(14) 76km Dames (dès 19 ans)

Grand Raid Cristalp 2001 - (14) 76km Dames (dès 19 ans)

crée 19.08.2001 19:42:31
  rang nom et prénom          an pays/lieu                 temps     retard    doss  overall          km/h
                Eison !ison-Grimentz !
    1. Schulthess Catherine   65 La Sagne NE           4:56.38,2      -----  (3091)  94       1.    15,372
         2:40.28    1.! 2:16.10    1.!
    2. Vorlet Nicole          73 Le Landeron           5:15.41,0    19.02,8  (3127)  94       2.    14,444
         2:47.04    2.! 2:28.36    2.!
    3. Heinzmann Fabienne     76 Visperterminen        5:22.40,8    26.02,6  (3617)  94       3.    14,131
         2:52.55    4.! 2:29.45    3.!
    4. Scheiber Corinne       74 Schattdorf            5:24.24,5    27.46,3  (3299)  94       4.    14,056
         2:51.28    3.! 2:32.55    4.!
    5. Schnyder Carmen        72 Erschmatt             5:40.12,8    43.34,6  (3464)  94       5.    13,403
         2:54.48    5.! 2:45.24    9.!
    6. Mooser Nicole          69 Corbières             5:44.46,6    48.08,4  (3430)  94       6.    13,225
         3:11.30    8.! 2:33.15    5.!
    7. Greppin Céline         75 Genève                5:49.14,0    52.35,8  (3575)  94       7.    13,057
         3:08.05    6.! 2:41.08    7.!
    8. Bertschinger Regine    71 Zürich                5:54.57,5    58.19,3  (3525)  94       8.    12,846
         3:19.15   13.! 2:35.42    6.!
    9. Creste Sandra          65 Vallorbe              5:57.10,6  1:00.32,4  (3336)  94       9.    12,766
         3:13.55   10.! 2:43.14    8.!
   10. Dutly Marianne         64 Zermatt               5:58.04,9  1:01.26,7  (3436)  94       10.   12,734
         3:09.11    7.! 2:48.53   10.!
   11. Saas Chloé             78 La Chaux-de-Fonds     6:10.39,7  1:14.01,5  (3438)  94       12.   12,302
         3:18.47   12.! 2:51.52   13.!
   12. Mumenthaler Elisabeth  63 Gals                  6:12.09,3  1:15.31,1  (4341)  94       13.   12,252
         3:13.46    9.! 2:58.22   19.!
   13. Dayer Mélanie          78 Hérémence             6:13.10,9  1:16.32,7  (3608)  94       14.   12,219
         3:17.59   11.! 2:55.11   16.!
   14. Loye Marlène           67 Sion                  6:14.52,4  1:18.14,2  (3607)  94       15.   12,164
         3:21.44   15.! 2:53.07   14.!
   15. Nicholson Samantha     69 NL-GS The Hague       6:15.01,7  1:18.23,5  (3493)  94       16.   12,159
         3:19.55   14.! 2:55.06   15.!
   16. Gissler Fränzi         74 Allschwil             6:24.17,6  1:27.39,4  (4846)  94       18.   11,865
         3:33.15   21.! 2:51.02   12.!
   17. Driano Susan           57 B-Bruxelles           6:25.18,1  1:28.39,9  (5154)  94       19.   11,834
         3:26.38   17.! 2:58.39   20.!
   18. Beuchat-Mahon Nicole   72 Courfaivre            6:27.47,9  1:31.09,7  (4330)  94       20.   11,758
         3:37.58   27.! 2:49.49   11.!
   19. Rytz Susanne           77 Berneck               6:28.53,7  1:32.15,5  (5281)  94       21.   11,725
         3:33.26   22.! 2:55.26   17.!
   20. Wank Barbara           74 Bougy-Villars         6:29.29,4  1:32.51,2  (3496)  94       22.   11,707
         3:29.36   19.! 2:59.53   22.!
   21. Lehmann Sylvie         70 Troistorrents         6:39.47,2  1:43.09,0  (5032)  94       24.   11,406
         3:42.15   34.! 2:57.32   18.!
   22. Backes Claire-Lise     58 L-Senningen           6:41.01,2  1:44.23,0  (4413)  94       25.   11,371
         3:32.11   20.! 3:08.49   25.!
   23. Fior Nicole            74 Nods                  6:42.53,1  1:46.14,9  (5383)  94       26.   11,318
         3:39.30   31.! 3:03.22   23.!
   24. Schreiber Imke         73 D-Erlangen            6:44.27,0  1:47.48,8  (5475)  94       27.   11,274
         3:45.15   35.! 2:59.11   21.!
   25. Aubert Micheline       71 L'Isle                6:48.13,6  1:51.35,4  (4281)  94       28.   11,170
         3:26.47   18.! 3:21.26   34.!
   26. Streiff Françoise      65 Le Crêt-du-Locle      6:51.57,1  1:55.18,9  (4293)  94       29.   11,069
         3:36.05   26.! 3:15.51   27.!
   27. Lovejoy  Erika         69 USA-South  Lake Taho  6:54.41,8  1:58.03,6  (3664)  94       30.   10,995
         3:35.22   25.! 3:19.19   29.!
   28. Gattlen Carmen         65 Termen                6:56.05,9  1:59.27,7  (5612)  94       31.   10,958
         3:25.30   16.! 3:30.35   40.!
   29. Rapillard Joëlle       80 Conthey               6:56.50,2  2:00.12,0  (5442)  94       32.   10,939
         3:52.20   38.! 3:04.30   24.!
   30. Maret Caroline         77 Le Châble VS          6:57.20,2  2:00.42,0  (5037)  94       34.   10,926
         3:34.01   23.! 3:23.19   35.!
   31. Hilber Alexandra       74 Niederwangen BE       6:58.46,4  2:02.08,2  (4859)  94       35.   10,888
         3:38.22   29.! 3:20.23   33.!
   32. Morard Caroline        77 Flanthey              6:59.26,3  2:02.48,1  (4592)  94       36.   10,871
         3:40.10   32.! 3:19.16   28.!
   33. Jacot Géraldine        71 Lausanne              7:00.23,2  2:03.45,0  (4348)  94       37.   10,847
         3:34.17   24.! 3:26.05   36.!
   34. Jaggi Cattin Cécile    67 La Chaux-de-Fonds     7:02.17,9  2:05.39,7  (4862)  94       38.   10,798
         3:41.56   33.! 3:20.21   32.!
   35. Neuhaus Yolanda        73 Pensier               7:09.41,4  2:13.03,2  (3134)  94       39.   10,612
         3:38.41   30.! 3:31.00   41.!
   36. Nanchen Andreanne      78 Flanthey              7:09.42,9  2:13.04,7  (4385)  94       40.   10,611
         3:50.02   37.! 3:19.40   30.!
   37. Maillard Séverine      72 Chailly-Montreux      7:14.31,7  2:17.53,5  (5418)  94       41.   10,494
         3:54.38   39.! 3:19.53   31.!
   38. Martinet Marlyse       62 Martigny              7:15.16,8  2:18.38,6  (4117)  94       42.   10,476
         3:38.00   28.! 3:37.15   47.!
   39. Tomsin Véronique       64 B-Chaudfontaine       7:16.17,7  2:19.39,5  (5482)  94       43.   10,451
         4:00.32   44.! 3:15.45   26.!
   40. Perret Evelyne         73 Porrentruy            7:17.26,9  2:20.48,7  (5311)  94       44.   10,424
         3:47.39   36.! 3:29.47   38.!
   41. Bartel Brigitte        60 Cologny               7:27.07,9  2:30.29,7  (4515)  94       45.   10,198
         3:56.50   42.! 3:30.17   39.!
   42. Martin Lucy            75 Verbier               7:29.13,6  2:32.35,4  (5618)  94       46.   10,150
         3:55.50   40.! 3:33.23   43.!
   43. Bernasconi Christine   63 Muraz (Collombey)     7:35.54,9  2:39.16,7  (5148)  94       47.   10,001
         4:00.41   45.! 3:35.13   45.!
   44. Fornasier Lucia        59 Wünnewil              7:40.53,2  2:44.15,0  (5385)  94       48.    9,893
         4:08.29   53.! 3:32.23   42.!
   45. Dubois Marie-Christine 63 Orsières              7:41.05,9  2:44.27,7  (5376)  94       49.    9,889
         3:59.18   43.! 3:41.47   53.!
   46. Schweingruber Valérie  70 La Chaux-de-Fonds     7:41.27,2  2:44.49,0  (4488)  94       50.    9,881
         4:03.39   46.! 3:37.47   49.!
   47. Carbo Julie            60 Martigny-Croix        7:41.46,0  2:45.07,8  (5521)  94       51.    9,875
         3:56.29   41.! 3:45.17   57.!
   48. Favre Chloé            80 Chandolin             7:42.22,8  2:45.44,6  (4153)  94       52.    9,862
         4:13.27   58.! 3:28.54   37.!
   49. Arsich Catherine       75 Avully                7:42.28,7  2:45.50,5  (5513)  94       53.    9,859
         4:05.24   47.! 3:37.04   46.!
   50. Gertschen Simone       76 Köniz                 7:43.54,6  2:47.16,4  (5394)  94       54.    9,829
         4:09.17   54.! 3:34.36   44.!
   51. Nuber-Davel Laurence   63 La Rippe              7:44.03,2  2:47.25,0  (5555)  94       56.    9,826
         4:06.20   48.! 3:37.42   48.!
   52. Jeannin Coralie        81 Fleurier              7:47.34,5  2:50.56,3  (4360)  94       57.    9,752
         4:08.28   52.! 3:39.06   51.!
   53. Zeltner Gaelle         74 Grand-Lancy           7:52.16,4  2:55.38,2  (5473)  94       58.    9,655
         4:07.38   50.! 3:44.37   56.!
   54. Leather Jane           76 GB-LS21 1JH OTLEY LE  7:52.33,5  2:55.55,3  (5201)  94       59.    9,649
         4:13.52   59.! 3:38.41   50.!
   55. Konrad Nadia           69 Flanthey              7:53.58,6  2:57.20,4  (4375)  94       60.    9,620
         4:08.23   51.! 3:45.35   58.!
   56. Oakman Christine       70 Verbier               7:56.40,3  3:00.02,1  (4547)  94       61.    9,566
         4:14.12   60.! 3:42.27   54.!
   57. Rietmann Silvia        58 Chexbres              7:58.39,9  3:02.01,7  (3167)  94       62.    9,526
         4:10.28   55.! 3:48.11   60.!
   58. Vassalli Isabelle      67 Torgon                7:59.30,2  3:02.52,0  (4693)  94       63.    9,509
         4:19.26   64.! 3:40.03   52.!
   59. Schmid Isabelle        75 Carrouge VD           8:04.11,8  3:07.33,6  (5449)  94       64.    9,417
         4:12.41   57.! 3:51.30   61.!
   60. Bartolomé Silvie       67 Leysin                8:10.26,3  3:13.48,1  (5605)  94       65.    9,297
         4:27.34   71.! 3:42.51   55.!
   61. Frey Nicole            ?? Ste-Croix             8:14.51,2  3:18.13,0  (4740)  94       66.    9,214
         4:23.15   68.! 3:51.35   62.!
   62. Strahm Sarah           73 Courroux              8:15.43,3  3:19.05,1  (5623)  94       67.    9,198
         4:07.33   49.! 4:08.09   71.!
   63. Harrington Tara        75 USA-CA San Jose       8:18.24,8  3:21.46,6  (5658)  94       68.    9,149
         4:14.51   61.! 4:03.32   68.!
   64. Rey Anne-Brigitte      70 Sierre                8:18.28,0  3:21.49,8  (4580)  94       69.    9,148
         4:16.20   62.! 4:02.07   66.!
   65. Hall Lucy              72 GB-NE46 3DA Hexham    8:19.45,3  3:23.07,1  (5248)  94       70.    9,124
         4:10.30   56.! 4:09.15   73.!
   66. Mohr Ulrike            73 D-Aachen              8:22.39,7  3:26.01,5  (4680)  94       71.    9,071
         4:21.21   66.! 4:01.18   65.!
   67. Herzig Paula           71 Villars-Tiercelin     8:24.51,6  3:28.13,4  (5222)  94       72.    9,032
         4:16.42   63.! 4:08.08   70.!
   68. Borcard Sylviane       66 Pâquier-Montbarry     8:30.39,9  3:34.01,7  (5149)  94       73.    8,929
         4:24.15   69.! 4:06.24   69.!
   69. Pouly Nicole           69 Ecublens VD           8:32.35,8  3:35.57,6  (4658)  94       74.    8,895
         4:31.28   73.! 4:01.07   64.!
   70. Dufaux Sandrine        70 Mex VD                8:34.27,5  3:37.49,3  (4615)  94       76.    8,863
         4:31.41   74.! 4:02.45   67.!
   71. Wegmann Sibylle        71 Aesch b.Neftenbach    8:35.10,7  3:38.32,5  (5468)  94       77.    8,851
         4:37.27   78.! 3:57.43   63.!
   72. Knäbel Béatrice        72 Nant                  8:40.23,5  3:43.45,3  (3129)  94       78.    8,762
         4:31.14   72.! 4:09.09   72.!
   73. Westhoff-Rey Ariane    65 Montana-Vermala       8:42.41,7  3:46.03,5  (5469)  94       79.    8,724
         4:56.39   88.! 3:46.01   59.!
   74. Moesching Caroline     76 Bex                   8:47.01,3  3:50.23,1  (4449)  94       81.    8,652
         4:25.48   70.! 4:21.13   75.!
   75. Jando Gabriella        61 H-Maglod              8:53.59,3  3:57.21,1  (5205)  94       82.    8,539
         4:33.55   75.! 4:20.04   74.!
   76. Vuilleumier Karin      70 St-Imier              9:01.39,2  4:05.01,0  (5069)  94       83.    8,418
         4:20.59   65.! 4:40.40   81.!
   77. Imhof Barbara          68 Brig                  9:02.56,0  4:06.17,8  (5122)  94       84.    8,398
         4:40.07   79.! 4:22.48   76.!
   78. Laurencet Béatrice     72 Vionnaz               9:08.25,6  4:11.47,4  (5171)  94       85.    8,314
         4:44.32   82.! 4:23.52   77.!
   79. Gigandet Alexia        71 Sorvilier             9:10.11,6  4:13.33,4  (4529)  94       86.    8,287
         4:21.25   67.! 4:48.46   85.!
   80. Bornet Florence        73 Illarsaz              9:14.08,3  4:17.30,1  (4794)  94       87.    8,228
         4:45.24   83.! 4:28.43   78.!
   81. Nisbet Rachel          74 Lausanne              9:15.53,0  4:19.14,8  (5277)  94       88.    8,203
         4:44.24   81.! 4:31.28   79.!
   82. Tgetgel Gina           74 Hérémence             9:19.02,3  4:22.24,1  (4706)  94       89.    8,156
         4:45.55   84.! 4:33.06   80.!
   83. Erard Frederique       78 Courrendlin           9:33.45,6  4:37.07,4  (5010)  94       90.    7,947
         4:51.57   86.! 4:41.48   82.!
   84. Pouly Emmanuelle       70 Bremblens             9:36.26,9  4:39.48,7  (4657)  94       91.    7,910
         4:35.44   76.! 5:00.42   87.!
   85. Mauerer Jasmine        78 Gommiswald            9:39.47,1  4:43.08,9  (4678)  94       92.    7,864
         4:48.31   85.! 4:51.16   86.!
   86. Frisque Andrea         70 D-Aachen              9:43.19,4  4:46.41,2  (4686)  94       93.    7,817
         4:55.56   87.! 4:47.22   84.!
   87. Jollie Susie           68 GB-LS5,3LN Kirkstall  9:47.29,9  4:50.51,7  (4681)  94       94.    7,761
         5:02.09   89.! 4:45.20   83.!
   88. Margueron Marie-Luce   82 Aigle                 9:50.29,9  4:53.51,7  (5127)  94       95.    7,722
         4:43.52   80.! 5:06.37   88.!
   89. Van Rossen Marit       71 NL-NZ Apeldoorn       9:56.29,6  4:59.51,4  (5323)  94       96.    7,644
         4:37.15   77.! 5:19.13   90.!
   90. Vonnez Patricia        64 Ayent                10:30.29,6  5:33.51,4  (4768)  94       97.    7,232
         5:13.11   91.! 5:17.17   89.!
   91. Degroote Nele          78 B-Halle              10:47.21,4  5:50.43,2  (5244)  94       99.    7,044
         5:02.46   90.! 5:44.34   92.!
   92. Clark Janice           72 Neuchâtel            10:57.33,8  6:00.55,6  (5212)  94       100.   6,934
         5:18.28   92.! 5:39.05   91.!
   93. Simon Valerie          70 F-Menestreau en Vill 11:46.30,6  6:49.52,4  (5251)  94       101.   6,454
         5:29.22   93.! 6:17.08   94.!
   94. Sommer Vanessa         72 Corcelles NE         11:50.40,3  6:54.02,1  (5062)  94       102.   6,416
         5:38.00   94.! 6:12.40   93.!

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