Swiss Inline Cup 2007, Basel - nach Ortschaft "R"

Kategorie  Rang Name/Ort                            Jg   Team/Ortschaft                    Zeit    Rückstand    Stnr      km/h
SMT20       12. Marquart Manuel, Rebstein           1982 Inline St.Gallen Speed        47.23,35      1.18,30   (304)    31,652
SMT45        3. Dombrowski Andreas, Rehetobel       1962 Inline St.Gallen Speed        52.29,44      0.09,99   (301)    28,576
SWT30        1. Eisenhut Käthy, Rehetobel           1977 Powerslide World Inlinece     54.30,02        -----  (1211)    27,522
SM20         8. Müller Ueli                         1981 Reiden                        57.44,99      6.26,38  (3195)    25,974
FM50        23. Kossinna Jürgen                     1956 Reinach                       48.37,17     12.59,99  (3152)    18,511
KidsG       23. Kossinna Andrea                     1997 Reinach BL                    17.02,01      6.05,76  (3364)    17,612
KidsG       26. Kossinna Claudia                    1997 Reinach BL                    20.09,97      9.13,72  (3363)    14,876
FW20         9. Wicki Cornelia                      1980 Rheinfelden                   50.45,72     12.15,81  (3316)    17,729
SMT30       35. Linder Thomas, Richigen             1977 Micro-Intersport Schweiz      55.38,41      9.32,73   (415)    26,958
FM40        29. Aeberhard Roland                    1966 Rickenbach                    46.02,18     13.07,19  (3002)    19,549
SMT45        4. Rotach Urs, Riehen                  1947 speed-inliner-basilisk/xf     53.10,46      0.51,01   (463)    28,209
SM50        19. Segmüller Markus                    1957 Riehen                      1:09.11,92     17.53,51  (3360)    21,676
SM30        17. Schärer Thomas                      1972 Riniken                     1:04.40,23     13.22,61  (3245)    23,194
FM50         7. Schmid Fritz                        1941 Riniken                       39.13,74      3.36,56  (3253)    22,942
FMT20       27. Schmutz Mischa, Roggwil BE          1986 Jura Grizzly Hyper Team 1     33.50,08      6.40,55   (713)    26,599
FMT30       15. Leuenberger Martin, Rohrbachgraben  1965 Berger Inline Team            33.57,20      3.20,18   (613)    26,506
JWTS         6. Brändle Natalie, Romanshorn         1993 World Inlinecenter Bont       24.31,49      0.43,48  (1511)    24,464
SWT20        8. Schmid Fabienne, Rorschach          1980 CMS Brasil Varanus Lifest   1:02.44,48      9.14,25  (1203)    23,907
KidsB       11. Gysin Timo                          1996 Rothenfluh                    12.51,85      1.58,20  (3350)    23,320
FMT30       13. Bärlocher Martin, Rothrist          1965 Jura Grizzly Hyper Team 2     33.53,16      3.16,14   (721)    26,559
FM40        21. Christ Andreas                      1965 Rothrist                      41.57,02      9.02,03  (3345)    21,453
FM30        16. Vontobel Mikaël                     1977 Rothrist                      41.32,62      7.00,76  (3304)    21,663
KidsB       13. Fuchs Joël                          1996 Rotkreuz                      12.54,58      2.00,93  (3355)    23,238
KidsB       19. Fuchs Yannik                        1998 Rotkreuz                      17.09,29      6.15,64  (3356)    17,487
SM20        11. Pauli Michael                       1983 Rüfenacht                     59.19,07      8.00,46  (3209)    25,287
FW20        12. Nyffeler Andrea                     1979 Rüfenacht BE                  56.38,38     18.08,47  (3202)    15,889
KidsB        2. Neuhold Manuel                      1996 Rüthi (Rheintal)              10.57,77      0.04,12  (3199)    27,365
JM           8. Neuhold Pascal                      1994 Rüthi (Rheintal)              27.19,84      5.03,18  (3200)    21,953


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