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(202) WM Teilnehmer Frauen

Zermatt Marathon 2015 - (202) WM Teilnehmer Frauen

aktueller Stand von 03.07.2015 17:26:50
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Stnr Name Jg Nation Team Kategorie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 Nunige Jasmin 1973 SUI SUI - Switzerland WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 60 Gassmann Bahr Daniela 1964 SUI SUI - Switzerland WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 61 Berchtold Conny 1976 SUI SUI - Switzerland WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 62 Strähl Martina 1987 SUI SUI - Switzerland WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 63 Haldimann-Riedo Angela 1982 SUI SUI - Switzerland WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 64 Pashkouskaya Katsiaryna 1976 BLR BLR - Belarus WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 65 Rulkevich Krystina 1991 BLR BLR - Belarus WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 66 Nafranovich Iryna 1984 BLR BLR - Belarus WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 67 Mihaylova Milka 1972 BUL BUL - Bulgaria WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 68 Collier Kim 1983 CAN CAN - Canada WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 69 Nikolesic Ingrid 1982 CRO CRO - Croatia WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 70 Orlic Antonija 1977 CRO CRO - Croatia WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 71 Jurisic Veronika 1977 CRO CRO - Croatia WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 72 Sustic Nikolina 1987 CRO CRO - Croatia WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 73 Matrasová Katerina 1983 CZE CZE - Czech Republic WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 74 Krchová Zuzana 1990 CZE CZE - Czech Republic WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 75 Jakesová Klára 1967 CZE CZE - Czech Republic WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 76 Paál Emöke 1971 HUN HUN - Hungary WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 77 Merényi Timea 1971 HUN HUN - Hungary WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 78 Pap Csilla 1992 HUN HUN - Hungary WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 79 Confortola Antonella 1975 ITA ITA - Italy WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 80 Bertone Catherine 1972 ITA ITA - Italy WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 81 Giudici Gloria Rita Anton 1987 ITA ITA - Italy WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 82 Iachemet Francesca 1974 ITA ITA - Italy WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 83 Iozzia Ivana 1973 ITA ITA - Italy WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 84 Hilti Carmen 1970 MLT MLT - Malta WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 85 Matula Ewelina 1992 POL POL - Poland WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 86 Kuzminska Katarzyna 1976 POL POL - Poland WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 87 Mackenzie Megan 1986 RSA RSA - South Africa WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 88 Bezuidenhout Karine 1986 RSA RSA - South Africa WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 89 Giardi Maria Teresa 1977 RSM RSM - San Marino WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 90 Dobrovolskaia Luibov 1987 RUS RUS - Russian Federation WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 91 Smirnova Yulia 1985 RUS RUS - Russian Federation WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 92 Buravova Svetlana 1991 RUS RUS - Russian Federation WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 93 Khriashcheva Anna 1984 RUS RUS - Russian Federation WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 94 Trobec Ursa 1967 SLO SLO - Slovenia WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 95 Kermavnar Mojca 1985 SLO SLO - Slovenia WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 96 Tusar Mihaela 1966 SLO SLO - Slovenia WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 97 Lovrantova Katarina 1985 SVK SVK - Slovakia WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 98 Kindlund Petra 1985 SWE SWE - Sweden WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 99 Hrek Marta 1981 UKR UKR - Ukraine WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 100 Shapovalova Maryna 1989 UKR UKR - Ukraine WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 101 Shevchenko Olena 1990 UKR UKR - Ukraine WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 102 Erholtz Brandy 1977 USA USA - United States WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 103 Kimmel Megan 1980 USA USA - United States WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 104 Kremer Stevie 1983 USA USA - United States WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 105 Roche Megan 1990 USA USA - United States WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 106 Dalzot Maria 1988 USA USA - United States WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 107 Limberger Veronika 1986 AUT AUT - Austria WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 108 Zipser Katharina 1983 AUT AUT - Austria WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 109 Zorn Verena 1990 AUT AUT - Austria WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation 111 Camboulives Aline 1973 FRA FRA - France WM-F SMS-Service Confirmation

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