4. Swiss Snow Walking Event, Arosa 2008 - nach Name "H"

aktueller Stand von 15.01.2008 14:37:24
Kategorie  Rang Name/Ort                            Jg   Team/Ortschaft                   Zeit   Rückstand    Stnr         
NW11       ---  Haas Silvia                         1964 Chur                        2:11.27,3       -----  (7046) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Häberli Elisabeth                   1941 St. Gallen                  2:14.37,9       -----  (7073) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hafner Gery, Ilanz                  1954 Nordic Fitness Team Surse   3:33.08,3       -----  (1164) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hafner Susanne, Ilanz               1954 Nordic Fitness Team Surse   1:18.55,2       ----- (10118) Diplom  
W6         ---  Hafner Urs                          1962 Knonau                      1:01.12,8       -----  (8031) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hagen Alice, Flawil                 1950 NW Treff Flawil             2:02.28,6       -----  (4028) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hagen Beatrice                      1959 Hüttwilen                   2:10.29,4       -----  (6073) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hagen Beatrice                      1954 Hinwil                      1:08.04,5       -----  (9038) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hagen Regula                        1960 Hüttwilen                   1:58.39,6       -----  (5133) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hainzl Renate, St. Gallen           1947 NW Sport Schule St.Gallen   1:12.23,4       ----- (10061) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Haller Dora                         1959 Wittenbach                  3:13.40,2       -----  (1059) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Haller Walter                       1955 Wittenbach                  3:02.04,1       -----  (1060) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Halter Silvia, Marbach SG           1967 Trix Walkingteam            2:52.38,4       -----  (1061) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hammann Axel                        1957 Frauenfeld                  3:48.01,6       -----  (1062) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hammann Gisela                      1954 Frauenfeld                  2:26.22,9       -----  (5127) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hartmann Vreni                      1956 Erlinsbach                  2:08.44,2       -----  (6119) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Härtner Edith                       ???? Arosa                       2:02.10,6       -----  (4018) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hartung Françoise                   1965 Meilen                      1:54.14,2       -----  (4210) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hasler Mägi                         1956 Altstätten SG               2:07.53,9       -----  (5250) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hasler Uschi, Roggwil TG            1950 Seehüpfer                   2:40.44,6       -----  (4052) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Häuber Angelika                     1964 D-Bahlingen                 1:59.08,1       -----  (6192) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Haudenschild Silvia                 1949 Luzern                      1:12.54,4       -----  (9106) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Haug Susann                         1964 Grabs                       1:11.00,0       -----  (9028) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hauri Astrid                        1960 Chur                        1:53.56,2       -----  (4071) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hauri Renate                        1967 Seengen                     1:12.29,0       ----- (10005) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hawkins Christine                   1967 Gais                        4:22.37,4       -----  (2035) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heeb Cornelia                       1962 Rüthi (Rheintal)            2:04.17,2       -----  (4181) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Heeb Vrena                          1948 Lienz                       1:04.27,5       -----  (9014) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hefti Barbara                       1967 Wil SG                      2:43.52,0       -----  (7009) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hefti Christa                       1957 Erlenbach ZH                2:13.14,5       -----  (6101) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hegglin Anita, Marbach SG           1967 Trix Walkingteam            2:51.25,9       -----  (1063) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hegner Denise, Neftenbach           1963 NordicFitness Flura Winte   2:30.37,0       -----  (5013) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heim Eliana, Flawil                 1958 nordicwalkingflawil.ch      2:12.49,4       -----  (3188) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heim Nicole                         1980 Chur                        2:14.41,3       -----  (5072) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heiniger Hanna                      1967 Seuzach                     2:00.44,9       -----  (4074) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heinzer Romy, Ried (Muotathal)      1959 Vreny's Walkcrou            2:20.38,9       -----  (4128) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heis Valeria                        1956 Poschiavo                   1:39.37,7       -----  (3074) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Helbling Christian                  1962 Wilen b. Wollerau           1:12.18,7       ----- (10142) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Helbling Jrene                      1966 Wollerau                    1:12.17,6       ----- (10140) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Helbling Meret                      2000 Wilen b. Wollerau           1:12.16,8       ----- (10141) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Helbling Monika                     1964 Oberstammheim               2:55.31,4       -----  (2036) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Helbling Peter                      1944 Wädenswil                   1:41.04,1       -----  (3050) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Helfenstein Friedrich               1964 Niederlenz                  3:17.36,2       -----  (2037) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Helg Erika                          1954 Uzwil                       3:38.53,1       -----  (2038) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heller Esther                       1954 Lindau                      2:18.17,8       -----  (6225) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heller Heinrich                     1947 Lindau                      2:18.19,1       -----  (6216) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hemmi Susi                          1950 Valbella                    2:02.05,0       -----  (6223) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hendry Leci                         1962 Grüt (Gossau ZH)            3:24.50,3       -----  (7004) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hendry Susi                         1962 Grüt (Gossau ZH)            3:24.47,7       -----  (7006) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hengartner Maria                    1958 St. Gallen                  1:59.43,5       -----  (7045) Diplom  
W6         ---  Henke Corina                        1961 Rheinfelden                   51.09,3       -----  (8076) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Henke Jürg                          1956 Rheinfelden                   58.23,7       -----  (9007) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Henzirohs Bruno                     1936 Niederbuchsiten               57.41,1       ----- (10039) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Henzirohs Ruth                      1940 Niederbuchsiten             1:07.35,1       ----- (10043) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hermann Ruth                        1960 Scharans                    3:05.40,2       -----  (1064) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hermans Franz                       1967 Weinfelden                  1:19.06,3       ----- (10071) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hertach Martin                      1965 Näfels                      3:00.40,6       -----  (1065) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Herzog Sylvia, Wiezikon b. Sirnach  1966 DR STV Wil                  1:59.21,7       -----  (6146) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hess Irène                          1970 Steinach                    1:58.41,5       -----  (4218) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hess Luzia                          1960 Alpnach Dorf                2:03.45,7       -----  (3158) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hess Monika                         1956 Inwil                       1:04.22,3       -----  (9029) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heuberger Thomas                    1952 Mörschwil                   2:16.09,7       -----  (3093) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Heukamp Nina                        1976 Arosa                       1:55.50,0       -----  (3151) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hilber Petra                        1961 Winterthur                  2:05.32,2       -----  (3112) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Himmelberger Roland                 1957 Biberstein                  2:12.37,1       -----  (5048) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hinz Bernhard                       1951 Widnau                      3:18.54,1       -----  (1066) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hobi Susan                          1958 Mels                        1:59.42,7       -----  (5069) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hochstrasser Heidi                  1958 Sargans                     3:05.26,3       -----  (1067) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hofer Daniela                       1976 Bissegg                     1:43.04,7       -----  (4131) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hoffmann Doris                      1962 Pfungen                     1:04.16,3       -----  (9041) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hofmann Marion                      1959 Biberstein                  2:12.35,0       -----  (5053) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hofstetter Jacqueline               1964 Dorf                        2:27.32,1       -----  (7035) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Högger Beatrice, Altstätten SG      1964 Bewegen.Mit Spass &Jacque   1:56.53,5       -----  (5042) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Högger Monika                       1963 Waldstatt                   2:08.25,0       -----  (6185) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Högger Peter                        1961 Waldstatt                   2:05.59,3       -----  (6186) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Höhener Theres                      1950 Trin Mulin                  2:00.24,3       -----  (5149) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hohermuth Vreni                     1951 Obersaxen Affeier           2:05.22,8       -----  (5090) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hollauf Denise                      1981 Uster                       1:13.08,5       ----- (10053) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hollauf Tanja                       1979 Abtwil SG                   1:13.09,4       ----- (10054) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Höltschi Anita                      1964 Churwalden                  2:03.10,8       -----  (6076) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Holzer Andreas                      1957 Zofingen                    3:18.49,2       -----  (2039) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Holzer Arnold                       1949 Zuoz                          59.06,9       ----- (10112) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Honegger Nicole                     1973 Zürich                      2:06.07,3       -----  (6093) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hönger Monika                       1956 Neftenbach                  3:07.10,0       -----  (2040) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hongler Franz                       1944 Richterswil                 2:07.08,9       -----  (5220) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Horath Erika                        1971 Goldau                      1:49.20,6       -----  (3150) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Horath Rosmarie                     1963 Hütten                      2:03.16,9       -----  (5218) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hörler Anita                        1948 St. Gallen                  2:24.48,2       -----  (4212) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hörler Käthi, Flawil                1959 NW Treff Flawil             3:08.46,4       -----  (1069) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hörler Michaela                     1974 Teufen AR                   1:58.46,0       -----  (7043) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hörler Wisi                         1948 St. Gallen                  2:04.23,9       -----  (4211) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Horne Marianne                      1957 Azmoos                      1:20.32,8       -----  (9096) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hosang Claudia                      1959 Zuoz                          59.55,5       ----- (10113) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hostettler Monika                   1961 Seuzach                     1:54.39,6       -----  (4073) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Howe Annakatharina                  1954 Romanshorn                  1:01.19,2       ----- (10117) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hoezen Peter                        1975 Davos Platz                 3:08.45,5       -----  (1168) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Huber Herta                         1963 Hinwil                      1:04.47,8       ----- (10080) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Huber Kathrin                       1953 Roggwil BE                  1:57.26,1       -----  (7099) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Huber Urs                           1953 Roggwil BE                  2:01.10,3       -----  (7098) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hug Prisca                          1960 Bischofszell                2:09.44,4       -----  (6057) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hug Romeo                           1960 Buchs SG                    1:42.46,3       -----  (3079) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hug Tsering                         1964 Walenstadt                  3:24.49,6       -----  (2041) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hugentobler Anita                   1966 Zillis                      1:53.26,8       -----  (4065) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Humbert Isabelle                    1962 Meyrin                      2:06.26,2       -----  (5062) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Humbert Mike                        1959 Meyrin                      1:52.40,4       -----  (5063) Diplom  
NW6        ---  Hünerwadel Peter                    1962 Winterthur                  1:21.16,5       ----- (10077) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hunziker Käthi                      1961 Winterthur                  2:03.04,5       -----  (3246) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hunziker Röby                       1944 Neuhausen am Rheinfall      1:46.04,3       -----  (3022) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hürlimann Ursula                    1957 Wetzikon ZH                 2:01.10,3       -----  (3087) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hurni Kurt                          1949 Stadel b. Niederglatt       1:58.29,0       -----  (4089) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Hurter Rita                         1958 Rifferswil                  1:45.07,1       -----  (3115) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Huser Silvia                        1961 Gossau SG                   1:53.12,6       -----  (4017) Diplom  
NW11       ---  Huser Yvonne                        1957 Meilen                      1:59.53,3       -----  (6047) Diplom  
NW17       ---  Hutter Kurt                         1959 Diepoldsau                  4:08.10,4       -----  (1070) Diplom  

Total 114


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