(7) Relais Hommes

5ème A travers Carouge - Run to run 2006 - (7) Relais Hommes

  rang Coureur 1                 Coureur 2                 équipe                          temps      retard    doss    Ø/km ¦      relais 1 ¦     relais 2 ¦     relais 3 ¦     relais 4 ¦
    1. Frossard Pierre Alain     Di Camillo Fabien                                       31.59,4       -----  (1678)    3.11 ¦     7.46    1.¦    7.56    3.¦    7.57    1.¦    8.18    1.¦
    2. Adam Romain               Guillaume Adam            Demi-fondu74                  33.22,1      1.22,7  (1685)    3.20 ¦     8.11    5.¦    7.44    1.¦    8.56    5.¦    8.29    2.¦
    3. Sironi Matteo             Camille RUIZ + Matteo SIR CERN                          33.39,7      1.40,3  (1695)    3.21 ¦     8.04    3.¦    8.30    4.¦    8.21    3.¦    8.42    4.¦
    4. Moroni Mickael            Bursik M.                                               34.11,4      2.12,0  (1653)    3.25 ¦     8.39    6.¦    7.51    2.¦    9.09    6.¦    8.30    3.¦
    5. Baldacchino Olivier       Schneider Michaël         Perform CBS                   34.29,8      2.30,4  (1710)    3.26 ¦     7.57    2.¦    8.41    6.¦    8.20    2.¦    9.30    8.¦
    6. Fournival Alex            HUDRY JEAN LOUIS          LES AIGLES DU LEMAN           35.18,1      3.18,7  (1677)    3.31 ¦     8.07    4.¦    9.07   11.¦    8.32    4.¦    9.30    7.¦
    7. Krijnen Yannick           Pavel                     Stade Geneve                  35.49,7      3.50,3  (1697)    3.34 ¦     8.48    7.¦    8.34    5.¦    9.09    7.¦    9.17    6.¦
    8. Widmer Bernard            Dumalle Florian           TRI CLUB GENEVE               37.07,1      5.07,7  (1717)    3.42 ¦     8.53    8.¦    9.20   13.¦    9.10    8.¦    9.43   13.¦
    9. Eusebio Manuel            Imeri Sami                Velo Service                  37.47,6      5.48,2  (1711)    3.46 ¦     9.33   12.¦    8.50    8.¦   10.17   12.¦    9.06    5.¦
   10. Matthey Yan               Christian Peguet          Dream Team                    38.06,9      6.07,5  (1688)    3.48 ¦     9.17   10.¦    9.30   14.¦    9.37   10.¦    9.42   12.¦
   11. Shelton Nicolas           Canton Jonas              CNN Tri Nyon                  38.10,5      6.11,1  (1721)    3.49 ¦     9.26   11.¦    8.59    9.¦   10.03   11.¦    9.41   10.¦
   12. Gaille Fabrice            Felberbaum Laurent        lausanne sport                39.18,3      7.18,9  (1708)    3.55 ¦    10.05   15.¦    8.47    7.¦   10.50   17.¦    9.35    9.¦
   13. Govaerts Patrice          SANTSCHY Arnaud           The Guepards                  39.23,0      7.23,6  (1635)    3.56 ¦     9.59   13.¦    9.04   10.¦   10.37   14.¦    9.41   11.¦
   14. Lovis Cédric              Nicod                     See you next year             39.30,1      7.30,7  (1645)    3.57 ¦     9.17    9.¦   10.03   19.¦    9.30    9.¦   10.39   21.¦
   15. Chenevas Xavier           vilallonga                AB jardin                     40.54,1      8.54,7  (1619)    4.05 ¦    10.22   18.¦    9.16   12.¦   11.16   20.¦    9.59   14.¦
   16. Touri Salim               Chapuis Frédéric                                        41.04,1      9.04,7  (1712)    4.06 ¦    10.17   17.¦    9.37   17.¦   10.46   16.¦   10.22   16.¦
   17. Bentele Philippe          Martin O.                                               42.18,7     10.19,3  (1606)    4.13 ¦    10.54   21.¦    9.42   18.¦   11.10   19.¦   10.30   17.¦
   18. Bortolotti Olivier        Pierre-Alain                                            42.24,3     10.24,9  (1698)    4.14 ¦    10.01   14.¦   10.27   23.¦   10.26   13.¦   11.27   26.¦
   19. Carme Francis             Constantin Jean-Bernard                                 42.41,8     10.42,4  (1617)    4.16 ¦    10.17   16.¦   10.41   26.¦   10.38   15.¦   11.05   24.¦
   20. Rota Luigi                Aranda Diego              cortex & minus                43.25,9     11.26,5  (1661)    4.20 ¦    11.08   23.¦    9.35   16.¦   12.09   24.¦   10.32   18.¦
   21. Sokolowski Edouard        Sokolowski Gregory        PANARDS                       43.43,3     11.43,9  (1666)    4.22 ¦    10.33   19.¦   10.30   24.¦   11.27   22.¦   11.12   25.¦
   22. Jemmely René              Olivier Goy               Courir....Ensemble            44.57,7     12.58,3  (1640)    4.29 ¦    11.51   25.¦   10.17   21.¦   12.13   25.¦   10.35   20.¦
   23. Novo-Perez Alexandre      Bessie Eric               PANARDS                       44.58,1     12.58,7  (1715)    4.29 ¦    12.02   27.¦   10.10   20.¦   12.27   26.¦   10.17   15.¦
   24. Pellet Roger              Renevier Daniel           PANARD                        45.15,3     13.15,9  (1656)    4.31 ¦    11.41   24.¦   10.36   25.¦   11.59   23.¦   10.58   22.¦
   25. Jimenez Raphaël           Rafael Jimenez            Los Leperos                   46.02,7     14.03,3  (1675)    4.36 ¦    12.43   28.¦    9.30   15.¦   13.13   28.¦   10.35   19.¦
   26. Lanna Stefano             Marco Longhi              I barboni                     46.06,3     14.06,9  (1643)    4.36 ¦    11.04   22.¦   11.27   30.¦   10.59   18.¦   12.35   28.¦
   27. Guerreiro Alexandre       Dols Thomas               les Onésiens                  46.23,4     14.24,0  (1694)    4.38 ¦    10.54   20.¦   10.55   29.¦   11.18   21.¦   13.16   30.¦
   28. Bolle Thierry             LEIBZIG Didier            La Basquette Poussive         47.40,8     15.41,4  (1609)    4.46 ¦    11.51   26.¦   10.53   28.¦   12.42   27.¦   12.13   27.¦
   29. Bopp Patrick              ULMANN Didier                                           51.18,0     19.18,6  (1610)    5.07 ¦    14.15   30.¦   10.25   22.¦   15.33   31.¦   11.03   23.¦
   30. Luthy Christian           Lambert Pierre                                          53.05,4     21.06,0  (1646)    5.18 ¦    14.15   29.¦   11.47   31.¦   14.27   29.¦   12.35   29.¦
   31. Carrin Maarten            Jacques                                                 39.48,2      Split3  (1704)    ---- ¦    14.25   31.¦   10.45   27.¦   14.36   30.¦    ----  ----¦

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