20. Schlosslauf Rapperswil-Jona 2007 - Bern (Schweiz)
Kategorie Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M3 59. Buser Franz, Rüfenacht BE 1963 SLVS 41.24,0 10.56,7 (2405) 4.35 ME 11. Machivenyika Ticha, Bern 1969 STB 34.24,4 7.30,7 (17) 3.48 mJ1 2. Noti Franco, Bern 1997 STBern 3.39,3 0.12,4 (450) 3.30 mJ2 13. Noti Luca, Bern 1995 STBern 5.56,7 0.50,3 (630) 3.42 Total 4Results, images and data are provided for personal use only. Commercial use, redistribution in whole or part, and/or reprinting is prohibited.