4. Swiss Snow Walking Event, Arosa 2008 - Bern (Schweiz)

aktueller Stand von 15.01.2008 14:37:24
Kategorie  Rang Name/Ort                            Jg   Team/Ortschaft                   Zeit   Rückstand    Stnr         
NW17       ---  Bärtschi Gaby                       1964 Wolfisberg                  3:28.16,8       -----  (1008) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Berger Margrit                      1949 Burgdorf                    2:10.55,8       -----  (6187) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bienz Cornelia                      1979 Neuenegg                    1:53.04,6       -----  (4151) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bracher Käthi                       1947 Madiswil                    2:00.04,1       -----  (4063) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Bumann Liliane                      1960 Safnern                     1:55.37,0       -----  (5175) Diplom  
W6         ---  Burri Markus, Ostermundigen         1960 Jogging Club Bern             49.09,5       -----  (8012) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Caruso Therese                      1954 Worb                        2:10.54,9       -----  (6075) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Corminboeuf Ruth                    1952 Bern                        2:50.04,6       -----  (4062) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Fankhauser Madlene                  1967 Sigriswil                   1:55.28,6       -----  (6199) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Fankhauser Monika                   1977 Signau                      2:25.24,4       -----  (6158) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Frey Therese                        1958 Steffisburg                 2:02.37,1       -----  (4184) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Gempeler Markus                     1959 Oberwil b. Büren            3:18.20,8       -----  (1052) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Gempeler Ruth                       1960 Oberwil b. Büren            3:37.51,5       -----  (1053) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Glutz Benno                         1962 Niederbipp                  3:22.23,0       -----  (1159) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Grau Gaby                           1956 Rizenbach                   2:07.59,6       -----  (5055) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Gretener Urs                        1966 Unterseen                   2:49.57,8       -----  (1162) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Gysin Urs P.                        1939 Spiegel b. Bern             1:44.57,6       -----  (3116) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Huber Kathrin                       1953 Roggwil BE                  1:57.26,1       -----  (7099) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Huber Urs                           1953 Roggwil BE                  2:01.10,3       -----  (7098) Diplom  
W6         ---  Jampen Jürg                         1959 Müntschemier                1:09.19,9       -----  (8033) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Jiskra Marianne                     1956 Magglingen/Macolin          1:54.55,8       -----  (3181) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Jossi Beatrice                      1969 Ostermundigen               2:02.04,5       -----  (4142) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Käser Elisabeth                     1951 Münsingen                   2:08.57,4       -----  (6046) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Kislig Ursula                       1958 Scharnachtal                2:02.38,2       -----  (4186) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Läng Victor                         1954 Kirchlindach                2:02.10,9       -----  (7050) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Leuenberger Sandra                  1971 Madiswil                    1:56.35,5       -----  (4158) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Lüthi Kurt-W., Bern                 1950 Jogging Club Bern           1:47.01,9       -----  (3100) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Malinverno Antonio                  1957 Kirchlindach                2:02.40,1       -----  (3152) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Mardon Marie-France                 1954 Lyss                        1:15.32,0       -----  (9046) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Minod silvia                        1958 Detligen                    1:57.34,3       -----  (3251) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Mühlethaler Jasmin                  1977 Langenthal                  2:03.57,7       -----  (6067) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Mühlethaler Marianne                1948 Langenthal                  2:23.08,9       -----  (6071) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Mühlethaler Ulrich                  1948 Langenthal                  2:03.56,5       -----  (6079) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Neuenschwander Eric                 1962 Detligen                    1:54.38,3       -----  (3250) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Niederhauser Susy                   1959 Gals                        3:43.31,0       -----  (1103) Diplom  
W6         ---  Niklaus Peter                       1968 Müntschemier                1:09.19,3       -----  (8045) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Odermatt Wendel                     1957 Reichenbach im Kandertal    2:58.11,6       -----  (1105) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Papst-Lacotte Catrine               1959 Sigriswil                   3:10.37,5       -----  (1166) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Rätzer Martina                      1949 Münsingen                   2:27.02,1       -----  (3236) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Röthlisberger Monika                1969 Bärau                       1:11.03,9       -----  (9061) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Ruf Monika                          1963 Madiswil                      58.19,0       -----  (9015) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Salzmann Janine                     1980 Biglen                      2:24.38,3       -----  (6182) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Sauser Corina                       1951 Sigriswil                   2:58.44,8       -----  (1165) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Schenkel Beatrix                    1972 Bäriswil BE                 1:09.36,3       -----  (9025) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Schmid Kathrin                      1961 Orpund                      1:54.44,0       -----  (5082) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Schneeberger Angelika               1963 Steffisburg                 1:06.37,4       ----- (10027) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Tanner Fabian                       1999 Münsingen                   1:04.09,7       -----  (9010) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Tanner Hansrudolf                   1965 Münsingen                   1:00.29,9       -----  (9139) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Tanner Sandro                       1997 Münsingen                   1:00.28,7       -----  (9142) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Tanner Silvia                       1965 Münsingen                   1:04.10,7       -----  (9009) Diplom  
NW6        ---  von Gunten Cécile, Niederwangen b.  1972 Jogging Club Bern           1:05.26,8       -----  (9080) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Voser Beatrice                      1952 Madiswil                    1:05.28,6       -----  (9016) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Vozza Petra                         1972 Studen BE                   1:48.58,4       -----  (5176) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Walthert Nicole                     1976 Hasle-Rüegsau               1:09.33,2       -----  (9021) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Weber Cornelia                      1983 Pieterlen                   1:53.33,1       -----  (5233) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Wyss Cornelia, Schliern b. Köniz    1974 Jogging Club Bern           2:12.21,4       -----  (3104) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Zulauf Sonja                        1939 Langenthal                  1:05.35,3       -----  (9013) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Zumkehr Marianne, Köniz             1972 Jogging Club Bern           2:12.20,2       -----  (3101) Diplom  

Total 58


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