(51) Relais Hommes

6ème Triathlon de Lausanne - (51) Relais Hommes

  rang relais                         équipies                                                          temps    doss   ¦      natation!  chg!         vélo!  chg!       course!
    1. Alpina Assurances II           Strahm Steven+Vermol Sebastien+Vuillet Nicolas                  58.48,9  (1019)   ¦    5.56    2.! 1.34!  35.51    7.! 0.51!  14.34    2.!
    2. Alpina Assurance               Wahlen Jean-Francois+Baillod Julien+Tenui Geoffrey              59.45,1   (957)   ¦    5.32    1.! 2.37!  36.41   11.! 0.53!  14.01    1.!
    3. UBS 1                          Di Tria Nicola                                                1:00.12,1   (911)   ¦    7.08    5.! 1.39!  35.18    5.! 0.54!  15.11    4.!
    4. Les Vioneroud                  Klay Michael+Grossenbacher Steve+Weber Jean-François          1:00.51,4  (1010)   ¦    7.57   11.! 1.48!  34.20    2.! 0.51!  15.53    6.!
    5. Team Cycles Mühlbauer          Combes Gael+Jremility Dove+Krayenbuhl Jerôme                  1:01.45,5   (941)   ¦    8.11   14.! 1.55!  36.06    9.! 0.49!  14.42    3.!
    6. PN-CAB                         Steiner Oliver                                                1:02.00,5  (1012)   ¦    9.13   20.! 1.49!  34.13    1.! 0.49!  15.55    7.!
    7. Rushteam                       Miche Sébastien+Nelhams Michel+Klouch Redha                   1:02.05,1   (949)   ¦    6.36    3.! 1.43!  37.37   13.! 0.48!  15.19    5.!
    8. Rushteam Ecublens Triathlon II Ruchti Alain+Morand Benoit+Ruchti Stephane                    1:03.31,1  (1008)   ¦    7.53   10.! 1.58!  35.58    8.! 0.54!  16.46    8.!
    9. Providentia Ass.               Müller Daniel+Bossart Peter+Lüthi Michel                      1:03.32,5   (923)   ¦    7.21    7.! 2.03!  35.45    6.! 0.55!  17.26   16.!
   10. Endless Ride                   Bertocchi Yvan+Rozant+Tissot                                  1:04.30,5   (904)   ¦    7.06    4.! 1.49!  37.56   16.! 0.49!  16.49    9.!
   11. TRIBIKE BIS BISOUS             Torbidone David+Cervoni Dominique+Biandra Vincent             1:04.30,8   (956)   ¦    8.08   12.! 1.44!  35.03    3.! 0.52!  18.42   27.!
   12. GSPHL                          Lambert+Saugy Franklin+Losos Christian                        1:05.53,4   (986)   ¦    8.52   17.! 1.52!  36.26   10.! 0.57!  17.44   18.!
   13. Sennwald                       Zaugg Didier+Sennwald Jean-Marc+Sporere Stephane              1:06.33,2   (971)   ¦    7.19    6.! 2.02!  37.40   14.! 1.03!  18.27   25.!
   14. Mandel / Jenny / Fardel        Mandl Simon+Jenny Claude+Fardel Charly                        1:06.49,1   (920)   ¦    8.34   16.! 2.09!  35.16    4.! 1.20!  19.28   31.!
   15. Crazapre                       Crausaz Gregory+Zanus-Fortes Yan+Prelaz Laurent               1:08.33,3  (1007)   ¦    7.37    9.! 2.02!  41.00   26.! 0.50!  17.03   13.!
   16. Heritier                       Heritier Philippe+Cabarrou Pascal+Sutter Roland               1:09.38,4   (973)   ¦   12.26   45.! 2.09!  37.11   12.! 0.57!  16.52   10.!
   17. Antonioli                      Antonioli Alexandre+Richoz Alexandre+Dettwiler Björn          1:09.42,2   (983)   ¦    8.10   13.! 2.03!  40.32   24.! 0.58!  17.58   20.!
   18. Develop Tri Team 1             Schneider Jean-Manuel+Stoller Cedric+Mutter Daniel            1:09.46,9   (975)   ¦    7.28    8.! 1.54!  42.21   33.! 1.00!  17.01   12.!
   19. Beach Lancy                    Galichet Cédric+Bach Daniel+Corneira Luis                     1:09.53,5  (1009)   ¦   10.32   30.! 2.11!  38.09   18.! 0.54!  18.05   21.!
   20. Unicible A                     Jobin Nicolas+Kindler Bertrand+Stahel Oliver                  1:10.28,6   (917)   ¦   11.26   39.! 1.50!  38.08   17.! 0.55!  18.08   22.!
   21. Neurathletics                  Chatton Jean-Yves+Cadas Hugues+Badaut Jerome                  1:10.57,7   (906)   ¦   10.09   26.! 1.51!  40.21   23.! 0.58!  17.36   17.!
   22. Hotel de Ville Crissier III    Schroven Johan+Guex Antonin+Stadelmann Manu                   1:11.17,8   (961)   ¦   12.23   43.! 2.04!  38.44   19.! 0.55!  17.09   14.!
   23. Hotel de Ville Crissier        Saguer Lazhar+Rochat Christian+Morel Roland                   1:12.59,3   (963)   ¦   11.14   38.! 2.15!  39.06   20.! 0.59!  19.24   30.!
   24. Cougar Boy's                   Souane Kitim+Fellay Bertrand+Stoll Patrick                    1:14.21,8   (955)   ¦   10.38   32.! 2.03!  42.04   31.! 1.02!  18.33   26.!
   25. Les attardés                   Jaton Claude+Sordet Didier+Reymond Stephane                   1:15.00,7   (987)   ¦   12.29   46.! 2.13!  39.28   21.! 0.58!  19.51   34.!
   26. Coyottes                       Chollet Alain+Schopfer Anthony+Clerc                          1:15.11,6   (985)   ¦    9.10   19.! 2.00!  41.44   30.! 1.02!  21.14   41.!
   27. Hinti's                        Hintermann Philippe+Hintermann Richard+Ruh Jean-Philippe      1:15.14,3   (916)   ¦   11.03   36.! 2.24!  42.42   35.! 1.06!  17.57   19.!
   28. Decrauzat                      Decrauzat Laurent                                             1:15.17,0   (970)   ¦    9.42   22.! 2.14!  40.49   25.! 1.13!  21.16   42.!
   29. Les Tri-Fléches                Weier Andreas+Desarzens Christophe+Kruithof Remko             1:15.18,8   (939)   ¦    8.27   15.! 1.54!  44.02   37.! 0.51!  20.02   35.!
   30. Il Trio                        Scuderi Antonio+Bartholdi Gregory+Negrone Antonio             1:15.20,6   (981)   ¦   11.40   40.! 2.04!  41.43   29.! 0.58!  18.55   28.!
   31. ETML 1                         Auberson Thierry+Perbelay Yves+Brandt Yve                     1:15.38,3  (1020)   ¦   13.56   53.! 2.05!  40.20   22.! 0.51!  18.24   24.!
   32. Piolino                        Piolino Daniel+Avanzino Lucien+Mayor Stephane                 1:15.50,3   (928)   ¦   10.01   24.! 2.26!  42.52   36.! 1.08!  19.22   29.!
   33. Martinez / Andrez / Cosandey   Martinez Daniel+Andrez François+Cosandey Jean-Claude          1:15.56,6   (947)   ¦    9.49   23.! 1.58!  45.49   43.! 0.55!  17.24   15.!
   34. Bruderer                       Bruderer Pascal+Grevion Cedric+Viel Maximilian                1:16.40,1  (1002)   ¦   11.10   37.! 2.15!  41.18   27.! 0.59!  20.55   39.!
   35. Les Krenous                    Kreis Didier+Butz Torsten+Porte Luc                           1:17.06,5   (989)   ¦   10.02   25.! 2.30!  37.48   15.! 6.19!  20.26   37.!
   36. Lobbard / Orlier               Pauchard Olivier+Cardoso Carlos+Donga Daniel                  1:17.52,5  (1004)   ¦    9.20   21.! 2.28!  48.08   49.! 0.54!  17.00   11.!
   37. Old Glories                    Tmbwander Björn+Hellsten Lary+Davidson Allistar               1:18.24,4   (960)   ¦   10.24   28.! 2.03!  45.12   41.! 0.55!  19.48   33.!
   38. les Piren                      Zeller Pascal+Kalombowski Julien+Baudin Timothey              1:19.04,6  (1018)   ¦   12.15   42.! 2.34!   ----  ----!  ---!  19.36   32.!
   39. Schmutz-Petoud                 Schmutz Patrick+Petoud Patrick+Schmutz Christian              1:19.17,5   (969)   ¦   13.29   51.! 2.17!  41.35   28.! 1.15!  20.40   38.!
   40. The Prior's                    Prior Olivier+Prior Nicolas+Prior Laurent                     1:20.12,9   (930)   ¦   10.17   27.! 2.03!  44.11   38.! 1.05!  22.35   45.!
   41. Jacquat / Pusaz / Chassot      Jacquat Daniel+Pousaz Jean-Pierre+Chassot Gilbert             1:20.52,7   (946)   ¦   11.01   35.! 2.12!  46.23   45.! 1.06!  20.09   36.!
   42. AESG                           Righini Pierre+Bise Stephane+Gander Jean-Marc                 1:21.39,1   (931)   ¦   12.30   47.! 2.20!  44.30   39.! 0.58!  21.18   43.!
   43. Unicible B                     Antille Bruno+Parisod Jean-Marc+Hoffmann Didier               1:21.44,1   (901)   ¦   14.58   54.! 2.12!  42.29   34.! 0.56!  21.07   40.!
   44. Les Tri Stars                  Dunard Samuel                                                 1:21.59,0  (1014)   ¦   13.25   50.! 1.58!  47.24   48.! 0.56!  18.13   23.!
   45. Tri Bike Team Boss             Pernoux Steve+Burri Jean-Claude+Follet Hank                   1:22.18,5   (927)   ¦   10.57   34.! 2.01!  42.11   32.! 1.03!  26.03   52.!
   46. Les Peouzes                    Bratschi Michel+Buehlmann Willy+Bratschi Michel               1:23.07,6  (1006)   ¦   10.37   31.! 2.15!  46.05   44.! 0.56!  23.13   46.!
   47. FSG Lausanne-Ville             Desarzens Jean-Claude+Weier Peter+Wiederkehr Pierre           1:25.30,0   (910)   ¦   10.29   29.! 2.04!  47.02   47.! 1.09!  24.43   48.!
   48. Sport Ouverte III              Duranceau Pierre+Legeret Thomas+Pellegrinelli Alain           1:27.16,7   (990)   ¦   12.09   41.! 2.22!  45.00   40.! 1.01!  26.42   54.!
   49. Sport ouverte                  Marcoccia Serge+Soufiaoui Karim+Prozzini Antonio              1:27.40,1   (994)   ¦   12.33   48.! 2.12!  45.41   42.! 1.01!  26.12   53.!
   50. Les Gigolos                    Heyse Patrick+Gonquillet Laurent+Heyse Olivier                1:28.38,0   (978)   ¦   12.56   49.! 2.16!  46.56   46.! 1.09!  25.19   50.!
   51. Last Minute                    Ehrler Stefan+Ehrler Jean-Michel+Borcard Stephane             1:29.49,7   (982)   ¦   12.26   44.! 2.02!  50.34   50.! 2.12!  22.33   44.!
   52. Team Aubert Sports             Curchod Reynald+Flaction Jean-Marc+Aubert Laurent             1:32.23,5   (909)   ¦    8.54   18.! 2.34!  54.28   53.! 1.17!  25.08   49.!
   53. Les Iournavets                 Witz Charly                                                   1:34.33,4   (958)   ¦   10.46   33.! 2.16!  55.31   54.! 1.21!  24.38   47.!
   54. Sport Ouverte                  Shenk Christian+Feret Yan+Boulin Pascal                       1:37.32,5   (991)   ¦   13.36   52.! 3.12!  53.40   52.! 1.08!  25.55   51.!
   55. Hotel de Ville Crissier II     De Vita Julien+Martinez Ravier+Violier Benoit                 1:41.07,1   (962)   ¦   18.53   55.! 2.29!  51.13   51.! 1.08!  27.22   55.!

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