne                  1963 Muolen                      2:07.56,0       -----  (6085) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Rupf Edith                          1948 Haag (Rheintal)             1:06.08,8       -----  (9047) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rupf Kurt                           1952 Walenstadt                  1:39.40,5       -----  (7057) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Rupf Max                            1942 Haag (Rheintal)               50.31,1       -----  (9049) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rupf Pia                            1955 Walenstadt                  1:54.56,3       -----  (7055) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Rusch Elvira                        1955 Andwil SG                   1:05.14,5       -----  (9121) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Rusch Max                           1950 Andwil SG                   1:05.15,9       -----  (9122) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rutz Helen                          1960 Gossau SG                   1:50.28,7       -----  (7059) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rutz Markus                         1955 Gossau SG                   1:50.27,5       -----  (7031) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Salina Silvia, Abtwil SG            ???? NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   3:35.06,6       -----  (1120) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schefer Bruno                       ???? St. Gallen                  2:26.15,8       -----  (6141) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Scheiwiler Madeleine                1962 Gossau SG                   1:58.45,9       -----  (4029) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Scherrer Maria                      1964 Gossau SG                   1:57.33,0       -----  (3237) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Scherrer Silvia                     1972 St. Gallen                  3:04.11,5       -----  (1123) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schiesser Alice, Abtwil SG          1955 W-Gruppe LC Brühl St.Gall   2:20.35,6       -----  (6053) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schläpfer Conny                     1957 Muolen                      1:52.46,8       -----  (3097) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Schmid Tanja, Flawil                1975 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      1:15.58,0       ----- (10033) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schmid Ursi, St. Gallen             1955 W-Gruppe LC Brühl St.Gall   2:20.36,6       -----  (6050) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Schmidlin Angela                    1949 St. Gallen                  4:07.57,8       -----  (2093) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schneider Peter                     1962 Oberuzwil                   2:03.31,4       -----  (5027) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schnider Denise                     1983 Sargans                     2:20.52,9       -----  (5139) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schönenberger Claudia, Zuzwil SG    1967 DR STV Wil                  1:59.20,1       -----  (6145) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Schuler Heidi                       1963 Benken SG                   1:01.11,4       -----  (9070) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schumacher Annemarie                1960 Wangs                       1:50.30,8       -----  (4161) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schürer Tilly                       1953 Wil SG                      1:45.44,0       -----  (3078) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Sieber Marcel                       1971 Au SG                       2:13.22,6       -----  (6170) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Sieber Ursula                       1971 Au SG                       2:13.21,7       -----  (6168) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Sieber-Wüst Ruth                    1958 Widnau                      3:22.10,3       -----  (1131) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Signer Ruth                         1951 Wittenbach                  4:07.58,7       -----  (2098) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Siller Rebecca                      1976 Bernhardzell                2:03.59,6       -----  (7071) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Singenberger Mägi, Flawil           1953 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      1:15.57,1       ----- (10038) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Singer Käthi                        1957 Buchs SG                    1:59.57,7       -----  (4124) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Sommerau Yvonne                     1959 Wil SG                      1:54.11,7       -----  (4133) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Sonderegger Elisabeth               1953 Lüchingen                   2:07.52,7       -----  (5239) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Sonderegger Niklaus                 1956 Au                          1:26.57,6       -----  (3008) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Spiess Heidi                        1953 St. Gallen                  1:54.32,4       -----  (3171) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Spirig Peter                        1970 Staad SG                    2:35.53,7       -----  (6167) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Stäbler Jeannette, St. Gallen       1962 NW Winkeln                  1:27.43,6       -----  (9065) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Städler Claudia                     1955 Altstätten SG               2:11.03,8       -----  (5246) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Stankovic Djuka                     1965 Azmoos                      2:10.20,2       -----  (6062) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Steinbacher Margrit                 1965 Vättis                      3:31.12,5       -----  (2105) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Stoessel Verena                     1948 Weesen                      2:04.10,7       -----  (6081) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Strassel Silvia                     1944 St. Gallen                  1:32.58,3       -----  (9133) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Studer Bernhard, St. Gallen         1964 NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   1:12.24,8       ----- (10060) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Studer Bruno                        1963 Nesslau                     1:05.44,8       -----  (9019) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Studer Gabriela, St. Gallen         1966 NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   1:12.41,5       ----- (10062) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Studer Thomas, St. Gallen           1957 NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   3:35.07,7       -----  (1140) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Stupan Sibylle, St. Gallen          1971 NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   2:04.20,2       -----  (6048) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Sturzenegger Hans, St. Gallen       1943 NW Winkeln                  2:08.39,5       -----  (4196) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Sturzenegger Vreni, St. Gallen      1945 NW Winkeln                  1:58.33,3       -----  (4195) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Tanner Marianne                     1956 Gossau SG                   2:20.32,6       -----  (5101) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Telic Jela                          1960 Trübbach                    2:10.45,8       -----  (6064) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Thoma Ella                          1948 Buchs SG                    1:59.58,7       -----  (4129) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Thomann Daniela                     1963 Niederuzwil                 2:22.31,5       -----  (5169) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Thomann René                        1960 Niederuzwil                 2:22.33,2       -----  (5168) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Thürlemann Angela                   1973 Andwil SG                   1:59.10,5       -----  (4020) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Thürlemann Astrid, Flawil           1961 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      1:15.56,1       ----- (10040) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Thurnherr Simone, Oberriet SG       1977 Bewegen.Mit Spass &Jacque   2:35.24,3       -----  (5036) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Tobler Martha                       1946 Gossau SG                   3:35.54,7       -----  (2110) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Vetsch Ernst                        1940 St. Gallen                  2:02.32,0       -----  (4206) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Vetsch Nelly                        1972 Sax                         1:53.25,2       -----  (4220) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Vetsch Sandra                       1972 Buchs SG                    1:56.08,5       -----  (3006) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Vils Andrea                         1970 Vilters                     3:34.08,8       -----  (1146) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Vinzens Renate, Buchs SG            1952 Bewegen.Mit Spass &Jacque   2:16.41,0       -----  (5038) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Vogel Heinz, Flawil                 1944 NW Treff Flawil             3:45.38,2       -----  (1148) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Vogel Margrith, Flawil              1945 NW Treff Flawil             2:02.27,4       -----  (4025) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Walker Sandra                       1973 Fontnas                     2:12.48,2       -----  (5151) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Walser Claudia                      1968 Walenstadt                  3:33.00,6       -----  (2116) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Weber Hansueli                      1946 Degersheim                  1:50.59,4       -----  (7058) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Weber Rösli                         1948 Degersheim                  2:03.32,7       -----  (4185) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Wegner Susanne                      1965 Buchs SG                    2:16.43,2       -----  (7014) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Weibel Felicitas                    1964 Gossau SG                   1:59.09,1       -----  (4019) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Wick Rösli                          1943 St. Gallen                  1:25.34,7       -----  (9132) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Wider Daniel                        ???? Bächli (Hemberg)            2:26.13,1       -----  (6140) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Wieland Katharina                   1966 Sevelen                     2:01.43,0       -----  (4138) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Wieland Pius                        1962 Sevelen                     3:34.36,7       -----  (1153) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Wielander Claudia                   1963 St. Gallen                  1:54.29,4       -----  (4004) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Wilfinger Alex                      1946 Walenstadt                  1:30.10,0       -----  (3016) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Willi Esther                        1968 Mels                        1:56.07,2       -----  (4096) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Willi Karin                         1969 Mels                        1:57.59,1       -----  (5131) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Willi Ursi                          1964 Sargans                     1:54.41,2       -----  (5112) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Wüst Marlen                         1969 Vilters                     3:28.09,8       -----  (2122) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Wüst Renate                         1951 Haag (Rheintal)             2:01.31,0       -----  (4116) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zäch Hedi                           1954 Buchs SG                    1:57.31,4       -----  (4125) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zaugg Anita                         1951 Heerbrugg                   1:55.35,0       -----  (3210) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zehnder Bea                         ???? St. Gallen                  2:26.14,3       -----  (6135) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zimmermann Marianne                 1963 Häggenschwil                1:54.09,3       -----  (4139) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Zimmermann Susanne                  1964 Vättis                      3:31.11,1       -----  (2124) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zogg Hans                           1960 Haag (Rheintal)             2:20.58,3       -----  (6098) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Züllig Brigitte, St. Gallen         1953 W-Gruppe LC Brühl St.Gall   2:20.50,9       -----  (6052) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zünd Gisela                         1944 Balgach                     2:00.57,8       -----  (3140) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zuercher Elizabeth                  1945 St. Gallen                  2:18.58,0       -----  (7008) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zwicker Adriana                     1955 Tübach                      2:29.37,6       -----  (7028) Diplom  

Total 323


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