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Inferno-Halbmarathon Frauen Overall

Inferno Triathlon + Halbmarathon 2014 - Inferno-Halbmarathon Frauen Overall

aktueller Stand von 22.08.2014 18:38:47
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Stnr Name Jg Land/Ort Team Kategorie ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1006 Haldimann-Riedo Angela 1982 Niederuzwil Vigor Ligornetto HM-WHK SMS-Service 1007 Gassmann Bahr Daniela 1964 Galgenen TSG Galgenen HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1008 Jaun Karin 1969 Unterseen HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1009 Greminger Christa 1977 Zürich ASVZ HM-WHK SMS-Service 1010 Weibel Kristin 1970 Steffisburg TV Länggasse Bern HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1017 Augagneur Marianne 1986 F-Bordeaux HM-WHK SMS-Service 1019 Baer Ursula 1967 Hägendorf HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1020 Baeriswyl Jeannine 1964 Lauterbrunnen HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1031 Beutler Marianne 1981 Thun HM-WHK SMS-Service 1035 Biola Vanessa 1982 F-L'Hay les Roses HM-WHK SMS-Service 1037 Bleher Katrin 1976 D-Frickenhausen HM-WHK SMS-Service 1046 Brand Alice 1982 D-Halle HM-WHK SMS-Service 1048 Briers Susan 1955 USA-Saint Augustine, FL HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1056 Bürki Sabine 1962 Bern TV Länggasse HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1057 Claessens Mirjam 1957 NL-Milsbeek HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1060 De Rotte Francijntje 1986 NL-Utrecht HM-WHK SMS-Service 1066 Diener Tatjana 1982 Wetzikon ZH HM-WHK SMS-Service 1068 Doyle Jennifer 1986 USA-St. Augustine Ancient City Road Runners HM-WHK SMS-Service 1073 Eisebraun Leonie 1982 D-Lindau Leonie & Cris HM-WHK SMS-Service 1074 Emmenegger Sandra 1970 Arlesheim Tria Basilea HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1077 Engelke Horn Carolin 1966 D-Eppelheim SG Poseidon Eppelheim HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1078 Epiney Astrid 1965 Fribourg HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1096 Frei Nicole 1969 Steffisburg HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1099 Fulton Tess 1986 Schmitten FR Fulton Runners HM-WHK SMS-Service 1104 Gebhart Nichole 1980 USA-St Augustine Ancient Dity Road Runners HM-WHK SMS-Service 1115 Grimm Alizée 1988 Lausanne HM-WHK SMS-Service 1116 Grimm Désirée 1960 St-Blaise HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1123 Hafner Michaela 1964 D-Lohmar The Dynamic Duo HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1125 Hählen Jeannette 1967 Zollikofen Loufträff Zollikofen HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1127 Hannes Heike 1959 D-Bad Dürrheim FC UnterKirchnach HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1128 Hannes Sigrun 1987 D-Bad Dürrheim FC Unterkirnach HM-WHK SMS-Service 1129 Hanselmann Eva 1991 Ennetmoos HM-WHK SMS-Service 1136 Herman Laura Lu 1967 USA-Abingdon, MD HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1142 Hofmann Bianka 1978 Wabern HM-WHK SMS-Service 1144 Höhener Angelika 1984 Bern HM-WHK SMS-Service 1149 Inauen Petra 1969 Wettswil Triamt.ch HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1170 Klingenfuss Isabella 1978 Zürich trigether HM-WHK SMS-Service 1175 Kolar Renata 1965 Frauenkappelen HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1177 Köngeter Katrin 1995 D-Unterkirnach FC Untgerkirnach HM-WJ SMS-Service 1182 Krenger Doris 1969 Thun HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1186 Küng Isabelle 1986 Boll HM-WHK SMS-Service 1196 Ley Michelle 1985 Zürich HM-WHK SMS-Service 1197 Lhote Sophie 1970 Greifensee SCN HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1207 Mandl Franziska 1970 D-Isny HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1212 Matter Barbara 1962 Thun HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1213 Mchargue Lisa 1964 USA-Bel Air Ancient City Road Runners HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1218 Meixner Anja 1990 D-Marburg USC Marburg HM-WHK SMS-Service 1223 Michel Christine 1965 F-Auffargis HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1224 Michie Amy 1982 USA-Saint Augustine, Flor Ancient City Road Runners of S HM-WHK SMS-Service 1228 Mischol Seraina 1981 Oberhofen am Thunersee Brooks MS-Runningteam HM-WHK SMS-Service 1242 Neustadt Rita 1964 Grindelwald HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1247 Odermatt Conny 1974 Zug HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1249 Orlt Helge 1970 D-Heidenburg TriPost Trier HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1269 Rohr Lena 1986 Bern gantrischbike.ch HM-WHK SMS-Service 1270 Ross Allison 1967 USA-Elkton Ancient Citi Road Runners of S HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1273 Roth Eva 1978 Studen BE HM-WHK SMS-Service 1276 Rüegg Nicole 1966 Rufi HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1284 Schlatter Sandra 1988 St. Gallen HM-WHK SMS-Service 1288 Schwab Carole 1984 Thun HM-WHK SMS-Service 1296 Spring Andrea 1976 Kaufdorf HM-WHK SMS-Service 1307 Suhner Carole 1970 Hombrechtikon Grizzly HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1309 Sutter Angi 1985 Oberuzwil HM-WHK SMS-Service 1310 Sutton Sandy 1963 USA-Palm Coast ACRR Ancient City Road Runners HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1311 Teichert Heike 1965 D-Dieburg HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1314 Thomi Muriel 1963 Gattikon HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1316 Trechslin Barbara 1963 Stäfa HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1322 van de Groep Willeke 1972 NL-Delft HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1325 von Känel Bea 1968 Stettlen LV95B HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1326 von Niederhäusern Cristin 1971 Ipsach HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1344 Zahner Daniela 1957 Crans-Montana HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1348 Zimmermann Anna 1956 Beatenberg Thömus Sport Team HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1354 Bäumler Rosana 1966 Zürich HM-WS1 SMS-Service 1360 Germann Ruth 1960 Adelboden HM-WS2 SMS-Service 1362 Beeler Daniela 1969 Leuk Stadt HM-WS1 SMS-Service

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