1. Lucerne Marathon 2007, Luzern - Bern (Schweiz)

Kategorie  Rang Name/Ort                            Jg   Team/Ortschaft                   Zeit   Rückstand    Stnr          Schnitt ¦    Start-Horw ¦      Horw-HM ¦      HM-Horw ¦    Horw-Ziel ¦
M-M40      413. Ackermann Thomas                    1963 Meiringen                   3:42.58,7   1:09.56,2   (482) Diplom      5.17 ¦  1:03.27  393.¦   43.10  421.¦ 1:07.20  417.¦   49.00  436.¦
M-M40      446. Aebischer Beat                      1960 Bern                        3:45.59,6   1:12.57,1  (2183) Diplom      5.21 ¦  1:03.07  378.¦   43.22  434.¦ 1:07.14  412.¦   52.15  582.¦
H-F50        6. Aemmer Rosmarie F.                  1952 Thun                        1:53.20,4     14.36,4  (4748) Diplom      5.22 ¦  1:08.34   14.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   44.45    4.¦
M-F50       31. Aerni Erika                         1950 Laupen BE                   4:06.37,1     40.24,2  (1315) Diplom      5.50 ¦  1:13.17   41.¦   49.34   40.¦ 1:14.09   27.¦   49.35   17.¦
M-M40       70. Alt Reto                            1963 Wynau                       3:09.32,8     36.30,3   (489) Diplom      4.29 ¦    56.13  121.¦   37.37  103.¦   56.43   79.¦   38.58   54.¦
M-M40      596. Amport Markus                       1964 Grossaffoltern              4:00.23,4   1:27.20,9  (2699) Diplom      5.41 ¦  1:06.09  519.¦   46.23  595.¦ 1:14.35  637.¦   53.14  600.¦
M-M40       50. Andres Hugo                         1961 Laupen BE                   3:05.13,7     32.11,2  (1254) Diplom      4.23 ¦    54.18   85.¦   35.56   42.¦   55.38   55.¦   39.19   61.¦
M-M50       30. Andrey Urs                          1957 Bönigen b. Interlaken       3:19.25,3     30.15,1  (2501) Diplom      4.43 ¦    58.36   49.¦   38.14   27.¦   59.01   28.¦   43.33   47.¦
SchnuF     ---  Arber Alexandra                     1975 Bleienbach                  1:41.48,6       -----  (8053) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:41.48  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M40      477. Arnet Martin                        1961 Bern                        3:48.11,9   1:15.09,4  (2857) Diplom      5.24 ¦  1:05.36  489.¦   43.48  451.¦ 1:09.46  505.¦   48.59  435.¦
H-M30      392. Arnold Andreas                      1970 Schönried                   2:11.16,9     57.16,0  (5163) Diplom      6.13 ¦  1:18.10  401.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   53.06  385.¦
M-F30        2. Arregger Christine                  1973 Muri b. Bern                3:02.20,9      8.53,0  (2636) Diplom      4.19 ¦    51.30    2.¦   35.33    2.¦   55.18    2.¦   39.58    4.¦
SchnuF     ---  Bachmann-Steiner Heidi              1959 Schliern b. Köniz           1:24.55,2       -----  (8342) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:24.55  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M40       97. Balsiger Juerg                      1963 Bern                        3:12.47,1     39.44,6  (2591) Diplom      4.34 ¦  1:00.03  257.¦   38.38  163.¦   56.10   66.¦   37.54   40.¦
M-F40      136. Bärtschi Conny                      1966 Meiringen                   4:16.26,2   1:05.04,9  (1410) Diplom      6.04 ¦  1:10.48  100.¦   47.17   81.¦ 1:19.30  151.¦   58.50  188.¦
M-F40       92. Basler Gisela                       1958 Bern                        4:02.56,4     51.35,1  (2222) Diplom      5.45 ¦  1:12.45  121.¦   48.07  108.¦ 1:14.31   99.¦   47.31   43.¦
H-M30       91. Baettig Ivo                         1973 Thunstetten                 1:36.33,7     22.32,8  (5880) Diplom      4.34 ¦    58.33  108.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   38.00   72.¦
H-M40      169. Baumann Thomas                      1959 Bremgarten b. Bern          1:42.37,4     25.52,1  (5494) Diplom      4.51 ¦  1:00.36  155.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   42.00  193.¦
M-M40      736. Baumgartner Hansueli                1966 Grosshöchstetten            4:25.16,7   1:52.14,2  (1001) Diplom      6.17 ¦  1:19.55  818.¦   53.18  804.¦ 1:18.30  700.¦   53.31  607.¦
M-M40      226. Beer-Würgler Marco                  1962 Lohnstorf                   3:27.13,0     54.10,5  (1682) Diplom      4.54 ¦    59.25  232.¦   39.16  179.¦ 1:02.41  252.¦   45.49  290.¦
M-M30      690. Berger Stefan                       1969 Burgdorf                    2:10.11,7  Durchgang   (1812)             ---- ¦  1:19.44  662.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
H-F40       54. Biasca Elena                        1959 Bern                        1:50.43,3     21.42,0  (4592) Diplom      5.14 ¦  1:05.52   52.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   44.50   60.¦
M-M40      780. Blackett Keith                      1965 Ostermundigen               4:38.56,0   2:05.53,5  (2354) Diplom      6.36 ¦  1:12.22  727.¦   52.59  798.¦ 1:24.21  762.¦ 1:09.11  800.¦
M-M40       66. Blaser Roland                       1958 Interlaken                  3:08.40,6     35.38,1  (2963) Diplom      4.28 ¦    52.02   41.¦   36.40   80.¦   57.17   94.¦   42.40  153.¦
H-F40      141. Bleuel Nicole                       1967 Schüpfen                    2:02.25,1     33.23,8  (4518) Diplom      5.48 ¦  1:12.08  129.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   50.16  148.¦
H-M40      239. Blum Toni                           1959 Melchnau                    1:48.14,3     31.29,0  (5383) Diplom      5.07 ¦  1:04.10  246.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   44.04  250.¦
H-M40      139. Bratschi Frank                      1960 Herrenschwanden             1:40.26,8     23.41,5  (5384) Diplom      4.45 ¦  1:00.31  152.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   39.55  132.¦
SchnuM     ---  Bratschi Martin                     1982 Herzogenbuchsee             1:17.30,9       -----  (8148) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:17.30  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
SchnuM     ---  Bratschi Urs                        1952 Herzogenbuchsee             1:04.40,6       -----  (8203) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:04.40  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-F50       26. Brudermann Erika                    1957 Niederbipp                  4:02.45,6     36.32,7  (1826) Diplom      5.45 ¦  1:10.51   31.¦   47.18   25.¦ 1:11.15   20.¦   53.21   34.¦
M-M40      599. Brunner Stefan                      1959 Wilderswil                  4:00.38,3   1:27.35,8  (2642) Diplom      5.42 ¦  1:06.24  534.¦   45.51  565.¦ 1:13.34  615.¦   54.47  642.¦
M-M30      260. Bucher Patrick                      1973 Gümligen                    3:34.07,6     59.22,8  (1258) Diplom      5.04 ¦    59.06  207.¦   40.23  227.¦ 1:06.41  353.¦   47.56  331.¦
M-M30      513. Bühler Raphael                      1970 Oberhofen am Thunersee      4:06.34,8   1:31.50,0  (1857) Diplom      5.50 ¦  1:05.47  411.¦   44.15  404.¦ 1:14.19  518.¦ 1:02.12  593.¦
H-F20      119. Bürki Franziska                     1980 Steffisburg                 2:06.55,4     44.02,0  (4556) Diplom      6.00 ¦  1:17.14  135.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   49.40  108.¦
H-M40       52. Burri Philipp                       1964 Bern                        1:29.34,6     12.49,3  (4825) Diplom      4.14 ¦    53.34   58.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   36.00   47.¦
H-F30      206. Buser Franziska                     1971 Grindelwald                 2:05.13,0     43.56,8  (5211) Diplom      5.56 ¦  1:15.44  233.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   49.28  184.¦
H-M40       47. Coendoz Guy                         1966 Biel/Bienne                 1:29.19,4     12.34,1  (5373) Diplom      4.14 ¦    51.44   35.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   37.35   73.¦
M-M30      142. Dähler Andreas                      1971 Kirchdorf BE                3:18.24,6     43.39,8   (909) Diplom      4.42 ¦    58.58  206.¦   38.44  172.¦   58.08  121.¦   42.33  161.¦
M-M60       23. De Santis Fernando                  1947 Niederbipp                  4:02.45,2     48.19,7  (2044) Diplom      5.45 ¦  1:10.51   28.¦   47.18   21.¦ 1:11.14   20.¦   53.20   27.¦
M-F40      124. Debély Raphaela                     1963 Worben                      4:13.50,9   1:02.29,6  (2272) Diplom      6.00 ¦  1:14.47  153.¦   50.52  153.¦ 1:15.53  117.¦   52.17  111.¦
M-M40      829. Del Piero Andre                     1967 Burgdorf                    5:11.56,5   2:38.54,0  (2644) Diplom      7.23 ¦  1:20.35  827.¦ 1:02.59  844.¦ 1:41.43  830.¦ 1:06.39  791.¦
M-M30       12. Dietrich Manuel, Kehrsatz           1974 ALL4ONE                     2:46.40,6     11.55,8  (1805) Diplom      3.57 ¦    47.39   18.¦   32.34   13.¦   50.13   17.¦   36.13   27.¦
M-M40      550. Dietrich Martin                     1959 Bern                        3:56.02,1   1:22.59,6  (2207) Diplom      5.35 ¦  1:02.49  363.¦   43.20  431.¦ 1:13.43  616.¦   56.07  667.¦
H-M40      230. Dirren Jörg M. T., Heimberg         1966 Emmi Finance Runners        1:47.18,2     30.32,9  (5502) Diplom      5.05 ¦  1:02.37  197.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   44.40  275.¦
M-M50       82. Ehrlich Jiri, Muri b. Bern          1948 ALL4ONE                     3:35.00,9     45.50,7  (1814) Diplom      5.05 ¦  1:04.21  136.¦   43.05  119.¦ 1:03.57   74.¦   43.36   48.¦
H-F50       15. Ehrlich Margrith                    1951 Muri b. Bern                1:55.39,1     16.55,1  (4842) Diplom      5.28 ¦  1:09.09   17.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   46.30   11.¦
M-M30       86. Elmer Markus, Worb                  1974 ALL4ONE                     3:09.31,6     34.46,8  (1791) Diplom      4.29 ¦    53.41   84.¦   37.41  111.¦   57.13  101.¦   40.56  104.¦
M-F20       29. Emmenegger Wilma                    1982 Schönried                   3:53.55,7     41.58,0   (918) Diplom      5.32 ¦  1:08.12   35.¦   45.52   31.¦ 1:10.52   29.¦   48.58   27.¦
H-M60       35. Estermann Alfons                    1941 Bern                        2:06.28,1     40.54,9  (6096) Diplom      5.59 ¦  1:14.39   34.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   51.49   34.¦
M-M20       24. Etzweiler Daniel, Muri bei Bern     1978 ALL4ONE                     3:06.46,3     27.04,0  (1328) Diplom      4.25 ¦    53.52   28.¦   36.50   35.¦   55.55   26.¦   40.08   19.¦
H-F20       56. Fessler Sarah                       1979 Belp                        1:52.02,2     29.08,8  (4704) Diplom      5.18 ¦  1:06.57   57.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   45.04   57.¦
M-M30       23. Fiechter Bernhard                   1972 Rumisberg                   2:50.13,4     15.28,6  (1865) Diplom      4.02 ¦    49.31   33.¦   33.33   26.¦   51.12   23.¦   35.56   23.¦
M-M30      425. Frey Raphael                        1972 Gümligen                    3:52.10,7   1:17.25,9  (1803) Diplom      5.30 ¦  1:04.27  360.¦   45.09  456.¦ 1:11.22  465.¦   51.11  430.¦
M-M50       37. Frieder Hans                        1952 Herzogenbuchsee             3:21.29,8     32.19,6  (3010) Diplom      4.46 ¦  1:00.04   64.¦   40.06   56.¦ 1:00.13   36.¦   41.04   20.¦
M-M30      166. Fuhrimann Patric                    1974 Bern                        3:22.14,4     47.29,6  (2525) Diplom      4.47 ¦  1:02.25  287.¦   39.44  200.¦   59.18  146.¦   40.46   98.¦
H-M50      152. Furrer Charles                      1950 Ostermundigen               1:56.44,0     35.09,4  (6159) Diplom      5.31 ¦  1:09.18  151.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   47.26  151.¦
M-M30      271. Gafner Martin                       1970 Meiringen                   3:35.10,7   1:00.25,9  (1339) Diplom      5.05 ¦    57.31  141.¦   39.03  176.¦ 1:09.48  426.¦   48.46  363.¦
H-M50      171. Ganz Matthias                       1956 Bern                        2:00.16,6     38.42,0  (5170) Diplom      5.42 ¦  1:11.26  167.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   48.50  161.¦
SchnuF     ---  Gaeumann Eva-Maria                  1959 Schlosswil                  1:13.50,5       -----  (8180) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:13.50  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
H-M30      332. Gebhardt Andreas                    1975 Bern                        2:00.35,9     46.35,0  (5822) Diplom      5.42 ¦  1:10.13  310.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   50.22  355.¦
M-M40      254. Gees Wolfgang                       1965 Meiringen                   3:29.29,0     56.26,5  (2420) Diplom      4.57 ¦    58.27  178.¦   39.43  209.¦ 1:03.46  294.¦   47.31  360.¦
M-M40      125. Gerber Chris                        1967 Biel-Vingelz                3:15.23,3     42.20,8  (1816) Diplom      4.37 ¦    59.16  227.¦   38.36  162.¦   57.54  111.¦   39.34   68.¦
H-M20       23. Gerber Marcel                       1986 Köniz                       1:29.06,9     17.36,6  (5171) Diplom      4.13 ¦    53.10   26.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   35.56   23.¦
M-M40       27. Gernet Roger                        1966 Worblaufen                  2:58.33,0     25.30,5  (2125) Diplom      4.13 ¦    52.46   60.¦   35.21   29.¦   53.12   25.¦   37.12   28.¦
H-F50        5. Goeser Doris                        1956 Biel/Bienne                 1:52.34,8     13.50,8  (5313) Diplom      5.20 ¦  1:03.27    3.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   49.07   25.¦
WalkF      ---  Graf Edith                          1956 Fraubrunnen                 1:00.07,1       -----  (9126) Diplom      ---- ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 1:00.07  ----¦
M-M40       36. Grässle Nikolaus                    1967 Bern                        2:59.24,8     26.22,3  (2092) Diplom      4.15 ¦    52.32   49.¦   36.06   55.¦   53.28   29.¦   37.18   29.¦
H-F40       39. Greber Imelda                       1963 Bern                        1:49.00,2     19.58,9  (5914) Diplom      5.10 ¦  1:05.43   50.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   43.16   36.¦
M-F30      141. Grella Elisabeth                    1968 Grosshöchstetten            4:25.17,1   1:31.49,2  (2157) Diplom      6.17 ¦  1:19.55  159.¦   53.19  162.¦ 1:18.30  131.¦   53.32  119.¦
M-M40      464. Grimm Daniel                        1959 Bern                        3:47.01,8   1:13.59,3  (1860) Diplom      5.22 ¦  1:05.39  490.¦   45.01  531.¦ 1:08.31  455.¦   47.50  375.¦
H-M30      352. Grimm Michael                       1972 Köniz                       2:03.37,2     49.36,3  (4729) Diplom      5.51 ¦  1:14.46  364.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   48.50  327.¦
M-M40       61. Grütter Matthias                    1964 Gümligen                    3:07.14,0     34.11,5  (1360) Diplom      4.26 ¦    54.23   87.¦   36.36   77.¦   56.16   69.¦   39.58   73.¦
H-F30      130. Gubler Brigitte                     1968 Bern                        1:58.43,0     37.26,8  (5916) Diplom      5.37 ¦  1:11.41  153.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   47.01  108.¦
M-M40      177. Guyot Pascal                        1964 Münchenbuchsee              3:23.18,5     50.16,0   (714) Diplom      4.49 ¦    58.14  166.¦   40.02  232.¦ 1:00.33  176.¦   44.27  223.¦
M-F30      170. Hadorn Annekäthi                    1968 Längenbühl                  4:56.12,3   2:02.44,4  (1641) Diplom      7.01 ¦  1:20.26  165.¦   57.53  173.¦ 1:32.06  176.¦ 1:05.44  170.¦
M-M30       36. Hadorn Thomas                       1973 Forst b. Längenbühl         2:55.39,4     20.54,6  (1585) Diplom      4.09 ¦    50.37   45.¦   35.03   45.¦   52.20   34.¦   37.38   41.¦
H-F20       32. Häfliger Stefanie                   1984 Bern                        1:45.25,1     22.31,7  (5649) Diplom      4.59 ¦  1:02.29   31.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   42.55   31.¦
H-F40      203. Hägle Monika                        1964 Biel/Bienne                 2:13.26,0     44.24,7  (4798) Diplom      6.19 ¦  1:18.22  197.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   55.03  212.¦
M-M50        8. Häni Fritz                          1952 Rumisberg                   2:59.49,2     10.39,0    (22) Diplom      4.15 ¦    52.49   15.¦   36.07   12.¦   53.28    5.¦   37.24    5.¦
H-M40      119. Hänni Walter                        1962 Lyss                        1:38.17,1     21.31,8  (5445) Diplom      4.39 ¦    59.26  136.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   38.51  102.¦
H-F40       28. Hauser Ursula                       1966 Kaufdorf                    1:45.35,2     16.33,9  (5922) Diplom      5.00 ¦  1:02.40   26.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   42.54   31.¦
M-M40      646. Heepen Frank                        1963 Liebefeld                   4:07.27,6   1:34.25,1  (1609) Diplom      5.51 ¦  1:11.11  686.¦   47.23  637.¦ 1:13.10  609.¦   55.42  659.¦
M-M30       64. Heggli Pius                         1968 Bremgarten b. Bern          3:04.39,7     29.54,9  (1520) Diplom      4.22 ¦    56.26  117.¦   36.25   87.¦   54.09   54.¦   37.38   41.¦
SchnuF     ---  Heim Elisabeth                      1949 Interlaken                  1:23.15,0       -----  (8051) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:23.15  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M40      726. Herrmann Andreas                    1964 Sumiswald                   4:22.57,6   1:49.55,1  (2820) Diplom      6.13 ¦  1:16.01  781.¦   49.38  729.¦ 1:20.10  722.¦   57.07  680.¦
M-M40      291. Hertig Guido                        1967 Wattenwil                   3:32.25,5     59.23,0  (2375) Diplom      5.02 ¦  1:03.42  408.¦   40.39  259.¦ 1:02.36  248.¦   45.27  270.¦
M-F30      165. Hertig Martina                      1970 Wattenwil                   4:43.51,3   1:50.23,4  (2376) Diplom      6.43 ¦  1:16.14  147.¦   55.00  167.¦ 1:28.26  171.¦ 1:04.10  168.¦
H-M50      134. Herzig Hanspeter                    1955 Langenthal                  1:54.00,3     32.25,7  (6057) Diplom      5.24 ¦  1:07.34  124.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   46.25  136.¦
M-M40      815. Hiltbrunner Werner                  1966 Wasen im Emmental           4:56.23,9   2:23.21,4  (1106) Diplom      7.01 ¦  1:21.38  831.¦   52.37  793.¦ 1:32.10  810.¦ 1:09.57  808.¦
M-F40      115. Hochstrasser Fränzi                 1964 Dieterswil                  4:10.34,4     59.13,1  (2929) Diplom      5.56 ¦  1:12.46  122.¦   49.14  122.¦ 1:17.27  132.¦   51.06   91.¦
WalkF      ---  Hostettler Beatrice                 1959 Wangen a. A.                1:16.18,8       -----  (9045) Diplom      ---- ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 1:16.18  ----¦
M-M30      357. Hubacher Erich                      1975 Bern                        3:44.00,5   1:09.15,7   (886) Diplom      5.18 ¦  1:09.37  516.¦   44.45  439.¦ 1:05.52  318.¦   43.45  198.¦
H-F40       56. Imboden Esther                      1961 Bern                        1:50.53,2     21.51,9  (4889) Diplom      5.15 ¦  1:05.05   42.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   45.48   72.¦
H-M40      120. Imboden Peter                       1960 Bern                        1:38.24,6     21.39,3  (4890) Diplom      4.39 ¦    59.02  129.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   39.22  114.¦
H-F40      209. Imhof Rita                          1960 Bern                        2:14.26,9     45.25,6  (5361) Diplom      6.22 ¦  1:20.36  222.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   53.50  196.¦
H-F50       55. Jäggi Monika                        1956 Ittigen                     2:16.31,6     37.47,6  (5834) Diplom      6.28 ¦  1:22.17   59.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   54.14   52.¦
H-F40       22. Jenzer Christine                    1962 Huttwil                     1:43.16,5     14.15,2  (5185) Diplom      4.53 ¦  1:02.35   25.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   40.40   16.¦
H-F50        3. Jost Annelies, Eriswil              1957 LR Gettnau                  1:49.43,3     10.59,3  (5449) Diplom      5.12 ¦  1:05.23    4.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   44.19    3.¦
H-M50       37. Kappeler Andreas                    1956 Bern                        1:39.48,8     18.14,2  (5663) Diplom      4.43 ¦  1:00.26   49.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   39.22   28.¦
M-M50      259. Käser Franz                         1955 Burgdorf                    4:23.20,8   1:34.10,6  (1963) Diplom      6.14 ¦  1:14.00  265.¦   51.29  275.¦ 1:20.10  255.¦   57.40  242.¦
M-M30      322. Kenzelmann Pascal                   1973 Rubigen                     3:40.44,5   1:05.59,7  (2613) Diplom      5.13 ¦  1:06.48  457.¦   44.56  447.¦ 1:05.57  324.¦   43.01  176.¦
M-M30       43. Klotz Matthias                      1972 Biel/Bienne                 2:58.22,9     23.38,1  (2658) Diplom      4.13 ¦    47.24   15.¦   32.55   16.¦   58.33  127.¦   39.29   67.¦
SchnuF     ---  Kohler Maggie                       1974 Münsingen                   1:14.38,7       -----  (8219) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:14.38  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
H-F40      103. Koller Agnes                        1966 Busswil b. Büren            1:58.02,3     29.01,0  (5664) Diplom      5.35 ¦  1:08.38   82.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   49.24  131.¦
M-M30      206. Koller Oliver                       1969 Bern                        3:27.22,4     52.37,6  (3091) Diplom      4.54 ¦  1:00.25  245.¦   40.16  221.¦ 1:01.16  186.¦   45.24  255.¦
M-F20       32. Kosanovic Kristina                  1979 Bern                        3:56.02,0     44.04,3  (1515) Diplom      5.35 ¦  1:07.08   32.¦   47.50   42.¦ 1:11.36   34.¦   49.26   31.¦
H-F20       88. Kosubek Jasmin                      1978 Walchwil                    1:59.28,8     36.35,4  (4331) Diplom      5.39 ¦  1:13.07  106.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   46.21   69.¦
M-M30      561. Krähenbühl Roger                    1970 Lobsigen                    4:14.50,1   1:40.05,3  (2286) Diplom      6.02 ¦  1:15.07  626.¦   50.52  628.¦ 1:15.51  542.¦   52.58  462.¦
M-M40      100. Krebs Michael                       1966 Konolfingen                 3:13.01,6     39.59,1  (2545) Diplom      4.34 ¦    49.48   20.¦   35.35   36.¦   56.50   82.¦   50.46  521.¦
M-M20      207. Krebs Nicola                        1987 Grindelwald                 4:39.16,4   1:59.34,1   (855) Diplom      6.37 ¦  1:06.21  142.¦   49.24  191.¦ 1:32.09  215.¦ 1:11.22  213.¦
M-M20        2. Krebs Ramon                         1983 Burgistein                  2:42.43,5      3.01,2  (2742) Diplom      3.51 ¦    46.35    4.¦   31.30    4.¦   47.40    1.¦   36.56    5.¦
M-M20       41. Krebs Silvan                        1986 Burgistein                  3:14.09,7     34.27,4  (2743) Diplom      4.36 ¦    52.29   21.¦   34.55   15.¦   58.25   47.¦   48.20  109.¦
M-F40       52. Kühni Monika                        1965 Bützberg                    3:51.01,3     39.40,0  (2615) Diplom      5.28 ¦  1:07.53   71.¦   45.12   52.¦ 1:08.00   42.¦   49.54   72.¦
M-M40      322. Künzi Markus                        1964 Belp                        3:35.29,7   1:02.27,2  (2746) Diplom      5.06 ¦  1:00.03  256.¦   41.24  310.¦ 1:04.04  304.¦   49.57  482.¦
H-F20        1. Lauber Josianne                     1981 Steffisburg                 1:22.53,4       -----  (5393) Diplom      3.55 ¦    50.28    1.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   32.25    1.¦
H-F30       37. Lauper Susanne                      1968 Lyss                        1:44.58,8     23.42,6  (5759) Diplom      4.58 ¦  1:02.49   37.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   42.08   33.¦
M-M20        9. Lobsiger Simon                      1981 Burgdorf                    2:56.39,3     16.57,0  (1820) Diplom      4.11 ¦    45.33    2.¦   30.48    2.¦   53.37   16.¦   46.40   91.¦
M-M50      193. Loosli Werner                       1957 Bern                        3:57.40,7   1:08.30,5  (2665) Diplom      5.37 ¦  1:10.20  227.¦   49.08  244.¦ 1:10.55  176.¦   47.15  113.¦
M-F60        1. Luethi Emmi                         1944 Burgdorf                    3:07.48,0       -----  (2668) Diplom      4.27 ¦    53.36    1.¦   37.11    1.¦   57.05    1.¦   39.54    1.¦
H-M40      277. Mantsch Peter E.                    1967 Kappelen                    1:50.33,4     33.48,1  (4627) Diplom      5.14 ¦  1:05.49  277.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   44.44  277.¦
M-M40      356. Marbacher Franz                     1959 Gümligen                    3:38.39,5   1:05.37,0  (1534) Diplom      5.10 ¦  1:00.18  269.¦   41.43  338.¦ 1:06.42  396.¦   49.55  480.¦
M-F40        6. Marti Ursula P, Ittigen             1960 ALL4ONE                     3:20.40,2      9.18,9  (2427) Diplom      4.45 ¦    58.29    7.¦   39.40    7.¦ 1:00.04    6.¦   42.26    9.¦
H-M40       99. Marzetta Dominique                  1958 Burgdorf                    1:35.58,1     19.12,8  (5143) Diplom      4.32 ¦    56.44   97.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   39.14  111.¦
M-M20       71. Mathys Christoph, Huttwil           1982 Hochschulsport              3:30.40,0     50.57,7  (3118) Diplom      4.59 ¦  1:02.50   92.¦   41.45   91.¦ 1:03.01   73.¦   43.03   52.¦
H-M30       49. Menti Samuel                        1973 Steffisburg                 1:31.40,9     17.40,0  (5940) Diplom      4.20 ¦    54.19   54.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   37.21   57.¦
H-M40      205. Miori Claudio                       1959 Menzingen                   1:44.53,0     28.07,7  (5768) Diplom      4.58 ¦  1:00.34  154.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   44.18  261.¦
H-F20      149. Moser Judith                        1979 Freimettigen                2:11.25,8     48.32,4  (6169) Diplom      6.13 ¦  1:19.17  152.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   52.08  135.¦
M-M40      162. Moser Werner                        1960 Riggisberg                  3:21.24,7     48.22,2  (1767) Diplom      4.46 ¦    58.38  193.¦   39.07  175.¦   59.42  153.¦   43.56  201.¦
M-M30      241. Mühlethaler Adrian                  1975 Bern                        3:31.12,9     56.28,1  (2346) Diplom      5.00 ¦  1:01.00  258.¦   40.54  250.¦ 1:03.41  266.¦   45.36  260.¦
M-M30       83. Mueller Erik                        1977 Biel/Bienne                 3:09.25,1     34.40,3  (1972) Diplom      4.29 ¦    48.28   20.¦   34.28   40.¦   58.39  129.¦   47.49  322.¦
M-F30      164. Mueller Flavia                      1976 Bern                        4:42.12,9   1:48.45,0  (2114) Diplom      6.41 ¦  1:18.32  153.¦   51.54  146.¦ 1:23.56  162.¦ 1:07.50  175.¦
M-M40      189. Müller Hans                         1960 Wichtrach                   3:23.57,1     50.54,6  (1896) Diplom      4.50 ¦  1:03.41  407.¦   40.15  242.¦   59.40  150.¦   40.20   86.¦
H-F30      337. Müller Irene                        1975 Burgdorf                    1:03.51,6 Horw 1. Dur  (5252)             ---- ¦  1:03.51   44.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-F30      137. Müller Mirjam                       1976 Bern                        4:21.57,4   1:28.29,5  (1867) Diplom      6.12 ¦  1:17.52  150.¦   52.22  153.¦ 1:19.42  145.¦   52.01  107.¦
H-M40       60. Müller Olaf                         1961 Muri b. Bern                1:30.11,8     13.26,5  (4649) Diplom      4.16 ¦    53.02   48.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   37.09   67.¦
M-M40      404. Müller Rolf                         1962 Niederbipp                  3:42.24,6   1:09.22,1  (2553) Diplom      5.16 ¦  1:04.05  440.¦   41.33  324.¦ 1:05.59  363.¦   50.45  520.¦
H-F40       76. Müller Ruth                         1967 Langenthal                  1:53.59,9     24.58,6  (5944) Diplom      5.24 ¦  1:07.34   69.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   46.25   83.¦
M-M30      557. Muriset Jean-Pierre                 1970 Jegenstorf                  4:14.26,4   1:39.41,6  (2554) Diplom      6.01 ¦  1:15.45  637.¦   49.36  605.¦ 1:15.54  544.¦   53.10  466.¦
M-M40      252. Niemack Andreas                     1962 Rapperswil BE               3:29.26,9     56.24,4  (3254) Diplom      4.57 ¦  1:02.35  356.¦   42.11  367.¦ 1:02.48  260.¦   41.51  124.¦
H-F40       57. Nova Colette                        1961 Ostermundigen               1:51.00,8     21.59,5  (4932) Diplom      5.15 ¦  1:05.54   54.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   45.06   62.¦
H-F40      162. Nussbaum Erika                      1967 Bowil                       2:06.55,4     37.54,1  (5323) Diplom      6.00 ¦  1:17.14  182.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   49.40  138.¦
H-M20      156. Odermatt Daniel                     1980 Biel/Bienne                 1:57.01,5     45.31,2  (5946) Diplom      5.32 ¦  1:10.17  164.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   46.43  154.¦
H-F20       67. Odermatt Judith                     1978 Biel/Bienne                 1:54.54,0     32.00,6  (5947) Diplom      5.26 ¦  1:07.00   58.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   47.53   84.¦
M-M30      320. Oppliger Hanspeter                  1968 Bangerten b. Dieterswil     3:40.33,9   1:05.49,1   (857) Diplom      5.13 ¦  1:05.54  418.¦   44.38  426.¦ 1:06.25  344.¦   43.36  190.¦
M-F30       50. Pauli Astrid                        1968 Port                        3:44.43,9     51.16,0  (1122) Diplom      5.19 ¦  1:07.09   68.¦   44.28   53.¦ 1:07.19   55.¦   45.46   35.¦
SchnuM     ---  Perreten Anton                      1959 Lotzwil                     1:20.45,6       -----  (8440) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:20.45  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M40      845. Perriard Laurent                    1967 Köniz                       1:55.19,6 Halbmaratho  (2096)             ---- ¦  1:08.10  583.¦   47.09  618.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M20      166. Pflanzl Marcel                      1980 Worb                        4:12.46,8   1:33.04,5  (2172) Diplom      5.59 ¦  1:08.26  165.¦   47.12  165.¦ 1:15.42  157.¦ 1:01.25  183.¦
H-M40       25. Pittet Pierre-André, Schüpfen       1967 Emmi Finance Runners        1:25.42,0      8.56,7  (5949) Diplom      4.03 ¦    51.03   28.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   34.38   23.¦
M-M40       34. Probst Alain                        1966 Utzenstorf                  2:59.04,2     26.01,7  (2490) Diplom      4.14 ¦    52.49   64.¦   36.07   63.¦   53.28   29.¦   36.39   21.¦
M-F40       71. Radosavljevic Katharina             1966 Münsingen                   3:59.02,7     47.41,4  (1537) Diplom      5.39 ¦  1:11.14  106.¦   47.16   80.¦ 1:10.47   64.¦   49.44   71.¦
H-F40       67. Ramsay-Liechti Anja                 1966 Bern                        1:53.11,8     24.10,5  (4976) Diplom      5.21 ¦  1:09.42   93.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   43.29   40.¦
M-F40       57. Rauber Ursula                       1960 Frutigen                    3:53.06,8     41.45,5  (2679) Diplom      5.31 ¦  1:06.44   59.¦   46.22   68.¦ 1:10.46   63.¦   49.14   65.¦
M-F40       67. Reber Christine                     1964 Laupen BE                   3:57.00,6     45.39,3  (2173) Diplom      5.37 ¦  1:08.08   73.¦   47.01   75.¦ 1:12.27   79.¦   49.23   67.¦
H-F40      212. Reber Gaby                          1958 Bern                        2:14.34,1     45.32,8  (5353) Diplom      6.22 ¦  1:20.36  222.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   53.57  197.¦
SchnuF     ---  Reber Margrith                      1962 Langenthal                  1:13.10,7       -----  (8185) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:13.10  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
WalkF      ---  Reist Brigitte                      1965 Wangen a. A.                1:16.19,6       -----  (9046) Diplom      ---- ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 1:16.19  ----¦
M-M40       15. Richard Daniel                      1966 Burgdorf                    2:50.58,4     17.55,9  (1546) Diplom      4.03 ¦    50.37   28.¦   34.00   19.¦   50.33   13.¦   35.47   10.¦
M-F30       68. Rickli Karin                        1973 Gutenburg                   3:51.34,2     58.06,3  (1769) Diplom      5.29 ¦  1:10.08   96.¦   45.55   77.¦ 1:08.19   64.¦   47.10   47.¦
H-M30      246. Rieder Martin                       1968 Bern                        1:53.01,9     39.01,0  (5954) Diplom      5.21 ¦  1:05.23  212.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   47.38  304.¦
M-F30      176. Riesen Sonja                        1968 Kirchdorf BE                5:01.12,8   2:07.44,9   (932) Diplom      7.08 ¦  1:23.55  175.¦   58.40  177.¦ 1:32.01  175.¦ 1:06.35  173.¦
M-F40      116. Ringgenberg Regula                  1964 Münchenbuchsee              4:10.34,6     59.13,3  (2765) Diplom      5.56 ¦  1:12.47  123.¦   49.14  122.¦ 1:17.27  132.¦   51.06   91.¦
M-M30      284. Risler Martin                       1972 Bern                        3:36.19,3   1:01.34,5  (2680) Diplom      5.07 ¦  1:04.49  373.¦   42.56  345.¦ 1:03.21  250.¦   45.12  248.¦
H-F20       84. Ritschard Flurina                   1983 Aarberg                     1:58.55,5     36.02,1  (5853) Diplom      5.38 ¦  1:12.14  102.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   46.41   73.¦
M-M50        6. Ritschard Thomas                    1950 Aarberg                     2:59.09,9      9.59,7  (2347) Diplom      4.14 ¦    52.40   12.¦   35.51    9.¦   53.31    6.¦   37.05    4.¦
M-M40      689. Rivola Roberto                      1959 Evilard                     4:14.53,8   1:41.51,3    (32) Diplom      6.02 ¦  1:15.10  773.¦   50.52  762.¦ 1:15.49  657.¦   53.01  599.¦
M-M30      679. Rodenhausen Samuel                  1975 Zollikofen                  3:36.36,5 Horw 2. Dur  (1550)             ---- ¦  1:21.27  677.¦   51.40  640.¦ 1:23.29  623.¦    ----  ----¦
WalkF      ---  Ruth Melanie                        1959 Köniz                       1:09.00,5       -----  (9117) Diplom      ---- ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 1:09.00  ----¦
H-M50      142. Ryffel Markus                       1955 Gümligen                    1:54.48,9     33.14,3  (4022) Diplom      5.26 ¦  1:08.42  145.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   46.06  130.¦
M-M50      244. Ryser Ueli                          1949 Zollikofen                  4:17.33,6   1:28.23,4  (2885) Diplom      6.06 ¦  1:11.22  242.¦   48.54  238.¦ 1:16.03  237.¦ 1:01.13  261.¦
M-M40      688. Salverda Ferdinand T.               1963 Meiringen                   4:14.53,3   1:41.50,8  (1399) Diplom      6.02 ¦  1:10.47  663.¦   46.56  611.¦ 1:19.51  714.¦   57.17  682.¦
H-F20      165. Salzmann Marlis                     1980 Aeschau                     2:17.12,8     54.19,4  (4578) Diplom      6.30 ¦  1:22.53  170.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   54.19  151.¦
M-F30        3. Savoldi-Blum Jolanda                1971 Alchenstorf                 3:09.29,4     16.01,5  (3265) Diplom      4.29 ¦    58.20   13.¦   37.50    4.¦   55.37    3.¦   37.41    3.¦
SchnuM     ---  Schär André                         1980 Aarwangen                   1:04.53,4       -----  (8225) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:04.53  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
H-M50       79. Schaer Heinz                        1950 Gümligen                    1:46.14,4     24.39,8  (5557) Diplom      5.02 ¦  1:03.35   83.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   42.38   72.¦
H-F50        7. Schaer Regina                       1950 Gümligen                    1:53.20,5     14.36,5  (5558) Diplom      5.22 ¦  1:06.19    6.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   47.01   18.¦
SchnuF     ---  Schär Yvonne, Wiedlisbach           1984 Tropical Team               1:04.54,2       -----  (8466) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:04.54  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
WalkM      ---  Schaub Rainer                       1949 Niederbipp                  1:08.13,5       -----  (9291) Diplom      ---- ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 1:08.13  ----¦
M-M20       11. Schmid Gernot                       1978 Schönried                   2:57.40,8     17.58,5   (919) Diplom      4.12 ¦    50.23   11.¦   33.41   10.¦   52.54   13.¦   40.41   24.¦
H-M20      174. Schmidt Björn                       1980 Boltigen                    2:00.49,6     49.19,3  (6039) Diplom      5.43 ¦  1:07.27  141.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   53.22  191.¦
M-M40      641. Schmutz Bäne Ii                     1963 Meinisberg                  4:06.21,9   1:33.19,4  (1029) Diplom      5.50 ¦  1:10.50  667.¦   47.17  630.¦ 1:10.48  537.¦   57.25  685.¦
M-M50      122. Schnegg Werner                      1953 Reconvilier                 3:43.37,9     54.27,7  (2303) Diplom      5.17 ¦  1:06.55  178.¦   44.22  143.¦ 1:07.07  116.¦   45.11   75.¦
M-F40       73. Schuhmann Elsbeth                   1966 Merligen                    3:59.05,4     47.44,1  (2177) Diplom      5.39 ¦  1:14.02  142.¦   47.33   91.¦ 1:09.30   55.¦   47.59   47.¦
M-M40      790. Schüpbach Ruedi                     1966 Hinterkappelen              4:42.54,6   2:09.52,1  (1925) Diplom      6.42 ¦  1:15.14  775.¦   50.52  761.¦ 1:26.08  777.¦ 1:10.39  811.¦
H-M50       30. Schwab Werner                       1956 Arch                        1:38.23,2     16.48,6  (3232) Diplom      4.39 ¦    59.00   32.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   39.22   29.¦
H-M20      164. Schwarzentruber Philipp, Bern       1980 Weidfäger Wolhusen          1:57.59,4     46.29,1  (5561) Diplom      5.35 ¦  1:10.52  168.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   47.07  158.¦
M-M40      381. Sedlmayer Martin                    1959 Liebefeld                   3:41.17,7   1:08.15,2  (1517) Diplom      5.14 ¦  1:04.33  455.¦   43.16  428.¦ 1:06.06  366.¦   47.21  352.¦
H-F20      108. Seiler Nicole-Mirina                1982 Münsingen                   2:03.15,0     40.21,6  (6018) Diplom      5.50 ¦  1:10.37   84.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   52.38  139.¦
H-F20       28. Senn Gisela                         1978 Rubigen                     1:43.54,1     21.00,7  (5778) Diplom      4.55 ¦  1:00.56   22.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   42.57   33.¦
H-F30        2. Sidler Esther                       1974 Bern                        1:26.09,7      4.53,5  (4672) Diplom      4.05 ¦    50.57    2.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   35.11    2.¦
H-M50      125. Sigrist Emilio                      1948 Bern                        1:53.16,6     31.42,0  (4910) Diplom      5.22 ¦  1:07.51  129.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   45.25  113.¦
M-F30       30. Sispele Simone                      1974 Wiedlisbach                 3:35.51,0     42.23,1  (2134) Diplom      5.06 ¦  1:02.26   33.¦   41.58   30.¦ 1:04.50   30.¦   46.35   43.¦
H-M30      394. Sommer Philipp                      1976 Oberdiessbach               2:11.25,7     57.24,8  (6180) Diplom      6.13 ¦  1:19.16  408.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   52.08  372.¦
M-M30      371. Spörri Christoph                    1969 Burgdorf                    3:45.13,5   1:10.28,7  (2777) Diplom      5.20 ¦  1:03.27  317.¦   41.43  289.¦ 1:07.20  371.¦   52.42  458.¦
H-M40      225. Staffelbach Thomas                  1961 Bern                        1:47.02,8     30.17,5  (5381) Diplom      5.04 ¦  1:05.46  275.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   41.16  168.¦
H-F20       20. Stalder Lisa                        1989 Thun                        1:42.21,5     19.28,1  (5782) Diplom      4.51 ¦  1:03.29   39.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   38.52    9.¦
M-M50       79. Stauffer Markus                     1954 Bern                        3:33.44,8     44.34,6   (869) Diplom      5.03 ¦  1:03.46  122.¦   40.53   69.¦ 1:04.31   79.¦   44.33   66.¦
M-M60       30. Stauffer Rudolf                     1944 Steffisburg                 4:12.27,1     58.01,6  (1498) Diplom      5.58 ¦  1:12.16   37.¦   48.37   32.¦ 1:15.00   28.¦   56.32   33.¦
H-M40      379. Steffen Markus                      1960 Roggwil BE                  2:00.09,4     43.24,1  (4246) Diplom      5.41 ¦  1:11.13  374.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   48.56  376.¦
H-F40      125. Steiner Barbara                     1963 Bern                        2:01.16,1     32.14,8  (1901) Diplom      5.44 ¦  1:11.18  114.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   49.57  145.¦
H-M30      347. Steiner Roman                       1976 Langenthal                  2:02.30,4     48.29,5  (4459) Diplom      5.48 ¦  1:11.54  335.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   50.36  359.¦
SchnuF     ---  Stöckli Christine                   1966 Wynau                       1:15.40,8       -----  (8337) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:15.40  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M40      140. Streilein André                     1962 Spiez                       3:17.44,6     44.42,1  (2200) Diplom      4.41 ¦    56.18  124.¦   38.15  141.¦ 1:00.05  163.¦   43.04  170.¦
WalkF      ---  Strupler-Anderegg Katrin            1955 Grindelwald                 1:11.51,2       -----  (9159) Diplom      ---- ¦     ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦ 1:11.51  ----¦
SchnuF     ---  Strupler Annina                     1984 Grindelwald                   56.18,0       -----  (8141) Diplom      ---- ¦    56.18  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M30      229. Sumi Bruno                          1973 Grund b. Gstaad             3:29.55,7     55.10,9  (2308) Diplom      4.58 ¦  1:03.20  311.¦   42.03  307.¦ 1:03.33  260.¦   40.59  107.¦
SchnuF     ---  Süss Astrid                         1961 Lotzwil                     1:20.47,4       -----  (8441) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:20.47  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M40      208. Suter René                          1965 Niederbipp                  3:25.11,9     52.09,4  (1935) Diplom      4.51 ¦    59.34  240.¦   39.33  198.¦ 1:01.08  193.¦   44.54  242.¦
H-F30       83. Sutter Danielle                     1976 Bern                        1:54.06,2     32.50,0  (6403) Diplom      5.24 ¦  1:08.23   99.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   45.42   81.¦
M-F30      161. Thai Linh                           1977 Toffen                      4:36.29,8   1:43.01,9  (1192) Diplom      6.33 ¦  1:22.17  170.¦   54.31  165.¦ 1:23.14  158.¦   56.25  141.¦
M-M20      203. Trüssel Cyril                       1985 Ostermundigen               4:31.01,4   1:51.19,1  (2179) Diplom      6.25 ¦  1:08.26  165.¦   47.12  167.¦ 1:16.21  165.¦ 1:19.00  218.¦
SchnuF     ---  Tschumi Monika                      1978 Bern                        1:14.12,4       -----  (8317) Diplom      ---- ¦  1:14.12  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-F30      125. Unternährer Astrid                  1973 Lyss                        4:15.42,9   1:22.15,0  (1635) Diplom      6.03 ¦  1:19.05  155.¦   51.01  141.¦ 1:14.53  115.¦   50.42   90.¦
H-M40      259. Utiger Urs                          1962 Stettlen                    1:48.54,4     32.09,1  (4553) Diplom      5.09 ¦  1:07.46  320.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   41.07  163.¦
H-F30       60. von Allmen Huser Rahel              1976 Niederbipp                  1:51.08,8     29.52,6  (4726) Diplom      5.16 ¦  1:06.33   68.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   44.35   63.¦
H-F30       56. von Arx Natascha                    1972 Niederbipp                  1:50.17,2     29.01,0  (4727) Diplom      5.13 ¦  1:06.33   69.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   43.43   51.¦
M-M40      489. von Gunten Daniel                   1966 Sigriswil                   3:49.21,7   1:16.19,2  (2956) Diplom      5.26 ¦  1:08.06  580.¦   44.50  517.¦ 1:06.54  402.¦   49.29  462.¦
M-F20       10. von Niederhäusern Natascha          1982 Aarwangen                   3:29.41,2     17.43,5   (797) Diplom      4.58 ¦  1:05.10   19.¦   41.14   10.¦ 1:00.35    6.¦   42.41    7.¦
M-M50      230. Waller Max                          1950 Schliern b. Köniz           4:11.44,6   1:22.34,4  (2003) Diplom      5.57 ¦  1:13.08  258.¦   48.56  239.¦ 1:15.25  226.¦   54.13  210.¦
M-M40      628. Wasem Phil                          1967 Sumiswald                   4:04.21,7   1:31.19,2  (1484) Diplom      5.47 ¦  1:14.41  761.¦   49.49  741.¦ 1:11.32  562.¦   48.18  400.¦
M-F50       11. Weber Charlotte                     1957 Laupen BE                   3:46.17,0     20.04,1  (1346) Diplom      5.21 ¦  1:07.34   21.¦   45.27   17.¦ 1:07.04    8.¦   46.10    5.¦
M-M30      411. Weber Markus                        1969 Alchenflüh                  3:50.36,5   1:15.51,7   (234) Diplom      5.27 ¦  1:07.57  487.¦   45.17  461.¦ 1:08.44  404.¦   48.36  356.¦
M-M40      191. Weber Michael                       1966 Spiez                       3:24.08,7     51.06,2  (2790) Diplom      4.50 ¦    58.41  197.¦   39.21  186.¦ 1:00.52  183.¦   45.13  257.¦
H-F20        6. Weibel Nora                         1984 Bern                        1:36.03,5     13.10,1  (5077) Diplom      4.33 ¦    58.03    9.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   38.00    5.¦
M-F30      113. Weidlein D.                         1977 Burgdorf                    4:08.24,3   1:14.56,4  (1645) Diplom      5.53 ¦  1:15.19  140.¦   50.50  137.¦ 1:14.01  107.¦   48.12   63.¦
M-M30      309. Weidlein Michael                    1971 Burgdorf                    3:39.48,2   1:05.03,4  (1646) Diplom      5.12 ¦  1:03.00  301.¦   41.07  261.¦ 1:07.01  361.¦   48.38  358.¦
M-F30       83. Weidmann Karin                      1972 Lyss                        3:56.02,7   1:02.34,8  (1627) Diplom      5.35 ¦  1:08.03   77.¦   45.34   66.¦ 1:12.03   90.¦   50.20   88.¦
H-M30       13. Weilenmann Felix                    1973 Aegerten                    1:22.51,4      8.50,5  (5078) Diplom      3.55 ¦    49.30   16.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   33.20   11.¦
M-M40      598. Wespi Thomas                        1958 Bern                        4:00.36,4   1:27.33,9   (574) Diplom      5.42 ¦  1:02.25  349.¦   44.37  493.¦ 1:16.45  670.¦   56.48  674.¦
SchnuM     ---  Wiederkehr Beat                     1964 Konolfingen                   55.40,7       -----  (8356) Diplom      ---- ¦    55.40  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦
M-M20      172. Willi Christof                      1978 Steffisburg                 4:14.53,9   1:35.11,6  (2794) Diplom      6.02 ¦  1:10.40  174.¦   47.34  173.¦ 1:23.53  203.¦   52.45  142.¦
M-M50      224. Wismer Kurt                         1956 Worblaufen                  4:08.59,4   1:19.49,2  (2836) Diplom      5.54 ¦  1:12.45  254.¦   48.07  229.¦ 1:15.16  224.¦   52.48  191.¦
H-F40      150. Wuethrich Annemarie                 1962 Ostermundigen               2:04.42,1     35.40,8  (5986) Diplom      5.54 ¦  1:13.29  150.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   51.12  164.¦
H-M40       44. Wüthrich Hans                       1964 Oberwangen b. Bern          1:29.08,6     12.23,3  (4794) Diplom      4.13 ¦    54.07   69.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   35.01   32.¦
M-M40      800. Wüthrich Peter                      1958 Oberdiessbach               4:44.43,0   2:11.40,5  (2182) Diplom      6.44 ¦  1:14.43  763.¦   49.58  747.¦ 1:24.08  757.¦ 1:15.51  825.¦
M-M20      134. Wüthrich Thomas                     1983 Trubschachen                3:52.44,7   1:13.02,4  (1394) Diplom      5.30 ¦  1:11.22  182.¦   48.31  184.¦ 1:10.38  132.¦   42.13   44.¦
M-M50      148. Wyrsch Albin                        1955 Oberwangen b. Bern          3:49.20,9   1:00.10,7  (2216) Diplom      5.26 ¦  1:08.10  199.¦   46.44  201.¦ 1:07.44  128.¦   46.42   98.¦
M-M40      178. Wyss Thomas                         1966 Herzogenbuchsee             3:23.19,2     50.16,7  (2472) Diplom      4.49 ¦    59.32  237.¦   40.40  262.¦ 1:00.36  177.¦   42.29  146.¦
H-F60        4. Zahler Jeannette                    1944 Bern                        2:09.49,2     18.57,7  (4887) Diplom      6.09 ¦  1:18.15    4.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   51.34    4.¦
H-F20      166. Zaugg Christa                       1982 Aeschau                     2:17.12,9     54.19,5  (4534) Diplom      6.30 ¦  1:22.53  171.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   54.19  151.¦
H-M60        5. Zaugg Kurt                          1947 Langnau i. E.               1:40.00,8     14.27,6  (5792) Diplom      4.44 ¦  1:00.15    6.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   39.45    4.¦
M-M30       71. Zbinden Thomas, Worb                1972 ALL4ONE                     3:07.23,0     32.38,2  (2839) Diplom      4.26 ¦    53.06   79.¦   36.13   81.¦   56.45   93.¦   41.18  116.¦
M-M40      579. Zemp Aris                           1966 Langenthal                  3:58.26,1   1:25.23,6   (185) Diplom      5.39 ¦  1:11.16  690.¦   47.11  620.¦ 1:10.43  530.¦   49.14  447.¦
M-M30      301. Zimmerli Daniel                     1973 Bern                        3:39.17,9   1:04.33,1  (1042) Diplom      5.11 ¦  1:05.20  393.¦   43.20  364.¦ 1:05.24  307.¦   45.12  250.¦
H-F30       28. Zürcher Monika                      1969 Bolligen                    1:42.50,0     21.33,8  (4611) Diplom      4.52 ¦  1:00.25   27.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦   42.25   37.¦
M-M40      803. Zwyssig Eduardo                     1962 Saanenmöser                 4:49.29,3   2:16.26,8  (2023) Diplom      6.51 ¦  1:20.03  821.¦   53.05  800.¦ 1:26.45  781.¦ 1:09.35  804.¦

Total 246


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