Maratona dles Dolomites 1999 - "V"

categoria posto nome/località                  an squadra/località               tempo pett     assoluto   ¦       Canazei!  Passo Sella!
M30        251. Vacca Corrado, Morbello (AL)   65 GS Cicli Guizzardi         8:22.44,6  (3523)  M174/924.  ¦   56.41  385.!3:22.08  280.!
M30         22. Vaccari Mauro, Bolzano (BZ)    65 Assos Team                 3:58.00,9   (890)  M96/78.    ¦   50.59   30.!3:03.26   26.!
M40         27. Vaccaro Roberto, Sarzana (SP)  57 GS Bianchi Giesse          7:08.35,5   (757)  M174/205.  ¦   48.36   55.!2:55.56   38.!
M30          2. Vairetti Raimondo, Talamona (S 65 NUOVA CORTI                5:41.27,5   (788)  M174/4.    ¦   35.43    3.!2:22.36    2.!
M20         83. Valdagno Daniele, Brendola (VI 79 GS Chiementin              7:40.34,3  (7352)  M174/451.  ¦   50.58  134.!3:11.09  108.!
M20        146. Valdemarin Stefano, Gradisca D 70 Gruppo Ciclistico Gorizia  8:13.50,0  (6553)  M174/826.  ¦   51.34  147.!3:18.44  144.!
M35         35. Valdesalici Gianluca, Verona ( 61 Butty Chesini              6:48.21,3   (462)  M174/110.  ¦   44.30   41.!2:44.46   39.!
M45         11. Valdrè Veraldo, Imola (BO)     51 Wellness Point             6:09.15,4  (6289)  M137/140.  ¦   45.11    1.!3:07.38    9.!
M35        275. Valente Luca, Scandiano (RE)   63 AC MOTOR BIKE              6:14.48,6  (7465)  M96/1373.  ¦ 1:22.24  327.!4:48.03  309.!
M30        410. Valente Paolo, Verona (VR)     68 GS Corrubbio Maistri       9:26.05,8  (7715)  M174/1650. ¦   57.13  393.!3:39.16  399.!
M35         36. Valente Silvana (Tandem), Schi 63 US Ciclismo Piovene R.     6:14.58,7  (6758)  M137/160.  ¦   56.44   88.!3:15.55   41.!
M30        135. Valentini Cesare, Fornovo Taro 66 Team Parma Bike 99         7:36.37,8  (5082)  M174/414.  ¦   49.42  169.!3:02.23  126.!
F20         21. Valentini Cristina, Udine      68 Ass. De Biasio             5:21.15,0  (5573)  F96/35.    ¦ 1:07.19   26.!4:06.44   23.!
M40        251. Valentini Flavio, Santarcangel 55 Ecology Team               9:01.15,7  (7329)  M174/1409. ¦   55.48  227.!3:29.38  226.!
M50         21. Valentini Giuliano, Serravalle 48 Sc Ala                     8:11.11,0  (4714)  M174/799.  ¦   53.46   29.!3:17.45   24.!
M40         59. Valentini Giuseppe, RSM-Falcia 56 GS Dogana                  7:37.10,6   (754)  M174/424.  ¦   48.27   48.!2:55.30   33.!
M30        336. Valentini Mauro, Spilamberto M 68 GS Sportissimo Top Level   8:47.39,0  (4086)  M174/1261. ¦ 1:00.38  454.!3:26.25  311.!
M50         13. Valeriani Adelmo, Canossa (RE) 49 NUOVA CORTI                6:41.50,2  (5540)  M137/299.  ¦   55.22   10.!3:21.11    7.!
M30        173. Valerosi Giorgio, Lido di Vene 66 UC Lido                    7:55.18,0  (7185)  M137/820.  ¦ 1:02.36  169.!3:47.23  138.!
M35        255. Valiante Luigi, Salerno (SA)   62 Ciclo club Salerno         8:24.03,6  (3662)  M174/939.  ¦   54.40  309.!3:14.07  211.!
M20          9. Vallè Riccardo, Milano (MI)    77 Nuova Corti                6:09.03,4    (87)  M174/26.   ¦   38.53    5.!2:30.13    8.!
M35        183. Vallerga Riccardo, Albissoia M 64 Cicli Zanini               7:52.53,9  (6126)  M137/806.  ¦ 1:03.20  195.!4:02.33  195.!
M40         97. Vallini Daniele, Bolzano       59 Team Fiandre               7:27.07,7  (6057)  M137/603.  ¦ 1:03.24  144.!3:45.42   91.!
M40        211. Van Ameyde Nel, NL-HB ASSEN    59 En Route                   8:49.11,7  (4900)  M137/1206. ¦ 1:05.35  166.!4:29.05  212.!
M45        192. Van Bommel Paul                54 B-Terhagen                 6:27.47,0  (5582)  M96/1522.  ¦ 1:11.34  148.!4:21.10  127.!
M45         83. Van Booyen Adriaan             53 NL-Noordwijk               8:29.32,5  (5557)  M174/1007. ¦   54.02   77.!3:40.39  153.!
M50         54. Van De Berg Martien, NL-EE BRE 48 En Route                   7:48.36,2  (4349)  M137/782.  ¦   59.03   23.!3:56.13   47.!
M35        253. Van Der Geest Eric             62 NL-PG Leiden               8:23.47,6  (5670)  M174/934.  ¦   51.48  218.!3:25.16  296.!
M45        107. Van Der Heyden Max, NL-RT ABCO 52 En Route                   7:57.09,8  (4903)  M137/836.  ¦ 1:02.45   92.!4:11.50  121.!
M30        149. Van Der Meer Rene              68 NL-WD NOORDWIJK            7:42.50,5  (5671)  M174/480.  ¦   46.48   84.!3:13.28  214.!
M40         93. Van Der Waa Pieter             57 NL-HC Bunde                7:54.36,1  (2208)  M174/606.  ¦   49.53   78.!3:11.39  103.!
M30        439. Van Der Zee Paul, NL-MD ROTTER 69 En Route                   9:46.48,2  (4348)  M174/1822. ¦ 1:05.16  496.!3:53.21  469.!
M30        433. Van Der Zwan Eric              65 NL-VALKENSWAARD            9:43.26,7  (6905)  M174/1800. ¦ 1:01.34  467.!3:49.19  453.!
M30        491. Van Dijck Piet                 69 B-Berchem                 10:32.14,4  (5567)  M174/2089. ¦ 1:05.26  498.!4:08.07  502.!
F20         16. Van Eyck Linda                 69 B-Schilde                  9:46.26,5    (69)  F174/34.   ¦ 1:01.14   17.!3:50.19   16.!
M35        172. Van Hoef Jo, NL-EE BREDA       60 En Route                   7:46.20,6  (4351)  M137/762.  ¦   59.52  141.!3:57.03  171.!
M40        269. Van Mil Patrick, NL-SC UTRECHT 58 En Route                   9:10.45,6  (4899)  M174/1510. ¦ 1:00.36  310.!3:45.40  307.!
M30        471. Van Rijn Arnout, NL-MD ROTTERD 66 En Route                  10:05.58,2  (4350)  M174/1977. ¦   54.47  340.!3:40.01  403.!
M35         80. Van Vugt Henry, NL-HX GIESSEN  64 Cycletours                 7:21.04,3  (6572)  M174/283.  ¦   47.46   87.!3:02.18  115.!
M45        117. Van Waert Frank                52 NL-ST Utrecht              8:52.54,5  (6087)  M174/1312. ¦   56.32  113.!3:38.30  144.!
M20        126. Van Wijk Perry                 73 NL-XT Warmond              5:32.12,3  (5987)  M96/808.   ¦ 1:03.27  130.!4:06.08  139.!
M35        349. Van Wingerden Cees, NL-SW Ulve 61 Oad Cycletours             8:56.55,1  (2470)  M174/1362. ¦   56.51  362.!3:40.29  396.!
M40        117. Van Zelst                      55 NL-Nieuwegein              8:04.50,6  (5562)  M174/723.  ¦   52.00  123.!3:21.20  177.!
M35        230. Van Zuilekom Gerrit, NL-GH LOC 61 Cycletours                 8:15.33,2  (6569)  M174/849.  ¦   52.36  245.!3:24.30  287.!
M20        123. Vanetti Marco, Bodio Comnago ( 71 GS Cittá di Varese         5:30.53,4  (7509)  M96/789.   ¦ 1:08.11  167.!4:16.08  149.!
M30        225. Vanini Filippo, Noceto (PR)    66 SC Borcentese              8:12.04,8  (7712)  M174/812.  ¦   53.01  289.!3:22.15  283.!
M35        402. Vannelli Moreno, Lucca         63 GS Cicli Carube            9:23.03,0  (3921)  M174/1623. ¦   58.23  404.!3:46.08  438.!
M35         94. Vannini Paolo, S.Piero a Sieve 60 Pol.S.Piero a Sieve        6:59.51,6  (7783)  M137/397.  ¦   55.18   66.!3:38.04  102.!
M35        263. Vannucci Carlo, Pontedera PI   64 GS ciclolandia Pistoia     8:27.18,2  (3202)  M174/981.  ¦   55.11  321.!3:22.40  273.!
M40         42. Vanzan Sergio, S.Pietro in G#  56 GS Guadense                7:26.39,2   (719)  M174/327.  ¦   48.26   47.!2:56.33   39.!
M40        355. Vanzan Vanni, Terzo di Aquilei 56 GC Cicli - 4R             10:03.12,8  (6073)  M174/1950. ¦ 1:06.09  380.!3:55.11  355.!
M55         58. Vanzella Bruno, Conegliano (TV 38 Leyform Cima Conegliano    5:20.23,2  (3527)  M96/676.   ¦ 1:11.29  110.!4:01.25   52.!
M35         75. Vanzelli Giuseppe, LAINATE (MI 62 Amatori Velo Lainate       4:51.28,0  (4443)  M96/373.   ¦ 1:06.29  189.!3:47.29  104.!
M45          7. Vanzetto Ivone, Pieve di Solig 53 Dielle                     4:04.02,5  (4536)  M96/98.    ¦   54.04   18.!3:07.51    8.!
M20        250. Vanzetto Massimiliano, Abbadia 70 Gs Cicli Spreafico         9:20.13,3  (5242)  M174/1602. ¦   56.29  236.!3:35.59  229.!
M20        191. Vanzulli Massimo, Arese MI     70 Amspo - Rho                8:46.11,0  (7178)  M174/1242. ¦   56.49  239.!3:29.43  199.!
M30         43. Varaldo Giuseppe, Vesime (AT)  66 Sc Bikers Canelli          6:56.29,3   (395)  M174/145.  ¦   44.23   44.!2:48.24   47.!
M45         76. Varalli Roberto, Sesto Calende 53 GS Cicli Varsalona         8:26.28,2  (6824)  M174/969.  ¦   53.41   70.!3:17.32   63.!
M35         72. Varani Ciro, Cremona           61 Ciclomaniaci Avis          4:47.32,7  (5241)  M96/356.   ¦   59.34   96.!3:40.16   84.!
M30        232. Varinelli Marco, Milano (MI)   65 GC F.Moser Milano          8:14.20,7  (6996)  M174/836.  ¦   52.56  286.!3:24.23  298.!
M20        165. Varisco Giovanni, Paderno Dugn 71 SC Paderno                 8:31.42,5  (7177)  M174/1040. ¦   54.45  202.!3:29.50  201.!
M30        114. Vattuone Andrea, Sestri Levant 69 MKF Vara                   5:04.17,8  (7582)  M96/507.   ¦ 1:04.25  173.!3:54.29  133.!
M50        100. Vecchi Giuseppe, Bagnacavallo  46 SC Bagnacavallo           10:00.45,8  (3530)  M174/1934. ¦ 1:06.08  116.!3:59.16  113.!
M55         16. Vecchietti Romolo, Modena      38 Gino Nasi                  7:02.08,0  (3927)  M137/414.  ¦ 1:04.08   47.!3:32.51   12.!
M20        103. Vedani Nicola, Milano (MI)     70 GC Besozzo 2000            7:37.55,3  (7306)  M137/703.  ¦ 1:03.31  130.!4:02.03  119.!
M45         29. Vellar Loris, Camporovere Roan 50 Pedale Opitergino Ecoflam  4:41.46,1  (7641)  M96/301.   ¦   57.07   32.!3:40.46   43.!
M30        136. Velussi Luca                   69 GB-OBJ LONDON              5:15.54,5   (105)  M96/625.   ¦ 1:04.40  175.!4:05.49  180.!
M40         71. Venchiarutti Damien, F-La Plag 57 Cyclo Club de Macot        7:04.50,7  (7371)  M137/428.  ¦ 1:01.02  105.!3:45.31   88.!
M45        106. Venco Giovanni, Ponte S.Nicolò 52 SC Ponte San Nicolò        8:47.07,4  (3488)  M174/1255. ¦   57.54  137.!3:24.01   89.!
M50         46. Vendel John, NL-ED BEVERWYK    48 BRC Kennemerland           7:38.26,1  (2199)  M137/705.  ¦ 1:05.50   66.!4:03.54   57.!
M30        103. Vendramin Giovanni, Brunico (B 67 Us Brunico                 4:58.15,6  (5572)  M96/442.   ¦ 1:09.38  226.!3:48.10  118.!
M35        393. Venturelli Romano, Pogliano Mi 64 GS Amspo Milano            9:18.38,5  (4862)  M174/1589. ¦   59.11  423.!3:28.46  318.!
M30        139. Venturi Alberto, Forlì         65 GS Sintesi 96              7:39.17,5  (6086)  M174/440.  ¦   47.34   95.!3:02.23  126.!
M50         97. Venturi Alessandro, Cesena (FO 47 GC L'Albero delle Ruote    9:59.11,2  (7069)  M174/1921. ¦ 1:06.04  115.!3:56.53  110.!
M55          1. Venturi Bruno, Forlì (FO)      43 SC Vecchiazzano            7:03.43,6  (2207)  M174/185.  ¦   46.59    1.!2:57.17    2.!
M50        ---  Venturi Dario, Vigasio         49 GC Life                   squalifica  (7067)  M137/37.   ¦    ----  ----!   ----  ----!
M55         36. Venturi Giuseppe Alberto, Bolo 39 Ansaloni                   7:36.31,2  (5498)  M137/692.  ¦ 1:00.23   24.!3:53.54   33.!
M35        469. Venturi Mauro, Cervia          60 AS Montaletto             10:05.27,0  (5088)  M174/1968. ¦ 1:06.31  497.!4:02.41  498.!
M40        119. Venturi Stefano, Castel di Cas 56 Polisportiva Silla         8:05.02,3  (4175)  M174/728.  ¦   52.21  133.!3:14.13  128.!
M50        174. Venus Gerd, D-Frankenberg      46 Motor Hainichen            6:45.34,8  (4208)  M96/1728.  ¦ 1:30.41  200.!5:14.50  184.!
M20        161. Venuti Fiori, Savorgnano UD    ?? Grigio neri 2000           6:03.30,1  (5516)  M96/1195.  ¦ 1:05.52  151.!4:22.51  158.!
M45         87. Veran Claude, F-Barcelonnette  53 C.O. Ciecm Barcelonnette   8:29.46,3  (2469)  M174/1013. ¦   56.40  119.!3:20.22   77.!
M20        164. Vergari Mauro, I               ?? GS Ciclismo Molaiana       6:08.01,5  (7436)  M96/1265.  ¦ 1:01.43  120.!4:44.06  203.!
M35        327. Vergeer Hans                   62 NL-VN Voorhout             8:49.20,9  (5665)  M174/1284. ¦   56.17  345.!3:30.08  328.!
F35         75. Vergeiner Waltraud, A-Wattens  56 BLT VOLDERS                7:00.16,6  (6604)  F96/160.   ¦ 1:16.39   48.!5:12.21   70.!
F35         13. Vergura Carmela, Montalto Dora 63 GC Padre Pio               8:05.01,7  (5079)  F137/26.   ¦ 1:08.49   17.!4:05.31   10.!
M30        430. Verhoeven Bart, NL-GT OVERDINK 69 Ysclub Losser              9:42.22,3  (2410)  M174/1788. ¦   57.35  397.!3:35.31  373.!
M35        193. Verhoog Jeroen                 62 NL-AM Noordwijk            7:58.55,2  (5986)  M137/854.  ¦ 1:07.15  244.!4:12.15  233.!
M20         56. Verità Marco, Moliretto        75 GS Tira un po' tu          4:29.35,6  (7285)  M96/225.   ¦   56.26   72.!3:24.23   59.!
M45         34. Veritti Giancarlo, Terzo di To 53 Carnia Bike                4:45.04,2  (5438)  M96/333.   ¦ 1:01.44   59.!3:44.18   51.!
M30        154. Verkinderen Filip, B-PERK      65 WTC PERK                   7:44.51,5  (3659)  M174/512.  ¦   49.57  176.!3:05.11  149.!
M40         35. Vernaccini Stefano, Trento (TN 55 Carraro MTB Team           7:18.28,2  (3528)  M174/268.  ¦   48.44   57.!2:53.50   29.!
M35        440. Veronik Alois, A-Eibiswald     60 Südstaefel                 9:47.39,9  (3318)  M174/1827. ¦ 1:06.56  499.!3:45.22  433.!
M20        184. Veronik Gabriel                ?? A-Eibiswald                8:43.35,5  (2675)  M174/1208. ¦   57.53  256.!3:23.58  174.!
M45        216. Verschoof Wim, NL-TS LEERBROEK 52 Cycletours                 6:41.28,5  (6576)  M96/1693.  ¦ 1:26.28  235.!5:09.44  237.!
M45        199. Versluys Guus                  52 NL-XH Warmond              9:53.31,5  (5669)  M174/1875. ¦   56.39  118.!4:00.17  230.!
M50         72. Verzaro Enzo, Usmate-Velate MI 49 GS Usmate Bike             5:35.00,3  (7315)  M96/841.   ¦ 1:05.41   62.!4:05.55   64.!
M55         71. Vescovi Angelo, Cividate al Pi 42 GS Avis Aido Cividate Al   5:31.12,7  (6306)  M96/796.   ¦ 1:06.55   68.!4:08.29   68.!
M30        188. Vescovi Walter, Colegno TO     67 GS biscotti Sanganesi      8:03.00,0  (3708)  M174/698.  ¦   52.33  271.!3:17.36  242.!
M40        187. Vescovini Manrico, Caastello D 58 Ciclo Delta                8:32.53,5  (3521)  M174/1055. ¦   57.47  271.!3:24.04  191.!
M40         28. Vesentini Renzo, Marmirolo (MN 56 SC Formigosa               4:28.33,3  (5326)  M96/216.   ¦   56.11   33.!3:26.23   36.!
M55        159. Vettorato Mario, Sistiana (TS) 39 G.S. Ciclo Club Trieste    6:13.48,4  (3189)  M96/1356.  ¦ 1:24.13  214.!4:54.47  187.!
M40        116. Vezzani Lorenzo, Modena (MO)   57 Banca Popolare Emilia R.   7:34.31,0  (7713)  M137/675.  ¦ 1:03.19  142.!3:55.37  122.!
M20         71. Vezzaro Stefano, Montecchio Ma 73 VC Ciccli Pellfor          7:33.54,1  (3560)  M174/383.  ¦   51.27  142.!3:05.43   83.!
M50         67. Vicari Franco, Suzzara MN      45 Ciclisti GS Suzzaresi      5:32.33,6  (5378)  M96/811.   ¦ 1:10.50  101.!4:19.15   88.!
M40        146. Vicario Guido, Lurare Saccivio 59 Como in Bici               5:45.35,4  (3732)  M96/954.   ¦ 1:15.41  244.!4:26.37  195.!
M20        101. Viceconte Nicola, Cesano Mader 70 Crazy Bike Varedo          7:48.52,0  (6128)  M174/547.  ¦   52.13  155.!3:11.50  112.!
M35        272. Vicinelli Marco, S.Lazzaro di  60 Atletica 85                6:13.32,2  (7832)  M96/1353.  ¦ 1:16.58  291.!5:00.00  334.!
M50         51. Vickers Adrian, Cesena (FO)    46 Trevi Group                8:55.46,5  (6339)  M174/1352. ¦   58.49   68.!3:35.05   59.!
M45          6. Vierin Luciano, Brissogne (AO) 54 GS Simea                   6:37.07,1   (161)  M174/79.   ¦   44.25    7.!2:42.34    5.!
M40         49. Viero Gianantonio, Cavazzale ( 59 Cicli Hermes Hill Diamond  6:49.14,0  (3541)  M137/347.  ¦   58.00   79.!3:25.35   37.!
M30        295. Viero Rino, Azzano Decimo      66 Ferramenta Fantuz          8:35.24,1  (3531)  M174/1092. ¦   59.15  435.!3:22.39  289.!
M20          9. Vigna Mario Lino, Puos d`Alpag 70 Martes Team                3:40.09,3   (114)  M96/26.    ¦   48.14   22.!2:45.23    9.!
M45        114. Vignale Roberto, I             50 GS Graziano Battistini     5:49.20,3  (7011)  M96/1011.  ¦ 1:14.29  173.!4:34.25  171.!
M30        137. Vignati Alberto, Gavirate (VA) 65 Team Cicli Fartà Legnano   7:28.12,0  (4033)  M137/612.  ¦   59.07  129.!3:40.50  118.!
M35        176. Vignati Franco, Legnano (MI)   64 US Sangiorgese             7:57.42,2  (6479)  M174/640.  ¦   52.57  254.!3:16.42  225.!
M30        195. Vigneri Andrea, Bogliasco (GE) 65 GS Bianchi Gi Esse         8:12.17,8  (5327)  M137/958.  ¦ 1:07.29  211.!4:27.49  224.!
M45        199. Vignoli William, Monte S.Pietr 54 GC Avis Castelmaggiore     6:31.35,0  (6475)  M96/1575.  ¦ 1:22.05  218.!5:01.34  231.!
M30        264. Vignolini Alessandro, Poggio a 65 King Bike                  8:26.15,7  (7779)  M174/967.  ¦   49.07  153.!3:36.05  379.!
M30        483. Vilgertshofer Ulrich           67 D-Forstinning             10:15.35,2  (2697)  M174/2033. ¦ 1:01.52  471.!4:05.21  500.!
F20         18. Vilgis Gaby, D-Wildsteig       74 SV Wildsteig               5:10.09,5  (2723)  F96/28.    ¦ 1:05.55   21.!3:54.42   16.!
M35        106. Villa Luca, Milano (MI)        64 Crazy Bike Varedo          7:35.08,6  (3573)  M174/399.  ¦   48.45  110.!3:03.51  126.!
M30        298. Villa Marco, _S.Maria Noè      65 GS Perego                  8:35.37,6  (4766)  M174/1096. ¦   54.40  336.!3:23.33  293.!
M40         96. Villa Mauro, Milano (MI)       59 Excelsior MTB Group        7:55.44,7  (4553)  M174/618.  ¦   52.14  128.!3:14.16  130.!
M30        275. Villa Roberto, Alzano Lombardo 66 Pesenti                    6:40.41,3  (7778)  M96/1684.  ¦ 1:26.44  306.!5:15.11  311.!
M40        296. Villa Vincenzo, Pandino CR     58 US Spinese                 9:28.40,2  (6557)  M174/1670. ¦ 1:03.25  351.!3:54.30  349.!
M50         71. Villagatti Giovanni, Fiesole F 46 GS Pian di S.Bartolo       5:34.48,3  (3520)  M96/836.   ¦ 1:14.29  120.!4:15.18   81.!
M35         98. Villantieri Mauro, Vigolzone ( 64 Pedale Pontolliese         5:01.43,5  (6474)  M96/475.   ¦   56.15   56.!3:48.00  108.!
M40        307. Villari Francesco, Milano (MI) 59 GS Galbiati Sport          9:37.48,1  (7065)  M174/1748. ¦ 1:02.31  336.!3:53.25  344.!
M45         33. Vimercati Carlo, Desio (MI)    53 AS Modoetia Monza          6:44.06,6  (3726)  M137/308.  ¦   55.19   31.!3:27.24   40.!
M20        241. Vincenzi Enrico, Bergamo       71 Gs Speedy Sport Speedylon  9:13.06,9  (7701)  M174/1535. ¦   58.27  263.!3:44.08  266.!
M35        146. Vio Giuliano, I                63 Gs La Salute - S Giorgio   5:25.23,8  (4654)  M96/735.   ¦ 1:09.52  228.!4:10.37  188.!
M20         81. Viola Paolo                    70 Bolzano (VI)        7:16.27,6  (7714)  M137/519.  ¦ 1:02.10  126.!3:48.18   97.!
M40         18. Viola Roberto, Vittorio Veneto 55 Cicloturistica Vitt. Vene  4:19.27,6  (4743)  M96/174.   ¦   55.09   27.!3:19.16   20.!
M45        215. Virgili Sandro, Udine          51 GC La Clape                6:40.08,8  (4313)  M96/1676.  ¦ 1:24.33  230.!5:13.18  243.!
M35         38. Visani Roberto, Rimini         64 GC Rimini Bich             6:49.00,8   (654)  M174/114.  ¦   45.51   59.!2:45.23   40.!
M20        119. Viscardi Marco, Torre Boldone  74 Gs Speedy Sport Speedylon  5:23.22,9  (7160)  M96/722.   ¦ 1:05.52  150.!4:06.58  142.!
M55          3. Visconti Bruno, Pescara        43 Individuale                7:40.05,1  (3526)  M174/445.  ¦   50.51    3.!3:05.53    3.!
M35        462. Visconti Fabio, Como           60 Como in Bici               9:59.29,3  (5403)  M174/1925. ¦ 1:02.47  471.!3:56.32  479.!
M50          9. Visconti Franco, Desenzano     45 U.C. Desenzano             4:18.37,5  (3525)  M96/167.   ¦   59.23   22.!3:21.08   10.!
M35         31. Visintin Luciano, Sagrado (GO) 62 GS Roby Calzature          4:11.47,2  (7781)  M96/136.   ¦   53.21   32.!3:16.54   38.!
M35        475. Visintin Marco, Gorizia (GO)   62 UC Caprivesi              10:11.01,0  (7452)  M174/2007. ¦ 1:01.54  462.!3:51.47  461.!
M20        101. Visintin Simone, Sagrado (GO)  71 Cicli Cuk                  5:09.11,2  (5240)  M96/547.   ¦   59.52  100.!3:59.11  119.!
M45         21. Visioli Sauro, Viadana (MN)    53 GS Viadanese               6:24.35,8  (4538)  M137/199.  ¦   52.39   14.!3:17.46   19.!
M35        158. Vismara Diego, Brescia         61 GS Elco                    5:30.21,4  (4868)  M96/781.   ¦ 1:04.54  164.!4:11.57  192.!
M35        178. Vissers Maarten, NL-EE BREDA   64 En Route                   7:48.38,1  (4352)  M137/784.  ¦   58.14  116.!3:55.26  165.!
M30        376. Vitale Luca, Milano (MI)       65 G.S. Bicimania             9:04.52,8  (3429)  M174/1445. ¦   55.43  364.!4:03.16  498.!
M40          1. Vitali Fabrizio, Mozzo         56 C4 Orlandi Tecnocomponent  6:02.41,4    (17)  M174/18.   ¦   39.36    1.!2:30.12    2.!
M40         32. Vitali Gilberto, Forlì         59 Cral C.I.S.                7:16.19,7  (5396)  M174/255.  ¦   47.41   38.!2:51.33   21.!
M20        233. Vitali Manuel                  74 Ponte San Pietro           9:10.10,2  (3670)  M174/1502. ¦   57.04  244.!3:50.11  282.!
M30         80. Vivenzio Massimiliano, Rovagna 66 GS Perego                  6:42.08,4  (4764)  M137/302.  ¦   53.32   62.!3:18.11   55.!
M40         19. Viviani Roberto                56 Brescia                    4:19.33,0  (6440)  M96/176.   ¦   56.17   34.!3:14.57   16.!
M55        195. Viviano Francesco, Cervia      35 Cicli Bassan Abano Terme   6:31.15,9  (4136)  M96/1572.  ¦ 1:29.53  251.!5:12.01  230.!
M55        215. Vodicka Ivan, CZ-TRINEC        42 Trinec                     6:40.10,0  (7121)  M96/1678.  ¦ 1:23.58  212.!5:13.39  234.!
M35        274. Vogel Andreas, D-München       61 Lech Angels                8:46.20,0  (2576)  M137/1193. ¦ 1:11.19  274.!4:17.43  250.!
M35        489. Vogel Michael                  61 A-Wien                    10:22.13,8  (2468)  M174/2062. ¦ 1:05.30  490.!3:56.21  478.!
M20        147. Vogelmann Martin               ?? D-Frankfurt Oder           8:43.54,2   (857)  M137/1180. ¦ 1:12.01  148.!4:30.18  149.!
M20        243. Vogl Peter                     ?? D-Osterhofen               9:15.16,1   (858)  M174/1556. ¦ 1:01.53  289.!3:42.59  263.!
M45        236. Vogt Dietmar                   50 D-WEIL AM RHEIN            6:53.14,8  (2711)  M96/1780.  ¦ 1:00.17   48.!3:57.04   69.!
M35        250. Vogt Uwe, D-Sulzberg           62 Öschle Bikev               6:04.27,8  (2352)  M96/1208.  ¦ 1:25.00  336.!4:38.14  285.!
M45        103. Voigt Gilbert, D-MELKE         50 Tus Melle                  7:56.00,1  (3081)  M137/823.  ¦ 1:00.16   70.!4:00.21  105.!
M50         21. Volderauer Anton               47 A-GRIES                    7:07.32,2  (2211)  M137/450.  ¦ 1:03.07   52.!3:48.29   35.!
M50         37. Volderauer Hans, A-NEUSTIFT    45 SV Neustift Stubai         5:03.59,9  (7071)  M96/505.   ¦ 1:01.04   32.!3:59.32   46.!
M50        149. Völkel Reimund                 45 A-Tschagguns               6:33.15,1  (5683)  M96/1588.  ¦ 1:30.23  198.!5:07.33  171.!
M40        133. Volkelt Reiner, D-Lüdenscheid  56 Rot Weiß Lüdenscheid       5:36.58,8  (2712)  M96/863.   ¦ 1:10.15  185.!4:13.43  152.!
M45        207. Völker Gerhard, D-Bad Neustadt 51 TSV Brendlorenzen e.V.     6:36.25,7  (2901)  M96/1630.  ¦ 1:12.08  154.!4:45.34  201.!
M30        207. Völker Norbert, D-Kerken       66 TV Steinheim               5:51.32,1  (2673)  M96/1040.  ¦ 1:12.11  247.!4:37.30  268.!
M20        141. Völker Thomas, D-Lauf          72 CTS Nürnberg               8:09.32,4  (6792)  M174/780.  ¦   44.59   40.!3:10.33  107.!
M45        236. Vollmer Friedrich, D-Dußlingen 54 SF Dusslingen             10:43.35,5  (2204)  M174/2124. ¦   59.59  172.!3:52.57  198.!
M35        310. Volpato Walter, S.Donà del Pia 61 Circolo Dipendenti CR Ven  6:30.48,9  (7308)  M96/1564.  ¦ 1:25.03  337.!5:06.55  351.!
M20         35. Volpe Daniele                  70 Rimini                     4:06.59,3  (4174)  M96/113.   ¦   51.08   39.!3:08.50   40.!
M30         25. Voltan Manuel, Luino (VA)      67 Team Peruffo               6:36.19,5   (717)  M174/76.   ¦   43.38   32.!2:40.23   24.!
M35        381. von Däniken Werner             64 CH-Dübendorf               9:10.24,8  (2376)  M174/1505. ¦   54.36  307.!3:26.31  310.!
M30        194. Vonrufs Daniel, Bergamo        65 Ind                        8:12.10,7  (7453)  M137/957.  ¦ 1:08.37  218.!4:10.56  205.!
M35        449. Vorbrugg Oliver                64 D-Erlangen                 9:53.35,6  (6791)  M174/1880. ¦   53.17  267.!3:50.36  456.!
M45        159. Vorgel Hubertus, D-Meeder      50 RSG Brose                  9:27.14,6  (2332)  M174/1659. ¦ 1:02.35  202.!3:48.54  181.!
M35        417. Vos Luuk                       64 NL-XA Beilen               9:31.14,5  (2198)  M174/1691. ¦ 1:04.18  482.!3:55.00  472.!
M40         75. Vottero Gianluigi, Venaria TO  57 VELO CLUB CASTELLAMONTE    4:59.13,6  (3522)  M96/456.   ¦ 1:05.47  133.!3:53.53   93.!
M30        104. Vottero Mario, Venaria TO      65 VC Castellamonte           4:59.00,0  (3524)  M96/453.   ¦ 1:02.20  151.!3:50.29  121.!
M50        112. Voß Manfred, D-Isernhagen      46 TUS Altwarmbüchen          9:34.13,0  (2720)  M137/1260. ¦ 1:21.29  111.!5:03.14  111.!
M55        160. Vrancken Mathieu, B-GENK       39 Ford Genk                  6:14.05,2  (4360)  M96/1361.  ¦ 1:26.13  227.!4:43.57  166.!
M35        269. Vrech Adriano, Turriaco GO     61 GS Roby Calzature          6:11.37,1  (7782)  M96/1318.  ¦ 1:13.45  265.!4:44.11  298.!
M20        276. Vyleta Karel                   71 CZ-Kraslice                9:49.09,1  (5989)  M174/1842. ¦   51.00  137.!3:34.50  226.!


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