(13) Relais Mixtes

A travers Carouge - Run to run 2007 - (13) Relais Mixtes

  rang Coureur 1                 Coureur 2                 équipe                          temps      retard    doss   moyenne ¦      relais 1 ¦     relais 2 ¦     relais 3 ¦     relais 4 ¦
    1. Carloz Didier             Beffa Heidi               ASJ 74                        35.13,9       -----  (1613)      3.31 ¦     7.44    1.¦    9.44   12.¦    7.50    1.¦    9.54    9.¦
    2. Fayet Claude              Blondel Odile             cnn tri nyon                  35.57,2      0.43,3  (1639)      3.35 ¦     9.44    9.¦    8.08    2.¦    8.59    6.¦    9.04    3.¦
    3. Fournival Alex            Fournival giséle          ca ambilly 1                  35.57,6      0.43,7  (1641)      3.35 ¦     9.45   10.¦    8.02    1.¦    9.49    9.¦    8.19    1.¦
    4. Aubry Jean-Michel         Warpelin-Aubry                                          36.31,3      1.17,4  (1747)      3.39 ¦     9.02    5.¦    8.55    4.¦    8.07    2.¦   10.25   16.¦
    5. Hernandez Juan-Antonio    Prevel Pascale            AEA                           37.04,9      1.51,0  (1740)      3.42 ¦     8.41    2.¦    9.42   11.¦    8.48    4.¦    9.52    8.¦
    6. Hudry Jean Louis          Hudry maria               ca ambilly 2                  38.54,0      3.40,1  (1656)      3.53 ¦    10.06   12.¦    8.59    5.¦    8.41    3.¦   11.06   25.¦
    7. Fabre Karine              Fabre Bernard             Implenia                      39.02,6      3.48,7  (1751)      3.54 ¦     8.47    3.¦   10.34   23.¦    8.54    5.¦   10.45   18.¦
    8. Shelton Nicolas           Shelton Sevanne           CNN Tri Nyon                  39.10,7      3.56,8  (1755)      3.55 ¦    10.31   17.¦    8.42    3.¦   11.09   20.¦    8.46    2.¦
    9. Chevalier Séverine        Chevalier Stéphane        Team Epsilon                  40.41,8      5.27,9  (1623)      4.04 ¦    10.15   15.¦    9.50   15.¦   10.28   15.¦   10.08   12.¦
   10. Meshreky Andreia          Florin Roulet             2Camareos                     41.51,2      6.37,3  (1678)      4.11 ¦    11.11   24.¦    9.25    8.¦   11.29   25.¦    9.45    6.¦
   11. Bouchet Thierry           Bouchet Alessia                                         41.52,2      6.38,3  (1607)      4.11 ¦     9.20    7.¦   11.01   31.¦    9.47    8.¦   11.43   33.¦
   12. Morend Didier             Ginesi-Morend Anne-Cather Nutri Sport K-Rouge           42.50,6      7.36,7  (1744)      4.17 ¦    11.11   25.¦    9.53   17.¦   11.33   27.¦   10.12   13.¦
   13. Le Guellec Ludovic        Warin Karine              B/B                           43.19,3      8.05,4  (1666)      4.19 ¦     8.52    4.¦   11.16   34.¦   10.02   11.¦   13.07   44.¦
   14. Handrik Milenka           Valerio Pazienza          Dream Team                    43.55,0      8.41,1  (1651)      4.23 ¦    12.01   30.¦    9.49   14.¦   12.04   31.¦   10.00   11.¦
   15. Hamady Micha              Francois de Szy           Sito&Sito                     44.01,2      8.47,3  (1650)      4.24 ¦    11.05   20.¦   10.38   26.¦   11.17   22.¦   10.59   21.¦
   16. Pipoz Yvan                Pillonel Valérie                                        44.04,4      8.50,5  (1691)      4.24 ¦     9.57   11.¦   11.47   40.¦   10.05   12.¦   12.13   39.¦
   17. Carrieu Nathalie          Humbert Philippe          Humbert-Carrieu               44.16,8      9.02,9  (1616)      4.25 ¦    12.21   35.¦    9.22    7.¦   12.52   40.¦    9.39    5.¦
   18. Neuhaus Jacques           Bezuchet Véronique                                      44.27,3      9.13,4  (1686)      4.26 ¦    12.24   37.¦    9.40   10.¦   12.26   35.¦    9.56   10.¦
   19. Nash John                 Ruth Farrell              The Flying Skippers           44.29,7      9.15,8  (1685)      4.26 ¦    11.04   19.¦   10.47   28.¦   11.34   28.¦   11.03   23.¦
   20. Bartsch Philippe          Bartsch Laure                                           44.37,7      9.23,8  (1602)      4.27 ¦    11.36   29.¦   10.35   24.¦   11.24   24.¦   11.02   22.¦
   21. Saulnier Christel         Pillonca Mino                                           45.08,8      9.54,9  (1705)      4.30 ¦    11.18   28.¦   10.24   20.¦   11.34   29.¦   11.51   35.¦
   22. Caterina Christine        Ramon Vögeli              Vögi                          45.11,5      9.57,6  (1618)      4.31 ¦    12.35   41.¦    9.47   13.¦   12.37   36.¦   10.12   13.¦
   23. Wassermann Michael        Wassermann Pauline                                      45.18,2     10.04,3  (1725)      4.31 ¦    11.12   26.¦   11.26   38.¦   10.49   17.¦   11.50   34.¦
   24. Chaton Chris              Rapida Andrea             France Espagne                45.21,6     10.07,7  (1738)      4.32 ¦    12.58   44.¦    9.16    6.¦   13.31   46.¦    9.34    4.¦
   25. Corajod Pierre-Alain      Schäfer Sophie            Schäfer/Corajod               45.21,9     10.08,0  (1625)      4.32 ¦    12.15   33.¦   10.32   22.¦   11.08   19.¦   11.26   29.¦
   26. Lefrancois Michel         Deturche Yvonne           PANARDS                       46.03,2     10.49,3  (1668)      4.36 ¦    12.08   32.¦   10.35   25.¦   12.13   32.¦   11.06   24.¦
   27. Sublet Joëlle             Sublet Jacques            LES CELIGNOTES                46.03,9     10.50,0  (1715)      4.36 ¦    10.43   18.¦   12.22   44.¦   10.32   16.¦   12.25   40.¦
   28. Treier Marie              Jean-Marc                 1001 Dragons                  46.09,6     10.55,7  (1718)      4.36 ¦    12.04   31.¦   10.41   27.¦   12.14   33.¦   11.08   26.¦
   29. Fourrier Erwan            Creven Caroline                                         46.17,5     11.03,6  (1733)      4.37 ¦    13.03   46.¦    9.52   16.¦   12.55   42.¦   10.26   17.¦
   30. Mutter Francois           Gaelle Augé               Rue Chouet 13                 46.46,8     11.32,9  (1684)      4.40 ¦    12.25   38.¦   10.24   21.¦   12.45   38.¦   11.11   27.¦
   31. Poncioni Francis          Nathalie Poncioni         Ski Club Meyrin               46.47,6     11.33,7  (1693)      4.40 ¦     9.18    6.¦   13.46   50.¦    9.29    7.¦   14.13   47.¦
   32. Petri Claude              Snel Marlyse                                            47.14,7     12.00,8  (1670)      4.43 ¦    11.08   23.¦   11.25   37.¦   11.54   30.¦   12.46   42.¦
   33. Galley Jacques            Galley Charlotte          LES GALLEY                    47.16,9     12.03,0  (1643)      4.43 ¦    10.14   14.¦   12.51   47.¦   10.23   14.¦   13.46   46.¦
   34. Kesan Azra                Mirko Bettinelli          SIG1                          47.22,9     12.09,0  (1665)      4.44 ¦    12.30   39.¦   11.04   32.¦   12.16   34.¦   11.32   31.¦
   35. Sauser David              Francine Hutin            Sozerenforz!                  47.50,8     12.36,9  (1707)      4.47 ¦    12.16   34.¦   10.50   30.¦   12.52   41.¦   11.51   35.¦
   36. Gagnon Roxane             Roxane Gagnon             Gagnon                        48.01,9     12.48,0  (1642)      4.48 ¦    12.53   43.¦   10.47   29.¦   12.58   43.¦   11.22   28.¦
   37. Scrima Valérie            Ronny Chapuis             SIG2                          48.20,7     13.06,8  (1711)      4.50 ¦    12.33   40.¦   11.18   35.¦   12.46   39.¦   11.42   32.¦
   38. Bastard Nicolas           Giraf Franziska           VU SWA                        48.40,7     13.26,8  (1603)      4.52 ¦    10.12   13.¦   13.41   49.¦   10.10   13.¦   14.36   48.¦
   39. Thomas Sophie             Coigny Arnaud             HELIO CAROUGE                 48.53,0     13.39,1  (1717)      4.53 ¦    13.52   50.¦    9.54   19.¦   14.44   51.¦   10.22   15.¦
   40. Haymoz Isabelle           Martin Claude                                           48.58,5     13.44,6  (1652)      4.53 ¦    11.06   22.¦   12.46   46.¦   14.16   49.¦   10.48   19.¦
   41. Pergoud Jean-Michel       Pergoud Patricia                                        49.07,2     13.53,3  (1734)      4.54 ¦    13.01   45.¦   11.19   36.¦   13.14   44.¦   11.31   30.¦
   42. Tavares Nuno              Anne Tavares              Tavares s run                 50.01,0     14.47,1  (1716)      5.00 ¦    15.04   53.¦    9.53   18.¦   15.14   53.¦    9.48    7.¦
   43. Pataracchia Daniel        Gruet Valerie                                           50.28,6     15.14,7  (1689)      5.02 ¦     9.34    8.¦   15.08   53.¦    9.55   10.¦   15.49   51.¦
   44. Courtois Christine        Alain Jossy               SIG3                          50.42,0     15.28,1  (1626)      5.04 ¦    13.27   48.¦   11.27   39.¦   13.44   47.¦   12.02   37.¦
   45. Gallay Monique            Gallay Laurent                                          51.25,5     16.11,6  (1640)      5.08 ¦    11.12   27.¦   14.14   51.¦   11.21   23.¦   14.37   49.¦
   46. Wall Hélène               Wall Crispin                                            52.19,1     17.05,2  (1724)      5.13 ¦    12.53   42.¦   12.38   45.¦   13.18   45.¦   13.28   45.¦
   47. Huber Max                 Riat Jacqueline                                         52.53,1     17.39,2  (1655)      5.17 ¦    13.44   49.¦   12.18   43.¦   14.00   48.¦   12.50   43.¦
   48. Opitek Alain              Verhoeven Sandra                                        53.09,0     17.55,1  (1756)      5.18 ¦    14.57   52.¦   11.15   33.¦   14.48   52.¦   12.07   38.¦
   49. Plan Jean-Luc             Isabelle                                                54.26,2     19.12,3  (1692)      5.26 ¦    14.00   51.¦   13.20   48.¦   14.34   50.¦   12.31   41.¦
   50. Jaccohet Thierri                                                                  54.45,7     19.31,8  (1659)      5.28 ¦    12.22   36.¦   14.40   52.¦   12.39   37.¦   15.04   50.¦
   51. Gerdil Pierre-Dominique   Catherine                 GERDIL                        55.17,1     20.03,2  (1648)      5.31 ¦    11.06   21.¦   15.31   54.¦   11.32   26.¦   17.06   53.¦
   52. Scardino Fabrizio         Grin Scardino Valérie                                   58.00,0     22.46,1  (1708)      5.48 ¦    18.55   55.¦    9.31    9.¦   18.39   56.¦   10.53   20.¦
   53. Melo Cynthia              Melo Antoine                                            58.06,4     22.52,5  (1757)      5.48 ¦    10.21   16.¦   17.19   56.¦   10.54   18.¦   19.31   54.¦
   54. Fabbro Stefano            Valérie Ruffieux          Lesbôderniers               1:03.57,7     28.43,8  (1637)      6.23 ¦    13.11   47.¦   17.18   55.¦   16.29   54.¦   16.58   52.¦
   55. Widmer Rose-Marie         Gabriel Stephane          Lavigny (VD)                1:15.53,4     40.39,5  (1748)      7.35 ¦    16.30   54.¦   19.49   57.¦   16.32   55.¦   23.00   55.¦
   56. Jacot Clement             Plecard Rolande           CAVIGNY                       43.10,3      Split3  (1749)      ---- ¦    19.47   57.¦   12.07   41.¦   11.15   21.¦    ----  ----¦
   57. Binz  Perrine             chiriatti Oscar           CAVIGNY                       31.55,0      Split2  (1750)      ---- ¦    19.46   56.¦   12.08   42.¦    ----  ----¦    ----  ----¦

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